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l'{rNrsTRY 0F nAlillrnys
R$strIljicll ,DitrS I GNS AND SI'4NDARhS , .

S ecorld Report of
stand'lng c ommlt't;;-ior nvoivlng c rt terla
asses r*
ri:^i.r{-:f^ ono_t tv gp
es {*& Rotl_ lng
ul lu on rhe indran-il1i;iy,
1 "S

l,rlscprArvEoug nEP0RT N0.

.t ,

November I9TO;

(For offlclal use. only) ',l


The Standlng Crlterla Comrnlttee for assessn€nt

of stabLllty of -Loconotlves and roLLlng stock on the
rndlan Rallways w&s constr.hrted by Dlrector'Generar,
RDSO ln 1965 wlth the foLLowlng es lts Members:r . ., ,,

1. Dlrector Standards (Mecfr.) '' Menber

2. Dlrector Researcb Membor
'3. Dlrector Standard,s (Clvll) Menber
4. Addl.Dlrector Standards (Mech.) Menber
5. Jt.Dlrector.Research (Mech.)-II Menber-
2. In the fo-.lowlng Xeers the unlfled ctrarge.of Coachlng
and, wugon stor:k held by Addttlonal Direcior stancrards
(Mechanical) lras entnrsted, to separate Dlrectorsl v12.1
Dlrector starxi.ard,s (wagon) and Addl.D'fureator gtandard,s
(Carrlage). Tlre Standlng Connlttee lrasr Es a resrrLt
reconstltuted, ; a s follows :
I . Dlre()tor Stand,ard,s (Meeh. ) Menber
2. Dlr€,,]tor Research Menber
3, Dtre rtor Stand.ards (Clvll ) Menber
4. Dtre,:tor S.tand.ard.,q (Wa gon) '
5. Addl', Dlrector Standards (Carr. ) I'lember
6. Jt.D lrector Research (Mech. ) -II Menbsf -
3. The pres-er.Lt repor! deals wlth the deLlberatloas of
the reconstltuted $tandlng Connlttee leadlng to the
revlslon of the Rolllng Stock stablllty crlterla tald,
d,own by ltspredecessor Commlttee ln 1966 and.reported
ln RD$O I e Mlec.ReBort No.2 (f966) .

,;hm,,$,i *,*Hi," t$H
]. fntrod.uct lonl
l.L The rapld d.evelopnents on tbe,Indlan Rallwai... i. :

the'pJ-an perrods slnce rgsr- resulted ln new i,.:,j

nore efflclent deslgns of rolltng ,tocr belr^:
lnpc*serrrrce. steam tractlon gave place to rl.i.e r,r,r.
and'25 kv Ac traetlon wlth more.powerf,l.dle:rr- i,.,,::
electrlc Locoss Tragons wlth heavler axLe Loeal hrr,.trrr
lmproved, suspenslon deslsrs $ere d*ilviloped ,:
. lnto servlce. ro meet the requirmmts of g;:,:at,rr:,
confort ln.ralr travel, better rldlng coa"rrr.3
vehL.cles .were lntrodueed wlth sophtstlrcated s.!-rrrfr ]:i.{.. :l
features. The d'evelopent of the nes desrgns of
roL11ng stock ard thelr comi{s-iriinrns.ln hr::
been accmpanled wltb an tntenilve 8nd,.-rcontlnr--.:.,.. .
progranne of re s ear ch anl:E*.+lg -if
su s p c n ; ::. i. r.:

, .systeng. Fteld stuaresli,ailI&,,,r,4 ;uiidbr rnoie*

con{lrttons r were atned, at rrgirins'}b"dr]Frdlng

stabl].lty of "
deslgns and .the13.;srafc op-c-iitfrrg sp"...,."t.
For eval,uatlni the rEsults of- $bsse, lnv-Cstlgatlons':
.n the RDS0 and earller the mRc applled a;varLety ar
recogntsed criterle'. Ihe vehror", opardlo*' *i
spd6its asileised on the Uasfs oi tnese tnvesttgatLo::,
have glven satlsfactory per.fornance ia actual sert:t.. j,

rn L966, the standlng crlterla connLttee of RD$o :ir

a stud.y of' tie varlous crtterla. apprlecl tn thti rr, i i ,

lnvestLgatlons on safety snd rtdlng qna1lty, of v*i.i:r., .;

and, aLso of tlre contmporarl practLaes edgnted b;. i,:

Rallway systenns ln the conttnent and {rhe. urc,/011t ;,:r,
,Lald d.own the crtterla for stabtllty of,,rolltng $t:,]c.
as reported, ln RDS0 Mlsc.Report So.Z (1966).
1.2 Durlng the years ,t 966-?O the 1cg}9r!"g_gv*gllgd_:were
extenslvely appll.ed tn vehlcLe dynanle: studj.e
aonductod on dlfferent categorles of rol,llng st
It was observed fron tlre fleld trlal date that
the cas€ of certaln exlstlng deslgns._9_f-:._Tr.ggonsi
naxlmum prescrlbed rlde tndex rElues rere excee
ln the empty vertlcal node. lhe lnfrlngment of,iff
rlde lnd.ex crlterla oocurred over'certaln seetl'iH$!
of the naln l1ne where there was ho speect restrli
end, at the exlstlng pernLsslbLe spaed,s:at'whicli,

t#r.:ffi#i &il,,

l,agons have had a satlsfaetory servlce tecorC, It

was further observecl that the ma*tnum value of
rlde lnd.ex as prescrlberl ln the vertlcal mode was
mostly' e*eeecled for the eon'pty,wagon when due *uo
low axlp Lbad and. huch Lower tlyninlc inpdsttl.ons
the damge to track and the vehlcle'is the le:rst
possiblo and ttre questlon of .iaEt.rrg'd1p?ge doos
not arise at ail-. Yet the rlde Jlndex would pl&cil
a rr,strlctlon in clearance 6f wagons due to
una<,,:eptabtLlty of lts rldtltrg tn qpty conclJ.tlon
by t;he rlcle lndex orlterla.
1.3 these yearsr a nunber of other develop:len1-:;
wer(,, carrled out for force measurslents on the '

vetri-cLes. these eovered. estabLLshlng technique-';

for, compu.tatlon of lateral foi'ces by the me{:hod ,:,i
acc'rleratlons talcen at preferentlal polnts, etc. ,n

