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De6lgnotlon: A 394 - O5'r

Standard Specillcatlon for

Steel Transmlsslon Tower Bolts. Zinc-Coated and Barel
'rhir shd d n i$ucd uh,t r rh. rircd &eiguft$ A 191: rh. numb.i iniEdiely f.llrtqiig ln. &Jghltim tdiclcr (h. !d ot
orisinrladorrid (, in orrvirim. rh. J.I ot rs rcvnio,"a in pcntn.€! jndjcirc. tu )tu oftd E!ru(jyri..{
qEftnF.psil( G) indil.{ m diirdirl chrig. $in.. $s las brisioi d firpo3l
1kij narddd ha h..n nppx^..] tor ut t4 qatt.' 4 . D.Nnn li 4 D4lna.,
.' N@-Th. till..lBlR.2,t wa.dihriall! drir.d h o.rob.r ?006.

l. Sc:ope* 2. R€ferenced Documentr

Ll Thjs spccificalion covers lhc ch€mical and m€chenical 2.1 ASTM Stondards:
r'cquircnenl! of hex$gon und squue-icad zinc-coutcd sLecl A 153/A 153M Spccilicarion for Zinc Corri g iHoL,Dip) on
vr^rI bolli attd at nosphcric cormsion-r.sislant bolrs. ia nominal
Lon snd Stccl Hardwrrc
- fircad di$l.|c$ oI V 3h , !/t , aod I in. forusc in d'. A 563 Spccification for Carbon and Alloy Srccl NuB
constr ction of lransmission towers, substations, ond similar D 3951 Pracricc for Corn'nercial Pflckrging
stcpl structulcs. TIle various types of bolt$ corercd in this ts,{:16 Specificutiot for Hldcned S(cel $rashcr,
F 606 T?st Mcdods lbr Determining rle Ncchlnical Prop-
1,1.1 Ty,rs 0-HoGdip inc-coltcrl boks made of low or crtios of Erl€m0lly md loremolly Thrc&lcd F^srcncrs,
mcdium ca$on sreel. W{$hcrs, Dircct Tcnsion Indicstorr,. and Rivctt
1.1.2 Trpe l-Hor-dip nic-cortcd bolls nade of medium F 7834:788M SFcificanon fo( Surfacc Discorrriluiries of
cflrbon srccl, quenchcd aod tcmpcr.d. 8oh\. Scr.*^, srd Slud., lnch r d \lcr ic \(,i(!
I l,-1 ?!ac :-14'ithdrnr.m h 2005. F l4?0 Cuidc for Fastercr Snry)li g fi\r Sirecifi.d lle.hxni-
i.1.,1 htd J-tsrrc (ncodcd), qucnchc,l and t.rnpercd cal Propcdici and Pcrlblnancc fii$fcrrlorl
bolts o,il(. of tl3rl"hcring slc€I. F 1789 Tr.ininoloBy for Fl6 [icJhrni.Ll ansrr,rer\
Al ot rhis $ecincadon cove6 hor-dip zinc- C l0l Guide fo. Eslimarinf rhc ,Atntosi,lle,ic Cono,ion
coatdd (ccl luddo bolls. srcp bolts. a|d rul..)o!r-e!u pnent R.sisr.ut!0 of l,ow-Alloy Srccli
bolts. 2.2 ASM1: Stauldtds:'
l-3 \ul.
afld wasl.')is thai ffc suptl:.,i uaJ.f lbis sircrifica- Bl.l Unifed Sc.ew 'lhrc!d{
iion &at arc hot.dip zinc corted slnll ,ic jn llccrdnncc wirh [18.2.1 Sq!ffaand ]Iex B!rL\ rr,,l i 1,, ,
...4. 818.24 Pa{ ldcntifr'lng r,,i'Jmbdr (l.lN) 1r,, tjyst.rr Sr&)-
I4 Ised nr drjr sFe.ifcat:,i rru,::iircd ;r: Tcfll; dald Iir ts 18 F.srtnc l,(drcr\
nah,gy F l;JJ9.
1.5 The vrlres surcd
i in!h-no,!rl nii c ro be r'c8ffJcd 3. O.dcrin8,n
rr (llc rteod'rd. .'1incs gildr i0 trrenthcscs &r fol 3.1 Ofders for prodL,.ts undrr tbi.; stcl-ir'r-: ,r, rh:Ltlirclude
rhe follo*in8:
' '.1.6
Thc lbuo$i1rg $licry hr?unlri clvecr nctuins ooly to rhc 3.1.1 Qoantly (Ilu!$cr of bors an,l r..cri!i,flcs).
te$t nreftods podor, Scction ll. of $is spccificarjoD. frir 3.i.2 Name of pftlucts, ircluding ncccrsofi,rs soch 8s
nandod do.x not puI ott to all o! the saletr concenE, A 563 nu|s and F436 lr:ishcrs !!hcn desi.rd.
il anr, a"ociated B'ith i6 iii, 'ddtprs
lt ts th. rcqrnsibilitr o! the user 3.1.3 Dmensions, includnrg oonr',ul bolr Jiamercr und
of this sta dad to lntahlith appropriate tqlety and health lengd, For bolts oth€r thl|n tarNmission-rower bolrs, complcLc
. ! and delemtn, he a tlicabilit! ol rcEulatory linita- dinlcldons are rcquired Gec A'1trcx Al).
ltons Dnof lo |/'le.
: lor ref.Erad ASTNI rirn,l{rdi,
viNir lhe.tS llv wLhjilr
cMi&r/\6J[, cueo{d srpi!. d NcrricN@u$.or9. t$' nm/ol dot,/rJ?M
iTlrj, 3Fdnqdu is rndq rh. jEi.dictid of as'tllt cmnir@ Fl6 d lolue intmldon, d..
Jrn /dnlr ro rhc a6d'l : irclnr.d Sumo,.ry l!|tc @
PsrE6 ridn rh. did. Eqhribiliry of sub.m'nirc. F,6.02 s S@r Borb,
'Aillrhh fM) Adrnlrn Sdiory ofM.dMtricrl €ngii.dr (ASItt), ASME
cuftir cdiidtr rpproycd scpr. ?m5. Fublishsd sdpr'nbd 1l1l5 origjMly
15, Inbiltiutr' H.r&o!ib(, tlrN Arh A\r., Ndv n,Ln, fty ll)016,59911, tru,
rpt frvld in 195t. lr. F.!i@r .ddon lpprov.! in 2004 6 A 39.{ - 04.

