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Teacher's Guide

Aledq Krouse o Greg Cossu
I'rrlrlislrctl ltt'
I.otrgrnittt Asla liljl'
2 / l: ( .or n\\'irll I lotts('
lrriloo I'lrtt t'
1)i') trirrli's Ikrirtl
(lrrrrr r v llrtl'
I lorrli [r()ttg

lrrr: r ttil 2ll5(i 95711

r' - rr rril: n1,11(tpcarsoned.cottr.llk
rr rlrr'. lor t11t t til rl.('( ) lll
arrrl Associatetl Contpatrles througltout tlte world.
( t l\'rrrson lrtlttcnliott Asia t-inrited 2005

All r iglrls rlgtl; no l)ilrt ol'rlris ptrblicatiorr rnny l)c reprotlttcctl, storcd itl a retricvitl sysletrt, or tritlts.lttitlt'tl
irr ,,rrv lirrrrr rlr llv any u,*,,,',r, clecironic, rnecllilrticfll, llliotttcoPyirtg, recttrtlittg or
tlthenvistt, rvilltrlttt llte 1tri.r
u'r ittcrr pcrtrtissiotr tlf tltc I'ttltlisltors.

.t0 1t,50-5l,li,l-Sl-r,Stl-t-r9,t;u-69,78-7$,t|{}-t}s,$2-t):i,1xi-97, l0(i-107, ll(;-117,121;-127, 130-"131' l3'l-115,

l:r1t, u:1, l4(i, 1,17, l7l-179, l{12-l{}7.
l:ir st t'rlition l1)ll7
'l lri,i ltlilion 2(X)5

I'rorlrrr'r'rl lrt' l\'ltrsrltt lrrlttcittitltt Asia Litlritctl, I kltlg Ktlttg

lSllN 1)(i? (X) 5297 ll
l'r r trl islr irtg Ntitttag,er: (ircgg Sclrroctlcr
l'rrlrlislrct : (.lu isticltttc llkltlgct
ivl ir r r rr11ir r1i I :tlitor: [rlaric \Vcltsttlr
l'r litor: llicltirt rl \Vlritllrcatl
I tt'ri13rct r: ltntko l:ttttitki,'litrrir: Ng
lllrr,.t t ;rtot l ltt't rttl \\trttg
,\r' k r rr lrr I t'rl1l('t tlcttt s
I rrislr to r,\llr.(,ss trrt,tlrnrrks to ill),slu(lenls, wtl() lattS,ltt ttte tlvcrytltittg.l ltavc lcitrtrt'tl.itlrotll lll('lll, ltt lllv

rrr,tlrt,r, I..lrir, rllrq irlrvir\,s k1i,rv I rv1;trltl rvrilc lt llook irtrtl rvltrtsc cllcotllilg()lllcllt l('(l lll('l(l ll\'.,\tttl ttrt'
lirlrtitrtrlo to l.r'slt'y', rvitltottt rvllolll tltis rvrlttltl l)ot lxl. -G
Alt'tla Krirttst'
\\r irirrli rr r ltilrlrt,n's (:orlrse is a tearrr cffort. I rvotrltl likc to tlrirrrk all ol'tltc ctlitot's:rlltl iltt'r'ttlitr'.$tt/rt'r^irls
t(,;,, ilt l,r,;'s,lt l:tttrcaligrr frlr rpakilg tlte lcrv etlitigtr.11l Sr tlx,rKids a rtltlit\'. I itlso rt'itttt lo lltltrtk ltl\'(
;rrrtltlr, ,\lt.rlir Krirrrse, frlr lrer strpport'artrl cncottritgcttlcllt. t,ilstly, t wallt tltitttk lttY ltit'ttrl l t'slcv tlltrr
lr,'lit,r lrl irr ntr'. I tlt'tlicitte tltis llotlk to tttl' tlttttltcr, lctvcl.
( irt'g ( iosstt
I l'ttlrlisltlrs n'ottltl like to thank thc Ir;llorvirrg llcollle ltlr tlreir ctttt(rilltttitltl
lrr. to tllt: ('()tlls(':
( lrr ist irrr' ( .ltoi Sttsittt llititttrritlgc Katlrryn Ilttrtlcr Nlart' 1.. lhrrkitt
)lrplurr, ( ,ltt'tt I:krrcnciit (lltctt l)rlrotlr),(lltitt (.lro, litr"l lt't'
I r,r,. \t'tttt1', l:tttt Slxrrott littn l)atrit'l lrlytttt Alk'rr ( iiltttittt
( irt, l:trtt -\irttttli Yrrrrri Ilittuiutaka Kaz.uko Katttcyattta I liroko K;tsltitttrltrt

krrl\llk(] Xirlo (llrristittir Kc (ireg Kcttttct lY Kittt, Soo'Klcottll

'littr l.t'ott
kirrr, \tttt-\irttttg Kitrt, \itttttg-Soott lcssic l,itt
\l:rr k Ilt' llttttnt'\' lcl riz.o Nlttritkattt i Nlari Nakatttttrit Kitortt Nitt itottti
Iiit' i{o1igrt'lri Snnrttcl Otla Avirko Oz.itsa Sottg, Nit"\tlttttli
(lhizuko'lirkai lirlt'ko'lirkastr I )ert'k \'. lrtkt'tlit IrE
Strlr, \irott'li I
\lrirrir lri I ;ttutl';t Slrclly'l lrie s'llolr Nittltittt'Iirltrtttittt Niroko \\'ittrtttltllt'
fvllry rs l0 uss

Nor iko \ilsltitt llva Zarvadz.ka prPrr mtnufrcturcd

lrom rullrlnlbh lorrllt
(lotr rse I)cscrilltirln Pagc 2
I'}lrikrsollhy Pagc 2
Oonr1loncrrts Page 2
Stutlclrt llook 6 urrit clcscriptiorr Pagc 3
Cclurse tinring ancl schcrlule Pagc 7
Lesson lllanning Page I
S1,llallrrs l)age l0
Corrrsc Goals Page 12
Activity llank Page l3
tlnit 1: StrnrmerVacation (incluclingTlls 1 and 2) Page 22
thit 2: Lost in tlawaii (includingTlls 3 ancl 4) Page 32
tlnit 3: Strnrnrer Camp in Canacla (including'l'lts 5 ancl 6) I)age 4'2
Itecycle it! I (includingTRs 7 and B) Pagc 52
I)iscovcr it! l : Islands (inclucling'l'lls I anrl l0) Pagc 56
LJnit 4: On Safari in South Africa (includirrg l'Rs I I and l2) Pagc 60
tlnit 5: I{aving Fun at the Beach (incltrdingTRs 1.3 and l4) Pagc 70
tlnit ti: Setting tIp Canrp (includirrg'l'lts 15 ancl I6) Page tlO
Itecycle it! 2 (includingTRs I7 ancl I t]) Pagc 90
Discover it! 2: Camping Safety'fi1ts (incluclingl'lts 19 ancl 20) Pagc 94
[Init 7: A Scary Night (including'l'lls 2] ancl 22) Page 98
tJnit tl: Ilack l{ome (incluclingl'lts 2lt and 24) Page l0t]
tlnit 9: School Starts Soon (including'l'lts 25 ancl2G) Page I I il
Recycle it! 3 (includirrg I'lts 27 and 2t)) I)age l2{}
Discover it! 3: Iinclangerecl Aninrals (inclucling'l'Rs 2g ancl 30) Pagc 133
Ctrltrrrc I : Adverrttrre Sports (inclrrding"f R 3l ) Page 136
Crrlttrre 2: International Foocls (incltrding'lR 32) Page l.l0
I can rlo it! Pagc l4.l
Ilcrvir rtls Pagc l,l(;
(lert i l'icate of Cornpletion Page l,l7
r\ctivit1, Iltl6k Attswer Kcy Pitgc l,l[]
llcrl rrcctl l)ictrrrc Carcls Pagc I7l
'l'cst Scrillt and Answer Key
Pagc ltlO
'l'cst I
Pagc I {}2
'l'cst 2 Pagc I t]-l
'l'cst lJ Page IBG
Worrl l-ist Pagc I t]{}
lbrJur )q;r L/H}S! lp_|,!ur I i{ i ;*$,1,ii':lrr

Philosophy Components
Sll,,'r Air/r is rr rir lr'r r'l ('(llu s(' [rtr t'letttt'ttlnt'\' scltotll Sludenl Book
clrilrlrr,rr lt';rttrirrg I'rrglislr it,i it lrrtreigtt l.rttrgttltge (lilrl.). 'I
lrc Sttrtlerrt Ikrok ittt ltrtlt's:
.Slrrr'rAir/' ir lrlrrlrl ott lltc follorvirtg plrikrsoplries.
l. A stolvlitrc rvitlr frttrrililr t'ltttt ltt lt't s l(] stiltlttlilt('
Voriely ol melhods sttttlcttt itttcrt'st ltttrl lo pttrvitlt' it cr'ltst' ol t'trtltilltlitl'.
1,vo or rr. p;rr lit trl;rt l:rrlilislr lcnclri trli tttcl l rotloltlgt' rvot ks 2. Nirrc tltt'tttc-lritst'rl ttttits rrilll t olotlttl tlottlrlr'-p;t1it'
Ior ;rll t lrilrlrt'rr in irll t llsst's. li't:lrnitlttcs llottt vltriotts slrrearls.
llllrr)il( lrt'.:ttl rrrctl. I)elailrtl sttggestiorts are lrrovitll'tl ilt .1.'l lrce llecl'clc it! trrtits to r('illl()l( (' ittttl crltittltl otl
(';rr lr lr,ruorr 1rl;rn, Apprr;tt'ltt's ttst'tl ittclrrtle'lirtal I'lrYsical prcviousll' titrrglrt lirrrlittrtlit'.
ll1'sporrst' ( I I'll) irr l.evt'ls I atrtl 2, \\'ltole l.itttgtt:tgtl 'l''llrrt'r'l)iscrlvt'rit!rrrrilstttitttt.tlttt't'tt,ss t'ttrtitttlltt
Ltirrrrirr;1, ;utrl tltt'(loltttttttttit'ittivc Approitt'lt, irll of rvlricll to1rics.
Ir;rr r, lrtcn l)ro\ ('n sttct'r'sslitl n'itlt r:ltiltlren. 5.'lu'o rlotrhlr'-1tir11' tlttlttrrl ttttils to illllu(ltl( (' tlilllrcrrt
t'r,t'rtts tlt ttttivt't sitl ittlt'rt'st ltl clriltlrt'rt, trllkitt11
Conlexluol leorning Icitt ttittg lirrglislr ittt itticrttitliottrtl lrltt't it'tlt't'.
I rrrrlirr;r1,,r,is itttrorlttct'tl cotlttxttlitlly arttl itl cittcgorics. (i. At lcnsl (!tt(:s{}ttgortltattl pt'r ttttit to lrclp l lriltlrlrl
( lrilrlrlrr rrrc ulrlc trt lt'itttt ittttl rctttt'llllrt'r rclittt'tl prrrt'tict: ittt(l rt:tttt'tttll('r 8lilllllllilI pnittls;ttltl tli;rlo11t.
lrir rrlrrrl;rr\', sirtrillc rlillolls ittr(l stttlcttll{'s Ill{}ro rr'ltlilf il 7. l'ictoliirl lt:rttts tltt t'itt'lt ltitgc trr itlr'trlilr lltt'lot tts rrl lltt'
tlrr,,rr.;ur. irttrotlttt'erl itt a cttlttttttltt c(ltlt('xl. l:ittttiliar
tlrtrrrls lutrl sitttitlirltts frottt t'lriltlrctt's livcs arc ttsetl itt
ortllr lo tn:tkl lltc llt'ik of k';tl tritlg I:rrglislr trtorr'
A gurdtral itttrotlttctitltt to n'atlirrg lttltl rttititlll Sotttltls
tlra( ltavc sitttil:rr tltotltll ltositiotts :rtc tlrrrllltt lrtl;r'llrlt
irrtlr lstirrg irttrl lt'ss itrlirrritlltittg. so clriltlrctt catt itctlttirtl tlte stttltltls tttott' t';tsil\' ;tttrl
It'irt n ttt tliIli:rt:ntiatc ltcttltlt'tt tllttIt'
Lislening lirsl
l\l;rnt t'lriltlrett sttrrlving in lil;1. sitrratiotts tltt ltrlt ltcar Student Book 6
spoLlrr l:rrglislr otttsirle lltc t'lussr<lttttt atttl ltltve tltt otltcr Levt'l ti is lrirsr,rl on tlrc
Irrsr'[or tlr0ir attctttgrt!i to conlltltlt'licatc itr lirrglislr. lrt prcrrrise tlrat clriltllerr
.srr1r,'r f,ir/s, r'lrilrlrctt lte ar ittttl respotttl to lattgttitge t'irrr rt'ittl ittttl
r('( r'pti\'('ll lrclirrc ltcirtg retlttirctl ltt ltrtttlttcc it, tltirt is rurrtlcrstatttl ltassagt's itt
tllr'\' lislon. tlterr speak.'l'lre (ll)s give tttitxitlttttll cxl)ostlre Irrrlilislr.'l ltr'f itrc itlstl
to tr;rlivc rpt'lrkr'r cornlx't(:ttcc, lrlrlr to litkc llitrt itt
corrvt'rslttiotts, itskitrg,
Speoking needs proclice irrrsrlt'rirrg arrtl rrtakittg
(.lriltlrr.rr llrrrn to spcnk l:rrglislr lt1'slrfirrg iltirrgs tltcy stirt(,nr('nts ill)otlt
llanl Iu r:tv itt tttt';ttlitrglill corrtrxts. ,\rr2r'r(irls ptovitlt's tlrcrnsclvts attrl otltcrs.
a( tivi(i('\ rrtrtl p,:ttttt's lltal ettcttttrage cltiltlrcrt to sl)cak otlt.
(llriltlrot lt'artt to rvritc
.uls\\'crs al'lcr rcitdittl;
Four skills l)itssilScs, iulslvcl
rlrrt'stiotts itltt'r lislcrtittg
,\rr,t,,'7 1 i,1* qt'stt'rratiertll)' l)Iogr('sscs iltrottglt tlre [ottr to t:ottvctsittions ittttl
slillr ol listt'rrirr1i. splirkirrg, rtrttlirrg antl rlr itirrg rvitlr citclt l)ussagcs, arttl crt'ittt' sitttplr: role-lrlttvs rlltt'tt llivcrt it
sl.ill lorrrr:rllt' inlrorlttct'tl atttl tltt'tt prttcticctl.'l ltc rrrotlt'1.
r,rrrIlur,,is is rrrr listt'rrittg arrtl spcakirrg, (tltc tlilltlt ill or(lcI
ol l;rrrlirr;r1ir';rctlrrisitiort) so lltal clriltlren catt ittttrtctlilttell' lrr tlrrit I, tlre Srrpt't Kirls rttt trrlkirrli ttlrotlt rllttrt' lltt'\ 0
Irr'llirr r orrrrrtrtrricatittll or:rlly in l:nglislt. Irlc goittg for tlrtlir stlttltt!('r t'rtt';tliotts itlttl ltorv lort11 it
tirkcs lo get tlrt,r('. Sirrrrlv is 1ioitr11 to 1io to Sottllt ,\lt it'it,
(.lri1r antl l)ortttt'lttt'goittg lt, \tltlllll('l t';ttttp ittttl l\'lt'r
Modeling arrrl'lotri ;trt' goittg to I llrrtitii. (.llrrck lclls Ilt'tll tllrtt lrt'
I lrr' ( I ) ir trscrl lo rrrotlr:l tlrt' llugttagc itcttts ittttl titsks \1'('nl to Ilitrvitii litsl sttttttttcr lttttl lltttt lrl t litrllrt'tl:t
ll,'lnrl r,\1tr'('tin1i clrilrlrr'rr lo sllt'ak or cotttltlt'tt'lt task. volcarto tltt'tt'. I lrt't'lltt;tt tr'ts iltt('trl( l tlrtotrliltotrt (ltt
( lrilrlrt'n ltt'l lt'ss llrrr.'ltctttrl ittttl nrrtrt: sttct'esslttl tvltctt ltook trrakitrli lt'lrrttitrli cttiol lllrll llrttl st itttttl;rl ittli'
rr itlr ntu' ltttlittitgt' ttr ctttttPlctirtg titsks in tlris
I -r'vr'l (i lircrrst's orr:
ll l;1t,,,,,
L Ittrrr:tiotutl tlillrrlls tltilt ilt(' ttst'lttl itt rllrilt' Iilt''
Roview snd lecycling 2. Vocitltttlitt y lrrriltlirrg, rtf ttrrt ||lr ltttrI t't't lrs.

lrr I I I .'itrr:rtions, rr'\ictv ol l;trrgtrirly'is vt'rf itttltorlitttt. Nino slr u('lur'\ lo ptovirlc lt \ltoltll luttttrlitliott itt
Ilrl l:urrirrrllr'irr.\trpr'r(lrl.s is cirrclrrll.v t'et:1'clt:tl tvitltirr lrrrglislr Rliunlnllt.
r',r, lr llrr'l irnrl lrlltlt't,tt lt'vcls. .t. 'l lte lrltotrit s stttttttls itrrrl splllittlis ttl t'ttttlllttttl
('()ilsorl;llrl ittttl vtttvt'l lrll'rltlt.
I r',rr rrirrll ir trr;trlt't'rtiot';tlrll tltrotrglr gttlltt's ittttl tltsk-
lr;r',r'rl irltir itics, 5tr;rr'rt\lrls itittts ltt lrr:lp clrilrlrtrr tlt'r't'lttp
lii,1;,"*''" "illllliJii.l;i,li:ll;;:l';:;,:i;"lxlllill"'
l)irssnll('s irrrtl n Litirrg llltottics tvottls.
:r lroritirr, rrtliitrrlt trrrvitttls leitrttitrg lirrglislr.
Studenl Book CD 6. An Activity llank ol irr:tivitics to srrpplt,nlcnt (.ilrll
'l'ltr Slurlcrrl lirok (ll) irrclrrrlcs: Iesso n.
7. lleprotl trc:illle Ilctlrrr:r,tl I)ict rrre (lartls irrrrl l,ltor rit.s
t L i\torlr,ls lirl irll tlrt.r.ot:irllrrlarl.iterrrs, rlirrlogs irnrl (llrrls ftrr cat:lr rrrrit.
lll iuuntilt prrirrts.
Ll. A ltirrrirtiorr rrl tlrt slorvlirrr: lo lrlrl sglcciirl itrtclt,st. Nott: tlrl t t lrrotrglrorr l tltc'li.aclrcr's ( irritlr,, r-tl(/(,r,/r i5
abbreviatetl to Ss.
.1. I ivlll' ;rrrrl rlrVllrrrrit' t.lrrrrts lil. t lrrits I -.1).
.1. l\lrrrlt:ls lirl tlrr. plrotrit.s sorrrrtls.
Piclure Cords
5. 'l lrr,stt)ri(,s arrrl listcnirrli aclivitics irr tlrc llcr:y,r:le it! 'l lrr:re arc 72-103
trrrits. l)i(:turc Oar<ls grcr
It,vr.l. ( )rrc sitlc is a color lliclrrrc
{i. I lic vrrlalrrrlirr'1,, rt:trrlirrlis antl listcning activities in tlrc
lvlrilc the other sirle shrlrvs llte
|)iscor'cr it! rrnits. corrcsporrrling rvortl.'l ltere is onc
7. llrrr vor';rlrrrlary,, r.t'irrlirrgs arrrl lislr',trirrg itctivitios ip tllo cartl lirr caclr vocallrrlnry itenr.
(.rrltrrrc urrits- 'l'lrcrc is also onc cartl [or caclr
.Srrplr(rrl.s clrirrae te r irr l.e ve I l.'l lre
Activily Book I)ictrrrr: (larrls carr hc rrsed to le.tch
'l lrc .\t'tivitl, lkrok : itnrl rcvicrv urcirlrrrlirry rvorrls as
ittt lrrrlt's: rvt,ll as lllat:t icr: tlrt, rliirlogs.

I)etailerl suggestirtrrs on Irorv trl rrse
l. l;ttrtltcr l)rir('li(:c ol'
tltc t:arrls arr: grrovitlerl irr t:lclr
llnliturgc ilt,rrrs
krsson yrltrr.
itrtrorlrrcr,rl in tlrr, .
Stttrlt'rrl llook.
'litsks ol rrrrivrrsll
..1. Student Book 6 unit description
t,ni(r)'lncnt lo
clriltlren, c.g.
crrsstvortl itttrl rvoril
Tolk obout il!
scarclr glttzzlcs. (Vocobulory, lunclionol dlologs, grommor dlolog)
il. ( )rrc plgr: lirr uvr,ry ljaclr rrnit opcns rvith l rlorrhlc-1tagc sprcart slrrxvirrg tlrt,
It,ssurr in lltrits I 1), lirllorvirrg irr un illtrs{r'ltctl corrlr:xl:
l\\'r) l)itfir,s lirr t,r,t'11,
llr't'r't lt. itl lrrtl I. 'l'irrgrlt vot:itbttlary ilt'trrs rrttrlcrrtsilllt lll* lo,r
I)isr'ovt,r it! rrnit arrrl olto l)ilgo lilr ear:lr Crrltrrrt: rrnit. illrrstralerl sccnrls (sevcral scenr!s irr Urrit 71.
.1. A listlrrirrg itctivitv orr t'lcll 2. Onc lirrrctiorral dinlog, one vocabrrlarl, srrbstilrrriorr
ltage ol thc rrrairr rrnils as
ur.ll ls irrrollrt'r' itctivily to,pltrctit.c rcirtlirrg itrrrl rvritirrg rliirlog irrrrl orrc rt'vicw srrllstitrrtion rlialog.
rvorrls atttl :rulltt:nccs. .1. 'l'lrc ultit's t.rrget grat)ltnar rlialog urrtlirrr:tl irr n:il.
.1. Ntrrnlrcrctl tlialogs so tltirt Ss rvill krrrnv u,lriclr t[illog ro
Activity Book CD ftlr:rrs otr rvlrcn listerrirrti to tllc (;l).
I lrr' ..\r'rivit1, ll(x)k (.1 ) irrclrrtlt:s: 5. Sorrrc pir;ttrrcs of tlre llltouir.s rvoLtls [or-tltc I ilrli(,t
plrorrit:s sorrrrrls in llrc trrrit.
l. r\ll iltc irrstlrrcliotrs n('('cssilr),to corrrlllcte thc listcrrirrg
trrsIs. {i. I lrrnrororrs clcnternts lo atlrl to tlrc errjoy,rrrr,rrt ol
lcarr r irrg.
3. lrrslrrrcliorrs lirllorvt,rl lr1, :r Dr,l/ s<turrrl sigrritlirrg rvlrt:rr

I tlrt' (.1) slrorrltl llc purrsr:tl so clrildre n ciul conlplcte f lrc

7. A lritklcrr trrrtlc for

(icneral tcaching mctIl0d

Ss to l'irrrl.

Teocher's Guide Vocabulary

lrr,'li,irllrt.r's ( irrirlc 'l'ltcrc is ()trr: l)iciilt'c (lurrl artrl tlrrc llerlrrcurl
itrr'lrrtlt,s: ltir.trrrt,( _irrrl
for caclr vocallrrlirry itcrrr orr tlrcse 1lagr.s.
l. I lrt plrilosophics lrrtl
olrir,r'tivr,s ul t lrt. l. llsc l)ictrrrc (llr<ls, rt'irl rrbjct.ts or piclrtrt,s lo tlrr.
voeltrtrlirry itcrrts rrrrrlt:r tlrc tttitirt sccncti. I lolrl rrll .rrrrl
,, rtatrrc ctrt:h car<l or ollicr:t. I lavr: Ss re
I)r'tlilt:<l lcssorr l)citt.
pllrrs, irrclrrtlirrl; 2. IIavc Ss ollclt tlrcir llooks:
r:rrllurr: ttolls, a. I)lay tlre (ll). Ilave Ss listcn altd point lo eaclr
ltrorrrrrtciation noll,s vocllrtrlury itcrtr rrrrrlur tlrc ntairt ri(:cncs.
itttrl ttoles ort ll. I'lly tlre ( ll ) uguin. l llvc ss listcrr arrrl re pt,lillrrl ircrrrr.
lt rtlitrir gc rrs;r11c. c. l!lir1, tlrc rrcxt track or) lhc (ll). llave Ss listcrr, lirrtl
'\ttrlio rr'rilrts ;rrrrl tlrc rvorrls arrrl rvrite tlrc rrtrrrrllcrs irt tltc lttlrls.
illl:r\\'(,r kcl's lirr lltr. IL I)ractir:c: Sorrte vocalrrtlary itcrtts sonl(!lin.t(,s lglpt,irr irr
Stu(l('1t irrtrl r\r'livity tltc rrtairt riccnt:s. Nuntc itctrrs irt rlrrrlotrr oltlcr. I lavtr 5s
lJooLs. point to tlrc t:orrt:sporrrlirrg ilcrrrs irr llrc nr;rirr s(.(,trcs.
-1. l'lur't.trrcrrt t(,sts
/ ilss(,sstucrrts rvith itrrsrver kcys.
ir. l'lrolot opiirlrlt' strpplr,rrrlrriirry lt:livitics.

Course Descriplion :l
l)irrlrrg.s ll, 'l lrc tliukrg lotrrrs ol lltr' ttttil's 1it;ttttttl;tt puittl.
,1. Silrtple tliitltrg pt;rr'lit t't'\t'lt ist r.
l . l r r tr otl ttcc tlrr-' tlilkrgs its strggr:stctl irt tltt''li'itelrcr's
5. A listertirrg cxt'tt'ist'lrl ptltt tit t'lltt'11t;tttttttltr prrittt'
( irr irlr'. e
L llrrvt'Ss oltctt tlttir llooks: (ieneral teaclrlng ttlelllo(l
lr. l'llv tlrt'(ll). tlttvt'Ss listetr ttl tlte story lttltl prtittl trr
tlrr'pcoplt'or ohit'cls itt lltc tttaitl scellt's as tlteY are Grrutntutr
ilr('ilti(,ltc(l. l lre storl'lrclps to reirtforcc tlle
r'ot'ltlrttlitry lttttl prtrvitltl a cotllt'xl [or it'
L ltrtrotlttcc llttl grattttttltr slill('lll('llls. I ltrkl rtp tlrr'
Ii(:ttlt('(llrltl rll tltc voeitlrttllttf il('lll tr) lrt tnlrl itt lltr'
lr. I'lrrv llre tlt'xl tritt'k rttt thc (ll). I lave Ss Iirst listcrr to sliltclllcltt. Say tlre still{'ltl('tll l litvc Sr tt'1rr':tt
tltt tlilklg ntttl poittl lo lll('('llilrit('lcrs tvlttl itrc 2. ltttrotlttce tltc grattltttlrr tlialolls:
spt'rkitrg, atttl tlrcrl rept'al tltc tlilrklg.
a. I loltl ttp tltc l'ictttrt'()ltttl ol lltt'r'ot ltlrtll:rrv ilt'ttt lrr
.1. I'r;tr.lit:t': l)ivitle the clitss itlto grottl)s or pairs. I lavt:
Itc ttsctl itt tltc tlttestiott'
liroul)s A antl ll (or Sl irtrrl S1l) sily itlttlrtlltttt lillcs oI tlre llorl' lottg tlttts it |,lkt lo 14r'l ltt
rlialog. Illve Ss cltattge roles. lr. Ask a t;ttt'stiott, e.g.
llarurtii? Iitve
I Ss [cl)cilt.
Soy il! (Revlew recycled vocobulory) c. n rrs\vcr tltrr rlttcstiott' tr,g. Il lrttcs i llottrs ltv ltltttrt"
I lave Ss [el)04t.
t lrl rt'r'icrv srtltstittttiott tlialog is ttsecl ttl revierv
r ot':rlrrrlrrr y rvortls lctt ttctl itt llrcviotts lt'vcls.'l lrc tliakrg is rl. l)ivitle tltc class ittltt two llloLll)s.
lrrrilt rrlron arttl cxpatttlctl lrotlt a sirrrilar tlialog tirtrrrrl irl ir c. I loltl ttlt I)iclttrc Cartls rlttc ill l! tilll('. I lltr t' 11t'rttlr'\
Itt'r'iottc lt'r't'1. ask the (lucsliotl attd grottp ll ittlstrt'r, tltiltll rltt' a
t:artls tts cllcs. I lilvc Ss cltitttlle rolcs. I
I lris lt'ssott ittcltttles:
ll. IIave Ss opctt tltcir books:
l. ( )rrr' illuttrittc(l sct'ltc t'otttititrirrg tlrc rt'vit'u'
a. I)lay tlre Ol) for part A. I llve Ss listt'lt ittttl t r'Pt';tl
srrlrstiltttitttr tlirtlog lrottt llte previrltts lessott.
b. I titvc Ss tlo tltc tltrec or lirttr I itrr'rt. Sti-l'r'rt'tt irt'r itt
f. I orrr rlilli'rt'lrt voc;tlrttlitrl'rvrlrtls lcarttetl itt llrevirltts
llvtls [or sttlrsiitrttirttt ittto llte'tliirltlg pltts a
c. l'lay the CI) [or part I], Ilirrc Ss listt'tr ;ttttl rt'1tt'rtt'
pcrsorurlizltiott opliott itl ench tttrit.
cl. Ilavc Ss tkr tltc lltrec tlr ft)llI I i.s,(',r..'lsL.' rlrtstttt
,t. I lrr: (,lrttttt'tt'gr ttttt.
exerciscs itr ltitirs.
(icneral teacltllrg tllelllod o. l'lay the Cl) atttl tkl tlrq listt'rrirrg t'tt'tt is* irt P:rrt (i'
Note: (ltltttrat;tcd [ortlls are ttst'tl irl all lcvt'ls ilt ottlt't lo (
I ) i n kt gn nd rtcycled wtcab u krY
llc cottsistettt lvitlt ttlttttritl sp0kItt l:rrlilisll.
I . Ik'r'ilrv tlro tlialog its sttggestetl irr tltc'l'eat:lrer's (itritlc.
.1. tl,rlrnss ol)ctt lltcir llooks: Cltttrtl-a-grunt
:r l'lrrv tlrt'(ll). I lnve Ss listt'tt arrtl rcl)eilt tlle tlialog. l. I lave Ss look irt tltc (-'lrartl- tt'8t tt,tt itt tlre ltlt'r'itltts
lr. l'rrt Ss itrto ltitirs atttl ltavt'tltt'ttt practice tlle tlialog Iesstttt.
rrrirrg tltt'tlilltrt'trt t'ee1'clt'tl vtlt itbttlat y u'ttltls. 2. l'lay tlrc (.1). I lave Ss listcrr'
(,ltuttl -tt-g,trtttt ll. l)ivitlo Ss illto pitirs or 8[otll]r ltt eltllttl tliIlt'tt'ttl P;rrtr
oI tlrc clrant.
sltot t grattttttttr t'llltttl tllticlt itrttotlttct's tltt'
lrir ir rr
4. I litvtr llairs tlr gt'()tll)s cltitrrlir tolt's ittttl t ltlrltl ltliltitt
lr3llnlnrilr lroitrt itr citclt tltlit. Ss catl ltear, tltttlerstlttttl lttltl
IrlrsorIr Ilrt'1it:tttttttilr l)illl(fIlls lltrlrlrt'beirlg tc(ltlitl'(l to
(ll). Reod il! lltronlcs sounds)
1rrrrrlrrlc Iltlrrt.'l'ltr: Olrrtttt-rt'g,ruttl is ttll tlrc
['lronics is att irrtegral pltrt ol t':tllt lt'r'el. l.t'vel (i lcat ltcs
\s slrotrltl ortly bc ittlrorlttcctl t<t tlre cltalrt itr this tlte pltotrics stttttltls ol cottltttrttt ltlcrtrls, tliplttlrorrgs, nrtd
It,rson. lt scrvt's its a prtvicrv oI tlte grattttttar lloitlt to bc spcllings of worrls rvitlt silcttt u" k, ll ittttl lilt sotttrtls. Ss
t;rrr11lrt irr tlrc ttlxl lt'sstttt.'l ltc cllnrtt slrtltrltl l)e litllgllt ill cin listen io atttl repett tltc pltottit's sottttrls, ittttl ltrlrctict'
tlt't;ril irr lltt' ttt'xl lt:ssott. arttl rvritirlg tltt' lettr:rs.
I. Irrlrrrrlttct' tlrt' (,ltartl-a-grurr ils stlSScst(](l ill (llc 'l lris lcssrln irrcltrtlt's:
lrcr's ( irrirlr'.
I r,:rr
: l, Wrlrds rvith littgct pltottics sotttttls or spt'llirllis ck';rrll'
.1. l'l;rv tlrt'(.1 ). I lirve Ss listett.
t. l'lrrr tlrr'(,1 ) rrgititt atttl lravtr Ss follorv al<lrrg rvitlr (he
t lrrrrrl. I or cxatttplc, give tlrtt l)ictttrc (lartls or Iletltrccd
2. [:illing irr the blarrks itr a sltort l)ilssil8c rvitll lctlers oI
pltotrics sortttds or rvords aftcr lislcrritrg to tll(' l)ilssag(r
lli( tur(,('irtrls of llte itettts irt tlte cltattt atttl llave Ss
ririsc tlrc crtrrls tvltctt tltt'Y lrear llte rvtlrtls irt tlrc clllrnl' ll. Irillirrg itt tltc lllirtlks rlfsllorl sclltotlccs rvitlt Plrttttics
\s slrottlrl n()l cllilttl itt lltis lttssott. wordi after listcrrirrg to ilte st'tttettt'es, atttl llllltcllitlS
ottc oI tltc sctttcllct:s lo llle col rccl pictttrc.
Build il! lcrommorl
( ir un ur rar is pract icotl irr t lte forrrl oI siiltellletlts, <lialrtgs arrtl
qrrl r,;l itrttiott t'xt'rt'ises trsirtll illtrstlatiotls.
I lris llssott ittlltttlt's:
I I I lrt slrtlt'ttt('ttl Ii)rllls of tltt'trrrit's grattllttitr poittt.
2. Sirnplr' \l;ll('tltcll( lttrttt practicc cxtlrcistls.

lir,.:, rifrliolr
I)ronunciallon tallle General teaching method
'l Irc lillknvitrg syrnbols arc rrserl to inrlicatc thc

I protrrrrrciation of tlre plrorrics sorrrrrls irrtrorlrrcerl in tht:

lltT rrl it! section of e aclr unir. l. Write tlre lettcrs of one of tlre target phonics solrntls rlr
sllellings otr the boar(1.
Synrllols Kcvrvortls 2. Slr<xv Ss tlre l)lronics (larrls of rvrlrtls rvilh llral plrorrit.s
(lorrsonants l) sorrntl. I\lirrt to arrrl rearl cach rvrlrcl, cnrllhasizirrg tltt,
ll bnr:k targct lllrorrics s<nrntl. I lave Ss listcn. Ask Ss rvlrit:lr
sotrttrl is thc sarrre. llave Ss answcr.
t tcn
tl dav
3. lntrotlrrcc llrc olltcr targut plronics soru.rrls or sprllirrgs
irr the sarne rvay.
k kcv
4. I)ractice; l)lace tlre I)honics Oartls on tlrc lluarl, lloirrt
8ct to tlrun irt rantlotn ortler arrrl ltavc Ss nalllc tllrnl.
'If fat
5. Ilave Ss ol)cn their hooks atrrl look at part A:
a. I)lay thc CI). Ilave Ss lislerr and point to eaclt pi(:litrc.
0 thing
b. I'}lay tlrc sarne track 0rr thc Ol). Ilave Ss liste n ilrrrl
t] lhen r(jpcat.
s s(xln (i. Ilave Ss look ilt the l)ox of revicrv rvorrls. I lave Ss rrarrrt,
'/. zcro tlrcnr.
T ship 7. l)racticc: Ilave Ss finrl alrtl nanlc I)iclllr.(:s of rvrlrrls irt
1ll citstr rc the nrairr sccllos tlrat corrtairr tlrc plrrtrrics sorrrrrls llrt.y,
h hrtt hirvc just lr:arnerl.
x loch
Wr i I I n g Ie t t ers oJfsou rrds
rI chccr
.h Jrrrrrll
I. I Iavc Ss opcrr tlrcir llooks arr<l look at parl ll:
nl sum a. I)lay tlre (ll). Ilave Ss lislen and fill in the blarrks
n su ll rvitlr
le tte rs of plronics sutrntls lly referrirrg to grirrt ;\
worrl bank. lr{orc arlvatrccrt Ss t'an cove t ltl) l)ilrl
as a
t'l sunq A to incrcase tlrc clrallcnge.
lvcl b. I lirvc Ss rcarl tlrc gtlssll;c or ltlvc irrtlivirlrrll Ss rrirtl
t r
eacll sctttcnctt.

lilritirtg u'ords
Vrlrvcls l I lave Ss opcn tlrcir ltooks anrl krok ut llart ( i:
slrrlrl bir a. l)lay the CI). l lave ss listcn anrl fill in tlrc blarrIs rvirlt
tl llerl gllrorrics rvorrls, itrrtl rrralclr one of lltc sclrlcrrt.e s rr itlr
ic col tll0 (:orrccl pictrrre.
t) lrot
Proclice it!
'l'his scctiorr contains a listening, rcading
(, or rvrililrg
[)lrt .rctivity iirrrl a (ask-hase tl sltcakirrg activily for puiri or

I about
groul)s.'l'hesc activitics are <lesigrtcrl to alknv Ss to rrsr: tlre
lattgrragt r '' ,y havc lcarrrt:rl.

Iorrg shccl'l General teaching metlrod

il: lat hur
l): tloir
I'ractice lt!
J: lilrr r l. llave Ss opcn their books arrrl look at lhc ,rrrcri(.(? irl
u: lloot Page.
:r: blrrl 2. I:or thc rcatling, lisre nirrg lrrtl rvriting activilics, rr:r,icri
tliplrtltongs tlre targct language nntl explain tlre procctlurc. I llve Ss
,(jt ll]i!kc conrpletc tltesc activitics inrlividrrally.
ilr lic
3. Iilr thc task-bascrl speaking activity, revierv tlre lurgt.r
irl lroy sliltcnle nt or (luestion frlrrrr. Irrrt ss irrto;lairs 0r
()tl r)ol0 groul)s. Iixllltrirr tltc lcssorr ;ltarr, rrsirrlS irrstrrrr.lions lr
il( ) nolv the l)ottonl 0[ tlrc glagc. I lave Ss cornple te tlrc at:tivity.
ti) rcal ilr lltrirs or Hroul)s.
t;r ilcl ufl

t l
Recycle il! 6nevtew ot three unlts)
Allcr ovcly tltree urrits; tlrsrr: ls a llucyclc lt! rrrrit rvlrir:lr
ricrvcs to rcitrforce anrl expanrl frrr previotrsly slurlictl
lntrgttage ilcrns. Inclutled arc alr illrrstratctl, huntlrrous
story itn(l rcvicrv cxcrci$cs.

Course Description 5
(ient rnl tenchlrtg trtctltod Cullure
'l lrc (ltrltrrrtl trttils ittirotlttt'e ntlvettlltrc sl)()tls illltl
L lltvir'rv tltrt tlilkrgs ntttl vot:itltttlnry filtrtttl itl tlte story,
ll, Illve Ss oltott lltt'ir books to llle sl(,ry scctitltl and lorlk
irrturttali<tttitl Iilorls t:ttioyetl lty clriltlrctr itrotttltl lllc rvotltl.
l:irclt ttrrit llrovitlt's ittt oltlrttllttttity lirl frrttlrlr ('olll('ltl'
bascd learttitrg, as rvcll :ts.lirr it ftrrr lllt'nk lttlttl ttlole
irt llitrt A, seriotts lcsstttts.
t. lllvicrl lltt'cltar;tclers ntttl ilcttts itt tlrtt pictttrcs'
,1. I'lrrv tlrr.(ll). llrtvc ss listctt alrd poittt lo llttt (ienernl teaclrlng ttlellto(l
r rrr rr,rlrotrtlinB l)lcttllcS.
fi, l'l;rv llrr' .irtttu' ttit('k ()ll tlrr'(ll)' I lavc Ss listetr artd
I ('lr(':rl. Ittfrodttce tlte atlvcttlttre sl)orl ot illtt'rllitti()tlitl firorl itt Ss'
nirtivc litttgtllgrl, if 1t<lssiblo. N(ll('\ :tlrrrttl lltt'ntlvt'ltltttr'
t;. l'ut S.i into pitirs or sttttrll grollps ntttl llavc'tltcttl
sl)orl or itttt'rttatirlltal fttott art'irlcltttlrtl itt lltl lt'rsrrtt
prrllilo tlrc tli;rlrt1is. (iivt tlllttt l)rol)s ns lle('essalr)r'
plarts. Slttlrv Ss l)icttlros o[ llte lrtllcttltll(t \l)(]rl (]l
7. I lrrrc vttltttttt'ct gr(,tll)s lrerlilrttt tllo story irr llont oI thc i rrturnatiotral fttod.
t litss.

I k, t, i t t t, {'J{'rt:is g.s Vocubulary

l ltttrotlttcc tltc vtlcitltttlitry itollls tlillt \rtttt orr'tr
l. I lirre intlivitlrral Ss rcatl the cliakrgs irl ptrt A agititt' )iott's
lticlttrcs, or ttse tlte pictttrt's irt tltc Strrrlcrrt llooL
ll. Ilirre Ss oltt'tt tltcir botlks to ilte rcvieu't'xt'rcises atl<l allout tlrc vtlcrllulary ltrc ittcltttlt'tl itt tltt lt'rsott pl;tttt'
lrrok rtt l)art I|.
.|. I'lrrv the (ll). I lavc Ss listett lo tlrc t;ttcstiotls atltl circlt:
2. I Iave Ss optltt tltcir borlks: 0
tlrr. itttstvt'rs.
a. Play tlre Cl). Ilave Ss listt'tt lttltl ltoittt to t':rt lt
vtlcittlttlary itcttt tttttler lltt tttititt \('('ll('\'
t, ( .lrt'r'k tht' lttls\\'ors as a rvltolr:-class activitl'.
b. l'lay tlro(ll) agairr. llave Ss lisletl lltrtl l('lt(';rl lllt'
l. I look itl l,ilrt C.
lrrr 0 Ss itetrts.
ri. I Irrvr. irrtlivirltrnl Ss rearl tlle rvtlrtls in tlle llox. c. Nartte tltc vocabulitry rvtlrtls itt rlttttlotlt ortlt't' Ilrtrt'
7. l'lirv thc (ll). llave Ss listerr alrd fill in the trlanks rvith fintl atttl poittt to lhe itt'trts itt lllt'lttlritt \('('ll('s
tlrt' pltottics rvrtrds. l]. l)ractice tlte vocabtrlar)'ittlttts rtillt lt llitllrr'oI il( ti\ it\'"
ll. (.lrct'L tlrc ltttsrvt'rs as a rvltrlle-clalss activity, Sttglicstiolts arc itt lllc lcssott plitlts.

Discover il! Ileadirtgs

I )isrovct ill ptuvitlt's nlr atltlitiotral cotttettt-bitsctl lcarrtitrg I litvc Ss ollcll tll(:ir borlks. l'101' tlrr'( ll)' I lirIt' Ss lirtt'tt .litttl 0
()lrl'(tl lllllil\'. rcirrl alotrg.

( lerreritl tcachltrg Inethod Qlle.rliolts

il t t d tt odi t, gs I'lay tltt: (ll). I Iave Ss atlsrver lltt'tlttlsliotts otlrllr lrv
lb t'n h t il n 11,
lclirrrirrg to tltc rcatlitrgs.
I. Irrtrorlttct' tltt'r'ttcitllttl;ttY itr'ttts rvitlt pictttrcs (tltere art:
n(l l)i('turr'( iittrls [0r tltcse itcrrts). Ii-ttutsiott
l', I lrrr r, Ss oltctt tltcir lrooks atttl ltlok at l)ilrt n ' I)o olte or tltore tlI tltc rlptitlrlal nctir itics {lo lrt'lp Ss
.1, l'lly tltr'(ll). llltvc Ss listen artd prlittl to tlle llictttres. uiltlcrstatttl tlrc itrlYt'tttttrt! sl)oll ()l itltt.irtltliotlltl lotrtl) or
l. I'lav tlre (ll ) agairr. I Iave Ss listen and repeat. i ,,y ut tt," rcprottrrciblc actii irit's. C
5. I'liry tlte ttcxl ltltck ott lllc Cl)' Ilavc Ss listcn to tlrc
t citrlittg. Activity Book
(i. I)o tlre sattte rvillt tltc tlilter two scts of rvortls atrd 'l hr:re is rrrrg Actiyit), lft16k page lirr eaclt lt.ssott itr littits
ttittlittli'i. l-U of tltc Strrtlctlt llortk. llvo lrltgt's for r':tt'll llt't'vt lo itl
arrrl l)iscovt'r itl ttrtit arltl olll'l);lll('for t'itt lt ( 'trlttttt' trrril'
ll'r'ititry esert:lse
'l'lte [irst t'xercist'ott t'itt'lt ltitlit'oI lltt' ttl:titt trtrils is a
L Ilrrvt,ss look rtl llitrt ll. listcrrlttg excrcise.'l lrt'sr,t.0rrtl t.rt'rt isr, l(,( u\('\ olt lr'ltllitt1l,
ll. I'll1'tlrr'(ll). llave Ss listen to tllc qttcstitltts irrttl lvritc irrrrl writilrg skills.
tlrr.:tttsn'crs by rcfcrrirrg to tlle rcaclirtgs irr part A.
.t. ('lrlck tlte itttsrvcrs itri n rtltole'clirss aclivity. Certeral tcitcltlltg lttetltott
Crosstt ottl lntzzle l. I lavc Ss opctt tltt'it lrooks.
l. I litvc Ss lorlk ilt l)ilrt (;. 2. Illvc Ss looh itl t'tt'tt ist' r\:
il. I Irrvc ss rt'atl tlte clttes. a. l'lir1'tlrc (ll). I litvt'Ss listt'rr ltttl ftrllorr itlottg ilr tlrt'ir
lrttr rks.
ll. I llrvt'Ss litrd tlte itttsrvcrs itr llte rcatlirtgs.
ll.l'atlst' tlrc (ll ) ilt cilcll lrr'll sotttttl lirr Ss lo trltttplt'ttr
l. ll;rr.r'Ss tvtitt'llle hlters itt tlltl boxes itl ortlcr ttl tlrt'trtsks.
crrtrtplclt' tlrt' ptrzzle.
c. (llrt'ck Ss' ittlsrvets itttrl cttrtect tvltt'lt' tlt'ct'ssltr)"
I lavc Ss look at excrcisc ll: .
Course timing ond schedule
a. l)cnronstrltc hurv to tlo tlre activity.

I .t.
ll. (iive Ss tirrre to corrrplcto tlre activity.
c. (lhcck Ss' irltsrvc'r$ anrl crlrrect rvltcre
'l'lrc Activity, liook nray also be assigtle(l
frlr holtrervork
Suggested timing lor one lesson plon
50- to 60-minute class
aftcr cxplairring to Ss hrlrv to do the exerciscs in class.
r\lterrrativell,, tlo cxe rcisc A in class ancl assign cxcn:ise W:rrrn-rrp / rcvierv I0-lll ntirrrrlcs
ll lirr lrorncrvork, rlr vir:c vcrsa. Activity llrok clreck' (5-7 tuirrrrtcs)
Iluve Ss color tlrc apllropriatc spilccs on tlle /k,ll,nrll Irri rotlrrcc antl llractice
l)ilgo at tlre llack of tlrc Acrivity llook on conrllletion of rrerv langrrage ite rns .10-ll2 nrirrrrlcs
clt'lr rrrrit. I lavc Ss rrsc thc color inrlicatcd in tlrc
r\ctivitl' llook litr tltirt rrrrit. Activity llook assigunre nt (s 7 tnirrrrtt.s)
Wrap-rrp 5-[] nlinulos
lirtal 50-(i0 rttirrrttes

30-minute class
Warnr-rrp / rcvicw 5 rninrrlcs

f- Activity llook clreck.

Introtlrrce and practice
norv langrrage ilerns
(li lrtirrrrtr:s)

|5 rttinrrlcs
nctivity Ilook assigrrnrcnt' (5 rttirtulcs)
Wrap-rr1l 5 rrrirrrrtcs
l'otaI ll0 rrrirrrrlcs

One-yeor schedule
70 classcs per ye&r
il rrniis x (i cltrsscs e aclr
1) li.l t'litssls
t Ilecycle it! rrrrits x 2 classes eaclr (i clrrsst's
3 I)iscovcr itl rrnits x 2 classes eactr (i cllrsst,s
2 (lrrlture rrrrits x 2 classes caclr .l t'litssts
lirt al 70 r'lltssls

5[] classcs pcr ycar

il 1) rrrrits x 5 cllsses elclr

ll lkrcyt:lc it! rrnits x 2 <:lasscs circlt
ll I)iscover itl rrrrits x I class
2 (ltrltrrlc rrnits x 2 t'lasses cuch

47 clusscs 1)cr ycar

1l units x.l classes circlr .l{i t'litsrt'r

I llt:cy'r:lc it! ttrrits x 2 classcs car:lr (i elitsst,'r,
l I )ist ovt,r' lt! rrrri(s x I cllss ^l t l,tsrts
2 Ortllrlrc rrrrits x I cltrss t' ll t'litssls
'lirtirl l7 t litsrls
il " Assigrr lronrcrvork ulir:r t:r,cry ollrcr cllss arrrl tlrr:
Irornervork rltrring tlrc lirllorvirrg class.

Course Descrrption 7
Suggesled scheduling lor one unil
(i classes per urrlt (70 classes per year)
I t'sson plarrs irr tlre l'eaclter's Guide follolv this scltcrlttlc,

( iI rt,ic l'ng,c tltlc ln clsss Actlvlty llook

I litlk nlrottl lt! llcvlcrv prevlorrs rrrrlt'.s vocatrrrlary.'l'each ruttl gtrlcticc ttotv vrtcitltttlittl'.
'lllk ulrotrt lt!
(\ircitbulary) 1 \trcalrrtllrl')
., l:rlk alrorrt it!
lalk nborrt it! llcvierv prcvious lessott's vocabtrlary.'l'each atttl praclicc tliitlrlgs.
(I)iulogs) (I )illttgs)
:l Say il! llrvicrv prevlous lcssorr'.s levicrv srrhsllttttiott tlinkrg. l)ritelicc tlilkrg tritlt SilI irl
srrbstittrtion excrcises, ttsittg vrtcallttlitry rccycletl frrtttt prcviotts lt'vel'i.
Irrtrrlrluce tlre Clrattt-a- grarrt.
I lluild it! / Ilevicrv tlre ulrit's vocatrttlary ile ttrs attd Srillltrllilr diakrg. l)ractict'the llrriltl itl
Olrarrt-a-granr grnnillrar StAtenletrt antl tlialog rvith stthstittrtitttt ttxt'rcises.'li'aclr lrrttl
sirrg tlre Chattt-a-grattt.

5 Itcld it! llcvierv previuus urtit's phortics sottttds.'l'each ancl l)r.lcllc(' tttttr' ltllottit's lk'ltl it!
sorrrrrls atrd wonls.
(i I'roctice it! llevierv thc unit'.s grotlllror statcgletlt arltl dialqg. l)o lltc titsk.hitstrtl |'r;rt'ticr,itI
llrirctice. llevierv tlte unit.

5 chsses per unlt (58 classes pcr yeor)

(llnss I'og,e tltle lrr eluss Actlvlty lklok
'lllk ahout it! llevic.rv previotts ttttit's vocabttlary.'l'each altd llracticc tterv vrtcabttlitt \'. l;rlk irlrotrt it!
(\trcabulary) ( \ircllrulrtr\')
'l 'lirlk nbout it! Ilevicrv llrcvious lcssott's vocallttlary. l'caclr arrtl practice tliitlrlgs. lirlk alrorrt itl
(l)inkrgs) (I)ialogs)

3 Srrt'itl / Practice ilre revierv substittrtion tlirtklg ttsitrg rccycled vtlcitllttlar\'. Slv it
(;lr;illl-n-gritlll / l)o lltc Oltalt-a-grartt. ltttrgtlttct lltg grattttttitr stillt'lllctll ittttl tlilrhrli
llrrikl it!
'l'enclr and llrriltl itl
.l Ituild ir!/ l,rac{ice tlte grattttttar slsterllellt artd dialog. lltlvicrv ptt'r'iutts
llt'ird it! rrnit's grhonics $ottttds. lrttrotlttc:c trew pltottics stttttttls atttl rvortls.
'tcaclt nntl Itr,lrl it! /
5 llt.nd it! / l)rilcticr) tterv llltottics sotrttds atrd wortls. I)o llto litsk-ltitsltl
I)racticc it! l)ractice. Ilevierv the urtit. l'rnt'licu il!

4 clusses per unlt (47 classes per year)

Olnss llnge tltle Irr class Actlvliy ll0ok
'lhlk about it! 'leaclr and practice ttew vocalltrlary. lntrodr.rce dialtlgs' lllk allottt it!
(Hrcabulory) (\trcahtrlnrl'!
'lhlk nbout it! 'lalk ahout it!
2 llcvierv lrrevitttts lcsstttt's vocnlltrlitly.'l'each atrtl l)rilcti(:o tlinlogs.
(l)ialogs) / Say it I)ractice the revierv substitutitxt dialog ttsitrg rtlcl'clctl vtlcabttlar)'. (l)inlogs) / Saf itl

3 lh'ild ir! / Ileview tlre dialogs. Do the Charll-a-grartt.'lcach atltl practir:e tlte lltrikl it!
Olrirrrl-a-grant / grntnrnar staletlent and diaklg. ltltrtltlttce tlt'rv ltllotlics sotttttls alttl
llcrrd it! lvords.
4 llcltl it! / 'l'each atrd lrrflctice rrew lllrorrics sortrttls attrl rvortls. l)o tltrt titsk-llasctl lk:ad it! /
l'rtclicr: it! l)rilcti(:0. Ilcvicl tltc uttit. l'racticr it!

8 Corrrse Descriplion
Lesson plonning Optlons

t ';hcrs slrorrltl plan e aclr lcssorr care frrlly rvith

goals lrrtl olljct:livcs irr rninrl. It is alrvays l)ette r to l)lan
Itrrlrc aclivi(ies tharr rrer:essary irr case orrc activity clocs
Iiach lcsson plan suggests further activities to llc rrserl,
either as part ofeach lcsson or in place ofsrrggestetl
activities.'l'his section usually sugge sls tasks or aclivirir:s
filr practice.

nol \vork accorrlirrg to plan.

Note: Materials neetled for optional 0ctivilics urc ,tol
irrclrrrletl irr tlre nraterials box ofeach lcsso,r ,r,,;,,,.
Explonolion of lesson plons in lhe
Teocher's Guide Actlvity Book
'l here is orrc corrrlllutc lessrtn
lllan lilr eaclt Sturlerrt llook 'l'he Activity Ilook serves to reinforce what rvas tarrght in
;la1ic. llrlrvcver, if yorr nct:rl to teach two Sltrrlerrt Ilook class. Hxcrcises rnay be done in class or at honle .
pagcs in orre lesson, you call do so by inrltlenrerrting one
of tlre srtligcstt:tl sclre rlirlcs olr 11. B.
Materials for the next lesson
Strcccss rerlrrires plarrtring, and plarrning takes tinre-
sonrclhing tlte btrsy te aclre r of chiklrcn olten has too littlc If any rllaterials are rreeded for the rrexl lessorl rlr for any
ol'.'l he lr:ssorr pl:rrrs in tlrc'l'caclrcr's (irri<lc have llce rr of the optional activities in thc ucxt lessot'r, tlrr: tcil(:ltrjr i:,
tlcsignctl to ltelp thr: tr:aclrcr covcr all the nraterial in intbrnrctl aheacl of tinre to lrring / pre parc thcse frlr rlrc
.Srlrr'r{lrl.s irr an orgarrizcrl nranncr rvith nrinirnal n(.xt l0ssotr.
llllrrnirrg. A brie t look at tlrc Activiry llank before class will
oltt:rr givt:1'otr that one r:xtro irlca tlrat ltoosts an average
(:lilss to ir greilt r:lilss. liilclr suljglrstc(l lcssorr plan lras bccrr
U- rlivitletl irrto tlre lirllorving sectiorrs.

Wtrm-trp / revicrv
liat'lr lt:ssorr llcl;ins rvitlr it hrn wilrnl-ul) irr rlrtlcr to revir.rrv
rrratcrial prcviorrsly le arrrcrl anil rnotivale Ss io trsc
I:rrglislr rltrring class.
Ilar'lr rvlrrtr-rrp / re'",icrv soclion practiccs larrgrrage
ite rrrs l'roltr llte previorrs less<lrr or fronr tlte previorrs rrnit.

t Activity llook (chcck honrcwork)

Sy stt'rlntic rt:r,it:rv is k(ly io lhc rclcnlion of rrt:rv lartgrurgc.
litrrtlrrr rcvierv oI the ltreviorrs class' lrratcrial is brrilt irrto
tlrr lcssorr in tltc lirrrrr of tlte lrorrrervurk clrcck.

Introtltrctlon of nerv Ianguage items

Ncrv larrgtrage.itcrrrs aru intro(luced irr tlris secti()t)
rvitlrorrt the airl ol'thc Irook.'l.hc lircrrs is <trr thc leaclrc'r,
so Ss lrr:ar llrrgtrlgc bulirrc protltrcirrg it tlternselves.
Srrggestions llc give rr irr caclr less<ln plan on lrrlrv to
? trrc l)ictrrrr: (llrrls or rt:ll olrjr.cts lo irrtrorlrrce tlrc

Open llrc book

Ss opcrr tlrcir lro0ks ilnrl lisrcn to an(l l)ractice tlre ncrv
llrrgrrage ilr'tt)s. [)tl t.tilcrl strggestions on horv to itrvolve Ss
tvlrilt.listt,rrirrH t() tll(,(ll) irrr,provirlcrl irr clclr lt:ssorr lllitrr.

