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3. How much of your own and your roommate’s valuable time will it take to fill each other?

Name Activity Cycle time Total

Kristen Wash, Mix and 6+2 8 minutes


Roommate Heat Oven, 1+0+3 4 minutes

Cookies, Pack and
Collect money

Problem for further thought 3:

When should you promise delivery? How can you look quickly at your order board and tell a caller when
his or her order will be ready? How much of a safety margin for timing should you allow?
Looking at the order board will tell us when we finish and become idle.
Promise delivery after cookies are packed in boxes
Time until order is ready = time to finish current order + (26 minutes/ one dozen order)
We suggest an 8-minute safety margin for rush orders. If we begin a wash and mix process, then a rush
order comes in, we have to stop and process that order. The previous order would be delayed by a max of 8
minutes to wash and mix the rush order.
Activity Time

Mix ingredients 6 minutes

Spoon dough 2 minutes

Total 8 minutes

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