.,4 s!.m.rt ot Ctenid &.don .pps ot rh! d of 0,tr lt trdtr.d.

,($p ass+-os'
3.1.4 Type of bolt (for example, Typ. 0, l, or 3). inteDtionally dded st'all be qucnched otrly in oil fiom $olc
Ll.4.l $hcn non-zinc-co!tcd 0lmorphcric Lorro,ion- the austeniliz;ng Gmp€rature.
resistan! se€l is required, Epe 3 bolts shsll be specified by fte 4.2.2 Typ€ 3 bolls shall be qucnched only in oil fmm above
lhe austenirizing tcmp€r8tur€.
3 1.5 ASTM designation and yc,lr of issuc. when yed of 4.2.3 ryp€ I bolt5, rclordlcss of the stccl used, and Typc 3
issue isnot sp€cifi.d, bolt6 shellbe fumishedro th€ latestissue. bolts shall be tcmpcrcd by rchcadng ro tlol less ft!tr 800'F-
3.1.6 Additioml rcquiremenb, if any, are (o be specified on 4.2.4 Cold-hcedcd tlpc 0 bolt! shall be sdess relief ll'"
nealcd bcforc zinc coatinS Io r€move cold $ork efecL! luch
3,1.6.1 Shcarsrength t€sLing ($ee 6.2.1 ard 6.2.2). lnclude that thc hrrdrcss meusucd anywhere on rh. surface or through
thc cron8"scction shall mce! rhc rcquirements in 6.1. Addidonal ies(s. 4.3 flrerds may bc rolled or cut.
3.1.6,3 Inspccdon (se€ l2.l and 12.2). 4.4 Ziic Coatinqs, Hot Dipl Ccdfication (see 14.l). 4.4.1 T$e 0 afld Type I bol$ shall bc hor-dip zinc-costcd
3.i.6.5 Tesr reports (s€e l4.l). $cco'dmce \tith thc requiremerts of Specinclrion A 153/
A l5lM, exccpt lhat fic minimum ave.age weigh( (hickncss) Ofier finish€s, spcciry othcr protccdvc linish, it of dnc coating shall bs 1.65 ozlfi'z (0.00?8 in.) and rle
minimun w€ight ofzinc coaring on any on. item shall b! 1.50

