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What is an anal fistula?

An anal fistula is a small tunnel that connects an abscess, an

infected cavity in the anus, to an opening on the skin around
the anus.

The anus is the external opening through which feces are

expelled from the body. Just inside the anus are a number of
small glands that make mucus. Occasionally, these glands
get clogged and can become infected, leading to an
abscess. About half of these abscesses may develop into a
What causes an anal fistula?

The leading causes of an anal fistula are clogged anal

glands and anal abscesses. Other, much less common,
conditions that can cause an anal fistula include:

 Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory disease of the

 Radiation (treatment for cancer)
 Trauma
 Sexually transmitted diseases
 Tuberculosis
 Diverticulitis (a disease in which small pouches form in
the large intestine and become inflamed)
 Cancer

About blisters

Blisters are small pockets of fluid that usually form in the upper layers of
skin after it's been damaged. Blisters can develop anywhere on the
body but are most common on the hands and feet.

Fluid collects under the damaged skin, cushioning the tissue

underneath. This protects the tissue from further damage and allows it
to heal.

Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid (serum), but may be filled with
blood (blood blisters) or pus if they become inflamed or infected.
Treating blisters
Most blisters heal naturally after three to seven days and don't require
medical attention.

It's important to avoid bursting the blister, because this could lead to an
infection or slow down the healing process.

If the blister does burst, don't peel off the dead skin. Instead, allow the
fluid inside the blister to drain and cover the area with a dry, sterile
dressing to protect it from infection until it heals.

Read more about treating blisters.

When to see your GP

See your GP if you have blisters that:

 you think are infected

 are very painful
 keep coming back
An infected blister will be filled with yellow or green pus and may be
painful, red and hot.

It's important not to ignore an infected blister because it could lead to

secondary impetigo (a contagious bacterial infection of the skin) and
further complications, such as cellulitis or sepsis.

You should also talk to your GP if you have blisters in unusual places,
such as on your eyelids or inside your mouth, or if they appear after
severe sunburn, burns or scalds or an allergic reaction, or after coming
into contact with chemicals or other substances.

What causes blisters?

Blisters can be caused by:

 friction to the skin

 heat – for example, from sunburn or a scald
 contact with chemicals, such as detergent
 medical conditions, such as chickenpox and impetigo
Read more about what causes blisters.

Preventing blisters
There are a number of things you can do to avoid getting blisters
caused by friction, sunburn or chemicals. For example, you can:

 wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes

 help keep your feet dry with thicker socks or talcum powder
 wear gloves when handling chemicals
 use sunscreen

Crushing and pinching

If a small blood vessel near the surface of the skin is ruptured, blood
can leak into the gap between the layers of skin causing a blood blister
to form. This is a blister filled with blood.

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