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lltstGN ANI rESrS 0r A

H.tlltBtt'lrN0 Arnr0rr

[y L.M.M. B0erila[s and PC.M. van den B0rne
Del1l, The Nclhcrlands
Prcscntcd r1 the l9l h OS I lV (lofgre$
Ri.ti.ltrl\,. 1985

I INl R()t)t (ll{tN I)u. to r..odyrrdric lordi.g lhe l.rilii! cdAc cable dc'
At Ihe Delh Linivcrsil! ol Icchnobgt Lo$ Spccd Lrbor. Rccrs iorN! dnd u|\rrrd bcl*.cf th. li\ed root rnd tif
lor) ( 1-Sl-) rn invcstigrtion sls ferlormcd 1o dcsien rnd lcn !lt.chmcnL poinls, lcrdirg t{) r rcducliod ol rrgl. ol rrt!.k
r flc\iblc rirloil ior srilsing !pplicrlioD The s!il$i'rg, Iig- rnd incrersc ol thc rmoun( oi cNnrbcr ld thc uisuffortcd
urc l, consisls ol a .igid lerding cdge strr.lip rnd root rihs. r $ifg rcclio \ in bel$eeo. As r resuLl, lhc sfrn lilL dislribu
l.liling cdge clble lnd r cldh me rb.rne $trppcd xnrund tion !nd i.duced d.rg i\ \ubslailial\ comprrrble lo lhe rigid
lhc lerding edge xnd xthchcd to thc tmiliig cdgc. ldming sing rnd closc to th!r oilhe ellipli.,loplimufr. Lrilikc rIr.\
rhe upl)cr xnd lowcr srilsurlNc$. Since thc inlroduclion o1 ncriblc wine designs. Lh. rncmbrr.c tcnsion Orodu..d br lhe
thcs!ih!insblPriDceronUniversil)nr 1918(l)\c!cralrheo- F.d-lenrioned tr.iling edgc c.blc pror cs srxbili\ to Ihc sril
rcticNl xnd cxperimcnldl irrveniguriof s htive been 0erlordr.d su.Jices, lhus !llo$irg the srihriDg to opcr!1. snroothll
(:.3,,1.5,6). Amo.g the results obt,ii.d, thc iillowing rrc ol through conditiofs ol 0osilive and lilL.
'l hc light wcighr. sinrflc constructioi. lo* cons rnd good

f ir rill
Double !rarpcd .ri I m.mLr.,r.

I)c:ri gn aj.Ioi L
l'lixr:mum cinrb.r

Figure l. Slilsine,

VolLrnrex,No 7 5i


-t rc


Cq) q,
C loc CC] OO J'])C

2A 40 60 8u t 00
x(7"c )

