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Nama : M.

Panca Bio Utama

NPM : 20310063

1. DOCTOR: where do you feel the pain ?

PATIENT: Here, just under my ribs. (1)
DOCTOR: Can you describe the pain?
PATIENT: It gets worse and worse. Then it goes away.
DOCTOR: what are the factors make your pain worse?
PATIENT: Food makes it worse.

2. DOCTOR: Where does it hurt?

PATIENT: It's right here. (2)
DOCTOR: how is your pain ?
PATIENT: It's a gnawing kind of pain.
DOCTOR: does anything make it better?
PATIENT: Yes, if I eat, it gets better.

3. DOCTOR: Where is it sore?

PATIENT: Down here. (3)
DOCTOR: Can you describe the pain?
PATIENT: It's a sharp, stabbing pain. It's like a knife.
DOCTOR: Does anything make it worse?
PATIENT: If I take a deep breath, or I cough, it's really sore.

4. DOCTOR: Where does it hurt?

PATIENT: Just here. (4)
DOCTOR: what do you feel ?
PATIENT: My chest feels raw inside.
DOCTOR: Does anything make it worse?
PATIENT: When I cough, it hurts most.
Task (6)
1. Surname : Nama depan
2. First Names : Nama belakang
3. Age : Usia
4. Sex : Jenis Kelamin
5. Marital status : Status Perkawinan
6. Occuoation : Pekerjaan
7. Present complaint : Keluhan Utama
8. O/E (On Examnination) : Dalam Pantauan
9. General condition : Kondisi Umum
10. ENT (Ear,Nose,Throat) : Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorokan
11. NAD (Nothing Abnormal Detected) : Tidak ada yang tidak normal
12. CVS (Cardiovascular System): sistem kardiovaskular
13. REG : Reguler
14. P (Pulse) : Detak Jantung
15. HS (Heart Sounds) : Suara Jantung
16. BP (Blood Pressure) :Tekanan Darah
17. GIS (Gastro-intestinal System) : Sistem Organ Usus
18. GUS (Genito Urinary System) : Sistem Organ Reproduksi Dan Kemih
19. CNS (Central Nervus System) : Sistem Saraf Pusat
20. Immediated Past History : Riwayat Terdahulu
21. Points of note : Poin Catatan
22. Investigation : penyelidikan
23. –ve (Negative or Obsevation) : Negativ atau dalam pengawasan
24. High : Tinggi
25. 1/52 (weekly) : perlu di pantau seminggu sekali

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