Al'lcr thc lrook

Itra(tit f is t:ssctrtitrl il Ss flr'e to iiltcrrralizc tlre trcw
l;rrrgrr;rge itt'rrrs. l)ctailerl srrggestions on horv to furthcr
pr.rt'ticr: tlrl lre llrovitlcrl in eaclt lessorr
l;trrgrrugc itcrrrs


il llt,girrrrirr6 lrrrl urrlirrl; c;rclr cluss irr arr ctrioyable rvay is

r,rrt.rrtitrl to irrstillirrg irr clriltlren a love oflinglislr. Ijach
It,rsorr plirn lras srrggcstions [or aclivities to llrrish caclr
t ll.,ri arrrl se nrl r:lrilrlrcn lronre feelirrg goorl allout tlte
It'ssorr anrl thurrrsclve s.

Course Descripllon I
lJrrit and titlc 'lbpic and vocabulary Gratnrniln

I Summer l lollday placcsl Sotrth A[i icl, I lnrrnii' Olrratla, tlle

(irlrrtl Onrrl'ort, thc (ircat llnrricr llt't'1, stllltlller
It lakt's 7 ltottrs t() []l('l lo I llrr'lrii llv rlltrtt'.
I krrv krttg rkres il titli(' l{} 1it't to I lartaii? /
Vocotion canrp, th('rviltllito 1lark, llre tttotttrtailts, tllc bcaclt, It takcs 7 ltrtttrs hy lrlltttc.
nry grattrlparcttls' ltottstl
'llpes of ltalrl straiglrt trlirck hair, Iottg bkrtttl hitir, Sltc'.s sltortrr lltittt ritt'. / \li.'I('\'l,tlllll('t lltlttt tllt'tlt
2 Lost in Howoil ls slrc talkrr tluut vott? / No, slte's llol. Sll('s
curly rctl ltair, short hrtlrvtr hair slrorter tlt:ttt tttc. / \irs, sltc is.
l)rorrourr oblccts: l/ttte, yrtu/yott, llc/ltittt, she/hcr, Arc yrtt )outtB('r lltittt tltlttt? / Ntt, rltJle ttol.
we/trs, thoy/lltcrrt Wc'rc oltler llt:ttt llrctrt. / \i's, rtc itte.
l'ast-icnse cnnrplng acllvltles: gottt' cittttrt:itlg, l'r,e rrever grttte t'atttrt'ittg. / \\i:'r't'sk'1tl itt:t tctlt' /
3 Summer Comp trratle tt cltrtlllirc, slcllt irr t lcttt, ttsctl it collll)itss, I litve 1'rttt ('\'cr Sotto t itttrtt'ittlir / N,. I ll.rtltr't. /

in Conodo carrglrt a lislr \t's. I lravc.

Onrirphrg gcnr: slt'r'gritrg blg, lilc iitckt't,'l lterttttls' llave yott ever slcpt irr l lt'tttl / No. rrt'lutvrrll. /
sunscrccn, lrttg sprity \i.s, rlt'lrave.

Recycle il! I llevlcw of Unlts l-3

Discover itl I lrttnrpbnt:k rvhalt', l'lrr:ilic Oct'alt' islirrttl, sltip,
pirirte, Atklntic oceitn, trcilstlre, rvt'igll, scil li<ttl,
lslonds c(Iftrtor, giillti tori(,istr
Sulerlatlve atlit'ctlves u.ltlr -c.t. frieptllv/lr icntlliest, I thilrk tlrat's.tllc ttt(t\l lloisottottr stt;tl'r' itt
4 On Sofod in i,iti,tfltu,t,,iu*i, scitrl /scltriesl, tlrrisv/tririsiesl, trgly/rrgliesl Sorrth Africa.
South Africo Supcrlath e arlicctlvcs rvltlt "tltost": lllosl lx)isollotls ls tltat tlre rrrosl lrttisttltorts sltllLt' irt Sotttlt
snike, ttt,,tt lrtiarrtiltrl l)ir(1, llt()\t col()rlrrl lizitrd, tttost Aliica? / \t's, I tlrinksrt. / Nrt. I tlottt ilrittk so.
irrtelliqcrrt attintnl, ttrost tl
iVater actlvltles: sttr[ltrg, stttlrkclitrg, scttba tliving, I go sttrfiltg cvt'r1'tvt'ekt'tttl. / Sltt'goer srttfittg
5 Hoving Fun ot
sailing, rvitttlsttrlittg cvcrv rvcekutttl.
the Beoch 'llrnes: cve ry day, cvely otltcr tlir)', tlttt'c titttes n I klrv o[tctr tltl 1'tttt go strrlilrg? / l:r't'rt rtct'l*r'tttl
I ltnv oftcn doci slrc go srrl lirrg? / l:r t't v rr t'clctttl.
lveek, cvcry rveckctttl, tlvice a ttrotttlt

Canlplng tasks: pick trp thc rocks, ptlt tU) lho tclll, Irut do\.tl
I l",r,L;|,,tif c,,r,l J 1 l"rei . Itt rl,' dlTl",.' r- ;
6 Setting Up
the hlckpru'k, turtt otr tltc latttcrtr, ttrrrr oll thc {lashlight
krt o[ ntarslrnrallolrs, / he]l arc a fttr' tttltrlttttallotr r.
Ilorvnruch colIl is tlltro? / llttrt"s ll lol. I Ihcrr.'s ;r littlt'
Comp Quantltlos o[ food: a lot o[ cortt, a lot o[ potato salitd, a I knv ntany rnarshntltllotrs atc lll('10? | I ltt'rt lrr: ;t ft'rr. I
little purltling, it lot oI satttltvicltes, a lctv ttlarshtttnlltxs 'l lrcrc are a lot.

Recycle it! 2 Ilevl$v of tlnlts 4-6

Discover itt 2 sting, stirtgcr, skltt, retl lltttttp, poisolt, t'ltltsc, slttcll,
walk arvay, klst, hclicopttr, lvlristle, rcst:tte tvtttkcr,
Comping Scfety lips scarch dog

7 A Scory Night Scnry crcutttrcs: ttat, cockrttitclt, cotrrit, ttttrstlttito, I screartted llccattsc I stt'1lpt'tl (lrl sl)ltl('lllilt8.
sgrirlcr lVhy tlitl you scrtlattt? / llccttttst'I stt'pprrtl ott
lhsl-t(:nse nctiotts: stcplltrtl otl sottttltltitlg, cLlt llly sorne thittg.
lrnntl, fcll tlorvn, ltil rrry ltcatl, ltttrl tttv lt'g
rast parllclples: \r(]tlt/,{ollc otl sltlitri, sitlv/seclt a
I Bock Homs llcar,'rotlt'/iirklclt att tlcltltattl, took/ tilk('ll il
Wc lverlt lo Catlil(la to go lr, sllllttll('t (';lllll).
\\4ry,did you go to (lttrntln? /'li) 8o tn stllllttlcr
helicopter ridc, ale/ettctt a hnltv pirtt'applt' . -
Vncntlon acllvltlos: g(! lo slttlttttcr ctrrlrlr, visit firrttilli cilrIll).
set: wiltl anitttals, go lriking, go lxrrsclrnck ritlilrg
Sclrool clubs: scltool lrattd, clteerlcatlitlg teattt, I tlrirrk the cltcctlclrrling tt'ittrl is lttttlt'littt tluttt
9 SchoolSiorts clroir, rlrnttt0 clttlt, scicttt:e clttlt, cttttllttttt'r clrrb, llte scltool hitttrl.
Soon scluull ttervspaper Wlrich ls rturre littt, tltc st'lrool htttttl or tltc
(lrrrrparollvi:s wltlr "tttore": fttlt/tttorc lirn, llrllttrllr/ chctrrlcatlirrg t('illlt? / I tlrirrk tltc clrt'trk'lrtling
, irrtcrcstirrg/nlorc intorr:stillS tciiln.

Recycle it! 3 llcvlcrv o[ Unlts 7-9

Discover ilt 3 ivory trrsks, klll, iervclry, carvittg, scll, slrcll,

rrrctlicitttr, tttotttttaitt gorillirs, stell
Endongered Animols

Culture I clirnbirrg slrrtcs, ltitrttess, ltt'lttttrt, kltt'itk' lllr scitl,

till ovcr, tlo ltrtrtgrs, sttorvltoitrtl' lrirrtlirrg, lritrnsail
Adventure Sports callol)y

Culture 2 pccl, clrop, ntnslt, tttix, sprirrklc, slicc, scotrp, ott

t0l), toilst, toilstcr ovell
Inlemotionql Foods

I con do it! Asscsstuettt for l,evel (i

I (l c,.,llrtt'rt Is
Vocabulary substitution dialog Revierv substitution dialog Functional dialog Phonics
\Vlral arc you goirrg to rkt tlris I rvcnt to I larvaii last suu)nlcr. Wlrat about you? / l)onny otv: flotvcrs, lltrtrvtt, crlrls
strrrrrrrcr? / lin going lo go to Soutlt l( rvits grcirt. / Wlrat rlirl yorr att<l I are goirrg t<l sultllucr ou: ttrrrtrtrlilins,s0rrtlt,
Aliit a. / lle alll,? rlo there? / I clirnbcd a calnp. /'l lrar sorrutls likc Irorrse
volcano. / \{rlrv! frrn. oui you, sou1t, sortvt,rrit
\\'llirt's rrr()Dg? / I cilrft lirrtl rrry \Vlrat'.s lrcr rranre'l /'lirni Akrha. Wclcontc ro I lnrvali. / cr: shotrltlcr,sllnnl(.[,
sister. / \\'lrat rkres slrc look like? / (.lirrk. / \tllrlt'.s slre rvcaring? / I li, Arrnt lr'lary. I li, t lnt:le crackcrs
Sltc lrirs stritigltt lrlirt'li, lutir lrrrl
llltre slrorts atrtl I grccn lkry. / lley, lertny. llcy, Sreve tur: cttrly, sur f, purplt:
Itrorvtr e1'cs. 'l'- shirt.
/ lt's 1;oorl to sec yorr aguin. ir: girl,'l'-shirt. tlrirtt.r.n
\Vlurt tkr sc rrr,t,rl to takr'? / \'rlrr Wltcrt arc rve goitrly to go I Ii. l'nr ltne.'l'hut l(x,kri rlt: lcrrl, clt.plrilnt,
net'rl l slt,cpirrg lrlg arrrl a life clrurcirrg? /'l lrc rlay al'tcr lretvy. /lt is. / l)o yoll willlt l)rcscllls
jlr'Ir,t. lonl{)rrow. Arc yort cxr:itcrl? / sornu ltclll? / Srrrc, tlranks, pl; sl(:l)t, cnrlrl, s\\,r.1)t
I carit rvait. / I can't rvait either. It: qrrilt, lrt:lt, salt

[.ooLl l'ltcrc'.s a girlllir. / \\til<l 'l lrosc lre clre talrs, arcn't ey
e Arc l,orr rcatly to go orr safari? / trtorrLcl,, lot:1i rrtottr.\ \\torv! / I tlrirrk tlrcy'rc tlte tlrcy'l / No, tlley aren't.'l ltcy,'yg \Ve sure arc! Is it dapgcrorrs? / y: Sartrly,lrrrrrgrl,,
frit'rr<lliest arrirrrals. Iry'erras. / Oh. I rvant to sce Nu, it isrr't rlarrgcrous. lirrt $lcel)y
sotttc clree lahs. stily in thc i(jcp. y: lr1'crras, lrrly, lly,

Strrling looks likt: lirrr. / lt is. I )o

\\,.ull to t11,it'{ / \ir;rlr.
1,trrr \Vhich tkr you like betrer, srrrfing l.ook at all tltose lish! / lle u: scuha (livillg, llulr,
or sturrkclirrg? / Srrrling is lirrr, clrufrrl. l)on't lorrclr thc ruler
brrt I like snorkcling br:ttcr. / I t:rlrul. / l\rlry not? / lt's reitlly lr: rrkrrlele,rrrrrsic,
like lrotlr srrrl}rg arul srro]l1|][ sltirrp. nlusclrlll
I t'1's st:t up tlte r:arrrglsitc. / \\'lritt tkr \Vlrat'.s tlte nlitttcr? / I lravc an ls it O( il rve go lislrirrg rrorv? tifaur n.l *g, *r,r", *i,,r,f ,
tvc lrlvt: to r!r? / l)it k rrp lltu rocks. silertt l: lncel, lrri[r, krot lr,,l
ciu'rrr:lre. / Why rlrln;t yorr go / OK, llrt corrre lrat k at l-r:ll0
lrcrr lrrrt up tltc tctrt. lic tknvrr? / I thirrk I rvill. silent h: ultitt:. glrost, rrlr,rlt.
for rlirrucr.
silent gh: fl ashliglrt, tiglrrr,rrr,

il Ioni(lrt

I lrt'lrtl it, too. I)o 1,ou tlrink it's a I ltave to go t() tlto llltlrloorrr. I ltearl a noise. / \\/lrat kirrd oi: rtoisc, ririri, prrirrrcrl
bat? I I <lon't rlrink so. I l'll go klok, / IUe, too. / \Vlre rc's tltc ol noisc? / It sorrrrdcrl lik: an {)yi toy, ho1', snl,slrrll
llirllrroorrr? / lt's tlorvrr tlrc atrirnal.
\\'c ucnt rrrr sa[lri irr Sotrtlt ,\l'rir.l. / l)irl you lravu a gootl vit('ittion? scr: scrs.rnr('ini:iu r('liiil:
,il l.ook.'lilrri gitve ntc il scruh
Ilave vorr e \,cr g(,nc rrrt slluri'l / lrte? / I larvaii rvls lantastit:. / I lorv nccklace. / l('s really crrtc. /
1r* t'!'t'r. tvits lltr: rvctrlltur tlrt|lt:? / ( lrt,ilt,
spr: spring, sprirrUr:r,
\trllt, I Irvc it. sgrr in6lrr rl
lt rvas rrsrrally strnrry. spl: spllslretl. slli!:
:1,!i,ll, i
Arc y'rrrr going to irrirr tlre sr.ltool \Vlto's tlrc te aclrer goirrg to lle? Sclrool stlrts irr trvrl rver:Ls. ca: llrclklirrt, ht'urllclrt.,
lr;rrrtl? / I'rn nol srrrc vt't. I lligllt. / N{r. I}llck. I'r,e lrulrrl lro's llre /'l'lral s cxcitirrg! / \'ealr, it ls. Irrcirrl
lrest teachcr. / (lrol. ljil: lcallil, pcat lrcs.
eit: itl:1, Korea


Syllobus I I
l.tvel l.lstenlng
r (llroose tlrt corrt'cl l)icltlrc r llepeat sintple stittcltlcllls, Nnrrrr. itll ttppcr atttl r'li;rt't' nlrtl rlrilt' itll
rtlrile lislcrriltg to rvorcls arrtl questions antl ansrvers lo\rcr cals(r lell('rs rrpllcr atttl lorlcr
slrorl setttcttctts wlrett givctt a ttttttlcl llcc(,8nizc till ll('t ( it\('lrllttrs t,tt
s I ir\'('s
r I'trl pictttrcs ilt ortler rvltile o Ask ancl answer sirrrplc vocabtrlary atttl
listenirrg ttt tflrgot qucsti()ns about lllrortics rvortls o \Ylitc llreir orvtt
voclhulary ittttl fttltctiotrnl tlrcrrrsclves whett llivctt a nurn('s irr lirrglislr
tliirlogs nrorle l
o llesporrtl (:orroctly to slrrtlrle o Say the suutttls ul'itll
cortuttatttls lettcrs as thc first lttters oI
r Urrderstancl sltort sttlries rvords (exccl)t x rvhich is
c0ntohllllE sitttplc prcsett(t d os lltu lilst loltcr
slructtlres atxl vocallttlnrY of rvords)
. l.isten to words autl ide rltily o l)crforrrr diitlugs ol a story
l0ttors ilt tlre treginrrirrg rlf aftcr listening
rvords (cxceltt x rvhich is
llres0illc(l ils lllc lilsl lctter
oI rvrlrtls)
r (llruose n l)icturo tvhilc r Ask ntttl otlswcr rlttt'stiotrs o lleatl atttl sat'tlte r \\'rite kcy rrottls
listertittg to serttetlccs or allout tlretnsclves itttd sotttrtl rtI ttlosl l('tl('1s ()n stilv0s \\'ll('ll
short diologs others as tltc trtt:rliitl rrr firtll givr'rr n tttorlt.l
r l)ut pictures itt order rvhile . Say the sottnrls tlf tlttlst sotttttls of tvrtrtls, o l:ill in l('llcrs lo
listcning to target letters as tltc trtetlial or incltttlirrg fitral - s t'olrtltlctt' rlttrtls
vo<:abtt la ry. ftt nc t iot tal fitral sotrrrtls of rvttrtls, r Ilcael atrtl tttttlt'rslittttl
rliakrgs and'l l)ll cottttttatttls including firral -s words atttl sltorl
. l.isten to rvorrls arrd idetrtify scnt0nccs
tlte souttds of Itlost lettcrs . Ilecognize cortllltotl
as tlte nrrtlial rtr fitt:rl sight rvords
sorrnrls of rvortls

o (llroose a pictttrrr or rvord r Make stilterncrtls antl ask o tlead and unrlcrstlttttl r \\'ritt' kr'\' rlorrls
a[ter listenirtg to sl0telllellts arrrl ansrver qttestitltts sentetrces irrrtl recogttizt' tltal
utttl tllllogs allorrl llrctrtsclvcs ittttl tlre sittttt'sotttttl
otlrers trrity lre sptllcrl
o lleco8ttiz.e llte srttttttl of
o Say ilrc sutttttls oI trvtt- tlillctt,ttt tr';tvs
trvo-leller c0trs()llaltt all(l
vorvel tligruphs lctt0r e(,ilsonitttl ittttl r I ill irr hlirttks lrr
vorvcl rligraplrs cotnplctl tvttrtls
ltrrl setrlt'rlct'ti
r (llroosc )'cs trr iro fltlsrvers o AtrswCr ycs or tlo llcarl and rttttlerstittttl r l;ill irr blartks'to
nfter listertitrg ttt tltrtlstiotts (Frestions dialogs atttl sltorl corrrplllt'
r Say the soutttls \(,nt('nt ('s
o llccogrriz.e thc sotttrtls o[ ol' l)ilssilllcs
('orDlllOll Cr)lls()llalli oll(l conlnlon cottsottattt atrcl r \\'ritt,sltorl
vorvol llletttls vorvcl blerrds ilrts\v('rs lo rvrittt'tt
rltrcsl ions itflcr
rcarlittg slttlrt

r llcco8ttize tlte souttds oI r 'lirkc part in diakrgs, lleatl arttl tttttlcrstitttrl r \\'ritc senlonc(js
:rntl tliffcrcnccs bctrveetr asking, answerittg attcl pilssagcs s'lrr:lt givcrt a
conlnr(xr lllcntls, nrakirrg staterltetrts ilbrrut rrrorlcl
rliplrthrlrrgs, and initlal tlrerrrsclves nrrtl otltcrs r \Vritu ttttsw(trs l(,
I arrd r r Say tlrt: stttttttls ol'
(presliotls al)(rttl
r Ansrvc'r qrtestiolls after conlrnon lllcrrrls, sltort passages
listclling trl tlinltlgs antl diplrtlrongs, trttl irritial
slrort passages I artd r
r Itcrlortrt rolc-1lla1's irltcr
listcrritrg lo <liitlrrgs
o Anslver qttesliolts after o 'l'irke part in Itearl attrl utttlcrstatttl r \Vritr-' sltrtrl etttail
listeni lr g ttt cotlversatiotts c()nversatiolls, askilrg, l)assag,es nrcssagtis atrtl
arrd llassages artswerittg antl trrakittg postcards
slittctllellts ill)otll o \Vritc (lucstiotts
o [)istirtgtrish sitttilar stlttntls
tlrctttsclvcs ittttl otltt't s and attsrlcrs alltlttl
r (lrcate sinrple rolc-plitvs l)alssil8es
rvltett given a ttttltlel

I ') Cor rrro Gools

:.::iJllLY-. rd rs. .. -r.zl'lrl\-r.rL..- .lu I

Worm-up / Review Build it! Chont-o-grom

l. lleat the tinre 43. Choose a carl 93. .Chanr and do
?. l)rlrv tlrc cat
il :1. l:intt it, srvat it arrd say il!
,14. (lircle statcrrrents
45. Detectivcs
94. (lount tlre rvords
95, tillit in
4. (iuess it! 46. Iying countdown 96. Ilot polatoes
5. I lorv rtranl,catr you tratrre? 47. My clroico tf 7. Xaraoke
(i, ln lny nlrv 4lt. Ou rny ltack 1)8. by lirrc
7. Ir'latclr the atlicctive s 49, I)artner search 99. Ity clrant
tl. Irlore pictrrre scarchirrg 50. Pass it arorrntl 100. l'oint along
9, Narno ir! llelay 51. Qrrestion on cue l (l l . lie arrangc
10. Say it! l.otro 52. Say it fast! 102. Solo
I l. tVhatl nrissing? 53. Sentence rnenrory 103. Stand rrp when you hcar it
12. \Vhere nrn l? 54. 'l'hrorv the tlic
l:1. \Vhispers 55. 'llue or'falsc
104. Back rvriring
Tolk obout it! (Vocobuloryt Reod it! 105. Horv nlany can you thirrk oli,
l.l. All in ortle r 56. Clropstick reluy 106. l.east trr tnost
15, All llrrt it rklrvrr! 57. Fill in thc blanks! 107. Nly orvn rlictarion
il 16. llalkrorr lrorrnce 58. Find tlre word l0B. What I learned roday
17. llrairrstorrrr 59. Give rne five 109. \Arhere was it?
Ill. (lards in orrlcr 60. I got one!
I$. (lharadcs l
61. Oopsl
?0, Oooperativel)icassrr 62. Pair dictation Rewords
2I. l:asl acliorr 63. I)lronicscont:errlratiorr I 10. Certlficatc of conrllletiorr
22. (iet tlrern all 64. Plronics fislting II l.
Rcrvnrrl currls
23. ( irre ss
65. I)horrics gltrulls I 12. Vcrhal praise
ll.l. I\loct ntc in tlre rtritklle (i6. l)lronics nrrrsictl chairs
25. Irlintl ganre 67. Quick flaslr
il 26. Irly rrristakc (itl. Separate llre sentences
?7. l'rrt it rlorvrr! 69. Sorrnrl rclay
?tl. Ilace by nrrnrlle r 70. I'eambrainstornring
21,. llegreat after nre 71. Tearn spelling
:l{). Sknv lt:lkrn 72. tlnscrarnble lt!
:l l. Srtap! 73. Vanishirrgscrrtcnceli
32. lVrire ir arxl circlc irl ltelay 74. Write it! Ilelay
75. Write your otvn story
Tolk obout it! {Dlotosst /
Soy it! Proctice it! / Recycle it!
il llcop 76. Rest ln terr
l)artllers 77. llttzz
I ligh tlralrra 7ll. Oorrccntration
Irly orvrr tliaklg 7{1. Ikrlkrw thc purlr
llcad lny lips 80, Karrgaroos
lkrlc-play tll. Mirrre it! ltclay
Sity ill parln0rs tl2. No. Sorry. ((io l'islr)
Stop tlre sloprvatclr tl:J, Old nraid
'lirss llre urrirrral l|4, C)pposltes
\Vllo saitl ir? tls, I)arrots
t|(i, lloll it two tirrres
t7. Say ir! Bingo
tlB. Stand ln order
89. The nrost

t 90, 'l'lc.tac.tne
1) l.
1)2. Wrnl

Aclivity Bonk Contenls list l3

[rlank llicces oI pitltt:r. Ntrtttllcr llrc 9. Nattte ltl ltelaY
Note:'lir rnlrkt' irclivities ttsitlg
lk'tlttt t'tl I'i('ttlr(' (litr(ls citrrls, Say n tltttttltt'r' I litvc Sls trt'ltr l)ivirlc Ss ittlrl lrvo grotll)s stltltlitlg
( lr';re lter's (itritle ;lp. l7l'-179) lle l'irst ro gilcss tlrc citrrl. (llrcck llrtr irt trvrt litttrs. Ilse l'ictttre (]nrtls ltl lle
' ut(tt('r:lrlrllt'rrgittg,)'otlltlily card arttl tcll Ss il'tltc itttsrver rvits revictvetl, or tcitl itctlts. I klld trp it
\\'ilttl lo t ttt ttlI tJtc rvtlrtls rlr correct or ittcrlrrtlct. IIavr: Sls thcrt r:aftl. I litve Sl s try to llllllle lltt'caltl'
pltrrtscs liorrt thc calds bck)ro go to tlle back ol'tlrcir litttrs. (iivc tltc cartl lo tlle sttltlcttt rvlttl
usittg tltettt. i}rntitttre tllltil illl Ss lrave hatl a nlnlcs it first.'l'lrat Sl got's ttt tlte t'tltl
chattcc to gttt:ss a cartl. ol lrrrr lirtt'; tltc ollter Sl stal's itt ltottt
lrrtl lrits ()tl(' lllole cltitttt't'. lI lrt'is ttot
5. Ilow nr.ury c.rtr You trattrc? llrc lirst lo lliltlle tlle ttt'xt cirrtl, llt'
Worm-up / Review gocs t(t tlre birck oI tltc lirre'
I)ivittc thc class irtlrl strtall grtlups'
l. lleat tlte tltrte Iltvc otte stu(lctlt itt tlitclt grotll) ilct Vnrlittkltt: Sltf it gritttttttilr l)itilorll to
as tlte sccretary or artisl'
(iive grtlttps Irt' rr.'r'icrvetl. l ltctt sltrtrv a l)iclttrt'
l'ilt l'i('tttrt'(lartls fo lle revietved ott (lnrrl. Ss trv lo l)t. lirsl to saY lllQ
fivc rrrittutcs to list ttr tlritrv' frtlttl
tlrc lroltrtl (rvitlr the picltrrc sitlcs tltc
slrortirrlil. I l:rvt'Ss statltl itl a citcltr' ln0rn()Iy, ils lllillly vtlcaltttlarf iltlttls lyiurttttitl 1t:rttcr tt, stlhstitttlilrg itt
frottr tlte ltreviotts trttit (rlr lvtlrtls tlt:tt iterrr rttt lltt cltrtl.
Stlrrt n sroltrr'ntclt. ltnvc Sl ttattrt'llte
lirst lrtrtl rirr tlre bttard, S2 ttitltte tltc
Ss ltitvc irircatll' lt'irl trctl) as ;lossilrlc'
st,conrl, atttl stl tltt aroutttl llte t:ircle' !Vlren tlre titrlc is rtp, ltnve Srotll)s 10. Say itt l.tttto
Ss cart ltclp eaclt otlter ltatue tlte takc ttrrtrs ttattlirrg otte itettt frttttr (iivc cnt'lt st(l(l('lll otte st't of
clrtls if tl('ccssary. lVltetr tlre last rlrcir list. lVrite caclt itctn ott tltc llctlttcctl l)it:ttll(l (llrtls lo be
\tu(h'nl rlltlllcs a card, sttlp the board. rcvicrvt'tl. I litvr: Ss clttto$t' atty fottr
stolrrr.ulclt artd cltcck lllc tirtlc. I lave Variatkltt: I tave Ss list phonics rvtlrtls cartls atttl plact' llrettt face trp irt front
Ss rt'pt'at tlrt'activity arl(l iry to front lltc tlead it!scctiolls in the oI tlrt'rtt, Ntttttc llte t'ltrtls frtlttl tht'set
contplt'lc all tlre rvords itt a sltortcr Sttttlcttt llotlk. in rttttlrtltt rttrlt'r. I litvc Ss ttrrrl ovtr
tirrrt'. tlte cartls )'otl llilltlr. I llrt't' llre Iirst
6. Itr nrY row stu(lcnl \\'ll(, lllrlls over all ltis t:artls
2. I)rarv tlte cat nante tltt'ttt. I Iltvc Ss clttttlstl tlilfi:rt'tlt
I)ut Ss' seats ittttt rtln's. llave the
cnrtls lrottt lltt' st'l lttttl 1llll' ntttltltt'r
I )ir itlt' lhc cll:is itlto stttall grortlts' frorrt rorv (ttcross) ol ss stattd trll'
rort tttl.
I lm'r' S l s itt each grottll rlrarv tlre Slrorv a I)ictttre (lartl io be rcviewed,
Irt'ltl, lrorlf irrrtl legs of a cal (tttl otlttlr ask a g,rattltttar tltttrstitltt, or say litlc
It'lttttcs) ort tlte lltlnrtl.'l llett shorv a u,,* ni'n tlialog. Stantlirrg Ss try to [)e I l. What's nrisslrrg?
Ii('lute (lrrrtl ttl be revict'-ctl to oll Sls' first to raise thcir hirllds alld illlswcr' I)lar:c {} to l0 l'i<:ttrrt'(lartls ttl be
lrr.lirst strtrlt'ttt lo llittlle tlle cartl 'l ltc sttrtlettt wlto itttsrcrs corrcctly reviervt'tl ttl t'litssrorrttl itettts tttt tlte
tlrrotvs it tlit'trld atltls a lilattrrtl to tllc cart sil dowll. (btrtittttc trtrtil only titllle. I litvtr Ss sttrtly tltcttt [or l5
,lrlltl)'s clt. lI I ls lltrotvtt, Sl tlrarvs att onc sttttle ttt (S l) is lclt stallditlg' sccotttls, tltt'tt clost' tlteir t'1'tts'
r';rr; ll, att t\'('; :], il ttttsei 4, fttttr, I Invc nll Ss sittirtg irr tltt'sattte coltttlrtr tlctttttvt' ttttr' r'itttl. I lnvt' Ss ol)(lll illoir
rr lri,,lt'rs: 5, it rtlrtrttlt; ti, a tail' as Sl llow stattd ttp. (}rrltinuc tllc evr.s irttrl trv to itlt'rttilv tlte rtrissittg
('onl itlttt' itt lllt' sitttlt' rvay rvitll llrr: gilnt(' tllltil ()ltly otlt'sttrrlt'rrt (52) is r.irrtl ,,r itt'tit. Itrctcitst' tlrt' rlillit rrltl'
(ltlr('r citr(ls. A cat catt only lravc 2 standirrg. Ss sittirrg itt tlte sattle rtlrv as lly rt'ttttlvitlg trro c;tttls tlr
tr t's ittttl 2 citrs. ll u Erotll) tllro\vs tllc 52 ttorv itand trll' (.otr(ittttc rrntil irll Ss lt:urritttgittg Iltcttt. l.t't tlle sltttletlt
,irtt,' tttrtttlrt'r agairr, thcy eatr'l drarv lrlvo ltatl a cltattctl to illlswcr. rvtro [irst illls\\'t'rs ('()rrtcllY Iltkt' tltr
iillrllrillll. ( irottlts try to be first itl tlrt. rtlltl oI tltt' teltt'lttlr atltl rt'tlttlve a
corttlrlllt' tlrcir r:itt' 7. Match thc atlicctives cirrtl lltt tlt'xt lilll('" lrt l:trgtr classtls,
or write twtl put Ss illto llrollps o[ [ottr arrtl plly
Say trvtl acliectives
l|. I:irrtl lt, srvat lt and say ltl atllectivcs ott lltt' lroitrd. I lave Ss
ivith llctltrcctl l'icttrrt' (lards,
l'llr'r' | 0 l() 2{) lti( ltlr(} (lnrtls to bc tlrink tlf sorrretllirrg that ctttt ltc
rr,vicn't'tl ott lltt'lalllc or flotlr (rvitlt dcscribcd by all thc adicctives' 12. Where alll l?
tlre ltit tttrt'sitlt's slrrlrvittg). llitve Ss^ e.q. beatlti[ul arrd lrig, greelt atitl l)lrtctl a llir:tttre ott lllt'brtartl so
11;rtl rcr ;tt otttttl lllt' citrtts. Sal'
ottc tlf y,ii,,,g, slttall ittttl coior[ttl, tlltttgt'rtltts s('c it. iJsc it piclttre rlI
ilrr, . ru.l.. I llve Ss l'irltl it arrrl slall it, arttl poisotttttts. "r','r\',r,i,'(rittl
. ,,r,r,tt, :t llottr ltlatt of a bttiltlirrg or
,1,,'1q sir)' tlrc cttrl.'l lrc first lturrtl arr otttsitlc scctltt. I lavc Sl llrctcttd lte
rlorrrt rvitts tltc citrtl. tlsirrg fly B. More Plctllre scarchlllg is lritlirrg stttltcrvltcre itt tlto ;tictttrr-''
\\!:rll('rs irtstcad 0f harltls ittcreuses I lavc tlte clitss ask qtlcsliotrs t(' tr)'lo
Ilse llccltrced I)ictttte (lards to be
tlrc ltttt. lrr lnrge cla$sos, divitlc Ss grrt'ss rrltcre S I is, e'g. Aro 1'ort (ruuler
[ovicwcd, ol' tlse tttilgilzitttt ltictttrcs'
irrto grottps of fottr to six attd tlso olte (lttt eaclt pictttrt: irl lralf. (iivc orrc lralf the table)? or Are ltttt (itr llrc
\('l r,I ll('(ltl('t"rl l)lclttre (inrtls pcr lundtortttt)? I lavc tltc sttttle tll rvlto
to caclt srtttlcttt' I lavc Ss scart'lt klr
Hr()tll,. gtloss('s SI's lritlirrg plitce cltttose llte
rhe sttttlctrt rvith tllt'otlrcr hirll tll'
tlcxt lli(lillg l)lilct!.
thcir l)icttlrc, Ss tttltY trot sllorv tltcir
4. (iucss itt pictuie to tltc otltcr Ss. Ilavc Ss rtalk
I )ivitlr ss iltto gtrlttp A atttl grottp ll aroutttl tttc classroottr tlescribirlg
lrrrl lirtvc tlrtrrt litte ttp itt trvo littcrs itt tlrcir lralf of tltc llictttrc' t:'g'' Iotrg
(]arrls blond ltair or curl)'rarl lmir'
Irortl oI lltt'lloittrl. l'ttt l)ictttrrl
I' lr. tcyiet'r'ctl 6tt tlte Irlard (rvitlt
llrt' llit'tttrt' sitlcs ltitltlctr). (ilver tlte
r,,,,,1r,,,, tlle' l)icturt: (lards with

It ' , ;t, [r,ttrl,

13. Wlrisllcrs lB. Cards ln ortler groups. Assign caclr grorrp orrc o[ tlrt:
l)ivirle Ss into lrvo gr{)ul)s stantling l)lace one set of l)icture (lartls on thc carrls. I lave Ss rvalk arorrrrtl lllc rorrru,
in trvo lirre s. Wlrispe r a rvortl or a lirrc table (rvith tlre pictrrrr.l sitlcs slrorving). askitrg for tlreir Broul)'s t'lrrl, sirf irrg
il of a tliaklg to S I s in e aclr line . On the
t:orrlrt of tlrrcc, lrave S Is rvlrisper tlre
Narne a l'ew of the car<ls in rartrlorrr
orrler. IIave Ss, as inrlividrrals rrr irr
Do 1,qv11 lrave llrc (wlndxtrfiug) t'unl'{
lIa strrtlr:rrt lras llrc cartl, hrn,c lrirrr
tvrlrrl tlr sentcnce trl S?s, rvlt0 puirs, take turns linirrg ul) tlro car(ls in give il to tlrc askcr. lInot, lravt' hirrr
tvlrisgre r it to Slls arrrl so on. Ilave the tlre rlr<ler in rvlriclr you uilrlrc lllont. sitl'Mt, Sorr;,. llavr: grorrlls tr'1, 1., ,,,'
lusl rlrrrlcrrl irt r:lt'lr lirrr: rrrn'to yorr I llve tlrerrr llrerr nlrrrc tlre r:lrrls irr
l'irst lo collt,cl nll colrics rrI tlrr,ir t'lrrl.
artrl tvltislter llte rlorrl {)r' \1)nlr:llce. llrat ortlur. Nanre tlrc caKls lirstcr ilrrrl
I lavc 5 I s tltr:tt go lo lltc lrar:k ol'tltcir irr a tlill'orent ortlcr euch tirrre. 23. Gucss
lirrt:s lrc[ore contirulillg tvitlr artotlrr-r Varlatlon:'l'his cln lle done rvitlr Ss l)ul orrr: sel of l)iclrtre Oitrtls in l pilrr
s('nl(] nct,: .
in grorrps rrsing lledtrccd l)ictrtrr.t on the tal)lc lace rlorvrt. Ilavc Sl tirkt:
Varlatlon: I lave llru last strrrlerrt in (larrls. I lave eaclr grorrp try lo be tlre tlre top cartl, klok at it, arrrl rvitlrorrt
eaclr lirrr: rr'rile tlrc sentcnce on lhc [irst to line trp the cartls in the slrorvirrl; anyolro, ask ll/lrar i.s itl
lloa rrl. correct ordcr arttl nante lhern. I lavc othcr Ss try to grrcss rvlrat it is,
c.g. Is if (g,one utnoeitrg)lSl arrsrvtr:
19. Charades l'es rlr No. 'l he strrtk-'nl rvlro grrr,sst,s
corre ctly takes tltr: ncxt r:arrl.
Tolk obout it! (Vocqbulory) Slrorv Sl one of tlrc l)ictrrre (lards.
I lavo Sl act out tlre rvrlrd or gllrrasc
14. All ln ortler rrsing geslrrrcs arrrl sounrl elfccts
24. Meet me in the rnirltlle

f- (llroose {l t(} l(} Ss arrtl give the rn eaclr

il l)i( lure (lartl. Natrtc tltr: r:arrls irt
rarrrkrrrt orrlcr. I lave tlrosc Ss stanrl
orrly. IIavc the rcst ol thc Ss try trr
irlclttily tltc t:itrrl. l lrc l'irst slrtrlcrri to
correctly nanre tllc cilrrl acls out the
lltrt one sut oI l)i(:trlre (larrls orr tlrt,
lroarrl in a lirrc (rvitlr tllo l)iclurc si(l('s
sltorvirrg). l)ivirle Ss into trvo grolrl)s
rtp arrtl rttitke a lirru in tlrr: given ortlcr. ncxt cartl. anrl lrirvc tlre S Is slarrrl at oppositt'
'lhc rest of tlre Ss are lhe "itrry" and rlnrls of llre lirre of canls. Illve tlrc S Is
Varlall<lnr Divirlc Ss irrto grrlrrps.
clrt:ck rvhe lher tlre Ss arc slantlirtg itr rvalk torvartls eirclt ollter, rrarrrirrg llrt:
Show the sarrre carrl to S ls froln all
llrc t:rlrrecl orrlcr. Nalttc llte carrls r:arrls, orte al fl linlc. Wlrcrr llrc1, rrrlr,t,
grotrl)s. I lavc S Is ilct oltl tlrc rvor:rl rlr
agaitt, lastcr arrrl irr a rlifl'e re nt orrle r. say rocf', pttpcr, sclssors. (hrc, tu,o,
ltltrase for tlre ir glorrp. Whcn tlre tlrnrrlurrtl ltavu tlterrt pluy lltc girrrrr..
I l:rur'Ss l1;iritr slirrtrl irr tltc gir't:rr
ortlr:r. llcgrt::rl tvitlr rlil'lirrcnt Ss.
ll oul) gueriscs tlrc rvrlrtl, lrave 52 'l'he rvinrrr:r continlrcs rvllkirrg rlorvrr
(:olne t(, ytrtr lirl llru n(,xt wor(|.
Varlatltttt; ln hrrge classes, lrave Ss tlte lirre lorr,;rrtls llru ogrlursilc crrrl,

t pl;ry in Broul)s of tl to l0 arrtl use

llcrlrtced Itictrrre (larrls. (iivr: eaclr
slu(lunl a cartl antl lrave gnltrps lry t0
lrc [irst lo lirre rrp irr llre t:orrecl
20. Cooperativc Plcasso
l.lse nrrrltilllc scls ol (ilo l0 llcduccd
l)icirrrc (lartls. l)ivitle Ss inlo groups
ttittuirtg t:lrrls.'l'lte lost:r gocs lo tlrc
hack o[his grorrp anrl Sl] [ruru lris
groul) starts rvalkirrg antl narrrirrg
r:arrls I'ronr llre ctrrl. (lrrttirtrru rrrttil
ortlcr. of lorrr to six. (iivc eaclr grorrp a sct ono groul) reaclrus tlrc otlrcr gr(,rrl)'s
ol cartls antl sorrc pallcr. l)lircc tlte r,tttl.
cards face rlown in a 1lilc. At your Variation: llcplacc t:arrls regrrl;rrl1 lo
15. All put lt dorvnl sigrtal, havc S ls irr e ach grorrll pick
'l atlrl irrlclcst.
hc sunru ilclivily as l,rrl il rlorvn!, ltrrl up tllc t(!l) carrls in their lliles anrl,
this titttc 1;ive euelr stu(lcnt ir se l ol' rvitlrout shurvirrg it to tlre ir groul)s,
llctltrcctl l)ictrrrc (iartls ol rvorrls yrrrr rlrarv tlrc itern on tlro paller. IIavc
25. I\llnd ganre
rv:ull l(l rCvicrv. Ss sitttultilteorrsll, ollrt: r Ss in tlte grorrgrs try to guess lJse tl to l0l'ir:trrrr: (larrls. lhlicu, llrr:

t folknv llrc rlirccliorrs 1'rlrr Iive.

16. llalloorr borurcc

rvlrat it is. As soon as tlrc grorrll
gucssL's correctly, havc s2 llick rrp
llrc rrcxi carrl arrtl hcgirr to drilrv it.
lavc grorrlrs try t{) l)(} l'irsl t(r
t:arrls rvitlr Ss. I lavt: lirrrr Ss stlrrtl irt
llrc Irorrt ol the rorrrrr, [:rcirrg tltt:
clirss, I lave tlrc Ss pllt'c tlrcir lritrrtls
olt lh()ir [orclrr:irrl, pfllrtts rttrtrvurrl.
Itrtt Itit:trrre (lltrls orr tlrt: lrolrrl (rvilh I
curreclly grress illl tlrc Carrls. l'lacc a l'ictrrrc Oarrl in cach slrrrlt.rrt's
llrc l)i('trrr(r sirlcs slrrxvirrg). l)rrt Ss
Itlrtrls. Ss r:irn hurk at llrt: otlrr,r Ss'
ittlo sntall Broltl)s, ( iivtr lr groul) il r:artls, llttl ('ilnll(rl sce orvtr.
lralloorr. (irorrps try, to kr.r,p tltc 21. Fast action
I llrvc Ss tr)' l(l l"itle\c rvltat t itrrl llrt';'
llrlloorr rrp irr tlrc air. l:lclr tirrre tlre llsu orrc sct of l'icirrrc Olnls. I lirve Ss irrc lrrrlrlirrg, c.g. Is it o (s1tiiltil?
lr,rlLrrrn lotrclrcs o plrl ol ir rtu(l(.nl'.s tirk(: lttlns cltrlosiilg il t:irrrl, llrcrr Alklrv tlre t:llss lo givc lrirrts. r\ltt,r.rll
llorll', tlro strrtlertl ltls to sll,orre oI llashirrg it very t;rrir:kly to tllc ()tlrr:r lirttr Ss gut'ss lllr:ir ctrrrl:, t otrlirrrrt,
lltc tvrlrrls or plrrlscs. (irorrps tly to Ss, rvlto lry to lllcss tlre cilrrl. I lavr: rvith lirttr tnrlrc Ss urrtl rlilfr-,rr,rrt
[t:r,11 tlre ir llalloon ul) tlle lonl]csl. the stu(lent who grrcsses t:orructly cartls.
flash thc next car(l.
17. llrrlrrslorrrr 26. I\ly nrlslakc
Nartrc a t01ric, e.g. ltktccs tut like to 22.Get them all
I lold rrp l)ictttre (littrls to lrr, lrr.rctir r'il
6n rrr thilgs u,e like to do.l lave Ss try l.lse nrultiple copics of llerlrrcerl atrd Irarrte llre vocabrrl;rr'), r\,r)r(ls
tu tlrirrk oIas rnarry'lirrgli:,lr rvorrls as I'ictttre Citrrls. (iive orre sct ol cartls irtcorrr:clly. I litve Ss try lo corr(,( I
tlrr'1'r';rtr tlrat lit tlrc togrir:. Srrpllly to ear;lr strrrlr:rrl, l)ivirlc Ss irrto yottr trristlkls. lilr r,xlrnlrlt', lrolrl rrlr
il nrtv tvorrls llrc1,rvorril liLt: tu say irt
l:rrglislt l)ut can't.
gr(rul)si. I lovc ilrc sarnc nrrrrrbe r oI
groul)s as thore irrc I)ir:trrrc (lirrrls,
llte card frlr sttnscrcerr anrl say,llrrg
spray. I Iave Ss sly Nn, Ir b strrrsrn,r.rr.
i.e. if r:ach strrde rrt has ll tliflercnt
l)iclurc (lartls, tltcre slroukl bc ciglrt

Aclivily Borik l5
27. l)ut lt downl 32. Wrlte lt and clrcle ltl trtolay 37. nteac! nly llps
I'llt e orrt s(.t oI l)iclu]e (lards orr tlrc. l)ivido llre class itrto trvrt gloul)s. Say onc of the rliakrg lirtes siletttll',
trrbk. (rvith tlrc piclure sirle's I)ividc thc lloarrl ilr lral[, ottt' half frlr olrly nroulhirrg thc tvrlrds. I lave Ss
slrrrrlirrg). Say llicl' rtp tshort black eacll tetul. tJse {l to l0 l'icture Cartls. try to guess rvlrat line 1'ou have saitl.
htlr), (Sl's nanrc).llave Sl pick u1r I Iold up one cartl at a tinlc, so lltitt
'l he sturlcnt rvlto gttesses correcily
tlre carrl.'l lren irrstnrct Sl to Pr,, the rvorcl is shorving. Ilavc Ss froln c.ur nloullr arrother rliaklg lirle.
tlotltt (slnrt black halr).llepeat thls elch groull takc turrrs writing tlre Vnrlatlorr: l'lrorrics rvortls catl also bc
uitlr S.l, lrrrt tlris tirtrc adrl a locnliolr, wrlrtls on tlrcir Irall'of tlrc bonrcl. rnottlltctl.
t'.9. I'trl ilotwt (bol) nex/, lo (cobra). After all the words ltave beett rvrittett,
( lrntirrrre tvitlr different Ss, cards and have the groul)s stand itt nvo lltrcs
30. Itole-grlny
lot'ut iotrs. flrld Bive Sls in eaclr Broup a piecc of
chalk. Say a rvord. I lave'Sls run to l)trt Ss ilrto plrirs or groulls. I lavc
thc lloartl anrl try to be tlre first to pairs or groulls say tlialogs ttsittg
2lt. Ittce by nrutrbcr l)rttvltlt' I ltent
turno I iot rs il r r(l gcsl tl I cs.
circle llre wortl, say i(, lrantl tho clrllk
I )ivirh, Ss irrto lrvo or tuor(f grottps of rvitlr rrlct'ssitry ltrol)s. I lnve pnirs or
to S2s, arrtl grr to tltc back of tlrclr
lorrr lo six. (iive t'aclt grottp lttc'tttbcr lirres. (lotrtinue rvitlt olher Ss trrttil all gr()ul)s sirY tlroir tlirrl0gs itt frottl of
ir rrurrrhr.r, trsittg the sAttlc tltttnbers lvortls ltitvc bccn circlctl. llrc clirss.
for all lgrortqrs. lI rtccessary, give one
rrrrtlt'rrt tr,r'o rrurrtlttrs. (lall ottt a
39. Say ltt ltarllters
vot:ulrrrlarl' rvorrl or grltrasc' nlttl a
rr rr rulr(.r, t.E. G oile carroe l rtg.'l\t,o.
Tolk obout it! (oiologs) / l'rtt ittlo llairs. I lltvc pairs sitl'
I lrrvr. Ss rvlro are nurrrbcr trvo rtltr to Soy it! itllerrratt: lirrcs oI rt tliitlog. I ltvc Ss
I lre lroartl, rvrite 6oae cc noeing or
clrarrge rok's. lt is itttprtrtitttt tltai Ss
tlr lrrl il plclrtre oI trvo pcrtllle 33. llccp Iorrk al tlrlit' prtrtttt'rs rllrt'tt spcakittll., arrrl sit tlorvn agitirt. I lave Say n rliakrg liuc, sttbslitttling,lloolt
Ss trv to be tlrc first to c<lrrectly lirr orre o[ tlre words. llavc Ss supply
40. Stup tlte sloltrvntclt
conrplt'lt'thc insk. tlrc replacelnettt rvortl. I:tlr exatttple, Use a tlialog lltirt t'ottlititts a
Notr.: llris activity can also be dotrr' say I heanl a lrcr,pr. llave Ss say rroise. srrhstitrrt;rhlc itcrrr. ['ttl [ottr l'ictttrt'
rr.,irrg tlrt plrorrics rr'orrls itr llre lkarl (lontinrre rvillr rlil'[crcrrt dialugs, (lnrds orr tlrt lroiutl (rvitlr the picttrrt'
irl st't:tiorrs by lraving, Ss rvrite tlre sulrstituting Beep [<tr differerrt lvords. si<lcs slrrrn'ittg), rrsirrg itt'ttts tlrat
rlorrls y'ott say. strllstitttte ittto lltt' tlialog. Say llr'rlrl1'.
34. Changc lrartners Sel. Co. itttrl start tlt('st()l)\\'itlclt.
21). ltepcat after me I lave Ss fitttl it pttt tttt'r att<l sat' llttl
l)ividc Ss itrto glotrll A atrrl grottp ll.
tliakrg rvitlr llre .lirst sttltsliltttiott,
I lolrl rrp onc nf llre l'ictrrrc (larrls or a Ilave group A furnr .ltl otller circlc tlrerr firrrl rlilli'rt'rrt pitlltlcri lo s;t1'
rr,al olrir,cl. I\lint to Sl anrl ltavc lrcr irnd group ll fortrr irtt ittttcr circle. the rlialogs rvitlt tlre rctttltittirtg
ilir!il(. llrc cnrd or ohjcct, Ilnve llrc rest I lavc Ss irr tllc lrvo circltts fitce txtclt srrllsl it tttiotts. \\'ltltt t'r't'l 1'ottc ltnt
o{ tlrt,Ss rel)oat alterSl. lf Sl trrakes a otlrer anrl stanrl so tlrat tlrey are llnislrcrl, stol) tlre sttllttfrtlclt ittttl
rrrislrrkt'or carrnot nontc tllc cord, tlircctly oppositc a student itt the clrcck tlrc tirrrc. I litve Ss rr'pt'at tltt:
nillil(. llrrr cnrtl yourst'lf, have Sl otlrer circle. llavc all Ss irr grotrlt A activit!' atrrl lr1' lo crltrtltlt'tt' all llte
r{,lr(.irt llt('r yott, atrd ltavc llte rcst of say line orre o[ a tlialog atrd their tliaklgs irt it sltrrt lt'r tittte.
tlrl Ss rr'ptirt alttrSl, llavc tlilfcrcrtt l)ilrinors itt gr0trP ll litl(r two. Say
Sr ir \. lo nirrrrc tltr: cittds or objccts Cltuge.llavc Ss irr gtoult n titko two
r':rr lt litttr'. st('l)s to tltc riglrt itrttl ltavc Ss itt
41. 'lirss tlre artlrttnl
grorrp l) nlov(r two stcl)s to the lcl't so Ilavi Ss stiul(l in it circle .'lilss a
ll0. Slorv ilctlon all Ss have new l)irrtll(!rs. l)o tlrc strrl'ferl arrirttll lo Sl ntttl slty litte otttt
sanre frlr eaclt ncw tlialog. Nlottitor of a tlialog. I lavc Sl reslrotttl rvitlt
l,\(' [)i( trrr(! Cards. I lil'r: Sl clr()osc a lirte trlo, slt littc otttt itgaitt, lltctt ltlss
Ss and help wlren necessary.
t lrrl anrl cover tlre cartl with a piece
tlrc, attitttal to 52. Ilavt'S2 rcsltottd
ol lrcirr'1' pirpcr. 'l ltett hove S I
rvitlr lirrt t\r(,, sa)'littc otte agaitr artd
un('o\'('r llre citrd vcry slowly atttl tlte 35. Illgh draltta
so orr. l'rorrrltt Ss rvltctt ltt'cossirry.
t'luss try to guess the card, I lave thc l)trt Ss into pairs rlr grottps. I lave Ss
st rrr.ltnt tvlro gucsses corrcctly act out the tlialogs trsing tliflercrlt
t'lroosc arrtl rrncover tlrc ncxt card. voices, e.g. a loutl voice, a slee py
42. Wlxr sald lt?
voice, a conrlltttcr-like voit:e. I lavc lllirrrlfokl 52. IIlvc Sl say' lirrc tlttt'rtf
31. Snapt sotne Ss say the ir tliakrgs irt frortl oI a ,ii.l,,g rvhile rrf irrg to disgrrise trcr
the class. voicc. I lavc 52 rcsllotttl tr'itlt littc lrvrl
(iivc t'rrch slrrrlerrt a set (tf llerlucerl
ol tlre tlinlog, lltert t11' trt gttt'ss rr'lto
l'ietrrr u ( lurrls. l)rtt Ss ittto l)ilirs. I lilvc
36. My own diillog sairl lirtc orrc.
pnirs ptrt rlorvrt onc r:rtrrl eaclt otr
tlrcir tlcsks. sitf irrg tlrt rvords ott tlte tJsc tlialogs that \vill allorv Ss to
Varlutlon: I lave ttvo tliffcrt'rrt Ss sny
t'lrtls at tlre sanre tirnc. lf tlrev llut strllstitute diflcrcrrt rvttrds ittttl tltetll. lirrcs ortc atttl lrvo. llave tlre
tlon'n llrc sarue carcl, tltcy try to be Put Ss irtto pairs. I litvc pairs rrllc-play
blintlfoldcd sttttlcttt littess lltllh
lirst to call out Srtoltl'l lrc first pcrsott tlrc tlialogs, sutrstitrrtirtg dill.crettt slleakcrs.
Io call ortt takes lltc ttserl carrls. rvrtrds ittlo tltcttt. I litve stltttc llitirs
( rrrrtinue unlil otte studeltt has all perforrrr their tliaklgs itt [rottt rlI tltc
t lre citrtls. class.

l{i nrtivily Bonk

Build it! l)oint to the lnost poisnnorrs snakc 51. Qrrcstlon on cuc
carrl arrd say I tlllali tlnt's tlrc nrcst
l)ividc Ss illto group A arrrl grorrp ll.
43. Chooseacard polsonous sltkler ln Soutlr Afrlca. l,
L I)lace l)ictrrre (lartls to be practiccd 2,3,4 ... Ilave tlre rest of the Ss try to
l)rarv a large qrresliorr lrrirrk on tlre
lloanl. Poirrt lo the tlrrostiolr rrralk
orr tlrc tahle {rvith tlre glictrrre sides correct the rrristakc lleforc Sl reaclres
antl say lhe larget qrrcstion. l lave
shorving). l lavc any strrrlt:nt rrsc tlrc l0 lry sayirrg I tlthtk tlutt's tlrc ntost
grottp A ropcitt. I krltl rrll thc l)ictrrrr:
rvrlrtl or;rlrraso orr lhe car(l to say lhs poisorrorts struke in South Africa.'l'lte
Carrl to be rrscd irr llrc tlrsrvrr anrl
lar8ot stiltetncrrl rtr r;rrestiorr, or lirst stu(lcllt wlro con ucts tlre rrrislakr:
say tlre iins\ver. I lave grorrll Il rcllt'lt-
linc of a rlitlog to hc prlcticcrl. If thc
first will tre llre ncxt strrrlcnl to rtrake ( )orrtirrrrc rvitlr rliffercnt l)ictrrrc
a lalse statentonl ot'irtcurrectly rranre (lanls, llrrt elicit the qtrestiolls [r()tn
slillenlunt, qrrcstion rlr rlilkrg is
corlrjcl, lrave lrilrr kccll tlre cartl. ll' a card. lf no onc corrccls tlre rnislake
grrtttll A arrrl lhe 0nsrvcrs frorrr grorrp
nol, lrave ltinr return the card to thc llefore Sl reaches 10, have Sl narne
B. Ilave grollps change roles.
talllc. It is then another stu(lent! the cartl corrcctly or ntake a trtre
Irtilt. slalernent about it, then continrre
with a ncw sttrclent and a nr:w card. 52. Saylt fastl
Qrrickly flash one l)ronoun carrl (st,e
44. Circle statements
47. Mychoice the activity Clrcle slalclnenls .ll){rve)
\Vritc /rrr, slrc, tue,l/re1,, I anrl )/ol ou in yotrr right lrand antl onc nonn ()r
I Iave Ss use lho target granunar
six large car<ls so tlral 1,orr have six verll llhrase Pictrrre (larrl irr 1,orrr lr:l't
pr(,noun carrls. I lavc point lo nrakc rlriginal state rrre nts rlr
Ss sit in a circltl. hand. I lave indivltlrral Ss rrrukc a
dialogs using previously learrretl
l)lace prortorrn carrls arrrl l)iclrtre slatenlenl or ask a questiolt rrsirrg llrr:
(iarrls in tlre rtrirkllr: oI tlre circlo. vocahrrlary.'l'cach classroonr
two car(ls, e,g, shorv slre arrtl scrrl,/r
,il larrgrrirgc srrch as llotu cloyou suy
l'oittl lo 0 l)ronout) <:arrl itrttl a r/ipirr& and have Ss ask llorr rliel
l)ir:lrtrc (lanl. l lavc Sl rnakrr ir Itr Errgllslt? so tlrat Ss carr
does slrc g,o sculn dluhtgi lf Ss rrrirLt
ttse wortls lhey tlo l)ot ktr(,rv in
stirlcrnonl rrsltrg tlrilt Pr0trorrrr, llrat illt lncorrc(:l St0lerne nl 0r r1ttt.sti0rt,
tvorrl or plrrusc arrrl tlrc turgcl
lirrglislr in tlre statcnronts or rliaklgs,
flash the carrls agairr. I)o llrc slrrrc
grarfrnrar, e.g. (lla) screurtred because f<lr tlttl reuraitrirrl; r:arrls, rrsirr14
(he) (lrurl hlntse {). I laver t lre rre xt 48. On myback tl ifi'ercrtt cornlti trat iorr s r.irt'lt I i rr rr:.
strrrlerrt in the circle lnakc a tlse this activity frlr ycs / no grarllllar I:or negative slatcnlcnts, rlrarv an "X"
slilt(,ul(,lll trsirrg tltr, satrrc rvolrl rrr tilrgets. Attach u I)icturc (larrl (rvitlr on tllr! l)oilr(|. l\rirrt to tltc "X" ilrrrl
lllrrirse llrrt il rlil'lcrcrrl l)ronoull, the pictrrre or \tor(l sirle shorving) to llaslt the currls tprickll,. Ilavc ss rrr;rkc
c.g. (.Slrc,l screanwrl lteroust (slrc) tlre llack of caclr strrrlurt, rrsirrg large a rtcgirtive slaltcntcnl ilii|lg tltc tr\,o
(lturt ltcrscf) or tlre sarrre l)ronoun clips or lape. I Iave Ss circultte, askirrg r:artls yorr lrolrl rrp. Altcrrrirtr, lrt,trrlr,rr
il brrt a tlillerenl wor(l (,r gllrrase, e.g.
(lle) screanrcd bacause (|rc) (hit hts
the target question o[<lillerent Ss
rrrrtil they firrtl orrt tlrc pictrrre on tlrr: ir
al'llrrrrat ivc arrrl ncgativu slitIt,tnctrI s.

lrearl). Ilavc Ss continrrc rnaking rlrvu [lack. 53. Sentence menrory

statenlt:nts in lltc sarrre rvay rrrrtil all
I lave Ss sit irr a cirr:le. Say a tilrg('r
Ss have had a trrrrr.
49. Partncrscarch slaternent fnrru onc of tlrc llli/rl itl
.15. Dctcctlves Irsc two or three irlctrtical scts of seclions, e.9,. I lltiltk tltot's tlt., (,nos!
lletlrrccd Pictrrre (larrls. Give each polsottorts suuke) in Soutlt ,1.[r'ictt.
Scltlel lrv{) Ss l() lrc lhc rlr:trlr:tivcs nttrl strrrlcnt l clrrl nrirking sure tltitt ilt I lave Ss r()l)eitl,'l'lrcrr lravc Sl rrrirl.t, rr
havc lhe rn lcave tlre roonr. I lave six least trvo Ss havc tlre sanre card. sintilar slalcnlent rrsinlS a rlillirrcrrt
Ss starrrl rr;t at tltc l'nlrt ol'thc roorrt, I lavc Ss scarclr frrr tlre otlrcr strr<lcnl(s) vocallttlnry wrlrtl or plrrirsc lrrrl / or ir
rvitlr their harrrls bclrirrrl rlreir llacks. differcnt pronoutr, e.g,. (llr) tlrittks
t Slrrrrv orre l)iclrtrc (larrl, e.g..oncc a
rlal' to llrc class, arrrl givc il to Sl,
l lirvc tlre six Ss all prrt tlre ir hantls
with tlre satne cartl by sal,irrg tlrt:
ttanre of thcir caltl irr a lotrrl voice as
tltoy wtlk lrorrrrrl. Ss rrray not slrow
llmt's llre most ltolsottotts (slthler) itt
Sortth Afi"lm, Iluvc Sl n:pr,,itt S I 'h
anyone tllcir carrls. Wlrerr thcy l'ind senlcnce lntl lhelt nrahc lrrollrlr
lrrlrilrrl tlrr:ir blchs so tlrc tkrlcctlves llrcir partncrs, lrirve tlrcrrr tlo tlrc sirttllar slilte llt: trl. Itlvr.: Sll l'1rt';rt
curulol sec rvlro is lrolrlirrg tlrc card. target rlialog rrsirrg tlrc worl orr tltcir Sl'.s arr<l 52's stittcrtronts lrrtl rrlrlut,
Irrvite lhc (le tc(:tivcs llack lnto lhe ca rrl s, lttotlrcr orre. Ilavc Ss Lt.r'p f.irring
roorn. I lavc tlrc rlclcctivcs ask the Ss trotttrrl tlrc circle rrrrtil Ss ( ilutot
tlrc targe t r;rresti()n, onu ilt il titrre, 50. rcrnctrtbcr all lltc stirtctrt(:nlri or
Pass lt around
t:.y,. lktu, ofttu ilo.1'tttt gu stulnt ciuulnt colltc ltl) tvillr itrtolltcr rrr.s,
rlirirrg? l lrc Ss lnsrvcr Once a tkty, llave Ss stantl or sit irr a circle . Say
statcrllent. Start ag;rin rvitlr the
e lc. l hc rletcctivcs lry lu
lhc targcl diakrg rvlrilc Iroltlirrg rrll
l.grre ss Irorrr stu(lcllt wlr0 rvas trtt0lrle lo c0rrlirrutl.
tlrc hody larrgrrage rvlro is telling the tlte re levant I'ie irrre Carrl. I lavc Ss
Ilt lirrgu classcs, rlivirltr Ss irrlo gr,rrrp'
trrrtlt, i.e. rvlro lras the cartl. (}lntinue rel)e at. I lavc S l ask tlre strrdcnt on
of six to eiglrt, eaclr srrPprlrterl lr1
tritlr rlillercnt r:arrls irnrl rlt:tcctivcs. his lcft (S2) iho qucstion. I lavc 52
tltrcc rlr forrr otlrers rvlrrl ltt.lp tlrt:rn
ans\vr:r, llelleat the procedure rvitlr
Sll anrl 54 and cotrtinuc arorrntl llre
{6. Iylrrg colultdorvll circle. Say a dilfe rent answe r to the Note: \Vlrerc applicallle, lravc Ss r.;rrv
l'llcc l)ictrrrc (lartls to he llracticcd (luestiotl and repoa1 tlro ltrocedrtrc, tlrcir sentcrrccs rvith rlillcrr.trt
rln tll(: lill)le (rvitlr tlrc l)i(.trlr0 si(k)$ tlris tirrre rcvcrsirrg tlrc rlircction so l)ronoutrs arttl ll[irrrurl i\,(' or n(,gili i\'('
il sltotvirrg). I lave S I grrrirrl lrt orre of tlre
cartlr, narne il irrr:orrcr:tly rlr ttrake a
tltat roles are rcverserl. slirtcnrer)ts, r:.9,. (lle) iloesn't tltinL'
lhal's lhe (nrcsl dattgarous ctttl itt
[alrc slilte rne nl allorrt it, atrrl tlrelt Sottth Afriur, ratlre r tlrirrr irrrl r,r11 1,rt,
(()unl lo le rr, l:0r e xalttple , ltirVe S I tlte vot'alltrlary rvortls or plrr lscs.