Figtrre 2. Strpe and prcssure disrriburion of ! flexibb ,nfoil l[

xerodyi.rdic pcrlornrance m.kc thc sril*ing suilable lor rlly *ill dillercnr un0cr lid lowd surl!ce conrt)ur. ,t iot
los spccd rftlicrlions !s *indmills. sailine bodrs, hrig- ticld dcsi.ablc prc*urc dinriburiois resuLG *.rc
glidcrs, ultrrliShts or lighl1veighl srilpl!nes (which nrighr oblrjned by Nlrrai and M!rur! rr (4)r (lrc! Lhr
b.idge thc gip bcl*cen thc pcrhdnxf.e o1 hrng glidcrs dnd \c ol lhc nosc shane ol thc NA( A 6.1l 2 ririoil T|i\ rLr l,r
hrs r concr\c lt*cr surirce. ulrich j\ rlDlcrl lir r llejjrlc
Thc frcs.dt i.resligrlion is locusscd on thc th.orelic!l xirloil. rnd ils shrpc is delincd bl nlnc drrrhcnrlicrl .rf.t,
desigr xnd cxpcrinrcitrl !e.ilicrlioI oi a fleritrlc !irJoil lo. sions. Lhus ne|ing rh. r.!!irciner(s tur rhc d.\.rinr ion ot thr
su.h r sxil$ing rffli.rtioi Scv.riLl t@l\ werc uscdl fosc sh!pc if rhe Jlcriblc !irio,l coDt!lcr In)!rr. dc\cl
the Lruilirg cdge.rblc d.Jlcctbns rnd {edsion\ ol {hc oped br den BocJ I order ro ohLrif r \nroolI ll.{rbl. ! rr'oi
airlordcd srillri.g crlc!l.lcd rccording lo the p.occ shrl)e \rilhout dLscoiLiIuil) in curvrl!re r1 lhc nrcnrhrr.e
drr. gNcn b) Ororisto.'!ere (l):
sctrtrlror rrcr ! suitrble lrrnritirlr L. thr rcrNr tr l)l
rhc lle\iblc NirloilshrlLs iiid fressurc distributio.s wcJe (hc strr hrd to bc dcigiea The rcsulrin! \hrl)e ol rhc r..Lr
.rlcuLled b) 1hc itcrition drclhod derelopcd b\ dei Bocr prn, slro{f ir l igurc l. crrr be e\fro*od tii tol}nirnirt\
ih' Ino'l,r,., "l r''. .1 ,, -, 'l."t ,. r,. wherc conl.riis in (hc lim ol conlin!itv ol Lh. lt^r and
thc LSL rir liril rnrll \i\ r,,d desig. conrturcr pJog.r.r (7)r stco l dcrilrti!e ol the lcldidg e.jge corlour ujc idrt\eil
|: lhe lcs(s scr. pdlirm.d i,r lhc low spccd lo$ lu.b!lercc upof the dcsiSn ol rhe lrrnsition !r.r I1 $!r decided rLi lifrir
, 'l .n cl ,l Lr, t r ,,,, , r \( J.F ,r l rf ,,.. , -., lhcchord$isee\Lcdt.l LIclcrdingcd!cs0rrroaboul 20'i 01
Delll^ll\ ol lichnolog\
2. AIRFOIL l)USt(;N For lhc dcsis. ol Lh. llc\il)lc frrL somc brsi. w .t derisn
lVIrin dcsigr fr..rnrercb. rvhich cxn cflcctilelI be used tor , .h t"i,,.or,,I.rtr
'I.r' wirh rn rsfecl rrlio ot 8.5,10 '.r t^-.
lhc design ol tl.xiblc xlrlbil\. !re (hc shapc ol rhc .igkl lcrd srilsing be uted ld hrig gtidcr
irg edee sprr !nd thc lc.glhs ol 1lre utpcr Nnd lo$,cr surt.e !ppliu1im({ireloddii! l5 Nirnrlor i iTlb /llr)srscho
nierrbrtnes Thc! *ill bc discused ii lhis seclion. lolknv.d rer. r\l rcst rhc trriling.dge hr!. prrrboLic shrpc rrd rhc
b! so re !i\.ous llow calcuhlidr rcsulrs .rble prc Lcnsion inrp.rts l conslrnl chordsisc srll frc-le.
siof rlong lhc span (1he lrrilirg.dge de\ign shrpc txnmclcr
Ltdling.dgt \t)ar ds d.ti.ed try Omislor (l) is 0.2). llider ncrd) fl ighr cof dj-
An inrpodlnt critcrion in th. d.sign ol lhc rigid lcrdiig tions. where thc is rel.lcd Lo rh. lilt.oellicient ruch
edgc is lo posrforc su.ri.,r) pe!ksut ro hilh rnsles ol xtuck. lhr( lhc xdn l. nrmic Lord i\ corsllnL, it m,,y be r$umcd
Also. lor drrg rcr$ns. disconlinui(ics if cunrlurc rt rhc thrt lhc rddilio.rl crblc d.llccliof rnd clorgilion ot Lho
points {herc lhe mcmbrxnes tRn rhe strr should mei,brrncs is indel)endent ol thc ol rtrrck Trkiig thc
hc lvoid.d Since in pructicrl 'ctarrlc
sril$ing !pplicrrion the eerli unkno\1f inrc ral sirg pres rc cqurl 10 lhc rnrblcnr nrcs
crllcficctidrolthe rembrrncsiidco sequenlh rhcirtoiir surc.lhe design is reduccd ru llndiiS lhc opliD!.r
ol scprrdlidr vrrics xlonA the qinS strn. a certriD chordwisc menrbfu.. lenglhs, in rclrtio. lo rerodvn!nic pcrtdmrnce
vrri!rjon ol thc nrcnrbfune seprrrtion poifl hds lo bc trkcn rnd requircd crble pre tersion. rr rll n!ri{)ns rlong rhc sprn
irtorccounl. A thi xspccl, dclining (hc chordrise erlend ol The nexiblc double nrcmbfufe ri.loil conrf rer progrrnl
thc sp!r, n ol srruclu.ll ndture, \incc lhc mcnb.!ne\ rnl xfd thc LSL xirloil !d.l)sis rnd design conpuLcr prrgranr
trrilirg cdgc.lble introducc x b.ddiig noment in th. s0r I ol' $crc used crlcrsiv.L\ lbr lhis purpose. First. rh. srit$irg
shichrhcmrjo..o rponcrrt is !ctirg i. the Fhne ol rh. Niig. ''rvchge !i.1oilsectioi. denoled by A,n F_lsure t, $ !s srud-
Tle nron simflc lerding cdge s0!r liom lhc manrirctur iedi lhc dcsigf lil1 cocllicicni \ras 1 0 r( r Relrolds number
iigpoi.tol vie$ is ! ci.cul!r lubc Fi8ure?presenrsN lypicrl
prcsur. dislribulion 1o. rhis llpc ol lcrding edge. lliowing
undcsirrble $ctioi pelks on lhc nosc. Mrnl xtrenrtrs. uslng
inclinc.l cllipticdl rfd sufeFelliplicrl cross scdb.s, eveilu-


