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consUntly rcnrjndcd Lhat hc hirDscll (t,,.s ,)r !.r un(tcrsl.D(t.

1 43
possibilily would hclp us ro undcrs(rrr(t rtr. (t()rbtc
ct)tct ot ir(nr
creares a disrance betwcen thc .eader rnd ii," j"lr',h:lif ir,lliilJl r |I|i t]t(;tNNIN(i ol 'l'lllloN(;olN(; (;osPEL
reader to become a dissiplelor
lMK 1,2 16.8)

Uzercnmolcnstraat I 43,,5 Ccctt V^N r )y,tN

8-1001 Heverlee
l| rrr I'rfinning ol r carefuuy composed work lies its end rs well
ll,, ,',. ,rrri scopc of Mrrk I.l. The bcginning of the Gospcl ol'
irrr, t lrr rst. (jod s Son . cmcrgcs ultimately in the scnse and scope ol
In The Four Gosples 1992L Festschrift Frans Neirynck, vol. II tlF ,l,,Lrr1 !ision in Mrrk 16,5-8, of whicb the final vcrse arrestingly
tt,r, , Arrl Soing ou1. thcy flcd from the tomb. for ttembling and
eds. C. M. Tuckett, G. Van Belle, and J. Verheyden (Leuven: Ir"r Llil|rl |ll look hold of them; and thcy said nothing lo anyone, for
Leuven University Press, 1992). tlr\ sf r. lrishtcncd'.
\\11, rlr(1 Mrt|k l,l defines thc whole of Mark's wrillen communrcr
tl'{1 r ,ir ! r poftion of il (usually delinilcd as including the opcning
rf'.I' Lrj' 1,) rnd inclLrding v. l3 [!hc Tenptaiion] or v. l5 [Jes s'initial
p'(, I rrltl) rcrsislcnlly challenges debatc. That Mark 16,8 conslitutes
rh' 1, ,r| r|s oi Mark's own comnosition elicits gcneral acceplancc
t,,r r,l,r!!L (i ccm lbr the correlalior bclwcen the beginning and
irxlrff ,'l Mrrk s $riting has nol bccn wantingz. Surprjsingly. however,
havc studied the Jbtn of the ending of Mark s
r| |||I |
,r Lr iD order to draw a key argumenl for cslablishing and
| ( I

krt, rt , r ,r8 Mk l.l as the title of ihe conposition. lf one can dcmon
' '

rlrir, ,L .l('scr correlation bctween the beginning and the ending of

tr iii'^,; *'i,:..,.:lffr'"T,t;:l'JJ.,!'ryir+1,:,;il:T*ff::ri,:Ti'lll ll'rrl ,rrrr m.ry hope thereby to cLarify lhe theological scopc and
las at leNi-rwo E]rr"l n. ,""a"., rn rhc nrsr prrce. bccausc. lilrr r,,,ri t)l lhc gospel stofy thal Mark abruptly slopped telling.
lsciples "ii.r, devi.cs uscd asainu ns w(
| [ rltr {is Lrfgued hcrc is that the body of Mark's written wotk (scil..
,nosr conmon
:::::l:nr lllne.oflh:
aud'ence N nrade ro fect supenor Lo thc disiDtes in kn
ir,".r""ipr"" i,, v",i,
dd asain. rhc audine si;,., ,r," *.. J:ii.i,.'",,i'il'::i:,",i:;:H'.'ilili, I I lr'.8) consritutes an account of the way the oral proclamation of
::::T :lll-11: !..". tob:_ rud,i. and rhe o,hes r- _."pr.. ll{r' ll( Mcssirih, God's Son. got siarted. In cflect, Mk I,l entitlcs thc
ftmol fathon how J6N wili be abte ro teed thc lbu housand (x:J.dr. ,r," ar"i *|,,1, ,'tr'|l-coded docuncnt. Accordingly, the entire Marcan composi
jr, 4), lhe rudi
knoqs hc,siU do jusr as he eanter fcd Lhe rive thousand (6:15
drs1lles slftF n Cclhsmee. tie audtence he!rs Jesu;;l]rlverhd
44)r rnd whitd ll"r ll I l{).il) pfopels the reader into thc ongoing oral tradilion. Thus. l)js Fin..l.l r||, r, r(l( r Inost go on to ask questions of the author or of ihe womcn
io makiis rhc audicn€ ra../ ruu rhc discinrcr,
:l:iJ^: i"-i1l:d*.
, -.riiburcinr .,.r,1e , ;j.. , r|,'ll,1l ,'rol lhc disciples, especially Peter or of those who knew any
l:. tlll I t.'-, c!e,,.,
sed,d,. |,
.!,-"nd b\ hc! Jn i ,c.. //1r ;,,. ;,;,,, ;.:i.t'1,'.1;, sl rli'!. t,cot)lc in ordcr to be told lhe "whole story". Moreover. the
or- r Inl:,_j,,
:1'-L,,:1,. r. ,"r"., ,,r .". . .*,;,
J., tkd\..nd11,"i.j r""."i,- "/..,
,.r,,..,r, *,a. r,...r |'r rr,,1 | he en(ling itself (which. as we shall see, is only the fi rsl stage of
J,,,nr<. 8,. , "o,. "..
ru, ,+,.,a" ,"
llllllll :.,...:,',,,hrui ^,o.r x l{,' \r,rf( Mlrcan apocalyptic unit) rcquites recoufse to ihe ongorng,
1.*.ll: 1 ":.-l r,...,n."o,r-."u".,a"",,,qrh,1(a, ".""..,.i,ii,
..rrb _ri,.,rrr"\.is.ra,J,rc. ,,!crc\
,,r,,/ |,r,t).1. scil , rhc arliculate tradition of lhe living communily.
and disourse Nir narch in srep wirh each.,h",- rr..,,\rrl
aR:;-i;;,";.";.:;;::L"l;l[i lltr.,ft'rt)rr!'rsrcrrgunrcntslhll/,ipcanencludeasholed.cumcDrhrvchoun
shares rhc pon, oflicw of,r," *.,_ _,i ,,i.r.,,,, Fr r, ll liv (L'1 Al^ND. lr.7 S.r/,'\ l.: Mn*6e n1eliun\. in M S^Bh (ctl).
iij" ITl.l.rlrl p.ln.l\-,
t .. k v..1, d,.. n...;, ;J, ;-,;:; ; iJi
)1 "1,1::ll ^,.
.l.jlJ',"1."."rr...,r't.,1',p"!h.J.onrrrtr*.t",,,.r,,.,.r,..,,,.,,i t.,,]',lii; I t rt, Ihrt ttt. tid.ltbt d irlk lilt IBE:fL. J4), L.nvc.. Unirersily Pros\. l1)71.
or rormr'. boor. r SIUrher, Vat\rn k. r..: u.",1.,,A*..,." l't, l1\,1/1) f\) t)D 461 461
11.d,..ipre.r.rhec\'dr ry,, .t,-i,rr_i \r I n,'l | rolcd DaN une euvre. vieanlc ou hlaranc, rirn r'c( plus
rotbe,r,ura,r...t,.heJF,.r",a.. *,.i,r.,,1. .iio,j hr,'( ^M^((1n Cl. cohnalm l d? l iitansil. tk Jin (l'tin lil.\l.
rcry seu:assrandizemcnr rhal she focuscs dn in rhe ",,"ai,.tpi",;iiJ),",,,ii,i! a-"rrrl ,r,,, ln "r,rrirlliD.llcdtbtrl
/ r r trL N/l7 92 i l9?0) 102,1 l0:16. p l0z4i Augu(nrc Sro.K, 7r. M./r,/ r,,/
R?lif,iah, 72, 1992,91-91, p 94).
ItL,! r! r/ tnrt. W'l ir'!l({. ChTiur. 1989,1.,1r
t)1tl rrI rrr ( rlNNlNr r{r1 lrrlr itN( rr)lNr rr lollr I