Aclivity Bonk l7
5,1. 'l'hrorv the dle 58. I:ind thc word therrr. lf tltt. trto t:nrtls tkr ttttl tttitlt'lt,
hnve Ss tunl over lrrltlt cltttls itgttitt ltt
I'trt Ss into grairs nnd ltavo tltettt opclt I lave Ss klok at the rc;rtlittg itt part ll.
thcir originnl positirltts.
tlroir lrooks to lltc rclcvitltt llttild it! Say atry rvortl ittttl ltitvc Ss tcll Yott
p;r1,,r'. (iive t'aclt palr a die. llavc Sls irt rvlrat lirre tlrat rvortl is irr. lhc
r';rr"lr pair tlrrorv the dic, nrrtl eitlter slutlt.rrt lvlro [otttttl tltc rvrlrtl lirst say 64. Plronlcs fishlng
s;rv tlrr' sluto[lclll (part A) or ask llrc the ncxt word. Iltve Ss cut or,ll pitgtor lislt attd rvrite
r;trr,stiorr of lhat tturnller (part lt). lf tlre rv<lrtls of lltc st'ttteltctts ilt parl (i
SIs lskr,tl n t;ttcstiult, ltavc S2s 59. Give rlle fivtl of tho lfuyrrl ill llage (tll tltc [islt, oltc
ilrrs\r'('r.-l herr it',s 52s' tttrtt ltl lltr<lrv rvorrl orr eaclt fislt. Attnch a pill)or
l'rtt ittto lllrirs. I lirvc Sl irr clrclr
tlre rlic. \\'lrett Ss lltrotv n flvc, they t:lip lo caclt fislt. Irlitkt: a lislting pole
glair think o[ a plrorrics rvord, ctltttll
rlr('rrltl nlako llvo stai(ltlretrls or flsk l'rorn a llicce of strirtl4 atttl a pcrtr:il,
tlre lettt,rs anrl rvritcs tltat nutttbcr of
tr\o (luesli(rns.When tlrey throrv a six, Atl:r<:lr a ntagllet trt tltc etttl rlI tlte
lines ott ltcr palltlr, e.B.
strirr11. I litve Ss go lislrirrg for tllt'
thcv skilr a trrrrt.
fur brotlrt. I lirvc 52 siry -lcttt:rs
- slrc
rvrlrrls to nutkt' a se tlterlc{.' }'otl sll\'.
tlrirtks rnay bc itt tlrc rvtlrd. l lave S l
55. 'tiue 0r fillse rvrite the lettcr irt its correct positiorr Variatkltr:'l his catt alstl llc tlotlt'rritlt
allove tlte lilre lirr (lilcll corrcct Stlcss. lcttt'rs ort tlrt'lislr. Ss tr)'to spt'll tlte
t )ivirlc tlrc irtto lrvtl grotrps. I lave
grrrrtp A rttake a siatettlerlt altotlt otte ltr caclt ittcorrcci gtress, Sl drarvs att rvortls Yott sa1'.

()r nrorc of thcir grttttp tttt'ttttlcrs, "X" uttdcr the lirres. llnvc 52 try ttt
rusirrg tlrt litrget I)itttortt, e.g. I/r'goc.s llrtcss tlre word llcforc Sl gcts 5 "Xs", 65. Pltottics grtlul)s
.srrr.,/irrg truice a nrcnlh or S/re's ttetrer I lave Ss chattge roltrs atrd plrry again. tlse l'hottics (lnrtls lrottt tltrtlc
slcltl itt rt ,crtr. Croup Il gtresst:s if tlre tlil'[crt'rrt trrrits. lrlix ttl) tllc car(l$.
slirt(. nr('nt is lnte <lr fillse. lf lltcy 60. I got ortet (iive clt'lt ,,ittttlt'ttl tlttt'ca.rrl. I lavrl Ss
llu(,\s ('ottcct[y, tlrey t:ttt tttakc a Writcl tlte telttlrs oIil lllrortic's sottlttl tltt t11' lo lirrtl otllor Ss tvitlt a tvortl llritl
srilt('nlr.,lt itllottt n tttt'trtltt:r of tlreir lras tttr. sittttt'stttttltl its llloir r\'(,r(1.
llrc troarrl, c.g, rrl. I ltrvc SI tltarv it
(,\\'n gr(rtll). 'l lrln lrave Ss gel irrlri llottps' \Vltt'tt
l)icture rlftt rvortl r'ottlaittittg tltat
ptrorrics sountl. I lavc other Ss try trr 0\,('r)'(ltro lrils lirttntl tlteir gr(ltt1r, ltnYc'
grtcss rvlrai it is,'l lrc sttttlcttt rvltrt all Ss listerr ltt eitclt grttttp's u'tlrtls
Reod it! guesses corrttctly tlrarvs tltc ttext arrrl jrrtlgt' rvltt'tltcr tlrr,' grottp is
picturc. cortccl or llot.
5(i. Ohopstlck rclay
llse arr errlarged set of l)ltortics 61. Oopsl 66. l'honlcs ttlttslcal chalrs
(.:rrrls. l'rtl thc cards irt a lirte tttr llls Arritngc clritirs itt it t'itt'lt" otte cltitir
llave Ss look at tlte lclrtlittg irr pltrt Ii
lro:rrrl (rvitlr the picture sitlcs frlr cnt'lt sttttlcttl. l'litt't'a I'ltottics '
of the Ilecd il! page . lL'll tlrcttl yorl arc
slrorvirrg). l)ivitle Ss itrttt irvo 8r(,ttl)s. (la'rtl orr eltt'lt clritir. l'l:ty sttttttt tttttsic,
goillg to reatl it to tlterrt, bttt yott itrc
lllve tlre Ss tear tlp pilper ittto 3 cttt tirctl attrl nrigllt tllilk(' sotlle e.g. tltc (.luutl-rt'glrttrl. ittttl ltavt Ss
s(luarcs. I lave Ss rvrite tlre lctttlrs oI rvrrlk itrottttrl tlrc circle. \\'lrilt' tlrtr
nristakes. Ilcatl alrltttl part ll, tnlrkirrg
irll tlre rvttrtls rln lltc gricccs tlI paller'. rrristakcs, e.g. tltttit a rv<lrd, atld arl rntrsit: is llllyirrg, tll ilc a pltoltit s
l'rrl nll the picces of llnptrr otr n tattle oxtrfl rvor(l rlr sttllstittlte atttllltt:r soturrl ott tlrc ltoltttl. Stolt lll('ttlttsic.
at tlrt. frorrl uf lltc ruottt, rrtixcd up. Ilavc Ss trV trl sil tlorvtt oll n clurir
(iivc tlrc Hroups n grair of clropsticks rvorcl. I lave Ss raisc tlteir ltatrtls
lvltettevcr tltcY lteitr a tttistitkc ittttl rvltose carrl crtttlrtittc lltr' llltottirs
()r l\to lrcncils. I lavc Sroul)s race to sotttttl. I lnve lltrtst'tvlttl tlt'tt'
correct (he trtist lrke.
slrcll llrt'rrorrls on tltc t'nrrls. Sl tnkcs successlirl rt'lttl tlrc rvrlttl ntt lltt'ir
tlrr' t lxlpsticks, [irttls llrc lirsl lt'tter, cartl.
cnr r ics it Lrack to lrer g,rott1t, iltett
ti2. Pnlr tllctatlott
Varlat lorr:'lir tttlke t ltt' Siltll(' rll(!rt'
liilr,s tltr. clropslicks lo 52. (i)ntintte l)ttt Ss ittto pairs. (iivt: caclr ltair a
t:lrallengirrg, ('trt ()ll tllc u'ttttls [rttttt
rrrrtil lll tlrt'tvortls have llcott spcllcd. piece of grallr:r atttl it ;tcncil. Slry tlre
tlre cartls atttl ttse otlly llte ltictttrcs.
Vlrlirtlorr:'l lre silnlc gatttc catt llc s()ntcnc('s oI tlrc n'nrlitlg otte bY ottc,
pl;rvr:tl with the senlcncos irr ltnrt C pausirrg llelwcctt se tltcltces. Say eaclr
bv rvritirrg tlte rvords orr ilrtlivitlttal s(llrtonce ottly ttttc titttc. I litve pitirs 67. Qulck flaslt
pit,r'cs of lrlper. lry to rvrite tlrtrvtt tltc sclltcl'lccs. I'lrotocopl' l)ltrtttics (litrtls. Irlnktr
Olrcck by ltavirrg itrdividrtal Ss rvritc cnrlrtglt sets so tltat t'ach sltttlctrt ltas
tlre scttlcttctts oll lltc l)oilr(1. ()nu sct ttf cartls, Sltl'otte of lltt'
57. I:ill lrt the blanksl sorrrrtls. I lavc Ss holtl trp n clrrtl
l'lrotirt'op1' tltc Itltottics (lartls ftlr 63. I'horrlcs concentration rvlrose rlord cottlaitrs thai srltttttl atttl
('ir('ll (tu(lcnt. I lilve Ss cttt ttttl tlte N'lakc a pllotocol)y oI ottc llagt' ol'the nilrl(f tlr{: cartl, c.g. sa!'srlr atttl ltave
cirrrls arrtl place lltcttt ort lltcir desk l)lronics Cartls lirr eaclt pair ol Ss. l'rtt Ss lrold up :ttttl ttattte tltt'spritrklcr
in lrrrrlorrt ottlr,r. Sa-y tltt: pltottics Ss into ltairs. I)lrrllrlcol)y ollc ltagtl rll' ctrtl. (}rttlitttto tlrrtil nll sottttrls lt;tvt'
rrortls, otrt' lt1' ttne, itt rittttlottt ortlt'r. tlrc lllrottics (litrtls lirr t'aclt llitir ol Ss. btt'tt grracticetl.
I lrrlt'Ss rr'pt'at tlte rvorrls, filrd tlrc I lave Ss cttt eaclt citrtl, separatirtg thc
r il',llt clr(ls urttl lill itt lltt'lllatrks rvitlt rvortls frottt tlte llit:ttrrcs. Sprcatl all 6tl. Scllrtratc the setltellces
tlrl lctit'rs of tlte targct stltttltls. citrrls [ht:c tlrttvtt tttt a ialllc (ttlaktr
\\'titc tlre rlortls rtI lr1'l) or lllolt'
srrrc eitttls tlo ttrtt ovt'rlap)' I lat'tt Ss ll*ul it!
sr,r'rtt'nct's Itottt pltt I ll lrf tlrr:
take turns tryitrg to lirrtl a rrrttclrirrg
l)ilgc on s('l)ilr:llc cartls, Itttt Ss itrlrr
llair (rvorrl itttrl pit ttttt') l)Y ltll.ll'lll.l pairs rlr grottl)s. I\litke tlttc sct oI
ov('r ttvo cil11ls. ll tltt' ttvtt tttittclt'
cirr(ls li)r ('ilclt l)aiI ttr grottp, lttttl
Iravc Ss Itilttlc tltc c;rltls hclrlrc takirlg

r, li ,;l\? p/lt.\1.
placr: ear:lt se t irt arr e nvclope. (iive thc back oI tlre t:lassroonr. l]rasc onc .?., 54: 4., S5: It ,rl['es sct't,tr |tours lt),
orre cnveklllc lo caclr plir. I lave each or trvo worrls ll orrt tltc sentence, brs, 56: 6., 57: 7., an(l so otr ul) lo 10,

I llair lirtc lrl) llre c.rr(ls to lirrrrr the Ilave Ss look at tlre lloarrl antl rcatl then start at I agairr. lfa strrtlcnt
scnlonccs. I lirvc Ss llrcrr takc lrrrns tlle se ntence aglin, adrling in tlrc ntakes a rrrislake or says tlre }uzi
reatlirtg llre sctrtertccs. rnissing ',vord(s). (}lrttinuc irt tlrr: nunrber, slre is orrt. (irrrlinue rrntil
sanle way until the rvhole sentcnce orrly orre sttrtlcrrt is left.
69. Sorrnrl relay lras lleen erirserl ittttl Ss alc rt,citirtg it Varlatlonl'l'rr nrakc tlre aclivily nlor(,
li'orrr rrrcrrrory. ( lorrtirrrrt: rvitlr tlre challcrtging and to practicc tlrc
l)ivitle Ss inlo i\r'o or nlort: groul)s
othcr se rlterrccs. lligger nrrnrllcrs, have Ss count rrlr to
starrtlirrg irr lirres. I )rarv vcrtical lines
rknvn tlre bourtl trr rlivirle into 20 or abovc arrd say a scntencc u'irlr
colrrnrlts, one colrrrtrn frlr eaclt 74. Write ir!ltelay lhe bttzz slaternent eaclr linrc tlrr,
grorrll. ln e at:lr colrrrrrrr, rvlitr thc I)ividc Ss ir.rlo trvo groul)s stanrlirtg in Drrrz ntrttrber or a tttuttlre r
sarrre rvorrls, rvith lctlers of targct two lines. lVhisllcr orte of thc tarl;ct conlainirrg the buzz rrurrrbe r is
rcacltcrl (e.g. if tltc ltrr;z rrtrtrlrcr is 5,
pholtics souurls nrissirrg, r].H. t{f llhorrics scnlonccs to Sl s in eaclr lirtc,
eleplut tyri .r/c --, I lavc Sls wlrispe r tll(.) se ntenco to S2s Ss slrottld also say a sertle ncc orr I5,

- -, .rr - -, - -,
Sa)' ii tvrlrtl tttl in their lines, rvlro tlren rvlrispt:r it to 25, ctc.)
- - I-,lave Sls
tlrc lxr;rrl. - -.llntl tlrc rvortl itt Slls, antl so on. Ilave tltc lilst stu(lctrt
thcir colrrrrrrr antl lill itt tlre tnissing in each groul) run to tlte lloarrl arrd 78. Concentration
le ttcrs. I lave S Is g() lo lh(: back of rvrite llre senterlcr:. t,lsc llctluce d l)icttrre (lartls trl nrll.t:
tlrcir lines lnrl lritve 52s go ttext. one rlcck of cards contairring 5 to l0
75. Wrlte yorrr own story pairs of irlcntical carls. I'lacc all tlrr..

I 70.'l'carn bralnstornrlng
l)ivirlc Ss into groups. IIave caclt
Writc the rel)ort li'orrr llart ll rrrt llrc
lroartl, leaving sorne of the rvorrls
carrls facu rltttvn ott tltc tirlrkr. I l;n t' Ss
try to fintl rnatching liairs lr1'trrrrrirrg
()ver any lrvo enrrls. lI llrt trto ctlrls
grorrll tttlke a list of ittlrlitiotritl rvrtrtls hlank. Ilavc Ss sut4[.icst rvortls to
llrt.1,krtorv tlrlt corrltin tllo tillg(:t rvrite in the lllirrrks to rnakc a ncrv nratclr, lrave the strrdenl rranrc tlrc
grlrorrit's sorrnrls. I lave grorrps take rcpol't. I lave indivithlal Ss rr:a(l the pair of cartls bcforc taking tlrcru. ll
Irrrrrs rvriting llrcir rvrlrrls orr tlte now story out lort(|, thc trvo cards rkr not rnalclr, lr:rvt: tlrc
lroarrl alrrl rtarning tlrerrr. Ilavc llrc stttrlent lrlnl over both cards ngairr (irr
Varintion: I lavc groups of tlrree Ss
rcst ol tlrc Ss rcgre lt. tlre ir original positiorrs) ortrl have (lrt:
rvritc thcir rlrvrr sluries.
next slu(leilt lrrnl ovcr lrvo car(ls.
71. 'I'eam spelling Varlation: llave Ss play irr pairs. I lirvt'
Sls in each llair ttrrn ovcr onc t'rrrl,
l)ivitle Ss into trr'o groul)s. I\'lilke Proctice it! / Recycle it!
il llrrcc or fotrr scts of irlgrlrabct ctnls
arrrl lllace lhcrrr orr llrr: lloor (rvitlr tlrc 76. Ilest in ten
c.g. the cltr:crlcarling tcitnl cilr(1,
l)oilrt to anolher card arrtl ask ls ,lis
tlrc (chewlmtlltrg tcanr) crrnll I lave
l)i(:trrre sirlcs slrrxvirrg). (lall rlrrt a Llse nrrrliiple sets ol itlerrrical 52s turn over llte carrl S I s are
re vicrv phortics rvord. I lave Ss irr lledrrcetl [)ictrrre (]ards. I)ivirle Ss pointing to. lf it is a rnirtt:lring carrl,
caclr grotrp delcrrtrirte lrorv nrany irrto groups of thrce and give caclr lravc 52s ansrvcr li,s, il is alrrl lrirrrtl
lctlrrs tlral rvrlrrl lras, tlrun harre that grorrl) a sot ol'car(ls. IIave Sls irr eaclr S I s tlre pai r of cartls. I I tlre cirrtls tlr r
ntttttlle r oI Ss fronr cach grorrp rtrn lo grorrll be the "nattre r" and havc S2s rrot rrratclr, lrave S?s say No, lt istt't.
lhu carrls. I lavc tlrose Ss try lo be tlre arrrl Slls be tlte irrtlges. I)lace tlre -Sorry. lt is then 52s' lrrnr.
[irsl lo selc<:l tlre corrocl lettcrs frour carrls facc lrl) on tllo tallle. Siry Gnl
llrc alplr0llct cilrrls illrtl sliltr(l in llitvr: Sls natne as nrarry cartls as
orrlur ttl lirrrrr tlrat rvorrl. liilr:lr possilllc lrt l0 sccorrtls. Sly.Slo;rl
79. Follorv the patlr
t slrrtlcrtt slrorrltl tirke <lnc leltcr rlrrly.

72. Ilnscranrllle itl

rvlrcn thc tinrc is trp. I lave tlre jrrrlgr:s
count tlle nrrrrrlrr:r of cartls tlrc S I s
crtrrectly ltanrcrl irn<l rvritc rlorvrr tlre
I)lace I5 to 20 l)ictrrre Oarrls orr llrc
talllc in a straight lirrc, cirt:le or otlrcr
piltl(rrn (tvitlt tlte pictrrre sirks
I)ivirlc score. I lave Ss clrlngc roles antl shorving), (lhoose utrc lllat:e lo lrt,
Ss ittto grorrps oI lirrrr to six
slantlirrg in lirrcs. \Vritc the lctters oI rcpeat tlre procerlrrre. Usc t tlilli:r'crrt Starl itrrrl orre lo lle lrirrish. I luve t.,rt lr
a pltrtttics tvortl in scrarrrllletl rlrrler sct 0[ cards cach tirtrc. studcrtt gllace a nrarke r urr Stirlt.
on llrr: lx)ilr(1. llave Sls in eaclr grorrll llave Sl roll a die, nrove his rrr;rrkt'r
run lo tllc lroilftl ilrrrl l11,1,, t,",,r,' 77. Btrzz lllirl nrrrnllcr of carrls lrlrvilrtls tlrr,
litst to rvrite tlrt: lt:ltr:rs irr tltc corrr:r'l goll, antl nrakc a scrrleut'c rrlrir lr
Ilave Ss [orrrr a t:ircle. Sllccily a irrr:ltrrft:s tlrc nartrrl ol'llrt't'urrl orr
orrlcr. Ilavc tlrc otllor Ss lrclll by rrttnrlrcr l'r<lrn I tol{) lo lle tlre firrzz
cilllirtg olrl llro l('llers (lr rvoftls. I lilvc
rtlticlt he lartds. If Sl callnol rrurkt,ir
rttttttller, flll(l al grilnlntar stalcntult lo se ntonco, lrc grrtls lllck to Stlrrt. I lris
S I s tlrerr 8o to tllc llirck ol' tlreir lirres. ltc lhc buzz staterne nt. Irrlr cxarnlllc, if is rrtrlrc frrrr iIllrc rnorc clrirllcrr6irrg
\Vritc atrotlrcr s('r'.lrul)lr:(l lllronir:s lhu ltrtzz nunrlle r is l'ivc arrrl tlrc lnnz cartls are lrrrvanls lrirrislr.
rvortl rln tlrtl lroarrl antl re puat llrr: slote melrl is /l ,rrl'c.s ltortrs by
procerlrtrc rvitlr 52s. Irave Ss hcgin corrntirrg, irr
Irrrns, ilroun(l llrc circle : Sl says l, 52
80. Kangaroos
7ll. Vanlslring scntenccs -
says 2, and so on. Wlre rr the buzz l)ivitle Ss inlo l\v(, groups. I lavc S Is
rtrtnthor is rcnclrcrl, tllitt stlr(lcut go lo llto frrlttl rtf lllr: rooru irrrrl stirrrrl
\\'ritc ;r sr:nl('r('c Iront plrt ll or grllt
il (l ol' tlru ll*ul it!Ptgu of tlrc Slrtrlcrrt
liro\ orr tlre lroirrrl. llearl eaclr
slrorrkl say a stllrtcnce trsirrg tlre Drrz;
slirtclnont bttt tt0t tlte lutzz nrrrrrllur.
lucittg cnclt otllor, witlr tlrcir lrirrrtls
helrinrl tlrcir lrlcks, r\lllllr l l'it lrrrt'
Ililvc tlrc ncxt sltulent continrre rvilh (larrl to tlre llack ofeaclr slu(l{.rrt,
sfnlf n('(: trvo ()r lltree tirilcs rvillr Ss.
lllc next lrttnrlter, e .9. Slr 1., S3:2., Slll rrsirtg large c:lips or tuPc. Sl1' Iil,lrl.1,.
I la!e Ss ckrsc tlre ir c)frls (,r iunl t(,

Aclivily Borrk lli

Scl. (iol I hc trvo Ss trv lo sce lhtr card 84. 0pposites 89. '['[re ntost
or! tlleir ol)l)onenl's llack, r!ith0trt
Write I to l0 lvorrls orr the board. On the bnard, rvrite about six rtottls
It'tting thc oilrer sce tlre card on lheir Clrallcrrge Ss to think of tlrc o;rposite on :r fanriliar topic, e.g. arrirrtals,
orr'n blck.lYlrr:rr tlrr.y tltilrk thcy footl, clothcs, peollle, fitrrtiitrte,
of caclr rvord. Writc, or lravc Ss tvritc,
krrorv rthlt tlrc otlrcr carrl is, tltcy sny tlrc olrpositcs ncxl to tlre orlgirrll vclriek:s, I lnvc Ss tr1' to tlelitrc eltelt
tlrl cartl. (irrrtirrur rvitlr other Ss arttl rvortls.'l'hcn erase thc originals. I lnvc rvortl as "thc trtost or "llttt
rrllrr.I r':rrrls. Ss try to recall tlrt'origirtal rvrlrrls by ol tltc grotrlt.
lookirrg at llrc oppositcs.
lll. t\tlnrc ltlllcluy $0. 'l'lc-tac-toe
llrr.llrorrt l0 !'iclrrrr. (larrls. I)ivklc Ss 85. Parrots l)ivitle Ss irrto group A arrd groull ll
irrto grougl A ancl group ll. l lave S l s Ilavc Ssstarrd rrp. I\tnk(f trtre or lalsc ir nrl rl ist ribrrtc rl il'lirrerrt lttntkt'rs l rt
Irrrrrr lrollt Er(!ttlls g() lo yott. SIl(lw statcnleDts usirrg the tilrgct granlntar t,aclr grottll. I)lacc nitte llt:dtrt:r:tl
Ihlrrr orrt of the l'lcturc Cartls. I lave poittts ttr vttcnllttlar),rvortls. I lnvc Ss l)ictrrrr' (lllrls oIilclrts (tt tcvit'rv fttctl
S Ir rt'ttrr rr to llrt'ir groups atttl ltct ottt rkulrr on tlre lablc irr llre sltitllt' oI a
repeat lhe lnre statenlents atttl rctttititt
Ilrr, rr'orrlr, rlitlrorrl speakirtg, urttil silcnt lbr thc false statcnlonts. Ilitvc Ss lic-tac-toe lroartl (t rritre-srluare gritl).
tlrlir grortp gucss. I lavc S2s tltert go wlro rnakc a nristakc sit tlorvtr. I lavc gruttll A lttrtt ovcr a cartl atttl lry
Irr \'(lu l() s(.c ilnotllcr cnr(l, to nanlc it. If tlrey ;trc itble ttl tlo tlris,
tl6. Itoll lt two tlrnes Irilr'e llrr,rrr Irul olle oI their tttatkt'rs
Il2. No. Sorry. (Go flsh) on llr(| cilr(1. lf lltcl'citttttol tl<l it, ltavc
l'rrl I I l)it:tttre (lartls ott thc lloard tlrctn tttt n tltt'cartl ovt'r itgititt. I litve
irllkt'orre st't of cards using l0 to l2 (rvitlr tlre picture sitles slrolving).
\('ts lirur itlenticnl cards I'ronl tlte
()l. grrlrrll ll clroose an(,tllcr cnrrl. lf tlrt'y
Write the nurrrbcrs 2-12, ortc rrarrrc it corrcctl),, have tltent I)ut onc
llctlucctl l'ictrrrc'Cards. Deal out all nurrrber over each carrl. l)ividc Ss
t lrt t'artls arrrorrg Ss. I lave Ss try to
of tlreir rrtarkcrs on lllc cnrd. Ilnve
iilto snlall grouPs. (iive each grotll) a groul)s try to l)e tlre firs( lo lrave
collt ct sels o[ fottr itlcutical cards. dic. Say the largct stalcnlent, e.g, file
Ilrrr t' S I nsk S2, (52's nanrc), do 1'ou lttarkcrs on tlllcrf clttls irt a rttrv,
uteril to Crumda (lo go to sturtrt,er
lutur thr -.--.-...-* ctnl? w Can I lmpe cutnp).I lavc S ls in caclt grottp roll
the please?) lf 52 ltas
tlreir clie trvice.'l'lrc groups atld tlreir 91. 't'itltllyrvinks
tlurt clrrl, ltirvc ht'r givc it to Sl. I lnve two trttrnbers to cletcrtuitte rvlticlt Give eaclr sttrtlt:rrt fir'c coilrs (or flat
Sl continrrc askirrg tlill'ererrt Ss or tlte Piclure Card they shoultl use. Ss try tnarkcrs). l'lact' l0 ltl ll'r l'ictttre
s:rrrrc -cttrd,
sltrrlcrrl rtntil sornc(lre d(,cs ltol to be tlre [irst to say a sentetrce, Cartls antl a llik' oI coins irt tlte
Iurvr lhe carrl rc<;unsled.'l his sltttlcnt usirrg tlre l)icturc. (lartl as il pronlpt. rrriddle of thr: lablt'. Ilu"t' S I loss a
iulswe rs No. Sorr1,. lt is tltert tltc next 'l'he first student rolls tlte die next. coilr, trl,irrg to ainr it ltt ortc t)f tlte
stu(l(.ntls trrrrr. Wlren a studenl has a cards, lf his coitt lrnrls tllt a cartl,
st't of klur itlerrtical cards, have her have hint [ry to nirnle tltc'cartl. lf Sl
pl:rce thcrrr on the lflblc. Iilr larger
{17. Say itll}ingo
can do tltis, he takcs back lris coirt,
rl:rsscs, play in srnall grorU)s using (iivc Ss I or l6 lle tltrced l)icture Cards plus a llonrrs t:oin lrorn tlte pile irt
on(' \(.i oI cartls pcr groul). ctch. I lavc Ss placc thertt face up irr
the rnirldlc. lf tlrc coitt lartds ort a
front of tlrern in tlle patte rn of a 3 x il
carcl, [rut Sl cattttrll ttalne it, ltave
(for 9 carcls) or 4 x 4 (for l6 carcls)
tll|. Old nrald hirrr put lris coin irr tlre ;rilt in llttt
grid. Nnrrrc olre ctrtl lt il tinlc. I lflvt:
Ss into groups of three to six.
I)ivirlr, rrrirldlc. ll lris coirr rlot's ttut lattrl ott a
Ss ttrnr over tlrc cartls as they are
lrl;rLr.rrrrr. rllck of cnrds [or citclt r:nrtl, lrilvc ltitrt ptrrt ltis coitt otl lltc
trarnetl. Wlrert a stu(lcnt ltas turttcd
lgrrrrrp rrriug l0 to 20 pairs of rut,t r thrce (9-carrl grtrrtu) or frlttr (l6-
llilc antl losi. a trtrrr. (loltlitttte rvitlt
lk'tlrrt lrl l)ictulo (lards. Adtl att otltl 52 iurtl so ott.
card galne) cartls in a row (down,
cirrrl, tlro Oltl lrlairl card, lo eacll set, across {)r diagorral), lravc that sttttlcttt Varlatlolr: Ilaur Ss rrrake a Brilnrtnilr
llrrvc a stutlcrrt in eaclt group rleal say Birrgo. I lave her ttaltte tlte tltrec stalcrlrent rvith tlre rvord ttr llltrnse
orrt nll tlru ctrtls arrrorrl; tlre Ss irt her cards that Irrakc.up hcr llirrgo. on tllc cflr(l riltlrer llritn jttst tratttittg
grorrp. I lavc Ss rvitlt pairs of ide rrtical ir.
citrrls llrrt llrerrr tlorvn nntl narne Vnrlntlon: llavc Ss take lulrrs nraking
a sentence rviih the iterrr orr a carrl,
tlrcrn. I lnrr: llre sturlerrt rvith the 92. Word race
nl()sl llilirs (S I ) tlrerr rlrarv a carrl which all Ss tlren turn over.
Ir orrr tlrc slrrtlt'rrl otr ltis left (S2). lf
l)ut Ss irrto l)flirs, I)rel)irrc l0 to 20
tlris cartl nlllcllos orte of ltis other Bt|. Stand in order llcrluct:d I)icture Cartls lbr euclt pair.
cirr tls, lrave lrirtr place tlre pair ort the
llave Ss plnce the cartls face d<lrvrt itt
I lave Ss lry to arrangc lltentselves in
talrle arrrl n;rrrrc it. lf the carcl Sl ro\\'s or pilcs. Say Go. llave Ss itt eaclr
orrler.'l hey nray slleak only linglish pair take turns turnirtg tlte cards over
rlr;rrts rkrt s not rnalch atty of ltis lvhcn tloing this.'l'ry ortlers such as:
ancl narrrirrg thern. Ss carr "pass" atrd
t';u tls, (lrr.n lravc 52 dralv a carrl frottt alplrabctical lly first Itatttc, go on lo the next card if the"v flre not
tlr(' stu(l('nt otr lter left.'l'he garne algrhabe tical by last ttanre, lty birth
('orrtinu(:s cl0e krvise \villl tho tlcxt able to rtartrc it, tllerl rclurrl to tllnt
rrrnrrth, [:),tlre tlistance thcy livc card later.
strrrk'rrt citlrer llutting dorvtt a pair frorrt ['lnglish class, lly thc tinre tltcy
arrtl rrirruirrg it, or drarving a card get up or go to llcd, etc.
lrorn llru strttlt:rrt ort lrer lo[t. !Vlrcrr Varlatlonl Civc cac:lt student a card
()ll(' sir.r(lr'nt is out oI cartls, he is ottt
arrtl ltave thetn arrattgt: tltetttselves
oI tlrr. garrre.'l lrc studcrrl lclt rvith tlttt in rlifferent ways: snrallest to biggest,
orkl c:rrtl is thc 0kl N'lairl. slorvcst to fastest, oklcst to yotlttgest,

2() Aclivily Bonk

Chont-o-grom 100. Polnt along 106. Least to most
[Jse Stutlent l]ooks, Picture Carrls or Put five Picture Cards or wortl cartls
93. Chant antl clo classruom iterns. I Iave Ss listcrr and on the l)o0rd (rvitlr the picttrre sirlcs
llavc Ss slanrl in
circlc rvith
a point to the picttrres or classroonr slrorvirrg). Call out an arlicctive, c.g.
classroont iterrrs rlr llcrlrrccrl I)ictrtre ite nrs wlre n they lrear the worrls irr trig, tall or beautifrrl. l lave Ss trv lo
(lards o[itenrs rranretl in tlre chant. the chant. arrange the itenrs in onler, froilr tltc
l lave Ss hold up the classroorn iterns lcast to the ntost.'l'hey thcrr nraLe
or t:artls rvlre n llrcy lrear thc rvorrls irr l0I. Rearrangc sentcnces, srrch ns'l'lte turtlt i.r higgr,r
llte clrant.
Ilse Picture Cards of the items in the
tlnn tlre lislr or The wlutle is the
biggest. Let Ss take lrrrrrs calling orrl
chant. l)lace thern on the board irr
94. Corrnt the words other adjectives.
nrixed-rrgr ordcr. I lave two Ss
Selecl a rvord tlrat occurs rnultiple rearrange the cards as they listen to
litttes irt a chant. llcfore listenirrg to the clrant, so that tlrey are in the 107. Myowndlctatlon
thc chant the first time, tell Ss to corrcct orrlcr. Dictate five sentences lo the clilss,
listun filr and courrt horv nratry times Varlatlon: Do tlrc clrant with the ttsing granrmar or vocabulary Ss
tlrcy lrcar that rvorrl. cards in ruixerl-rrp orrlcr. lrave recently lcorned. Corrcct llrc
dictations together. Have Ss tlrcn
95. Flll lt ln change the sentences so that tlrcy are
102. Solo
tnre for themselvcs. Ilave Ss sharc
Write out the chant, btrt lcave some Assign specific words or phrases to their nerv sentences wilh otlrcr
rvords blank. Irlake a copy for e ach individual to chant as a solo. I lave
Ss mcrnbers of the class.
palr of Ss. l)lay tlre chant. I lave Ss other Ss chant all l)arts that are not
listen and try to fill in the missing chanted by the soloist. Instrrrct the
rvords. class and soloist lvhen to start and
l0B. What I learned totlay
stop chanting. Vary lly giving the solo Ilave Ss tlrink of five thirrgs (rvorrls,
96. Ilot pototoes plrt to a dtrct or tlio. dialogs, phonlcs sorrntls, clrants,
etc.) they learned drrrlng lhc lcssrrn,
llave Ss sit in a circlc. Start nvo
103. Stand rrp whenyou hearlt thcn sharc one of tlrcrrr rvitlr tlre rcst
l)iclrrre (lartls or classroonr items
of the class.
goirrg aroun<l the circle in clifferent Divide the class irrto grorrps. Assign
dire cliotts. llavc Ss pass the cards on. eaclt group one of the vocubulary
l'lay tlrc chant. Stop the chant. I lave 109. Where was ll?
itcrns or phrase s irr the chant. I lavc
the two Ss rvho are holding the cards Ss listen to tlte chant ancl havc groups Clroose lrine revierv llictrrre (larrls.
starrrl rrp nntl sty tlre targct granlntor stand rrp when tlrr:y hear thalr word Ploce tlrenr on the tal)lc ilr a ll x lt
irr the clrarrl. I lavc thcrn sit tlorvrr or plrrase llcirrg chantccl. grid. I lavc Ss study tlrr: ;riclrrre s [or
urrrl corrtintu.l passilrg the l)ictrrrt: 2(l scconds and tlren covor tllr: nl rvitlt
(lartls or classtoorn iicrns. a large cloth. Ask Wrcre u,ns the
llave Ss try to
Wrop-up rcmontl)er attrl itrtsrver ll u,ns h(-\'l ta
97. Karaokc
lhe I lave llre first
Prepare trvo toy rnicrlltlroncs and set 104. Backwritlng -carul?
stu(lcnt rvlro nnsrvcrs Cotrectly arL
tupan inragitrary stage. I lavc trvo Ss Put Ss into pairs. llave Sls in eaclr thc next qr!estion.
chant togethet usirrg the sanre
rhythnr'as in tlre original chanl, but
pair turn their lltcks to the boar(1. -carrl.
Write a phorrics rvord on the lloarrl.
rvith tliffererrt lyrics (baserl on thc

llave S2s writc tlrnt word on Sls'
vocabrrlary tlrey lrave lcarned in that backs with tlrcir fingers. Ilave Sls rry
rrtrit). to gues$ llrc rvorrl.
I10. Ccrtlflcote of conrple tlorr
98. Llnebyllne 105. IIow many can you thlnk Give a cerlilicatc of conrpk.tiolr to
Assign tlifferent liucs of the chant to oll each sttrdclt( rvhen llre Slrrderrrt llrol*
rliffcre rrt groul)s of Ss. lf thc chant lras is crlrn;tlcterl ('l'eachcr's (irritlc 1r. l.l7).
Say to Ss Ilottt trttttry tltltrgs canyou
tlrrusliorrs anrl arrsrvers, assign those llrlrrk of tlutt nre big,ger than yott?
lo rliffe re rrt groul)ti. I lavc groups lndividrrally or in grotrps, havc Ss try I I l. Rcward cartls
cltant orrly thcir assigrrerl lincs, to tlrirrk of as rnany ite nrs as thcy (iivc Rowards ('l'R l'13:'l'e aclre r's
llrstrrrct Ss rvhcn lo slarl clranting. can. Other sugge stions: srnalle r than (ittirle p. 146) to Ss for parricipariorr
a nlouse, talle r tlrarr a trcc, ltigger or good bclravior. lincorrrage Ss lo
99. My chant than an eleplrarrt, klngcr than a collect as nrany card$ as thcy can.
l lave puirs or snrirll grorrps of Ss pcncil, tlrinnor than yorrr [inglislr
choosc tvortls lo replace llrc rvords itt Iulok, etc. I12. Vcrbalpralse
llrc clranl. I'rovitle relevartt l)ictrrre Praisc Ss often, e.g. Grent!llkty to g,o!
(larrls or classrourrr ile rns as a
GootlJob!\Narrtr smiles have a 6rr:irr
relcrcncc. l)lay tlre leatl'irr nrrrsic of lntpact.
thc chnrrt, tlrr:rr stop thc (ll), lnstruct
gn)ul)s rvlrrqlr to lloglrt cltitrttirrg,

Aclivily Bonk ll

., --' I XJ:..t!.r,k,:njlJ;i T.r. .i'
t^JrilV Li ,iJf / -(r {u"(Li#ii'Lf i
-' i'-{
G -,r<rs^u.r _rL


i lh,, v!^,r ur lln

' ,*,*''f
-/Drorosr Ofu
nordr Q l*D utlm. Folnt.5y. story @ fu urtcn.

nil$il ffiffiffi q lrrttnc i

Introclucc vocabulary
Siry 'lbda1, urc'ro goi,tg to talk alntrt Ttktt'(s tt'. 8o lo ott
udcallon.I krld u1l l)it:tttro Olrtls I-5 {,tl(' lt it littte ntttl sa1'

@ Tolk obout it! Uocobulory) the rtatrrcls. I Iitve Ss Iol)cat. Ask irrtlivirlrrrtl Ss Ilrtt'r'.1'rttr et'er
beerr to(soutlr Ali'ica)7 llavc Ss ittls\r('r l'es, I have <tr No, I
lnve n'|,ltrint to tlre rvorltl rtrirp. I klltl trlt Itit'lttrc (larrls I -5
i one ilt a titrrc attrl lravc intlivithrnl Ss prlirrt ltt rtltcrc t'itt:lt
place is krcatr:tl ort tlte tttap.
Say Norrr we're goirtg, lo talk altottt olhcr ltktces u't'g,o
oil uacotiotr,Il<llrl trp l)icturc (lartls 6-10 otle fll a (ittlc
arrd say tlrc plitcts. I Iitr,r'Ss r('l)('ill. r\sk irrtlivirlrttrl Ss IIot,c
you ever beeil to (sunrrrr.'r canrp)? IltrYt' ss atts$'i'r l'r'.s, I

filod6offiiffi *; "
* i*:.'' ri
:'-'" :*n1 lutue or No, I houe rlt,I lokl u1r tltc cartls ag;rirr nrrtl elicil
.:','!Frr tlre placcs.
l'itccs ol llapor, l)icturc Carrls l-10, rvorkl rrrall, Ol) !

@ Open lhe book

Ilavc Ss tunr to Sttttlettt llook pp. (i*7 arrtl klok at tlie
O Before lhe book
l)iclures at tltc llot tottr oI tlre pirge s. l'la1'
(]l) t rack A l.
\Varrn-up / revlerv I lave Ss listen and lloitrt to tlle l)ictttres.
(irt,r't Ss as llrt'1't'otttc ittto tlte rttortt. Say IIi. ll1'rtarttc's
( l utclrcr's ntnrc). I llvt' Ss sa1' /li, ('li'acher's rmrne)!
( ltrrrtirrrrrr rvitlt Nice lo nrccl yott.l'lttcotrrage Ss to rcply Nicc
A. Lislen, poitrt trtrtl repeol.
!t, t,rt,1,t l'ott, frto. (iivc eitclt sttttlcttl a piece of 1tlt1tcr. I litvtt
Ss rtritt'tlrcir ttrntes ott tltcir lraper, drarv a picttrre oI
Soutlt tlJi ittt Qttutsr) su,nntuc1till, (l)tttls()
tlrr,rrrst'h'r's iul(l (.()tttpletc ilte setltctlces to tttaktl tlleul trtlo
I ltttt,ttii ytrk (lttutse)
Qtrursa) tlrc u'ikllil'e
(ittrrukt (1trtt tst') tltt,rttotttrlrtitts (pttttsa)
irlrorrt tlrt'rrrst'lvcs: Irtl' nantt:'s I'ttr
t t'rrtirrrr,lcrs iall. I likc lo I'ttt gorlrl at ---. I
tlteOrrttttl()rttvttt (ltttrrsr') lltt lrurclt (Ttttttst:)

rrsrrrllt' lo st
ltortl. I litr tr Ss itltlo(ltlce- tllt:tttsclvcs ttl tlrt, Oreat lktrritr ll.'4' (l)(tttsc) t t t 1' gn t tul 1
x r rc r r t s'

tlrt cluss trsing lltt'ir l)itl)('rs. Irottst, (lxtusa)

')'.' tlrril l, Lossott I

I'}l11,tlre Ol) aglitr. Ilirve Ss listcn arrrl rol)eilt.
I)lny Ol) track r\1. Iluvr: .Ss Iistcrr lrrrl nunrl)(]r tlle
I)i('t uI r.:i.

Il. l.istt'tt rttttl tttuttlrcr. @ Tolk obout it! tDiotogst

Ntttrttlu'r l. rln, u,ikllili' yrrk (?"r)
Ntttttl.l,r 2. *ttttlr tlliint (2"u)
Ntttttlx,r !1. sunltrcr cut,tl) (2.t)
Ntttttlrr .1. I kttt,ttii (2.t)
Ntttttltir5. llrt rttotttttrtitts Q.r)
ti. ( ttttt ttltt
Nttlrrlrr,r' (2r)
Ntttrrbtr 7. tltt butclr (2.t)
l\'ttrrrlttr IJ. Iltt ( )ruttd ( ) (2x)
Nrttrtlnr 9. ttty gratullnrtttts' ltottse (2.t)
Ntttttltt,r 10. tlre Oreat liltrrier lletl (2"r)

()hcr'l Ss' .ulstvcrs Ily sayirrg tlrc rrrrrnbers arrtl lravirrg Ss

sil)' tltc crtrrt:sp()rrrl i ng vot:ilbtrlary rvortls. Say tlre
vocllrrrlrrry, rvrlrrls irr rantkrur orrle r. I lirvc Ss i.c1leat,
pointinl; to t.irclr orrc.
llavr: Ss look for tlrc hirlrlcn turtlc ill tlre rnain scenes.
(Arrsrvr:r: lt's bclrirrrl tltc lrorr'l of potato chips on the table Moteriols
in scetrc l.)
Piclrrrc (lirrrls l-10, r.alcnrlirr, Cl)

O Afler lhe book

O Before lhe book
Attaclr l)ictrrre (larrls l-l() t0 the h0arrl (rvith tlre pictrrre
rirfls slrorvirrg). r\sk irrrlivirltrirl Ss ll,lrrrl ilr.!
)t()u gitlng to
Wurm-rr1t / rcvicrv
ilo IItis strrttnter? I llve Ilrcrn :lIls\vor l,nr g1tittg ti go lo l)lay.Nanrc itl llelay ('ltnche r's (irrirlc p. l.l)
(stttttrttcr canUrl,'l lrcn ltave tlrcrtr take thr: cartl antl stanrl rrsirrg lli(.ru11:
(larils l-10.
at llre frorrt, hokling tlre cartl helrintl tlrcrrr. Al'tcr Ijve Ss
Iravc talr:rr .ul), [it,e oftlre terr carcls, ltave (]tllt:rs try to Introdrrce dialogs
rtlnrrnllrcr rvlro lras rvlrich card. Ibinl to il stu(lcrrt arrtl ask
llevicrv lhe scasorrs spring, sttmnenfall antl rlillcr llsirrl;
It?rrrrr is lrc / g,oitrg, to go? I lavc ot lte rs arrsrvcr lry
rtlnrirrg tlrc ltltcu. lhc cnlerrtlar, irrtlicale tltc srrrrrrnr:r (lrrrrtl, ,rrl), irrrrl Augrrsr )
corning rrp. Say 'l'ltis sunrnrcr.l lave Ss re1rr',ai. 'l.lre n
irtrlicatc llrc llre vi<lrrs s.,,llcr arrrl say Las, sr,lrl,.r. l,lirr t,
Ss repeat.
o ,$ay ltt Blngo (Teacher's Guldb p. 20) ' I . . I l)ilkrg l: Illve trvo Ss (Sl ancl Sl) go ro tlrc front. ltrirrr
t"tate a cof,y of Redr.*o pr.irrJirij, i-r o "':,i*i: "1
Io Sl irrrrl say ?'/ris is lls. llrunrr. Ms. iirawu ls tltt titlt
grade leoclrcn l)olrrt to SZ arr<l say llris ls.Sanrl1,. (iivc S1l
(reacher,s'ira. pliiiir"i riliiiriuii. fr*" s, ; l)icttrre (larl I (Sorrtlr Alrica]. Srlirrl ncxt ro S l, jook
choose any nlne cards to make up their Blngo .. , ar Sl
' board. r , i,::r,i ' ,1.,i ,..r,:..., .
atrtl ask lVltat are ysy goitrg to rlo tltis sunntre,r? llavc S I
rel)eat. Stand next to 52, lo()I :rt Sl arrrl say I,,,l goitrg, to
,o Bralnstorm (Tbacher's Guide p. ,ial:,'" l l5). ttt Sorttlr Alrlm,lllve S.l rul)cilt. Srrrrrrl ncit ro Si arrii sai,

Ijavg Ss choose any one of rhe places on picture'l,r ,i llea.lly? I Iave Sl rcl)eat. I lavt: Sl arrrl S.l say the rliakrg
Ctrds l-t0. Have them bralnstirm actlvities they agairr .rr rheir rlrvrr. I Ierp llrc* rry *,lrisllerirrg trrcir liiics il
.- -.,4ui6. .,1,... . .,.
ir .,.,,. r;r r rreceSsary. I)o it again and lrave the rcsi ot'rhe Ss rclxf;tt.
-,.,. , ,..,_.-..,_,,.,;*._,.liit].a;,*lra;" ir."r".";.-...::."r,,;
l)ialog 2: I lave lrvo otlrer Ss (Sll anrl S.l) go ro thc liorrr.
;\t'tivity llook p. ll clrr rrorv hc assillred ftrr lrorrrcwork rlr l)rrirrt lo Sll anrl say TItis ls lt(s, Ilrou,tt,l)oini to S.l arrrl sit1,
trrtrl irr r:l;rss. Sr:e iuls\\,ct.key,'l'ear:lrcr! (irrirle 'l'lrls is Cltip,(iive Si I)it:trrrc
11. l4{1. Cartl {i (srrrnlrrer cirrrrp).
Nexl lcssotr: llrirrg a calcntllr to irrtrorluce thc conceltt Starrrl next to 53 antl ask l1,lc, ill)uttt)tau? llavs Sii rcl)r,,irt.
ol [urtlrcorrrinH soilsons [or tlrc rlialogs. I]rirrg irr a Statrrl rre xt trr 54 an<l say l)otrn1, 11lttl i nre goitrg lo
lrlirrrllirltl il y urr choosc to tlo llro optiirnitl u,,iiuity Wlro suuttrre r c(,tnrr. Ilavc S.l rcpcll. Stunrl nexl lo S3 arrtl sir1,
'1.'llilt-so.unils like
raltl lt? ('li:lllrcr's (itritle gr. l(i). fun.l lave Sll rol)eal. I lavc Sl] alt(l S I s;),
tltc tliakrg aglrirr on tlrcir orvrr. l)o it agnirr atrrl llrvc tlrr,
lcst oI llrc Ss rcllcat.
l)ialog ll: lllve tlrrcc otlrcr Ss (Sl-r, S{i anrl 57) g,o lo rlrc
I'r'rrrrt. l\ritrt l. Sli .rrrl say ?Iis ls lrclen l\liut l. iti.rtrl sirl
'lltis is l)otttty. l)oint lo S7 arrrl say ?'lrls
ls.lbnl. (iilt Sfr
l)i(:tutc ( larrl 2 (l larvirii). Stirrrrl rrt:xt to Sli lrrrrt st!, 11,,,,.r,
g,oltrg to Ihwall.llirvc SS rtl
l)col. l\rirrt lo tlrt: r.lirr.[, srirrrrl
nuxt lo S(i anrl say llorrr long iloes il tuke to ge t llr,rcl I lirr t,
56 rel)eat, Stlrrrl ncxt to 57, lrolrl rrll 7 anrl s;ry, Ir
lakes 7 ltours by plnne.l lave 57 re 1lear. I lavc SS, S(i lrrrl

Unil l, Iesson 2 2:l

v S7 sa-v tlrc rli:rlog agaitl oll tllcir orvn. Do it agtirt atrd ltavt: Norl lf.srcrr and reputt.
tlre resl of tlrc Ss rel)eal. (Sutne as altorry, lttrt eaclr lirrc is .sair/ ott<'t' tuitlr d l)Qttst'

I )iakrg.l: I lat'e lrvtt otlrer Ss (SB artd S9) go ttl tlte frottt' frr.S.s lo rtl,.\tl.)
lkrirrt to ill lrrrtl s;rv'IIlis i.s Orrrcl'. I\lirlt l<l S9 artd say ?lli's i's
Ilr,tft. ( iir l Stl I'ictttrc (irr<l 2 (l lartaii)' Statttl ttext to Stl atrd
rrrv I rr?rrI to I lauwi| IasI sttilt,,ten It 10115 grgnl. I Iavc SL] D. Diuktg3.
r r,1rt':rr. Strttrtl ttcxt trl S9 anrl ask tVlral rlirl yott tlo
Lislen und poittl,
I lirve 51) r('f)cirt. Stattd ttext to Stl alxl sity I clinilrcd a
wilr'utto.liave Sll repoal. Statttt ttcxt to S9 and say lfotrtl
Iteter: llTira Soirtgro llauurii.
I llvt' Sll t('pcnl. I lavc S8 and S9 say the dialog again on thcir
Dortrrl': I luu ktrrg dot's it tuke to get tlrcrc?
'liuti: ,, ,(r^r'.s 7 hortrs by' platn:'
os'n. l)o it agaitt alld havc thc rost of the Ss ropeat.
Norrr li.slett ntul repeat.
(Snrlt, rt.s ulxnv, ltttt utclt littc is.snirl trrttr tt'itlt a lruuse
fir.Ss trr,7'ltt'(tl. )
Itr'rrll1'has a ltutttbcr of use s ln coltversalitlrral ling,lish'
ln tliilog l, tvith risittg itllottiltitttt, lt irltlit:alcs itltcrcst'
/h'all1'? ititlr nlore protlourrced risirrg illtonnlion call
G@D. Dlolo114.
irrdicirte surprise. iloully or Oh rullywitlr [allittg
Lislett and Poittl.
irttotrirliorr titoa,.tt I lrcaul vttrt.llerlllt carr also llc ttsctl ll g,rttt'
for adtletl entphasis, as irt /)rt really luuryry or ll's CJlrrck; I tt't'rtt ttt I lauttii lrt''it 'sttrtttrtcl tuos
Ilellt: 1Yl1111 llial yttr ltt tlrcrt?
retillv hot.
Chtrck: I dintlrctl tt utlcttttt.
Beth ll'rtrr'!
Noru lislen and rcPeal,
@ Open lhe book ()^c,rlr d.r nlwue, ltttt t'ru'lt littt ls rrtirl rtttcr' tritlt n r'rtttse
I llle Ss ltrrtl to Sttrtlcttt llook pp. 6-7. trrtrrltlttec lllc trlilill y'rr Ss ltt reltt'rtl')
s('(,n{'s b1' ;llnyirrg CI) track i\lt. I lave Ss listctr atttl lloirrt to
tlrc pcrtple or lllaces as tltcy flrc lllclltiollo(1. l)ut ss into pairs or group of tlrrcc altrl ltitvtr lltctlt prnclice-
tlre dialogs. I lavc sorne pairs irct out lllo tliilltlgs irl lrottt of
tlre class.