A N@ l-Exanpl.!
(l) l000squdeh€d
of dd.rinS dcsoiptjonr

trdi6ni0rion.rowcr bohs, x by 2 in.Ilpi l. hor-dip

o2l(' {0.0025 in.).
4.4.2 Bolt rhreads shall not be cut. rolled, or orherwise
finishcd aftcr zinc coaling.
ti.c coatd. shce tcstinS roquircd. ASTM A 39,1-Xt(, with hocdip
zinacort€d hqr i!k, Cnd. DH, ASTM A 561-XX,
4.4.3 Hot-dip zinc-coated ,0ts fumishcd undef SFecifica-
don A 561 shall be tapped sficr rinc co&rinB,
lr$imtiion towa bolt{, r4 by 2 in. Tt?e 0, hot-dip u inc coar.d,
( ?r I 000 4.4.4 Hot-dip zinc-cosrcdnul6 and wsshus cupplied for ure
ASTMAI94-XX, *ir[ hot'dip rinc.coarcd h.x.urs, cBdc A. ASTM widr bolls under lnis specillcr(ion iMll be zinc-coared in
A 563 -XX, lccordance with 4.4.1.
4.5 Pntection o! Uieated Sl]y'dces-Wh.n hot"dip ziDc-
(3) 1000 LaNni$ioi towd bolls, t4 bt 2 in. T,p. 3, ASTM A 194 - Xt{,
coatcd nuc are order€d, rhe curdD8 oil or so|ne oth€r suikble
virh hd nun. GEdc DH3 wcarbcing 6rccl, ASIM A 563 - XX ud vir!
2 circda vNhm, Typc 3, ASIM F 436 - XX. subsianceshall bc lefl on ftc uncosbd suface ro inhibil rusling
during shipmo!( and rnomgc. It is reconmendcd (h the
3.1.7 For eslablishmcnr of a part idcnrifrinS sysrcm. sce addiuonal lubric$r bc clcan ard ()" to the rouc,,.
ASME 8t8.24. 4.6 ?n,. (,)itg:
3.2 Re.a nrne ndc d Nut:t I 4.6.1 I1 afl.r pforcssinS which can afecl rhe mochanjcal
3.2.1 Unlcss oth. nvisc sp€cifi.i, allnu6 on rlcscbolts shall prop.rrrcs or poformr cc of thc bolrs is pcrformcd after rhe
bc bcr 6lylc ard conforn ro lhe rcquircrncn$ ofSpecificarion inidal k\tin8, rh€ bolts shall be rercsred for all specined
mcchrrical fropcrli€s rnd perfomarce requiremenK atr cr€d
Nurc'!d. Ft.'sh
a hor.drp tinc.coar.d 4.6.2 Whcn tlrc secondary pro.€ssiirg is h..r rea!,nenl, rhe
oH hoid p :iicdarod bol( sht l bc lcstiod for ull sneeifled Foperrics.
Hot-dip ziflc-coatcd bolLi shall be reired for .ll $pe.ificd
-A. 3.3 Reconuvndcd \tushc, s: mech nical propcnies.
:r.3.1 Suihble washers for use \rirh T}?e 0 are hocdip
zinc,coated carbotr-steel washcB wirh dimensions rnar .re D 5. Chcll|lcal Compdslrlon
accodance wjth Specificarion F436. Suirabl€ wasners ror use 5.1 Type 0 and Type I bolrs sllall conforn ro thc chemical
$irhType I bol6 a'. hor-dip zinc-coared Typc I hardened"sreet comp$ition re+'irelnenc specidcd in Trblc I.
washers rhal arc in accordancc with Spccification F436. 5.2 Typ€ 3 bolc shall conform ro onc ol rhc ch.mical
Sujlable Mshers for usc wi(h Typ€ 3 bolrs arc Type 3 composinons specified in T0blc 2. Thc &lccrion of ihc chcmi-
hdrdcn.d-rlecl warherg ihar are in accord0hc6 \rlirh Sp.ci6ca- cal cornposrton A, B, C, D, E or F shall bc at thc optioD of rhc
tion F416. boll manufaclurel See Cuidcc l0l for mc$ods ofestinuring
lhe 0tmospheric corosion re6islmcc ot loly alloy stcch.
4. Mrtoriak ond Manutoclurc
4.1 Srcil for tlc m[n u iacrurc of bolts shall bc madc by rny 6, Mechadcal Pmpertlej
of rhe followin! procccscir opcn,hcsrrh, ltcctric-firnacc. or 6. 1 Tearlolr ?lir-Tytrcs 0, I , and 3 bolrs havinS a lengrh
equul to or morc thon 3 dimrelcrs sha.llbe wedgctcnsion t!M6d
1.2 Heat Trcahult: a., spccificd in ll.l
and shall conform 0o the rensile strcngth
4 2. I
Typc I bolts prcduc€d fro Ncdium carbon srccl stratl requircmenrs in Tlblc 3. Zinc-coatcd boks shall b. lcsred $ftcr
be quenched in a liquid mcdiorn from above dre ausr€nizing r
coalin8.Ilolrs r short for fullsirc testing of fl])r orhef re0sons
tcrrpc.aturc. Type I bolt prcduccd fron ncdium carbon slccl not subject 10 tcnsion (csts, shall neet the following hudnesr
to which chromium, nickcl, molybdenlnr, or boron wc|c
{ff rrs+-os"
TAALE 1 Cnl|!{cd iaqohan nL |nd tLd larldng.