lrigur€ l. DesiCtr shrpc of luding €dge sll'r

Fieor(,r. Ddnirio. of sladn*.

o10.9 X 1{ld. Ne\1. (rking inlo rccounl Ihc ho /onlNl nd 'lhc tfuiUr! cdgc cdblc lcrrsion !nd conscqucnlly thc strn
lenicnl deflccrion df lhe lrailing cdgc crhlc along thc sprn. *isc sril*.ing .rmber .rc (licrrt(al hy lh€ loscr $!rfrce slick
thc m ximum and mininunr cambcr seclions. dcnoled h) Ll ness onlli d clblc !rc(cnsion ol dhoill .1 kN is rcquired.
rnd ( in Figurc l, $er. chccked Thc finil dcsigr uirloil shrrpe rnd pressure dislribulion al
It rppearcd thxl Ixvorrble p.cssure dislribulnrns lbrcxlen- r:5o is prcscnled in Figure 5 togelhcr \rilh lheNA(lA
si\e lnmi rr flow on thc uDpcr $rlrce coLLld bc chicvod b) 64ll rh!r unli trcssu.e disrribulion. Iri8ure 6 ilhstrrles
using ! sli.lincss dclined in t'igorc 4 olrbout l55.i.e a ho$ lfie ilcxiblc shrtD ch.r8cs sill rnale ot atlrck.
lotrlupper sdilleigth ol l0,l.7'i chord. Thc me'nbrrne rcn L'i\ro t .^ 1111loti/)n ns lt\
vrs found lo bc rl ost indel)cnLlcnl ol lhe sLrckness rnd tigure 7 trescnls lhc rc()dynNrnic chorucleris(ics ol lhe
i'nounr€d to rboul ll0 N/m. At thc lowcr !,rlrcc s,r)(i)lh llexible airloil dcsiSn and thc rigid NA(:A 6412 airloil s
pres$rr. dinributi!'nr 1or lnnrinrr llo$ up Lo lhe lrNil;r8 cdge . r. ..1,, ft1 r,' r' 1.r.rnr r,d B()n.'lu. unrb(( rrro.d:nF ro
.ould bc rchicrcd Nl rll \lrliois rl{nrg thc strn b! reduciir: F\' . r'.J lr'6 /( | D' lh( I sL r.r ^r .rn rl) .i..rnJ Jentl
rhe rlNckness brlo$ 0.0()'i ro 0O7r? (tnal snil lcnSrh
101.1'r,c), rcsullif! in r nrcmbrrfc rerrlorl ol rhout ll0 N/ Thc Fencr l beh vbur ol lhc now is si ril!. li)r both aiF
,,, l)uc llr( ' ,.,11 !r, h(r rr rrrrr,'1,,..1. ,( .ii, \cr\ ibils.Il thc li{i cocllicicnl is reduccd thc boLrnd.r! lLiter
\ensiI\. 'ori) slackncsi. ^ lransition positnln on lhc loscr surhce nroves rapidl) lb.
llcci,rsc oJ thc dill.rcrrl ufpcr rnd lowcr surlrce rrcF va NtCL - 0.8 crusingrL,r incrcaseolthedmgcoemcicnt.
brunc lcnsioos lh. sril clorl hrs ro hc li)(ed rl lhe lcading Ar lili ccllicicnls rbo!.e lhe l(Ne. surlicc is complctclt
cdgc, litr irst.nce i the sNy x sdil is llxcd to thc nrrsl ol . l.ninrr On (hc uptc urhrceollhe ficxihlc airloilthc trxn
sri!ing bort. lhi\ will irlrdiucc some bcrl disturtrr ccs silion po\ition gfudually rnovcs torr!ard with iicrcNsifg lift
$hich trrighl cruso rurbulcnl llt)$. A thcorericrl r lysis cmni(( nr. slxrlin! .'r tumr hLra"(. I h( d'lI(rcn.c in p'.su'r
hxscd on thc .rilic l Rc!.olds nu bcr.onccpt J,.rrih-riun.. ,rJ(rr( I .,' I iU ( 5. ( u'(: (,rl,ct I,on
\howcd 1firl I mrrirnum ioughncrs hcighl of 0 Iti choftl is on lhc upper surJicc oi NACIA 6412 rl positivo lifl coeli
t l,rlrrd lu t,rcsrr\( hrni,,.tr flu\r n.nvi,ltd lhrr ,ls no!l'on cicnls rnd consequcnlly r hisher drns @(llicicnr. Thc mrxi
is N1 1.5'Zc ol the lowcrsLulrce (i.c. jusl h.hind thcstrgnx mLrfl 1i11 cocliicient ol llrc flexiblc rirfoil is prcdictcd slighrly
Lion Doinl rt high xnslcs ol xltdck). hiphcr lhar lor thc NACA rirloil.