C. I-isterr lo llrc stor1'.

.Sclrool ! a ut lo tnor rott'. l'eal il'l'l rc St t p erKid s a re I n v i ry' a
portv.Wltnt arc tlu'y sa1lng aml drinking?

'I'lrcy're mlkittg O Afier lhe book

'alxtitt llcvierv thc w<lrds boat, btrs, car atltl trltitt ott Sttttlt'ttt
their srmuner wrcnliotts. l:.ueryotrc lt,rs stttttnrtr
llook 1t. 7. Say cach lvtlrd ittltl ltavtl Ss rr'lleitt' Illtvl:
pkttts. Sandy and lleth arc goirrg ttt go to Soutlr Africa'
voluntecrs sliolv they utttlerstatttl lltc rltlrtls ll1'<lrartitrg
I ltqtre g,oirrtr4 to a wikllift' 1tark. Chip atul Dorrrry are
grlrr* lo sunmrcr conr1t"l'lutt grictttres rltt tlte brlartl, tirirlritrg tltt'rrotrls tlr ttlltkittg a
l4triirg to {)tttada.'l'lrclrs selltencc trsittg otrc of tlrc rvortls.
v,rui,l.r like fim. l'clar and Tbni ore going,to Ilawaii'
I lu'r're goitig to uisit tlrcir i.:ortsitts. Iloru lottg, does il lake l)lacc l)icture Cartls l-10 (lp llte l)oitrd (rvitlt tlrc
to g,t't tti I lau,oiil Ir trr,trrs 7 lrorrrs lty plnne. Cltuck u'errl ttt picture sitles sltorving) as a rt'l'ercttc(!, or tlso tlte rvrlrld
I lriu,ttii ktst sttrtune n I Ie clinilted a uolutrrtt' Wrttu! I lott' inap. llave Ss forttt giirrrps of tllrcc alttl llractice tlialogs I
alnttt 1'ou? lllrat are )Qtt goitrg to do tltis sttttrnrcr? arrd 2 togetlrttr, usitlg tllc l)ictures rltl tlre lxlnnl as
substituiio.s. li,cuurag,c Ss t. lle tr.tltftrl arttl ask lttlrv lrl
say orlrer places ilr lirrglislr, ttsittg flott'rlo 1'ou say in
I'lly Ol) lracks A4-A7. Ibr eaclr dialog, have Ss [irst listetl
arrti poirrt to tlte cltaracters speakitlg attd tllett repeat tlte -
tlilkrg, llave (trc grotlps practice rliaklgs ll arttl 4, strbstitrrtittg
different places.

D.l)ialog l. ][sfi[ ",Ysrr-*,1tr1flr."s:''

Llslen and polrrt.
'l'caclrcr: Wlnt oro 1'ott goittg, to do tltis suntnrcr? F
Sarrrl;': l'nr goirrg to go to Soutlt Aft'ica.
Tbachen lleallY?
Activity llook p. 3 catt tttlt'v bc assigned for ltottterlork or
Notu llsten and rePeot. userl irr class. Sec arlslver kcy,'l'eaclterh (itride p' l'ltl'
but cach line is suid once tuitlt a pause
(.Srune cs above,
Next less<llt: llrirrg l)icttrres (lartls I (Artstralia)'
y'rr.S.s lrr n 1tt'ttl.) (i
2 (lapau), ll (trtcxico), 5 (Koreir), (tlre t,l'K'), tl(i
(rotlc a
rollei c.asicr'),ll1; (t..k a ll..t ritlc) arrtl 1X) (Stlttgltt sttttttt
GP D. Dialog2.
souvenirs) or a lvtlrltl tttap frtlttt t,evel 4 attd l)icture Cartls
34 (broke tlte piriata) atrd tll (visitecl a [arnr) frotrr l'cvel 5
to ievierv placcs and activitics. Britrg a stol)wfltch to pla-v
l.istut tuul ltoittt.
'l'eaclrcr: lVlmt altoul Stop the stopwatch ('l'caclre r's (itritlc p' l6)'
Cttip: Dortny and I urt goirrg to sunu'rcr catttp'
'l'eachen'l'hal xttouls likt' Jittr'

,, t l,.rit l tpss0n 2
llevicrv the places atrd ar:tivitics l'rotrr l cvcls .l arrtl 5,
ttsing l'ictrrre Cartls antl / or tlre rvrlrtrl nra1l. Ilokl rrll thu
canls one 0t a linle arrd e licit llre pltrce or activity. lf ss
cau't rcrnctul)(:r, sily tlre ile rrr arrrl lrave Ss rcgrr:at.
@ Open lhe book
Say itl
I lave Ss tunt lo Strrrle rrl llook p, l|. I lave trvo Ss (Sl nntl S.l)

l[ t, X / rqlo o
grr to the l'rorrt. Say (Sl'srtttnrc) is Cllrrclb. (SZ\ wtnd ls
Bellt.'thelre glitrg to talk altottt tulrcrc thq,y,1,111 ,,rr,1
ulmt thcy ditl on lrcliday. l-et's llsteil.l loltl up l)ictrrrt: Olrrl
2 (l lalaii) arrrl say I wenl to I luruail lust sunruu.r. lt u,ns
great. I lave S I rcpeat. Ask ll?lnt did you tlo lfu:rcl Illvc S2

-ul#" .;
re l)eitl. Say I cllnrbed a uolcatto.I lave Sl re
l)cilt. Sa1' lttrrr,/
I lavc S2 rcpr:at. I lave Sl arrrl 52 sity the cliaklg orr llrrir orlrr.
I)o it again anrl lrave lhe rest of thc Ss rel)eat. l)lay Ol) trat.k
At|. I lave Ss Iiste n arrtl re peat the rlialog.
t th ffn6 o dolo{,

@ffiilam Llstert and repeut.

lrrtrr tbtcn. ctq, F
? : Clrrtck: I u,ent to Ilou,ail last sunnntr
fr ,r*,,on-.r,-.,:::,::'r::;l::"
I :::*t-1"'.1*.iooilr,rc.nodo?
.*_._d t
It u,as g,reul.
Beth: lVltat rlkl you do tlrera?
Clrrrck: I clintbul u uoltyno. (lturtst)
k Elg &Ej il tot.? H* bg tui d toro? I
Beth: llbtu! (puttst)
)k u! &. I tdt. t0 8ot to IE baeh? t
tt lJri 20 mnut.r by (o, !
I U.. m Mut.i by cr, I lave Ss look at tlre <liflbrent ltlace s arrrl activiti(.s ncxt lo
-*. *. " . .. .. .! tlre tlialog sccrrc. Suy ()Itrrcl. llalrs ta talk ilbout soilrc
otlrcr pkrces oud actiultles,Wlail docs ho su1,? Ilavr: rrvo Ss
(Sll artd 54) try tlre lirsr dialog. I lave 53
lx)int to tllc l)i(:lllr(:
of lapan in tlre llook and say I u,e,tt to Japdn lost srntrnrcr,
b It tuas great.l lave 54 askWlmt did you do there? I ln,c 53

@ soy it! @
say I bought sottrc souuenirs. I lave Ss say ll'orlJ llul Ss into
chont-o-srom pairs antl have lhent practice the rlialog rvirh the tlilli,rr,rrt
itcnrs. ltlr nunrber 5, havc Ss ansrve r trtrtlrhrlly allorrt u
Notct'l'lre sct:riorrs in tltis le vel use onc of the
place tlrey wcnt lo and alt lctivity tlrey tlirl lusi srrrrrrrrt,r.
Irrrrctiortal tliitkrgs to revicrv irrrrl cxpartrl orr voclltrrlary I lave sonte plirs say their rliaklgs in frorrl of the clasr.

rvorrls le arne tl in grrcr,lorrs le r,els.

Introdrrce the Chant-a-granr
llcviclv lhc vocahtrlarl'rvortls. Slrrlrv Ss llictrrre Clrrls .i
anrl 9. Say the rvrtrtls and lrave Ss repeat. l l0ltl rrll l)i(.tut (:
irr:Torggt (lartl 3, ;roinl to the clock arrtl ask llotu lottg dot s lt tukt, ttt
i ::Ss can plrform dlalog 4 uslng vocobularywords
rl:rwler,rrcd from tevel 4, Unlts I and 9. gel to Carrudn? I lave Ss ansrvcr lt lakes lB lrours by
? \X.*rl;,:1,".*l10*;U:*i;il.;.,".".-,. *"..a-,*:*iulr,i,,**.*r*.-,"-1.^
I loltl trp l)iclrtrc Car<l l) anrl clicit Ilorl lottg, dots it takr, to
g,et lo tlrc beach? Inrlir:ate 2{) urr tlre cktck arrrl lrlvc Ss
Moierlols iursrve r ll tukcs 20 ttrltrttles by cur. |Iave Ss re pe at. Irlly
,.".;;*_"J.,* (l[). track Al) arrrl lrave Ss lisren. l\tirrt to tlte
l)icitrrc (litrtls l-10, ,l l)ictrrre Cartls 2 0allan), 6
lliclrrrt.s ls
tltcy are clranterl. (Nore:'l'ho Clrattt-a-g,rnnl ivill ltc
(the tl.K.1, 5 (l.iorea), I (Ausrralia) anrl 3 (lr,tcxii:o) or a revierverl urrrl tlrrglrl in nrorc rletlil in l.css<llr .1.)
rvrrrltl rlaP, Levcl { I)ir.rrrre (larrls 8(i (rotlc a roller
( r)it:,1(f rl,lX) (lrorrglrl soilt(f s()uvr,tlirs) ilrrtl
llll (to0k it
lrotrt rirlu), l.r:vr:l 5 t'ir.trrlt,(lirrrls ll,l (visilctl a failil)
;rrrtl ttl (lrrolt: tlrc lrirlltirl, (.1), slolrrvatclr I.lstett artd t:hnttt.
I loru lottg rhxr.$ i, ,(ll.r,t I lotu lottg du,s lt tl,k,i,
I ltxu lotrg, does it l(/re to gtrt to (iutatkti'
O Betore lhe book ll
takas IS ltottrs by pkttrc.
tukes I B ltours by plane.
lVarnr-rrp / rcvlcw
Ilout lottg does it k*e? Haw ktng does it tnke?
llrvirrv tlte llllces rrsirrg I)ir.rrrre (lirrrls l-10. l)ivirlc tlrc I knu bng doc$ lt tilke h gttt ta tlrc lmu:lt?
class into grorrll A antl grotrp ll. Ilokl rrp tlrc carrls ono at .l
It tnkes 20 ntinutes lry cur.
tirrrc. Ilirr'c grorrp r\ ask ll,lrnt lrc you goltrg to tlo tltls It tilkes 20 rnitttttcs by trtr
il sttrurttcr? llave grorrp l| atrsrvcr I'm golng lo go to (trtilcil,
Ilirve grorrlr A re sportrl llaullyl
I)lay Count thc worrls ('l'eacher's Grride p. 2l ). I lave S:,
listerr [or ltout lottg,,lnl.'e antl raitr,s.

Unill, Lesson 3 2!t

I'ln1'tlrr'Ol) agairt atttl ltitvt'Ss clall akrtrg rvillt tltc
rlrr tlrrrr o[ tlrt'cltartt,
MOtgfiOlS I ,r:,: , ',:, .:,,;,''. . .,,: .,r , t
l)ictrrrc ()nrrls l-10, clock rlith tttttvitlrlt'lr:trttls, l()y citr,

O Afier lhe book
l'lirr' Stop tltc sloprvalclr ('l'eaclrct's (itritlt: p. l6). I lave Ss
rrsr, tlrt'ir books tvhctt cloirrg tlre strbstittrtions. O Belore lhe book
Warnr-u1r / review
l,,t l)ictqr.c Crrtls l-10 q1 tllc l,o.p(l (rvitlr tlrr.piclrrrr.
. My pum dlalog (Teacher's Guide p. 16) ' sirlcs sltorvittll), I lavc a sltttlctll (Sl ) go to tltc lroartl. Ask
Wlrcre did yott go lasl srutrrncr? I lavc S I t:ltotlse a lllact',
r tt was greel (TR l: Teachbr's Guicle p. e0)
tirke tlre carrl. atttl ittts\{(:t' I u'etrt to (ltluct), I lterr hitvc Sl
stantl at lltc frrlttl, ker'pirrg tlle cartl llitltlcrt. Aftt'r five Ss
Activitl'ltook 1r.4 citll ttttrv hc nssigtretl lilr lrotrtcwork
tlr Irlve tlkctt l'ive cartls, ltavc olltt'rs lly l(, rclllcttlbcr rllto
trse rl in class. See iltlsw(:r key, 'liraclter's (itridc p, l4tl. lras rvlrit:tr canl, l\rittt ltl tt stttrlelll ntrtl ask ll'lrcro dkl lro I
Nexl lessott: Ilring a clock rvitll tu<lvable ltartds atttl a she g,o? t lavc otltcrs illls\!t'r b1' ttarttitll; tlrc lllncc.

toy cilr to irttro(luce llte gratlttttar.

Introduce gratntllilr
Slxrrv Ss tlre cklck rt'illt tttovitlllt'lrlttttls' St'l lllt'ltatltls ttt
l:00. I lavc Ss sly tlrc titrte"l ltt'tt st'l tltt' ltitrlds lo ?:(X). I Iirvt'
Ss say tlrc tirtre.'t lten itsk Ilott' lotrg is it frttrtr l:Oo to 2:00?
Illicii t hour.'l'ry otltcr litltt's to elicit 2 /torrrs atttl 3 fiottr.e.
'l lrcrr sct tlrc clock for <ltltcr titttt's ltt olicil I0 ,,ritrules,j0
rrrirrules and 45 tttitrules.l:irurllt', set tltc llantls to clicit I
hour and l5 ttritnttes lttttl li ltrtllrs ltnd !10 ttritrules.
L.lsc thc toy or tlrarv il ('ilr oll tlte lroar<1. ltttt l)ictttrc
Card 9 (the llcat:lr) tltt lltt'tloitrtl. Nlove tlre cltr trtrtards tlte
O@ uhn.lor. lre at:lr antl say lt lal''r'.s 20 trtlrtrttos lo lit't lo llw ltcoclt lt1'
d6 hoa k, gd b;it# car. l lavc Ss rcpeal. l)rart'a large tlttt'sliott tttark olt tltt'

t 7 t Y !{r.
boartl. Ask llotu longdot'.s it trr['r' to qt't to the lxttclt? llavr
Ss repcat. lilicit thc iltls\!cr.

ilsA/(o ?rmh,brt'rn ,"HilHr,

,lJffi."lHl, @ Open the book
O@ lltm.A.l.Asw.t
rw rr{ d- rrdr b9r. unoon ll}il}'tfrSfiilifr!

"tt*'& *Ib{ " ql,

tlnvc Ss tuln to Stttdcttl lkrtlk 1r, ll atttl krnk ill l)ilIt A. l'lly
(ll) trlck A 10. I lavc Ss listcn atttl rt'1lt';tt.

r2rw,'/dr,,' 2ren/(o r6reI!/dorr

O la.q. tf,tcwrro. A. Lislen and repurl.
t! ,bl6 - lootrrlo 'Ibrri: lt tukes T hours to gil to llarcuii lty plane. (purse)
t lud
Say the uutttller oI eirclt ;lictrrrc itt llarl A. t lavc Ss say tlte
t *61bi. ro 9d lo scntenccs. Say tlrc ttttnlbcrs l-4 itt rartdottt order' llavc'
!r$6atwrtn(q individttal Ss say the seltterlces'
o'li' i
, kn A , t{" fi rd ?0 mJta bY b@l
t. tt l)art ll, l'lil)'(ll) track Al l, I llvtt Ss listert
t rf e 6lunr b! (0 I lavc Ss krok
and rcpcat.

lr. Llsteil nrtd rePcnt,

@ Buitd itt @ chont-o-srom Dotttrl,; I lotu ktttg, does it

'lbtrl: lt nkes 7 luttu's lty pltnrc.
take to g,et to I lawoii? (lxtuse)
,,-1p{rcsqq,*r,1-!,a*"1 "tr*,1l itt'::-{i-llii!s,i tI Ii1".'l{ 1l ,

Torgets,ig ,, r. ,(*fr,{ 1,,", r . ,, ,,.:,. I lavc Ss llractice tlre dialog irr llairs ltlr ench pictrttc llt
, . Ss cen make stelsnents qbout how long it takes to part l|.
get somewhere usirrg It ralc es. (7 hours) to gel t9
(Hawail)by(plane). ,.' ,. C
. Ss can ask and answer how long it takes to get Ilave Ss krok at part C. I'lat' ( ll) t rack A 12. I lavtr Ss listt'tt
. somewhere using lforu Io ng doa it take to ge| .to. . arrtl rvrilc tlte rvtlrtls t(, c{)llll)lt'te tat'lt scttltlttct'.
$latmit)? wkes CIrhours) by (plane).'
lt r'

. ".ri,.)r+i
Ss can chant the Horu lon g does it talce? chant.

r,i rt'ritl ltrSSOn4

., -. ri n.;e*..$,i!;red r., , is}"., ..,*e*d;ri:t*d,&h*il3
C, I.lsten nrul writc. i Phonics Carrts tlnir I ('t'll 2: l-car:her's Grrirle p. :t I ), (:l)
l. /t trtlls tltrct lttntrs to g.'l tt, (irtuultt l).1, !r(in. (2x)

?. lt nkar stlt\rtt lururs to lll"t b Soutlt Ali.icrt 14,pkurc.(2x)

11. lt tukes 50 ttritrrrtcs !o gt! lo tlrc buulr by brts. (Zx)
.1. I lttt, lrnrg tlots it Inkc to get to tlrc Grutul (iur1,utr?
t rh.
It lrrlr,s .l luttrrs lty utr. (2.r) 'tpw

5. I ltuu kttrg rlots i, ,rrlrr to l;ct to sttttrnrcr ttrtrlt? n06
It lrrl'r,.s 2 lutttrs nntl 20 tttittttles It1,1r,,r,r. (2x) Oh lhton.Potnt.toy. 0e
llou, longtloes it tttkc to get lo tlrc tttorttttttitts? ow ou ii
- ou
It ttrkcs 6 lutrtrs by utr. (2x)
,4r u,u,r,uu lFtsli\
"' ff,80
(,lrcr:k Ss' iuts\\,crs lr1' lravirrg in<livitlrral Ss raisc tlrcir
a !r,r CI li
*., sdl
Itlttrls lrrtl say the stitlcntonts or rlilklgs.
lj . ..
I lirvt: Ss klok at llre l/orl lottli rloas it t(rl'{ri chant at lhe O Om Urlen. wrrl. ow d ou. t6d
l)()ttoul oI p. Il in tlrc Srurlerrt lllok. Itlay (]l) track Ag altd 1
Itave Ss listcrr. lly summ.r Vocotaon
"t bY Chu.k Alld
1 In th.rumtr, t go tl6y rtu^dpo..^ll'(lh &
') Th.y l,vc io lh. (aln . - tl tot.t ld {t}h .- d lo f l
l.lsleil und clrttrtt. 1 lhr.. by .0.. lLt. 0.6 ht o, (alll .., c,rd ll)a - - ,
b.hnd hos. Lart amer.l bqrJht o (01 . - r@r'
I kut lrtrtg tlu:s it tul;e? I knu lortg tlots il tekc?
I ktu, lotrg, tkx:s it tul;a to gtt to (it,,ildil? tt mt q (rDr - n loy ms.. Whol d'd (a,t - do?

It trtl't,s tll ltotts by plurte .

It takt's l8lrotlrs h.1, 1tkttrc. O b ![ton.writo. Nurrt.r.

I lott, lotrg rloes it tt*a? I ltiu lottg doas it

l lur ktttg, ilttt,s
l, ,rr['t's t0 rrritttttes
it !ttka b
lry tttr
gct to tlrc lwu'lt'!
i! Aro
A lln
O Il@lop(rxoolot (M
::;:^" ffi 1l
Ir trrlts 20 rtritttrtcs by car.

l)ivirlr:Ss irrto grotrll A antl grrlrrp Il. Ilave grotrp A chant

llre rSrrcsliotrs anrl gnrrrll lt clrarrl tlrc arrsrvcrs. I ltvc
groul)s clrarrge roh's arrtl t:lrarrt tlrc clr;rrrt again. O Before lhe bcok
Warm-rrp / rcvierv
o Atler lhe book Ilave inrlividual
r:asc anrl lowor casc)
rvrile the le tters oI tlre allthalle l (trgrpcr
olr tlre lulartl, lilicit tlre leilcrs irrrrl
l)lay I lot potatocs ('l'traclrr:r's (iuidu 2l ).
11. sorrnds of the alllhallet. Point io the lctters irr rarrrloru
ortlcr arrd lrave indivitlrral Ss say tltrl lctters arrtl sorrrrrls.
r!",,. ,
Inlroduce the lotters oud solrnds of oru alrtl or
. Choose o card (Teacher's Guide p. lZ)
r. r
Writc orl orr tlrc lrolrrl. I lse crrlargr:tl phonlcs Cords llrrlt I
. Detectlves (Teacher's Gulde p. 17) ('l'll 2: 'l'eachcr'.s ( irr itle 11. 3l ) to slrorv Ss thc orl rvorrls.
l'oint to antl tcittl tlte rvortls, erttplrlsizirtg Ilrc otl sorrnrl.
r\t'tivitl, lkrok p. l'r r:arr norv hc assignerl frtr ltonrervurk rlr llirvc Ss liste rr. Say/ntrers, ltftnt,n, t.otus.ll,ltlclt sorrrlrl i.r
ttsrrtl irt class. See ansrve r kcy,'l'eaclrcr's (irritlc tlte sunrc? llave Ss say oltr l)o llrc sarrrc lilr tltc orr rvrlrrls
11. l4g.
llrirt lurve llre sarrtc rrrl sourrtl.'l'e ll Ss ?Irc,se hatlt soutttl lltr
Next lcsson: rvrile tvrlrrls of two or ntore sente trces
xutte, but tltey're spelled di.fJarcntly. 't'lretr rlo tlrc sarnc [or
frrrru lrirrt (I of thc llttiItI it! st:ction of tlre Sturlent Ilook orr
tlre orr rvorls tlrat lrave llre oo sorrrtrl. I!lacc all tlrc clrrls
srl)itrilte carrls i[1,orr t:lroosc trl rlo tltc oplional ilctivily
on tllc lx)itr(1. llcarl llrc rvrlrrls on lltt: carrls, cnrplrlsizirrg
Scporulc llrc sclrtcrrr:cs ('li:ilr:lrcr'"s (irrirle gl. I 8),
tlrc orl anrl oo sorrrtds, altrl lloirrl lo tlre rvortls iis 1,orr rtarl
tltr:rtr. I Iave Ss rc;roat, lixplain tlre rrrcarrirrg trf arrl'rvorrls
Ss rlo not rrrrrlerslarrtl. I\lint to tho cards in rarrrlorl orrlrr
anrl lrave irrdividrral Ss read tlrenr.

Pronunciotion note
Strrtlcrrts havc lcarrretl that orl sortrctirncs srtrrtrtls
Reod it! likc o (as in .s/rorr,, lirrrrrrr arrtl lrorll.) llcvicrv the otlrt'r
sotrnrl ol oll lo r:rrrlllrasiz.c llrc corrtrasl. (Scc
prorrunciation tallle on'l'eaclre ri (iuidc ;r. 5.)
Torgetr ,i, ,: l
Sscan pronounce, read and wrlte one sound of ow

nnd rwo sounds of , olr.

Unil I, lesson 5 'J7

A Open lhe book
A C. I.istetr atrd u,rite.
I l;rvr. Ss trrrtt l(, Sttttlcrtt Ilook p. l0 arrd ltlok ilt I)art A. I'lir1' l. tlrc lott goitrg sottllt to llt(.' t,tt)ttttt(ti,ts? (J.t)
(.1 ) tr;rcL A l.l. I llve Ss listctt ittltl poitli to tlttr lrictttrcs. 2, 'l'hr ttrrutsr qtillul srtrtlt itr lti.s /trrttsr" (lLt l
3. I took u lticlttre oJ tt bxtu'tt t'ttru t'tttittg,llurt'rs. (2.u)

\Vritt tlrr: scnlt'nccs rvitlt tlrtr llllttrks ott tlrc lroartl. (lltcr:k
rl. l.i"slcrr, ltoirrl utrtl repedt, the atrsrlt'rs h1'lrtviltg irrtlividrrirl Ss go lo tltl: lroltttl atttl
,}lat, trlrl ( lxtr t st') ott, ou (lr+rtstc) rvritirrg tlte rtortls irr tltc bllrrkS. I lavc irrtlivitlttal Ss rcatl
ou, ou, )'ott (lxutse)
ort,, ott',Jlou,e,rs (l)(u$e) llrt: scttlttttct's.
1111,,111q,,ltrotun (ltttttstt) ou, ou, soul) (ltrtttst)
I l:rvc Ss klok ltt tlte llicttrrc. l\tirrt trl tlle picttlre ittttl ask
t)lr, (1t,, il1ps (pattsc) ou, ou, sotttutttir (ltause)
ll'ltich scntenca ls tltls? I lavc Ss tvrilc tlre tttttttbcr oI lllt'
tru, (rll (ltilt$e) ('oil(,('t s('nt('tt('(: tttttltr llte llicltllc. (n llswcr: lt's:1.)
t,t t, t)u, tttotttttttitts (l)tusP)
()u, (il1, solltll (rnIlr.$c)
ott. tttt, lttttlse (partstt)
O Afier lhe book
l'lay Irirttl tltc rvortl ('li'rrt:lrer's (irrirlc 1t. I8).
I'lrrv tlre (.1) aglrirt. I lave Ss listcn arltl rt'l)cat'
l'llv tlrc (ll) a tlrirtl titrtc. I lavc irrdivitltral Ss relleat tlte
it crr rs.

llst'thc I)lttlnics (larrls. Slrr:rv tlle I)icttlres atlcl ask Fill tn the blanksl (Teacher's Guide p. lB) '' 'r - ',

tt'har is !|rc wonl? I lave indivitlttal Ss rvritc tlte rvortls tltt Give me flve (Teacher's Guide P. lB)
tltt lroitrtl.
$eparate tlre oentences (Teacher's Guidg n 1,81 I
Note:'l lte "lI: carefttl!" scctions foctts otr rvords rvit[t
llrc s;ttttc kl.y lclters ils lllc wor(ls in tlrr-'prcvirltts t:olttllttt Tongue nuleters
lrrrt rvlriclr ltave difft'rent soullds.'l his rvill ttt:e tl to lte Have Ss repeat the following tongue twisters: .
crplrrittt'tl to Ss. ',browncow! '., I " i"':::;:i'.lili ,; ,:'t
Ilavt'Ss lurtl lo Stttdettt llook pp. 6-7 nrrtl krok at tlre ' My lrrwd in the mountalns kdown in thewuth.
rrurirt sct'ttes. llirve tltetn firltl arrd tlatllc 1;icittres oIwtlrtls Starislowly nnd grarlually increase the pace.' -
tlrli ( (,nllitt tlrt'ltltrlttlcs stltttttls tlrcy lravc ittst lcarttotl.
(,\rrsrvcrs: florvt'rs, brorvtr, sotrth.)
Activity llook 11. 0 catt
Ittlrv [lr' ;tssigrtt'tl lor ltottlt'tlttrk ttr
\\'rite rtlnirts tltt tlttl btlartl. l lave a stttdettt writt:
rn rtsctl itr class, Scc atlslvcr kol',.1i'at'lrcr's (irtirlc p' l41l'
-- ltt lltc spitce'. t)o tlte sittttc witll tltc otlrt'r
rlu, lr,ltrrri otr
Ncx( lcssolt: Ilrillg srtttlc ttlltrkt'ts ittttl stttltc coitts to
rvo rtl s.
1ll:ry tltc ganrc.
lk.vierv lltt'rvortls ltttrv, llrtllvttitls, Itottrs atttl Itlottse. lltittt
to cirt'lr rrrlrtl atttl say it. llave Ss rcl)0llt. Write lt-- orr
rlrl lrolrrrl. I litvu a sttttlcttt wl ite ihc lctlet s ottr itt tltt:
sprrt r:. l)o llte sattte rvitlr tlre otltcr revicrv rvtlrtls.
llrrve Ss lurrl to Stttdcttt llook p. lU antl ltlok at llart []. /A\.
S;rt (,'lrnclr' wrote a report fibottt lti.s sttrltttter ttacaliott.
l-e't's rutd his report.l'lay Cl) track Al4' llave Ss listen and
\:-7 Proctice it!
u r itt' oll or ott itt the blanks.

ll. l,isten and write.

Al.y Srrntlner 1 ltca t iott
14'Clruck Allett
'l'ltey liue
Itt rlrc sumnrcn I 8o lo trrl' grandptteitl.s'hrrtl.stt.
irr llrc n'loturtttirrs, lr trrl'es1tt'c Itottts la 8e t tlt(re by Mr
'l ltct t' ilrc o lot oftlou'ers and corL's behirtd tlrcir lruuse.
lttst sttnttnrn I lnug,ltt o souttcnir. lt twts a ltnnutt tttl'
,n.,r,.ir,. ll'hut did r,ttu do?
Moldil6-1r.i' :' ., :,ri,,.,.,,,1: ";11;i,',"
iI l'i.,,,r" (lartls l-l(), Ol), ollc crlitt ittttl lrvo tltlttkt'ts ftlr 1

(.lrt'ck tlrc ilrls\\'r'ts lly lravirrg individual Ss reatl tlle passagc. i'u.t, plir of Ss ]

Ilrrvt'Ss tttrtl l(t Sttttlcttt lkrttk p. l() arrtl ltlok at l)art
I'llr' Ot) track A l5. l tav* Ss listerl atld fill irl the rvottls as
tlrt'1'lrcar tltettt.

,rt) I f r,ir 'l Inssnn /r

l:.licit By plane I lave Ss write tlte arrsrve rs in their books.
Say Nour let's hear altout Chip anil l)orrat,b tri;r. I)lay
(lt) trackAl6. llirvc Ss listcn.
6 ib rbts.w,r.

Nutrtbar 2.
Tbacl rc r : I I ow alrn t yo r, Cl t I t? l\Il ta I t re yru goi n g t o
r d t ti,

l)otrrty orul I und gtirtg, to sumnrcr canrp.

'litrrl: Are ynt going by ltus?
Clrlp: )'r,s. Ir rrl'r,sl,l lrours anil 20 ninutes lty lrtts.
Ilelleat tlrc proccrltrre anrl lrave Ss write lhe ansrvers in
*fr; rxnr,# i,,-n*n-*"fi-
t I trxhrrrtda ,
tltcir llooks.
tr!6t5,*tut4(d '' Say Norl lot's lrcar about Sanily und Beth's trlp, I'lar-
, ';;;;;;:'

.{r *
(ll) trlckAl(i. IlavcSs listen.

"a- i€.*F
E.-#( '-*
*\ lhn r( r&r
Ntttttlter 3.

flp ,{',-{w 'feacher: I lou, ll,out )nu, Sandyl

Srrrrdy: lleth and I are goittg ttt Soutlt Africa.
Cltttt:k: I luru lotrg cloes it tttkc let g,t'l to Soutlr i[,.tt?
ln;,,; lr-q-
@f{n Sandy: lt tukcs 22 lrcurs and 45 ntinut..s 14, ltlotta.
I)otttty: 'lltilt's n rcally lotrg tinrc!
Itcpoat thc proccrlrrre and have Ss rvrile the ansrvers irr
tltcir books-

O Belore lhe book I lave Ss trlnl to l).lrt li. llr:view tlrc vocabutary on eaclr

Warm-up / revlerv space oI the ganre lloarrl rvith Ss. I lave trvo Ss rcarl tlre
corrvcrsation. I lave othcr Ss repeat, Put Ss into pairs artrl
Olrant tlrc Clutttt-a-granr togcrlrc-r. Ilokl rrlt Pictrrrc (lards tlistribute a coin and trvo rnarkcrs to each pair. l lave Ss prrt
l*10 orrc al a tirrre arrd [rave iritlivirlrrnl Ss ask the qrrestion thcir rnarkcrs on tlre Srarr space. F-xplain that tlrey rvill llip
ttsilrg tlrc plar:u otr lltc cartl. Ilirvt'irrrotlre r slu{lctrl answcr. ilrc t:oirr arrtl rrtovc onc or two sllilces at a tinle, <lcpcttrling
(lrrrlirrrrc until you lrave praciice<l all (he
lllaces. orr rvhich side ol'tlre coin is up. I lave Ss take turns flippirrli
the coirr, nroving thcir rtrarkers and saying tlrc tlialog rvitlr

O Open lhe book the srrhstitrrtions in thc squares thcy lan<l on. \Vlre rr SI llips
tlre coirr and rlrovos, 52 asks the questions ancl S I ansrvcrs
il antl vice versa. I lave trvo Ss dcnrorrstrale tlre aclivity lrcfore
Ss start to play. lSl: Wlmt are you goirtg to do tlris
I lavc Ss turn t() Slrrtlerrt tlook p. I I arrd look at part A. Say
llb're golttg to listen to the SuperKids nnrl lrls. Ilrown. sttttttner'll lS2: I'trr going to tlrc beach.l lS l: Ilorrr lnng dor,s
'l'lrey're lulklng alsortt thelr sutttrtrcr plans. it tnkc to g,et tlrcre?l [S2l lt tnl.cs lS nilnutes ]ycnrl \Vllk
arorrnrl tlrc classroorrr arrtl lrelgr Ss ifnecessary. lfsortre Ss
Illve Ss look al the first rorv oI tlre r:lrart altorrt'l'oni anrl lirtislr early havr: thcrrr plal'again.
l)e tcr. Say l:lrsl, tue'ra gglttg tu lteur ubotil ltctcr atul'littri's
tri;r, Ask llthere are they goirtg,? l lou, lotrg rloes it lttke?
llott, are llte1,g,oitr1;? Il;rvt: Ss lloirrt lo tlre boxt:s rvhcrtl
tltcl' slrorrkl rvritc llrt. ansu'e rs.
O Afler lhe book
l'lay Iluzz ( l'eaclrer's Grritle p. t9).
l'lay OD track A I {i. I llvc Ss liste rr.

tl. l.lsttrr tual turite.

Nttttrlryr l.
'li'rtclrcr: 'littti, rulnt ttrt' .1,ou urtd lralar gttinl4 to tkt lltis
'lilltl: ll?'rcgoirrgtolluu,ttii.
'li,aclrcr: Oh ruilly? l'l,ar soutrds like
(.'lrtrrl'; I lotu lortg rlots it tttkt to gttl toJittr.
I ltttt,rtii? r\t:tivity llook
'littti: lt ktltes V lrours ltt,plrtttr:.
p. 7 carr norv be assigrrctl for lrr)rnervork or
'Iittrln,r:, 7 luttlrls!'lltttl's rr ltttrl4litttt,. ttscrl irt class. Scc 0ns\ve r kcy,'l'r'aclrcr'.s (irrirlc p. Nrnr
tlrirt Ss lrave corrrlllcterl IInit l, tlrcy r:an go to tlrc lleuunl!
plge, Activity lklok p. 7(l orrd color rrrrrnhcr I blrre.
II.rrc Ss look al the first rrnv oI tlre c]rarl altotrt'tilni arrd Next lcssonl Ilring irr sornc rrragazitrc pictrrres of
It.trrr. Ask lltltere ure tlrcy gtlrtg? lilicit IIarlaiJ. Ask Ilnrrr rlil'l'crerrt lrail stl,les il you clroose to rkl tlrc ogrtiorrul
lottg dots lt tttkc? lilicir T llorrrs. Ask llolrr rrr.c tltc1, goltrg,? irclivily Morc plcturo sctrchlng ('l'cat:lrcr'.s Grritlc gr. l4).

Unill, Lesson 6 29
lt wqs greqt!
I Whol did you I
do there? 7

\p a
ole locos

t[; o ,PffiR ^
on inlernolionol foir
wenl lo o museum

qE:) s
Mexico rode o roller coosler

@wenl surfing
on omusemenl pork
- in lhe pool

lhe U.S.

fi.r? a
\!./ a
lhe beoch won lhe prize

Teaclrefs lnstructlons'' I)rt,pare photocogries lor eac:lr Pair of Ss in advance, tland otrt tltc rvtlrksltce ls. I)ttl Ss iltlo
pairs arrd givc eaclr pair a tlic arr,i trru iliftereni colored llcncils. t lave orrc llair say thc diirlog at the ttlll of lltc Pagc altd
iriryr.tlrt: rest of thr: is rcpcat. llavc Sl in eaclr pair throw thc tlic. Ilave Sl tltcn find thc picltlrc rvitlt tltat tltttltber alttl
rlrlrv a lilc frorrr rlrat gtiiturc to an iqrpropriate answcr. I lnve pairs tlten sity tlte dialog.'l'hett it's 52'.s turtl' lf llte satlte
rrrrrrrlrer is rollctl agaitt, llte stltdcttt tttisses a ttlrll'

:t0 Unil I, Teocher Reproducible I @ Peorson Educolion Asio [imiled

(, Phonics Cords Unit I
[].' . T

fl- ers br--- nies

m ntoins s h-se *t
- -th I








y I s_*___p s _ venir

() l)corson Eclucolion Asio Lirliled Unil l, Ieocher Reproducrble 2 :l I


Y,ir, rfs ,r kxl *, , )

I tlo d'nrr"r 'Jsrr,i,r,r,r,n'r
gclvrr iidr{ t*x\ lvrr ,r',t t,rtmr ry. } rl \ Ur(=-' - u> T.'J
L .
Flrr r,,{^\u,f.?
, lo,i(b,,
- -f.4!
l. ]



wordr Qb thtrn. Polnl. Soy. 0 t}m urton. Numbor, srory O (F utlon. IE urtm. lotnt. toy.

r'm' idtot
' I

l)rarv a 4-colttttttt clrittl ott tltt'lro;tttl n'ith six rtlrus. ltt

tlrc I'iLst Io\v, \t'r il(' / itl tll(' lit st t:trlttttltt, lrt.l'itt lltt' st't'tttltl
colrrnttt attrl ntitlr'irt tlte thirtl t'olttttttt. l:licit serrtt'rlct's
fr rrttt Ss ttsittg citt lt ol tltt'rtotrlr, t'.g. I lrrrlr' tt lxtrtk. ll's tttl'
@ Tolk obout it! (vocobulory)
I -!i;i tr+:,'i@i' ",-T '-l " ') '.: B':\
book. lt's lti rttr. ltt tltc set'otttl trtrv, rt'ritt'.lrru itr tlte firsl
coltuntt arrd e lit:it.lrtttr atttll'rtto.s ll'ottt Ss. [)tt tlttl satttt'
ToTgeI 'i
, ir,;,
i , -,*, l
rvitlr /rl I his I lris, sltt / ltrr / lttrt, ttt'l ttrrr I otus atrtl lltct'l
tlrcir I llreirs. Irr tlrc lirst torr', rvritt' rrtc irl tllt'lirrtrtll
Ss crn poirrt to aiid name straigttt black hah lotrg t'oltrrrrn. llxpl:rirr llritl rltr'rtl()iltls tltc slttttt'ls /, bttl trstlallt'
lilond hain curly'7rd nrr, sltort brown hair anrJ I, me,
corrrcs later in tlte setttcttc(', ('.11. l le sou' rrtt' tlr /'' lltc
t'ott, !'au, he; him, she, her, uq ,$, they, tlrcnt.
or Olrilt is tttllar Ilttttt rtrt'. (:oltt[)lt'lo tltc [otrrtlr colttttttl ol'
tlrt' cltart rvitlr .l'ort, ltirtr, lttr, ltr tttttl lltr'rrr.
l'i('tur(' (lards l-20, Cl) O open the book
Ilin,c Ss luln t(l Sttttlctt( IIrok pp. l2-lll arrtl look at tlrc
l)i( lur('s ilt tlrc lrolt0ttr oItltt'plrges. l'llrl'(,1) trackr\17.
O Before lhe book I lrrvc Ss listt'u ittttl 1l<tittt ttt tlre picttrrt's.

\t'arrrr-rr;r / rcview
I'lrry lteal llre tintt ('leaclrcr'.s (itritlc 11. I 4) rrsirrg l'ir:tttle
(l;rlrlr I -10 to reviurv tlre vocalrttlrtt'1'frottt tltc ltreviotts A. Listett,lroi,tt o,td rel)e0t.
rrrril. striligltl ltlttckltair llrattsl,) Itr (lnttsc)
Iottgltlotttlltttir (l,ilttsrr) Itittt (!,tttts()
I lrtrodrrce vocabulary curl.l,rul ltilir (ltttrtsr) .slrr' (lxtttst')
S;rv ?irlrrl rt'c'rc goirtg, to lillk fil,o,tt descriltittg 1tt'ople. sltorl bnnutr luir (ltrtttst') lrcr (itrtttsa)
ll\t' l)i('trrr('(lards I l-14 to itttrrttlttce thc tlilli:rcttt ways t() I (l,dus() u,( (lxtttse )

rllst rilrt'lrair color itrttl ltttgtlr. Sltorv eaclt carti atttl nl(l (l)aus?) tr.s (ltttttse)
tlr,rlr ilrc llrr. pt'rsott's ltitir. I lavtr Ss rellcitt. I lavc tlilli'rtrrrt l't,lt (lxttrst') tltty (;rrtttsr')

Ss strrntl rr1l. I lavc rtlltor Ss tlescrilrc thtlir lrair, ttsittg tltc )\)u (l,dusP) llt.',t, (yutttsa)

voc:rlrrrllrl' jttsl le arttcd.

l:l lJrril 2, Lesson i

Pluy tlrc (il) agairr. I lavc Ss listcrr antl rol)cilt.
l'lly OI) track i\ lt]. I lave Ss listcn antl rrtrrnller the
pict rrrcs.

Il. I.islen tnd nunilter. @ Tolk obout it! {oiotosst
Nurrilrr l, I, trrtt (2.r)
Nunilx,r 2, striliglrt ltl,ll.'k lnir (Zx)
Nnnrlxtr 3. hc, ltltrr (Z.u)
Ntttrrlx,r .t. lortg ltlotrd lruir (2x)
Nrtrttltar 5. lter
sln,, (Zr)
Ntttttlter 6.
curly r.'d (2-t)
Nttrttlrcr 7. u,t:, tts (Z.t)
Nttrrtlx,r tl. slnrt bnnutr ltuir (2t)
Nttrtrln,r 9. tltey, tlrctn (2r1
lrlrtrrtlrr 10. 1tttr, 1,ott (2.r)

(lhcck Ss' ilnswcrs by saying the nunrbers and having Ss

sil)' tlre corrcspontlirrg vocabrrlary,rvortls. Say the
vocabrrlary rvorrls irt ranrlorn ortlcr. Ilavc Ss rcpeat,
pointing to caclr one.
il I lave Ss point to arrtl narrre picturcs of vocabulary
rvorrls tlrr:y ciln sco in tlrc rrurin sccncli, (Arrsrvcrs: lottg

l" Moierlols ' ';' ':-'i:'"';;r:'l'r

blrrnrl hair, shrtrt brorvrr lrair, yotr, her.)
Ilave klok lirr tlrc hirl<le n trtr(lc in tlto nralrr scerres. I i;i'
(r\ttsrvcn lt s irrsitlc tlre lnan's llag irr scenc l.) t-'-'.'*-
I Picturc Cards I l-20, Cl-)
O Afier lhe book
O Belore lhe book
l'lily All lll tlrtler ('leaclter's (ittitle p. l5) trsirrg I)ictrrre
(lartls I l-14. Warm-rrp / revierv
l'racricc rrsing tlre ollject prorrortns lly rvriting a siml)le Play Draw the cat ('l'eacher s (itrirle p. l4) usirrg l)i('tlu (:
tt, sr,ntcnce on the l)oar(l, e.g. I srrrrr the girl.Ixplain tltat wc
(larrls I l-20.
r:arr regllacc tftegirl rvitlr the rvrlrtl lcr. [irase tftegirl and
rvrile /rcr in ils lllace.'l'he rr rvrite lhc sanre scnterrce witlr Introdrrce dialogs
tlrc lny. Ask Ss rvlrat rvorrl carr relllace ir (ltirr,). I lave a Dialog l: I lave trvo Ss (Sl arrd 52) go to the frorrr. l\rint ro
slu(le itt e rase llrc lro.y alrrl \vrit(j ,lir,l in its place. Continrre S I and say 77ris lt rlfr. /orres. lrln lones works ut tlrc

tr'itlt t/rr, lro.1s (rePlacc rvith llrear). Oharrgc the origirral alrport in llawuil. Illint lo S2 arrrl say ?'llis is lrcttr. Ita!r,r
sentrf lrce 111 {/11,5411r.1,ott ruul tttc.lilicit the rcplacernent rrs. aildToni are at the airport ln lluwail.Itctt'i ctttt't litrtl
To[i. Stand next to SI, look at 52 arrtl ask ll?ld, s wrong?
tlave Sl re l)cat. Stanrl next to 52 antl stty I ctttt't litul ttn,
sister I lave 52 rel)eat. Stanrl ncxl to Sl arrtl ask lt,lrrrl rlor,.r
slrc loolc lil'cl Starrrl ncxr to S2 lrtrl say .1'fto lms slrulght

il blnck ltttlr ttul brou,trrles. llavt: Sl rr,1lcll. I lavo Sl irurl

52 say tlre rlialog agairr on tltcir orvn. Ilclll lhcnr hy
rvlrispering lltcir litrcs if lrr:r:cssirry. l)o it irglitr urrtl lrirr l
tlre rest <lI thc Ss re[)oilt.
,\e tivity lkrok p. ll carr rtorv lrc assigrrerl lirr lrontcrvrlrk oL l)ialog 2: Ilavc trvo otlrt:r Sr (S.l urrtl S l) go to tlrt, lrorrl, irr class. Scc ans\ve r kcy,'l'e aclre r's (irritle p. ll-r0. [\rirrt to Sil antl say'I]ris is llr, lrtttts. l\rinr ro S.l arrtl rirv
llrirrg irr a strrlibrl itninral if yrtrr r:lroose to tlo tlic optional 'l'ltis is Pclen Stanrl nr.xt to S:l iut(l usk ll,[aIt lttr ttutttt,?
rctlvit),'lirsr tlre urrIrrrul ('lcuclrcr.! (irrkle p. I (i). Ilavc Sll rcl)ent. Slarrrl rrcxl to S,l lrrtl say ?irnl ( jlrrrA.. Il,rlr,
S,l rcpoal. Stirrrrl rrcxl to Sll, poirrt lo !,ortr clollrt,s lntl lrI
Whal's she wearing? llave Sil repcat tlrc rvrrrrls anrl tlrr.
gestlrle . Stirrrrl ncxt to S,l anrl say lllrrc sltorls ilrrtl il grrt,t
'I'-shlrt.l lave S,l rtl l) llave Sl| anrl S.l sily tllc (lialog
again on tlre ir orvrr. l)o it lgairr altrl havr": tlrc rr:st ol rlrr.Sr
I)ialog ll: Ilavc trvo otltr: r Ss (55 anrl S{i) go to llrt lionr.
l\rint trr Sl-r artrl suy ?'fils ls llr, lorrt,s.l\rirrt to S(i lrrrl s.rv
'l'ltis is lteter. Stancl ncxt to Sl-),
ll(!strtre rvitlt 1,orrr lrirrrrl irrrrl
ask ls slte tnller tluttt !,ttrr? I lavc Sl) rcl)r:lt llrc rvorrls iurtl
U tlrr: gestrrrc. Stlrrrl rrcxt to S{i arrrl say Mr, slrrr's lor..S/
slrorter lhan lle. Ilave S{i rcgrcat. Slatrtl rrcxt to S5, lroirrr
itt tlte tlistancc orrtl usk ls I lrat 1'our slsltr out r Illt rr,/ I l.r r r'
S5 repcat llrc rvrlrtls arrrl tlrc lleslurc. Slaltrl rrcxl to S(i,urtl

Unil2. Lesson 2 3.1

sry l?-r, llmt's her.'I'hanks a lot. I lave SG rc;rcat. I lave Slr
antl S{i sitv the dialog again on their orvn. Do it again and
Irlrve llrt rest of tlre Ss re;leat. D. Dialog2.
l)ialog.l: llavc six orhe'r Ss (57, S8, 59, Sl0, St I and l,islen eutcl ltoittt.
Sl2) go to tlre frorrt and stand together. I)oint tu 57 a,ld St] Airport nmtt: Wltot's lter rtattte?
rrrrtl s:r\' 'l ltis isTinlJ and lteter's Aunt ltlary s11sl lttrcle lkt1,. I,elor: 'lbrti Chrk.
lkrirrr to Sl) nrrd Sl0 arrd say ?'ftis is lenny ondllris f.sSlerrr,. Airporl nuttr: l|y'lmt's slte u,cnritt$?
l ltty're'lbnl and lreterb corrsirrs. I\rint to S I I and say ?}ls Iteler: Illue slrcrls ottd a grcctt 7:.slrirl.
is lirrtl. I\rirrt to Sl2 antl say ?7ris is lteter. Starrtl ncxt to S7,
lrrok rrt Sl2 lrrtl say Alolm,Welconrc to llawaii,l lave 57 Notu lislctr rtrul repcat.
,r,lr('irl. Strrrrrl rrext to Sl2 and say Ili, Arutl fi.lary. Ill, Uttcle ($nlre rr.r (tl,ot,c, but t\tclr lirlr,i.s srtirl once willt t l.trtttst,
Ilrr1,. llavr. Sl? repcat. Stnntl next to Sl I and sty IIey, /irr.S.s tr.r raltutt.)
lctrtrt'. llq',.Slctre. llave Sl I relleat. Stand next to Sg arrd
srry' lt 1r;;ood to sto agaln. I lavo S$ rol)cat. I lavc Ss sny
tlre rlirrlog lllnirr on't(n,
tlrcir orvlr, Do it again ancl havc tlre D, DinlogS. ol llre Ss repeal.
Llstctt urtd ltiriut.
Alrytort nratr: ls slra lallcr tlum yttr?
Lonouooe nole Itelcr: Mr,.shr:ir r,(rr. .S/rc:s sltorter tltatt nu,.
Airltorl ttttrrt: Ls lhal1,orrr srs tcr oyer tltere?
tllttlrtt is il traditional llarvaiian greeting.
/i'y is a conlrnon rvay for young pco;rle today to
Iteler: lir, t/rntls han'l'ltttttks a kil.
Nnrrr li.srcrr fitrd rep(al,
llr(,r.t (.:tclt olhor. lt nrearrs I/i.
(Stttrtt, tts tlxttte, but utclt litrc is sttid ottce u,itlt d lriluse
y'rr.:^,s lo rcl)ailt.)

@ open the book

ll:rvr.Ss llrnr to Studcrrt llook p1t. l2-13. lrrtroduce llre
]E D, Dinktg4.
rrurirr st'r'rrt,s lly gllaying CD track A 19. I lave Ss listen arrd l.istett ond poittt.
l)()int t() thc peolllc or objccts as they arc nlclltioncd. Auril Mary: Aloha.lVttlrcttrc to llttu,trii.
Peter: I li, rlturt fiktry. I li, lltrcle Ik4'.
Tbrri: lley, Jt,trrrl,. llt'1, Stct'r,.
letrtt1,2 It's g,txxl to stt, 1'ott ttgrtitt.
C. l.isten lo lhe story.
ll'/rr,rtlr l\,t$? Ile's at tlte airltort in lkruuii.l(ltttt's lrc Nottt lislen artd rept'nt.
rrutrittg? I lc's u,eering o lei. lt's rt rteckloce nrade of (Satrrc os abotv, bul utd, lirte is sairl ottt'o u'illt a l)iluse
Jlnn,trs. Ilttt where's'lbtti? lreter cait Jirtd'lbtti. lreter's fitr Ss to rtl)aet.)
scrtrurl. Iteter spes a ntiltt.?'ltc mrut ruorks ul tlrc oirlnrt,
l\'tcr usks Jir lrclp.7'1rc nnu u,ants to klr:lw tuluil 'litrti Ss irrto llairs rlr gr()ul)s o[[orrr irrrtl lurvc lltcrrr prncticr:
Irrol.s lilr,. Do 1,ou kttott? 'l'lre nrart is u,ritittg irt ltis thc dialogs. IIave sonrc pnirs act out tllc tlialogs irr froni of
rtotrlxxtk.Ils aslr lreter sonte qu esriorr.s. l)eftr sa1,5'!'611i ig the class.
rt'rttr irtg lrlue slrcrts arul o greert 'l'-sltirt. ls'littri toller
tluttt l\'tor? Nu, slre's not, Slrclr.s/rorrcr tlton l\,ter Can
yrn Jind lrcrl She's lookittg at souuenirs. Nttttt'!i1ni anfl @ Aller lhe book
l\'trr ntu sce tlrclr [nnil),.'l lrcy soy hello to their Aunt lleview the words tflllcr, sllorlcr, oldcr alrtl youlrgcr. Say
llttr.r,, I ltu'le lltty ancl lo tlrcir cousitrs, lentry ruul Steue.
caclt rvord antl have Ss repeat. Ilave volrrrrleers slrorv tltey,
tundc,rstand the rvords by rlrarviug pictrrrcs oll the board
I'lrrr'(.[) trncks A20-A23. [or each tlialog, have Ss ljrst or nrakirrg a selrlencc usirrg onc of tlre rvords,
li,rtt'11',,r,; l)(,int to lhe clraractcrs spenking arrd therr
[)ivirlc Ss irrlo grorrps of llrrt'c arrtl lravc llrenr prae lice
rr,lrcrrt llrc dialog.
tlial<lg 3 usirrg rlil'l'erent revicw rvrtrds, e.g. Sl asks 52
alrtrtrt Sll Is slrc laller tluril 1,0117 1ty Is he okler tlran you?
lincourage Ss to atrsler truthfully about thc students irr
l). Diulog l. tlreir orvn class.
I.istt'tt und polttt. I)lrtcc I'icturc (laLds I l-14 on tlrr: lloirrtl (rvith tlrc
rlirllort nmn: Wltal's u,rot,g? llicturc sirles slrrlrvirrg) as a refcrencc. l)rrt Ss irrto;rairs
ittttt lutvc tltcrrr,irrlog I rrsirrg tliIIcrr,rrt
l\,tcr: I cait lirttl nty sister
vtrcalrttlary rvorrls, e,g. llave S l ask titlrrrl does she look
,lir'1xtrl ttrttrt: lVl:,rl.t r/oe.s slre kruk like?
Iil'c? arrtl lrave 52 answer Slte hns curll' red hnir onil greerr
l\'ttr: .$he lra.s.slrnlgltt black hnir orrd ltrown
r,-ye.s. I ltvc S I grrcss rvlro is lrt'irr1i rlt'scrillt.rl (i.r.. llt'tlr).
I l:rvc llairs takc ttrrrrs tlcscrillirrg Ss in (lrc class arrrl
A'orl li.slcrr ttnd rtpcat. gucssing who is lle ing describctl.
/Srulr'rr.s ttlxu'e, bttt aaclr line is said otu:e witlt a pause
firr.\s lrr rt1x,rtt.)

Toss the animal (Teacher's Guide p. 16) .

Use dialog 4 for this activity.

:l,l tlnil 2, Lesson 2

Activity llook can norv hr: assigrrerl litr honrewrlrk or
ttsctl ilr clirss.
11. 1)
Se e inlswcr kcy,'l'e irche r's (irritle 11. 150.
@ Open the book
Ncxt lcsson: llr irrg iltitgirzin(,s l)i(.trlros rlf pcollle Say ltl
rvcarirrg rlifle rcnt r:lotltirrg to rcvicrv r:loIhirrg vocabrrlary llave Ss trlrn to Sirrrlcrrt llook p. l,l,llavc trvo Ss (Sl urrrl
? rlitlr Ss. 52) g<r to the front. Say (Sl's nrtnrc) is rllr /naes. (.$?,s
nurne ) ls lre lcr,'l'lrcy're golng to talk nlnut altul'lirttl,s
u,earing,.'sllsten, Say l{,hat's hernnnrc? IlaveSI
rcl)cal. Say Tbri Clarll. I lave 52 re pcat. Say ll/lrllt slrc
rue uring? I Iave S I rr: l)cilt. Say tllrre sllor ts anil a
'1.'-shlrt,l lave 52 rt: pcat. I lave S I and 52 soy rlrc tlial,,g ,rn
tlreir owrr. l)o il agnlrr nnrl hnvc tho rcsl of tlul Ss rrl)(.nt.
l'lay ul) track A2,1. llave Ss liste n antl rcpcar the rliiikrg.