TAALE 2!l Rlqulrs.nri ior typ€ 3 H€lvy H.r Slructu|,l

0.19-O 26


; 0.05 nrr
0,00 mlr
a s, c, D, E, rnd F .'o drs. or m.r.'ttr urd rd ry9. 3 b. .. S.rromn O r au rr,arr u rr nr ogn;" d ,--'b"tr - --:;;.,,
!fta!..r€m..rg r. nor.p.ct6d o' deur.d ^ ,

t4 -.- - !?_?cug.4h5,e9l-'
rAelE 6t ng!h,
z\'" A u" r,r.r Non'n.r
------7--ijffi ifi;G;lt- '
l3 \ gO
- tOO h.
Typ.o-Roci!! rlpe Tt?d.
'?!1ili,,1,i,;u,u A.
1 and

6.2.1 $tlcn sp..ifed_in rhe orisinal inquiry and ord€r, bgrf.. 5,U_.
31133-_ l.r;}?i;
in I _111l iriii
cxcept as crclud€d in 6.22. shall b€ shcar irr.ngrh teslcd" 1i,133

. rwo $l'"_.",0",.n. *o
6.2.2 BolrN wilh.unrhr€ad€d body lenSrhs nhorter tlan

li.lfiS..tTi:ll-1X.1lHii"l;Xi,lti';'iLli''lll',itfifli ";#xr"*;ai;;..",,.""
plicr a6 to karinS ncrhod ond dhcnr srcngih vatrar. ""."",, Lrsr= 0,00,'qk
. : o"4S4K,
TABIE4 Slr.nllh. 7.3.3 Th. gasing limir for boks shall bc verificd durinr
manufacture.ln case ofdispure. a calibrated (hrcadring gageof
thc same size a! the oreFize limn in ?.3.! (Clnss X tolcr.rnce.
Nomha srz.i snqoshosr sn96shrdr glDcL 6lid sligro 6hmr gage toleranc€ plut shall bc used 10 Vcrify compliancc. Th!
i^. sr,.igih scr{ih srBnoth sl4nslh gage shall assemble wnh band effon followiDg applicarion or
Tnrcugh Thrcugh Ttuouch Thbuli light machine oil ro prevent gallins and damrge to tle 8age.
aody, ThE d! Body,
rbtr tbr. These inspections, when pcrformed to resolve conrolersy,
-b-t't 6sso lY. 9o0o 4ruJ e35o shall bc conducted at thc frcqucncy spccificd in the qualily
., '" :- ).
y.. r.50-.,,r'rr0o(lr.l150ro
, 13650- assurancc prorjs:ons of ASI,IE Bl8 2.1.
r (a n 20 250 qr fr! 2?.50
\' P?"' 23150.;rF,
I 30.00 _\fl u.\31€ oro Lt). k'! I crr?
8. [brknnnship
3 30 nrl " B@d on 55 200 pd udll rh.& st.ngrh acros. thn aba at mol ot lhro6ds. 8.i Surfnft di$continujry limit, efTlpes I and 3 shatl bc in
"c 8ed M.5€40
od Lri.r6a Etranoh ado$ rf6 mtr.1d o's accordincc*ilh Spccificarion F 788/F?E8lit.
arhd or pr uri sr€ar s
! Bdrod o.7d i00 p. Jr r sr €a' sr6-sr. a( ds6 t o ra rat!'oa
9. SrmpllDS
7. Dlinanslorrs 9.1 Tenin8 Respo sibilitr:
9.1.1 Erch krl shall he rened by lhe m3nuf! prior ro
.-\ 7.1 Bolt $r€ads, beforc zinc coadnS, sholt be $c urjticd $hipn€nt jn accordance wirh the to! identificstion conlrol
carrsc rhrcad sedes and Class ?A rolcrancc |s dcfincd in rhe
qualitt lssuranc. plln in 9.2-9_4.