It 'ras thus posslble Ln a mJorlty of the

lnvestlgatlons to und,ertakeras neeessaryr asseSs;l-n'l;
forces more readlly. In vlew of t-he
of' "..'a l
obs;erved. ln the rlde lndler crlterla particularL:,'
ln empty vertlcaL rldlng and the teohntques
d.eveloped for measurenent/computatlon of forces {-r;1
wagons, lt wai felt that the e:rtstlng crltbrla c:.'
rlde lnd,ex for wagone should be-revlewed. The Crlterla Comrnl'ttee (19@) therefore
rino'ertook'ttre revtett of wagon criterla but as t" :

stuctles by th6 Cornmlttee wer!'pro6eedlngl lt 'rri::

declded to extend the rerrler !o -sover other
categorles of rol,ling stoahiai,*eff '"'.' j:1'

Ihc Counlttee exanlncd ttre var{.our orr-lterla 'tha t;
t: oould be applled for asieslid-riarnfi*'tb4iffin{
saf6 operatlng speeds of vehl.clesi ann'thb're$.g


maxlmun aceeptable values of forces 1 aaceL';iff


and other ilyngmlc quantltles a^s p""r"ofUea, fii#j

t.++-v+rr6 c.rlterla. ih"
exlstlng ql'&9r3r5e. conrdtlee nade
r.llE \r\rul[&Levltlt rsE a stuaiffi
q ewuJ{.1:,f$s
the contemporary research and, practlcEs lii b.htb-.{s.-.i.i'
respect both ln Indta end.' &broad,;,$
covered by.the varlous III:C/ORS $peclallsffi
Comrntt boes . Some of the noro lnportant as$


the subJ ects examlned are stated tn the


aceompanylng note '(Apilendlx prepared, a. f i: .:r

prellnntnary dlseusslon for the guld,anee of , []r*
C oncmltt eo r
2.L llng-'vglg.E-of 1.a.Legr*_for g E tqF :Egqqj5
rhe conml"ttee rrivtewed. fl.le reocnt gNgF lar;,rra,l
force forsrula for traok dLEtortdn'and lrirs .of
the oplnlon that the exlsttng nrle as spec-i fi.i.
ln the Mlsc.iteport i{o.p (1966), whlch hn,; cr1:
used. over a nrnber of years wlth eatlsfact,:,rf
results may be contlnued. tlll such tine f::rsh
data on the stf,€$gth of Indlgn traEk cre *.rn{}-al,., ...,
so that a rerrlslon wlll be reallsftc and appllr. , .:

more rellably to Inctlao oorrdLttong.iCurrentJ.yn :

fleld lnvestlgatlon on thls aspect ls beLng

carrled, out.
2,2 EgLe-$qeE!
The Comntttee recognlsed that rlde lnd,ex ?

whtbh'deternrlne eafe operatlng speed 6asei .'n ::

sansatlon of flrtlgue end confort leveL ercprrrieneed



bir hunan belngs when applled ior speed clearance

of deslgn are esserrtlally appllcable to a passengt., :
c rrrylng coachlng stoek.
, thelr ,aFn1lcatlon td
o,bher categgrles of rolllng stock, vJ.z..7 locomo',:' 1l

a:td wagons ls-not neeg-ssdrryl provlded these vrlli' t

aire othenrlse acceptab1e as havlng stable rld.:i.:

eharacterlstles . '';

2.3 S.lde-fidex lEtlues, for El4tts .an ;

Tn Lhe c$.$q c.S EllUs and Dl'llls for" suburl-:'- '1',:
tfre d,uratlon of Journey belng nuch'short..:r' Ni',r,;':
t,:hose for maln 1lne coachlrg stock, a comparailyel,y
lrLgher va.l.ue r:f rlde lndex'than those nreserlbed, ,.*
for maln IIne ps,ssenger coaches, vLz., .;,. ,/J.5 j
-Vlth corresponcltng shorter fatlgue .tlne corrld
i;olerqted,. In conslderatlon of the fact tflat
InS practlce at present perntts rlile lndex of
for motlve poner rrnlts, the gMtIs 3rd DMUs for
$uburban operatlon could al so bb permlt'be#, til
comply wlbh rlde tnd,ex of 4.OO.

,.". *iifl,
':'l i,,1,'
ij,.1,.: -,-'f 'r ;. ){
"..-,{:i. },r.i,
, ,
. . i.;;ffij,-;\,';,
'.,r.f!.r:|-. '' I

2.4 Qgrallnent
=.;:- ---..sse eo-effLetent
v\J-tir I J.gLC!Il-t: : -_;-.*EiJ,. .

:::^ f"'*ffi
::.o "l g'"f; *-ll ",*raltnent
that":lts rrarue srrorla'iJt-i?Ie6a tiie'
over at least the. duratlon of L/ztot:n "trtr"&jt#,lWfii
co_ efrlcr
erir i. ## ffi;,,i. ' I

s€Ge i"[h
$*rquru' rs
duratton ts based,
D*seq on experlnental rezults ';##$ffitii
experrnentir nes'lrsr ; ) ir. ,fig,tt;i€tli

or,tiIffewil i
bv the JNR. rn aase -iriit'itiii
se derallnent
aerarrnbnt 'e6ler"r"i"iitiF$[tIffi;t,,
c6 -efflc 1 ent : e-fopE:?-
' i
berow the
betow crlt t *r irnrt rn rhri;-Hil;il;:#"rffi;ug
rhe crltioar. .iarati,l"'Mfs
a_ue_ ro lateral rorci ;";;l*
vertlcaL wheer road, lneredslngl ,the
i;il*TWl x
n"ool"rtot :-"{tt- 3
deratlnent due to uheer nornting the rarl ,"*to" l,ll,it ,.{
incomplete. , Llnkl,ng
tlnkl,ng o:of-*qr value of the deratLment ,, li
co-6iricredt '\o
J./zoth sec)&natlon ls therefore-' ,,' -,$
consldered a ] accoptabre proposltion, ii;
2.5 Q-qqpatl OfmAnee ahn l€[ ntorr{ o*{ r.r a af ' ', l'
T I .,ji
Les -qg crltgflat
as cnl ter"ler ;I
Besldes trre safety clLtErln and, the rx,de lndi:r
crLterla speJ.E . -'i.',;a$
s.-J-r,err.* out ln
speLt ouE terma of forces and ther
Ln termS the ,.,.:i,j:,,{i
nutn*rlcal flgures for conforVfatlgue tlne :, '
respectlvely, the Conmlttee reaogn!.sqd, the ",' .t#ifii'$
appL1cabl11ty of conparatrve criterla for t, , 1.,ij'$