(h trtm.trr l,isten unrl repetl.
Airport mnn: lVlmt's ln,r natrrc? ( t tt sr )
Peter: 'litrti Clurk. (ltttusrI
Airport nmn: lVlnt's slte u,earing,? (1rrttl.t r'/
['eler: Illtrc slrcrts ttul a grcctr 'l'-sltirt. (l)tuti()

I lave Ss look at the picturr:s lle xl lo the rlillog sccrrc. Sl1,

b- Let's lrnue l,eter dcscribe
wlurt sottte ollrcr peoltle are
u,eurlng,lVlnt does hc say? llitve trvo Ss {Sll anrl S.l) trr
the llrst diaklg. I lave 53 sa1, lVllatb slrc wcarlng? I lar.e S l
say llrorrrrr punts and a red swcatsltlrl. llrrt Ss irrto
O tb. ndc o dbl, tolk to W hisrd
anrl lrave thenr practice thc clialog rvith tlrc tlilfercrrl
l)ictures, |or rtrrrtrber 5, have Ss nrake llrcir orvtr tliulogs
ahrlrrt their frieurls. I lave sonre pairs say tlre ir rlinhrlis in
front of thc class.

Introtluce the Chant-a-gram

Ilovierv thc vocallrrlary rvorrls. Writc tlre rvortls llller,
il shorter, olrlcr arrrl yottngcr on tlre l)oor(1. Say tlre rvorrls
and have Ss rcpcat. Illay CI) track A25 arrtl have Ss lirte tr.
l\rirrt to tlrc lvrlrtls as tllcy are chautctt. (Notc: ?Irt, Olttrtrt.
a-gru,n rvill llc revierved arrd tauglrl in rtrurc detail in

Llstcn atyl chnnt.

ls sltc talltr tltan him?
@ soy it! @ chont-o-srom l'cs, s/rc is. I'.s, slls ls.
Slrc's toller tlmn ltint.
Torgetl' ;, .
Artrl lrc's slrcrter
Is lte older
tlnrr lrcr?

Ss can perform dlalog I uslng vocabulary worcls Nr.r, Ics ttol. No, lte's not.
revlewed from Discover irl 2 in Level l,I"init 3 in Level 'Slttis older tlmn hitn.
2. Unlt 7ln level3 and Unlt 4 in Levet 4. Atttl lrc's yorutger tha,t lm
Are we okler tluttt tltcnt?
. ;., . ,,.,;i r .
..,;r ..,",.1 _.,;".:,,k:.t;;*"."-;.",*;,-.,. .:..
Yes, we
ure.l't's, tt,tt 1tre.
oldu tltort tlwn.
lrlilgtzinc l)i('IrIrr:!i 0f 1lt:01llc rvcilrinl; tlil'li:re rrt Arul tldy're ytttnger lluttt us.
e lotlrirrg, Ol)
t lave trvo Ss go to thc front. l,la1'tlre OI) again. Illvc llrt,rrr
point to thc correct rvonls as llrt:y are chantcrl. l,lll, rlrt,
O Belore lhe book ()t) agairr arrrl lrave Ss clap aklrrg rvitlr tlre rlrytlrrn ol rhl
lVarnt-up / revierv
llcvierv clotlring vocabrrlary lr1, 1.,;*',r* al)out what Ss arc
rvrarilrg. ll thcy irre lll rvr,;rring rrrrifornrs or sirrrilar O After the book
s ekrllrirrg, rrso rrrilgirz.irrc l)ictltr()s oIlrcoplil rvcilrirrg
rlillcrcnt ckrtlring. llevicrv colors.
I litvo Ss tirkc lrrrrrs rk:sr:rillirrg otlrcr pcolllt: irr tlrc clirss lry
tlescribirrg rvhat tlrey:rrc rvcarilrl; or lly rlest:rihilrg tltt,ir
I'1a1, Ilftlrc plctrrrc searching ('l'caclrer s (itritlc p. I4) Itair and eycs. Ilave 0tltcr Ss try to gucss rvlr() is lrr:ilrg
ttsirrg llictrrres frorrr rnagazines. t lavc Ss ask llilrnf 's lrel tlescrilletl. I lavc lhe strrrlerrt rvlro Iirsl glrr:sses corrcr.lll,
slte n,utrittg? rttitkr: tlrc ncxt rlcsr:riltliorr,

Unil 2, lesson 3 :t5

(lnrds I l-2(1.
EEEEL,;fi:rs,;;;[.i]-,"in"'rr -.Is,rifi]lf,; r "
llcvicrv tltc llrrtlltttttt cltart itrtrodtrccd itt l.essolt l.
Descrlbe lour frlends'(TR 3: Teacher's Guide p. 40)
Introduce grammar
At rivitl'llook 1t. l0 calt tttlrv tre itssigrretl ftlr lttlttlcrvork tlr I lrrve otte sttt(t(tllt (Sl) 8rl to tltc ljrlttt ittttl stitttd ll('rt l(t
rrqcrl itr t'litss. See attslvcr key,'l'eacher's Crritle p. 150. Yort.
(icslttrt' tlto stl,l(lellth lrcig,llt anrl sitl' l'ott'rc (slnrter)
urc,llavc Sl say tlre sallle selltt!l'lcc frtlttl a tlillcrcltt
I lave ilro rost of
lrrri rrt o[ r'it'rv, t'. g. I'rr sl t o rler tlutrt 1'o tt.
ilre class say tIe'slsfte's slrcrter thorr )'ort.'l'hctr say l'rl
killcr llrut yott. I litvc S I sny l'nlr'ru lnlle r lluttt rtlc' I lttve
ilrc rcsl rrl'lltc clitss say l?rrr're lnller thort hlm I hor.
Drarv a lirrgt'questiolt ttrark ott tho lrtlard, I)oirtt trt tlte
rlrrcsliott tttitrk, Sl alld askzlrel'ort shorter.tlmn me?
li avc S I ittls\v('r l?.s, / ttrrl, lrt'tl lllvt' S I ask 1'ott I llt' sittlt t-'
tgrrt,sliott. Attsrvt'r No, I'ttntot.l'nt laller tlmn yotr' Ask tlre
lcst oI llre class ls hc / slte ldler llrun rrtel I lavc lltt: clnss
ansrver No, Irel.s[e'.s rtol.IIe I sltc's shorter lltan yort'
I lavc tltrcc otlt('r sltt(lollls go ttt tltc fnltlt. I lavc thtr
tullcsl 0f tltr: tltrt'o (S?) !ititlt(l willl 1'ott ittttl llte otlttrr trt'tl
(Sll antl 54) starrtl :r sliglrt dislatlctr arva1" (iestrtre hciglrt,
llmn us'
lrrrint lo lrtttrscll atttl 52 arld say'l'hey're slrcrter
ha/ftL./N tql./fqr{rfl /6 {n's/ddd/lh i lavc Ss irrrtl 54 sal' llte're slmrlcr llton you.l lave tlte re sl of
'l'lrctr say We're laller
r lre class say Tlrq'i o sl rcrler thutl 1'ott.
o'F lhiro.ArI. Amr.(
iltun them. llitvc Sll itttrl S'l slt' lirtt'rt taller llurrt tts' I lave
h t rr. r$ Frt Efii*{A']flt'itp;hiiiiiTrhi.. *
the rest of tlttr class say lirtl're lallt'r lltrttr rlrerrr. I)oittt ttl tlre
rr. y4, F,!oi rm rhnr ffrtr"djiifitl$*oi*itfi'r#t-liJF il' que stioll trtat k ittttl sti' ,1rc ruc shorter'lltttll lllclrri I lavc thc
,il.r, at,.t ,,t No,yttlre rtoi,lbtirc tnller llmn tlretrt'

@ Open lhe book

I lave Ss lurtr to Sttrdt'rlt tklok p. I5 lttttl krttk ilt l)art A' l)la1'
(ll) track A26. I lavc Ss listt'rr lttttl tt'1tcat.

A, Llstett and rqteut.

Iteter: S/tels s/rorlor lltrttt trta. (lxutse)
lenny: Wdreyoutrgt't'tlrrtttllrutr. (lxtrtst')

Say tlre tttttttbcr tlfcaclt l)i('ltll('itr palt r\. llirve Ss say tlre
s,ri tc,,.c*. Stry llttr tltltttllcts l-4 itt rltttlttttt ortler' llavc
irrtliviclutl Ss sal' tlre sorlt('tl('os.

@ Buitd itt @ chont-o-srom

I llvc Ss klok at part ll, l'lay Ct) track A27, I love Ss
arrcl rcpeat.

Il. nnd rePeal.
Airytort ntatt: /.s slte taller'tlrotr y'tttt? @ause)
I'eter: No, slrrris ,rct. Slrc's shortcr llutrr
,tw. 0nttse)
Aiqtort nmn: ls slrc taller tlntr yotr? (Pttuse)
Jerrrrl,: )'es, srtc i's'

" '
",f' ,.:,f-!t-' * l*FtR
r-'r.*ff:F1t.fn*'7r .1' '"n:1 ri'
Attrr! Itlurl': Are you ytrttrgr'r tlmn lhttn? (pmtse)
Sterte: No, wa're ,tot.Wc'rtt oklu tlurrr
I)icllrr('(lirrtls I l'-20, (ll) lhetrt. Qxtttst)
Aunt Mary: Are yort youngcr lltan tlrctn? (prutsr)
'Ibrti: Yes, we are. gxruse)

O Belore lhe book

Wnrnt-u1l / revicw
tlave Ss practice the dialog irl pairs for cach pictttre itt
I'llv l\ly nristake ('l'eacher'.s Gtride p. l5) using I'ictttre
pnrt Il.

'l{i I tnit o IncSf'}n 4

N0le:'l lte arlrvork orrl1,slrotvs tlre pr0norrrr <llljects, not Ncxt lcssorr: llring llicces of paller antl scvcrirl plir s ol
tlre srrbjcct or thc :rrljet:tive. I lavc Ss cove.r lhe text, look at chopslicks if yotr choose to tkl thc ol)lional .tr: livir).
lhu l)i('tltr(:s in parrs A arrrl ll first, ilntl thcn itlcrrli[y thc Olropstlck rclty ('l'cache r'.s (irrirle ;r. l8).
Itlonoult objccts llclilre rkring tlrc srrbstitrttirlns.
t c
llavc Ss look al part C. l,lty Ol) tr:rck A2ll. Illvc Ss listcrr
antl rvritt: rvorrls to cornllle te caclr scrrlt:nce.

(.'. Lfstc,n gtul u,rlt* atrl.ri

l. .SIrc} tallcr tlrrttt tttt,. (2x) nsr:rq
2. 'l'lrey're olrltr tlmn ynt. (2.t) i !|{l
.t. llt's slnrttr tlntt her Q.t) :!&.&i, b
,1. Is slrc l,tttrrrgar tlutn hiur?l'cs, she is. (2.t) ur lr
"t6) A
5. Arc u'c sltortrr tlut,t tlrcttt?
5lur1"r llntt tts.
No, u,e urctit.
rh,Lr1 fffif (1,r,
&. 0rl
ti. :lre tlrcy oltltr tluttr l.s/ Itrs, they r1yr. (2x) MrLr *
ffi ffi
(llteck Ss'ans\!ers hl,havirrg irrrlivirltral Ss raise their
Itlntls arrrl say tllc st.rlelt'lrf ltts or tliaklgs.
d,I*, ,x,tr{
t ,3
I Chant-a-gram
O th urlcn.writ. o., ir or h. REd

I lave Ss look tt tlrc l"s slrtr ktllcr tluttt Iiurl clrant at tltc
Irotlorrr of p. l,l irr tltc Strrrlcrri lktok. t,lay Cl) track A2l-r X":T,;:*:., try.I.hru*d s..ti.p€tu'? Ff,ry.-l
atrtl lrave Ss listen.

,J:,,, ," n"ut.",*o v{.t.gof{Eh.w'gDdrlsm
l.islr'tt ttwl chant. ,
ls slrc tttller tlrtut ltitttT
l?'s. sIcis. li,r, slru is. O r.}- lblcn. w,ll. Numb.r.

I .Slrt,i tal/cr tlturt hittr.

tltrrl hds slutrttr tltan lttr.

tic txx{lil u BrFle

ls ltc ohler tlutrt lrtr? il ,rs hx o

No, lrc's rror. Atr, ltt's ttot.

.5/rt,!' rrlr[,r tI ut tt It i t tt.
Atul lrc's yottttger tltatt lter.
tlrt tue okler thutt llrcrn?
li,s, tt,t: nra.l'e s, u,e ure .
ll'a're okler tlmn tlrcm. Reod it!
Atrrl tlrcy're yt,t,t!!tr tlmil ,$.
l)ivirle Ss irrto grorrp A anrl groul.r Il. I Iave grotr1i A chant
il llre sl.lttltncrrls iut(l ilns\v('rs urrrt lravc grotrgr ll chntrt tlte
Ss can pronounce, read and wrlto eri trrsnd lrwords.
-. . . .)" .i,,.,1,'.!*r.d;e+-re., &d,,1*d. j.*r.L,+,*.^.
(Il(,:'lions. llr:r.ersc r()hts ilrrrl cltollt ilgilin. l)ltt Ss illlo pilirs
ulrrl lravc tlre rrr praclice tlrc I'irst vcrse.'l'hcn divitle Ss irrto
grolrlls of llrree arrtl lrave tlrenr practice tlre sccorrrl vcrsc.
.. .. ..;.at
,,.:1.,.:,f, rr .


l:irrally', rlivitle Ss irrlo grorrgrs of [oirr antl lrave therrr l)lronlcs Card$ lrnlt 2 ('l'lt ,l:"leaclre ri (itrirk: p. i l). r .l)
lrrilcli(:e the final verse.

O Afier lhe book O Before lhe book

Warrn-up / rcview
l)ivirle lnlo srrrnll groul)s trr<l lrirvc llre rrr nrake rrll thcir
orvn verso, sirrrilar lo llre cllallt. Ilave volrrnlecr.s lterlorrn Write orre of tlre rvortls frorn llre lh'arl irl se ction irr tlrrit I
lltcir ttr:rv vcrsc [or tlre rcst of llrc t:lass. {)n tlle l)oar(1, rvith a sllacc irrstelrl oI tlre targct soirrrtl,
c.g. br-rr. I lave Ss try to rca(l tlre rvortt rvitlr tltc
correct sorrnrl. I lave a volurrtecr go to llre llolrrl arrrl [ill irr
tlrc nrissing lctters. (lonlinue rvitlr tlrc renraining rlortlr
lirlrn (lrtit l.

Irrlroducc thc ersound wllh thc s;lcllllrgs cr, ttr

u nnd rr
Write rrron the boarrl. llsc errlargcrl Photrlcs Carrls lhrit lJ
Activity lkrok p. I I e an rrorv lrc assi1.;rrcrl lirr lrorrrervork or ('l'll 4:'l'cirr:lrer'! (irtidu 11. .l I ) to sltgw lis llre .r 1,rrls. l,.irrt
ttscrl irt class. Sce itnswor kcy,, 'lirirclrcr's (irrirle p. I li I .

Unil 2. lessorr 5 lli'

to antl rt'url lltr. tlorrls, r:rttl)llfltiiz.illll lltc t'r'stttttttl. I ltvc Ss
l ist trr. Snv sl tou kler, su tn rnen crockors. l|y'h iclt sorut d ls t lrc
.srlrrcl I lllt. Ss say er. Itrirrt otlt thitt this sotrrrd irt these Il, l.islen nnd utrile.
n'orrls is sgrclk'd r,r. l)o the snttlc for tltc ltr rvortls, poittllttg I lay Cltilt rttttl l)ottnl',
urrt tlrl tlillert.rrt spelling. l)o thc sattte ftlr tlle ir rvtlrcls, 'lixkrf is'l'lrurxlay.lf i"rt itr I lau'aii. SN tlte 1tit:t,trc?
:r1',;rirr poirrtirrB (nrl tlt(! dill'crcrrt spr:llilrg.'l'cll Ss TItcssall J lrr,sc nrrr rrr,l,rlrr.sirr.s.
'l'1rc lxn' u'caritrg, tltt pttple 'l"sltirl
srttttul tlrc sntno,ltut they're spelk'd dlt[eren11y.l)lacc all tlte i. .Srclr,, I I a's t t i r t t'ar t, I le u m su rf.'l'ha g,i tl i.r hi.r .ri.rrr'n

t'irrrls on tlre lloard. ltead tltc \vords orl tlte cartls, Janny. Slte's rritrc. Jentty lms o pet lurtle. lt cnr.s ('rrl( lrrs.
t'rrrplrlsiz.ittll llte ersouttd, atttl poiltt ttt tltt: rvrtrtls its ytttl lV,'rt g,oittg, lo haut'rt p4rutt sttt,t,n.'r urcalittrt!
r crrrl tlrcrtr. I lave Ss rcpeitl, l:.xplairr tltc ttre attirlg oI arty l\,ttr
rrilrrls Ss rlo nol ull(lcrstatttl. l\lirrt lrl llre cartls ilt tatttlottl
orrlr.r lrrtt have irrdividttal Ss rc'atl tlicnr. (llrcck tlrc answcrs Iry lravirrg irrrlivitltral Ss t eiltl tlrc
Pronunciolion note
r't ltrl ttr /cr/ ir /cr/(Scc 1)rtttttlttciittiotl titlllc ott
lllt'ltt'r's (itritle p. 5.)
Illve Ss tltrtl to Sitrrlerrt lklok p. l(i and lorlk at part (1.
l'hyCl) trat:kAlll. llavc Ss listt'rt rttrtl fill irr the tvttttls its
r\ll tlrrt'c spcllings oll tltis l)itgc aIe llrtltlottttcetl tlrcy lrear tlrt'nr,
lrlctll' tlre sattit'.'l'ltc rlil l'crolrt slrcllirrgs eotttt: ll <tttt
tlrr. tristory oI each rvortl.'l lttl tlillilrcrrt spt'llitlgs rvert:
1rrolrottrtt'otl diflerentll'at sottlc tirtlc ilt tlrc 1llst.
C. Listen atttl u,rile.
l. 'l'|rc girl itc tltirt&'tt crrtt'f,'r'r.s. (2x)
2. Ile ltouglrt t
purpla'l'-slrirt ttrr'l'ltrtrxlol'. (2x)
@ open lhe book .?. SIrc lms a binl ott lrcr slutttltltr. Q.r)
I lirvr'Ss llrrn to Sttttlcttt lltlok ;t. l0 atttl ltlok ilt l)ilrt A. l'lay WritC tltC scitlollcus rvilh tllc llllrttks rltt tltc lltlitttl. (lheck
( .l) tr;rck A?t). lltve Ss listert nrtd poittt to lltc llictttres. tlre attsrvers by lravirrg irrtlivirlulrl Ss go lo lltc lrrlard attcl
rvritirrg tltc wortls ltt tltc blarrks. I llrvc ilrtlivirltrlrl Ss rcad
tlre scntences
I lavc Ss lo<lk at tltc Picttrre. l\rittt lo tltc piclttre arrrl ask
,1.!ott, ltoint atul rPlrcttl. Wltich senlen ce ts t/lis? llave Ss rvrilc tltc rtttlttllcr o[ tlte
(prutst,) ir, ir (pnuse) correct senlence utrtlcr tlte picltrrc. (Arlsrver: lt's 3.)
tr, ar, sltotrhh'r (l,uuse) ir, in girl Qnuse)
t't', (t', srtnlnlt'r (lr,Jlts?f) ir, in'l'-shirt (ltause)
r'r; r't: r'tztr'[t'r.i (rxllr.s(f)
in ir, lhirtce,t (pattse) O After the book
Writo er - l, ur - 2, ir - .'l ort tlttr lllr:trtl, S:rt' tltc rvortls itt
ttr, ttr, cttrh'
Qtrtuse) rarrdorn ordcr. Ilavc Ss lroltl trP oll(', tt!o rlr tltre c [iltgcrs,
ttr, rtr, surl'
Qaus(') accortlittg to rvhiclr is tltc corrt't:t slrcllirrg rlf tltc stltttttl.
rtr, trr, pttryile (1,(tttst')
Atkl otlrcr rvuttls Ss arc latttilittr rvitlr, t'.1i' llake r1',
birtlrtlay, llrrrrr, circlc, crat:kt'rs, ('otttl)tlt('I, fatlrcr, firrgcr,
I'lrrv tlro Ol) agalrr. I lavc Ss llstett atrt.l rol)cat. l'irst, hatttster, ltttrry, kookabttrra, tltarkt'r, tttttttbcr, l)etcr,
lrlly thc (ll) a tlrirtl titttc. I lavc irrdivirlual Ss rcllcat tlltl picturc, I)ostcr, Itlle r, Sittur(lltY, Septt'lrrber, sistcr, skirt,
it crrrs. slippers, sti(:kers, socccr, sttllertttarkt't, sttre, srvcitlsltirt,
I lse tlrr. l'ltuttics Cards. Sltorv the cartls artd ask What's
tiger, tllilsty, tttrtt of[, ltlrrl oll, tttttler, tvater, rveatltcr,
rltt'n,oxl? llrn'e irtdividual Ss writc tltc w<lrtls ott tltc
winter, yeslerday atrd 1'ogurt.
I llvt Ss lilnr to Student llook;rp. l2-13 and look at the
rrrnirr sccrrcs. I lavc tlrenr fittd alrd ttatttc ltictttres of rvorcls
tlrirt c(,rrtilin the plronics sotrnd they lrave jtrst revielvecl. !,it'.
{,\rrsrvt'rs: slrotrklcrs, curly, strrf, purple, girl,'l'-sltirt.)
\\'ritt' .slrorrlrl- on tlte board. I lave a sttldetlt write
tlrr. lt'ttcrs cr in tlre space. Do tlte sanre witlt the other a
rr otrls. a

lln'ie rv tlrt' tlords hcr,'l'ltursday, ttlrtle and bird. I)oittt ttt

cuclr s'ortl arttl say it. I lavc Ss repeat. Writc 77t_-.sdrry
orr tlrc boartl. I lave a stud(j llt rvrite tlte letters ltr ill the
splce. I )o tlrtr satrtc rvitlr the tltltcr revicrv rvtlrtls'
I lavc ss tunl t(, Sttrtletrt llorlk p. l6 arlcl look at part ll.
Sirt' Il,ter u,role fln e-nwil letler to Cltip and Dortnll lls
st'ttt ( lri(ture, kn. Lel's resd his letter. l'lay (lD track All0, Activity llook p. l2 catt tttlrv llc assigrtctl lilr ltttlttervtlrk or
I lavt' Ss liste rr rrrd rvrite c[ ur <tr ir irt tlte blanks. usetl in class. Sce alls\ryer ke1','l'eacher's (itridc 11. lii l.

:lll t Inil 2, tesson 5

peoltle irt tlre pictures. Li.sten nud u,rile lhe rturttlx,r
lo tlrc corret:l picture. I,lay Ol) track A32. lluvc Ss lisrcrr
arrrl ttrtrttbcr.

A. Listttr, nttntber nnd wrile,
Ntrttrber l.
rDat wrllc. llo1, 1' I rttrt't,r'
lrr!'r r* *r\xil]{J7 Glrl l: l\tltrtt tloes slte lutk likc?
lloy I : .S/rrr [n.r slror, ltnnt,n lutir an rl gn,r'rr r1,r,.r.
Otrl l: lt?rrrti'.shr, wuuingi'
llolr 1; tl ltlrrc sltirl, bntwn pttttts rtrtrl hnnptt.rrlrrlr/s.
ti!{! ,,s ,.\rtr,r)
Nrtttrlnr 2-
Girl 2:- Ilzlrr,rtls cn,,tr,r, 'r',,,r,
Irlan: lVlutt tktts lte kxtk like?

O tmt. ceor A
litilrl lrr $$xi,r?
Gtrl 2: I lc luts ntrly ltltrk lutir unrl ltlue ey's.
It(urr: lVlmt's hc u,utrirry!
Girl 2: A ltttrltle jru'kct, bltttk porrts ttnd tt lutsaluill
t'(t | ).

Ntttuln'r !1.

! ,'O,*A , f|,.*. Q , Iloy l: l'ttt lookittg.litr tnyJi'intrl,$u.

l{ortrtttr: lVltrtt tkrys.rltrr /orr[' li['r,l
lloy l: .Slrrr las btllrr t),cs ttrul slntigltt lrlttLk lrtrit.
oO,-* A ,, fr n"**$, Slcir rrrllrrr llxrtr trtc,
Wonmtt: IVfirrli.slrrr u,utriltg?
Iloy l: Sltc!'tt,rrrrrilg il g,t'(t)t sut.tfltshirt, rsl slrtu ts tttttl
.$,*",S .Q,nr*Q, rlltirc srrrrrh,rs.

(lltcck lnsrvcrs logullrer. llirvc Ss look al t:aclr picltrru lrrrl

rcltl arrrl artswr: I tlte t;rrcstiort ncxt lo it, l'lrurr lrnvr' tlrcrrr
rvrite tltc allsrver rrrttle r caclr rlrrcslion. (,heck tlrc ilns\\,(,lr
by having irrtlivirlrrul Ss rvrite tllc scnlonces on tltc lroartl.
@ Proctice it! I lavc Ss tllnl lo llarl l|. l)crrronstnllc hurv lo tlo tlre lctivity
rvith orrc strrrlcrrt (Sl). Itoth of yurr strrdy the llictrrrc ol'rlrtr
Torgets ltruily [or ll(] se corrrls.'l'lrut covcr tlrc pit.trrrJ. Oltoosc a
I ' :r Ss can understand ancl produce thls unlt'i target
trrrrrrllcr or roll a rlic. tlsirrg tlre rvortl strglplicrl, poirrt to
tlrc trvo l)ictrlrt:s arrd ask Sl llrc rltrestiorr llrorrt tlrc
t:ovcrerl l)ictllrr:, e.g. for rrrrnrber l,lloirrt lo llle t\\.o l.iitl5
I .. Sscan llsten to the dialogs and find the people , arrrl ask Is slrc taller lltan herT llave Sl lry tu renrcrrrlrcr.
i, r belng described, then wrlte descriptioni. anrl arrsu'cr eitlrer lts, .slrs is ur No, slln isrr'r.'l lrcrr it's S I s
i, Sscanplaythegame and askand answerquesfi6ns turn to clro<lsc a llullll,cl arrrl ask { tlrrcsti()rt. lrrrl Ss irrto
I t aboul
'r;. .i:ilr;ll*;r: *
people ln rhe picture
Ir ,-
. . ,, ,. .. .
llairs aurl lrave tltelu lllay llre ganre tlte siltuu \!,it),.

Moieriols O Afier lhe book

i lti('trtre (lirrrls I I l(), (.1), ltr,<lrrcctl I)ir:lrrrr: (litrtls I l-2{) Writc,5lrr, Ira.s --.-*, I lt lttts ** irrrrl /.s lr, /.rlrr, oltltr tlrrut
j { lL'lr:lrcri t;rritlt p. I72) (onc sct lilr e aclr llair or srrrall ort the lloartl ils a rcle re trr:c. l,llr1, llcst llr te tr
; grottll) ('l'citt:ltcr's (irrirlc p. ll)) in Pirirs or snurll rrsirrl;
-iItcrlrrt:crl l)i(:turt: (larrls I l-ll(l ('li,achcr's lrorrps
(irrirL'p. l7.l).
Irtstcltl ol rrirrrrirrg llrc carrls, lravc Ss sa1,orrc ul tlrr,
O Belore lhe book stiltcn)enls {)n tllc lx)ilr(l rrsirrg tlrc \r,onls on tlrt'r.irr.rlr.

lVarln-rrJt / revlcrv
(.lrrttt tlrr: ( )lttt t t t ly ttnr t - t -
I o11t,l lrcr'.
I'la1'Orrcss it! ('li,:rcltcr's (itrirle p. l4) using I)ictrtre Parrots (Teacher's Gulde p. 20)
" . ".. ,..-." .-* ,.t','*
(larrls l l-Ll().
Ar:tivity llrulk p. l3 carr nrnv lle trssil;rrr:<l [or lrorrrcrvnrL rrr
ttscrl irr class. Se e arrswr: r kcy,'li:aclrr:r's ( irrirlr p. l5l. Nurv
p @ Open lhe book lltitt Ss lritvc corrrgrkrlcrl ltrrit 2, tlrtl'ciln llo to tlrc /ft,rtrlrrll
page, Activity llook p. 70 arrrl colrlr nrrrrrlrcr Z grccn.
l lavt: Ss tltnl to Strr<lcnt lktok p. l7 arrcl lrlok at l).rrl A. Sily
lltr'r't,gnirrg ,o llstit,,t to so,rre kkls talklng alnut tlte

Unil2, Lesson 6 :t1)

fg/ ucscilpe yourtnenos
Reod oboul Som ond Robin. Color llre piclure. Nome lhem.

These ore my friends, Som Jones ond

Robin Toylor. Som hos shorl brown hoir
ond blue eyes. Som is weoring o while
T-shirl, o green boseboll cop, blue
shorls, o yellowjockel, white socks ond
block shoes.
Robin is loller lhon Sorn. Robin hos long
blond hoir ond green eyes. Robin is
weoring o red cop, o brown sweolshirl,
oronge ponls ond red ond while

B. Drow o piclure of two friends. C. Wrile oboul your friends.

Don't color lhe picture.

Teacttey's lnstructlons l)repare photocopics for eirch p:rir of Ss iu advatrce. I land otrt tlte u'orksltt'ets. llat'c Ss

4() llnil ?, Teocher Rcprotlltcible 3

0 Peorsorr Educolion Asin Iinrilorl
S, Phonrcs Coros Unit 2

should SUMM crock-s

E- (]s

T 'll
c- ly s-f l-tle
I -- l

g__l T-sh t th


@ Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled Unil2, Teocher Reproducrble ^l .1 I


fl v.ld d)mrE\lhlil.'
l:i( Iry,lrrl

worrr @ b ttrton.romt.3oy. srory Q@ Ololo0t O.3rm *t.".nJ,.t;:-*

rr:il x
'&' '[ lt
i, (,,<9 m,k
* illI o<rytor I

I E' li r

ll ,.rr..,,,

l)i(:turo (lilrrls 2(i-ll() {)tlo itl il tirtrt'ittttl sitY llte ttortls' llavtr
Ss rcpcat. Acl ottt caclt rvottl ittttl ltltve Ss grtcss rvlticll
rvrlrrl(s) you arc actirtg.

@ Tolk qbout il! Uocobulory) l\sk lloue you eucr goilc cnttt1titt147 litlcttttrltge Ss trl
iulsrvcr lts or Nn. ll :rrrv ss attsn'cretl vt's, ask ll'lml
J,ort do? Allol Ss to ttttsrvt:r irr tltcir ttlttivt'litttllttitgt'or
Torget i,". :;,'1,r'r , ' i
l:rrglislr. lVritc tlrcir ltrstvcrs ott tltt' lloitrtl irr tlre sirrrple
Ss can polnt to and name go ne ccnoehtg, nnde a lrast lirrttt, c.g. u,(rrl t'rttrot'irtlgor lirrttrtl'slept in a
canrplire, slept in a tent, used a compass, caught a ,er,r. Say's lolk nlxtttt otlter lhittgs rutt lrot'e dottt'tulrctr
we go umtpitrg. I lold ttl) I)i(:ttlrc ( llrtls 2l-25 ttttc itl a tittle
tislr, sleepingbag life jacket,Tlrcnnos, strnscreen and
bug spray. arrrl sirl'tltc rvorrls. lllrvc Ss I('l)('rtt. lfirrrv Ss lrirvtl saitl tlrt'y
tlicl tlris ilctivi{\', ttsc lltc vorll Pltrascs itt a st'tttettce rr'itlt
tlrat sttrtlcrrt's nilnle, c.g. Lisa ltas g,one conoeingor linrnty
Moteriols . :
has sleltt itt tt lt'ttl, Acl otlt citclt vt'rll pllrasc anrl ltltvc Ss
gtrcss rvlriclt rvortl(s) yotl ilr(r lrc{ittg.
l'ictrrrc (lartls I l-30, (lt)

@ Open the book

O Betore lhe book Ililvc tunt to Sttrtlettt ll<tok p1r. ltl-lt) arrtl look itt tltt'
(]l ) lrilck Alllt.
\firrrrr-trp / rcvlerv l)i(:tur(,s ilt lllt] l)ottottt oI tllc Ptrgcs, l'litt'
I lirve Ss list('n irn(l prlittt ltt tltt' picttttts.
l'l:rv l krtv nrlltl)' corl 1'tltt ttalttc? ('lcachcr's (irritle 11. l 4 ) ttr
rllicrl llrc vocitltttlittl'ltottt tltt: ltrcvitltts tttlit. Ilstl Itit'ttttt'
(lirrrls I I 2() to cltt'ck ltttsrvcts. Slttttv cartls tlttc al it (itttt'
lntl lrrrve Ss ttt;tkc;r s('tltt'tlc('itlltlttl caclt citrtl, e.g. Ttrlli A. Listetr, Ttoirtl ttrtrl,
Itas stntililtt black lruir or She's taller tltot, ttrc. gotra utttocirtg (lrQttsc) .s/r,rTrirrgDirg (ptusc)
ttukle u t:utrtllire (pnttst') li!i,jttckt't (ptrrtsr'1
'l lttrrrros
trrlrotlrtce vttcallttlary slcltl itr rt lt'rtt (Pausa) (l)uuse)
Srrv lti,'n'grri rtg, to ktlk altotrl rarttltirrg,.What do u'e nct'd tr,scrlrlrulrr;.rrr.s.s (ltrtttst') .vlns('rt'r'r, Qtttttst')
urttglrt tt Jislr (pauit') ltttg s1trurv (ltttttst')
u'lrett u'e g1t t'tttnping,? littcrlttt age Ss to stl88e st t:atrtpittg
itcrrrs itt tlrt'ir rtittive llrrrgtragc or irr lirrglislr. I Itlltl trll

4',) tJrril 3, Lesson I

Itlirl' thc Ol) agairr. I lave Ss listcn antl rel)oilt.
l'l11,Ol) lracl';\ll.l. Ilave Ss listr:n arrtl rrrrnrlle r the
l)i( iltI(|s.

Il. Llstt,t il,t(l ,tut,rlt(r.
@ Tolk obout it! {Diotogs}
rtuule n
Torgets , , ," r.,.'of .,,i1i, 1,.,,
Nttrrtlx'r ll. rtsttl l totttltass (?,r) o Ss can say Hi I'm Jane, That look heary antl
Nrurrlrr,r.l. sl.rpitrgfutg (2.t) respond wlth It ls. Ss can olfer u slng Do you rt'ant
Ntttttln'r 5. gortt: t'rtttotittg, (2"u) .. ., some help? and respond uslng $rrr- ihanks.
Nrtttlrcr{i. btrgspruq, Qx) . Ss can ask and ancwer When are un plng to go
Ntrrttlttr 7. crtugltt u Jislt (2.\) canaelng? The day afier tomoilow Ss can ask nnd
Nrrlr/rr,r B. 'l'ltcrrntts (2y) an swer iru we goln g rc almp o$*httfrh t? ll h. h a I t.
Nrlrrlrcr,(). sltltl itt tt lttttt (2"r) . can ask and answer Hawyouewrpne
Ntttttln,r 10.'n,r,rt (2.\) canoelng? No,I hauen't. Ss can contlnue wlrh lloru

(.lrct'k Ss' ans\vcrs by stryirrg llrc nrrrrrbcrs antl having Ss

, .,,ryou?and respond wlth Yes, I haw, , ,,, t,,
o' Ss can ask and answer Wmt do ue need to taks?
i .

| ' Yon need a sleeptngbogand a

sil)' I lrr. corrr:sponrlirrg vocirlrrrlittl, rvorrls. Sly tlrr: ltf* Jacket. , .
vocirlrrrllry rvrtrtls irt rarrtlorrr onlcr. I lirve Ss rt: l)oilt, , .| -..,*. L.

il ltoirrtitrg to citt lr orrc.

I llvr: is ltoint tu itrtrl nirrrrc l)i('trtrcs of vocallrrlary
rlortls tlre y (:orr sc(. irr tlrc rrlriit sccncs. (Ansrversl gorre
r:lrror:irr11, eauglrt ir Iislr, slccpirrg lrlg, lili: iirckct,
Pictrrre Caxls 2l-i10, calcnrlar, (l[)
stuls('r('('n, llug sprll'.)
lllve Ss look lirr thc lrirklr:n ttrrtle in the rnain scont:
(Arrsrver: Il's irrsirlc lhc cirnoc irr scerre 4.)
s. O Belore the book
Warnr-up / review
Sly eaclr ol'tlre vocallrrlary rvrlnls fronr llrc lrrcr.iorrs
O Afier lhe book lcssotr. I llvc Ss lly trl rtrirttc caclr rvrlrrl us [ast as porsilrlt..
l'lay Oltaratlcs ('liraclrcr's (irrirk: p. I5). l'lay llcpcat aftcr nre ('liracher's (irrirle;1. l6) rrsing
l'icttrre (lartls 2 I -1t0.
s Slrrrrv tlre calr:nrlar. llcvicrv kulu1,, tontorrorl arrrl tttttigltt,
t lrctt i tt t rtrtl ttt:e t I rc dr t1, ufi e r to t nor rou,.
a Roce by number (Teacher's Gulde p. i6)
a Fast actlon (Teacher's Guide p. l5) Introdrrce dialogs
i" Siry Chip and Dotrtry are at su,,r,,ter ftt,rrp itt (itnudo.
'l'lrcy,'1'tl tpltlt thclr ratup cnrrnsekn S/rci'lil.r,
Activity lkrok p, l.l carr rrrlrv be tsslgnerl for lrorrrervrrrk or rr tencltcr ot
ttsr,rl irt t'llss. Scc iul:i\vct' kcy,'lbnt:hcr's (lrri<le p, I5l!, rarnp. lltr
nunre ls Jttitc,'l'ltey nrnde I yplp ft'it,trd ttt
t'autlrt too, Ilis ttutrtc's Atlum,
Ncxl lcssonl llrirrg a calentlar to rcvierv lorlrr.11
It),,t.,rrou, i|t(l tottigltt arrtl trt lrrtrorlucr: Ih{f tlu1, 1,1'rrt, l)iulog l; Ilnve trvo Ss (51 arrrl $2) go to tlrr: llorrt. l\rirrr
l.),nttrou,. llrirrg irr a lllirrrlfolrl il yorr clrrtosc to tlo tltc to Sl arrd say flris is l)onny. Ile's tq,ing to cilrrl,lri.r lrrrg.
q rrgrtiilrrirl ilctivit1,\\tho sakl lt? ('leilclter's (irritle 11. lti). It's uery llcrrtSr. l\1i111 trt SZ artrl s1y ?7tls ls lnttr..\lrt,l tlrr,ir
ce,ttp cou,rsclnr. Stanrl ncxt to S2 arrrl say, Ili. l'ttt larts.
'l'ltttl looks lrt:uuy,. l lavc 52 rcl)cli. Stlrtrl rrext lo Sl lrrtl
srty /tis, lllve Sl rcl)cilt. Stlntl rrext lo Sli arrtl sitv I)o.y,orr
utotrt so,ne help? ll:rvc S2 rr.l)eilt. Starrrl rrcrl to iI llril r.rr
Surc, lltunks. llirvc Sl rr: l)r!.1t. llavu Ss siry tlrt tlilkrg irliirirr
on tlrcir rlrvn. I lclp,tlrt:rn hl,rvlrisperirrg tlrcir lirrt,s il'
nccessary. l)o it agairr an<l lravc tlre rt:st ol tlrt,ss [(,1)(.itt.
l)illog 2: Illvc [vo otltcr Ss (S.l lnrl S.l) go trr tlrr: lrurrt.
I\rittt to Sll artrl stry, ?7ris is Arlnnt. llt,'s tt trt'rt'!'t-icrrrl. l\rirrr
t0 S.l irrrtl siry ?}tis is lane.'I'lre7"re 1.;alking ultout il t^tt,,o.,
lri;r, Starrrl n()xt to Sll arrtl ask ll,/lr'n ura n,e golttl; lo gtt
cnnoeing? llirve Sll rcl)eat. Sturrrl nr:xt to S.l arrrl siry, Ilt:
duy u.l'ler tort,orrora,, I lilvc S.l rrl,t|ill. Slilrrrl ilexl t(} Sll ;rrtrl
itsk Arc we g,olrrli lo cfitnlt ore'rtrigltt? llirvr,: 5ll r('l)('.tt.
Statttl rrcxt to S4 arrrl say l/fu-lrrft. llavu S.l rcl)citt. lllvc S,l
rrnrl S,l say tlrc rliaklg agairr on tlrr:ir orvri. l)o it ;rgirirr iurrt
lr;rvc llrc rest ()f lllc Ss rclttrirl,
l)iirlogll: llavc trvo otlrcr Ss (Sir arrrl S(i) go rrr llrl lrorrr.
e I\rirrt to Sli urrtl sly ?7ris ls to S{i arrrl :;rt' l'lris
is l)tttttt1,. Stitnrl rrcxt to Sli urtrl irsk ll,1t,e j,ou et,cr No,u,
t'rtttttci ttli'l l llr,c 55 [el)olt. Statrtl rrext tu s{i lrrrl sl1 A,o, /

Unil 3, Iessorr 2 ,l :r
Irrtt.t,tt't. I luue )ou? llirve S{i repcat. Starrcl rrcxt to 55 antl
<ir1' li's, I haue.l lave S5 repeat. I lave 55 and S0 say the
rli;rkrg ugain (rn tll(flr orvlt. 1)o it ognirr arrd have tlrc resl of D. DlttktgS.
tlre Ss repeat. I.islen and poitrt,
l)illog ,l: llave trvo othcr Ss (S7 arrd S8) go to thc frrlrrt. llt'dhead bo1,: I ltwe yttt eycr goilt, cilrutaitry,?
l\rirrt io S7 lnrl say ?'Ills lsCltlp.l\rirrt to Stt nntl sl1' 77ri.s i.s l)orttt1,: No, I ltrtut,tit. 11,111, 1'oui'
Jrttte.l'ltey'ys still talklng about the canoe tri;;. Srand rrcxt lledlurul bo1,: 17,t, , ,tnru.
ro Si nrrrl lsk lYllat do we need to take? I lavc 57 rol)eilt.
Notu lislett und repeat,
Stirrrrl rrcxt to Stl nntl say lbr need a sleeplngbagond a
li[o Jutket, llavc Stl repeilt. llnve S7 arrd Sll say the tlialog (.5rllr' rt.t ttlxxu,, ltttl euclt litrc t.r .srrirl orrrc u,itlt tt ltttrtst,
;r11:rin orr rlrvrr, l)o il ngain 0n(l hilve lhc rcst of tlrc Ss /irrS.r lo n,l)fitt.)

l), Dlttlog4,
@ Open lhe book l.islert nnd poittt.
Ilirr,o Ss luilr to Stutlenl llook pp. ltl-111. lrrtrorlucc tlrc Clrllt: ltlutt tlo ttr,ttr'ctl lo trrke?
rulirt s(r'ncs by playing CD track A3l-r. I lavc Ss listen arrrl lane: l'utt trrcd n sll"cltittli l,ttll d,,d il lift jackat.
poirrt to tlre greople or objects as they trc nle ntior)cd.
Noru lisrelr a,td repeal.
(.Srrare n.s abou,, ltrr! eaclt lirte i.s .srrirl olce witlt o ltttttse
/irr.S.s to rtlnat.)
(j. Lr'.srcrr lo lhe story.
ltxtk. Cltip tuul Donny are in Canatla.'l'ltey've jrtst l)rrt Ss irrto llairs antl lravr. lhcnt l)racticc tlrc tlialogs. I lavc
ttt r irnl at sttr,tnrer ca,nlt lutve tlrcir lnckltocks arul
7'1u,1, sorrre llairs ilct oul tlre tlialogs itr frortt oI lhe clitss.
r/rrTrirrg lrags. Doruryb bag is lrcau1,. lrurc is tlrc cantlt
trttttrsok[. Sltc's goirtg to lrclp l)ottrtlt laue is trtlkirrg to
till tlrc canrpers.'l'lrcf7s g11i,tg Io g,o cortocirrg tlrc day
dl'ttr lo,,rorrou,.'l'lrcy're going to ca,,tp ot,entight, too.
O Afler the book
Ilcvierv the rvonls cilnrcrl, llaslrlight, lootltbrush and
I lrclre
goitrg lo sleep in terrts. Dorttry lms trtade a rrcw
rvater bottle. Say cach rvorcl arrrl lravc Ss rcpcat. I lave
l'rittul. I lis rmnrc's Adatn. Adatn lms gorrc canoeing. ltut volrrntecrs slrorv tltcy ttrrrlerstattrl tlre ttortls by tlrarvirrg
I)otrttl' ltos trtuer goile carurcitrg. Dotuty cadt utrtit!lVlmt
do tlto r"ttrnpers rrced to tnke otr tlrcir uutoe tripT'l'lrcy llicttrre s on tllc [)oirr(l rlr rnakirrg n sentcncc usitrg one of
tlrc rvoruls.
trwl m u*a sleeping bug,s anrl life jackets. I laue ],ou evcr
gone corrot irrg? It look like fiut I)ut Ss int<l pairs alrtl lravc tlrcrrr llraclice dialogs 2 alr<I
3, substitutirrg tlilfcrcnt vocallularY antl revierv rvords.
I'la1'Ol) tracks A116-A39. Iror eaclr dialog, have Ss first
listt rr antl p()ir)t to the clraracters speaking and thcn
I('l)oilt lllL, rliitklg.

D.l)iulog l.
l.islen und poinl,
lntte: I li. l'rtt krttc. 'l ltat looks lrcauy. Ae tivity llook l5 crrr rrrlrv lle assignctl lbr lrornervork or
I)ortrt1,; lt is. 11.
ruserl irt class. Sce answcr kcy,'ll'acltcr'.s (irritlc p. 152,
latrc: Do 1,ott u'atrt sotttc lrclp?
Dttrrnl,: Srre. tlrarrf,s. Ncxt lcsson: Ilring a calentlar to revicrv future tirne
rvo rrl s.
i\tnrl lisrerr nnd repeat.
(Sr.rttrt, tt-s tlnye, but aach litrc is sttirl ortce u,ith a pausc
lr Ss to rq)eat.)

l.isten nnd poittt.
llullruul lny; LVlren are tue goittg, to go canoeing,?
'l'he duy after tonterrou,.
@ soy it! @ chont-o-srom
lltrllrcad bo1': Are ruc Boi,tglo cantp ouernight?
Iuttr: Illr-hult.
Abrp lisrerr and repeul,
(.S(l,,rc o.s altorc, ltut eaclt litte is said rnce ruirlt a itattst: t0 rtlx'rtl.)
Motreriols'" !
(lalenrlar, C[), I)icturc (]artls 2l (gorrc clrtueing) artd
25 (caught a fish)

ll llrrit3losson3
5, have Ss rnake tlreir owrr rliaklg rrsirrg illl activil), tltcy
woulcl like to do. I lave sonre pairs say their rliakrgs in
front of tlrc class.
(}t, lltlon. arl Anrwe I

9 L_-..-_*___-.
vi6 un @rrr'][,'1,(rr*rij,
Ii "l
Introduce the Chant-a-granr
l)ictrrre (lrrrls ll
Ilcviov lhe vocalltrlary rvorrls. Slrruv Ss
I lt i,lo,, *. .,,,.,.* ,..",,,.,1,,
(gorte cartoeirrg) an(l 25 (t:utrglrt a fish). Say thc rvortls lntl

l][fl -ii -i
t/r0ril lonrghl
Itirvc Ss rol)cal. Slrrlrv I)it'trrlr: (lirrrl untl suy llrtyc),ott
erer g,ont cu,neing? Illvr: Ss rcl)(:ill. Nod yorrr lrcarl urrtl
O.a stry Ycs. l'es, I lrut e, I'pe gone urnoeing.Shorv l)iclrrrc (.lrrl
Zfi atrtl siry Ilaue you t'iluglrt ny'slt?'l lris tiruc, shakr
yorrr lreatl arrtl say No. No, I haueu't. l'try neper caugltl rt
syt o ktrm
tuil w*
/ p(l lrfrtryr$t /
m Wi{lncldoy
frslr! I lave Ss relleat. I)lay Ol) track A4 I anrl lravr: Ss lisrr.rr.
I lave Ss act the activitie s tlroy hear as thoy listcn. (Notc:
* l$w frrlc a rhr[,0 loll h ?fl! lrBr, 'l'lte Oltutt-u-grurl will lle lcvlcrvctl antl larrglrt lrr tnorr.

tF urm.ctmt.
dctlil irr l,esson 4.)

It tt@t yo$ .v., gorl. con,krc? { l,lstur nnd clmnt.

f, ta^. ,.,
f ""t -n..tunioi
tu,..r*o,.,q,,r!(xuilroi Ilr I ku,e ),ott ercr gone ctnoeitrg?
Yor Yor lholo lds,{(on,DxE J I luue y'ott u,cr Bone catrueittg?
-Q I to. p o*o, ouoail o i$? )'es. ltrs, I lmpc. I'pe gone uuurcitrg.
t lb. ya, ovo' (dilCil o iJ,?
$ lb ra I hGon t I t. turor Lo'ehl o llshl I laue)'ort euer cartglrt a lish.
t Ilauc ytrr e t,cr cuttg,hl rr .lisltl
Nn. No, I lntrytit. l\,e tlrl'er iltttgltt u lislt!

l'}lay tltc OI) agairr anrl have inrlivirlrral Ss do thc at liorrs rrs
tlrcy hcar tltcnr.

O Belore lhe book

Wurnr-up / revicrv @ Afier lhe book
Ilave Ss tear ollt tlvo l)icces of papcr aborrt five
lisr thc clkrnrlar anrl rcvicrv the lirtrrrc tirrre rvorrls. Point
6 lo tlrc crlrrollt rlate antl say ?irrlrr.y,. l\rirtt Io otlrerrtnys arrtl cr: ntirttclcrs s([tare, Ilirve Ss rvrito 0rr itctivity llrtly rr,ilrrt trr
tlo ancl a frrtrrre lirnc they tvilnt to tlo it on ltollr picccs oI
*lit'it tlrrr otlrur tinrr: plrrasr-'s.
paper, Collcct llle pal)crs. tlsc half of thern. Ivtix tlrtlrrr rrlr.
l)lay Partner scarch ('l'cacher's ()rride p. l7). Ss slrorrkl lsI
@ open the book lVlten are yolt goirtg to... P It their speaking pilrtller lras ir
different activity, lrc or she nnsrvcrs l'm ,not goltrg lo .,.
ll;rvc Ss lrtnt to Strr<lcrrt llrl0k p. 20. Ilave lwo Ss (Sl arrd []lay again rrsing the orher lralf of the papers.
52) grr lo llre frorrt. Sly (.113 tnnrc) ls Adarl. (S2's notne) ls
Ittttt.'l'lley're goitttri ltt t,rlk nlnut u,hen tlrcy're golng, to g,o
t'rtttoeirtg. Let's lislcn. Say Il/Ilel nre we goiug to go
t'ttttotltt1i? I l:rvt: S I t (ll)(f it l. Say 'I|re day n.fter to,norrow.
tlre you e-rcitctl? I lave S3 r'cl)cat. Say / cnl'l rrrnill Ilave S I
a rtl)cirl. Sa;' I rcl't tlttil t,ithtr, IIave 52 rcl)e at. Ilave Sl
arrrl Sll say lhe rlitrlog olr tltcir orvrr. I)o it again anrl havc
tltr-'rcst oItlrt: Ss rr.l)(fai. l,lity,Ol) track A40. llave Ss listcrr Activity llook p. l {i can nurv lle assigncd frlr lrorrrcn,or L or
arrrl rcpcul tlru rliulog. rrscrl in class. Scc answer kcy,'lbaclre r's Grrirle 11. l5J.
Nexl lcsson: llring in lwo loy rnicrogrltoncs if 1'orr
r:lroosc to rkr tlrc ol)tional activity Karuokc ('le uclre r's
(irrirlc p.2l).
l.istt,rt urul rqrl'ilL
Itttlheud lrcy' 11'1,r,,,trrt u't,EoittE to gtt ttutotlttg? (putrsc)
lane: 'l'lrt du1,t('ter tottnrrout. Ara yort
c.rcitul? (lxttrstt)
llullu,tttl boy: I cutit rt,rtit! (prtttsc)
Irtttt,: I carit u,ttit e itlter. (pattsa)

Illvt: Ss lotrL lt tltt: rlil'lirrurt ;rctivitics arrrl tlrc lrrture

lirrrt,s rrr,xt trr tlrt: tlialog sccne. Suy Aduttt uuttt!s lo ttsk
trlrcttt tultt'tr tlrcy srn do other uctiuities,l1,/lmt does lrc
sc1'l Ilavr: trvo Ss (Sll anrl S,t) try tho first rliirlog. Illvc Slt
e soy lt'fur,1 trt u'c 11o1ill14 lo tllnrh a notttttttirr? I lave S,l srry
'littnorntu,. Are you etcllul? I lavc Sll say I r:arr'l ruall! lli*,t:
S.l srrl, Icrrl't tt,ttit eillter, l)rrt Ss into llairs arrtl lrave therrr
l)rlcliee tlre tliulog rvitlr tlre rlilfererrt lticturcs. Iior rrrrnrbcr

Unit 3. lesson 3 45
rrrarlc'a carttllfirc.
llrirrg a stttdcttt lrl the front ttf llre rttottt, l)o tlrc ntnrle o
clrrrlrlire actiorr tog,cthe r. l'oittt t() l)oth of yotr nrttl sny
llle'ue nrulc a coml{ire. Sliglrtly strcss lltc rvtlrtl ll'et'e'
t lar,er lhe otltcr Ss tttittte tlte actitltt atttl rcl)eat. l)o tlre
surrc rviilt tltc othcr fottr nctiotts.

Of urnlor.
l)rarv a large "X" ott the boar(l atttl sav l\'e ne ror sleql itt
o ,orr, l;xplailt (in Ss' native larrgttagc iInecessary) llrat l'tTr
trcrrr slqtl itr a tent tltealls al tttl titlre irt tlro past' I krld rrp
llicturc (lilrds 2I -2tr ollc ilt fl tiltte' Protttpt lly t'itlrcr
nocltling oi slrakirtg your head. I lave Ss say eitlter ll'c1T'

(action on carul) or llte'ue ircper (nctlott on canl), accrlrllirrg
to your l)rorrll)t.

{e, l)rnrv a lnrgo tlttt'stitltt tttitrk (lll lllo lx)or(1. llrillS

arrrrtlte r sttttlcttt (S l) to thc litlrlt.
'l'ell S t tlfal*'e a cantltfire,
Ask S I llnrrclrtu eper murlc o cantltfire? I lave tlrt' otllcr Ss
O ro urrm.ark,Aei.t
rs. cd qd(ffi[' liq'iil;rl.i i'!4id;rl r(.[)efl1. llavc St altswer les, I haue,'l'lrerl ask Sl llot'cJrrtt
rrh A) d ild i otyr rfiiiiriamr)rCr'tiori] eier slcltt in a tcnl? llave Sl otls\\'or No, I ltovetr'l.lixplaitt

'S,'qm sfl.&, (in Ss' nativc lattgttitgc iI ttcccssirry) tllflt ,r(lt'(')(rll ct?r
slL'1tt itt a lcnt? rllt'atls at lcast ottc litlte itr lltc llllst.
l)ivide Ss ittto grttttll A nrrtl grotlll ll. I lrtltl ttp l)ictttrt'
(larrls 2l-25 otlL'ilt n titttt'ittttl l)oilli t() tltc tlttcsliott lttlttk,
I lirvc grottp A ask llnt'cyxt ct'cr ($otte cnrlocfurg)i basetl ort
O 1trm lNirn.lvrlt.. tlrc citt'tl. l)rttrttltt grotrp ll lt1'citlrt'r trotltlirtg or tlurkirrg 1'ottr
lrcatl. I ltvtr grrrtrll Ii atlswe r l?'s, tt'e ltrtt'e o r No, we lmren't
;:;" accorclittgly, I lave grtlttlls cltartgt' tolt's rvitlt eaclt ttt'rv cnrtl'
t note
I 'l'his rrrrit inlroctttccs otl(r tlsc oI lltt' llrcscttt l)crfcct: lo
talk allottt tlrirrgs rvc ltitvt'ltttl exltt't it'rtt'c rvith irl tlrc
1xrst. /i,r, golr' cnttrtt'it rgtttt'llll\ solll(' tittre
irt the 1lasl,
at least otte titllc, I rvctll cittttleitlg. \\tl cittt alslr sa1'Ii'r'
gottt'cttttocittgtrlillr)' rilltr's ilr l'tt'ttr't't't gttttt'tttrtttt'ittg,'
Ifrvc arItl a (itttc pltritst'likt' stt,,t,,tcr, \to lrltlsl tlsc

@ Buitd it! @ chont-o-srom thc si rrrltlc llast: / ttrr'ltt ra n rtci tt 11 lrt.s, .sttrtttltt'r.

Torgets,,. '; : i
@ Open the book
. Ss can make statGments about pasr actions uslng
. l'w ncuer Sone'canoeing).lWe'ue (slept in a r:nt4.'1 .
. ss con askand snswct obout past actlons uslttg ' Ilrrve Ss (tlltl lo Sttttlcrlt llook p' ll I lrtrtl look at ltltrt r\' l'lay
I taw you ewr' $one canoelng? No; I hauen'L: l Ygl| .
(ll) trac:k A42. llavc Ss listcrr lttttl rcpcitl.
t lruue ot Hawyou ewr (slept ln a tent)? No, we '
lnwn't.lYa,weluw.:,. 1 .. '
r Ss can chant the.tla ve you euer Sone canoeing?
A. Liste n otttl rtlx'ol.
cltant. r r .. : : ....
I're tttrt'r untr .rttttnirtg. (|ttttsa)
Cltilt: ll'r'i,'.t/r'1rl itr tt lt'trt. (lxtttst')
r'r .. l
Mgteliols'r ,:
Say the tltutllttr oI cacll l)ictrlrc in ;lart A. llave Ss say the
I'irlurc (.ilrtls 2l-25. Cl) scntences. Say'tlre tttttttbers l-4 itl ratltlotlr tlrdt'r' llave
irrtlividual Ss sil}' tlrc sclltellces.