ldlcst issue of ASI\,IE 8t,1.
9.1.2 Whcn bolts fie furnishcd by u source othu rhln |nc
7.2 801(s shall be fuU,sizc body in codomancc *i1h rho
Danufacrure., the responsibly parry as dctincd in Sccrion I.5
lal€sr issue ofASME B18.2.1, excepl r}ur the fult-body lcD8rh
slrall be rcsponsible fof ass rirg llll lesl! have becn perfornred
listed in Tablc 5 shall bc fte basis of manuficture and aid the bol$ conrply \rilb drc r.quircmcnrs ofthis spc.ificarion
inspection, Unlcs$ oth.rwise specified, hex botrs shall be (sce 4.6).
fu.njshed. Ends oi bolts need nol be chamfered or poinied.
9.2 Purpase of Lt h{pe.tio,-Thc puQosc ofa h! insljcc,
1.3.1 U(oated-:lherc shatl bc the Unifed Coafsc Thrcad
tion pro8fdm is io cnsue ftr! cach lor confoFs to fte
rcqunemcnts of lhis specilicution. For soch a plan lo be fully
Series us spccificd in ASME Bt.i, and shatl hare CIas$ ZA
etrcc(ive, rr r\.\senLirl rhnt tsccondJry prmerinr:, Jh'!..,utoh
and f'urchas€rs ma:..rain rhc identifict|ion and inlcgrit} otcach
7.3.2 Coal.d-Unless orlc*isc spccificd, zinc,coabd bohs
lo( (ntil the producr is insrdlcd.
Lo bc used with zinc,coared nu|! or lapp€d holcr rhar r,€ tnp|[(r
9 3 Lot [tttlr).1-Al1 bdts !ha]t be processcd ;i h.i , r. drlr!.
oicrsize. in accordancc wirh Spccinca on A !6.t. lnal hrvc
Class 24 thfeads bcfore hol'dip zinc-coxling. Aire, ziic-
wnl a kn idcnLincatior"conrol quatity assurlnr. rt; . Ttrc
,nxnulrclrrcr. sc.ondary processor, and disfjbulr! jl.rir id .
coati'r;, lhc n imuN limils ofpirch and mtjor di{r4er:hrfl
not exrecd drc Class ?A linri( by more drrn ll,d iblk,rling
rily ,rd r,,Lrirtlin rhc inrcg.iry o, each produlli ,|l r,,, ,,, bollr
firm riw ora(eriil scleclion ftrou8h aU proccs(inr op.rarjoh,
hr:J ,rcaln)cnr\ r,) finrl packlgi.g ard shipnrcr, Eo..h l,.r slhlt
bc rssiSrtcd ih o{o kr-idenri{ication nur,b(r, en.h t!i srra t!
Lested, aDd the inspccrion resl rcporrs lo, cici: iJi Jri bc

9.4 Lo! Defnition- A bt shalt bc n qu.nrily ol u iquely

identjlied bolts of rhe sanrc lonlinrl size ,rnJ le;Erh
consecutjvely at fic inirial o,rc!{i(lll tioDl a sin:jte , lt lcat ot.
^ hor.dip zinc.@ltod nurd arc r.pp6d 4.r.l.o ![.' @lino. tnarerial and ptoce$ed rr ore rine, b) dre sarne prccess. in Lhe
same mannd so thar starisric.l sanpting is vatid. Th. idenriry

T BLE 5 L.ngth oi Fuit Bodytor aott.