r'; ;;i
lll ilil:1..i' ;'iili :lii ;l:',;r i'i' l:' :'i l'
Lct us bcgin with rhc jolti s cI(l|,ri L,t MiItt (t6,t,r) bctil|(.
returD lo the opcn'ng vcfsc ol lhc (i(\pel (l.t) Accofdirsl). wc ,,1:: il,:.ri l:.,,,,r,,,,,,,,h,,,".,1r:l:";li
drscefn thal lhc end of rhis w ||en work lirringly corfcsFnds with ill:ii,lti:.;l^.;::;
I ,i l.i.i; irl l,l'lll'f.;ll';,^iillli'',. i:i":* "n"' '';.
1" l.,,li'.,
L IHl Or'r\r\DrDCu^r ot \4AknsCo\n
ill:l ";;' Il*l'tl l:::..'-ii"ll'1 IXJ:..,,:;
;:",:r,',;;,,.r ; ;l*,1,
Kurt Aland has convincingly shown lhar tsqoooivro ydp in Mt I
stands as the original endirg ol Mark's conrposition3 Hc afl
,c'u'eL,or dnpfrr"n("
however, rhat lhc climax of thc accounr of the resurreclion lies in I ';; ;1 I: ;lill ,l",l;1,:'"lr;;"li:l::i.
rer"prrr/ahl) human
which notcs the stone had been rolled back and was large indecda, i,i,, . '-i''',ir"i' '' "f l'r' 'pparance "nd
that the concluding verses (vv. 7 8) merely cxplain how the facl ',llt: : :;.;'
gcnerally knowDr scil., ro Christians5. Mk 16,4 may we conslituro
conclusion ofthe bistoricaffacrual portion of l6,l-8. Whar fouows v,
t:,r;; ly,*,*li:t.itti*[t[l;r
however, can hardly explain how the lact was generalty known 'l;: ti ll L l,l,x;li:.l.',:i: I i: :L::i;l;;l"*lltl;,::l
anyone! Rather, vv. 5-8 insisrenlly rcnind rhc reader of Jesus'
fillnenl of his own words (conpar€ I6.7 with 14.28.). In his i. '::: ;i1;l i, l: :: ;::i;"ll.x,;';;1.:';;;;, l;1-p''e'
he u'reudv