O Belore lhe book II

Wanrr-rr1l / review I l:rve Ss krok at part ll. I)liry (ll) trat:k A4ll. I lave Ss listelt
nrrtl rellcat.
|ul llicltui' (.lrtls 2 l-2!r itr a pile l'acc tltlrvtl. I litvc
irrrlir irlrrirl Ss pick it citrtl ntttl ttritttc tltt'itctiotl. I litvtl tlrc
rr,sl rrI tlrt. Ss sav tlte acli<ltr, e.p,. trtade a cantpJire.
Il. Lislt,tt nrrl rt\teot.
Introduce Hrattllllar lledheud ltoy: I luue you t'rq'r 8,otrt' ctrtrttt:itrg,? Qxtrtst')
l)o llrc tttittlc a catttlllirc actitltt, llrtltt say l't'c tttade a Dorrtrl,: No, I lurvrtrit. (Prutse)
ttttttltfirr. Sliglttly sllt'ss tlle rvortl l't'r'. I lavc Ss ttlirttc tltc Ilulheod boy: I lat'e 1'tttt ttlryr gt)tle uutrx'irtg,? Qxtttsr')
nctiorr lrrtl tlrcrr rt'1teal. l)o llre sttttt'rvillt tltc olltcr ftlttr t:
Cirl l'es, I lutu<t. (lttutsa)
lctions. lixlrllitt (itt Ss' rtlrt ivc llrttgtrlrgc if rlcc:essirry) that Jarrc: I lave )rru euer slcltt i,t Q lcnt? (pttrtst)
!'r'r, trtrtlr, rt uttttpJirc ttl('iiltls at ltlast ttttc titttc itt tltc llitst

!{i I lrril 'l lnsson 4

Clrilt: No, rlrr ltouatit. (ltrtrtse)
Iune: I laue ytu ercr slept in il tent? (Ttause)
lletllrcad bol,: li:.s, u,alutrt:. (puttstt)

I lat'c Ss praclice tlre cliakrg irr llairs fur eaclr picture in part ll.

C lfttfr

I lavc Ss krok at part O. l)lay' 1;;; track A,14. I Iavc Ss listcn ,ry,$
ruttrl tvrltt tltu tvrlrrls lrt r:orrrplcle r:itclt suntcrrcc, Otlm tbr.o,Fornr,!oy,

nl pt lt
lon, @ 'dftr
. (:. l.isten nnd write.
l. l'ye rurqht a
2. ll'c'ye ncrutr gone
etoplsnt .1ffi
& 9/'
.1. l're rrcuer ttsctl tt cuttlxtss.
'x*B xr A r.

4. I ltrye )nu arer ilutilc u t'tuultlire? l1ts, urc luu,c. (2.r)

O Gl:D tlrt.n. wrll. nl. pl d lt. t.od.
5. lltu,e )rnt euer slqtt in a lerrt? No, I lmuen't. (2.r)
l;. I l(n,c !,ott aucr &ont fttrtocittg,? l'as, tpe luwo. (2.r) Hi fili oid P.ta i{l
Wr'n cl rlffi @nP. tt'r lul Ycrladoy, x (l)*' ' - c8'9 I'dl "

ru9h1, rl (tll. - . h o {!ll.-'.-- Todor. sr. 9ph9 io ml'

(lhe ck Ss' ans\\,e rs lty lraving indiviclual Ss raise thcir
(.hEr.- r lr s B6t od dod, I (!)il"-- tc mr'
ltlnrls iurrl say tlrc stiltrnrcnls or rlialogs, R 1

E- (',lrant-a-granr
lluvc Ss kroL lt tlrc I/rrrr,.1,orr e tryr gotta c(ttorilrgl chlrrt lt
llrc lrottorrr ol 11. 20 irr the Strrrk:rrt llook. l)lay OI) track
A.l I and ltavc Ss listcrr. Q $;:O ttrten. Wril.. ilmbs.
{1, IIE w{ !r tE

3 lwntffi

0' llc
I.islt,n nnd cltttrtl.
I lrtt,e yttt et,cr gytttt t:ttttoclttg?
I ktye )rttt .ttti,r gotrtt .'o,tocing?
)'cs. l'cs, I lnve. l'uc gone canocirtg.
Ilure 1rn ayer uuig/rt rt Jislt?
Ilnt,e 1,ou t:ucr caugltt a Jislt?
No. No, I lutyerr't. I'ye trcpcr uutglrt a Jish! @ Reod itt

l)rrt Ss irrto pairs. l lavc Sl in caclr pair clrant tltc question,

I lavc 52 ln cach pair clratrt tlrc ansrvers. (iive Ss sufficierrt
lirne ter l)ractice llre clrarrl. I Iave voluntecr pairs do tlre
;\". Ss can pronouhce, read and wrlte iir, prand ltwords.
chirrrt irr front oI tlre clirss.
, Moterlols "
i-*.. -.,-'*:-*i-;+-.: ;iui:1,u*......

T O Afier lhe book I I'lronlcs Cartls I lnlr 3 (Tlt 5: 'l'eaclrcrh ( itr irlc p. ll0), ( :l )

Itlay l)ass lt arorrrrd ('l'caclrcr'.s Grrirle 11. l7) rrsing I)ir:lrrrc

(.irltls 2l- 25. \/ary lly tvriting a rlrresti<tn rrrark aird an "X"
orr tlrc lroarrl antl sorrretirrrcs pointing to otre or the other. O Before the book
Ilin'c Ss rrurLr: tlre upllropriatc r;rrestiotr or ncgative Warm-up / rcview
sl ar t rfnlr: lll. Write otre oI the rvrtnls fronr tlte lluul it!gtlgc irr I lnir ? rrrr
tltc lloartl, rvitlt a slrur:r: irrstt:lrl oI tlrc largct sorrrrrl
c.g. .r/rorrlr/.--. lllvc Ss try to rt:irrl llrc rr,orrl rlitlr tltt
ctlrrocl sottrrrl. I Iitve il vtllUrrlccr go lo tlrr: lroilrrt irrrrl lill irr
tltc rrtissirtg lctt{}r$. (llntirrrrtt rvitlt tlrc rlnluinirrl; rr.rrrtls
frorn llrrit 2.
Ar'tivity llook p. I7 t'arr rrorv bc assigrrcrl lirr lrontervrtrk or
trsi,rl in r:lirss. Sr,t, inl\rvrft- kt:y, 'liraclrur's ( irrirlc 11. l 5ll, Introdrrcc tlre lcttcrs sn(l soun(ls t'rf ilt, lrl arrrl l,
Write lrt on tlte lloartl. llse enltrrgcrl l)lrolrit:s (larrls llrrit ll
('l ll l'r: 'lIirt:ltcr's (irride t). 5()) to sltorv Ss tlrc rrt rvorrls
llrirrt to arrrl rcad tlre rvorrls, t:rultlrasiz.irrli tltc rrI sorrrrrl
I lirve Ss listerr. Say lenl, clelthttttt, pr.,seills,ll,lritlt stttttttl
ls lltc srtttttt? I litvc Ss sity ,rr. l)o llru sarrre lirr tlrt. /rt irrrtl /t
tvttrtls. I)lar:c all tlttr carrls on tlte lx)ar(1. lk.rrrl tltr,rrortls ou
tltc cirrtls, errrlllrasizirrl; llrc ttt,1tt arrtl ll sorrrrrls, urrtl poirrt
to lltc rvrlrrls as 1,otr rearl thcru. Ilavc Ss r(f l)(flt. l:rpl;rirr
ilte tttearring t)l'any, 1y1y1115 Ss rlo rrot rrrrrlerstarrtl. l,oirrt lo

Unil 3, tessorr 5 ,l
.W tlrt'r':rrrls irl rarrtlunr ortler arrtl lr;tvc irrtlivitlrrnl Ss rrltl C
tlr(.rn. lluvt,ss trrnr t(, Sttrrlorrr llook p.22 rrtrrl look itl pittt (:.
l'lrrr'(ll) track A,17. I litvc ss listt'tt irlrtl fill irr llre rlrrrtls its
Lonouooe note tlrcv lrcar tlrerrr.
,tt lnll, l)t lltll, Il /lt/ (Scc pnrrrrtrrciltion titl)lc ()n
li,;rclrer's (itritlc p. 5.)
O, l,isten trrd write.
I . 'l lrt t'lcplnnt tu,,tt itt tltr tr'trt. (2.\ )
2. I ttrtttl niltt lr(t,rts tttttl rt ln,.lt. (J.r I
@ Open the book !1. Ilr srtr,ltl llrc tnl tttul,'r lha tltrilt. (3.rJ

Ilirrr' S,i lunr lo Stttrlcrtt llook gr. 22 nntl look itt pirrl n. Itlilf \\:ritt,llrt, senlrnc(,s rvitlr llr0 hlirilks rltt tltt'lrrr:rttl. (lltcck
( l) trrrckA,15. Illvc Ss listerr ar.rtl point to tlrt'picltttcs. tlre ntrsrvcrs lry lrirvirrg itrtlivitlrrirl Ss go lo"lltt lroltttl tttttl
n'ritc tlrc n'rlrtls itt tlte lrllrrks, llnvc ilrrlivirlrtrtl S( tt'ittl llrt
sct r l(: t!('cs.
llirvc Ss look itl tlro l)iclttt('. l\rirtt ttr tltc Iti('tllro ittttl nsk
,,1.I.istan,poirtt trtrd rclr?ol. ll'ftirft .sorll'rtre i.s lhi.s? I l;tve Ss rvt ilr lltc lttttttlrt'r of lltt'
,tt, ttt (lttrttst) lt, lt (lntrtst) corlrct s('ntencc tttttlt'r tltt'l)iclttlo. (r\ttsrrtt: lt's I.I
nr,,tt, tt',tl (,) lt, lt, rlrtilt llxntsc)
ttt, ttl, del)ltdnt (l,tuts() lt,lt, lrclt (ltttrtst)
,rr,,tl, /r,r'.s('ilt.{ (,.\r,) lt, lt, vtlt (ltttttsa) O Aller lhe book
1,,, l,l lltttttx,) l'lir1' Sortrrrl rt'lny ( lt'itclrer's (lttitlr' ;t. ll)).
1tt, 1tt, slcyt (ltttrtsa).
Itl. lrl, t,tlltl (/,,1u.{r,)
l,l. l,l, su\'ltl (ltrtttsr) @..,,{-rY-r:;-l,i.:,*::.lY']':1]rl1
o Flll hr the blankst (Teacher's Gultle p, lS) ' ' ' ' ',
l'l:rl tlrr. (.1 ) lrgrrirr. I lrrvt' Ss lislr,tt itttrl rcl)cat.
- - -f i:11
l'llv tlrc (,1) ;r tlrir<l tirnr. I la"'tr inrlivitlull Ss rrltcat tlte
r oopst(Tbacherbc;;;:iu, .'i: 1

I lsr: lltt' l'lrortics (]rrttls. SlrUrv tllc l)icttlr('$ ittttl itsk

o I got onet (Teacher's Gulde p, ls) , ;" , ' ,:
Il'lralis the u,oxl? I Iave irrtlivirlrral Ss n'rite tlru rvortls otr r Tonguetwlsters . i., r i i,' ,t.. {
', t,,t, r i
llrc lroltttl. Have Ss say lhe three sentences ln part C a,r " ',i{ {
Ilrrvr. Ss tunr t(,Sttrrlcrrt Ilook p1r. Itl I1) arrtl krok at tlrc tongue twlsters. Start alowly andgraelually :, 1" i r,
ur;rin st'r'rrts. Ilavr. tlrr,rn lirrrl irrrtl rrarrre piclttlcs o[wor<ls : lncreaso the pace. Havo Sr try to mskr thelr own. t , *
tlrirt ( ontuin llrc grlronics sorrrrrls tlrt:\'Irirvc ittst lcarrrt:tl. tongue twliten, uslng wods that contaln tha rl. r'4
l,\rrsrvlr: p, or L sounds.
\\'r itc lr'-..---- on tll(' l)oilr(1. I lirve a sttrtlt'nt rvrite tlrt'
lctt('r\ n, in tlrr: slrlct. l)o tlrc sirrrre rvitlr tlrc <rtlrerrvrlrtls. Activity lkrok p. l8 t'ittt notv lrt' rtssigttt'tl lor ltotttt:rr'ttlk ttt
ttscrl in class. St'e :lns\\'('r kct','li'rtcltt'r's (itritle p. I 5.1.
lt Next lessorr: llrirrg ntirrkt'rs lo pllt\"1 lc-lac-lrre
lltvit,rv tlre rvrlrtls wcnl, h'ilnt, llartts arrtl itrrt. I\rilrt lo citclr ( li'aclrct's ( irritk' p. 2()).
rvorrl :rrrrl sut' it. IIavc Ss t('l)eill. \\'t'itc tlr,---. .ott llte
lrorrrtl. I lirve a stutlcrrt rvrilt: tlru lt'ttt'rs rrt itt tlre sllace. I )o
llrt srrtrrt.rvitlt tlre other rtortls,
Il;rvt'Ss lunt lo Sttrtlent lklok 11. 22 lnrl lrlok at pirrt ll.
\;n'(.lri1r u,rol,, il lcltt,r tu'littri ond l,clcr. l.t,l's rt,ad his
/r'lllr: l'lir\'(.1) trlck A.l(i. Ilavc Ss listerr arrtl rvritc nt, l)t or
/t irr tlrt'blrrrrks. t
ll. Lislctt urul rurite.
lli littti atrtl l\,tttt',
tti'ir,al sununer rrl.ttrrlt. It's Jiut! li'sttnlttl', utt, ntt'nl
t'(ntt)t'inl!. l.ttst rtiglrt, u,! slal,l itt e t(,t!. lixluy, ya;vr,
lit,itrl: t(, tttril;e ltrtscttls Jitr oitr ttttttts rtttrl tltuls. I tt,rtttl lo
trtrtkr tt lrlt, l)ortrtt's gttitr14 lu t,tdkc a tltrilt. I)o yut lika
lltrtutiii' l)il1 vtrt sct, rr rulcorro crrtltli'

(.lrlr:k tlre ans\\'rrs lry lrlving irrtlivirltrirl Ss tead tlte llitsslgt'.

lll l.Jnil 3, Lesson 5

@ Open the book
Ililvc Ss tliln lo Strrtklnt llook p. Zll arrtl krrrk ut
1tilrl A. lIll
tlrerrr llrut tlrcy are goirrg (o rcatl a grassagc iurtl arrsrvr,r
rgrrestions allorrt it. llave irtrlivi<hrtl Ss tirkc trrrns lirsl

Q rma.wmr.
rcatling the qtrcstious, so thcy knorv rvlrat inlirrrrrlliorr
lltt:y arc lrlokirrg lirr.'l'lrcrr, lrirvo Ss rt:url llrr. l)itrsirlir.
siklrrtly. Al'ter tlrcy lravc firrishcrl rr:arlirrg, tsk irrrlivirlrr;rl
* hlr, rro !,hn d{ atnr $rtr b (t.?
od n !!a! h stttcle ttts lo ilnswct' tlte llrreo rlrre sliorrs.'l lrt,n, lrirr r: itll
9o h&qi m Tr-dof. stll(lonls rvrite tlru anriwcls. \\talk arortrrrl lllc r.llsrroorrr
fh.yn ldlo b clil o arrrl hclp Ss iI rrccessary. I lavc Ss rvho have rvriilr:rr
nE {da tn tnar iaaa lo
b. b{ aaO.${.. 0 ti'.,!r ur tt l,y $rr U, itllpropliittc iulslvcrs rvrilu llte ir ansrvors on tllo lt{}ll(l itr it
od;ffi trrgdleb sarnltle for the othcrs. Sarrrllle ans\vers ilro:
ta turry qrd ltd I. 'l'hey, an: goirrl; to go lriking arrrl r:lirrrb a rrrorrrrt;rin.
il Y;'in,!rtiqnriilbkilo,
2. ('l'lrt'ly're goirrg) orr'liresrlirl'.
3. ('l'hey neerl to take) lrrrg slrrity, .t cornpuss arrrl
sII rlSC rCCn.
Q frrr yul lrteoor \{r[. th.I l1@et
l lave Ss look at tlre pictrrrcs irr part l]. llave Ss rvirlL
itrorrnrl tlre roonr, askirrg rlillbre nl frirn(ls orrr ol'tlrr //ulr,
yut eutr... Itprestions. lVlrcn thcy [ind a li'ir.rrrl rrlro lirrr
trtrtlrlrrlly answcr l'es, tlrey have their frielrrl sigrr thcir
ttitttte trrrtk:r llrc grir:trrrc, rtr tlrcy tvritc tlrcir fricrrrl's rr,rrrrl
tlre rnselves. Iluve Ss lry t{) llct ils trriuly silltatrrre s or
nitnres as llossihlc. Aftcr tlrcy lirrislr, ask rvlro lras tlrrrrr'
eirclr activity, cr.g. tVlro ltas clirultttl a yoltnno? tf rrrrrrr.of
tlrc Ss irt the t:llss lras tlorre onc ol'tlre ilciivitics, srrplrll'
No orte as tlrc attsrvcr.

O Afier the book

l'lay'l'lc-toc-toc ('ll.achcr's (itritlc P. ll()) rrsing ilt.rlrrr:t,tl
l)iotrtre (larrls 2l-3() ('l'eachcr'.s (irritle p. lirl). Ss trrtrst
@) Proctice it! nrake a senterlce rvith lhc carrl tlrcy trlnl o\,(:r.

. Ph*t.r *ustcal chalre-(Teacherrs Guide p. lB)

,'., Cut the words off thq cards to make the game.
r ' ,
rmore chaltenglngt -
. i , ''; , ..*- ,,,,,, .,' ,
Kangaroos (Tbachefls Crildc p. tS) ..'.
, |*!hy.ou n*FII|!p9: r.l.*f3.9:r{g n
i Moierlols At'tivity lllok p. l9 carr trorv be assignerl filr hontt.rvorL rrr
ir.*" usurt irr cllss. Scu ans\!(tf r kc1,,'l'encltcr'.r (itrirlc p. il'ril. Nrrrr
I l)i('lrrrr (lirrtls 2I-ilt), lkrtlrrcerl l)ictrrro Carrls 2I-it() tlrat Ss lravc corrrlllctcrl llnit il, tlrcy can go to tirt, lft,r|rrrrl/
I ('lt,irt lrlr's (irri<lc p, I7il), rrrarkcrs Itirgc, Activity lkrok p. 7t) antl colrir nutrrhL.r lt lrrrr pkr. Ii.:t
I ('lirnclrt:r's (irrirlc 1rp. ltl2,-lll3) ctrrr llc rlorrl irr r.l;rss llrrrr.
ol ll'lcl t:orrrplr:tirtg llcr:1,t:lc itl l.
O Belore lhe book Ncxi le ssilr: lllilrg a st(rl)\valcll il1,orr t:lrou:r: to tlo tlrt
ollti0rrirl il<'tivity Sl()1t tlrr: st0lrrvalclr ('lira('ltt,rls ( irilrl('
tVurrn-rrgl / rcvlcrv
p. Iti).
(,lrirrrt tlrr: ()ltttrtt-tt-grutt, t(lg(,tltcr. Ikrl<l rrll l)i( lurc (:iu(ls
f(i .l{) rrrrt: ul a tirnc. r\sk lllra, do we neul lo llur,c
Ss sirl' [tt, trcul a (sleeping bug). I krl<l rrp l)icrtrre ()arrls 2I-
!ir orrt, lt a tinrc. IIuve a stu(lcnl (Sl ) rlo tlrc at.tiort on tlrr:
cirrrl. I lirvc lltr: ollrcl Ss usk S I I lttt,c jtttt et,tr (g,ona
ra rutc i ttg)7 I lar,c S I iutsrr,('r t rrr t ltfrrlly,

Ljnil 3, [(:ssorr 6 ,l!)

Phonics Cords Unit 3

elepho prese ___.-- s


eru _ SWC

qut-- be I so-.-

if l I lrril 3, Toocher Roprrrrlurillle 5 O Peorson Idtrcolion Asio limilnrf

g, lJo you hqve bsl/i
,$ Hove you
ever gone

Yes, I l",::-,t



T 9

Tolols: l0-.l2 : Your tSP is fontoslic!

7-9 : Your ESP is good.
4-6 : You ESP is overoge.
3 or less : You hove only o lifile ESpl

I'cachcr's lnstructlong l)rt:1larc pltotoe opie s lirr e itclr llair ol'Ss irr arlvalcc. I llrrrl grrl llte rvgrkslree ls. l)rrl Ss irrl,

tlrt'rr lotll ltorv ruitny, tlrcy,got riglrt. \Vlro lrls tlrc llcst liSl''l!

@ Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled Unil3, Teocher RcJrror|rcilrlu O 5l

(strtilant's ,to,,r.,) ot\,t' llrcrcl Arrsrlcr li,.r, llatis thlm I ln'r),
'I hatrks rt lol, lk,pcirt tlrr.
llrot'r'rlrrrr.rrsirrg ts'o rlillctrtrl Ss
(Sll atttl S,l). Ilrrve Ss tunr lo Sirtrlcrrl llook p. ll,l. Ilt'vilrv
llrt'r'lrirrirt'tt,rsirrrrl itlrrtrintlr(, lri('lut(,s. ltlirf (-l)lrrrrL
A4ll. Ilrrvt: Ss lislt.rr to tlrt,slory irrrrl point t0 llrr'pi(trrrr,s.

/1. l.islc,, lo tlte slar|,, lroiill trrtd rcttt,(tl,

ilttle utrttrstlor ltr'lrallr wrotrlt?
( )lt I
1t: ratit lirul ttt.t'.lrirtttl, l)ottttt'.
ilhrlt untttst,lor: ll'/trtt r/rrr'.'i lrt kxi liLci'
()hi1t: Ila lttts sltort ltkttrtl ltuir. I lt's trtttr ittg,
Itlrta j,rttrs trtul o u,ltitt' |.rhir l.
O ffI:, tlrt.n Polnt, Soy. nol. ploy.
filola 'rntttsrlrtt: ls llrrtl I \tttttl'r'tt't lltr'tr'i'
Ohip: li,.s, l/rali ltirn. Ilrtttrl;s.
(,rll &!l aq f dil Uffq
Olti1t: ll'lt(tt t,tc tlou rloittlii'
l l'ttt 1it'ttittlq tt'txxl. l'ttt 11tritr11 ttt ttutl'r rt
tttttr ltJirt.
lh ho\ (i\ il tixfl lrrl lllulc t ottttsrlor: I lttrt' .t'ott trtr ttttul,, tt ctttttlt.litti'
lhttut.l': Ntt, I lrttrtrt t.

l)ottrr.1': llh-olr!

l)lrry tltt'(.1) lgirirr ntrrl;trcss tltr'pitttst'ltttltott itllt't t';tt lr

lirrc for l(, I('l)('irt. l)ivitlc ss itttrr grotrps.ol llttcr'. I lrtvt'
Ss rlccirll rvlro rvill lru rvlriclr tlrirraclrr rtitlritt llrt'ir
rn i(irlrfl llrrill grorrl)s. Ilirvc glorrps pnrctit'r,(lrc tlinlogs. \Vitlk nrot,rtrtl lhr'
t'lassroorrr irrrrl t lrt't'k Ss' prrrgrcss. I lavt' tttorc crtttlitltttl
lloul)ri go to tlrr. lrorrt ol tltc clirss to llcrlirrtn llrc rliuloli,i.

O Afler lhe book

I'lav Stop tlrc stoprrnlclr ( li'at'lrer's (irritlr'p. l{i). I lirrt
pirirs sa1'tlre rliirlogs irt tlte storl'.

. Follow the path (Teacher's Gulde p. l9) a!

-'-'\'5 _ ,'',r^
, Use Picture Cards l-30. I-ay the cards dn the lloor ll:
. in a clrcula[ or zlgzag psttern. Have Ss work ln : ,:,]r
palrs. For each Plcture Card, have them ssk and r
Ss can understand and use the target language from
onswer an approprlate questlon. ]fur.. ,I
tjnits l-3. . .i" ".
. Pair dlctatlon (Teacher's Guide p. 18,)', : ,,,.; ,"'
Use the sentctrces front tlte Etory.' ii:rr' '

Moteriols . More find and nriltcht ('l'R 7:lbacher's Gulde

I'i( turr (.rrrtls l^ll(), (ll), st0lnvatclr p.5a)

Activitl' Iiook p. 20 r:an rrorv lrc assillrcrl lor lrourcrvork

O Belore the book trsecl irr class. Sce illrs\v('r kct','li'irclrcr's ( irrirlr' p. I 5 l.

\trirrrrr - rr;r / rcvicrv

l'lrrr lrr nrv r()w ( li'uchcr's (itrirle 11. l4) rrsirrg l'i('lrrrc (llr(ls
I .ll). I l;rrr, intlivitlrrll Ss rrrlkt'il stilt('nrcnt ttsing tlrc itcrrr
orr llrt t lrtl.

O open the book

llrrrr';r strrtlrlrl (Sl) slnrrtl otrtsitlc llre clitssroootr ittttl
prltr'irrl ilrirl \'oir rtrr. krokitrg lirr lrirrt rtr ltcr. Sit1, f11111'1
lintl ittrd, (sltrtlurl's trurtto), I Iitve ltttotltt't sltttlt'ttt
( irsk ll'lta, rloe.s lrc I sl rc ftxrl'' liAr'/ ( iivc a tlt'sct i pl iott ol'
Sll )
S L I l;rvr. S2 irsk lt'hrrl is (lrc / slrc) tttcrtritlg? ( iivt' it
rlt,scr iptiorr ol rvlxtt S I is rleitt irrg. I lavc 52 ask Ls tlrrrl

52 Rccycle il! l, lesson I

Il. lleud the story, llsten und clrcle,
l, l!/hds Oltip lookingftr? (Jr,
2. lllmt's l)otttty utearing? (l\')
!1. lUluil's l)ottny gattittg? (lt)
O ttfp l.od lh. rldy th.n lltlcn lo lho quctllon.. Chclc, 4. l,Vhat's l)otuty goitrg to nmkci' (f r,)
5. I las l)orury eucr tnade a mrnl{ira? (1.r,)
't irkr trrn,r 1 ll[^] r{rl5 : Bhro 1|tr{ll
(i. (ittr l)otttt1'trutkc u t:tttttltlin, rrnu'l (-'r ,
{rv*n I r,,,r I A.(!r@ ia@,,t,h,ui
(,lrcck !is'allswcrs lly havirrg indivitlrral Ss reatl orrt tlrc
| | rur ut*r I n*, tu,tn,rnt A I t6 lra(on i Xo ho.unt
O thf alrl.n.wrll..
,,t rfr (r*1t,5 t( pt. nils &N(s ntu,rso
I ,l* tuir-r{r y,,l I h{il w'rn yrnr I lavc Ss trtrn to grart C arrrl look at tlre words irr tlre lurx.
I lave sorne Ss rcatl out tlle wortls. lixplain to Ss rhat tlrey
will listen to sonte Ictters frorn sornc of thc Srrpcrl(itls arrrl
tlrat tlrey shoulcl write the appropriatc rvords irr tlrc
blarrks. Play ()l) track Ali0. I lirve Ss listr: rr atrrl fill irr rlrt:
blanks. (iivc Ss sufl'icierrt tilltc to write. Witlk anlrrrrtl rlrt:
classroor.n antl clteck Ss' progress.

li d& il ff,.,,r ,-.:'""#.i fory C. Llstett nnd wrile,

D.d P.tu. Nurnbe r l.
w. ?o th. r@ todoy W.

e* i, ii.t iil l)car itfutttr atrl l)ad,

t Il
t'""]r*-*,,.,",:' '

Ilr Sutttrrrcr cunryt is l'tut, bttl llurrc lt,rts c rn(ltJc itr trt1, ttttt.
f:.*,- - i, Xl-# lli il
'l'lrcrc u,cre attts irr tha cruu:kers, too. I lelp!
Nttnilter 2.
l)aur Joc1,,
I lotu are yotr? tlau,aii is great.'l'here are a lot oJ'Jlotrcrs.
'lbrrrcrrow I'trt goitrg to sttf. I uuit wait!

i can uhderiitnnd and use the targetlanguage from
Nrtmber 3.
I)aur lrcten
llk truttrt to tlte zoo totlay.ll? s,tru rlclilruttts. I rttillt.rl tt
unu. I got tt rrttu'l'-shirt, too.lyrit.t to nrc.

1*,Moturiols"' :
f" '
1: I istt

I l'lronlcs (larrts ltrrlt l-lI ('l'lls Z, 4, 5:'l'eachcrs (irritlc (lheck Ss' answers lty having inrllvklrral Ss rvritc tlrr:
I grp. :l l, .l l, 5()), (;l) scrttt:lrctls on lhe lloarrl.

O Before the book O After the book

lVarnr-rrgl / rcvicrv l)lity Se rrte rrce rnetnory ('l'eaclrer's (irrirle p. l7) rrsirrg
scntcnccs llnsetl orr tha buikl irl !ilatculcllts fronr Illrits
l'lrty Wlrispcrs ('li.aclrtrs (irritle 5) usirrg rlialog lirrcs
li'orrr [,lrrits l..3.
1r. I I il, c.11, lt tirkr.s 7lrorrrs l(l gcr to Ilarvail lry plirlrc; Shr,'s
slrurter thtrn lriru; l've rrever gone catroeing.
l'liry'llhorrics groul)s ( li,irclrcr! (itrirle p. lll).

A Open lhe book

Team spelllng (Teacher's GuiUe p. tO)
Using any of the vocabulary or phonlcs worcls
I} ' from Units l-3,":
rfl",. , "". . -. .""
.;, .
l llvc
Ss trrnl l(, Slrrrlurrt lklok ;r. 24. llcvicrv llrc story frorn
A l)),lravirrg sonte Ss rclrl orrt tlre tliakrgs. I lave Ss
. n r
{il _ut_!-j}[,9: ]e-. qtr g{s. ct1 g g p.
Ll .
look ul tlrt: arrsrvcr r:ltoiccs irr pirrt I| urr Sttrtlcnl llook
p. 25. I:rplrrirr to Ss that tlrcy rvill listcn to llte tlrrestions Activity llook p. 2l can nrxv be assigne rl for lroltrr:rvor k ot
alrorrt llrc stor1,. I)1a1,(ll) trnr:k r\.lfl. I lave Ss lislcn. l)arrse. ttserl irt r:lirss. Scc atrswe r kcy,'lcochcr'.s (irrirlc p. l5r.t,
lltcr cirllr rprlslirlrr so llt;rl Ss citrt cirlc lht: r'orrt,<:t Nt:xl lcssorr: llring l rvolkl nrn;r lo htlrorlrrte llrc
illl5l\('IS. vocalrtrlnly arrrl ttr l'irrtl rvltcre tltc isllntls lrc.

Recycle ill l. lesson 2 Sil

tvrute nnu qno tnqrclt!
Hove you ever
Il lokes


2. she weoring?

How long does il loke to gel there?

Is she lhon you?

When ore we going

shoder toller conoeing

gone conoeing
7 hours by plone

'l'eacher's lnstruitlons l)rt'pitrc

llltotocollics [ur caclr strrrlcrrt in irtlvarrcc. llarrrl orrt ttre rvrlrkslrt,t,ts. llaye
irrtlivitltral Ss rearl 0ut tlte rvtlrds itt the box at tlre bottorrr of tlre 1lage. l)ut Ss into pairs. Ilavt: Ss rvtrrk irr pairs l6 rrralch
tllt'ttt rvilh tlte corresPotttlittg attsrvers artd fill in thc lllanks. Clreck Ss'arrsrvers b1'lraving pairs lle rlirrrrr i5c tliatggs.

5,1 Recycle ill l, leocher Reproducible 7 @ Peorson Educolion Asio l"imiled

riluulcs I
t,r' ,',) ,,,) t,l) ,,r,,,,
, 1
) t,) \r
. {,
] )
\;' (l

I Where do cows
go on Soturdoy nighl? D
Whol's lhe biggesl onl
in lhe world? n , ,)

3 How mony sides
does o house hove? D
Why did lhe former
buy o brown cow? n
Whol goes up onci
down bul doesn'l move? n 6. Whot is loller lhon o lree
bul never grows? n
],' 7. Why do birds fly
soulh for lhe winler?
, t t,
n 8. Whol's smoller thon
0n onl's moulh?
j ..))
., t-l ','',.,, t.' (,'r i ( r)

( , \','

He wonted
chocolole milk. An onl's dinner.
/ r//
To lhe

An elePh-onl.

They con't wolk.

Two. lnside ond
It tokes too long.

Tcachgrb lnstructltlttB ltrcltitrc pltotot:ogrlcs lirr car'lr htu(lcnt irr lrlvlncc. Illrrtl orrt tlre rvpr.l,slret:ts. I lave Ss t,r[.r.

il Il s\vi: r.

Q Per'rrson Educotion Asio Limiled Recycle itl l. Teocher Re1:rorluobk: tl 55

@ Open lhe book
Slrt' ?itrlrr1, tt,r,'re 1ioirt14 to lrttrn olxtrtl stttrtt islrrrrrls.,lrr
islttttrl lttts u'(tt(r illl rrt tturtrl it. I ltr lirst i.slrlrlrls ttt r lltt
()xt[ lsltttrrls, l.r,lii /i.tlrrr. I l;rrt'Ss llln to Strrtlr,rrt lkroL
p. 2(i irrtrl lrrok :rt grirr l r\, l'lirr' (.1 ) tritr'l r\5 1. l l;rr t' Ss li\t(,n,
lroirrt ;rrrrl r(,1)('ill.

tl, l.islatr, ltttittl trrtrl n,ltfitt,

l\ttilir ( )crrttr {ltrtrt:t) i;ltttttl t,lrllr\r'l
Ittttrtltluu l rlltrtlt (1rttt:t)
0 *f:ff:l Urto^ lo lh. wdr ond roodtn0r

l'llrv (,1) tr:rt-k,\52. I llrvc Ss listcn

..1. l.i.s/r'rr,
Ilrr (.ttul; /r/rutrls
l lrt ( ;txil, l:lrttrtls (u r l :t i\ltuttl\ irt tltt l\u ilit ( h &t,,, .\t,t,tt'
rl lltt i:lttrult ttn'ohl t'(,lintt,t'!. ( )tltrr t rtrt rntulr rl trtrttl.
l rrtrtt ltrl.t'lo ( il lttln,t ltttttrltlntt l, tt'ltttlt'.t ritil tll irlrlrrls
i\ltttt.t' 1tr'oplt t,i.sit tltais/rrrrrls trt rnttr'lt tltr rrlrttlrt.

Nlirkc stttt'Ss ttrrrlr.tstrurrl llrr,rrr,rl rrotrls. I lrt.rr pl;rt tlrr,

cittIitr1i ;t1iiritr.

S;tv Nrrrr ra'rt guittll to lrrtrn rtltottt tltt lluhuttttts,

The 6olopogos Islonds ll'lrut ttrr tlte ll,:.lrtttttus?'s listt,tt. l'l;rr'(.1 ) trrrt k,\5 1

Tl. 6{bflqor lrhftt r. fl thc .q6lor in lha Ilrrvt'Ss lislt'rr, poinl iutrl rr'pt'irl
Prrlrr Ocran Al,ffy f onidrla ontult liyr oa
lh. rtkrdt Or ohitu, ia lhc a,fft l6lolt.. Il
66r p19h I 16 l1t) l,log.nnt 5ro IDE olro Iv.
^ fr'
tl, l.istt,tr, ltrtitrI ilrtrl r(1,1,(tl.
lrtr(tl( I lt(lll\t'1 r/riI 1r,r,,r.\{')
,,ltltttttic ( )trrttt (lr(tu\.1,) ltt'tlslltt' t;trtttrr')

l'lirr'(.1 ) trrrck r\5.1. I lirvt. Ss listr.rr

Ss carr ttntlcrstnnd $hort rcporls about islands. rl, l.istert.
lrt liltltrttrttts
ltt liltlttrttttts tnr ;-o0 t (,,(tl i.r/rlrrls irt tlrt ,lthttrttr I h tttrt
Moteriols 'I
llt tt,ttttr rtntrttttl tltt l.s/rUrrls is cluttt (nt(l ttril,n.l'irrrrr's
l i r vt l r t r t t l t t i sh t t t r l s .l0O .1t't t r s r t lir t. I l t t'.t' r/nnr' .,1 .\h ilrs
lsllrrtl t'nnls (l ll 1): li'irclrt'r's (]trirle p. 5tl), rvorlrl rrutp,
(:t) rttttl ltntttgltl llttir trartsttn, lrt llta itlttrtrls. l'*tylr,t rtn 11t
.irtrr/.'r,/lrrg lrt sca llte ttkl ltinttr sltip.s.

ltln norrls. Iltlrr

O Belore lhe book Nlirkt'surt'Ss trntlr:rst;rrrrl tlrr.
tt';rtlirrg agirirr.
pltrv tlrc

lf tnn-up / rtvlerv Srrv Norl utt,'tt'Br)itrt: to lettrtt trltottt tltt (ittlttltttl4os

I'l;tr"lt'nltt lrralnslonrrirrg ('li'lclrcr's ()rrirlt'gr. Ilirvt'Ss I1)). I.slrutr/.s. lltltcra are the Galaltrtgu.s l.slrurrl.s? l.r,t is li.stcrr.
IrY to rcc;rll all tlrervortls tltev krron,ot tlrirrgs tlral livc irr l'laf'(ll) ttirck r\55. Ilirlt,Ss lislcn, prrirrl lrntl tt,pcut.
0r' n('itr iilt o('tliln.

llr t rotlrrce voc.rl)ulilry tl, l,istt,tt, ltttittt rttttl r(l)t'ut.

llsl tlrt'lslittttl t:urtls ('l ll l): lt'aclrt.r''s (irrirlr,p. 5ll) to rut,iglr (l)(utsP) t'(lu(ll(,r I l,tut\t)
ilrtrrrrlrrct tltc rrerv voctrlrrrlirr\'. tlsc tlre rvotltl rrurp to lrcllr sut liott (l),rus() liirtttl tttr toisr, llttilt\()
Ss ttttrlclsl;trtd rltltttrtic ()ttttt, I'ttriJic Ot r'rlr irrrtl rtlutttt,r
rrrrrl lo lirrrl rvltcrc tlrr,isl;rrrtls trrr'.
l'l:ry (,1 ) trrrt k,\li{i. I l:rrl Ss listlrr

5(; [)iscr.rvr:r il! l, Lcssorr I

@ /1. l.isler,r.
lslanrl cards ('l'll 9:'li:at'lrcr's (hritlc p. 5ll), (ll)
'l ln (ilthr1xtlitrs Is/rlrrls
'l ltt Ortlttlxtl;o"r l.s/rulrls ttrr otr llt( (lu(ttor itr tlrc l\tcilic
()cttttr. l\lttttt,.litttlttstit'ttrtirttttls liyc rttr tltt' isltttttls. Otttt
trttitturl is tlta gkutt tortoistt. lt t'tur u,ciglr ul) to l5(l
O Belore the book
kiktgutnrs..Scrt /irlr.s rrlso liua ott tlrc ishttttls.'l'ltLt1ivl' 1161 Warm-up / rcview
*ttrltl ol'1trtt1tlc. l\trltlt t tttt litt srtitrttttitrg ruiltt lltuu. lievierv tlre voculrtrlat'y li'orrr lhc previorts lesson rrsirrg
l)ir:(trre Oarrls l)l-l)l I on p. 5ll. Write 77rc (ixtk lskttuls,
'l'\rc llrilrnntas attrl '/hc, (ittlupngos lslttruls on llte lrorrrl. lrt
I\take srrre Ss trrrrlerstartrl llrc trt:rv rvorrls.'l'ltcrr play the
r*utllrrg ugaitt. pairs, lravo Ss lry lo soy nnytlllng tlrr:y clrr rcrrrerrrlrt'r
ahortt any of thc islanrls fronr llte rcatlings. l)is1lll1' tlrr:
l)ictrrre (lartls il neccssirrv lo lrelll Ihern rcrrrcrrrlrt:r.
O Afier lhe book
l'lly l,nrrols ('li:at:her's (irrirlc p.20)
rtsing flt:ls ltont tlte A Open the book
IIavc in<lividtrirl Ss takt: lrrrns rcarling lhc. rcporls ottt
lorrrl. Say Notu u,e're g,oirtg ltt ttttsruer sonrc questiotts
i Let'c ftnd the treasurel (TR l0: Teacher's Gulde p. 59) ttltortt the islarrrls. I lnve Ss trrrn lo Slrrrlcnt llook 11, 2tl lrrrl
kr<lk at l)ilrt ll. I'llay OI) track A57. I lavc Ss listerr. Stoll the
(ll) al'ter cach t;trcstion and elicit thc artstvcr. llerrrinrl Ss
r\ctivity llook gl. 22 ctrt ttotv lle assilittctl ltlr htttnervork or
rrsr'rl irt t:litss. Scc lrls\vcr kcy,'l'r:ar:ltcr's (itritlc 11. I 5r4.
thirt tlrcy carr llrrrl llre urtsrvors in the rearlirtgs.

Ncxt lcsson: llrirrg a rcfrrrcttcc ltook or atlas if you

t lrousc lo tlo tlre optiorrirl iictivitl,(lrorrp rescarclt.
Il. Rearl,listen nnrl u,rile.
l. I loru nuury (hok Islands are tlrcre? ().t )
2. lltlnt ttttittrrtl t,isits tltc (ink lslotuls Jitutr lttll'
Itt Octolx,r! (Jt)
3. Wlro liyul itr tlrc lkthuttuts 3oo yutrs ogrt? (-'t )

4. Wlutt dkl lixttcs lritrli otr tlttir slri1ts ttt tlu

Ilnlrurtuts? (.it )
5, ll/lrcre urc tlte (inlrtltoga.s lslrrrtl.s? {:r',
6. Wltilt aninrcl srlilrs u,itlt 1tttrryile irt llw
( k
)t t u g,t s Islru rl.s I
t t r (Jt)

Ilavc Ss no\v go hack artrl rvrilc art answcr filr t'tclr

(luostion. ( )lrct:k by lraving intlivirlrral Ss rvritc. tlrrir
ilnswors on tlr0 ll()arrl.

Ilavc Ss look at part O. Ilrrvc Ss rclrl lhc clrrcs, firrrl tlrt.
ilnstvers in tlre n:adirrgs arrtl rvritr: tlrc lotlt:rs irr tlrc lrorts
in otrlcr to conrplcte tlrrt prrzzlo.

0 aner lhe book

I'alk aborrt otlrcr islanrls Ss knorv. r\sk rltrcstiorrs srrt lr lrs
Ll!ltare tre tlrc isluttils? ll/ltut's on tlrc islutttls? ll'hut rtttr
kirls tlo llrtrc?

GIII?IFI i 1,, ;,., ,..i .* ,.si.r " "

i cmup research ,i i' it ,i ,'

, ' ,::

. "
llslng a referchc0 hookiir'riilnr, hhrrc SinnAirrt
more about the lslands ln the readlnga or about
othcr lslnnds, e,g. thc tradltlonal foodc, muslc,
holldays or famous thlngs there, In.largo classes,
have Ss w(rrk ln grorrps and glve eaeh'group a
dlfferenttnsk. ... I . -l:l o -
Torgetsiji;:,i".' : 'r,,':'. r.,;,, .,'r, ,,-;,,,i , Activity llook p. 2ll catt trrlrv be assilirred for ltorrrervorL or

i' Sg can iiiad'shon reports abotlt'lslands."':i,,, ,:'; n'r'rr:,: I
ttscrl irt cluss. St:c iutsw(f r key,'l'rrlclrcr's Grrirlo p. 155,
a Ss can write answers to questions about readlngs.

Discover il! l, lesson 2 ltl

rstut tu uulus
['. t-..---.
*l .'{I
t( IQ' @ I

T-ls I

str-m I

t Pocific Oceon humpbock whole islo nd

| (-ii4)
l- a,

pirole Allontic Oceon

IQ' @


lreosure weigh seo lion

r6io) -.-

| /{

\\ l_>-t\-=_l-r'vJ
\ \-\

equotor giont tortoise

I lave Ss rt pelt tlre rvortls arrtl lind tlrc riglrt cards.

5ll Discover il! l,Ieocher Reproducible 9 O Peorsorr Irltrcoliorr Asitr limilerl

ey Lefs find the ffeosure!

Teache/s lnstrttctlons I)rcltitre pltotot'rrpics lirr eaclr grlir ol'Ss irr arlvarrce. Ilaurl orrt tltc rvorkslrcets. l)rrl Ss irrrrr

Iunr. ll lltcY lanrl orr llte pinrte slrill stltrare (I I), tlrcy lrave to go back to St.lr1.

Q Peorson Educolion Asio timited Discover il! l, Teocher Reproclur.rl.rle l0 5l)


n,rIx, r."r, i) 0{r,rr {,y'rrr, }



o,.rr, ,r!5 Ltrron. .Ef!3
jirt' Story @ Dr,rtoqr @ Urfoo. pol6l 3(ry

\,i,b m,h,

I I ,xxlrt,

tlitttllt'toils, 1'orrrr11 irrrtl slt'r,1r1, lirll irrtrl \til)nli, lorrrl ;trrrl

s('iil \', (,1( .

llt,r'it.u'r'ornPtrr:r(ivls (.t'r'lotrrr) ltrrrl sirl)('tliltirr.\ (,(,\l

@ Tolk obout it! Uocobutory) lirt nr) ol trrljt'r'lilr,s lrv coruPrrrirrli lrro or tlut,r, Sr
rt tt it r r rls.

Torget I rotlucc vocirhtrlary

Ss can point to and name/riendly, friendliest, liumy, Sitr' 7irrlrr1, rre'rc goitt14 lo lutrrt sorttt, o!lttr ttttnls lo
funnlest, scary, scariesl, noisy, troisiest, ugly, rtgliesi, dcst'ribc lltittlis. I lolrl rrlr l,'it lrrrr. (.irrrls il I ll..r lrrrrl r;r\ tlrr.
nnsl poisonorr snait'e, ntost beautiful bird, atlit'r'livt.s. I llrve ss r('l)(.1t. I loltl rrgr tlrt.t.lrrrls ;r1i;rirr ;irrtl
nnst colorfiil llzanl, nrcst intelligent aninml a:nd most ('uc(,ulilgc Ss lo Icnrctrrlrt'r llrl rrorrls irrrrl slrr tlrr,rrr. I or
dangerous cal. t'itt lt iltlit'ctit'(', ('n('(,lllitH(,Ss lo n;tntl t\\'{) nt tlu(,(,
itnitturls'tlr:rt t:trrr lrc rltscrilrt'tl lrv tlrlrt ;rtljlltir r'. r' 1i.
lrilrtrlly: r'itt, rlog; lirrrnl,: rrrrrrrkt,\, lri;,gro; sr.rrr \ : rpirlr,r,
srrirkr'; rrois),: rrrorrkr,\,, lrirtl; rrlilr.: lr\r'rur.
I'i( lul(, (.urtls 2 I-,1(), (:l ) Siry Nnrt, tue're l4oittg to tttlk'ol,(,ut st),nr ttrtirttttls itt
Sttrt llt tlli'it'tt. l lrrltl trp l)it l rrr r' ( l;rr rts .t(i .l{), r)n(, rrt,r t irrrr..
artrl r.licit(lrt'rrorrrrol'tlrr'plrlrst.. llrcnslrr.tlrtirtljcrrirr,.
(l Belore lhe book I litvt'Ss r('l)citt. SirY tlrt'rllrolr' plrrirsr' :rrrrl llrr r' 5s rlIr.rrt.

Noic:'l ltr, l)i( tlu('s slrorl tlilli'rt,rrl ;rnirrr;rls in Sotrllr

\\'irrrrr-rr1t / revlerv r\liit'tr. lltt'nlosl l)oisonous srr;rkc is tlrr'lrlirr.l rrrirrrrllr; tlrr,
Slrorr I'ir ttrrr'(.irrtls 2l-ll0 (!n('itl it lirrrc urrtl ltlr,t,Ss rnirkl tttost lrt.trrrliltrl lriltl is tlrl lil;rt-lrrr,;rstr.rl rrrllt'r: tlrt.rrtnst
;f \('ntr,fr( r, ;tlrrrtrl lirclr r.irrrl, r,.1i. lli, tteail (tt slatltittglttl4) tlitttly'rrtts llrl is tlrt,lr,opirrtl; lltl rrrosl r olor lrrl lir;rtrl ir
tr l't,r ttrrt'cr (slrpl itt a tcrrt). lltc lrtc irgiuuit.
I'l;rr ;r sirrrlllilit'rl rlrsiorr of I\tatclr the ttljectivcs
t lr':ri lrr,r's ( irrirlr. p. l,l) trr rt vierv arljlcliucs Ss krrorv. \\,rilt,
Lonquoqe note
trvo lrtlit'r'tilt's orr llre lroirrrl:rrrtl r.lrallerrgc ss to t.l:lnte
sorrrlthirrg llriri cirrr lrc rlt'scr ilrt'tl lrt, lrotlr trtlir.r.tivcs. Usc Irr llrc srrllell;rlivt', nlos/ is trscrl rvitlr irrljt,r'tilr.s llrirl
plirs likr. lorrg lrrrl stritigltt, lrig arrtl last, sluilll iln(l atc lorrgt'r (2 or rrrorc svllirlrlt's) lrnrl rlorr't t,rrrl irt r'.

(;(l I lrril il. lesson I

@ Open the book
llave Ss trrnl lo Strrrle rrt llorrk 1lp. 2tl-29 and look at tlre
picltrrcs at llrc lruttorn of tlrc llagcs. l)lay Cl) track A5tl.
I lavr: Ss listctt arrrl l)oint lo tlre pictttres.
Tolk obout it! (Diologs)

.,1, I.isten, poitrt onrl re1rcut. Torgets :' .'- -';).'':r'i :"
J'tiuully (lturrsc) ug,ly (ltattsr:) o Ss can ask and answerrlrcyou rcady to go on
liirtullicst (ltturse) rr1;licst (puttsa) safarl?We sure arel Is tt dangerous{Sc can respond
lirttttl, (ltttttst,) ntusl lroisonorrs srtnl'c (lxutse) with No, lt isn't dangeroui, But stay ln the Jeep,
Jitnniest (ltrutse) trutst beautiful bird 0tatrse) . Ss can say l,ook! Theie\
giraffe and respond with
.{('cry (ltrtttstt) rrtost colorfiil lizttrul Qnrtse) .Wld Stiaffes! Woru, Ss dan contliiuc r,i'lth I thlnk
.sr'nricsr Quustt) ,ttost intellillettt nnitnnl (ltrtttsr:) '' the|t;e$;frtiidltiiianthals,.;,::';''.,; J,'"'i
rtttisy (lxutse) ttxtsl tlurrylerous cut Qnttsa) r'1ss can isk adil bhsinei those dre*cheeiihs, aren't
lroisies, (ptntse) :,'
they? No, tlrcy arei't.tThey.'re hlniiis,:.r;;',; ,,,,.,
. can say Can you see the snake? It'spolsonors, Ss
. Ss
l'lay tlre Ol) agaitr. I lave Ss listcn altcl rel)eat. 'can respond with l4/oulIs that the most polsonous
Itlay Ol) track Al-r9. I Iavc Ss listen anrl rrtttnbe r tlrc snake lrt Sottth Afrlcal Ss can an$wer Yes, I thhtk so,

B, I.isten and nu,,tl,er. Rcdrrced Pictrrrc Carcls 3l-.10 ('lilacher'.s Crrirlc gr. l7.l),
Nrtnrbar l. friendly, frit:rttlliast (2.r) llair of llirroctrlars, pictrrrc oI lrl,e nas [rorrt l'horrlcs
Car<ls Ilrrit 4 ('l'n l l: ll'eirc:lrcri (irritlo p. (it]), l)ictrrrr.
Ntttttbar 2, nlost lxtisottotrs sltrritl (2.t)
Cards it I -40, (il)
Ntttnlrcr 3. ,nost bcautilul bird (2x)
Nrtrtrbtr.l. ugly,,tgliest (2.\:)
Nutrilter 5. nrcst coktrfitl lizard (2x)
Nrtttrlrcr 6, fiuttr1', ftttrttitst (2t) O Belore lhe book
N untlrcr 7. sutry,.t'rtrirrsl (2x)
Warnr-up / review
Nutnlrcr B. nrcst intelli$(ttt ttninwl (2.t)
Nrttttltcr 9. ntost tkutgpruus ctrt (2.t) Say Sartrly ruul lleth are golttg, on xtfarl lu Soutlt t{t icu.
Nuntlter IO. rtoi.r1,, ttoisie'sl (2.r) \{lrot anlnmls do yott thlnk tlrcy u,ill see? [)o tlre at:tivitl'
togcther as a class or play Ilorv nrany con you narne?
('l'e acher's (iuitlc 11. l4).
Clteck Ss' answe rs by sayirtg tlte nutnbers an<l having Ss
say tlre c<lrrespontling vocabrrlary rvortls. Say thc Play Say itl Lotto (l'eacher's Crride p. l4) trsing llctlrrcctl
vocalrtrlary rvorrls in rartrlorn order. Ilave Ss rcpeat, l)icture Carrls lll-40 ('l'eachers Grrirle p. l7.l).
pointing lo caclr orre.
lntrotluce tlialogs
look for thc hitkle rt trrrtlc in lhe nrairr s( r: ne s.
l lave Ss
(Ansrver: lt s hclriirrl tlro (lriver's sclt of tlle jecp in sccnc 2.) l)ialog l: Ilave two (Sl and 52) go to tlrc frorrt. l\rirrt to Sl
arrrl say Tlrls is the gide. I\rirrt
to 52 and say 77tis is lleth.
Starttl next to SI arrrl saydre-1,orr ready tu go otr safurl? Ill*'t
O After lhe book Sl rcpeat. Start<l next to 52, klok a little friglrtutt:rl arrtl s;tr,
\1/e sure ore! ls it dangerots? I lavc 52 rel)cal, looLiug tr littlt:
il anrl say
Itlay lrlrrrl ll, srvat itl ('l'eaclrcr's Ctrirlc 11. r4) [riglrterretl. Starrrl rrcxt to Sl arrtl sa1,No, il lstr'l rlttttl;txrtts.
tusing l)icture (lards 3 t -4{). llrtt slny in lhe jaep. I lirvt: S I r('lxritt. I llrve Ss sa1, tltc tlillog
irlpirt on tlrcil rlrvrr. I lelp tlrcrrr lry,rllrisgrerirrg tlrr:ir lint.s iI
n()(:()ssarry. l)o it agnirt irrrrl lravc llrc rcst ol'tlre Ss r(,lx,itt.

ra Match the adfectives (Teacher's Guide p. l4) I)ialog 2: I lavc two otl)er Ss (Sll anrl S,l) go trr tlrr. lnrrrt.
l'oirtt to 53 arrd sly ?'Itis is Sanrll,. ltlirrt to S.l irrrtl say Tlis
The most (Teacher's Guide p.20) i.s lktrll. Stattrl ttr,xt to Sll, poirrt irr llrc tlisturrcc irrrrl sirv
l.ttok!'l'lrcrels a g,iruJle. I llvc Sll rr:peat. Stlrrrl rrt'xt ro 5 I
Actlvity llrok p. 24 carr norv be asslgncrl fur lrorrrervork or irtrtl sity ltlkl gintllbs! ll'otrrl llave S,l rcpeat. Stunrl rrt,r( to
ttsetl in class. Sce allrlver kcy,'ll'aclrer's Guirk: p. l 5l-r. Sit arrrl ask I t/rilr/'' tlrcy'rc llte ft'lcnilllest unlnutls. lltrvr S.l
rcl)r: at. I llvc Sll anrl S,l say tlre rliakrg tgairr orr tltcir orlrr.
Ncxl lesson: Ilrirrg a llair of [linocrrlars arrtl l l)ictrlre of l)o it irgain anrl lttvc tlrc oItlrc Ss rr:1,r.;rt.
Ir1'cnas ll'orrr lrlrrlrrlcs Ourrls l lrrlt ,l ('l'lt I l:'lblclrcr's ( irrltlu
to irtlrorlrrce tlrc rliakrgs. l)ialo.g ll: Ilave trvo otlrer Ss (S5 antl S{i) go lo tlrc liorrt.
Ir. {itl)
l'oirrt to SS arrtl say 'I'lris ls Beth, ltrint lo Sti lrrtl sa1, 7/ris rs
Srtttrll,, (livr: Sarrrly tlrc llinocrrlars. I)rrl tltg;ricttrrr: ol llrc
lrye rr;r at tlrr: back ol'tlrc classroorn. Stanrl next io S5, looI
irrto llrc rlisllrtt:e rvith yorrr lttntl slrarling 1,orrr t.1'r,s;rrrrl
stry 'l'lrcse ara cltceluhs, oren'l lheyl I lave S5 rr: l)cirt,
c<lpying tlle gestrlre. Slantl ncxt to 56, have S(i looL at tht,
picttrre thrrltglr tlte binocrrlars, slrakc yorrr lrcirtl lnrl srr\'
No, llrcy nran't.'l'lrcyye ltyettrrs. I lave S(i lcl)oat. llirvc Sli

Unil 4, lesson 2 (i I
t ln(l S(i sitv llle tlialog agaitr orr their orvn. Do it again arrtl
Irnvc tlrc rcst of thc Ss repeat.
D. Dialog3.
e note l.isle n attd relratt.
lk'tlr tlrinks tlre arrinrals slrt' secs are t:hcelahs, so she llt'llr: 'l lrttse
arc tltce tttlts, rtrlit tlrc.i'
usr,s lirllirrg intontiion ol ore n'l tllcyl sltc isrr't
Stttttl.l': Ntt,. lllyy' r1,'r,,,'1. I lttl:n,/r.t.,,rrrr.r.
irskilrg, llut rallrer colrfirrning, rvhat she thinks. Norr lislerr ottd repanl,
(.Srrrrr rr.s rilxrue, bttt utclt lirtt, i.s.,irrirl orrrt tritlt rt ltttrtst,
l)iirlog ,l: l'lace l)lcture Cartl (rnost
ltoisonotrs snlkr,)
lir Ss to rclxnt.)
on tho lx).tr(1. I lave lrvo otllcr Ss (S7 arrtl Sll) go lo llrtr
lrrrrrt, llrirrt to 57 and sny ?'fti.s is tlte pide,l)oirrt to Sll arrtl
rlt' I ftLr ls.$nrrrlyr Stnrrd ncxl to 57, glollrt at tlrc srrake. carrl D. l)itrlog 4.
rrrrrl s;rv Cnn you see llrc snakc? lt's poisotrorts,l lave 57 Lislt,tt nttd rcl,t,ilt.
rll!(,irt. Stnrrrl lrcxl to Stl arrd say lltrlrrl ls tltfil tlte nrcst
Gttlde: ()ttr vnt st,c tlrc strrtl,t i' It s Txri.rorrorr.s.
lxtlsonous snal'e llr .Sortlr Afi"icn?.1lavc Stl rcl)eitt. Stand Srrtrrll,l ll'rrrr,/ ls tltttt tltt tnt)s! lrt,itt,,torrs lrrrrl,r,il
n(,xt t(, 57 arrtl say l'es, I tltltrk so.l lave 57 rerl)cat. I lavc 57
Sorrtlr tlJi'icrr?
;rntl Sll sil), llr(! tli:rlog agirirr orr their rlrvlr. l)o it again arrtl
Iutvt llrt. rcsl of the Ss repeat.
Gttiilc: )i,.s, I l/lirrt so.