erraluaXlsg stablllty antt speed. potentJaL of

, -,::i, ,$
vehicles. By uslnj the same stretch of test i '$,!
track for investlgatlonsl the varlatlon on ;.. t ,;,:
account of the tlaok ccindttlons can be e1lntnete6.,,t1.: $
and. comparlson of the beharriorp of
tJre deslrm 6g,i,i,.;:' ?
rolJ.lng stock mde re1lab1y. If the conperlsoii, i,:,,, I ,i
ls upto a speed. at rhlch one of the deslgns has: ,.i,, i
proved sattsfactory und,er noroe]. operatlng I .,, ' {
condltlons, the destgn urder test can be clbared ' r,,r .'
for nornral operatton at the same speed. slnrla"ivi ,,i .t

by comparlson of the performance of the same ';t

vehicl-e. a.t hlgher speeds, $uch hlgher speeds can
be p€ rmltted for normal operatton, provlded, the_
comp€ rison ls satlsfactoryn The use of the
comp€ ratl"ve crlterta ls' netther nandatory nor
1s lt a requlrenent to be net by I vetjlcle ln
addltlon to the speclfic crlterta Lald, down for
the categorles of, roLllng stock.

I #krd *

X"* tiC;Lb*, t tt !f r Eilrtl-Inlltil

,.; F rq.t *a -,

.*i*.&fl r

crlterra eould. be md,e whenever such eomparr.sons
can be ne'de to achleve rellable restrr.ts for
speecl ,

cleare.nce. of rolllng stock.

3. G.gege l:
The ccnmlttee recognlses the need, for." revlew
the subJect to keep ln step wltb the neb developnentl
of the' technlques of eval,uatl0n of rldlng and.
stablfity of the rolllng stock.
J The co'nrultteer s reconmendattons on tbe crtterla
of essessment both IjO ano, MG seotlons for steuitrty ,,;i.d;
on the basls of evaluatr.on of recordg of oEclllctronri$i*:,
tests carrled. out by the Research Dlreetor"ate of, t.,:"1*t:,,
the nDso are reproduced belowr
4. I . $tean l.q{:pmgtlveq:
4.1.1 A raterar force lastlng nore than e d$W
should, not exced 40 per cent of "'tri$ ',ffiffi*
load + 2 tons. '
.z ffi.;J ffi''"lues exceddrns rh.{cbffi

Llnlt are pernlsslbrer provldecl, th;o"i$8

shows a stabtllslng eharacterlstlc of

polnt lthere a hlgh lateral foree ls exerted.

' 'by
a partteuLar &tcle.
.4 A generai lndlcatlon of stable rrnrnlng
characterlstlcs of thp loconotlve as
evtd.eneed by the movement of front and. hlrd
trucks partlcularry at polnts where hlBh
lateral forces are observed at any of the:
coupled, axl€s r r'
' '5
Due allowanc e for hlgh lateraL fore€
exerted. by the tnner wheeJ. of a rlg
rlgtd rtreel;
oase on the tnner rall of a curve or a
turnout and the recognltlon of the angle "11 :,

at contact by the relatlve wheelg.

4.2 Dles-e]-- and Electrlc loeonotlves:
.l A lateral forcq Lastlng nore than 2 netres
shoul,d not exceed 4O per cent of the arle
load * 2 tons.
.2 Isolated peak vaLues exceedirg the above
l1n1t are petmlsstble provlclect the record -
shows a stablllslng characteristler of the
loconotLve $rbseqtrent to the/..' )
dt sturbances'
t-l l

.3 A slmrl].tpneous. assessmegt bf the lateraL-

' for'ce exerted by the adJacent arcles at I
potnt'where a hlgh lateral force ls exerted
bf a partlctrlar axle. ,

.4 A derallment co-efflclent shoulcl be worked'

out ln the forn of ratlo betseen the Lateral
f rrce (Uy) ancl the wheel Load (Q) contlnuousll'
over a perlocl of L/ffith Seconct, the va-Lue
n:r/ Q sha1l not e*ceed, 1.
tr T,he rraLues of acceLeratlon recorded' ln t\e
cal, at Locatlon as near as pobstble to. the
lrogte plvot shalL be Ll'nlted to O.3 g both :

1.n l-ateral cllrectlons., the feak

verttcal and,
''n.Lue upto O.35 g nay be pernlttedl lf the
:,:ecords do not lndlcate a resonant tendenqy
,Ln the reglon of Peak va1ue.
.6 .l general lndlcatlon of the stabLe nrnnlng /
- cfpracterlstlcs
of the looonotlve as evidenced
by tbe movement of the bogle on stralrnt apd
cUqged trLck, and, by the accelelatLon readll4gs
and lnstantaneous wheel load varlatlon'


value of g.Z5 ls prefem€d. For AMU'[frUif,ffi

-,'il -'r+p.,*r"*gff

type of stockr rld,e lndex shaLl not be ,g=.-Q$

than 4.OO.
.2 The values of acc,eJ,eratlon recorded' AS,li
as posslbl-e to the bogle plvot sbaq$
to O.3g both !n vertlcal and lateral dil

I 1n the regton of the p€ak va1ue. : t 'r ':';;': ;.:{ry'li ;i-';l*'i


.3A gmeral lnctlcatlon of stable nrnnlng i :'' - ' ,

characterlstlcs of the carrlage ag evldenreee .

by ttre noviments of the bogle on stratght and. I

I tr.aclt and by the qcceler&*lon reatllirglii"r'r;: it

/ wheet and, lnstantaneous4load, varletlons/sprlng

d,efI ectlorlS c

4.4 @
.I lateral foree lastlng mor€ than 2 metres
should not exceed N Per c€nt of the ax,lb
2 torls.
.Z Isolated peak values exceedlng the above'Ilml,t':':'"
are pernlsslble provlded the record shows-a
stablllslng characterlstlc of the wagon' ru'bsequgnt
to the d.tsturbanc€s r
.3 A slmu].taneous assegsment of the latebal' forpe''"i;t'';'
t ' -j.1.

exerted by the atlJacent a:rles et polnt wUap,l iil'i

hlgh lateraL force ls exertett ty e partlorlatl; rili;,,'
-:11'l. *..:
.4 A d.erallment co-ef,flclent should. bE workedt O*.'.t,
ln the form of ratlo between the leterat forcjli
(Hy) and the wheel l-oad (Q) oonttnususly oyeroa
perlod of 'll2Oth e€G1 the value nv/a shall nd
*'Ieeed. 1. '. '
oc, t. general lndlcatlon of stable nrrlnlng
( :haracterlstlcs of the rrragons as evldenced

;he movelnents of the bogle en-s-tqptrgh$-'4nfi

r)-qnv:g$ -tlggk and bY the 'aeceJ,eratton
,r nd. lnstantaneous wheel ,load varlatlons / sPtlng
d.eflectlorlS r
.6 In the case of such wagons where qsE€qsnelt
forces ls not poEslblel evaluBtlon ahetL be j
ln terms of Rlde lnctex whlch sbal.l not be 'j
llreater than 4.5i a l1nlt'of 4'25 ls

! ,,- .!r -!L-44,,*- .;,fr-t & .