prediction of the I'assion, cn roxte ro Mt. Oiivel, and in the conlcxt

predicting Peter\ spccdy denials (14,26-11), Jesus promises rhat hc
'r,il ::.jnlii*;llnrl: *:li":; i':r'i'i'"'
go before his disciples inro calilee after his resurrccrion. In 16,7. I jl i; rr':{rlr"ru: :,i;lt,i,lrpi*il,1..
angelic youth instructs the women to recall rhcse words 10 his disci ;iii: ;llii:i:-lil;;';;;; i;;' iound;n rr;s account o*hc
espccially to Pcter6. The silcnce of rhc women bccomes parlicu illl;i rr rhe liphr of Je.ur tindl rnnoln((menr and the a
reminder of it. For the reader is lett no! mer€ly wilh specutd llii l::",llri l:ik, J-.;',ii:ii',:*i:,x'Ji,Ti',i.11;' -;:lti!
conccrning whetbcr or not, and if so, wben, rhe womcn recovered ll
thcir fcar and eventually said al least something 10 someone. Rr(lt
the reader is lefl perplexcd ai the reportcd visronary expedcncc d
cerning the inside of th€ tonb. and so is lefr wondcring how, if I
.,: ,;,1" .litt,lil;lt::;', =l'ilr;l;:iiiiiil,il
failhful women followers (cp. 15,40,41 wirh 16.l) did not say anyrjrl

ii, :i;'ffi**i*r,T
to anyone (Koi or',6svi ondiv €indv) we could have goften rhis story,

4 AL^ND, ,D.r t rl,rr /.. nr'lrLuvrdnsdiubtr,| 161.

6. Sin.c Peler is one oathc diriptes,lbe usc of{ui in tbc phrdseotosr ..rhc ni$L
d,d Pclcr" sussests the emphash conveyed by ..rpecjaUy,. Pcrhrps lhe wholc thrrfil
ntendcd t. indicate a nc{ kind of sroupxrg: no lonser spccilic.lly Thc Twclvu,. l
Ennanl.l ,t (sinc Mark Civcs no eridene of thinkrns in tc'ms of -Ttre Dlcvcr. ). LQI
i,,,':', 1;,',ir;i;i;+;nffi "-,
newly consriluled group ofdisciples focused on Pctcr The specilic id.ntrly ofthc
nr 16.7 isdifiicult todeteninc. Klenens Srocx .ores: . Aei dd cnCcn Bezienung ',,' ",1,':tr
^ r. nosLl. d,lr n.r Jer lJ
senc'.t isl ln j.
tu rLrda FcJ,,. |
nur dre ll (wohl 'n (cl',.it,t, li,: litiri;il[i.*:ifi*tt,;
14,28 scrdcn

Judas) angcsnrochcD
Docb nuss.ine grijssere Adrc$a&nsnrppe fur t6,7 nicht,sscn wcntcr.
a$ Mil-Ihn S.t Das yihnlhis zr.i!.h.n J(vt\ u,t.t.rttitllndth Mtt \t\nl ,ir'j ,;:;;i lii"-i:r'" "
70). Romc, Eibri.rr In\lilutc, t975.I 102, n 15
t, lri,l rlirL Mrrk t)r,)vr(lcs rs witI l lwo slIf( r.!fl:rlr('n: llrc llirftisrlr
,*lJ: il iJ Jri";:;. .'\r"""r'"':;
; I ;:: l1.r I liill;' ;l I Li: .!,1 rl,' I 1 . Whc,r.lcsus wxs hrplirc(1, Ic lrx(l xs hc cnrcfgcd
| r r
r IiII L
( ) | r

Ir,!,, ltr l"r{liLri ir !rsir)nol how Lhc

lowrr hc lvrs to crcrcise (baptisnr
r,,l! ll,'lr st,rfrr, el
wofk out (nrnrcly.:rs thc m niltsla
1.8) woukl

ilsfl$lii**,'!',.:,::,:p:' $ ', i ill r,r, ,,1 r ii!l r |coplc. rcpfcscnled by the dolc"'). fhe Falber's voice
l',,", tr,,!.ir ,rt,trovc(l him lbr this undertaking. lmmedialely, inrroduc-
h,r I i !' ,,1, frrcntiry cxpcricDcc dramalizing how thc envisioned enter-
.,.illi;,.lll;,ii"ii iiil', ::1,;,:i.#..
;*.**r,,r, t,'r", \,'L,tl r!,,rk oul. lhis very spirit. the vision Jcsus hadjust sccn,
r. rr1.11' rl lrrrr 1o uDdcrgo .r propbetic test (for forty days, in prepara-

*:lil'ft rii: r;$:;,ir*l .*rr

r',r l,', l,r\ \lbscqucDl aclivity) iD another locale. This test proved to
l! 1,,,r I lfr riliuring (being with the beasts. cp. DaD 1.21 25?) and
ili:F ::r: :,r; rlrliIr tl!.Irlr scflcd by angelt. Accordingly, the scene ofJesui being
|t.r1il ' \ti,.\scs symbdically !hc paradoxical w.t] the kingdom (whicb
|l' L |,,,,i t,rcrch in l, l4- 5) must be realized (scil., through his death

r$l ", I rllLoD). The apocalyptically-staged introduction of Jesus'