NoE-Follbadv k lhc dlstcnc. f'!D rhr Dnilc8irjc olrh! bca{j io 6c fi^r $.at(h of rhrcdd for boh6 rid mr.linc,cur lrrads or ro rop oirhr.xtrusi.n
(n8r. tur
bohN leith rollcd $r.(dtr $i$ 4 rata.l|nce r/ tt4r i,r. ror rizs % in. thr.rlh ,

2 and ro.lor h yLl., h0Dmont6

1b "- " id . -t"
i c -50 or1 2U-
"'- ", 160 rml
. O-
1/tr- 6tflrrn 38-
:;, - 70 o^c .A- ::4- 3I .i- 38-
rc ,li F{n 3tj-
rA- r.- .
l!\ .8\l fnM AE
of the lot and lot jntegrity shall bc nflinuincd lhroughour rll 12. Inlpcotlon
subseqlenl opcrulions and p cl ging. l2.l li the in$pection d€scribed in l:.2 is required by thc
purchaser ir shflll bc lpc€ificd in $c jnqujry and conlrlcr or
10. Number of Tes.6 $nd Retesh
l0.l Thc numbc! of rcsrs rnd rclcso ftonr crcn lot for lhe 12.2 Thc purchaicr's rcprcscntadv€ shall havc frcc enrry ro
tests $pecilied shlll bc us ibllo!,rsl all pans of lbc meoufacturcr's vorks, or supplicr\ plrcc ot
Nlnbr ol Lsr3 ln Acdd:n6 Unln
businels, tlat conce'n fic manufacrure or suppl) of thc
maorial ordered. Thc manufacturer or supplic. shalt atlbrd rhc
purchasc/s rclrcscntnrjvc ,ll rcasrnable fac;lilics ro s;rrisli
6u d6 F 1170 appri6€ onry rt sh66r o06iClh him rhar the marerill is bcing fumished in accordsncc wirh this
k 6pocldd m Fudr@ order specification. All tesrs and insp€crions requircd by rlc $pclifi-
carion that are requcsred by rhcpurchaser's rcprcscnrativc shall
bc madc beforc shipmcnr, dd shall bc conducrcd as nol lo
interlere unneccssaily with fte operarion of he manufidur-
er's works or supplier's ploce ofbusincss.
11. T€st Methods
1J. Rej€ction rnd Rehearing
ll.1 Hardners a Tenrile:
,^, 11.1.1 Test$ for iardness md tensilc srfcngrb shall l3.l Disposirion of nonconforminS botts sha be in accor-
d0ncc with tle redion on Disposition of Nonconformir\g Lols
conducted in mcordrncc $iih Tcsr l,llthods F606.
of Guid. F 1470.
ll.l 2 Bolrr rcsred full 6izc sh|ll be r.stcd using ttre wedge
Fr.clurc shall bc in dc bodj or thrcads of$c bolr
Lcnsion lest. 14. Certlncrdon
without 0ny fracturr at ftejuncrion of ihc head and body. l4,l When specified on $c purchssc order, rh€ manufac-
IL l.l For bolrs on wbich both hardncss and t€nsion lcsr6 (ucr or srppucr. whi(hc\cr is rhc pdry rs dcfincd
rrc pe/brmed, acceptance based on renljlc r€qoirements shdl 'csponsiblc
In Sccrion 15. {holl iuflish lhc purch*er a re.r rep,,rr rhrr
take prccedence in fte everr of low hud;ess readings. includcs rhc followins:
lJ.2 Shear Testl 14l,l Hcnt nalysh aDd heal nun)ber,
ll.2.l BolLr shall bc iinglc shear i€sled eirher through the 14.1.2 Rcsulh of hardncss and tcnsite tesls, and shcar €ns
urrhreaded poiion of the shank or through 6e rhrcrds lls uhon spe.ificd on thc purchase ord€r.
specified in lh€ ord.r. Holes in rh€ shear plares shau bc %a in. 14.1.3 Zinc coedng mc0srrcd claring wcighy'rhick css for
laBcr iJian (hc noftinal rhread diamererofrbe lcst boh and lhc
hol€s 6hall bc chanrfcrcd h1 in. to relicv. sharp .dgc5. Shcar !4.1.1 S.arcrncnr of compliarce of visual spcction for
plarcs shull bc prelcnlcd scparariDg by mclns of q su face discon luirie! (Secrion 9),
suirnble jig or by LrrinE a rul on dc lest bott righr€ncd fingef Strtcnkrl uf comptiance wirh dnn.nsrornr and
lighr. lhread 1ir rcquitcmeolr,
l4.l 6 I ol nDir,rcr .rnJ pJrchr.e orJcr nLnrbd.