4'5J rn ttre event of any dlffrcur-ty betng-e:rperl"rro"u"'.'

ln the gppreclatlon of the reruits p"o ure -- "
crlter'la lald down above for the eva'uatton
stabl-:.lty for the varlous eategorles of
or thc deslgner deslring such a test to be cairterl
outr 1'he fo110w1ng conparattve crttertE strall
be .
nade rrse of:
.1 Tlie stabillty of a adJudged along a comparator vehlcle of slnllar i*.
a speed at whlch the conparator rs "iO
servlee wtth satlsfactory record of"rre"i,
,2 F.r speed,s hlgher than the mxlmum perrtesrble
of" the comparator, the stablllty of,'the new
d.t,rslgn may be const4ered acceptable'upto a
slleed, at whlch the rld.lrrg ctraractertstlcs
g6rrltlnue to be of an order slmtLar to that.,
of .the comparator vehlcle at lts maxlmun

Appendl$-I .


gll sT$FJlJry A NpJup $rgSrrAlLrTIr - g -F
rpqgll0$ 4,vEs, co$gFING 9T.0_gF, &,$$r!ipl{s .

locos both the safety and, ttre rLdo lndex erlterla are::: ,i
preserlbed..' For coachlng and, Tagon
prescrlbed,.l atock, nalnly
Ta8on stoclir the -',,
ng'-nly the,,;,,.':1,$ :,.1$

rlde lndex values or oomfort orlterLe are l.ald down'. . ',q

A greater measure of safety ls ensured by tUe anl|fgatfon$
of eonfort criterla whlchl for Juclglng stabllttyr aie' :
strlcter than the sa{ety erlterla. In the follorln$:,,,",: ,l$
are d,lscussed the varlous crlterla ttrat can be' CPPlfq"l-;,#
for ernl-uating stablLlty of rolllng stock and for' ',,,II-;i$}
assesslng theh eafe speed potentlal. . ",,
, ., ,,r,li-,J
2. @8 I t;l
2.L Th,l ,traslo and. ninlnun requlrenent of a'Vehloler't,:l'i t$

when op rratlng at a speed at whlctr lt ls cLeered to-nlo i

ls that of safety agalnst derallnsrt ln operatlo.q.l ' I

Derallnents are caused essentlally d.ue to transverse :

assumlng crltlcal- mgnltude." uLttngt€- qna-}tp-l-s I

these f.orces thelr oombllect, g$4 conourre$--

lnfluence Lead, to d,erallment as I resql!-9j-(d alt:ortio:
of track or (b) wheel flange over-rldlng .ra{-'.-

Dl,stortlon of track3 :

Urrder the lnfluence of, vehl'cJ"e s$ayr lnherent


noslngimovement of lts wheeLs,/bogies and exeitatlons -

arlsl31: from tradk lrregnlarlty or due to lnsufflcl"ttt{
cant or1 curves, track panel ls subJected to dynanlc''d
tra.nsverse thrusts whlch terd to dlsplace lt transvel
the dl.;pLacenent ls reslsted by tbe,trqnsverse stlfff
of traolc paneJ. and the constna!.fi to sIldlng exlstftl
between sleepers ancl due to frletlonal -fo:-9$
irnldental to the axle load lncr:mbent, on the trCcH

c ertaln snall" transverse dlsplacaents oacnr q{?

aetlon^of these forces, but belrrg wlttrln ttre 'er3g'
r' 'll'-
:;,rr,'1f "i t
i. rfil ,i
ls stated on the basLs of the experlnenta perfomed by i,#l
the SNCF that"a€aal: : forge whlch causes track.


. . .t _tt

dlsplaceneit or tire ord,er of 4 rnm when aetlng oreria to - ,$

4 netre length Leads to pernanent dlstortlon upto about :l

1.5 co. The momentary dlspLaeenents wlthln the elbsttc,


range of the strength of traclr: paneJ. lgad to relteve . ,',,.

the 'severlty of the funpact, qf energy. acting .'
a.s a safety. provlston agalnst traclc.dlstortlonr Lq,teral;,,,
forces actlng for shorter Length than 2 netre are.,,1=,., i,1,iii,
In to ensure safety tn operatlon agalnst rleralLnent
of vehlcLes arlslng from track dtstortlon, Egrrltutle,; of
Lateral- force actlng on track shouLd not cause permanen.'.
dlstortlon und,er ctynanlc condlttons and, shonldltherbf,or,.:,
not exceed the transverse strength"of traclc. ,r;'' .:
The avalLabLe d,ata on Indlan track dates back,to
the track research eond.ucted at several stages by Gelsorr. ,;

and Bl-aclcyrood., and ].atb by Gel'aon and..Ihonpgon.- fhe'i'#

results oft lned showed. that ttre transverso strenglh,"o'.Cli
track varies. fron 66fi to LiQ4 of the l"r" load a"p"oi#et
upon the' track struchrre. For N+3 wooden sLeepers, rlth;1f
slngl-e s plke tt was 65fi ot axle Load of n 5 tons .
130tr of the t2 ton axLe load wlth stEal trough slseegl;${
to N+3 d,en;lty. For cst sleepers lald te N+r. densg-y
1t was beylncl the range of experlrnent. The'crltloal
lateraL lo,rd.s for varlous type. pf trabks could be taken,
based on t.':Bse experlnentsras Lz.i tons for go-R hard, u"oori
N+3 sleepers and l4.g tons for gO-R St N+g sleepers.
the present Llnoit of rateraL forces adopteri as
crlterlon :for dlstortlon of track ts &fr of the a:rle lo:r.i. .,
2 tonsl Bs.dlscussed in RDS0ts Mtsc.Report No.p (1966).
This llntt ls based on the lnvestlgatlons onTndGnEcle
carrled, or.; by II/s. Gelson and BLaclcr,rrood, ln LgBE ancl.h&s;,
wll;hstood, tbe test of long usage for the purpose'of
&ssessment of safe speed. of a nallety of roLL1ng stock
ln the post-war yearsr &s well as scrutlny by several
expert bocites such as the Ptc, the French Experte commitbet:
and the L966 Crlterla Comnrlttee.. Note has how"ver been
taken of the work done by the FNCF ln regard, to the. llmtts
of lateraL forces causlng dlstortlon to .track. 9lm11ar ,
lnvestlgatlons are ln progress 1n Indta,' frJ.l uiof'e',data",
appttcabl: t.o th6 cordltlons on rndlan,|3rrwirs.,F_Qcore'j,1,,,,;
, . i.E--w-d
..:.;Yv-v 1::rr.