.,r,rr\ ti,.t)rres lhc feadcr to und.rsland lhe nirrative sequence which
,t*11 ," r il\ rlcvclopnrent. With reference to Mk 16.5 8, the scene of
if-,r ll,t,rr\|r 'lcrnplation shows thrt Mark uses a lwo-stage scenario
iL, r,,, ,,,rr rn inrportan! rcvclalory cxpcricncc. In thc Baptism Tcmp
r{r,,,r LtLr.rrcc, lhc precise point of the first part, nanely, how the
,',r,!i lL,r l.srs hr!will work oulin accordance with God s approval.
{nri,,, |,,,,(uscd without the complemenlary, sccond part. In Mk
lr 1r ,,'\(.v.r. there is no second parti one must seek it elsewhere,
lrr,,i!l rrr $rllcn rccount.
|\,,L||(frlirirn rative sequences in Mark like thc nulliplicalion of
n(,r Lr ', r.)44 rs lollowed by the appearance ofJesus on ihe stormy
hl' l' lr \.1511), which do nol sccm to bc comparable as sinilar,
!f,r ,r \ t'r, (!cnls. r kind of apocalyptic correlation is opcralivc. Thus,
rlt,i rr,,trr s rn 6.51 the discipleC complete bewilderment (Koi ).iov [ir(
.ft,r',',i ,:! i(Droig ,Eioiovro). Mirk hastens to explain that it was
brrr, tlrv hrrd not understood about the loaves, for their minds had
L,,,rf, ,, rtLrse lly rnplication. ifthey had understood the mystery of
llr. ,,!,, I t,l( tLLi()n ol- Lhc loavcs 01amc1y. JcsuJ supplying the nccds of
tlh tr, ' | 1l,r)rsh the lorves, which the disciples were being rrained to
|'t,r\r'1, r rlr.! would nol have been terrified by his nysterious coming
h tl!rrL ,,rr rlrc $rlcf. aDd would no! havc bccn asloundcd by his
ttrllrll| | ,r ,,Lrrn. Ihus, Mark apocalyptically correlales two evenis and
lfi,rr rl',, ,,1' .rl sy holisn] (thc Eucharis! and the Paro sia). though he
rlr" , r,f ir{,nicrlly by stfessing a repeated lack ofund€rslanding on
llIr tr,, ,,i tIc si|)rc groupi?.
1' ' l r /rLli l Nr/r\ l) s, lr1 7n,/. J.r, na.h l.n Srrartik.m Lit. trktitis.h.
lrr | tr,,lr l,)/i)..\,I,p 165170
^l l'!l ,,1 iLrIlL'vc !rir'lln1(itr ,,1 r|r)qlyptic cv.nts. ir whLch thc p.rnl is
i..r rL'!tr l'\L.vLtrL \.'tl.,11L1.1l'r ,.rL!trlxntl 1l'.nnrrl \rhf .lr.iJi(li,D ol'
9110 rI flrirNNrNri()l ll ll r)N0rrlNrIrr'ril'lI 9ll I