Ntnt llsletr urrd reput!.

(Sarlc rr.s ttluu,c, lrrtl rrrch littt is sttirl ottcc n,itlt u
@ open the book Jitt Ss trt rt,l)iltt.)
Il;rvc Ss trrrn l(, Stutlerrt llook pp. 2tl-2$. hitrocltrce the
rrurirr st'r'ncs by playirrg Cl) track A(i0. l.istcrr arrtl
lroirrt to
I'ttl Ss irrto pirirs irrrrl hirvc tlrt:rrr l)rilcti(.i' llrt'rlilrlogs. l lavt,
tlrr, pr.ogrlc ur anirrrlls os the),are ltrentloncd. sortrt'llirirs a(:t oltl tltc tlinkrgs irr frorrt ol llrc cltrss.

l.i.rtc,, lo llrc story,
O Alter the book
Ik'r'it.rv tlrl rvortls t'rocorlilr:, gorilla, lrilrpo lrrrl elt'ptr;rnt.
&ttrtl.t' ttrttl lllrtlr are in South Ali i,rt. lt's u,itrtcr in hill, itt Slry circlr rtortl arrrl lrar.c Ss rol)cal. I larltj volrrrrtct,rs slrorv
\t,utlt / ic(,,\nil it's srrlrrlr Illr a gnrl idut to tt,ear ltig, Iltr'\' tttrrlt'rstlrtrl tlrt' rvortls lry tlnrrving llictrrrcs orr Iltc
Irols. I lrafn, rtody t6 g6 on salitri. Ileth u,olts to kttort, iI llirarrl or rrrirkirrg a s('llt(,u( (. rrtirrg onri rlI tlre rr.ortls.
il's tlttrrllct rttts. l ltdr gtida srr1,.s il i.srr'r, lnil tlta1, lutt,t, to
sttr.t,itt tIrc iu'P.ll?nu! Satul1,sees a giraffe..Slre lllirrL.s
l'lucc l)ictrrrc (larrls il I *ll5 urr tlrc lrolrtl (n,itlr. tltc
tltct"rr tlrc ti ittullirct aninmls. lknu alnut 1,ou? l)o 1,ou l)i('trrro sirles slrorvirrg) irs n'terrcr'. l)rrt Ss irrlo p:rirs
atrtl lr;rve tlreru ltrat'ticr. rlialog 2 rrsirrg rlillt'rt'nt
tltirtk so? llrtft .sr,r,s.solr e ollrcr oninttrl.r. .Sfue thittks theltn, vocitlrttllrr), rvortls irrrrl tlillr.rt,rrt lrrrirn;rls, c.g. Lorr[-l I]rr,lris
r It a., I o I p 1' t cl rce o h s.'l'l x,l rs h 1,s 1 yr.s. Snrrill,
s. llt t I ey
a (cnrodile),\lilil (crouxliles)!ll'uru! I tltittk lltat're the
I t IIt 1 t

(.srru ir,.slJ tt rt i tttt t I s.
lhirrl's il lr th( nrtst lxtisuruttts srrttke in Sorrth tlli.itn. Ile
( t,,tlnl, *ttnlt,unil lhth! Itlitc(, l'i('tln(,(lirrtls ll(i ,10 orr tltl lrolrrrl (rr'itlr tlrr'
l)i('lrrr(. sirles slron,irrg) ns a rt'li'rerrce. l)rrt Ss irrlo pirits
l'l;rr' ( ll) trlcks A6l*A(i4. l;or cach tliakrg, lravc Ss l'irst
lrnrl lrirvt, tlrt'rrr ;rrlctict tlialog 4 rrsirrg tlilk'rerrt arrirrrirls,
r'.1i. (,'rur .you st't' the (lizarul)? lt's (ntlorfitl).ll7xu ls tlrrtt
listlrr lurtl lloirrt to llre clttrat:ters spe.nkirrg arrrl tlrerr
rtil(,;rt llr(, rlialog. !lre (tnost colorJitl lizanl) in Sorrllt ili-icrt? l?.s, I t/

l). l)itlog t.
@D Change panners ('lbacherb Guidc p. l6) ,

l.islen nnd polrtt.

Ouiilt: Arc yru n'adi,to 14o otr safari? Acrivirt, llirok 11. 25 carr rrrlrv lle irssigrrt,rl lilr lrorrrr:rr,ork or
lkllt: [l'e.srrrt, at,.r Lr il dangcrous? rtsctl irr class. Sctl anslver kcy,'lenclrer''s (irrirlt' p. 155.
(iuide: No, it r:srr't drutgarous. Ihtt sto!, itt tlte jet,1t.
A'nrrr listerr nnd repeat.
(Srurrr'rr.s tilnn,e, lrut utclt line i"r.sairl olrce u'itlt o ltttttse
li)r Ss to t(lx\tt.)

l.istett util ltoirtl.
@ soy it! @ chont-o-srom
.Sorrrll';! 'l lu,rt's tt ginlli,.
llet/rr ll'ildgirnJli's!llixt'! Torget
Sarrrl.1,: I thitrk tlrclre the Jiit,rtdliest aninrtls. Ss can perform dialog 3 using vocabulary words i

A'orl ld.srrll atul rcputt. revlewed from Level i, Units} antl6 and Discovcr iil 3.1

l9tttre ts ttlxnr', lnrl *tch linc is said onte witl, o pouse

litr Ss trt n,1x'at.)

{\2 Unil 4, Lesson 3

sorre srratcs. l)ut Ss into pairs and have tlretn prlctice llrc
MoEd9lt,.,. . ..i ,.i r :::i dialog with the different anintals. I'or nrttnber 5, lrave Ss
f:U, l)iclrtrc (lartls 3(i-.10 make lheir own dialog using any aninrals. I lavc sotttc
! pairs say lhcir tlialogs irt frortt o[ tltc class.

Introduce the Chant-a-gram

Ilcview the vocabrrlary rvortls. Shorv Ss picture Ourtls.ltl,
40, 37 antl 116. Say the tvorrls itnd ltave Ss rcpeal. Sltorv
l)ictrrre (lartl ill! anrl sa1, ls tlurl llrc nrcsl colorfitl llurnl lu
South Afr'icrt? Ilave Ss repcilt. Ntltl ytlrrr lrcad antl say ]trs,
./ire I tltltrk so.ltes, I llrlttk il is. I lave Ss re;reat. Sltorv l)icltrrt:
(lard 40 anrl say ls tlmt tlrc most elnngemtls rrl .Sollrrl

#., *,hls? / hI)tDs

Africa?'lhis tirne, shake yortr lte arl and say No, I tlotr't
tlrittk so. I dorr't thtnk it Is. I Iave Ss repeal. Ilepe at tltt:
yrrocetlrrre with Picttrre Cards 37 and 36. Play Ol) trnck
A06 an<l ltirve Ss lislen. (Note:'l'he Clmnt'a-gralr rvill lrtr

gd&tr? / rmfiarr oll{4lor!? / (r(u-1{ca
revicwctl arrtl laugltt itt ttturc detail ln l.essorr'1.)

C ik{. fiiil. o dlot)t, loll k y(x, ,rrnxl

Listen and clmnt.
ls tltat tlrc ntost colorftil llzanl in South Afriutl
)'c.s, I lrrilt so, l'es, I llrinl'i, i$.
ptE tbl.6 Chohl. ls tltut tlrc tnost tlungerous u.t i,t Soutlr,|friutl
l. lhol lh. mo.t colottt l lltord? { No I dort't tlril['.ro. I dotit tltlnk lt ls.
kl lr M h ld qbll, lrqd h Sdiln AfiEo?
f, vrr tnvuo Y.. tnvd[5 Is tlnt tltc rnost lx'autifrtl ltirrl itr South Afrii'a?
f ,. ,- * * *{pru{ .d n 5tulh AllEo? ,,! I'es, I tlrirrl'sn. !'cs, I tlrirr,t' it is.
f, ro,ta-rn.rrc i*r*.ro f
t Is tlnt the nnst poisotrotts.vtcl'c irt .Snrrtlt t|.[riut?
d h M n. lul brunM b,d h 6drfr Arrro? I No, I tlotr't thinli so. I dotr't tlrittk it is.
[I- ".rt*-Yr..thnrr6
lr r.t m ,d p*tuo .dro h Surh allro?
\ t
ii tto !arlnrl*, ldniturlrtr {d Itsc l)ictrrre Car<ls 36-40, Cive caclt cartl trl a tlilli:rt'ttt
i-_",. -
" e!a,. t

strr<lent. l'lay the Ol) again. l lavc Ss raise tlre ir t'artls tr'ltctt
tlroy lrcar thc rvorrls bcing sttng.

O Before ihe book o Afler lhe book

t'lay On my back (Teacher's Guide p. l7).
lVarm-rrp / rcvierv
l)lay llorv mrny carr you nanrc? (Tcacher's Otridc p. l4).
I lavc grotrps uf Ss natne all tlte anirnals they can think of.

A open lhe book

Say ltl
Activity llook p. 26 can now be assigned for lrtltrtcrvork or
'! Ilave Ss lurn to Strrrlent llook p. IJ0. I lave nvo Ss (Sl and
rrsed in class. Sce answer key, Teacher's Grritle p, 156.
52) g(, lo the front. Say (SI's nanrc) ls lleth. (.921rtnnte) is
.$arrrllr They're g,olng, to tillk about ttuo differuil kitils o.f Next lesson: Ilring a picture of another kitrtl of sttakc to
anlntals, Lc,t's llstrrlr. Say ?Ilriseore clrcetals,aren'I lltcy? irrl Lotltrcc lllc grarnrrrar.
I lavc Sl rcl)oat. Say No, tltcy orcn't.'flrcy're lryenas. l lavc
S2 re grcat. Sa1, Oh. I u,utrt to see sonrc clrcelults. I lave S I
rcpc.rt. Ilavc Sl antl 52 sly, 11r* rlialog ort tlrcir orvn. l)o it
again artrl hnvc tlrt: rr: st oI the Ss re llcat. l'}lay OI) track
r\{i5. I lar,e Ss listcn untl rcpcai thc tlialog.

l.lslen and repeill,

llelh: 'l ltost urc chectolts, uertt llrt:1,? Qnuse)
Sandy: No, tlrcv areit.'l'lrc5/nt i1trrr,rt. Qnuse)
Betlu I
Olt. u,cutt to ste stnne clteekilrs. (pause)
I lave Ss look at thc <lifli'rerrt animals next to the tlialog's ltttpc lle llt anil Suruly tralk al,ottt sorile
rce rrc. Say
ollrcr unlmtls. I ltvc trvo Ss (Slt uttrl 54) lry tlxr lir$t ollc.
I lavc SIJ siry 'l'ltose are srtnL'r's, aretll llrcy? I lavc S'l sily N0,
tltt),artn't.'l'lrcy'lr llxanls, I luvc Sit sny OIt, ,/t'ilttt lo sa.,

Unil 4, lessori 3 (;3

ltoisotrorts.vrn['e irr Soutlt t[lica? I llvc Ss rt,trr.rrl. Notl
1'rrrr lrentl irnrl say l'es, I tltlnk xt Il'kl ,p thi,rrtlrr.r srr:rkc
picttr.: arrtl .licit tlr* r;.esrirrr .g,irr. slriikr'
1.,rrr rr*.tr .rrrr
siry Nn, I dott't lltirtk so.Ilave Ss t(.I(,itt. Ilolti rrp ltir.tur(,
(.irrrls llti ''l{1, ,rr. ar a tirrrr.. l:licir tli. rgrrr,rli,rr
rrr,l ,rrnrr.r,r
t:lt:lr tirrro.

'[ ''t,"d '{fi

O'P- th'.fl.!or.
I tbl tdr h. M ftrdnr iyrta h Sqrt Alko
ln tlrr. srrpr.rlirlivt', lro.s, is usetl rvitlr lrljcctivr,s tlrrrt
are klrrgcr (trvu rlr rrrore s\'llables) alrtl tton't crrtl irr -t..

',{rlrrra/ rr,r.r*.ri, fix'rt do,{Fii^ Ix,1t ilfnlr q{r{

t,., l:n,4 (ut o,rrilr,l
g hl thrm.&L
^nr*., @ Open lhe book

v 'T'qrf
\ rti ,. ryd rrff'ri *v*r h Sxrir lfu[? f Yri'lilr"iil iif ril*i

trrr -11
Ilitv. Sr lutu to Strtrl.lrt lkr.k p. llI rrrrrl lrr.k trt pirrf A, I'l;ry
(ll) trirek r\(i7. I lirvo Ss listcrr llrtl rr,grcat,
mn'rqriid *.lllll*.,^*
@fu urrr Gxo tl. l.istt,tt trttd re1rcut.
I Otridt: I tlriuk tlktt's tlt( nt()st l)t)ist)t,ous
t &ntth Ali ictt.
.srrrrAt irr (1,(t,ts()

Sirt' t he rrtrrnlrt.r oI t,

t lti(.tu t (, irr p;rr I r\. i Itrvr. Ss s;rt. t he
st'rtl('n('(.s. Slt' llrc rrrrrrrlrt'rs l...l irr nrntkrrrr ortlcr. I l;ivr.
irrrlivirlrral Ss s;rv tlrc sctrl(,n( (,s.

I linr. Ss look irt lrlrt ll. l,lir1'(,1) trirr.k A(i8. Ilirvc Ss lisrcrr
iutrl rr'pcirl.

@ Buitd ir! @ chonr-o-srom @D Il, l,islen urtd repent.

Salrll,l ls lltrtt tltt ntosl ltttisottols.rrr.lll, il
Soutlt rlli icn? (lr(.use)
Guklt: li'.r, I l/rill .ro. ( trtttstr)
Sotull': ls tltol tltt ntost lr(risonorr.s.srrrrl? irr
Sottth tlli-ictt? ( tr st, )
llollr: No, I ilrtrt't tlrittk yt. (ltrtrtse)

I ltve Ss ltlactice thc tliirlogs in pirirs lirr t, llicttrre irr

part ll.

. Nolc: liltcorrragr.
Ss to exprt,ss tlrcir orlrr ollirriolts
tlresc arritrrals.'l lrert' are rro,,riglrt,,,rr.\rr,,,rg,,
Moteriols itttsn,crs ltc.rc.
l'ir Irur,(.lrrls "tI*,10, ;lictirrc oIarrotlrur kirrrl of srrake,
(.1) (:
Ilave Ss krok at llart (i. l,ln1,(il) trl(.k A(itl. I Inve Ss lisrr.rr
irrrtl rvrite tlte rvords to colltl)leto caclt st.rrtence.
O Belore the book
lVanrr-up / review
ll.vir.rv llrr. r,.c.lrrrl.r y ll1, gll,r,irrg I\llrrrl gnltre ( li,irr.lrr.r,s C. l,isten ond write.
( itrirk'p. l5) rrsing l)ietrrrr,Clirls'iil _40. L l tltittk tlmt's tlrc tnost colorlitl ltittl itt Sorrtlr
Ali irrt. (:f.rl
I rrlrorlrrce granltnar 2. I tltirtk tlmt's the nlrost itrte!ligctrt tttritrtrrl itt ,\otttlr
Ilrrlrl trlr l,iltrrrt.(:ilrd:l(;. Sat, I t/li1t. thnt,s the rttost Aliico. e.u)
:1. I tlrink lhat's llrc nnsl poisortorr.s.vrak, irt Sorttlt
ltoisrtno.tts srrrrf,-e in Sottllt tli.ica.I lavc Ss rol)(|ill. Ilokl trp
I'i( lut(.(.lrrtls ,l(i .{0, orrt, :rl ;r tinrr.. [rlicif tlre sirrrrr. tliica. efl
slnl(,lt( (, rlitlt llrt' (.orr(.(.1 strllstitrrtiorrs. I)rarv a lirrgc 4. lstltnt llte tuost thtttgerous tttt i,t Sotttlt l|i i il?
r;trrsliorr rrrrr k orr rlrt lrolrrl. I loltl rrll l)icttrnr Ctrtl 3(i, No, I tlott't tlritrk so. (2.t)
;roirrt trr tlrr.t;rrt.stiorr nrlrk anrl sl1, i.r tlat llte ntosl

(i,l Unil 4. Lesson 4

ls thnt tlrt'tnost bilttti.l\tl birul in Soutlr AJi'itrt?
Ii'.r, I (J.\) f*b,
ls tlutt tlrc ttrost colorfitl liutrul in Stnttlt Ali icl? tqrr,
li,.r, / l/ (2.r)
O $trc urt.n. Potnt,3oy,
9 (llreck Ss' iuls\\'crs lly having irrrlivithr:rl Ss raisc tlrcir ey

lrirrtrls anrl sir)' tlrc slate nrcnls or rlialogs. (u$q !rY'r

tf @,..t)
Ohant-a-grarn ,ht
llavo Ss l<rrrkat the Is llral tlrc most colorful lizarcl itt Soutlr
zfritvrl r:lrarrt al llrc lrottorn irf p, ll0 in tlre Stutle rtt Ilook.
l'lay (ll) track A(i6 antl lravs Ss liste n.
O CE urlan.wrll..yo.y. Prcd.

Llstut anrl clrrtrtt. tcUo.trt{Od, s6 I r. h SqrI! Antsr. lt I tilt d ltlo,l,- ' tl ttpt'
ls tlutt tlrc ntost cokirJitl liutrul in Sotttlr Afriut? l@id }t ('rd'E
tirl llt rifi ts.- to{rr, E e lli '- ru' Itrt
!i's, I t/rirrl'so. l'r's, I tlrirrl" it is. l(r I l!D&*" 61ttor* -' -- Ff'
I bo(4}l r pdrd tc, {r!o "*. .
ls tlktt tlrc nnst dangcrous cat in Soutlt Africa? ddl'
trliJ..p.--- H I m !ffC b b.d Ooot
No, I rlott't llint'.ro. I dotlt tltirtk it is.

ls tlnt tltc rnosl bctuttifttl binl in South Africtt?

l?s, / lftill'so. li,s, I tlrirrl*'it i.r. O(llp$bg
B ls tlutt tlte nrost poisotrorrs srtrtlz irr Sorrtl Alriut?
- Ah,ldott't t/rill'so. tdolr.tthinkitis.
t$ ..- r{r}o

I)ivirtc irrlo grortp A ntrd grottp ll, I lavc grortll A cltlttt

tl l ho

{l l(ryurr,rrE
thu rprcsliorrs arrrl grottll ll r:hant tlte artsrvcrs,
l)lay tlre (ll) agairr. I)lay Ilcarrartgc ('lL'itclter's (irrirtc
p. 2I) usillll l)iclure (lnrrls ll(i, il7, lltl autl 40.

O Belore lhe book

O Atter the book Warm-up / revlew
Itlay'Scntcncc rnernory ('l'eacher's (irritle p. l7) rrsing Writc orrc of the worrls from tlrc Iftnrl itl pagc in I hrit il orr
E l'iclrrre ( lartls ll I -.10. tht: lloanl, rvit!r a spacc irrstearl of the largct stnrnrl, t'.g.
,rftfse-s. I lavc Ss lry trr rearl ilrc lvortl tvitlt tltr: ( oilr'( l
sotrnd. I lave a voltrntee r go to tlte lloarrl attrl lill irr the
tt nrissing lotter$. (ilttlitttte rvitlt tlrc retnaittirtg tvurtls Irtrtt
- .' ;'.11,,:-- ,,
a Mychant (Teacher's Gulde p. 2l) L.hlit 3.
. Iylng counldown (Teacher's Gulde p. l7) '
Introduce the letters antl sounds of e;i y alrd;,
Write c1,orr thc troai,;1. iisc enlargcd Plronics (larrls tlrrit .l
r\r'tivity, lkroh p.27 clrt rtrxv ltc assigncd [or lrolrtework or ('l'lt I l: 'le ache r's (irritlu p. (itl) to slrorv Ss lltc rr.y rvortls.
trsrtl irt cllss. Sce ilnswcr key,'l'caclrer's Gtride p. l5{i. l\lirrt to arrrl reatl lhc rvrlrrls, sliglrtly enrplrlsizing tlrr.r,r'
sorrrrtl. I Iavc Ss listerr. Say nrcnkey, loey, ntoncy,ll'lrlclt
6 soutul ls the sunrc? llave Ss say ey, I )o llrc sanrc lirr 1',
pointing out the diffcrent spcllirrg.'ll'll Ss 'Iftcsc }otlr
sotttrtl tlte satne, but tltc1,'nr tpr1t,'d tlWertntly. I ltr'rr rlrr
the sanrc lilr tlrc1,11,o11ls lhat lravt: llrc lti sorrrrrl. l'l.rt r' .rll
tlte carrls on llre l)oirr(1. llcarl tlrc rvorrls orr tlrr: t irrrl:,
sliglttly ctttpltasiz.ittl; lltc i arrrl rri sottnrls, antl ltrrirtt to tli,'
@ Reod it! rvrlrrls as 1'ott rearl tlturrt. I lavc Ss rr'l)oill. l:xllllirt tlrt'
rrearrirrg 0l'arty rvorrls Ss rkr rr0l rrtlrlurstilntl. l\rirrt to llrr'
t:itrrls in ritttrlotn orrler itttrl ltlvc irtrlivitlttul Ss rt'lrl llr,'rrr.
$i chn'pronounid,'renaift wiito iry,, y andywonls.
Pronunciotlon nole
'\. .,..+r,,*rr,r*l;,o*],*^*!&;:dir.i,lee,i;i,{J,iiarir.l**
".,.,""i.r.dl,!-; -.d, *&.
lil,1, lil, y 1nr1 (Ser: grrottttttciatiott lrrlrlc rxt
i 1, "
MotarlOls :,
.,i,"*& -,.
:I r,i ;'"' '.: j '1r,,; ,
'l'caelrt r's (irtirle p. l-r.)
. *-
.", ;,.. &t -'rc.*,:.&a;r*",
-, .

l'lronlcs Carrls tJnit .l ('l'tl I l:'l'cachcr s (itritlc ;1. 6tl),

@ open lhe book
{'} A
I lavc Ss luln lo Stttrle ttt llook 1t. 32 arrrl klok al l)iu I A, I'l,r\
(ll) track A7(). I lave Ss listcn atrtl ltoiltl lo tll(: l)i( tlnr'\.

Unil 4. lessotr 5 lr
lVrito tlrr, s(,nl('nr'cs rvith lltc ltlirrtks ()n llt('l)(,irr(1. (.ltr.(.I
Ss' itrrsrvt'rs lly lraving irrtlivirltrirl Ss go to lhc lrotrrrl lrrrl
tl. l.islt,,r, lroi,rt orrd repeilt, rvrilt'tlrt'rvorrls irr llre blarrks. I liru.irrtlivirlrurl Ss rr,lrl thr.
r'1" {'l (1tttusa)
.t" J' (lurttsa) s('nt('n( (,s.
r'l'. r'l', 2rortlr,l, (lr(rus.,) )t, y, ltl\,,,(ts ( l lit!t'Ss l()ok flt lltr, Pictrrrr,. l\rirrl t0 tll(, 1)i(.trtl(, ilrrrl ilsL
t.t'. tt', lut.t, (Itttuit'l !' t'. lrtl.Y (l)(uts{,) llllticlt sentenu, ls tltis? I lirvl Ss rlritc tltc rrrrrnlrr.l ol tlrr,
t'.t',.t1',ntlrtrel' (lxtttse) )" y,ltt (
lxtrtst,) ('(rrr(tcl s('nlcnce tttttlcr llre l)i( tltr('. (Arrsrrr,l: lt s 2.)
t,.l' (
r'. r', .Sarrrlt, (1utttst,)
r'. l',
t. t,
(lu,ust )
o Aller the book
l'lirv lVritc it! llelay ('l't'irclrer's ( irritle p. l1l).
I'lrrr tlrc (.1) lglirr. llavc Ss lislt'lr arrtl r('l)cilt.
l'llrv tlrr'(il)n tlrirtl tirrrt.. lllvu irrrlivirlrrnl Ss rr,;rcirt tlrr.
il r.rn s. o Fill ln the blanksl (Teacherb Cuidc p. lB)
Ilrt, tlrt. I'lrotrlcs (lartls. Slrorv the l)icturos on(l ilsk . Phonlcs concentrsllon (f'eacher's Guirle p. lg)
ll lrrrl ls tlte tronl? I lnvo irrtlivirlrral Ss rvritc llrc rvrlrrls orr
r Vanlshlng sentences ( feacher's Cuide p. tg)
Nolt.. sle cxlrlarrnliorr alxrtrt llrc "llc carclull" seclion
. 'lbngue twlsters
nrr lr,;rclrcr's ( irrirle p. 2ll. ItaveSs repeat the following tongue twlsters:

Ilrrvc Ss tunl to Slrrrk'rrl lkrok p1l. Zll -21| nrrtl look irl llrc loey ls lrungry and Sa,lr.'l ls sleepy,
rrrrirr st'urrcs. Ilave lltent lirrd nntt nillt!o l)icturcs ol rvortls (hn a hyena tly tulrcn it's elry ln luly?
tlrirt corrlRilr llrr' plrorrit.s sorrrrrls tlrcl, lrave jrrst lcirlrrlrl. Start slowly nnd gradually increase the pace. .

(.\rrsrl'r'rs: Sarrrly, lr1.t'rrls.)

\\'ritc Srlrrrl__ (,n tllc l,oar(1. I lavr,n slutlt,rrl rvrite tlrt Activitv llook !,2[] t'irrr rron, lrr.;rssi1.1rrlrl l(rr lrorrrcrlorl or
llttt,r .l' irr tlre sgrnci.. I )o llrc sirrrre rvitlt llu, otlrcr rvor.tls. ttsttl irr cllrss, Sct iuts\r'(,r kcf. lr.:rr.lrcr's (irrirk'p. lS(i.
lllr ilu' tlrc rvorrls ctrunlr),, ltirlll', lrttngry arrrl rlr1,. l,oirrt to
crrclr rlolrl lrrtl say, lt. I llrve Ss regrcal.
\\'r ilt'rurutrr'_ olt lltt' lroartl. I lavc a strrrlt,rrt rvrite tlre
l('lt('rt'irr tlte slt;rct,, l)o tlrc sltrre rvitlr tlrr otht,r rcvitrv
u r rtrls,
Illrvo Ss lrtnt t(, Sltrrlt'rrt ltook gl. 32 nrrrl look irt ptrt ll.
\;rr'.$orrrfi' ul'ote nn e-moll liller to lter purettts..litis ls
tlre lelttr. Lol's reod lt. l,lny ( ll) t rat'k A7 i . I llve Ss listcn
;tltrI tr t itt't1'or.g'irr tIrr, lrliirrks. O,h thtcn rrcd. wrlo
h rri n4 iirxrkit ri,, ,, i, rr
"rtr lrr ir'

Yr:s. I lhink su.

I ini n d en1!e,l
'rro,r\ r\'!,U, !t.r 1t
Il. l.isten onil rurite.
lli llttrtr tttrd l)oil,
llrtlt rttttl I nn,in Sotttlt lt's t bututiJitl 'tuttr1,. lt,s
Irrl.t, lrrrt it's rt'ittttr lrtrc. lixkrt, tuc saru ltti,trtr.s. ?hr,1,
Itxtk,tl liko drcetahs, I lnttght o l,t.csent lir futay. lt's'a
lttlr.t, tttttnka.), ltt1,. 1'rn sltr1t.1, 111711,. I'ttt
l4tiittg to'lxtl. tiool
Srlrrrfi, @ Pby wrttr. !oy.

( lrr,r'k Ss ilns\vers lrv havirrg irrtlivitlrral Ss rcatl tlre

Ilrrrr' tunt lo Strrrlerrt llook ;1. It2 nrrtl look irt l)itrt (:.
Ss as"
I'l;rr (,1 I tr;rt k AI2. l llrve Ss listerr arrrl lill irr tlrcir.ortls lrs (okrii
tlrr,t lrr.irr llrt.rrt.

(.. Li.slln rttttl tyrite.

l, Srlrr/.1' .srrrl tt trtottkay ontl a lty,tttt. (2.r)
J. I ltt ltilt.t'is lttrtrl4rv rttrt! slcr1t1,. (2.r)
;1. fury gtl stnttt, tttotrt,.l,itt lull'. (2.r )

(i(i tJrril 4, lesson 6

z\6il Proctice it!
Ilave Ss look at thc tlrird (ple stiolt. I lavc onc slrrtlt,rrl rlutl
tlte qttestion arrtl anotlrcr iutswor it. Ilavc Ss rvritt' tlre
\-7 ilnswers in tlrcir llooks.
{q Torgets Ntttnlrcr,l.
. Ss cnn understand and produce thls unlt's target
()ttiile: ll'/raIi.strorrl; tutd ltutry atttl lttts ltig t.ttlt' I ltt
language. cntuxlile. I thittk it's rlrc sr'rrrir,.rl ttrtitrtttl irt
r Ss can listen to children talking about animals and
Soutlt A.friru. ()rocorlilas tttr lttrll l.rcoltlt tttt,L'r
write answers to lhe quesllons. u,ir n u trt I lts.'l'ltc1i p t u tll1, I t t tt.
tuttt er u,i ll r ll

. Ss can ptay the game uslng the Brammar

llitve Ss look at thc forrrtlr (ltestiolr. llave ortc strrtlr.rrr
.L, r.. *. rcarl tlte (pr(f stiort utrtl artollrtr iulli\vor il, I lirvc Sr rr'r rr.
lhc answcrs irr thcir lrrloLs.
lrictrrrt: (llrtls llI-.1(1, (ll)
Ilirvc Ss lunl lo llarl Il. llr:vierv lltc vocalrrrlury'orr t.;rr lr
slltcc ol tlrc girnre lroalrl tvitlr Ss. Illr,c onc slu(lr,nt rllrl
tlrc stllcrrrcrrt. 1 Iavc otlter Ss rcl)rat. l)rrt Ss irrto pirir r,
O Belore lhe book rle cirle rvltir:lt ol.tlretrr is "X" artrl rvlrich is "O", ;rnrl rr lro
rvill be lirst. l lavc Ss take trrrrrs rlaking lhcir rrlrrL irr orrr,
\Varln-trp / roview
ol tlrr: stlrrlres, tlrerr sayirrg tlre statcnlent rrsirrg tlrc
(llrirrrt tlrrr Olurttt-tt-gruttrr togr,tlrcr. l)ivitlc tlrc clirss irrto
l)icturc arttl tvoftl irt tlte srluare .'lir rrse llre e t:nlr.r r(llriil('.
T gr(lul, A artrl grottll Il. Ilolrl ul) I)i('turc (larrls ill*.10, ottc itt
a tirrrc. llu'e grorrp A nrake a rlucstiorr rrsirrg tlre granlnl:rr
il stutle rtt tttrtsl tnukc att rtriginill slalenlcnl.'l'lrc grrirl ir lo
lr)1 to l{cl lltrt:c "Xs" or "Os" in a lorv. \Valli arorurtl tlrt'
point, e.g. ls tlutt tlttt (tttosl betrtti.l'ttl birul) itr Sorttlt classLoont artrl lrclp Ss if rtccr: ssur'y,. \\'lrt.rr a plir lrirs
Afrlct? llirvc grorrll Il arrsrvcr citlre r l'es, I tlritrk so or No, I lirrislrctl (iirtttt: l, lurvc tltt:nr pliry (ilrrtr. J, rlr lrirvr, 5r lrrrrl
dun't llrlttk xt. l nc\v l)itItn(fr irrtrl lllly ( iarrrc 2.
Virriation: Ilirvc Ss urllstittrltr tlrcir orvrr courrlrl irr
A Open the book lrlircc rrf"in tlrr: rvorltl", c.g. I t/rirrl' tltot's tlte,ilost
lrutttt{ttl ltinl ln (Korut).
Illvc trrnr t{} Strrrlerrt lkrok llll arrrl ktok at lrirrl A.
lti,'n,goirr6 to listr,tt to sottrc pttoltlc lnlking,tlxrrtl tutlttutls.
gr. 511,
O Afier lhe book
) Ilrrvt.Ss look lt tht: [irst pictrrrc. I)lay (ll) trlck A7ll. l)lay llack rvriling ('l'eacltcr's (irrirle 1r. 2 I ) rrsirrg tlrc
I luvt Ss listr:rr. lrljcctives learrrt,rl. irr tlris rrrrit.

.1. l.i.srcrr untl turitc. . trast to mosr (Tbachecs Griue p. ett
(itt lc:
Nrttrtl.rcr l.
ll t_ n tt tJ't ! ll' i l t l t t t t i t t ls rc sot t r t t i t t rr,s rur ll
. *.^ '
'fThe most" domlno gfume (TR 12:Teacher's Grrirlc
"i. *f'6P , .. ..d--i
i tl t t t tt
tlrtttlitntus, ltttl sotttt: rtttitttrtls rtut lu Ji itttally. ,-l
{}irulli,s trre tltc li'itttullirr.s, rlrirrral.i itt Sttrttlt
.lJi i ct t.' l' I t t:.y' r t ro i I s n t r u I of t t ry t I a. 1
t Activity liook 11. 2.() cart nrlrr'be assignctl lor lrorrrr:rlorL or'
rrse rl in class. Se e iurs\ve r kcy, 'l'e aclre r's ( irritle 1r. l5i'. Nrrrr
1 I l,rvc Ss kroL irt tlrc lirsl tlrrr:sliorr. I ltrvc orrc \tu(l(,nt rr:it(l tlrill Ss lrilv$ crlrrrple tr'rl llnit ,1, thl'y ('itn t{o lo lltr: ,lr,&u,rii
tlrt, tgrrr,sliorr atrrl urrollrt,r itns\v()r it. I Iitvc Ss rvritit tlrl lllgt:, Aclivity lirok p. 7() urrrl color rrrrrrrlrcr.l lrros rr.
.rl\\\'('rs irt tltt'it lrrroLs. Nt:xt lcsson: llrirrg a cak'rrtllu to iltlt{}(lll('(. tllc
i\'tttttln'r ).
Ottitlt:: 'l lttn,ttrc
u ktl oj tutis.l,rttrittrrtls irt *ttttlt irtt.
I tltirtl, tlrt rroisit,.sl tttrirrtrtl is rt ltirtl. lt's rttllttl
tltc I hultuht //ris. lt ls tittlly l1111,1. l lttt, sotttttl

Il.rrt'Ss ltroL trt llrt: sctotrtl tlttcstiorr. I llvt'ottr: sltrrlt.trl

rr';rrl llrt rlrrr.stiorr ;rrrrl irrrolltcr iurstv(.I it. I lirvt Ss rvritr'
lltt' ltrstvt'rs irr llrcir lroo[.s.
rYtrtttIrt'r .'J.

Ottklt: I liLt rt lot ol rtttittutls, ltttt lrtlxxttts (trc tlt.,

!trttttitst. l lrt_1, rttrtL'c ttta ktttglt. I ltry tttttkt tt ktt
ttt ltttttt.1'Jtttts.'l lrt.t' IiL'c t() scr(tt(It tIttir I'trlts,
\ l(xt.

Unil 4, lessorr 6 (iJ

Ptronrcs Lqrds Unit 4
r' 'f,

monk mon I



Sond hungr sleep -,-

- |

;zr't -r tri\
t --
L t ril
'. it.\
. r'lfi

- enos Jul - fl

(itl Urril 4, Teocher Reproducible ll @ Peorson Iciucoliorr Asio Iirrriled

(tp 'The mosf'domino gome
-T - -'l

friendly funny


I scory noisy


intelligenl intelligent


norsy friendly

funny scory

! scory intelligenl


funny friendly

.TeaChe/s lnstruCtlOns l)rcl)are plrotocopics for cat:lr pirir of Ss in advancr-, I lnrtrl otrt tlre rvorksttcets. Pttt Ss ittto
pairs. llcviurv thc arliectivcs antl nnilrrals, llave Ss cut out llrc l.l rlontinoes so tlutt eaclt pair ltas 2tl tlontinoe's. llclttittrl Ss

of tlte rloruirro orr llrc tablc, havc hirrr lay it end-to-e ntl rvitlr tlrt: lirst tlotttitr<l antl say thc sctrlcltce. lf not, lravc S2 laktr
Irrrotlrcr tlotrrino [r<trn tlrc pilc. tlavc 52 lay it tklrvrr if it is u nrirtclr. (bnlitttte tttttil ottc sttl(lent lays tlorvrr tll tlrtir

(J Peorson Educotion Asio Limiled Unil 4, Teocher Reproclucrblc l'l (;tl


l.rh(h d,o
p }}. bd!q. sfinq d errl.!,r!' ),--


tdrt d tsi€ |l'lil



Wordr @ tD
@|t Hnl.3oy.
Url.n. Hnl.
Utl.n. O F' r@ GtrE

3oy. Utlen. llurnbar. Story @ ur16, Dlologr @ Lhr.n. Poht. loy

tliflercrrt nctivili('s. Slrorl r'allr ( in(l iur(l sitY Ill(. \\'or(ls.

Ilavc Ss r('l)(.itt. Ilolrl rrll tlrt't:utls ilgltin an(l ('ncouritgc ss
to retuctttlrr,r llre rtorrls irrrll slv tlrcrrr.

@ Tolk obout it! Uocobutoryl Say ll??e nLso goirrg lo talk altottt ltotu oJien tue do
lltittgs, Slrorv ilrc t'alt'rrrlar. l\rirrt to t'r't,r1'Sattrrrllry lrrrrl
Sttttrlnt'arttl sitl' 1t1t1tvy 11tp4lp11rl. I litvt'Ss rt'pt';ll. Ask ll'hrrl
Torget , .. i i, r. .rr'r;,, : do 1,otr ilo t,uer),uresk?tul? lilicit activitit.s. Ikrltl trp l'ictrrrt
Ss pofuit
can to ancl narne s urling, snorkeling,' ,
(lirrrls 4(i--5(),ul(l say eircll tint('l)ltrits('. I Ilrvr.Ss t('l)(,itt.
scuba diulng. sailing, windsurfing, euery day, euery I krltl u1l l)i('tttrc (lartls 46-ir() itgilin. I lirvc Ss sit!' llle tinr(,

other day, lhro ilnrcs a week, ewry weekend and twlce l)llrls(f, llrctt say sonrr,tlrirrg tlrct tlo tlrlt oltcn. ('.g. rt'.,rJ,
il nrunth. wc(ke,rd -- go lo r,r), grandpa,'a,rts'lroust'.

Moteriols A Open lhe book

(ll) Ilirve Ss lunr to Stutlerrt llrok 1rp. ll,l- ll5 arrtl look irt tlrt,
l'i('turo (larrls 3l-l-r0, calcrrdar,
piclrrrcs at the lx)ttorrr of tlrc 1lu11t's. l)lar'(ll) track i\7.1.
IIirve Ss listcn arrrl point to thc lrictrrrcs.

O Belore lhe book

lflrrrr-rrp / rcvlerv
tl. l,isle,t, ltoitrl ond repefit.
l'lur'(iucss it! ('li'irclrcr's (itrirlt,1t. l,l) usitrg l)ic(trrc (lartls sttr !itrg (lraust') at,ery rlrt.l' (lruusc)
,ll-.10 lo rtviorv llrt vocallrrlnrl'frorrt tlrt llrt'vious trrrit. sttrnkalitrli (1xrrtst,) ctrry tttlttr rltt.t' (ltuus )
Sll{)\v l)i('lrrr(,(lards,tl-40 one at a tirrre arrd have Ss scrtltodiuirtg (1xtttsL,) tltrec titttt,s rr rlcr,(' (lrilus,,)
rrurkr,rr s('nt(.nc(. about eaclr card, c.g. I tltitrk thal's tltc xtilirtg (l)ause) 0,1,r), n,&'k{n(l llmrtse)
li irr td I iest a n irtutl). u,ittdsttrlirr[4 (1tarrst,) lu,i(e d tt,onlll (ltttusa)

I nlrotltrcc vtlcfl lrulilry l'lity tlrc Ol) irglin. Ilavc Ss listt,rr rrntl r(.1)(,iri.
,uc'rc goirtg lo lalk about things we do at tlrc
S:r1' ?irrla1,
I'lay (lt) track n 75. Ilavt,ss listt,rr irntl rrrrrnlrer llre
beach. I krltl up Iticlurc (iartls 4 l-,15 to de scribe tlre pictrrrcs.

70 Unil5. Lesson l
r;,,!!ir,r i
' '
Ivloteriols-. , ,r;; j,_,,.ii; .* '. - 'i:,. '"
,. ,* r,'ffi{6k,.-.

B. l.lsten und nurnber. l)ictrrre Cartls 4I-50, calendar, pictrrrc of coral, (ll)
Ntrrtrlrcr l. e ucry rkty (2.r)
Ntrtttlrcr 2. snorkelirtli (2.r)
jl. t't,rt)' u,cckttttl
O Belore lhe book
Nrurrlrr'r 5. (t'tr.y otlt(r (hty (2.r) Warrn-rrp / rcview
Nrtttrln,r $. sttilitrl; (2.() Say lt/c'ru gnlng lo tulk abnul l.t,trry lrrtd.Sret,e, I Itllrl trp
Nrrrllrr'r 7. ltpit'rt tt tttortllt (2r) Picttrre (larrls 4l Sly ?'fte;,gorurling,euery
an<l 41).
Nutttlrcr 8. ulrJitrg (2x) u,eekenil,llavc Ss rel)out. lloltl rrlt tlo olhcr ctrrls, olltr
Nrrrrlrsr 9. lltrec titrtt's u urek (2x) froln eaclr lexical sct, nnrl clicit otlte r sctrtt'ttt'es allttttt
Nunilter 10. st:trlxt diuittg, (2x) lenny and Steve.

Olrcck Ss' answe rs lly sirf irrg llte ntttttltcrs arrtl havirrg Ss Introducc tlialogs
say tlrc correspoutlittg vrlcalltrlary rvtlrds. l)iaklg l: Ilave trvo Ss (Sl and 52) go lo lhe frotti. I)oittt to
S I and say ?lris is lbni. l\lint lo 52 and say
'l"lis is.Srrrlr'.
Siry the vor:abttlary rvortls itr ratttlott't orrlcr. I lave Ss
rrl)(, poirrting l() citclt tttte. Stand ncxt to S I , holtl up l)ictttrc (lartl 4 I antl say Surf rrg
looks Ilave Sl rcpeat. Starrd next ttt S?, tttttl lottr
I lrrve Ss poirrt to at.ttl ttittlts pictttre s rlf tlte vrtcabttlary
Ircarl arrrl say Il is, I)o 1,ou ,.'fl,tl lo lr1, i17 t tu"* S? rt'1lt'itl.
rvorls tlrcy can sr:c itt tlte rttittt sce tlcs. (Answcrs: sttrlirrg,
Stantl nt:xt to S l, look excile tl uttrl sal' !'t'nll. I lavc S I
snorkeling.) rt:l)eat. I lirve Sl arrtl S? say lltc rlillol; itglirt tttt lltt'ir trrrlt.
q I lavc Ss look frlr tlrc lrirltlcrr trtrtle itt llte tttititt sccllcs. Ilelp tlrent lly wltispcring lhe ir lirrcs if ttcccssarl'. l)o it
(Ansrvcr: lt's pce pirrg out l'r'ortt bchintl tltrc oI llte rocls itt again artd have tlte re st o[ llrc Ss rcpe itt.
sr:enc 2.) Ss (Sll tntl S,l) g() t{) tltr: l'rtltrl.
l)ialog 2; I lavc trvo otlter
Illint to Sll arrrl say ?lhis is ?irrrl. l\rint to S{ atttl say ?'lris lr
O Afier the book .Srcle. Siarrrl ne xt to Si| arrd say Iloru ofiert ilo ytu g,o
utrJing,T I lilve Sli rcpcal. Slantl tte xl to S.l, hokl tll) l)it:tllt('
Itlly l)rurv thc eal ('lirtt:lte r'.s (irridr: p. l4) trsirrg l)icillrr: (lartl 41), lloint to Satttr(lity and Srrtttlay ort lltc citlctttlar
(.,rrrls .l I-50. irrttl say 1:u{r'1, 1ustkanrl. Ilavr: S,l rcpt'itt. Ilavc tltt' tu'o Sr
say ihe rliakrg agairr on tlre ir tlrvtl. l)rt it agaitt atttl ltitvc
tlr0 rcsl of tlrc Ss rcl)0ill.
BigS! ,r ''.: Dialog 3: Ilave trvo Ss (S5 lrrtl S(i) go to lhc I'nrrtt. l'rrirrt
Name ltt Retay (Teacher's Gulde p. l4)
\ &*(^-*nBs.i'd;&.&,:..-'*,..,t1es,}a;'+,l,n!,il*e to 55 an<l suy TIlis ls lteter. I)oitrt to 56 and say TIlis is
/erray,. 51n,,,1 next to 55, holrl lrl) l)icltlre Cartls.l I arrrl .12
Activity lhok;1. :10 can no\v lle assigned for ltotttuvrlrk or artcl say llthich do yorr like bettcr, surling or nnrkelingi'
trst'rl irr class. Sce lnslvcr kcy,'l'caclte r's (irritle p. 157. I lave 55 rel)e al. Starrrl next to Sti arrrl say Srrflg isf rrr,

Ncxt lessorr: llring a citkrtttlitr and a pir:tttrc ttf strttt: Itttt I like snorkeling bctter. I lavc 56 rcl)eat. I love tlto ttr o
Ss say tlre dialog agairr on tlreir rnvn. l)u il agairr uttrl lrair:
t'orll lo irrtrorlrrt'c tltc rlillogs.
llrc rcst ol tlre Ss rcl)cirl.
l)ialog 4: Slrrxv a l)icluro of cortl, or rlrarv cor.rl ivitlt
srlnre fislr srvirnrning on llre ltoard. I lave trvo Ss (S,' atttl
Sll) grr t<r tlrc l'ront. Say ?|tq,'vB 5lrcrkellng,.lllutl cnn tltt1,
scel lilicit l:isll. Stantl r]cxt to S7 and say l.aok ut all thosrt
lislrl Ilave 57 repcat. Stanrl rrext ltl Stl, point (o llrc rorrl
? irrrtl say lle etrefrtl.Dott't tttucb tlrccorul, llavr'5ll r("1|('irt.
Slrrttg yorrr slrottltlers itnrl siry lltltl,rtot? I lavc Si I('l)('irl.
@ Tolk obout it! (Dictogsl I)r'ctr: n(l t() crrt )t(,ur firtgt'r arttl sly /t's rrall1,sfl1s17r. 1; ,t','
Stl ie pcat. Ilavc tlrc trvo Ss say tlre dialog aglirr orr tlrt,ir
Torgels orvrr. l)o it agairr arrrl lurvc llre rcsl ol'tltc 5s r(fl)('ll.
o Ss can say Surfng lo oks like and respond wlth
': It ls, Ss cin asl aid answer Dfun
l,' Yeah,t,t:
oyou wani to try lt?
O Open lhe book
ss can ;sk and answer iaii"olrrrt'aoyo* go,..,:lii" Ilavc Ss lrlnl lo Strrrle rtt lkrok p1l. il,l-31-r. lrrtrotlucc llr(:
iit,I:.isrrrltnb?Eueryueekend., i,.'1.;r,'i.jL
ruain sr:circs by playirrg (ll) track A7(i. I lave Ss listrtt lrrrl
ir . -,: i: ,;,,.,
r. $s cail askand answer Witch cloyou.tikebetter, l)oint lo lhc lleoplc or ohjccts as thcy are rrre ntiorrcrl.
j, . l.,",rrrrllng or snorkellng? Surfingtsfitii.'tiut I Hke.i;',.:':
jr.: SaOfkcltngbetten,,,, i.,,o., .,,-,11,.:,,:
",;.q,i,:..:1t,t,, - t'
i;, r sscan say lr,okar all thosefshlSs cin itspoird'' C. l.islcrt to the story,.
j ' rvlth Be careful. Don't touch the coral. Ss can ask 'littti rtttrl l>cter are irt I Itttttuii. 'littltty', tltt1i71' ttt tltr lruu lr
il . and on$wer 14t1ry not? Itb rcally sharp. rtitlr tltrir rtnrsirrs, Str,r,t, rur tl futttr1'..Stcrc lih,s tu srtrl.
'lirtti lttrs ,un\:r
?i Notte surJing, lttrt it lrrol.s likt ltttt. Sltt
tun,tt s to tty it. Steue is good ut rurling.IIo gor,.s .itu/irrg
tttry u't'ckarftl, Itc srtl's. l'dcr ilnd JL'tttt1'urctil 1;ttittt
.rrrr/il6 to(loy.\llltat tb ytrt thittk tltt{rt tloitrl;i' t\'tt't

Unil 5, lesson 2 7l
. t, tt I lnt,tl, ilr(' g(ring .{rr(rt['{,li tt14. I lttl' Iut tt' ttt rr rrr l rrrrr.rl.r irntl lritve llrcrrr llrat'licc tliirlog I rrsirrli rlilltrt'nt
it tltr u'ttt,r, latttt.t, tltittks sttr|ittli is liur, lrttt.r/rr' /i(r'r vrrlirlrtrlirrl'rvorrls, r',g. (Scrrlrl tlh,irtP lool,.r lilr.,firrt. lt ls.
rrrrrtl.r'litt1; lrl,ttff. (it,t
_l'(1, .\(,(,.Sr{,tr,.ttul litrrii' Ihr t,ott l)o 1,ott t.'0trl lo lry i17 t',rrrr.
tItittlt littti llk'.r.sra/irrgi' Itx* rtt ttII IItost,utkttJitI lish! Arlrl I)ic{ttrr: (lartls 4(i-l-rO to tlrc lroarrl. ltut S\ int() plir\
I rxtk rtt tlrt uilorlitl utntl. lhtl tkttil tortclt tlrc conrl, irtttl ltirvc tlrt'nr qlrncticc rlillog 2 rrsirrg rlilllrcrrt
/l'ti'r: /l ls tc(tll.t, slr(trl,. rrrr';tlrttlitrv rvoltls, e.9,. Ilott,oJien do t,tttt tgo xti|itr1l7
('liuit't, tt tttttullt.) I lavr: Ss ilrrs\\'(,r tr utlrlulll illr(,ut
l'lrrr' ( ll) trae ks A77-AIl(). krr each rliakrg, ltavc Ss lirst t ltt.tttscl vt's.
listlrr lrrrrl p<litrl to tlrc charat'ters spcakirrg arrrl tltert
r r,pr,lrt tlrr. rlinlog.

r lllBh tlramo (Tecchu's Gulde p. 16)

l). l)iulo1g l.
. Myown dlalog (Teaclrer's Guide p. 16)
l.islt,tt rtnd 1loint.
litttl: .5lry'irrtr;lrxr['.slilc./irrr, r\r'tivitv lkrok 1r. ill carr rrorv Irr. irssillrt'tl lrrr ltonrctrotk or
Slfre.' lt is. l)o ynt tftt,tt lo lry il? trst'tl irr e lass. Scc ans\\'('r kct','lcirt lrcr's (irritlt' p. I5i.
lintl: littlt.
Nrrrr li.srer nrrd reputt,
(Srtttrt, trs tlxn,c, but .'.u'1, lirta is yrkl ottct, tuitlr e l)aust,
/rrr Ss to t.(lrfttl,)

l). l)iulo1g 2.
Listcn ond polttl.
'lbrtl: I lur oJit,rr ilo trtu go srr/irrgl
.\r('rr'.' lipcr.t'tyeeketnl.
(ko trtt"n Arl Antser

I rrxr,r,n.rt"t-"- '
A'nrl listerr and repeat.
(Srurrr'os nlxtt,& lntl eru'lr lirrc i.s.sairl orrt't, tuitlt a l.ratrse
! $,ir{ (, !.,td,{)
/il .S.s lo raltutt.) 1'.,'{,.,!. ., fi
d l,rr'tr

l.islut nnd ytitrt.
l\,ter: ll'lticlr tlo yrtr like lx,llcr srr{irrg or strorke,littll,?
*1kl',rrlV/ rcll",
&'&l6t I*rJ lr', ; rrr"1

lttrtrl,: Sttrlitrg, is Jiut, ltut / li(r,srtrl'lr,litrtri ln,tnr.

tYnrl li.srclr und repeal,
(.Srurrr,rr.s ttlxte, btt! caclt lirtc is soid orrce u,itlt rr ltrtuse
/irr S.s kr tqx\tt.) s:Et chonl

tt'- "u'^ do you 0o auf,nO7

I ll,s ollnn A' rrx' F il,,nqr7 ltur .'nm door fr Oa .nr.t{, I
l). Diulog4. !t t s, r,,ruq r"ra o *"^r
llm ott^n &.i M O0 r*lmr*'o?
Str. 0{{r.odl.iho.ri.Y
llo* ollnn do tBy m . rn^n'
i..rd it
l.islen utrtl ltoirtt. i tto s-r r*,rr,,9 rvary,rry ll'.1 g{r }}' ,,f r. ?. o ,ha,i, l
' t)h rbd irf
l't,lcr: lrurl at all those lislt! il
f u,il tmr r 0,,'
lettrtl,: lle utrafitl. l)otit totrch tlrc antl. i
lt.,t$: ll'h1,nat? f {
lcnny: lt's rcolly s1111111.
Atrrc li.rrrur fi,ul reputl,
(Stttttt'tts alxnr,, ltttt utclt lirtr'i.s srrirl onrc u'itlt o lruusir
/i,r.Ss ri, tcl,t\tt.)

l'rrt Ss inlo plirs arrtl have tlrt,rrr l)rilcticc tlrc tlialogs. I lalc @ sovitt @ chont-o-srom
sontr. plirs il('t olrt llre rliakrgs in frotrt oI tlrc clitss. | 4.*-enFt1lLcFryl 4"t.?Prryr ! _ "!'

O Aller the book Ss can perform dlalog 3 uslng vocabulary words o

reviewsd from Units 4 and 7 in level I and Unit 2 irr

llrvierv the plrrascs llractice tlre piarto, call lrottre, go Level 3. '', , 1 ,.,;, ' ',, , ;

sitrilrtsccing arrtl clearr yorrr roorn. Say eaclt phrase atrrl

IrirltiSs rel)('ill. I lnve volrrrrtcr:rs slrurv tlrcy trrrtlcrstlrrtl tlrc
phnrscs lrt'actirrg llrt.nt ottl or trtaking a scttlcttce rtsing Moteriols
orrc oI tlrc llltrascs.
(ll), llicturc (ltrrls 4 I -50
l'lrrt'r. l)ictttre (lnrtls 4 l-45 orr tlte hoitrtl (rvitlt tlte
l)i( trrr('sitles slrorvittg) as a reli'rcttcc. I)ttt Ss itrtrl pairs

72 Unil5. [esson 3
O Belore lhe book I/rr gorr.s stui,n,tti,tg ctt(r!, fuly.
I ltut, oftrn rlor,.r .rlle go .vr orkeling?
lVurrn-u;l / rcvlerv .Slre gocs srrorkelirrg eue ry u,cekcrul,
l)lly lVlrrr sukl lt? ('lblt'lrur'.s (irrirk: 11. l(il to rcvie lv tlre I loru o.ftttr ilo tltc1, go saililgl
tliakrgs. 'l'hey go sailitrg twice a nrc,filt.

I\rirtt to tlre llit:ttrres rlrr 11. li(i irr l,otrr orvn book to revicrv Olr, ulutt ltttt!
tlrc ar:tivities. I:ttrt! I\ut! I:rnt!

( iivc ilil'fe rent Ss lllo l'icture Cards for thc vocallrrlnry

@ Open lhe book itcrns irr thc chanl. l'lny .Stnrlrl (lu,rr 1,621 henr lt ('lirar'lrcr's
Say ltl (irrirlc gr. 2l). I'}lay thc Cl) again. I lave Ss rvith llre cards
(Sl ilrrtl strrttrl ttp tvlrcrt tltcy ltclr tltcir itetrr lluirtl; surtg.
Il;rve Ss lrrnl to Strrrlurt lkrok p. ll(i. Ilave trvo Ss
S.l) gtr ttr tlrc front. Say (Sl's ttttnrc) ls l'eten (52's nama) is
Ienn',.'l-ltct'rc going to tnlk abortt truo aclivities. Lcl's
Iisr(,l, S.ry Whlch do you likc.lte tter, surJittg or utorkellng'l
O Atter lhe book
Ilave S I rcpcat. Say .lrrrlilg is frur, bul I like nrorkelitg I lse a seleciion of Piclttre Cards Ss are farttiliar tvillt. Slrorr,

bt:tlcn I lavc S2 rc[)cat. Say I li['e botlr surfing ntul iury two c:artls. llave or)e stu(lent usk l1/llicl do yttt like
snorkeling,. I Iave Sl rr:l)cai. Ilave Sl and S2 s.t)' tllc (l"llol{ bctten (elephonls) or (giru.ffes)? I lave anolher ritu(lcnt
orr tlreir orvrr. l)o it lgain lntl have tllo rest of tlte Ss lnswcr trrrtlrlirlly, I lave Ss lilke lunls cltoositrg trvo cirnls
Ir:l)(ill. llla"v Cl ) tt lck Ali l . I lavc Ss liste rt arrrl lcltcitl lltc to irsk lrltoul.
trIIlf,?iltl i:,,:r::,,
r Read myllps (Tbacher's Culdep.'l6f;11''''
l,lslttt tttul r.,peilL
l'eter: lllriclt da ytrt like lrctter, sttr.fing or
(1tttt tsa)
:, *::ll$," 9::,:I:,* 9i:l
d *" p.
ul :.;-
It'rtrr1,i .lrrr,/irrg is tinr, ltrtt I lika snorkeling Activity llook p. 32 carr norv he assigrrr:rl for lronrcrvor L or
lrytter. (lxtttstl rrscd in e lirss. Se e ansrvcr key,'l'e acher's (itrirlt, p. l5lt.
ltetcr: I lika botlr xtrJitrg tttul stnrkelitrg. (lxtttst')

I lave Ss look at tlre rliil'crcrrt activitics n(:xt lo tlre rliaklg.