, avallabte, tfre extstln$ orlterta ,fgru;t-r6'of. afsqgSgl_"-#m

to fLans.e over-rtding raLliifif$ii;'$ffi

DerallJnent f,Lg l;fi;:j r;rifg$ffij
the recent trend for bogle Loconotlves ts ,t-<iirarasjdj,
tlre use of helleal sprtngs for vertlcal suspens{9$^'fi{i$''l'
the provlslon or aanprog=d"vtoes. uhden i""tiffi'$Stfu
such as arlsln! from low ralL Jolnts, tbe suspSttifoni
frequency and, the frequenoy arlslng fron traclr bdtng ln
close agreement the ,vertlcal oEctlLatlons,BsI shot' bulld
up of
anpl.i.tude lead.lng to pronounced, wheeL ofi-fia'dirrg. '
Wlth slmultaneous actlon'of transverse force and. the
,, ''

wheel off-loadlngr cordltlons are created for wheef:flange

to over-rtde ratl-; The tenilency ls augnenled by ths' ,f,i
angularLty of the attacklng wheeL/bogle, lnslde ttre trq-dttl
The d.eral}nent qncler these condtrtlons occlrrs .etth;r prt l:$
a result of (a) gradual or (b) sudd.en llftlng of wfr.d4$
flan6e. $afety agalnst such modes'of deralLnent isi' .rii* i
svaluated by derallnent co-efflclEnt whteb ts deternlttdi
by the ratlo H*ff?*f?ff! . rhe var-rre or ure 'cgrarffi
eo-efficlent shoulcl remaln wlthtn the speclfted llnt
rralue 1n order to prevent threshold'of derallnent cdl
' "l '; '!ffi

a) &rallmerrt
when a wheer- flange runs agaLnst ,.lI dependlng
upon the angularlty of the axre to ths traerr,
the 'porit
of contact between flange and the rall nay oocur aheaal "

of the tread. contact polnt (leaatng contact) or behlncl

the tread. contact polnt (tratllng eontact). rhe forbes:
as per analysls presentecl by Nadal, aattng on the two,
wheels of ttre leading axle, nanery, wheel No..r.'
attacklqg wheel wlth leadtng codtct and. wheel I{o.2,
the conpanlon whee1, trailtng gontact are shown'
ln Flg.l. From the force dlagram tt rs'seen ttFt for i
the equlitbriun conaltton, the deralrnent co-ef,ftclentq
are exprrssed by the foLlonLng equatlonsr
llor the :rttacklng wheel No.L
t=tan(f3r"fr) = D,-,-Er (r)
and for ,;he conpanlon wheel No.d
(oc+fg). s (-) *i",r*1
, !, 1a.--...(a)
l-p? trrr4, \_,r
where fit ls the fLange angle1..
tan { r ls conlclty of the tread
lt1 4 h3. are co-efflcients of frlctlon at the
r flange ard the tread, respectlvely, and
9,4 tla are the corresporultng angles of frlctlon. .i{!

Ihe equlllbrlrn equatlon for ttle attacklng wheeL

with lead.lng contact glves lower values for the
deral]ssn1 co-efflclent by subgt\tutlon of the respectlve

*..& tf lit'Lt ,f|i' ,r,

llg:ffi *

<iynanlcally appllcabr-er 1t is not desirabre to d.eternrne

the llmltl-ng value of the derailnent co-efflclent on
basls of bhe equatlon. ,

Tae equillbrtun of the two-wheels on ttre same a.rlc;

taking inbo consld,eratlon the ad,dittonal factors of wheel-
load. transfer and. the angle of attack has been
by chartetr- and '1s' expressed by the equatr.on: , ,


Qs (r-aterar. force) = E p i, to ---= (e) . :,

where P is the lnstantaneous wheel foaa ina ,:.

Po the nomtnal. wheel Load- ' ".;,i;,'r '' t;0,, i
Kl- r ls a eonstant derived from - ;' t,t.-.'. ,f
/ r,j'.i
(,',.+an ni- q
Bi-//.+ ,,lts+, A, i "'.',.
,r':l--' ,i:,,''$
lilrtrn/B1 rr_r5- -r_r.r:r
' EfgAC'C0fitGa"tVffildtt*i,d), ' ri,i
Y$ffiij' ,jli', r,ii

" As r.nt;;i;'i or Nadaris equa*on tr,e.,ojifTl"',.l# I
. i! :.?:...r'$.iifi.ffi{:,,f ,rl.a* i

factors ,I vl
z. , the co;efflclenb fr{ctii ,'a;lr.r#aiir*:;ffi I
co:effrcrenb of, frtbtion
at the wheel fr.ange and, wheel tread respectri.rylfidiiW .i
1n thls eqnatlonal-so. A spectftc naluatlon of;.tfre ffrnftf,{

of the e'Eiritfori fo[ows:

a's t:
ttTo sum up, the I statlcr theory of delatlment. ,:

serves as an lndlspensabLe intermedlary to


support'the ealcrrlatlons thenselvesn as weli

. as to suppl.y the experlnental basesl of tlie
I d.ynanlcr theoqy. But
the theory oahnot be
generaLLy appLled, not even approxtdtity, to
' the real cond.itlons of ',the deralLnent of an
axle Und.ef Se1'vtCe Cond,

value of derallnent co-efflclent 1 rellance bes to Or ''.*,,i'

pLaced more on the experimerrtal" results of the investfH$
dlrected to deterntne the L1n1tlng value under,dlpautoi*l
condltlons as well as data obtatnlng irdn f,leLd. trrd'slT
ln thJ.s respect for the large nunber of rolltng ,$to'bk,U:.!
.. ,sn.f.' :i.;,.,jiti
from tlme to tlme. :,,,.f,:{-,i
y' ""$,li.,,ilr#r ii

-+-..-e . r4:. ii a r. tat n

The tests condueted, by the sNcF

r{agon have revealed ttrat the d,anger
not exlst provlded the value of the
Hy ts the value of the lateral forces mea sured.
at the axle level
A ' ls the dynantc wheel load. l*\