A lnral exanplc ol Mark s closc. tn,eltyt)lk.sLylc e(,rrctrlion ol twS ,1,r,'lrr| ,,\\l,rtrIrr,llr\lin'rlr'nIIl(r'illtr'r"l'lr'rl'l(rr' ncrrrgh'tw
events occu.s jn rhe crucit;xion-sccnc. Al ltrf |(,ur d Jcstrs, (lcnth, l:rirI lhi' Inan $i\
lh ,l'., 1r' rrlr( l r'i' r'''' r".rt- :r i, rrl(\r"rr ''r
Mark provides rls with a lnosr luminous insighr tnto thc nrcssinrrd ri,,li { ;,rl s sor". In dcpicting lho ccntrdor) s Pofession of laith Mark
mystery, nam€ly, why Jesus musr suffer and die as he does in or(lcr
l0 llr( fisht Lrnswer 10 JesuJ qu€slioning praver of compldnt
be thc Messiah (ct 8,27 33). In rhe darkness that has covcred rhc wjrrrh ir,"l lr[ rcvcllcri that rhe purpose of Jesus dealh on th€ cross rs lo
earlh sincc the sixth hour, Jcsus cries out ar the ninrh hour with r, l, r l*r lrrrlr in his Son possible (even by non Jews), and thus achievc
vorce (15j3-la). In wrenching agony, he utters rhe praycr ot.rhc
l[i I r,trl , ,f!.lrl()D ol lruc worship':o Wilhout thc second pa (vv 37-39)
sulierer (Ps 22,1), a pruyer of compiaint, in whicb he asks Go(t
lo,. r,tnl ,d rlr' \(.re (vv. :l:l-39), the first would convev a1 best a verv impertect
p,lrpdlr he suffers so. His prayer is a question, though ltw it an, t rrll|,1 Lrl,, lhc mystery ol-Jesus'death Even with the sccond part' thc
exegctes seem to have thoughl thar his quesrion calls for an arNwOil u,, ,1, ,v ,"'u"inr. t ut .r p€netrating theoiogical insighl has illumined
precisely lbr an answer which Mark may havc providcd in this dl1
conle\l Ac.J:rlr). l\4ark ha, nr^\rded dnJ .ofietxred rqo. con|',rjt rt lrrfr.5llrgly. aftcr the apocalypticallv-colored passage descrrbing
,n.$er.. lhe llFr dn\qcr con\r\l\ o' the detiherale mr,under.rJndiflI Ol f,.",,r ,f.",ft nt thc cross, Mark iakes pains to noie tbat Pilaie
Jesuj prayer lo cod by some of the bystandcrs (Koi flvra rttly i('rli!r((i lhrough thc centurion lhe aclual fact of Jesus' dealh
nop€ornKo.ov) who nockingly hear what they want ro hear: thcirr
h rtr 'it trt ,ttic. t"le apocalyptic accounl ofa vision inside the
rlelibeiatelv to refrain from dojng what he look
'"'. v"'ttheseems
thc wrongheaded answer13. With \,. 36, rhe first srrgc of the apoculyF i,','t'
trcatly-colored sccne is concluded. The second sragc Oegins with nrofir ,"', ,,,,i,' cttse ofestablishing lhe fact ofJesus dcath Whv this
tion ofJesuj letting our a loud cry (the same Cr€e[ phraie is usctt ru '" that thal cofrclated fact ol
v.34a, A(Dvi prydl,I), corretated immedjately wirh the apourtyD(l
li {l,t',r.rl Inconsistency! unlcss he expected
reader's askins queslions
irl,' ,,.,,,,".,." woul; be asccrtailcd bv the
descnption of rhe rending of the lcmple veil in rwo, Irom rop io boiiunl ,,r t|' \vrllcsscs lo the apocalvplicallv described evcnts indicat€d?
(vv. 37-38). This apocalypric cvenr, likc the rcnding of th; hcavc,
ti I1,,1! irtirin$l the background of Marcan passages like the tbregorng'
Jesus' Baptism (1,10) alerls rhe reader ro a revelarion of cod.s i ro . ,'t,'u|l1 in l6,l-8 bccomes much clearcr' Allhough the tcxts cx-
rion. hr, purno.c. and t(rhap. (\cn ni, nre,ence , I he c(nturii,[,.rLO '1,'
i',,rri',1 ,rlx)vc difer in varous wavs among lhemselves and vis A-vrs
lll lr'\8. lhcy Provc to be most helpful on several counts'becn Firsl' thev
the llrst can b€ padleled clsewtrercj for instane:l rn r'r2r (r'.,l nll ,lrL$ rllxl il is icasonable for Mark's reader who has condts
r2.i7 rB. Ag!n, tr,c .lrionarc i, ,h.."."
,h",,ffj#,,r:#-8r rrr'r,,1 l,! lhc whole composition by th€ time he approachcs 16'5 8 to
.:" v tDp.f , .eFe r,., . , p. 1..:2-rr,\tr.f .nctud^,rr1 -, .rhii r "sccond part" in an apocalyptic sequcnce ln any eveni lhe
Illp::'l ","": ot.rtrn.iun..t.
^dr. 'r Iioh1,r bcr.,.Irr lhe ri J.eot,.8) ,,r thl ,,,i,r, r,,,' r'""n c;nditioncd to find an unanswered issuc' like lhe /drk
!'reer c,a |,, I r'a.r.!d|.. qLr-.\r,t\ rh,r r,., onp' rrr r. '
,,1 i l,ltlrel disconcertingzl The vcrv Dole of "lear"'
as in the account
'whrrdrd | .lv ro de..r\e | . " b| -wh, r,.oo - "h\1 | rmour\ trrr la 'trrrsliguraLion, resolulion in some complc-
' '. "r -,.,- U11..,.,,""i,ni
Tc'"rhr.u J wl Cr..tqrr,cv1p. r'. ri",r.trtcrur.rr.u,n.r,r",d,n:.r\rt.rrtn
T ,rt rtr ialls for a further
il: \\rolj:1r:d. qk | 1 I r!J,. Second' lhc resoluiion suggested' especi'rllv
v. i,,.,r" .),.,i .fx, ""a -llrajil rrr, rrL
'rrxlcif narration.
and the
^r"rfJi. it.'J:T;"Ifi i,, '" ,u ,rt" rccounls presaging the Eucharist-and Parousia
J :.;,i"t'"" i:t i;.i;f i:';i"llt:;l:,:l!i: ; 'r
;{,,ir rLii'l rhc Transfiguration and ofJesus'd€ath at the ninth hour'
tlDL th. harer wiling are bnn indi;lled
ro tistcn to rs
him a^srnptDn,
drnrk lo enable hrn to sDeak fudher.
by thcn thiti rt i | tr,1' trrlurc of Mk I5.ll l9 na} bc rcpresent'd as lollows:
t'1.H"t...\ t..t 1.,1 vrr ,",1r., I,t.L,t.. j. ln! tto , Atr{r yrii. lcrtuE: darl(nc$ orer whole canh
^].: ir.9,.,.'*'' . rt. J,,v,dirg v ro.cph, ,x-.).2t.. ,',.rnf,irrf I l, r, Ltr! . .ry (drd clLltiotr ol Ps 22,1)
'r rc L.dri 'depi.rd |alor.rrot t.c1r,ctL_Len. In.,drt, lrynxrdcrs (tsEq lnrv adp.dr!Ko!o)v)
ol f. \dl/d/i.rc@r aL'..r V..a tL ,,,r,tr.d.rg,c.,,,.,.,,r,",r,,? a rivc wronebeaded intrrclalion
l.:\.lh i rrHl. ". an rro. arr ori. , .m,,., ,u\ mo, kJr. l' rurf'ax'itrt
lotrLl .ry (rnd derth)
r'e.cJ-d t...1. r.. I t. . Ar r,. ,rnc, n(. i!,,.'\..{,,.{r.4
lll:, ,
fcrLure: rcndins ofsanctuafv verl
,..\t,r,\rl|| ' ^t).fxltrlrc
( orlurur (rndinA bY (5 topeoqxoql
rent fiere n thc veil of the Jerusalenr sMcru.ry Ir \eens ro inrplt lhc djsct(,su.
.rlmJ C.d . \.\ t,..(n., tlnr. rc,,n,e,.rn1h- i;1..- .,,.,.r,.iry;i
t; r' rrqhr dr''-c' pr'l ror 'f t' 'f
'\.1. J!o1 l r'1.' 'r
i. l.Jrrr'"F nl'ornrn r4 'l\-\
\uo Vrr\r'CUJr\ uL,r.rpo..t..u.arrt,.u.p.jbojnrn,ntt,,nt,..r,,trtl tr rl'' ''cr"r''akfl
r\ r. | 1, roq l-c F ro m tr. .t rp,..,n. Lct\ aer.o,.,tJ. nd h) .,t., .rr r,/ *rth
'- ,'.' , r.''','.rr,r r'"i'1o.'51r'
rnr'ri,r.1 rca r'goqo rrl
vl l-
'" . tr| 1 I dr hch
'f 'l f' dr"liprinr' ll
'r' I r\'sl 'r l' \'-l
vr rhc,,|'.n vt||t te.rt4 c,l..14\.,,4 I.11 r,/ I r',. \^N l' r ..'f ! r 'r''
1,,,ra n,/, ltlril)tr'*h. ( lxrk, l98t) l) ll)l
r,lr ||| r,rNNrNrirn lrlr oNrnrlNr] 1r||lltl I 911 I