i1.2.: Mounl thc resr specimen in a tcr$ije-tcsting mlchi0.
crpable of applyinS toad at a conrrofubte rsrc. Use s€jf-
14.1.? Co plcr ailirg addrcss of responsibtc pa y, 0nd.
ultgning Srips and lake care wh€n mouniing ihe specimcn ro Title rnd signar'rrc of re jndivjdual .rssigncd ccfli
ficatioD respc,nsihitity by rhe cornpany oiiocr!,
,^\ assure rlat fte load will bc rransmitr.d in a slraigbt tine
tmnsven€ly througb lhe tesr botr. Appty toad and continu€
14.1.9 Failurc ro includc athc requirat intbnnfltion ot] rhc
lesi repon shall be cause for rcjccl;on.
unli] failure of rhe bolt. Spetd of resrirg s de!6min€d $irh a
liee running cross head shali bc no less rhao ya in. nor greatcr 15. Responsibiliiy
than , in./min. l5.l Thc parry responsible for fte flslener sha be lhc
l l.2 3 Thc m0rimun lod applled ro fie ipcc,men corncr- organizarion rhJr rupnhes rhe flhr.ncr ro (l.e purchaser and
dcnr wirh or prior to botr failure, shalt bc .e.ordcd as ihe shc$ ccrrifi.s drar rhe fa.rcn.r sa manufacrurcd, sampt.d, ralcd
strengft of thc bolr. 8nd Inspected in accordancc wjrh $is speciticatio, and mecrs
I I ,2..1 Tcstr nccd no( be conrinu.d ro desrruc on prclided all of its requncments.
thu( tbc spo.jncn supporr$, wirhout cvidenceofbolt tailurc, fte
16. nroduct Marklng
minimum shcar load spccified in Trbtc 4.
l).1 Weisht and Thicknets of Caattng: l6 |Bllt herds shall bc mrtcd ro idenlrfy rhe Do rlpe is
spccihed In hbte t. rhe mrrrufactunr or pavate Iab€t dh(6bu-
ll.3.l Wcighr of coaring or rhickDess of corting shr bc tor, as ippropdnt€. and lhe nominal lergth in jnches and
detcrmined by the methods described in Speciiicatjon ,{ t53l
A I5JM. For puposes ofconvenion! from coudng
to weight of coating, L0 o/fiz of hot-dip shslt b6 conridcrcd
16.2 Thr moufrcrurer may {dd ldirional ,tisringuishinS
markr to tftc hok hcad.
equjvalenr lo 0.0017 in. The lcsr for rhickncss ofcoating sball 16.3 AII mfikings shatt bc to0nlcd on rhc top of the bolt
bc tnade on I ponion of$c boli thar doe* or inchde any head $)d nray bc raiscd or dcpresscd at the ofrion of rhc
16.4 Type cnd manufacturcli or private Inb€l dastribrlor's l7.l 4 Wlen special packrSinS rcquiremenrs arc r€quired,
identifcation shall bc scp8rslc lnd dislincl fic lwo id€ndfi- $.y sh$ll h€ denned at 1b€ rinc of rhc inquiry and order.
cations shall pr.fcrably bc in ditrerent locaiont llnd, $ben on t1.2 PactuBe Ma*itt(l
fie same l€!el, shall bc scpN0r€d by at lea,rt two spaces. 17.2.1 Each shippirg unitshrllinclude orbe nlainly
16.5 Ac.cttuncc Ct?ria-Bolts which &re rrot marked in 'narkcd
wjrb thc following informutionl
accordsnce }ilh rhcsc provisions shall be considered noncon' ASTM designation rnd type,
foming rod subjcct to tejection.
11.2.1-2 Sizc,
I7. Pockrglng rnd PsckaFe varklng Narne and brund or rmdernarl ofdre m0nu1h.rursr.
l?.2.1.4 Number of pieccs,
l?.1.1 Unlcss othe ise speciJicd. packaging shall be in Purchase order nuorber, and
accordrnce with Praclice D 395l.
l?.2.1.6 Counq of oriSin.
17.1.2 Wben hol dip zinc'coalcd nuis and bolts ar€ ord.rcd
rogerher. they shall he shipp.d nsscmbled unless odcnvisc
18. KeJRo.ds
17.1.3 When nuLs ard bolts lll. ordcred rceether, thcy rhall 18. I bohs; carbon slccl; neelr llansmisiioo ro*eri *eadrer-
b. shipp€d i. lhc ssm. conlainc'.


