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Study of Pollution Level of Four Canals of Chittagong City

Article · April 2010


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1 author:

Muhammad Abu Bakar

Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Chittagong


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JSI,I\D; iSSN 1d1:l -8976, VoJulr,r6'3lssrrc 1,_1 01t:

J. Srrblrop. Agric. Res. Dev. 8( l): 7-s5-75ti, Ircbruary 20 !0. rvcbsite: rvrvr.v.gscicncc nct or www.gtrrpukur.corn


NlD. Alll.l B,\KAIlr".1'Ativll.lR RtiZA2. sAlIUl. lst.Ar\..1r, Al Al\l(iill Kr\tilt(+iirrcl !tAt]tRUR R i]il(rtYANl l\

stutil'rvas conductcd duling [)cccrubcr ?0()tl ttl Fchruary 2009 ar l'h1'tochcmistry and !licrchiologl
Division. Ilangladcsh Council ol Scicntific antl Indusrrial Rcscareh (RCSIR) [ lhorarorics. Chittagong.
city tinalll'linds its tvitl,into the Klrnaphulll'l{iver, thc onll surl'uec \\'ir(u tc)(rrirec ofthc eirl S,rrrrplcs Ilr
\rctu collcclc(l llrrttt liittr rlil'l'crcrrt erttrrls ol ( ltittngrrlrgeit),in lltt'uc streec.sirs trtr)illl)s t0 \lUrl) (lrllrtctrt I
physical. chcrnical and nricrobiological paranrctcrs Valucs lirr hiochcmicrrl ougcn r['nrrnd (11()l)) rrntl
cltctttiell rtrl'gctr tlcttlrttrtl (('Ol)) rvcrc otrservetl vcn'lriglr llurrr rcc,,rrrrrrr'rrtlcrl lirrrits li)r \\.rrlr\\x(cr In illl s
thc sanrplcs, lhe' highcst valucs ul' ROD ('10-'l .l{rngr'l; irr cillirl neur l}urrglirrlcsh lirrtsr lrrrhrsllics n
I)cvclopmcnl (irrl.loralion (llFllX'), C'Ol) (titll,'l-1rng/l) irr ('lrirktiri eilnill (lllin! (lrr'rrrrrrril, \)t'ljcl)ru.u1
2009 rrcrc obscncrl. Tolnl soltrhlc solirl ('[SS) rrrrtl tot;rl rrrrrrrhsr rrl'eolilirrnr lr;rclcrr;r rrcrc lrls,r lirtrtrrl t1
lriglu:r than thc standirrd linrit irdicating hlrnrlul cli'cct ol'cilnill \vutcr ol'Clrittlgorrg cit1, l\rllutiorr locl
rvas obscn'cd matiinrurn during thc nronth Itcbruury l(X)9
Kcyrvords: Wlstcrrrlcr, Cihittngong citvr Cunill. l'ollulion tln(l Strrfxcr rrrttct'. il
Thc' source of pure \+rater is a major crisis facing Bangladeslr toduy, On tilc olhcr hand. \\'ater pollution
problem makes watcr crisis situation worse. Rcports on print and clcctronic tncdia rcveal trcnrcndolrs watcr t
crisis {hd wutcr grollution pt'obletn in difl-ercnt Irnrts (rl Drrrrglodesh. Clrittrrgorrg, thc scco6il largcst city of s