q"ul,l I'n,h:rhly ,t(.rt qrtlL|

,.r .r ,jl L lr ,r,l t,tlr,t r,
ll, l1! ,lrll(.'rr wirls irr \\'hi(ll Mk l,l tlrrnlr"rrr 'irrr h' lislc(l rtrrl
'n"': ',:"' ,,. ,,,,\ ,, , ,,,1,,,,,,,tr\,.
iJl:l:lf,Tl'lY:'l::' , r ,,r li,llows: l) ll !rrn !r)d shouki |( lirkfrr xs thc lrllc tt) llrc

id."lti**rlrp ;"r"**r il *:,i:;;j;li;";li, ;ffi:rtj; js:r

j .lf,lL \!rrl.r cornposililnr (1,2 16.8). 2) ll slirrkls bl ilscll rrs N n//'/irlr'
ol lhc tcxt UsurllvthcoPtionsgiveDrrcl2'll
rr r)l !,)rtrc P(,11iitrr

nft :.iT: riiifii$m r:: r;l].fi:l it

r.,,,1r,,r \!LLlr lhc-lcrrlprrtli(xr)
u l,,,r.
or 1,2'15 (so as !o include the beginn'ng
lrcrcl]ing). l) 11 does not stand bv itself' but fonns thc
r::i:hi".ii,i[ t ;;;, U':l_.ti:: ; il;;:
jr ,,rirr ,'l ir scrtcncc which concludcs either with the scriplural cilat'oo
l,' , , .' I ,,, \'ith v. 4. tlrcb of lhese pos;tions will briellv be considercd
l":ll:-:":iil)'.h.';.' ; :, i'i.' :' .: i;ili.',i,1'.::i; :l' .ll
;:i:'J.:: ;,"1,, i,:. :i:,,1"t:,' ",: r r'''"j commu',"y
*"i'i',",'y' lhat I,l cannot sland alone because of lhe
* rhdr
^ ;;r, i;:;.;;i
::",' ;,;;'r'c
Mark neeJ, ont' rhe ur ,hc
ll,,ltr.rL (il,cliLh rrgucd
l*lrrrr,f ,)l v l.
Elsewhere, aJ ({oe(i)q) nevcr rntroduces a senlencc'
,.Ti] rF..lDe i.n Jn,t r .rxl r. lbllowed by 'it is writlen" (Y;TporTor) alwavs rclcrs
il;lYl: l:1:l ::",'l :,'ier'o mdte hii m.r,n p^,n,,,. Bre\ (r^,r(l(;q)
l, d (.r,1 r,, t,r,,iIrtr rirthcf thdn to succeeding natcrialzs. His argumenl is
j,#i slrccious. howcver, since a clause inlroduccd bv xd0drq is
*llpi i:i:*:,1i.,il *iT;.:il".l\" ;# h;ir r i r,,,|l,
,, v t,rcccdcd by a verb or a clause conlaining a main verb ln l'l'

*$#:"iiri qip:r;
rtr,,r,, -, s rro vcrb. Fu(hermore. one has reason to lake vv- 2 I wilh
*;l;.I{i'r*, ri; ii; I | | ir,l."rn(lccd. wilh w. 4 8. giveD terminological links like "dcserf'
lrr.'," I .'r''r rlr' qr) Mafl t nrol€prrc xr( nf l'rr' cildLron-fofntrh
$id(f. o,at ,rddir,on e'e" ,r," u.i,",".'"ii" *,;r :i::xtj
fi ll;ljirli::i;:i,::s*jmi:i ,,,'l'.' 1,,,' r,' ar.'Lp loUerhef dll Ine nlormarron c'nrrrnrng Johir '
::tl ; tilli*Ffi xil;:'ll",i'fl i'iiii':1,1'.r;ll"tili r,rr,fr t,u 4())']d.
lr, \, ,,' rrr !
8l belore he actuallv introduces Jcs s (wi1h a second
One mav perhaps rcgard Mark\ formulalion h€rc rs
ro .lohn's se ol Koo(!)g !o express a siluation or actioD whioh
!r',,ri,lr' or servcs as a "modcl ' for what follows (cn Jn "'57)ol
IL THr jNtjr^L Vftsr,,r t\4ap*., It,,r,l. l,'hn s preaching docs noi constitutc for Mark the beginning l
1ry,,** ,,,,,
rh t,,lr.lri s ,it the gospel, which is al least largelv the point of l
localcd elsewhere' aDd limcd