. JNn r 1n connectlon wlth the NtL, cond.ucted

tests wlbb nodeL wheel and firLl-sGale wheels and have
d.eterolned that the limltrng val.ues of the d,eralrment
co-efflcilent shouLd be constrd.ered as o.g and, r.o as
allowab1.g and crlt1ca1 valueg respectlvely for 60"and. ?oo i
flange a' Value of O.8 whleh glves more than enou-gh
margin f or the ML stock havlng fLange angre ?oo ha s ,

been acc:epted as reported ln the paper entltled rrBogies

of the NTL Rall-car and resurts o{ use ttrereof* (Hieh
speed symposlurn, vlenna, teea) by M.tshz.nm and N.Mirslir
and. S. C;gtKn. Thts Llntt of O.8 for d,eretlnent co- 1ii

sfflcler,3, has been occeeded on ttre NIL rill-cars as

reported by the authors ln the sam€ paperr
" ---,f,he.maxtrmun value of the d,erallnent quottent
ln,a NTL rall--car runnlng at a speed, of pOO lcq/h
1s.abeutr 1.0 and, occurrence frequency thereof ls
apprordnately once per one wheel set per 1,5@ Iar
runrringlt ' ' ':
The JNR research has aLso shown thst ff tfrr,

era i.l : '


*; x 1lgg
( b) S-udd
, : ,;'
rn the case of gradual d.eralrment dlscussed auover,,ti.
the verticaL component of the tangentaL frlctlonal 'fgrceil,
agalnst sllding at contact polht acts uprmr6s (see,l

and. agatnst the steadylng vert!.cal force rezuLtlng rn va{1e;

of deratlment co-effLclent Hy/e belng nad,e ress, favouraUjb. i
rn the case of sudclen llftlng of flange, the'vertlcalr.,;,lrii' i
conponent of the frlctlonal force acts ln the opposltb ,lini .l
dlrectlon, nanrery, d.ownward,s arrl glves r&" r"tot g


appllcatlon of forces. JllR hayg lglortecl thet thervaLuel*1' ,'i

ls represenled. by the eeuaft6i W , where I tr ts duratio"j
ln secondsr, vJ-z.', for 1/1o0th of s€Gr value Ls 4 anA,fon:" 4 s

L/ZO s€c. C.g. The latter analysls lsrhoweverr of sonefi{at}

LLnolted irrterest unLess speeds of the order of 2OO luy'lt'.,i1i,,,$
are envlsi,ged when phenonena of hurtlng and pltching of lhej
bogle cou.d. be encountered. , .,;*f;" i il

Fle.r-d. trlaL data on the 4-wheeLer xragon stoek on the, :

Ind.lan Ra::lways on track ln nn dorirn dondltlon over whlch :

there 1s :io. speed. restrlctlon consLdered. neo€ssary and tn

the speed. renge at whlch these are glvlng satlsfaetory ,,
sarvloe ln reguler operatLon ov€r long perloflapFevoal tlrat
values of :.d.eralLnent co-efflcient of O.8. have been approac+
and ln ce,rtaln'lnstances exceed.ed, wlthout derallment. Wlth
due regarC to the nalues of derallnent co-efflclent,
experlmenbally derlved by the SNCF ln thelr earller
experlmenbs and by the experlenee of the JNR, the aage
conttnu*tfcn'of the exlsttng Ilnlttng value for d,erallneni
co-efflctent as prescrlbed
t/- vpy- .ty trr-p""r"ti
5 vrg.rv bv
v., the
9.€ Crlterta
v* *vga*a
: .,:
Commlttee 1966 and tnclucled tn the RDSOt s Mlsc.Report 2-1
ls establlshed.. The study of the llnitlng valua shoglit$ :' :,'r '"i,$
also be related to the duratlon and, for t*rls purpogc:/i
seeoF€rlod should be applled. ,' ,^.*

HHK MMH$K#Hfi$ffiEH ,iii. S;

l;1"!'&ffi#-"r' '
The nruerlcal ltnttvalues of forces evolvedlas*.rTl ,
criteria for estabrlshlng stablllty'!t vehterer'"""1* tffii*;
values slgnlfylng threshold of
vaLues are r@.ched, or exceed,ed, narglnallyr d,erallment*ii; It
nay not take plaeel partlcularly tf
plac€r partlorrarry if the':ve:
mterlalree iconc'mentrrg{tjffi,,
LateraL phenonena cto not mterlarlee concumentry,?fit! :
the respectlve crltlcal nasnlrudei. rt.lg th9:efpi;$ffitff1- ';
slgnlflca:rrt that lsolated peak varues are rnir"pt"f6affi:,': l

w-lth clire cautLon and.

sueh rezults srroura:te,;iuu*,+ri.
'i.-r- l' :
: ,,

lnterpreted ln lhq Lleht of the dynanle rlding charactbr- I , .

lst1cs of the vehlcles at grad,ed speed, as reveeLed by the

study of the repsectlve osclLlogrb.ns on stralght and, curved
track.If.ttrese.rgvea3.stab1entd1rgpropert1esofthe I "'

vehLole as evldenaed by gene:r'al low levoJ. of,. aocol,oratlors, ,,

sprtng Load rrarlatlons, da,npecl pettern, of osclllatlonsl ;i1;:, r,',;,

j udged. r

evaluatlon by statlstlcal technlques'of the osclLlationsl ;i

to whlch tlre vehlcLe ls subJected,.. The nunerlcal valueit '$
whlch constltutes Rlcle Ind.ex ts cleflved from the torfou]-a i
*lde Index = WA'.= 2':? pZp
where I a | ls amplltud.e of osclllatlon
'' I f | 'ls ttg frequencry Ln Gp$.
the eguattron, by substltutlon, can bd expressedt ln ternd$i
^f Arrno*,.l
dynarnic paraneters a'p
^ n6na6^l^ar of rr^la{^1
vehtcl.e measured, ln
a *16arrrrl Ir fleld.
fl^1 tei!ffi

v12., frequency Ln cps and. acceleratlorrs rbr ln cn/se"2#j

For the csclLlatlon of the vehicles as,Funed,
slnusol"de;l, accaleratlon, maxlmun anplltude of vlbratlO
and the f requency of osclllatton are.represented by .,.,'
h = a (2;K f)2. the Rlde rnd.ex equatlon ls1 by