t ll

Fig!r(5.Shrprr dprc\!urr(li{lrihutionort[0fic\iblr!irtoildcsiSn
, rl.ulsrud. ( t,,nr- lr s 'igid\1( t64t!rt--5!.

60 It( HNia^ !{l^l( N(;


I i[u'( o.I rlcuhldl fi(\ihh dc\itn rirroil \ rl.

.}. WINI)I'I]NNEL ]'LS'I'S could bc v.ricd somc mm. The Jnernbrxne wds lired to lhc
ieading cdge b) doublc slicking tap.. Bolh the leading edge
Th.1wo dincnsionrl nrodclsprn ed tle Ridth ol the 1.s1 .nd the trailiigedge prn could bc rnxlcd and their disiance
sccthi ( 1.80 nr) Nrd hrd .n rdiu(rble chod lcnsth ol nbout ,prrt could be varied. Br' thcsc mcrns il rvxs fossible to ad-
0 l6 nr. s sho$n ir thc $o\rsection, Figurc 8. thc nosc pNrl just or v!ry the airloil shape wilhoul intc. changing thc
consists ol N r)relal hr. xnd r {'oodcn lclding cdgc sh.pcd wrappcd xn)und mcnbfune. Tle.rcnrbr!ne consisls ol non
Ncco ing to rhe desigr Thcnrpanisbuillupolrllpered porous Tcmpcrkotc nylon colcrcd wiilr niylar with 0.082
!lu rifrN rr riling cdgc brr rnd r mcl!l bor ro prevenl he.d nrm thick ess (considcrnrg lhc bcnd[g slifness lor model
ifg duc tt) Dcmtrrrnc lcnsion. The redrb.rnc is rtxplDd slup. simih.itl $ilh actudl !pplic.lion) r.d 0.78 N/m2
!urnd Lh. lcrdine cdge d d !rt!.hed lii ! ncldl slrip which iveighr ( 1.I ozlvd2)
is screwcd 1o tlrc r.riling .dgc bnr. Thc posilion ol lhe drip A1 thc mid sprn rnd rt cvcry 200 nn sprr l)osilion bhck

ligur. 7, Calculaled charrci€risiics of th. flcriblc airloil design

shtD€ lcPi'rt=0)and thc rigid NACA 6,112 tirfoil.

figure 8. Cross-s€ciion of the rn'dtunnel model.