(Mlndotory Infonfl .(on)


Al.l Dlmcnsions of bddcr bolls. step bolK. and Al.3 Allolher r.quiremcnts r.lating (o processinS, proter
equipment-soppon bolls shall bt spccifi.d by tle purchaser. ries, rcsiing, and inspecrion shsll bc in accordance r+ith
Spccifrcation A 394.
Al.2 Boks shdl bc Typc 0 unlcss oderwjsc a8r.ed upon
bet\ t}e manuflcturcr nnd thc purchaler.


Comniltee Fl6 has identified lhe location of telcrilcd ch!$8es to this siaDdard since the I$t issrre, A 394 - 04, lh lt
impact the llsc of lhis rlanderd, (Approvcd sftL 15 2005.)

(./) Deleted Typc 2 low carbo midensite $tcel bohs. (8) nevi\ed 12.2, lnsFccrio!, pcr lutc( wo jii!.
(?) Addcd 1.4 invokinS Terminology F 1789. (9) Revised Scction 13, Rcjection nd lichcaring. pcr lrtesl
(J) Deleted mechanical.dcpositcd process as a coaling op€ra-
(.10) Rcliscd Sccdon 1.1, Cenificrtion.lo it€mizc reportable
(,1) Added 4.5. Prorccdon of Unco:ued Surfices-
(5) Added 4.6 covcfi8 siconduy proccssing. (.lr) Tlhlc 2 Cheftical Conposition Tlpe I bolts r€viscd to
(t Rcliscd 7.1, Thrcads, and d.lctcd Tablc 6. Sarnple Sizes mu(ch sume labl€ ss Specification A 325.
and Acccptancc Nunbcrc for Inspccdon of Zinc Coated (r2) D.lctcd Tablc 7, Sarnple Siz.s and Acccpbnce Numbers
Threads. Applicd ASME 818.2.1. for Mcchunicul and Coatin8 Thickncss Tests. Applied Guide
(O Added Scction 9, Sllmpling. F 1470 for mc.hanicsl rests and ASME for coaling lhickness
(7) Add€d Section 10, Number ofTesis.
Commrucc Fl6 has identified lhc localion of s€l€ctcd changes lo this slindtrd sincc lhe lasl isst.. A 39,1- (x), th r may
implct he use of lhis standard. (Approved Aug. l. 2001.)

(,1) Revised Section 15. Rcsponsibility.

AsftU tnton^tbLt t.kot tu .osnb^ osp.tue tt6 @Nhr ot t r 9.Ld ME eo,t d k Nnottb. rlh .hy l@ Mthi.4d
.t.ndrd us6 ot l,\b .tthddtd .E otEt ttty
th thie that d.tantnttlon ot l o vatidtfy ot t^t teh ,tt hl dthtt, ,N k. ttsk
.t hnrE nnt .t tu.h ttght , .E d^ltt y th.t oM @psttbtt'ty.

thtt 6t nd.d t 8!bJ.d ta G^ian dt tt y tnb b! t\t t4po6hh tenh@t @ndtd@ and Mt bt 6wnd .re4 ti6 y.66 .nd
tt@tEwdd,.nh.t4t@@vo.!ot* 6dt m YNt@m..'stt hv.d.nnfi'otE'st notr4b6bNttddh,t)dtton^t6t.nddd6
.dd thorld b addt s.d to AsfM t.t.ttuttodtt H$dq@n B. Yolr @6tun15 dn 6ct@ @otul @Nid.tttbn rt t n otino ol th.
6.to8tbb l..hnt,t @hnfrtoe, whtch nu n y a 6id ll y.u tdt thtt tod @Nn,l idv. not Mtttd . l.t hM rtu shauri
Nk, yon vbw ktum ta tt9 ASIM Cannltd on sttidtd., .t ,r. tddt@ .han btbw.

fhb a @r,alghtad by AsfM tnlottuIotuL tN B.t B.tbd otj|', Po aot c700, wNt caqhohe,ln, P |9423c959,
'ttdtd tndLldEl69r1nt5 (6t1d. ot ttufript' @pt .) ol thlt .t Nlttd n y b. oddi@d by @nt dtg asf$ .t t\. sbow
.d@a{ ot d a10432.eSa5 htuN) A1A-A32.q555 (td), at .. i@a8tn.oO (..n ); e rriElgn h. AS|M *ebstte

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