sub st itu';lon, expres sed &s

Wz =i0.g96 J' i
Expr':sslonW rrF
2.7 tor@,
-* .,2 ==9.^2 n whlch constltutes
the of the rlde roar" crtterlon, -is deternlneri
on the basls of ocperlnental researgh
on hunan belr,.;
for '{;helr sensatl0n of corfort when strbJ
ected to
osclj.latlons of varylng
rt 1.1--"ttabLlshed. that the sense or"rra irrqoency.
on work done by the vlbratton "orrort
on raett Dsgs,
and the rate of change of acceleratlon,
the rJerkt. If rar ls the arnplltude of vlbr€tlons,
the nraxfuirm accer-eratron ln a srnusildar. vlbratton
ls rqgn f 1Z and the vor$ of unlt of nass is,..:,:,: :
a r a-(e n f)z = n f)4, ,f"*, ;;-;;s
^2^lz of:.,a,
anct'iif = a (? n f )3. The ansrytrcar *r;;;;i;;;i";
forn the unlforn basls for erretuatton of ;igil;_fffi
qualltr of vehlcles represen!".l by the p"qao'ot#Oifrp*,
by Jerks 1s (a 71, f)z x a1(a;"?i$*ii'
="3(znf)6 "? l -',I*iliiffiii

where a! is .the merdmuu arnplLtude of vfl\tfon ln '

cltrso, and tfr is frequency ln cps. SubsequJntlyr
correctlve factor hgs been lntrod,uced lnto the fornnulr

ln ord'er to, take hunan reactlon more croser.y into if

account. the corrected forurrla for the rld.tpg qual.lty,;

then became ' ,*,+r,*ili

wr= 2.7

or = 0.896
by Dr.$ perllng of D.B. to the followlng
and has recelved UIC/SREf s agreement i

ex Appreclatton
1.0 I Very good, .T
l A1nost very'good. il Over
l Good.
t hours

2.5 Nearly good, lg, hrs

* ,, i
3.O Pa ssab le s.6 '
3.5 Stll1 passable 2.8 tl
4.0 . Able to run 1.5 n

4r5 Not able to run 4:,5 mts. '-

5.0 Dafig erous 15il

*" ls
rl<le lndex erccluslvery
nethod based..-
on comfo:rt consld.eratlons. Assessment of the vehlc.Le
performo"nce and. ttssafety ln opbratLon by nld,e lnd.ex
criterio,n 1s therefore cond,uilve to very nuch more rlgicl
starxlarcs bhan lt wourd, be by the sefety crLt.arla dLscrr::.

earller., Even the rlde lndex of 5.O rhlch earrles an

appreclatlon of tdangeroust pernlts fatlgue tlme of
15 mtnut es. rldlng condltloris of htsh rrde lndex
such as ,5.0r safety may eventuilLy be affected,, 1t ts !,

recognlsed, due to breakdown of cdnponents ard d.evelopn,eil

of hot box etc., due to cond,ltlons of rough rtdlng
encounteled.. Thrls riile lndex deflnlrrg the leveL of comfc.' !

and fatj,gue tlme for hunan belngs by'standard.s strlcter

than those to be net for safetyl has been used. for
evaluatlng rld.lng quallty of passenger c9aches and has
been lald dom i.n the octstlng crlterla btvdn.ln Mlsc.
Report No.2-1966. VaLues of 3.25 ana g.S are- p=escribs:

for the coachfuag stockl the former belng the.prefera!.i,

level'Of' performance of the coach.
In the case o{ rragons and, loco's therg'"lEl,.hifd
any questlon of sattsf,ylrU the oorafort tevef 'e$'#f;i
passenger stocks. In fact, ln the enfitiy,ffi
of 1:l_-

of wagon no questton of 'ladlng denale.ttg-*
there any 3.1ke11hood of danage ln such condltlon$,
to encesslve stresses etc. thd wagon *"ffiS
when tfre axtes are ttghtly Load.ed,. In v!.er.;ilfff;tf
- rl
I l'*' ,ii'r.:.:. ..,.,ri:.,
the evaLuatlon of speed potentlal arrl rirlLng stlbfrty
by Rlde rnd.ex crlterton ln artdltlon to tlre ,.r"ty .criter:.c
ls not necessary. A destgn of rdagon tor loconottve wtii*i:
passes by the safety crlterla shouLd be exernpted fron i:trr,

erraluatl'on-of stabillty by the lndlreet nefiiocl of, ride '

index. Only certaln deslgns lrhlch are not sultecl for
lnstnlnentatlon or force.measurements or force computatLo:.: ,

should. be'c'1ear6d 'by the use of rlde Lndex cr!.terlon. 1:*r ,:

vehlcl,es other than coachlng stock values'at present
values of 4,25 antl 4.5 for nagons and, B.?E and, 4.o fon
loeomottves could be taken. The lower naLue of 4.zF and.
3.?5 are the preferable Llnlts for the nagongt and 'Locomo- ,

tives'rlcllng quallty respectlveLy. i

rn the case of EMu and Dl4u stoek used, in suburban ,
servlces, the Journey perlods are nuch shorter than those i
on maln ltne stoclc. rt ls ltherefore; reasonBble to apply:." :$
htglrer rld.e lndex vaLues pornlttlng eorrespoilllngly short,?$
fatlgue tl-me. Exlsting vaLue of rldE lndex pernltted for, t$
bogle locomotlves ls 4.oo. sarne value ,could, be pernttted 'j
for the EMUs and DMUs. .
r" ,,,. ' ':::'it: ll

i ,, ,,,i,ii.{
' The lnteraction phenomena, evaluated tn 't6rrs of ,J
the sarety.and.rlde lnctex crlteria
""" til ;il;;"[- ' .'1 .":
uslng th: same stretch of track for trtal.s, tbe varlattons
rn aceourt of the track condltlon oan be ellmlnated anc
compartsrn of the rldlng qr:aL1ty of two d.estgns of rqLLlp;;
stock cae be m&d,e rellabl-y. If the conparlson 1s upto a
speed atjwhlch one of the deslgns has proved satlsfaetory.
under noi'maL operatlng cond,ttlons', the sacond deslgn can. r

be cLear'ed for normal operatlon at the same speed. SlntlLS


by conparrlson of the perforuance of the same verrrcre at$

htgher speed,sl srch htgher speed,s can be pernltted fo1ffi
norrusl c'peratlon, provlded the comparlson ls favourabtffi$,f# _ )$'i
i .. '.ii .:.! i.
t:r:.'* i;ffi

1ii*; in
r: 'x Fgf'
r*l n
I The dyranlc parameters ttrat can be conpared,
I re:
1. lF*grlcal values derlved statlstlcalry:
-+O rtde tndex values ;

b mean \talue of latera-l force taklng

standard. devlatlonrnto account
2. lateral and,
Acceleratlon., la :. verttcal, -ffi,rclrnum

values &s well as \/gO lnternal* \ralues, r ? ljl

Idtreel J,oa d varlatlons'

