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ii Ll : ('l'H- l{!r\ l . t iN( il N lriti (i

l{ li.{ i.,ic$nsri,:e irnr in*ilm

Page 2

To get the unoarure rcsislance, of a 100 MW, IJ,g kv

and g0?o powcr l.acror gcnentor, rwo t*nlina}s
tr:fJ:.r,1;r#i[.l[*?sured:eurren! and volrage a,ie-sr,i'ii,o.;;
A. 0,0?28 olrrris B, 0.0)dl olrnrs C, 0.0(i8J ohms D. 0.06 17 Lrhrr;s

aarnrct$ is i I 5 vrrlts, whar is rhe, M w intiicorcd ,ri.,o, rt," *rui"rr,*r'*,J. go0 wans?
A. lelhlW ts. t5,0MW C, t9,2MW D. lJet\4tv
flccacrgy ofprcsent nrci.or plrnts cootcs liornl
1. Jtr fusion of radio acrive material$
l. 3C,fi.t*ion of hig} speed etecrrons againsr prorofls
C. The dc*ructiorr o{ye+--r!ny parricles_icle*rd *hun aronrs
D. The hear piodaiee{: by the ccilision cf high specd pr+teds -r "-'

t poilrl r*lrg,cs l0cm rpnrl ex(ft n lir1q1.,r1. I x

fO.r11 rrrt r:uch rrtlrcr. lll thc chilrgcr lrfe
t ir coch chirrgc in.rtrrlcoulornb. of Jnms v0lric,
A. t-90statcorrlomb B. r.g0stal€oulolnh C. 6.90 sratcoulsmb D. 7.r0 statcoulornb
illi-tr rrrlr. rrr,r.l tr;trr.,l thitrtrllh: vaettunlf
A. radirl ir;tic 11. light rvnvc C. sori*d rvalt ' I). shafi rvavr
130 kv line has an intltednnces ol'0.0.i +' j 0.2 ohins per phase per kilometer. lf the line is 100 kilomercr
\ whar ,s rl,c t(.,tflI irripctlancr.:,
A. 0.05 + j 0.2 ohms B. (S +1 30r)x tOi ohnrs C, 0,5 .r
i l0 s,hms D. 5 +j20ohnrs
tl00MWcoal r'ircdnou,er..plant irasanaveragcirc$lralsofg-S00BTU,sperKwhr.
he:riirtg r iltic .l'ihi' crr;rl is l:,ulrtinru's pci Theplantloacl facror
iiou,d. C,ir.*LIra rhc arnouni of cua! *sage for
A. l..l:.i r 10" Irrunlls il.
C. 2.21.r.r l{}' pururr"ls
2.1-15 x l0't pounds
D. l.ll2(rx t06pounds
E obaolere tr.lcrraph opsrcte, rvjrh rvhat./
A. sound r_lavcs B, radio waveii C, dirqct ctrrents D. irlternating currenl
lLich orrc of ,hc lbtkllrhr* i, ,,,n, .rne- ef'rhc rr:lrrys transnris'io* line?
A- pltasecompa.i.(on:rclay B. ;;s;;i-c sequenee
C. distsncc rc,lir.r: - relay
D. griund r_,*
fi]riltornit,r lil lal{d J0 l\ilYAr llll.hvi I3,!i. liv oiul
il rhe rcacranre. Dirrrrninc rt* x *,t,,i1. jr,,p'o.
J'}rs irfiportrnu*, I'hE rc{iilqn0{ il rtogligiblr
it;t;;;,Cii, cornp{rct
io!l"'r'J*O itnd arTsyopo*er taclor.
A- 'I'l!'b B, ?,260ri, C. t.]tirl4 D, 3, l jolo
r'nph.i|hry mct"rS
..t. 22..5 anrperes B,\ug:
20.j ampcn)s
' c ii;;;;;"' wtrar
hp,7 S%powcr. {,acror *ncj 220 vohs,
is irs ful} Ioad curreni?

srarted at 50% its rafed voltsse. wlar is the ,st66111g

3[fffif;;"ff;,Jt rorque relarivc ro.irs rated
A. 50% B. 1006zr c. ?5"h Ej. ?5%

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