I l$i |r, ,rL ltii,g bcgins wilh Jesus' activilv.
{ll' I l,'hr \ bcing bclrayed (1.14-15).
may be uken as rhe ;:jiiil il iH[:,-ji $:;il:: ill,, jir
ritif *il'ji:}"I,wri,,"" ll | | r. lirkcn;s standing by itself, but no! litle to the wholc
as thc
i,,r l Ll(i il nrusL function as a t,,i/rk to an opening por'lion of thc
h,' ,l ( i,rnrrcDt.rtor\ lvho wooid limit that porrion to part or all ol
I ll ,1,, r,)l v)lvc lhc major of thc preaching ol
nd;: -: ;j jl:;:}
*:ji,fft , rtli:riiiji#i ;ir i;rf r;,1,jiiir ;:: i jt:
i problcm excludiDg

;ri; il1; i;ini:" iiir;".:irr;li'!i:r;l*fi ,f!, ' ,i tr | rhxd nxrarircsr cl CH GIBLI\' ( "/iorrttons in hl lSt)7ilBih65
rrrn lr | .'|1). | 210. nn I and 2 Thns lar, tne ben lilerarv classilidtion ol
Mrrl \
,.r'. l, " , f dljprr , dr r. \\'cor \\h" \fl'r''jir n/ t'r1
" l-', tt V, - ru4rl'P.rt VJr'rr'rlirL'r' Vl"Llr'
rl.,'rri, lrr(1si(yl'r!*. 1990.p 66. Sbellso holds tnal rnthhknrdd'wrilrs r'
yet lo be comllcted exlldiDs th0
r,,,",'1,t,,'L.rL thxl rhc c\ clenls arc
1,,.ui, , 'r , '. d rrs ol Mnrk (p 46) ln parl rhis prcsupposiln cxphirrs l|lf
l[c !;(lnrg Bur tho ,,.ozl1tt' ]itrtdr latn tht rP(t1\rtut 'h^l
rr ,,r,, , ," *r'r","'i,., is lo be found ln rccoude 1' an ongoins h'n'rlcr '
({l , rlL ,fL,'h.rl lhr LvrD! "hich
r r ('rIrr. Mnti ltui6 (wBc). Dallas. word Dooks. lt8l) P 7 llN
i'!trt ' r .,,1 Lo sr.ador brscd dn srrFnxlicll'eccssilv rnd rlbss oDol' cor'|tr(l'
n,.rl l{notr rarol Mnr[ \ 'lrifutive rs luile unusurl (;'\'l n\::tnrrt \)
1 I I I|1 | ln)rN,r. tlu'lt t:1 l\ rrl thl hli'nrittl] ol !tu
rrr'rr'rr[1.,) !) 6l
lr ll oNrrrNrr rrtxrrl 9ll5