I the
for the rolltng

I hge$- I p,sg,qp.$S y eg r
r. A taterat force J.astlng nore thanid,"6€s'S&T.$i;
' should nor exceed, 4o. pc1" a*tt oi 'ttio $#5€.1.ffii
Load + 2 tons 'i ,

. 2. IsoLated peak rraluis erceedlng the above"iii+'

' llmlt are pelulsslbt el provlded trtl reaort{:r', j.

shows'& .stabtll slng charactertstts' of ttrA:-ry;',

loeonotlve subsequent to the dl sturbance, '',
l-) o A slmrrltaneous assessment of the lateraL
force 'exbrted. by the adJaeent axl,es at a ,

polnt where & hlgh Latere.]. forso Le .r(ar,ted

by a partlcular axl-e i

4. A general trdtcatlon of stabLe nrnntng &,.

characterlsttcs of the loconotlve as
evldenced by ttre moqemmt of front and
h1nd. truclcs I partlcularly at polnts wherb
hlgh lateral forces are observed at any ' ,

of the eoupled, axles

5. Due arlowance for hlgh lateral forco

wheel base on the lnner ret]- of g .gunTa ilil

or a turnout and the recognltlon of ;: ,o,'*,1$
r--Yi tt-. l,
\, v v
, ,* ' ,;-',. ,:nl;,,,.j

the angle at contact by the reLattve "'ir,u$





-13- '
: l.
:. l,

Diesel & E1_eetrl_c loconotlves: '.

1. A lateral force lastlng more than 2 meters I
shoulcl not exceecl 4O per cent of the arle
..oad + 2 tons
2, .-soLated peak values exceed,lng the above llmlt
.tre pernlsslbLe provldecl the record shows a :
itabllislng characterlstlc of t}re locomotlve'
,subsequent to the dlstudbances
3. r. slutrltaneous assessrrent. of the lateral force
,exerted by the adJaaent ar0es at a polnt where
a lrlgh lateraLforce 1s exertedl by a partlcuLar
4. :A deralLmelrt co-effl-clent shoultl be worked ou'b
in the for.o of ratlo betwden the Later"el foree
,(Hy) and. the wtreel load (a) contlnousLy over '.,.
perlod. of L/$Ot,h aecond.t itre value ttv/Q shall
not exceed, 1.
5r The values of acceleration recorded ln the cal.;
.at/iocatlon as near as posslble to the bogle
and. Lateral dlrectlons. lhe peaF val-ue upto ;
O.35g nay be pernlttecl, tf the'recordg'd'o not I
lndlcate a resonant tenctenoy ln the reglon'of li
."peak. value
'A'genebal lndlcatlon of stable ngrnLng character'-i
lstlcs of the locomotlve as evldenced by the ,

novenrent of the bogle

:eleratlon readlngs
-. and;:lnstani,' -','

varlatlon . : ': '''i ' j

wheel load . ''..''. ' "
In the case of such Loeos rhere u"agu$"tent c:l

forces ls not posslbrel. evaruation' sfblt' bg.,,i**-;$

terms of rlcle index whiclrlshall not bbl ErdSS'ffi

e Spr&lset
1. .Bld,e'. lnd,exshall
nalue of 3.26 ls
type stock r rld,e lndet' shall not be great*1 :# n : -irir,.. .:1 r:i

lhan .4.00.
2, the values of acceleratlon recorded ac nbar i''$ff
, ' . ,'i.. .'l.r

pcf sslble to the bogle plvot shatl b3t 1lmlt$dii:

o.3g both ln vertlcal anct Lateral au:r*ffi$;iiffi

peak value upto O.3{ig may be pern0ltt..3"*I,3i
records do not lnltcate a resonant tendency
the,reglpn, of the peak vaLue
3. A generar lncttcatlon of stabre
runritng cha.ract.,rr,^
lsttcs of the carrlage as evtd,enced by the nrov**
ments of the bogle on stralght and curved
and by the acceleratlon rea{t11gs' and
t' instantanec}lr_ti
wheel load rrarlatlons/sprlng defleetlong. .

1. A lateraL force lastfu€ nore tlah 2 meter,
not exceed, 40 per cent of the axle loadt + Z"ho,rl,1'
tons r.
2. Idolated peak vaLues exceedlng the above Llnlt
are permlsslbre provlded trr" i"oora srro,r"-; - -

stablLlslng ctraracterlsttc of the nagon subseq*r:-i{;

tothedlstunbances ." ,'
3. A slnultaneous assessmeat of the late;nal foree :
exerted by the ad,Jacent axler at poLnt where a
hlgh lateral force ls exerted by a partletrlar er:ie ;

4. A derallment co-efftclent shouLd be worked out

1n tho form of ratto
betrreen the lateral force , :
(tiy) 'anO ttre wheeL load (Q) contlnuously over a j
perlod ot L/zoth seeond., the varue ltylQ shatr ,gt,i
nct exceed. 1. .il t
5. a general lndlcation of stabre nrnning chal€cter-
lstlcs of the wagons as evlderrced by the moierirenfr
c,f _ the bogl€
t he a cc el era tton readlng S .and tnstantaneou "**#,{:-
v:arLa tlons/ sprlng deflecti. ons
6. rn'the case of such wagons where assessnent of
f.orces 1s not posslble, evaluatlon slgll be 1r. '

terms of Rlde rndex whlch sha1l not be greate:.

than 4r6i a llnit of 4.25 {s preferred.
Lg.q o,gr.g !,*JLel q.
rc g!+ g]r tfrq_ s_F o glr, grlfl. Hgf,olrql
For r'rraluatlon of stsbtuty for the 4 categori€s of ,
stock, a raluable inference may be drawn ;t;;;;il ;;";.
recommended. crlterla and other parameters of the new type*;:l
of vehlcld wlth a eomparator vehlcLe upto a speed at wt tetfr,
the conparator ls already ln s.ervLce wlth satlsfactory : d
record, of stablltty or rrrth the sane vehlcLe operated. atj
a lower speed, at whtch lts safety lras been estab1l"nie"t#
track condltlons ror the two conparatt""-*li;;;;+F.ffi

{.*;' 1'tuq

t* F.-tf
H i; lffi FH*tr

slmlIar. The vehlcl-establtlty can be corisldered

acceptabJ-e upto a speed at whlch the perfornanct,,
the,vehlcle 1s aclJud.ged &s compambre.


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