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Subject: Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Prepared by: Hitendrasinh Chauhan

(Mechanical Engineering Department)
Fundamentals of CAD
1.1 Computer Graphics & Its Terminology :
1.1.1 Introduction :
Computer graphics is the graphics created using computers and
representation of image data by a computer specifically with help from
specialized graphics software and hardware.

1.1.2 Definition of Graphics :

Graphics are visual presentations on a surface, such as a

computer screen.
Use of computer Graphics Technology :

• Computer Aided Design

• Computer Aided Manufacturing
• Medical & Application
• Mobile Phone Technology
• Image Processing
• Video Game etc.

1.1.3 Components of Computer Graphics :

• Digital Memory Buffer

• Monitor
• Display Controller
1.1.4 Terminology of computer graphics :

• Monitor : A piece of computer hardware for the live display of

• CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
• LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
• LED - Light Emitting Diode Display

• Pixel : The smallest indivisible unit of a digital image.

• Resolution : The measure of how closely spaced the pixel is in a
displayed image.

• RAM : Random Access Memory

• ROM : Read Only Memory

•PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory

•EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
•EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only
• 2D : Two dimensional
• 3D : Three dimensional
• CSG : Constructive solid geometry
• DRAM : Dynamic random access memory
• GUI : Graphical user interface
• HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language
• CAM : Computer aided manufacturing
• CADD : Computer aided Drafting and Designing
• CAPM : Computer aided production management
• CAPP : Computer aided process and planning
• CAE : Computer aided engineering
• USB : Universal serial Bus
1.1.5 Benefits of CAD system :
• CAD benefits are the flexibility in design changes and the auto
specification check feature.
• Shorter lead time
• Improved accuracy of design
• Customer modifications are easier to make
• Minimized transcription errors
• Reduced engineering personnel requirements
• Designs have more standardization
• Better designs provided
• Assistance in preparation of documentation
• Save materials and machining time by optimization algorithms
1.2 CAD Process :
Step 1
Identify the
Step 2
Step 8
the Need

Step 7 Step 3
Communicate Develop
The Solutions Possible

Step 6 Step 4
Test and Select the Best
Evaluate Possible
Step 5
Construct a
1.2.1 Basic Procedure of Design With CAD :






1.2.2 Functional Areas of CAD :
1. Geometric Modeling :
• Geometric modeling corresponds to the synthesis phase in which
the physical design project takes from on the interactive computer
graphics system.
• It is a mathematical description of the geometry of an object.
• The use of geometric modeling, the designer constructs the
graphical image of the object on the CRT screen of the computer.
• During the geometric modeling process, the computer converts the
commands into a mathematical model, which stores in the computer
data files and display its image on the CRT screen.
• There are several different methods of representing the object in
geometric modeling. The basic form uses wire frames to represent
the object.
• The most advanced method of geometric modeling is solid
modeling in three dimensions.
2. Engineering Analysis :
• It is the analysis and optimization. In this stress-strain calculations,
heat transfer computations, to describe the dynamic behavior of the
system being designed. The computer is used to aid in this analysis
• In these mass properties, area, weight, volume, centre of gravity and
mass moment of inertia of the solid object is being analyzed.
• For Engineering analysis the most powerful feature for analysis is
finite element method(FEM) approach is used for stress-strain, heat
transfer and other applications for calculating the behavior of each
3. Design review and evaluation :
• In this CAD system provide facilities to assemble the structure.
• The most interesting evaluation feature available in CAD system is
• The available kinematics packages provide the capability to animate
the motion of the designed mechanisms.
4. Automatic Drafting :
• The step involves a procedure for converting the design image data
residing in computer memory into a hard document. It represents an
important method for presentation of design.
• This involves the creation of hard copy engineering drawings from
CAD data base.
• These features include automatic dimensioning, scaling, and
developing the cross sectional views and enlarged views.
2D- Cartesian Coordinate System :

3D- Cartesian Coordinate System :

2. Polar Coordinate System :
The Polar coordinate system uses one distance and one angle to
define a point in a sample a point in a drawing could be 50 < 45, so
50 units long and at an angle of 45 degrees.
2D- Polar Coordinate System : 3D- Polar Coordinate System :
• Left & Right Hand Coordinate System :
1.4 Geometric Transformations :
As a part of the process of displaying an object on the screen it is
often necessary to transform a whole group of picture features, point,
lines or planes and for that various types of transformations are available
with CAD system.
a) 2D Transformation
b) 3D Transformation
a) 2D Transformation and its types :
This transformation are the modification of the image drawn on
screen. The various types of 2D transformation are listed below.
1. Translation
2. Scaling
3. Rotation
4. Mirror


1. Translation :
• During translation process element is move from one location to
another location.
• Repositioning an object along a straight line path from one
coordinate location to another.

x’ = x + m, y’ = y + n.
x, y : Initial location of the element.
x’, y’ : Location of the element after
m, n : Translation movement of x and y.
(x’,y’) = (x,y) + T
T = (m,n), Translation Matrix.
• By using this equation we can translate any element in space from
one point to another point.
1. Translation :

Translation is achieved by adding the translation coordinates to the old

coordinates of the object as-

Xnew = Xold + Tx (This denotes translation towards X axis)

Ynew = Yold + Ty (This denotes translation towards Y axis)

In Matrix form, the above translation equations may be represented as-

1. Translation :

• The homogeneous coordinates representation of (X, Y) is (X, Y, 1).

• Through this representation, all the transformations can be
performed using matrix / vector multiplications.

• The above translation matrix may be represented as a 3 x 3 matrix as-

2. Scaling :
• Scaling of an element is used to enlarge or reduce its size i.e. scaling
is used to change the size of the element. By scaling we can the size
in X & Y direction.
• Scaling alters the size of an object and object is scaled by multiplying
the coordinates (x, y) of each vertex by a scaling factor Sx and Sy.

P’ (x’, y’) = P (x, y) * Ts

Ts = Scaling Matrix.

Ts =

Sx – Scaling factor in x direction.

Sy – Scaling factor in y direction.
3. Rotation :
• By rotation the point of the object are rotated about the origin by an
angle (0) theta.
• The angle is positive when the rotation is in anticlockwise direction.
3. Rotation :

Using standard trigonometric the original coordinate of point PX,Y can

be represented as −

X = rcosϕ......(1)
Y = rsinϕ......(2)

Same way we can represent the point P’ X′,Y′ as −

x′ = rcos(ϕ+θ) = rcosϕcosθ − rsinϕsinθ.......(3)

y′ = rsin(ϕ+θ) = rcosϕsinθ + rsinϕcosθ.......(4)

Substituting equation 1 & 2 in 3 & 4 respectively, we will get

x′=xcosθ − ysinθ
y′=xsinθ + ycosθ
3. Rotation :

Representing the above equation in matrix form,

For homogeneous coordinates, the above rotation matrix may be

represented as a 3 x 3 matrix as-
4. Mirror :
• A mirror image of a point is obtained about any axis. A mirror image
about any line is obtained by performing the composite
transformation process.

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