.tcsus. which is menLioncd in thc nrrlrtivc ti)r rtrc tirsl linrc i vv. t4.tli i, t', I' l,r.l.hc(l lo 11!( wholc !v() (l (ll,lrr) x l)roI)h'jcv whioh clc rlv^
Ifv. I is reg.irded as the subtitlc fof rr lcnsl tt)c tifsr littccn vcrso[, llrrr'rr'r\\r'in h')"rrl rrr' tr''lrr( r"n 'f
number of sefious objeclions remain. For insrance. onc would hlvo
rt.,r rr'rrrr ","i t."rnl' rh( hcfrr,'rrtr, ol d unrhed dnd (uherenl
wrillen work which bcgins wirh a subritle insle.d of a tirle bur wll "'..'*"","
firrr, ,,,rrrposition cln be con6rmc<l bv xn appropriale €nding-
',,l th (nhcf slory-form Cospels havc correlaied beginnings and
contains no furlher subtitles. Need one consider Mark !o bc such r|l|,,
(in the contcxt
vcxingly careless wriler? Besides. vv. 14-15 canno! easily bc disioi nt,lrrit,. Mrrllhcw s inclusion on the "Emmanuel" theme
(as part ol a separate, introduclory secrion) Iiom v. 16. which bofl ,,r ., r ,:"ncr.rrion. and lhe hnul gencrdlion \(il theagelobe
wiihout a precisely-defined (viz., named) subject. Rather, vv. t4.l ".'
r,',,',r," ltr,'rrnli'hn)rnl. \4r l.)r: )820) r' \\ell-knoqn Luke
form a transilion lrom the rwolold apocalyptic sc€ne in vv.9-13 lo I '.
l*"," ' . . "', !',"nel srrh J hi' prelac( lhal nolcs his remolc
nar.alive which functions as irs interyr?tatioh, and which continuc{ , ... . t*i'".'*. Jld mrnrsret' ol Ih( so'd 'hose $'ho f'om
the end of tbe written work. '.,i
rt,, r- r.,,,,i,,iq(rc or had hecom( 'u(h'r and c"nclude'
$irh u'tene
The .cmaining opiion, that v. I servcs as the ritle ro the whole w ,',.r , r' r'r"...-"'^"on' lhose in lhe upper room ro be hn wi'ne*e'
i,, ,,ii ,,",,,,"' fl-r 24,44-49) John 1'l 18, cspeciallv
has the most solid basisrl. In effecr. rhe versc lh€n functions r$ when view€d
inlroduction to the wbole book. Precisely as a tirle 10 the written rt,, ,,itlr{ ,Ir ,'f lhe (hrJ\li( \lru(lure lhar emerg(' lrom lhe dddirion'
inrroducrion ro th(
as a whole, Mk I,l does not exclude the opcning remarks about Joh[ i",",' '", ""n.1 l'r$hichha\emaderr Into rhesldled
prophetic role. John slands as an Elijah-ligure who prcpares for a n r"'rr' . lr'rLlrr:hr' the !er) sdme lhcme as lhal In lhe conclu_
kird of prophetic activity. The roics of John and Jesus are correl{l .r', , "''i,.' ptop.t i'o ttt llr: life rh''ugh liilh In $hu Je'ut
not only in these opening verses (vv. I-13[]51) but throughour ",", "
,rr,rrr,l\' rs". in ft;, o*n way, Mark providcs a corrcspondingly
account as well (cp. Mk 6,14-29; 9,9-13; I 1.27 33). ,"'r1,,.' dnJ .lo'rng lor hr osn 5ror)-fo'm Cotpel "n
Several specific reasons can be adduccd to support laking Mk I,l i':;;' ..','r' '' h-.rald' 1in I munnef $hich cugtesr\ anrecoursc
'."i"r' dpocallprrcall)
to oral
the title to rhe whole documenr. Firsr, the readcr mighr welt expeot I , hcginning, ar'd requires subsequent
be alertcd to the scope of the work by some inrroductory phrnsc ",,, ',:"if " thc trole, ongoing gospel story
tti,lr]|,, | 1,' uDderstand
tille, whicb would necessarily lack a verb. Second,
beginning and basis,3. nolabiy without the arricle,,. 'ipti can indicnto
Third, Ml l,,,,1lr,1rr tJnjversrtY Charlcs Hom€r GTBL'N
regularly liniis his use of rhe terrn "gospel' to the oral preachl
proper to Jesus that is, begun by him, characterizing his onSol tit( \,)fk 10458
work, and concerned with himro. Before the end of the ase. rhe

::7. Tlns a iclc nat pr€scind fron sheLher or ror tbc rhras uion ocon in v I
authentrcally Pe$h notes rhal intern.l argumenls faror rtrc tonser rci{l
Mtkuscrdts.liun, t, ti. 14 (n l) P.M H.AD has rcccnll, chatlenscd thc ronger rcd
A T.r.Crricnl Shtar ofMatk t.1 Th( R.snnn* oI hc Aosp.t ol J?es Chrie , i N
11 !.1991) 621-629.
28. Cf PB.n, Marlr,r.ra,s./id, I, p. 76: Begnrn und Crundlaec., lppeuhrS lo I
ll0,l0i Wn l,7j Sn I,l4j Heb s,t2;6,ti aod 2.1, where satvation k said lo titr(t I
beginning nr lhc Lord s preaching.
29. The evidcne is Civen by 6. Dclling, altbouen hc hidslf rakes Mk t.t lo rclor ta
the preaching and baplnn of John as the kmporal slartins point of thc ovrnrdlual
r,'nsr arrr'r. I, p. 482, cning IIos I,2: itp t l6to! klpio! trpdq 'Odit
10. Mk I,l 14l5j 8,35 and 10.29 (wheE Ml and Lk irdependentty on,ir rclcrcnfo tO
JesuJ oral prcaching as lhe sospcl'); ll,loj 14.9. Cf. Marlin ltEN.rj. Srrt:.r rr tl,
Gosp.l ol Ma*, n^ns. J. Bowdc., Philldelphia, Forhess. t 985, esp. p 5it: , t n t4,q,
{ ll|
besinning of the passion nar.ativc proper, rhis Pauline tuundins traditional nnd kdryl
matic urdcrsrandins of!no}"yil,r.v is bound up with the narration .t Lhc n.ry ot .t$0t, 11 r 11J rtlli)N. lion Ele witnerses tu Ministe^ af th' W'td
Tt ntot htt
l9?8 pp l61t l6t)
lbove all lnc passi.n namlivc, so thd such I natralilc dprcars.s an csscnt(l trr*,(tto(l
of hission prcacning generauy Truly I say lo you, w|c'N0r thc Aospct is /)rd,/Fl ' ,.,, ,-,i, - i.,n -rr i^.Bib, 82) Ronc. B't'li'al
,1 ,,, ir i,'''". rr,, c,'ni.mcnlntt I ikratt st'ttut't
'sp t:t-t! itlrul
thrcushour thc wond. whal shc hN donc witl b! xd,zr?/ iri tri.nrry .t hr,... Itrl r )r1r rrr l{)1, l\J f|r 9lrr5

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