Elangladesh is srrffcring a grcat dcal fbr rvatcr crisis and rvrtcr polltrtion TltouLlh this sitrr:rtir,rlr is prcvailing
all over Bangladesh but media. government agenr:ies and researchcrs tbcus mainly on Dhaka cit\,. Thc
dcnrand lor u'atcr is sky rockcting day bv day lor dillcrcnt nrrrp()scs. Crorrrttl $,.ltcr is nrrllcrl as ir s()luti()n to
combat existiltg water crisis. Every governnrent has I'ound it ecsier to allorv cxploitirtion of ground rrutcr as it
short time solutiorl. Putup culture has takcn an iugraincd position all ovcr tlangladcsh whilc ltsglcuring its
ccologicill cllcct. As il rcsltl(, B,rottnd u'illcr lL'\'cl is rlcplrlctl rllY hv tlur crcitllnq rlrclttlfrrl c()nsc(luctlucr lilr
Iirtrrrc. [-ltilization o1'surthcc wiltcr cfln hc thc on11, \\'av to gct olrt ol'tlris prohlcnt. In tlrc shorl rult ar cn
attcutpt ttlay bc ntadc lbr cornbinr.rtion ol'urrdclground \\,atcr suppl),nlld sutl:icc \\utcr plilnts. liorrscr, liri
longcr, surlircc watcr \vill havc to bc thc ttutjor solrrtion t() \v;rlcr supl)lY l)tohlr,rrrr. [ltrt tltc allrrrririg ncrvs is
tltot surftrr;o wot(tr rcsourccs nrc lrigihll' pollLrtcrJ drrc to rvhirnsical nrrrl ropncious lrurrritrr rctir it-t. TItc 1:r'irrrlrv
causcs of detcr'ioration of surlhcc watcr quality are dccotnposition ol'nrturic;'xl. dotneslic. induslrial tnC
agriculture wastcs clc. All ol'the \a-astcs ('rl Clhittagong Citl'(o;pqlnliorr tlircctl,,,or indrrcctl\ lrc disclrirr.g*d
into different canals and finnlly linds its rvay into thc rivcr Kanraphully. As a lcsult, tlrc onll surfucc rvatcr
resotlrce of tlre city is gctting pollutcd, Watcr channcls used lor dunrpirrg \vastcs; ultinrrrtcly cnrl up irr !.hc
Bay ol Bcngal, Many pollutants originating lrom thc land basecl sourccs ilrs r)l'plnicular eoncern ro the
marinc cnvironmcnts bccatrsc of thcir Persistcncc, toxicitv und bio-irccrrrrrulutiorr in [lrc liiod cliriri rrliiuh ilrc
harrn[ul lor inhatritants and can create eeological imhalancc (l-loq et a/, 2000). Chittagorrg \\'crcr supl)l].an.l
scwcrage authority (CWASA) can suppll'' 175 MLD (Million litcrs daily) ol'\\.rrcr, CWASA lras rvarcr supplr'
pipclinc ol 570 knt. Prtrdrrclion lrrrnt strrtjrcc wl((!r is gltvll,l) lhlrr rrrrl) orr!-. tt'citltnL.nt flirnl in l\,lrrhrtr.r
(Arnin.2006). Thus. there is a largc opporiunity to rrsc nlorc srrrlncc wttcr To l'ind out thc pollution lcvcl of
tiill'crent canals (Locally callcd (iral) ot' Chittagong ciry sorxc phl,srcll. ,;lrcnrical und rlicru[:iologicul
envir0nmcntfll parrtnctcrs lbr wnstovutcr pollution such ils biochcrrricrl 0x),gcn dunrilrrtl (ll()l)), clrr:rrricul
oxygen demand (COD), total kjeldhal nitrogcn (TKN), rotol phosphonrs (TP). torll rlissolved sotids (TDc).
total soluble solids (TSS), chloride and total colilbrm were determined. The main objectivc of thc slucl-v rt'as
to find out the pollution levels of waste water of Chittagong city lor inl'ornrntion of govcnlntcnt irnd

lRcscnr'jh Chcmist.
Drugs tnd 'Ioxirrs Rcscitrclr Dir isiorr. :Scnior Scicntillc Olliccr, [)rLrgs lrrcl lpxins ltcsc:rrclr I)ir isipn,

(BCSIR)Laboratorics.Chittagong,Chittagong"4220,Brngladcsh.'Concspondcnccnrrhor l:nllilr bakirrl0l2iii'r,;rlrou.curn


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