lincs were drrsn in chordw;e direclion on both sidcs ol lhe modcl srrl.ce were pholo8.rphed through pespcx rindows
odel. !o enable the detennindlion ofthc airfoilsh!pe. in lhe lunnel wrlh br_ r{o canefus xt x lixcd position. I'igurc
Win,hr nel, ,nadel suptolt an.l test equipm?nt
thc low specd lol-lurbulence windtuinel is of thc closcd
rerurn lypeand hrsrn inte.chargeableoctagonal lcsls€c1ion Durinq D.climin..r lesls !he nrcmbrdne apl)carcd lo shift
1.80 ir wide aid 1.25 nr high. l'igur.9. l hc lurbulence level slightly ovcr lhe leldiig edgc altcr some running lime, !hus
in the tcst scction v.rics ftom about 0.0157, !1 l5 r/s n) chlnging lhe inteided sldckncsscs. To elimindtc lhis. rhe xit
0.039. al 50 m/s. loil char.cleristics w.rc mcrsurcd Nl conslant load Rer-.nolds
The model lerding edge and trailirg cdsc rxcs p.ssed numbers accordins to Rc.= 0 6 x 106/vcl inslexd ofRc!
throurh the tunnel $alls ard rcrc attached lo r l.!ne ntch =09)<106//VCtr
thrt the aifoil shapc and/or lhe angle ol lllrck could he T$o !i.tuil conllguralio s \re.e niea\ured. ( ofliguration
cfiangcd. Thc lrime $rs suspended to the six componcnl I .oresNnded Ioth. desigi spcciticllions !nd conhSuratidr
bNlNnce syslem ol lhe *indlunnel. The openings in thc tutrncl 2 hdd x 0.5f"c longcr ufpcr surfa.c mcmbrlnc to {csl Lhe
Nrlls {ere covered bv thin movable plalcs. bolh inside Nnd scnsitiyilt ol lhc chxrdctcristics ld uppcr surhcc shckncss.
outside the tesl section. Thc rcmaining gaps belwcen the
wing tips. $alk xnd axcs rcrc dboul I nrm. In rdditio. 1o All bahnce !nd $akc rake dalr wcre on linc .educed rnd
balancc meNsuremenls. drag mea\urements vere pe oflncd the lill, drng lrnd titchiig'nromenl coellici€nls $cre tlolted
with a sake rake bebind the model traversing about 1.50 m in using thc HP21MX I conrfutcr oI lhc I-o] Spccd Lxbofu
spanwise directio.. The rakc ulilizcd 3l tol pressure tubes
and 4 static pressure tubes. Srrndurd sindrunnel *all cor.cclions werc !pplied ac
A pitot'static iubc was nrountcd on thc tunnel floo.. Thc cording 1o Alle rnd vinccnli (8)i the cor.ccrions on the
irtedral prcsurc of thc airloil was me.sured by a thin lube coeJicietrts amoDnl lo less th!n .17 aid 1le corsclion oi !!re
rvhich could be travefted inside the nodel through r hole in anglc ol lttack, bcirg less thrn 0 I degree, {is neglccrcd
Thc d.!g duc to wing tip tunncl srll intc .rcncc $!s dc
All pressures were recorded br-. !n automlticllly rcading riled lrom the dilTcrencc bclwccn balancc and wlkc rake
multi'lube liquid manomctcr.'Iiansilion of lhe boundrrl 1ralerse reasuremenls at se\cfu]rngles oi !11rck, simihr lo
hycr \as dctccted b) ! stelhoscope. and llo{ seprftlion s!s thc prcccdurc desoibcd in Rel. 9. Figure l(l sho$s an e\! !
srudied wilh r hdndheld luil{and. Tbe black on the plc lor d : 0'. I hc Nakc drag distribrtion sluvs peaks due


pairosiLron,r!-erL- -

Figure,kc ratc t.!r.rse {nd balane


to thc scress on lhe lorver surfrce lrriling edScr . mcrn drrg Brdphed altcr thc modcl wrs rcmovcd, hcrce the dislorlion
value wls calcuhled b) a least square rell'od. The diUer duc 1o thc pcrspcx $indo\rs !rd crmcr. posilions ; knowf
enc€s in draA whe. cornprred $ith the hxhnce nrersuie- By p.ojectins lhe picrures ol lhe black lines on rhe were plotled lgainst the lilt cocfricient squrred. shos' sponding piclures ol lhe I)rilli reler t!per. the rirloil .oord!
in8 an rlmost stfuight ii.c. All balancc nr.n{rcnrcnts iverc nrres we.e delerlniied
corcclcd ld wing tip lunncl wNll irtcrfc.cncc hy takiig into
'rJJ. n..
'lr ! \ lu( r .rJ nB u r\.. (l.ri {. ip. Figore ll slu!s the nrcrsurcd rifoil chrrlctcrisiics ot
The.irlbil slape Ras delernined lion the phorogrrphs. contigumtion I rnd 2. Comparisnr with Figrrc 7 sho\rs {h.l
Accordii! to lhe rrocedure described in Rel. 6. in.rddition to thc prcdicted trcnds arc in.greenrenl wilh the nrersure-
thesc piclur.s, a shccl oi rnillinrcter papff at the same span menls: lor insllnce thc lowe. surlace ha\ lan'ina. llow ubove
lisc position as thc bhck liDcs on thc nrodcl lrs photo a cerlain lift coeltici€nl (as contirmed h) stethoscoF nea

l.igure ll,ltcaslrcdchaiaclcrislicsof coniigurationl(design)lnd2

(0.5%c longcr UDI'€r surfrce m€nbrr€),
-'f T

[igur€ 12. Mcisur.d.irfoil shapes of conliguration l.

