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1. What did you learn from the spinal and skull operations?

In what cases or illnesses

those procedures are appropriate?

I learn that spinal and skull operations are complicated. Brain diseases, injuries, or
conditions like brain tumor, brain injury skull operation are appropriate. In spinal
operation, usually used to treat scoliosis.

2. Compare and contrast craniotomy, craniectomy, and cranioplasty.

 It is the surgical removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the
brain. Specialized tools are used to remove the section of bone called the bone flap.
The bone flap is temporarily removed, then replaced after the brain surgery has been
done. Craniectomy is a neurosurgical procedure that involves removing a
portion of the skull in order to relieve pressure on the underlying brain. It is
done if the brain is swollen or the skull is infected. The neurosurgeon may
delay reattaching the bone flap and allow time for the swelling to go down.
Cranioplasty is done after craniectomy, it is surgical repair of a bone defect
in the skull resulting from a previous operation or injury. after the brain
swollen goes down the neurosurgeon will reattach the bone flap with metal
plates and screws. 

3. Discuss the operations Mr. Li had experienced.

Mr. Li had the experience of going to four different operations because of his
condition of an autoimmune disease called ankylosing spondylitis. It can
cause bones to fuse, making the spine curve forward. His condition
worsened over time until he was completely bent over, with three
parts of his body “connected” – his chin to his chest, his breastbone
to his pubic bone, and his face to his thighs.
The first operation is a femoral osteotomy is for breaking and
reconstructing his thigh bone to expand the space between his face
and thigh bone for the next operation. Next is cervical osteotomy it is
for breaking and reconstructing the cervical spine. To enable Mr. Li to
lift his head. The high risk of this operation is that it may cause
paralysis. Then, the lumbar spine osteotomy is done, it is for breaking
and reconstructing the lumbar spine. It is done for Mr. Li to be able to
stand straight. This operation is difficult because Mr. Li has severe
osteoporosis, which means it is easy for the screw to lose in his
bones and may result in paralysis. After this operation Mr. Li was
able to lay in his back,  The last operation is replacing Mr. Li’s hip
bones, to help him stand up. It also can help him walk again. After all
this operation,  Mr. Li undergoes rehabilitation and is able to walk on
his own. 
4. Identify the apparatuses used in the video (if not discussed, you may conduct
additional research about it).

The apparatuses used in the video are 

5. Overall, what have you learned and your realizations on this activity?
I have  realized how difficult it is to have a brain injury or disease. It may cause you
half of your lifetime dealing with it, and  some makes your whole lifetime dealing with
it. Also, I learned how complicated and difficult the brain operation will be. 

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