suremcnls). Duc to thc incrcascd camber, conliguralion 2 4, EVAI,T]ATION
shows slighlly higher lill and pilching momcnt cocflicicnts
than conliguralion I, bul no higher rnaxi u lili coellicienl. Comprrison ol thc theoreticrl airlbil shaFes, Figure 6.
The lifl coemcient is 1.54 at a : l2' ibr conllgu- with lhc melsured ones. IiSurc 12. indicxtes the i porlanl
ralion I and 1.49 dt d: 10.5' lor configurrtion 2, bolh al clTccl of the internll pres$rrc. Knowing thc internrl
surcslron thc nr.asurenrenls, the.irioilshapcs wcrc calcu
Al angles ol allack rbole 6' lhc uppcr su.lacc nrcorhrxne btcd againr xn cxamplc is givei in Figore 13. Il should be
ol coiligu.rtioi I louchcd lhe trailing edge rlunrinum bar. lle curv.rlu.c ol the
poinrcd oul LltaL a sinpliiicd cqurtion lbr
thus causing a dight convex corner i lhe !i.foil shrpe rnd rembrrnc has been lscd (involving thc
dpfroximriion th!1
conscqucnlly an inc.crsc in drlg xs drown in the ligure. The thc ucDhrane slope is smrll), which gilcs rn cvcn bcttcr
pitching-momenl cocillcienl c!rvc, with stlbl. rgrccmcnt wilh the.rermred shapes.
Ore ends, i thrl thc rerodln.mic ccnler is sliShrly in
lmnt ofthc qudrlcr chord poinl. Iigure l2 shows the r;loil Figure l4 shows th. coftsponding rccrlcuhted rerody-
shapes oi conligurxtion i xs dctcnnined lionr the pholo- nnnric chxfuctcristics in compNrison Nith the mea\u.ements
gr.phs. Al incre.sing .nglc ol attrck thc position ol rnx\i- 'l hc drlg incrcmcnl iluc 1o thc 23 ar the lo$cr surilcc.
unr cd rber is rlro!ing iorsrd rnd rhc uppcr surilcc rc!r '.'ew\
rs cainured liom Hoenrcr ( l0), is xboul0.0007. 1!kinglhis
pxrl beco res inde.singly coicave evenlurll) louching the conl.ibulioJr inlo rccount, thc calcuhLions.rc in good rgree'
trxilinS cdg. bdr dr. to the ch2ngeol tressure\ oulside! d orcnt !ith lhc nr.Nsurcmcnls, exccpl ne.r the fra\i'num lili
insidc the.irloil. Ns will bcslu!n iatcr. (Thc nclsur.d intd cocmcie.l. Iigure l5 rlro$s r compr.ison ol thc charNctctis
n.l 0res\u.ecocllicienl decrerscsUne..lykom 0.05a1 d : lics lirr thc originrldcsierr (Cpi"i: 0) rnd rhc shrpes *ilh
4" to 0.:15 xt d = - 12'). The \l'ate ol lhc trul lowe. surhce mc!$rcd intcrnrl prcssurc (Llpi"l i 0), crlculdled r1 tl'e
mcmbfunc hardly chdngcs *ilh xnglc oJ llrxck. original connNnl load Re,"_iolds iunbers. Aparl lrotrr thc
." rt. i.., h rr . i .,.r..., Jrf.Tn .fJ sr.( f,, disc.eprnct ne.rr ra\i ru r lilt, the tresurc induccd con
r', .LU. li|'('lrl,rr, 'l r(n iun lll\ JrLr(rrrg cave upDer contoDr is lavourabl. ior thc dcvclopmcnl ol thc


Figur€ 13. Cllcuhted and n€asur€d anfoil shap€ rr a=3'; Cpint=-225.

b,f{-,!,.,, ) F". !!.
/.i '!1

Figur€ 14- Calculatcd !nd n€nsurcd rirtoil cha.rcterisrics (Cpint<0.



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