Say Lel's lnue lteter tr11l Jenny lulk about sorrte otlrcr
1 octl,,itits, llave trvo Ss (Sil arrri S,l) try thc [irst tlialog.
llavc Sl] say lt{rich do y61, like better, sing,ing or dnncing,?
I lave Si say Sllging is ltm, but I like dnncingbettar or
l)nttclttg ls furt, bul I like siugltrg bclter (wlriclrcvt. r is
trrre). I lave 53 say I like botlt slnglug and dnrrcirrg. Put Ss
irrto pairs anrl ltavc lhcrrr practicc the tlialog rvitlr tlre

'r&'# .m.*
rliffcrent at:tivilics. lirr rrtrruber 5, have Ss rrrirkc tlrcir orvn O GE lhten. soy.
rlilkrg rrsirrli trvo-ar:tivities tlrey likc to do. Ilavc sorrrc 100 stur! ddy Brfdd
lrairr sly tlrcir tliirkrgs in fiorrt ol'tlrc cllss.

Inlrorltrcr thc (lhant-a-grilfir

llcvir.rrv llru vot'ulrrtlar'),rvolrls. Sltorv Ss I'ictrrrc ( )arrls ,l I-, /
5(1. Say tlrc rvrlnls atrrl lrave Ss reltcai. Sh(,rv l,i(:lrtrc (:itr(l lhr@
ktu! o mu)r\ ry
tta\ I
d{ry *o'J* *,1I1*n
.l I arrrl ryritc orrcc ir n'eck on tltc lroulrl. l\rirtt to I'i('lruc
( iirrrl .l I . l:licit Ilorl o"llt:n do yttt g,o xtrfing? l\rirrt to orrt'r'
O tim urt.n. Ark. Antw.r.
lfr ot$ do |qi utry! ;lfitrda*nd'.

'#'m "$\8
a tvrclt (ll tllr: l)(,itr(l irrrrl s:ry I go rl.trfing oncc o tt,eck.

Hor oh6 dE5 .t$ lrt g? ehn!"idfi4J

Illvc Ss [rt)(f ll. I)rilrv a pir:ttrrr: ol'sonrt:one srtirtrrrrirrg on 0o

lltt: lrrrirrrl anrl groirrt lo a rrrale stu(lt: nt to clicit llotu o.ftett

ilots ltt g,o stt,ltttrttltrgl I lolrl rrll Itictrtrc ( lirrrl .l(i to tllcit Ilrr
goes stlittttttlng t:t,cry fl4.1,. llclrcal llre prrlr:e tltrrc rvitlt ir
felrtalr: strrrlcrrt air(l I'i(;lrrrL.(ilnls 42 and 4t) to elicit S/re. t$/1 I
gf,r I
ka o Nr *ie,
gncs srtorl-cli,t$ euery u,eckend.lle pcat lhc lrrocurlrrre
rritlr a grortp of Ss arrtl l)ic(rrre (iartls 4,1 anrl 5{) (o e licit O ,,F." Utlon. Wr0..
'l'hey g,o salling lil'irc a ntontlt.l)lay Cl) trat:k All? irntl l. ,t$ ${[ liil,r,
Irirvc Ss listcrr. l\lirrt lo llrc rvrlrtls as th()y arc r:lrirntr,rl. .a ti.
(Notc: 'l ht Oltrtttt-tt-13rrrll rvill lre rcviervcrl irrrtl tarrglrt in {}
lttore tlctail itt l.t:rsurt ,l.) il

l.lslan twl rltil,tt.

I, ol'tttt tlo ltrtr 14rt sttrlittl|i'
I 1io sttrlirtliottt't tr tut,tk.
I ltnu ol'tttt does ln, go stuittttttittli?

Unil5, Lesson 1 7.1

@ Buitd it! @ chont-o-srom
l luvt' Ss look at purt lt, l)lirr' (.1 ) tr:rck ..\ll l. l l;rr t, Ss listcrt
rrntl lr,pt'lt.
. Ss can talk about how often sorrrebody does
sometlring usirrg / go (surting) {euery weekend), ll, l.islett rttrd reltt,rtl.
I Ss can ask about wlrat peo;rle were doing using 'litrti: I luu, tl'tett tkt .t,ott l4rt.slr./irrgi' (
IIow often do you go (surling)? (Euery weekerul). .\r(,r(,,' lrrr.t,u'ctkltrl. t lttttttt')
. Ss can chant the ltow o{ten do you go surfingi l't,ttr: llott' ttltttt r/rrr'.s r/lr'11a sttr!irtlii' lltrtttsr')
clrant. lctutt,: l:1ryyys1'glp111!. (
lttttt st)

I l;tvc Sri pt ;tctit t, llrt' rlillog itt prrir s lot t'irclt l)i( tlr(' iu
Moteriols pnr t Il.
Iti('tlu(. (lards 4 l-50. (;l) (;
l litvc Ss kroL rtt llltrt ( 1. l'la1'(.1 ) lrirt k r\tlir. l litr t Ss listt'tt

O Belore the book itrrtl s'r ile llrt,rvrrttls lo cotrrPlt'tc lrtt lr sltttt'ttt t'.

\t/arrn-ttp / revlerv
l'l;rv \\'lrill's rrrlssllrg? ('li:ilclrer's (ittitlc p, l4) ttsittg l)i('ttilr'
(.rrrrls I | -50. C. l.isten nttil tyritt.
/. S/rr, gor,.s ttilirtll, r,t,tr.t' tltt.t'. (f.t)
Introduce granrmar 2. I le gx,s tt'itttlsttrlitt14 ttrry trtlt(, (l(tt'. (?t)
!1. :l lrav gt.slrorAr'/i rtg tltr*'tittt<'s tt rrr.r'k. Q.r)
llolrl trlr I'icttrre' (lards 4 I arrtl 49 arrrl say I go surfitrg t:tu'rv ,1. I lott, t4tctr tkt ltttt 1!r st'ttlut tliritrlii' lltt'it r' rt
rlr'r,lr'r,rrrl. I lave Ss sn1' l'olr go surJing, evcry rucert'crrrl. I Iavt' (2.r)
ir lrol' arrrl l girl corrrc to tlre ll'rlnt. (iivc I)icttrrt'Oitr<ls 42
;rrrtl ,lll to thc boy arrtl sav lle goes ntorkeling lltree linres o
5. I luuttJlan tktts lr 1io sttrJitrl4i' lit't't y dttt'. (2.()
6. I ltnp tllett tlo llttl' srtilittli:' ltt'rt' u,*'kord. ex)
rlr,r'f,'. I Iavc Ss rel)cirl. (iive l)ir:trrrc (lards 4ll lntl 50 lo llrc 1io

gir I :rrrrl say' .Slre goe.s sutba diuitrl1 lruice a ntotrtlt. I Iavt: Ss
rr,l)('irl. (iivc lltt l\v(, Ss l)ictluc ( litrtls 4.1 arrrl ,lT nrrrl say (llrcck Ss' iurs\\'ors lry lrirvirrg irrrlivirlrurl Ss tirist' lltt'ir
'I Iranrls lrrtl sir)' tl!(' slitt('nr('nls or rliirkrgs.
lrct'14o suilittg e,uery ollrer rlay. I lave Ss rol)cal.
\Vritc.l'rrrr / lto I sltc I t&, I tlrc), I/ anrl tlrarv a largc
rlttt'sl iort trrark ot t llrt lroartl. I lolr"l ugr l)ict ulo (ltrd 4 l ,
l lirve Ss lorrk :rt the lktu, o.ltttr rlo trut lio srrrlitrql? clr;tttl irl
l)oinl l(, the tlttr.sliott nt;rrk irrtrl 1'ott atrtl siry, llott, oJlen do
()nrtl 49 tlrt: lrottorrr rrl p. ll{i irt llrc Sturlt,rrl llook. I'lrrt'(.1) trrrck
1'ott go atrtingl llnve Ss rr.1relt. lloltl up l'}iciurr:
irrrrl clie it li1t1'ry,21tq,sls1lrl. l'nittt lo.slr, orr tlrc llonnl, lrolrl r\tll irrrrl lrirvt'Ss listcrr.
rrlr I'it'lrrrc (larrl 42 antl say' llutu oJien does she g,o
strorktlirrg? I lavc Ss rcl!('tt. I krltl trp l)icture (ltrtl 48 arrtl
clit'it ?lrree llntes a rueek,
I.isl ett tr tt tl ctut trt.
l)ivirlc ittto group A atrtl gtoup lt. Iklltl u1l l)icturc
I Itttt, o.lirtt tkt ltttt lirr sttttirtl|i'
( -:rrrl ,15 alrrl poirrl lo orrc oI llrc
llronotrrrs orr (lre lloartl. I sttrJittll ott<'t' tt tttrk.
I l;rvr. lirorrlt A nsk Ilorrr o/u klo llrc)) go ruitrrlstrrJing?
I loty t4tttt tltrs ltt'
Iloltl rtp otre ol llrt I)ictttrc (ltltls 4{)-5(}. Ilavc grrtrll ll
I le goes su,ittttttittll trery tltt1,.
iuf s\r(,r (liyer],allu,r tlrr1,./ accortlirrg to llre carrl y,ou lroltl
rrp. ( -orrtirrrre rlith otlrer l)ronoulls anrl cartls. I lave I loru tl'tarr r/rrr'.s .sltc go sttorkalirtg?
.S/tr' grrr r rtorlr'/i t't'r'rt' tlttkttul.
lloul)s clrnrrgc rolcs rvitlr t'lr:lr ncrv (luestion. .s r t1;
I ltnt tl'tatr tltt tltay gt xtilitrl4i'
'l lrc1,.go xrilitrg ttuice a truttrth.
O Open lhe book ()h, u'ltttt Jittr!
:tt tt! l:tt
I tt! I :t ttt!
Ilrrvl Ss trrnl l(, Stttrleltl llrrok p. ll7 atrtl look at plrrl A. l'lav
(.1) trlrck Allll. Illvc Ss liste rr iurtl rcllelt. l)ivirlc Ss irrto grottp A rtttrl grottp ll. I lirvr,grottlt A cltlnt
tlrt'rprcsiiurrs arrtl grotrp ll clrlrrrl llrc arrsrlcrs. I tavr. tlre
clirss togctlrer clrnrrt thc tlrrcc slill('nr(,lrls arrrl tlrc lrrsl lirre.
Ilur,r'grottps cltange rolcs itttrl cltitttl lltt'cluttti itgliu.
rl. l.istett ttttd rcputt,
.Slcrr': I1yt srtrJittlitl'c,y ut('(k(tt(I. (l)(uts(.l
O Afier lhe book
It,ttrtl': S/rc grrr,.s.srrrf ,U: et'(ry u,eekerttl. (ltrtttsr)
l'lay Say it last! (lbachc:r'.s (iuitlc p. l7).
Slt'.tlrc rrrrrrrlrer oI t'ur:lr l)ictur(, in purl A. IIave Ss s:r1, tlrt' I )ivitlr Ss irrto srrrall gr{)ul)s irrrrl grlirv Nly cltaltt
s('nltn('cs. Sly' l lrr. rrrrrrrlrt'rs l -,1 irr nrrrtlotrt ortlcr. I litvt: ( leaclrcr's (itrirlc p. 2I). Ilavr: s()nll 11oul)s pcrlirrtrt tltt'ir
irrrlivitlrral Ss sly tlre s('nlcnces. r:lurnls lirr tlrt, rcst oI tltc t:litss.

i,l Unil 5, Lesson 4

Iroarrl, rvritc rvrlrtls rvith lhal sutrrrtl anrl say llre rvrlrrls.
I Iavc tlre rcst of tllc Ss rcpcirt. (lorrtirrrre rvitlr tlrc

frr],o,. p"r*lves (Teacher's Gulde p. l?) ' ''- ' , .' rt:rnirining sorrrrrls anrl spcllirrgs fronr Ilnit.1.

\ *J-*ru:rv-9t-9.qr:-tJ}.Jlift l.I9*,9,].lg:"p:Js) Ileview thc letters and sounds of rr

Write tlre le tte r rr on the lloartl.'l'cll Ss thcrc ilrc l\vo
Actir,ity'lkrrrk p. llll t'arr norv lre irssigncrl for lrorrrervork or (lartls tlrrit 5 ("1 ll
1,11. Use e nlarge tl l)honlcs
sorrrrtls, tr aurl
trse rl irt t:lass. Sce ans\\,er ke y,'l'e aclrcr's Gtridc p. l58.
l4:'l'cachcr's (itrirlc p. 79) and shorv Ss lltc rr u'orrls. Sa1'
Nuxl lcssorr: llrirrl; plpcr, scissors, ltalrcr clips, llcrrcils, st'ttbtt rllt,irtg,, ltulet, ntlenWhlclr sottntl is IIre somo? I lavr:
nragnrts antl string if y'orr clroose to rlo thc opiional Ss say rr. l)o tlre satnc lilr thcy,r rvrlrtls. l'lace all lltc carrls
activity ltlronics fishirrg ( l'clche rl Grridc p. I {l). on tlre lloartl. llcatl the rvortls on lhe cartls, enrplursirirrli
tlre u rlrl,rr srlrrrrtl, antl poirrt to tlre rvorrls as yrlrr relrl
tlrern. I lavc Ss ropcat. l:ocrrs Ss' atterrtiorr orr lhc (lifli'rr: nt
rvays tlris sorrnrl rniglrt lle spelletl - ui or cou, e.g. li'rtit,
hcarrtilirl. lixplairr the rnearring ol'any rvorrls Ss rkl rrol
rrntle rstadd. lbint to the carcls irt rarrrlotn orrkr attrl lxtvc
irrrlivirlual Ss rrarrrc thcrn.

Pronunciotion note
qrpliq tt I ntl, tt /jrr:/ (Sce pronrrnciatiorr table on "lt'acltt'r's
t,f (itrirlc p. l-r,)
"" '#t *. **:
@ open the book
,tx .,,':'i,i'1 r,,,".,rffi A
llave Ss trrnl to Stutlcrrt tlook p. 38 arrrl krok at part A. l'}lir1'
O[) track Atl6. llave Ss listcrr anrl poirrt to thc pictrrr('s.

tt Sr0' s{ Sstdy.

ffru[r{Jlnv.tll-.- lonidn'w't'go{n0b|
b !li*'M
A. l.isltttr, pohtl rtttd repent.
A . - .- -. . I Lotx lood hd! W't' golrE blllon (lxtttsc)
\ tx ...-*...---. - . too. lt I hsun[l thc, Pl'Y
tx {rl ----' u, u ,t, u (l,ttu\r )

r'atooIitl----.'.- --- *-.-- daM'bo Iomfr're'n

tt, tt, sclrlta dit,ittll (lrilttst') tt, tt, ttkultle (l,iltli.')
h --,-- tt, tt, ltttltt tlnusa) il, tr, nrrrsir' lltrttt:t)
0w{ tct ..--* -
.-.- - .
- , rrtfi h'o lohe '
-. *...--.-.
tt, u, rttlcr (T.tttttst') tt, lt, tnt$elun ll)tttt\.'l
l)lly tlrc Ol) ngnin. Ilave Ss liste rr lntl rcl)o01.
O 6tE tlrts. Nmber.
(ll) a lhird linre. ilavc indivi<lual Ss repeat
l)lay thc thr.
,t It{ qri ffil . ilcrns,
t hih,ro Usc tlrc l'lronics (litrtls. Slrorv thc picluros irnrl ask
& (sl d{ lllmt's tlrc unrd? I lave indivitlrral Ss write lhc rvorrls orr
llre lloartt.
1 llavc Ss lrrnr to Strrrlertt Ilook ;lp. 34-35 anrl look lt tlrt.
tnain scencs. I lave tlrenr fintl anrl narne pictures of \r'or tl:
tlrat corrtirirt tlre lrltortics sottrrrl llrcy lritvc frrst k:urrrt.rl.

@ Reod itl
(Arrsrver: scrrba rlivirrg.)
lvVrite r-ftrron llrc boarrl. llave a stu(lenl rlritc tlrt,
lcttcr u in thc sltace. l)o tlrc sanrc rvitlr tlrc rrtlrt:r rlrrrtlr,
Ss can pronounce, read and wrlte the two sounds of
,1, llcview llre rvortls conll)utcr, birtlrcctrc itrrrl rrst:. l\rirrt lrr
cat:lt wrlrrl arrtl say il. Ilave Ss r(rl)(,ill. I\rirrl orrt tlrl
arlditiortal spcllirrg trc in blrbecrre.
Molreriols: ' ri 11 'fr"- : | ' lVtitc rrutrll- lcl on llrr"r lroarrl, I lnvc rr strrrlcr I rr r tt'
r r

Irhonlcs Crr(ls lrnlt 5 ('l'll I4:'lbaclrcr'.s (hri<lc p. 711),

tlrc lt:ttcr u irr the spnce. l)rr thr: sunrc rvitlr thc ollrrr
(.t) revicrv rvorrls.
Ilnvc Ss lrrnl lo Slrrrlcrrl llrlok p. ll8 arrrl krok ut pirr t ll
Say ?ilri u'role on e-mail letter to Surrtll,utril llctlt,'s
O Before lhe book rutil it.l'lay (il) trl(:k Atl7. Ilave lis llstr:n lrrtl n'ritc tlrr:
1 Iclturs tlrul rrrlke lltc l or )'rr sorrtrrl irr tltc lrllnts,
Warrrr-tr1l / revicw
Wrltc tlrr. lrf tt(f rs oIonr: ol'tltc sottrtrls frotn llrr: ll*trl it!
pagc irr lInit.l (!n tlre lronrrl, c.g. r,y. llavc Ss go lo tlre

Unil5, lesson 5 75
ll. l.islctr ond u,rite,
I li lh'th arul *trtrly,
I rtt t si t
r t
11 I tt t trlts rtttrt 1tt t t rr. li t t t i tr;l t t, utdr( gt, i t E I t o
t (

lutr lt,rtrc. I likr tlrc fixxl lu,rt. lllrre goittg, to listatr lo

I\tiitt,, rttttsit., too. lt's ltutrttitirl.'l'ltey pktv tlte
ttkrtlrle .'l hay do t ltula dunce, too.'litrttorrtnu, u,dre @;a.;"riil
1ittitr14 st'ttlxt diuitt14.'l'lrtrt u,c're g,oirtg lo rt tnust'u,rt. O P.od. Wrllr.

littti r ti Uvrur.Ars 16 a
I lNi1tunrli.r. lLfy t'

1*..-n" I
( lrlr l: \s'
irrrs\r'('tri lr1'hat'irrg irrtlivirlturl Ss n'trtl ltrc
h. d(ot t0 h tha a*rmhg
t l!",,,,., t. r/..., . . lt.-.".,' r....,,,1

b in. h, I lh hnnh b.rb. t{n, t

t ltil (,rd\,1,E 1r. trl hrylt
(: I plotli(altrrl|[onaktl
i rrcy U c* rmy mf cov, t
Ilrrrl Ss lrrtn l(, Strrrlcrrt llrlok 1t. llll arrtl look ll part (1. llurfAn*m*rmytO t ttqr,tr' , .i iii.,l,r *,r.r,
I'l;rr' ( ll) t rirck Alllt. I lirve Ss lisrr,rr lnil l'ill lrr tlrt' rvortls trs dnuha fo dEfr lt*rt.
tlrr'\' lrtlr tlrcrn.
O Art your lrlcndt Wrllo

(,. l.i.stcr utul turila.

l. I lrc girl u'.',tl st',tl)il diuirrK rtttd lrrtltt tlttttcittl4. e.r:)
J. lli, luul t lxrlx'crrc tuith t ltickctt, Ji'uit and nttrsit'. (2.r)
.1, ('(ut I ttse tlu, rttlrr lx,ltitttl tlt( tot,,l)ut$? (Z.r)

\\r itr. tlrc scnl0n('(.s rvitlr tlrr: lrlirnks orr llrc (.ltcck
Ss' irrrs\ lrt,lrnvirrg irrtlir.irlrrirl Ss go to llre lluanl arrrl
rr r itt. llre rlonls irr llre lrlanks. Ilave ilrdividual Ss rcatl tlte
\t'rIt(,tI( ('\.
l lirvl Ss look :rt tlle l)icluto. l\rirrt to tlrr, pictrrrc tntl nsk
ll Irir'lr .scrrtr,rrcc i.s llli.sT I lirvc Ss rvrite tlte rrurrrller ol tlrc
( rrr r(,('l rt,nlr'il('(. rtrrtk'r llrt' pit'trrrc. (Atrsrvcr": lt'.s ll.)

o Afler lhe book

( e,

Proctice it!
l'l;tt It'anr hrirllrstornrlrrg ('li.achcr's (irritk. p. I1)).

. Ss can understand and produce thls unlt's target ,,
. F'lll ln the blanksl (Teacherb Guidc p. lS) tanguage.
. Tongue twlsters
. Ss can read the story about Ann and rvrite answers
to tlre questious.
I lave Ss say lhe thrce senteuces in part C as
tongue twlsters. Start slowly aird gradually
increase the pace. Have Ss try to make their own Moteriols
tongue twislers, using words that contain the rr or
yrr sound. . ,,. :
.. , .. l)ictttrt' ( laltls .l 1,50
r Phonics llshlng (Teacher's Guide p. l8)

.\r tir itv lkrok p. ll'l r:ittt rtorv lle lssigrrctl lirr lronrt'rvork
O Before lhe book
rrrr,rl irr llirss. Sre iutsrv(:r kr'1,,'li'aclrt'r.'s (iuirlr' p. ll-rll. Wirrrrr-rr1l / revlerv
(.lrirrrt llre (:lt(utt.d-g,u,,, t(,g(!tll(,r. \Vritc tltc six prorrorrrrs
orr llre lroarrl. l)ividc Ss irrlo grorrp A arrtl grorrgr ll. I lrrlrl trp
ottc ol'l'ictrrrt'(lnrrls .{ l-45 trrrrl poirrt to orrc of ttrr:
lllon{)uns orr tlrc lutarrl. I lavc gr oull A ask llorl o,/lcl (rlocs
slre) (gtt xrillttg)? I loltl trp orrr, ol l)ictrrn, (.irrrls
,l(i"50. Ilrrvr. grorrll ll arrsrver (litu,ry &t1,,) ircr.orrlirrg to llrc
citxl \,ritt lroltl rrp. (hrrlirrrrt'rvitlr ollrt,r lrrorroulrs irrrtl
t'artls, r'lrarrgirrg rolt's trl tt'r' t:r,r'r1. ol ltcr r';r r rl.


7(i l.lnit 5. tesson 6

@ open lhe book
A Ss t,,t lkl.k 1i. :ll) .rrrl l.,k at 1l.rt A.,l.cll
to Strrrlcrrt
thclrr lhat tlruy are going to rctirl n 11urrn*e alttl Lnslvcr
t;rrcstiorrs about it. Ilavc inrlivirlrral Ss taic ttrrns rcading
tlre rlrrcstions so llrat thcy krr<nv rvhal irrlbrrnation they
are looking for.'l'hen, lravc Ss rcad rhe passage silently.
Altt: r thcy lrave finisherl re arling, ask initivi<tunl Ss to
allslve r the four t;'l'ht: n, have all Ss rvrite the
alllitvors. Walk arornrrl thc classrooln and helll Ss if
neccssar)/. I lnve Ss rvho lravo rvrilten appropriate anstvers
rvrito llrcir anslvcrs on tlrc boartl as a sample for the
olhors. Satnplc iulsrvcrs ilrr: :
l. \ts, she rlo0s.
2. No, slrc tloesn'l. {Slte likes lerrrris nrore.)
It. (She ;rlay's telrnis) [rtur linres a rvcek.
.1. (She has to rlritrk \virtor) evory ten rninrrtes.

llirvc Ss trtill to llart ll. I lave Ss rvalk arotrncl the roonr,
asking <liffe re nt fricnrls olre of the I lorv oftelr ... ?
r;truslions. l lave Ss ask thcir frientl to sign their nanre
rrrrrlcr Nnrlc arrtl rvriic tlrcir frictrrl'.s answe r rrntler
Ansy,'er.. llave Ss try to ask as rnaliy rlifferent pcopte as
ltosslhlc. After tlrcy lirrlslr, lrirvu Ss rnakc scnierrces alxrrrt
tlteir fricnrls, ttory pla1,s uldeo g,anrcs et,cry da),, lf ut
irnsrlor is le,ft blarrk, rernind Ss they knorv howio siry t.Inry
neuer plays yideo gortes.

O Afier the book

l'lay lluzz ('l'eacherl ( lrride p. l9).

r{ ,
),oyrqTttory('Ibach.efsGuldep. te) i:1i,,.;
aslmplified verslon of Annb story on the ;. ,
boad: My namel (student's nimel, ini rroi' iioo nrrv,
twm_c). I.IIW sryrts. In the urlntet my
fiwrtti spo,is'

dlE (sw;t
ry.ie1and 6ji;;
ISlYltl namol antJ fc6^jt rn,*,r r- rL- ^..----- ,j;I

kpon lsfun,butl ltke

ploy (s@rl namd humberof
name) more, : i
!!g"$Wn, (numqsr o! tlmasl
times) tlmac rrnoh ri',.. t
ilmei an wrei.
ridad.Jk*Ga,-****,&a,*l".***"",i,* w*-.1;::;:;:.i;*f

Activiry llrurk gl. 3r'r carr ,orv lle assignetl [or rrol,ervrlrk
rrserl irr class. See ilnsrver key,'l'eaclie r,s Grritle p. l5t).
thirt Ss huvc c'rrrplcrcrl U.iili, lhey can g<l to tire llarutnl!
1ta1;c, A<'tivity llrok 11. 70 trrrl r:olor rrrrrrrlie r l-r or.arrge.
N".*, lcsson: ltring a stollrvatch to play Beat the tirnc
('lL.aclters (irritlc p. l.l).

Unil 5. lesson 6 ;7
(Ip Frequency dice gome

t r.i
( )

they WE


( lhree limes

t: o week

l: she :l /----\ *-*-\

rl t, /
\. ,.,/ ,"/

:\ once 0 ' every olher lwice o

t: :1 I

:1 week : weekend week


t: ,.) I

\: /./
\ / (
t: : I
| OnCeO I

t: month I



. every doy


lroltttl. llue tltcrtt eontittttt'1llat'irrg rrrrtil all tlre rrctivitit's lravt'lrelrr rrserl.

;ll tJnil 5, Teoclrer Rel;roducible l3 O Peorson Irlrrcoliorr Asirr lirrrilcrl

3<( r
e9 Phonics
Cords Unit 5

sc bo diving h-lo
L -

r- ler kulele
T -


M-SIC m _seum

@ Peorson Iducolion Asio Limiled Unit 5, Teocher Reproduciltle l4 7lt

O 'a,I'rll lhtoo Numbor sto'y O (lllr Urrro.
)1 .,t. t '

Irttrurltree vocultulnry
u,r're EoittE lo tulll ttlxtttt crttttplttli,ll ltttt do tt,r,
Srtr, 7itrlrt1,
dtt lo st,t u1t ctrrtrlr? ll'hol anr I tloittl4? Nlirrrr' pit kirrlg rrlr
@ Tolk obout it! (vocobutory| rrrcks. Srtl' ltick up the nx'ks.l lirlt Ss rr'pr,itt tlrt rvorrls arrrl
llte lt'lion. Ilsc l)icltrrr'(lirrrls 5I 55 to irrtrorlrrcr.llrr.
n'ortls, tkrittg irrr action [irr t';rllr onr'. Illrvc ss t('l](':tt \\'(,t(ls
Torget itttrl at:liorrs, I lolrl trll tlrr. t'lrrrls tr11:rirr rrrrrl lrrt orrr;r11r'Ss to
Ss can polnt lo and nnnre pick up tlrc rocks, pttt up the tt'nrettrlrcr llrt'rvolrls irrrtl stry llrr,rrr, tlrrirrll tlrt,;rt'tiorr.
lcnt, put doil,n the ltuckpack, turn on the lantern, tunt SavNrrrl tut,'re goittg lu lrtlk rtltottt tltirtl4s u,t, t,at t.,lr?r,
olf the tloshlight, a lot of corrt, a lot of ltotato tuego catnltittg. Ilolrl ul) l'i(:tln(! (.trrtls !r(i li0 trrrrl slr\ llrt
salud, u little puclding, a lot of sandwiclrcs and afew. tvortls. I Iirvr.Ss r('l)(.ill. I lolrl rrp llrl llrrtls lrl1lirr ;rrrrl
umrslttuullotus, cncouritgc Ss lo rt'rtrcrnlrlr tlrr.rtortls irrrtl strt tltctrr.

Moteriols Lonouooe note

Stoptvittt'lr, ,)i('trlr(' ( lirrtls ,l I (i0, (:l ), lk'rlrrt't'rl l,ictltr(' Wt't'ittt ttsr. rt /o, ry' rllrcn u'r't;rlk ;rlrorrl lrotlt
( rrrrls 5I.-(i0 ( li,trclrr,rls (irrirlt' p. I75) (oltc coPv lirr cottntalrlt'iln(l un('ountlhlt' rrorrtrs: tt lttt rrl
citt'lt 1grottp) .srulrltt,ir'ltr's irrtrl c /ol tl *tltttl.llorrlrr't, rr./i'rl ir orrly rvitlr crrtrrttltlllc nou nc (/l li't t, ttr t t t ttrl/orrr),
t r

n'lrilc a /illlr,is trsctl orrlY rvitlr rrrrcotrrrtrrlrlt' rrorrrrs (rr

O Before lhe book littlt lttttlrlirtl1). (lorrrrtrrblc trorrrrs lurvt lrrr.s lt llrr.r'rrrl
itr tlrr' plrtral; ullcoulllill)lc rrorrrrs tlorr't lrirvt' :r plrrrirl
\i'arnr-rr;t / revlerv lirr rrr.
I'lnt llcll tlrc llrrrr'( li.irclrcr's (itritlt'p. l.l) trsing l,ictur('
( ;rrtls I I li() to trrvit'rv tlre vucirlltrlltrY h'our llrt' llreviorrs
Slro\{ I'i('tur c ( larrls ,l l -50 one irt a l irrrt' irrrrl lrirve Ss
@ Open lhe book \(,nt('n('('alrorrt t'lrclr cirrrl, c.1i. gurJing) Ioo['.s li['e Ilirvc Ss tunr io Slrrrlcnt llylk gr;1. .l() .l I itrrrl look ;rt llrl
littt or I (go u,itrdsurling,) (erary day). l)i('tttros irt tltt' ltoltorrt ol tlrr'1iir1it.s. l'lirr' (.1 ) trirck ll l.
Ilitvt. Ss listt'rr arrtl l)oinl to tht, pictrrrr,s.

,l{} I l,ril 6. lCsSOn I


rl. Liste,t, Itoi,rt u,td r.,lx,(tt.

\ ltick ttlt rltrr ror'('.s (Ttttttsc)

l)ttt ul) lltt l(nt (
ltrrt tltttt,rr tltt lurcl'ltttck
lur,t oil tln lttttltrn (lxtttsrt)
@ Tolk obout iil (Diotossl
tunr o.ll tlw lltulrlight (ltrtrtse)
- ---?---
tt lol of cortt l)(uts() L y {-rr 1,!}, , .: .,1
tr bt oJ'ltotttttt *tlutl (lxtuse) Ss can say'Iet'ssrii up the campsite,Ss can ask anrl
':.: answei Wat do'tue htivdto da? Ptck up the rocks.
u littlc ptultlirtg (
ltrtrt stt)
tt lot of vrndtuicln.s (
ltrtrtso) "Tlwnputup the tent., :,,, :; i'".i ,, .: ;i'

tfttt,ttrarsltrtutllou,s (ltttttsc) o r Ss can ask and answer,Is k OK lf we ga

fishlng now?
i' . I :rr OK but come back at 5:30 lor dtnfi€ri:ij;i ' ,

i',,, . : Sr can aek and answer IIo

l)liry tlrc Ol) agairr. Ilave Ss listcn and repent. w much cttrn ls therc?
I ,1 ."\ lherv's d lot and How tnany ma;shmallotus are
I'liry' Ol) tra(k lt2. I lavc Ss listcrr arrtl nrunlrer tlre
' there?Thercareafau,,'.,,'.',t'.. :
lr l: Ss can ask and answer Wafs the .tnatter? I ha.,( an
,;";''earache. SS can sugges tWy donlWu go lle dounl
' .:" and respond with I rfu n[ I rrllL' fl I :, r',. rr*'1"

I|, Lislt,,t find nttrttber, ui6,r*u, r.ti o:1,iu,,u,fi:cjrc*ilt,il!.i. 1l

Ji,tu ttrtrsltttrttllott,s (2"r)
l)ttt ,tp tl,t: ttt,tt (2"r) Moiedols , :

Nrrrrrlrr'r'.'1. tt lttt o.l',rrtrtt (2.t) I


l)i('trrr() (.artls 5l-60, Cl)

Nrtttrltar .1. tunt oJl'thc llttslrliglrt (Z.t)
Nrttttln'r 5. a lot o[lxttttto xtlrul (2"()
Nttttrltcr ti. ltick u1t tltc rocks
Nttrnlrr 7. a littlc lnttltlittg
(2.r) O Belore lhe book
Ntttrrlter ll. ltrtt tlou,rt tlta lxu:k1xx:k (2.r) Warnr-rrp / revlcw
A'tttrtlrrrr.(.). u ktt of sutttlttit'ltes (2.t)
l'lay'111 llr rlrrlcr ('li:ar:lrcr's (irrirlc p. l5) rrsirrg l,i(.tut(.
Nrttrtln'r 10. tttrtt o,t tlrc lfl,ttcnt (Zt) (,artls lil-(i().

(lheck Ss' ilnswers lry sa.ving tlrr: nrrnrlters arrd havirrg Ss l)lay, lr11x1 octlrltr ('loitcltr:r'.r (irrirlr: p. ll'rl trsirrg Itir trrrr.
(larrls 5I -(i0.
1 say llls correspontlirrg vocallrrlary rvorcls.
Sa1' the vocalltrlirry rvrlrrls in ranrlonr ordcr. I Iavc Ss Introdrrce dialogs
rcp(firl, poirrlirrg lo t:ilr:lr <lrrc.
Sity Cltllr nnrl l)onny nre at srtntt,tcr c$ttt1t,'l'ltt.1, 1y1,111
Illvu Ss grolrrt to antl lrnrrrc llie ttrrcs ol tlrc vocatrtrlary e'anoclrtg and now they're goinq la centp ouanrlglrt.l,l,ltttt
rvrlrrls lhcy (:iilr sec in llrc rrrairt scctlcs. (Arrsrvcrs: l)ut ul) ure tltay iloing?
llre tt:rrt, llrrl rkrrvn the llat.klxtck, a lot of corn, a ferv
l)ialog l: I litve trvo Ss (Sl antl Sl) go to tlrc li:orrl. l\rirrr
Inarslr lrrallorvs.)
to Sl arrrl say ?'lls ls lune, Sltc's tlrc counselor,l\rirrt to 52
I lavr: Ss look'frlr the lrirlrlerr trrrtlc in lhc nrain scenes. ittttl siry'l-hls is Donn1,. Starrrl n(lxl tu Sl atrrl sly l.rl!.scl
(r\rrsrvcr: It s br:lrintl (lhips riglrt shoe in scene.l.) ttlt llrc cnrnpsite. I lavc S I rcllcat. Sttrntl rrcxl to 52 ;rrrtl sar.
llrlmt do tue ltoye to do? lllvt: 52 r'cpr,;rt. Still(l ltr.\r to S I
anrl say l)it:k rtp tlre rorks,'l'ltetr prrt ult tl,( t.,,tt. I lirvt. S I
1 O After the book rcl)eat. IIavc Sl antl 52 liay tll(j rliirltrg trg;rirr olr orvrr.
I)l11'l\llrrrc ltl llclay ('l'elcltur'..i (irrirle 11. 20) tr5i11g lk:tlucctl I Iclp thcrtr hy rvlrisltcring llrr:il lirrcs il rrtr:t'ssirr.\,. I )o it
l'ir:lrrre ( ,irrls 5l-55 ('liracltcr'.s (itrirle p. 175) or aliain alrd have thc resl ol'llrc Ss rcpcul.
(iro;rcrulive ltlcasso ('l'cirt.lrt:r's (irritlc p. IS) ltsinU llerlucctl I)ialog 2: I lavc trvu otlrt r Ss (Sil arrrl S.l ) go lo tlrt, ll orr r.
l)i('ltltr'(lirrrls5{i {i(}('li,;11111.p'.;(irrirlt:p.175).\ttrrt:lrr l)oirrt lo Sll irrrrl say ?7ri.r' is Cltllt.I)oint to S.l artrl sly TIir lr
colrrlrirrc all lhe ctrrls irrtrl le t Ss clroose rvlrr:rlrcr thcy wiurt lrure. Say Clrip wants to go_lislting. Starrrl rrext to Sll irrrtl
to tlrittv ot'ttt:l t'rrclr orrr'. siry Is il OK it'u,e go fisltlng trou,'/ I llvr: Sll rcl)citt. Sliln(l
f rcxt to S4 ariil $ily Otri. $ui r:onrc tnck il S:50
[ar ilitttrcr,
IIlve S,l rrpt: itt. Ilavc tlrc Ss sly tlre rlialog tglin orr tlrrir
orvrt. I)o il lgtirr antl lrirvc tltr rcst of tho Ss
I)ialog ll: I)lacc l)ictrrre (lartls 5(i arrrl (i0 orr tlrr: lro;rrtl.
llrirrt to l)i(:trlro Oartl 5(i lntl ask llort, ttrrtrlt ntrtt is tltart,i,
Ilavc Ss rol)cilt. Say ?Irrrrrrb a lol, Ilave Ss rt'pt:lt. l\rirrt to
l)ictttrc Cflrd 60 arrd ask llotu tttttny nturslrtrtrtlltttus urt
r\ctivitl, llook p. ll6 t:an norv be assigrrcrl [rrr lronrervork or
ttscrl irt class. St:c alls\ve r ke 1,,'l'e aclre r'l (irrirlrr 11. l5t). tltereT I lave Ss rel)cal. Sity 'I'lrcre nre a/errr, I lavc Ss rrpr.irt.
l)ialog 4: I lave trvo rlllrer Ss (55 and S(i) go ro tlrt lrurrr
Ncxt lcssonl llring a strrllc<l anintill if yorr clroose to
ilo tlru olrtionitl activity'lilss lhe anlnral ('lirire lrur's (irritlt:
l\rirrt trr 55 artrl sny ?Iris ls lune.lroint to S(:i lrrrl sir1. ?lri.r i.r
l)onn.y,.Sity [)onnylooLsslcL.. Sllrtrt trcxt to S5 urrtt s;rr
p. l{i).
lltltal's lltet tttulter? I Iavc 55 rr: lleilt. Slarrrl rrcxt to S(r, lrulrl
\/(,rrr eirr as if it hrrrts arrrl sa1, I lraye an enrnclrc. I Iirlt. Srr
lcl)c.rt, both rvorrls artrl ar:tior-t. St;rnd ncxl to S5 irrrrl s,rr

Unrl6,lessorr 2 lll
ll'lt1,don't ytrtt go lie dawnl I lnvc 55 rcl)elt. Slall(l ltcxt r(,
S(i ulrtl say I tllftrl.l rolll. I ltvc S(i relteat. I lavc tlru trvo Ss
sny llre tlinkrg agnirr orr lltcir rrrvn. t jo it aglin arrrl ltlvc l).1)iukt1i4,
llrc rcst 0f tlr0 Ss r('lx'irl.
l.islett trrtd poinl.
Irtttr,: ll:ltut's llta tttttttcri'
@ open the book l)tttttt1,: I ltttt,t, tttt
lVltl,rkttit trttt
lrt ttt,: 1gt lit tlrnrtt:'
I l;rlr.lurut lo Strrrlcrrl Ilook pp, 40*4 l. lrrtrodltco tlt(,
l)ttrtrr1,: I thittkl u,ill.
rrr;rin sccltos by lllaying (ll) track llll. Liston arrrl poirrt to
tlrr'grcopkr rlr ulrjccls as tlrcy irrc nlcnli(,ne(|. Mrrrr li.slclr fitul rqrutl.
lSttttteits alnt,e, lntt utclt litte is srtitl orrct, rt,itlt l lttut\t'
litr Ss to tt'l)t\tt.)

O. l.lsten to the story, l)ttt Ssirrlo Jririrs or grorrl)s oI lirrtr trrrrl lrar.t' lltr.rn plrlticc
Itt ( lttttukt, lltt utttrltus tt't,ttl t\ttNtt,iil1i.'l'ltey lutut, to scr tlre tliirlogs. Illvc sorrte pirirs act (,ul tllc rlillog.; ilr lrorrt ol
ul, tltc tt',tts, ltttt Jirst, tltey ltnw lo ltick up tlte rocks. tltt't'lass.
(.lti1t rttttl lhnny uurtt to
1qo Jislting. ltttre sa1,s OK, ltrtt
tlta, ttr.'t,,r,t'ltu,k il S:il? lir linnt,r lht ltut tltittk.
tltr-t:ll uttclr a lisltT lt's lt:45.'Ihe catrrltt,t.s ere cilti,,g,
lhrtrtry atrd Olrilt ttrc htte, brtt tltate's t ktt o|tintl.lltltttt
O Afier lhe book
Ilevicrv the rvortls rvalerrrrt'lotr, r.irnrnrt'l t'orrr, r.;rnrl\. hars
tlo .t'tlt src? I lort, lrut u,er ttutrshtttilllott,s urr tt
itttrl ltrrlrvltics orr Slrrtlcrrl Iluok ;t. ,l t. Siry rvoltl irrrrl
t.ttttrllirci' I lwlre dcliciorr.s.,Mrrrr, it's rti14ltt.'l lte kids rrre Ititve Ss rcl)L'itt. I lavc slrorv llrtv trnrlt,rsl;tnrl lltl
sitlirrg llt., conrltlirc ttul sittll,irtg crmrlr.sorrgs. /I ls
rrr'.r'l to
rvortls lly <lrurvirrg l,iclrlrt.s (,n tll('lx)itr(l rir rrraLirrg a
ctxtltt'at rtigltt.'l lre kids aro u,crtring jockt,ts.Wlurt's tlra scnt(!nce usinll olt(. of llre rvortls.
t,ttttt(r n'itlt l)otrtt1,? lltt lurs an utruc|rc. lotrc.srr1,s /rr,
sltttttltl lir tltnrn. l)lace l)iclrrre Carrls l-rl-li5 on tlte lxtitr(l as:r reli'rt.lrt'r'_
l'tti Ss irrto llairs flrrtl lravc tht'nr l)ril('ti(.r..tli;rlog I trsing
tlillt'rcrrt vtrcirltrrlarl, itcrrrs, r..g. 11'hnt ilo tye hare to iltt?
I'l;rv (.1) tracks ll4-1t7. l:or caclr rliakrg, ltirve Ss first listcrr (l,rtt dounr tlrc backpack.)('l'hon trtr,, ort th( lantern.)
irrrtl poirrt to lhe clraraclers spcakirrg arrrl llrerr rcl)cat f ltc
tlirrlog. I)lacc l)ictrrre (l;rrrls 5ti-.511 on tltt' lclt sirlr.of tlrt'lrorrrtt
ittttl I'ictrrre (lartls 51) (i(l orr tltl right sirle o[ tltt. lroarrl. l,trt
Ss irrlo rrcrv llirirs ltrrrl lln,r'llrt.nt purctir.r. tlilrlog il rr,iirrg
tlillcrt'rrt vot'ahtrl:rry iterrrs, r'.g. llorr mttdt lrotillt, salud ls
l). Diolog l. llrere? tl lor.'l'ell Ss llrat llro u'orrls on llt('l(.lt t.lrr be rrscrl
l.islen nnd poirtt. in lhe //orrr lrrrt'lr r[restiorr arrtl ttrc n,olrls on tlrc rilght cnrr
llt. uscrl irr llte I/orrr ,rrrlrr.t,rIl('sti()n.
lane: Lcrls.scl ull tlt? c(u,tlrsite,
l)otttr1,: ll'lutt tb u'e lutrt, to rlo?
Irttrt: l,itk ttlt r/re ror'l'.r^ 'l lrttt ltttt ,tl,
N.)r, ri,rrcn ttnd reputl,
(.Srurrc c,s elxtu* bttt rtrtJr lirre is said orttt, ruitlr tt
tlt'" lt,,tt,
@t lbss the anlnrnl (lbochcr's Guide p, t6)
' :'

lxtrtst, Practice using dialogs 2 anel 4.

,/br.S.r lo rcpedt,)
ls lt OK? (I'lt l5:]'cacher's Guide p. BB)

At'livilY llook P. .17 cirrr rrorr. llr.irssilirrcrl lor lrntrrcuotl or

ttsttl irr t'l;rss. St.c iuts\\'(.t'kcy. li'aclrer'.s (irrirk.p. l5ll.
l.istut a,ul lroitrt.
()ltip: ir OIi r/ rlc go Jislting nou,?
Ncxt lcsson: llring irr ir stol)\\'itt(.lt lo plrrt' Slo1t lht
sloprvnlch(li'irclrlr's(irrirlt'gr. l{i}.lltirrgtlt(.1,i(tllr(.(.tu(l.i
lane: OK. ltrrt conrc lxnk ttt S:.)0 Jir tlirrrtt,r.
horrr t.lrrit ll irr l.evel l-r to rt'r'it'rt tlrt'illrrt'ssrrs. llrirrg irr
Norrr lislerr ancl re1rctrt, plrotircopics of'llre clrtrrt rtillr rr.ortls lrlnrrkt,rl orrt il vorr
(Srtrna as alnt,e, 1411 11lsls lirre is ytid otrct, ruitlt (t clroosc to rlo tlte ol)iiolral irctivitt. l:ill lt irr ( li,irt.lrr,r s
litr Ss to tt'l,t\tt.) (ittirlc p.2l).

Lisletr tttul l,oitrt.
(.hi1t: I ltxt, rntrclt rrtrtt is tlrcrai
ltttt': rt lot.
I htrttty,:
llullruul lny:
I lrttt, tntttt), tttttrslttttttlluls ut?
'l'ltetc rtrt tt.litr,.
@ soy it! @ chont-q-srom
Mrrr li.qlerr nnd re1tctrl.
lSrrrlo rr.r ttlnxv lutt aorlt liru, is sttid ottre willt tt lxtttsc Torget
Jitr Ss to n\)mt.) Ss can perform dlalog 4 usitrg vocabulory words
reviewed from Unit 3 in l,cvel 5.

t trrit A losron ll
Moteriols ' iri I Ilave Ss look at tlre dillererrt illnssses trexl lo tlte tliahrg.
. ,. i ". ;ii.,i;t, ,1,, :, ,, ,.. : ...:r,.,,ti r.i,,l .r..;,
1,r , .: Say Let's lrsud Donny say lhat he has some orltcr illrtessr'.s.
Flave trvo Ss (S3 arrd 54) try the first tlialog. I lavc Sll sa1'
Stoprvatclr, I)ir:trtrc Cards frottt I lrrit l] itt Levcl 5, CD,
5 I *60
Wlwt's llte nrntter? I lavc S.l siry I lmue a ltt'nrlacllr'. I lar r'
l)iclrrrc ( llrrls
\ Slt say lt4ry rl on'l J,ou 8o lie dou,n? I lavc S.l sa1' I tlrirrl' I
lrrill. Put Sri rnlo pairs artd have thcln prnclicc tlre tlillrtg
rvith thc rlilllrcrtt illrtt:sscs. l:or ttutttltcr 5, ltavc Ss tttal*t'
tlrcir orvn rlialrrg ttsiltl.i at'totlle r illrtess they ntight havr'.
Illvc sorrre pails say tlrcir rllllrgs itt frrlttl ol'tltc clitss.
qlJI ltrtm. Art. Anr.ei

'@.& Introtluce thc Clrant-a-graltr

Writc tlrc rvoltls tttrtr.slt tttulluus, xtrtt, ltttdlittg, lrtlltttt)
salarl, sttttrlu,iry'rc.s, c lot, a faw arrtl a littlt'tttt tltc lroarrl.
t'rtt I'lctttrc Oartls 5(i-(i0 (rvitlr tlrc picttlre sirlcs sltorr irtg)
orr tlrc boarrl, I'lay (il) lrrlck llll ilttrl ltltve Ss lisurr. l\rittl to
the rvorls artd pictttrcs as thcy arc cllilnlc(|. I'lit1' tllc t'lt;rttt
agairr.'l lris tinte, ltavc Ss placc tlte fotltl l)i('ltlrrs trrr(l('r

& ry tlrc corrcct rvrtrtls. (Note:'l'he Cltrtilt'tt-gratrr r!ill hu

rcvicrvcrl artcl tatrght itt tntltc tle tail irt l.essort '1.)

{ ti(8. mrle o d'ok{ toll b yel itsn,l

l.istett atul clmnt.

\ Ila rsl r t nal I ottts, co r tt, 1
t r t I r Ii t t g, rt,tttu!
glo tuton. ctot Itototo sttltttl, vttttItpicI tts, too!
,or.hmllow., co.n, Puddhg, rowl
i,l '1
I loru rttuclr 1trtfulitr14 is tlu'nt?
l' rr"p,,.*-. r,{r! *r,n' 'l'hue's n ktt.
r' ' t* !x'd^\ r'r lc'i t
f " lrn m*'h tmt4ro nrd Ir thoro? &
fit( llt(,'t?
h I lotu tttttrt_y' ,rt(trsh,rt(tll()tt's
lle il',r.x f ' lk,g 'r lt8.? I1,.,.10 !il.
Ih. d r , \.1 hw monl r@M.rrui orl hol6?
U 'l'lutrt ttrc tt.leu,.
tr t
rla , ^r'1 r',rrr-*ilrtr ,!. [,o,.' Ilu,. uo o kil f
{ I lruu rtttttlt lrot(tto s(tl(ul is ,lt(1rri'
l{ rr,e'".rtr
---- tr*
I h 'l'lrcris rt litllt.
tlil,ilo !ilxl xr(t*r lhr ftxl i!
{a I lttur ntflttl, srtttrltuiclrcs aro llttre?
'l'lturc: ttx: u lttl.
q Ir lr t rsl t tr rt I lu tts, co r t t, tt u kl i t 1;, u nu!
t r

l\t t tt t o sakul,.sruu ltpic I rcs, loo!

O Belore lhe book l,lay Corrrrt tlre worrls ('l'eaclrer's (irride 11. 20). l,lir)' tlrt.( I )
tl'arrn-ttgr / rcvicrv again anrl havc Ss count Il(,w nlatly titnc$ lltel'ltt:;rr /itr'ri'
irr tlrc r:hnnt.
llt'r'irrv rlillugs I irntl 2 lry'11[irf irrg Stoll the stol)rvatch
( li'irr'lrcr's (irritlr: p. l(i). l)lly llcarrange (-l'cacltcrl Crritle p. 2l !.
llsc tlrr: l'ictirre (llrrls llortt tltlit :t ill l.evt:l 5r tlr lttlitlt ttr
tlrt' 1li('ttrres ott
il It tesses.
.12 itt
1'ottr orvtt lttltlk lo rcvierv tltc O Afier the book
Ileviov borly plrts lly playirrg il Hittllc. Say llll'Ilerrrl ltur t.r
\ and iorrclr yottr lteit<1. l)o llrc sirtttc rvitlt .t ft:rv ollrtt lrtrrl\'
A open lhe book l)irrts, c.g. lrly (nrm) Itttrls or tly (fingar) lrtrrls,'l ltt'rr tt'll
Ss 1,orr rvill sll,srtrttctltittg ltttrts, llrtt tttililrl totrt lt
Say ltl sorrrctlrirrl; rlillerctrl. Ss tttttsl list(rtt ittttl trrttt'lt tltt: ( ()t l('( l
Ilirvr. Ss tllln lo Slir(lelll llook yt. ,12. I lave trv0 Ss (S I ilrtrl lrotly ;lart, rlo rnilllct'\vllitt )'()tt itre tkrittli. I lavc Ss stitrttl
S2) grr trr llre [rrrrl. Sa1' {.Sl's trrtttrc) is lnne. (.S2's rtnnrc) i.s rr1r. Say hl.y lrttrtl hurls. lll,ttrttt trurls. 11.1, fingt'r ltttrts..
l)ttrttrl'.'l lrcy'rs frri,rf lo lulk ulxttl tpltttt's turong, u,lIlt ctc, Sorrrctirrrcs toltclt tlrc rigltl lrrtrly llitrl, s()ttttlitn("s
llortttl,,I r,lis li.rfr,rr, Ilitt't 5l! lrolrl lrir' or lttt citr its ll ll t0ltr:lt lttrollrrr ll0rly 1rart. ll'tt slttrluttl tttttl.t's it tttistitl'r', ltr'
lrtrrts. Sa1' ll'ftrrlir tlte ttrtt! tcr? I l;rlc Sl rel)cal. Sity I ltaue or shc nrrrsl sit tlorvrt, llttt cotrlitttte to plat'. \\rll(, citll slir)
rtrt utnu'lrt.l lin'r: S3 r('l)cat. Say' ll'Ity rlort'l 1'ou g,o lie starrrlirtg tlrc lortgest? l)lay irgairr, lritvittl; Sr tlkrr rttt lltc
tltxt,rt? I llve Sl rll)('irt. Siry'I tlrirtA' I ruill.lltvc S2 rr:l)cal. tear:lrcr'.s rulc.
lltvr: St arrrl SL sly'tltc tliakrg ott tlte ir orvtt. l)o it agairr
;rrrtl lr;rvr.tlrc rr'sl nl tlrc Ss r('lx'itl. Itltrl'(il) trlck llll. Illvtr
Ss lislctt ittttl rt:lltritt tlre rliirlog.

Lisl t: tt tr t r d re, t Pil l. Activity llook 11. 38 catr norv be assignc<l fitr ltotttt'rvot L trt
rrsctl itt clitss. See itttswr:r kt:1', 'lirrrcltcr's ( itrirlc 1r. I (i().
lttrc: llllrrlls !ltc ,,t(tllfi? II,tuts,, )
. l)utut.1': I ltrrt rttt urtu'ltc. (/t/ttt.{(')
lane: ll'lrl,ilotit trtrt 1;tt lit: tlrttutti' (l)(iltsc)
l)uttttt,: I tlrirtl'ltvill. iltrttt.rr')

Untl 6. Iessotr .J
corr, (rt, llte lnltle. I lavc Ss roltr.ill. Irl;rct, l,it.lrrtr. (llrrl Si
on lltt, lalrle arrtl t'licil 'l'ltcre's sontr, lntalo saltd on the
lable. l)o llrc siurrrr rvillr lrictrrrc Cirrrl 5ll lutl 'l'lttre,s
sonte pudtlittg on tlt( talrlr,. I lrr'rr lrolrl rrlr I'ir trrrr. (.irrrl i1)
itttrl t.licit stt rtd u'icl tts. llr'ptlt llrt' rlor tl, sliglrt tv
crtrplrlsizirrg the l'irrll .s. l,lirr.r, l,i(.tun, (.irrrl 51) orr tlrr.
talrle atrd sity'Ilrcrc are sonte snttiltt'irltt's tttt tlrt tthlt.
I Iavc Ss r('l)(:ill. l)o tlre strrtl0 rYillr l,i(.tUtr.(.;rrrl (i() lrrrrl
O.b tht6.tor. elicit ?7rerc a r.' sonre nr(trshtttttllotrs ort tltt lttltle.
llv.r o l, rl.m
kr 6r o holmr, ar)1ffi Introtlucc gratunrar
I)rtrr';r Jli( trtr('ol ntatry'r'olrs ol colrr (,n tlrc lrolutl, or rtsr.
tttrltiplc copir,s ol llcrlucr'<l l,iclrrrr'(lirrrl l'i(i. ltrint to tlrr.
lroirrrl rrr lrrrltl rrp tlrr. r.;rrrls lrrtl sir\. Illrrr,'.r t lol o! torn.
I lirvr loltl trp lllrlrrr r'tl I'it.trrlr,(.trrrls l-ri irrrrl ill
Ss r(,1)('iti. I
on('ilt ir tinic irrrtl clieit tltc s('nl('n(.r'rlitlr srrlrstltulr.
O Um [ht.n Art Antr.r
itenr. I lren lroltl rrp llcrlrrcritl I'i(.tln(,( iurrl irll ;rrrrl slry
rlrdruh.:,r! 4t*r' rr*ttot,'inrfrdfar'. 'l'ltcr<, are a lol of xtttiltt,ir.ft r,.s.
rrs rrrr rFrlr,iltB I l;rr c Ss r('p(.itt. I )o llrc
o,rr*rr,ihrimgh* I nt oofr
sittttc rvitlr lk'rltrcetl l)ictrrrr' (.ilr(l (i0.
Ikrlrl rrp orrlY orrr, r'o111' ol l,i(.titr(. Cull l-r(i turtl s;rv
'l ltare's little rurrr. I llvt, Ss rr'1rclrt. I )o llre s;rrrrr, lrrr
lltrlitto srrllrl irtrtl Ptrrlrlirrg. I lrlrr lroltl u;l orrlv otrl t.ulr\.ol
l'ictrrrt' ( lirrrl 5f) arrtl sar. 'l lttre ure t fau sandu,irlrt's, lllrr l
Ss rcpc;tl. I)o tlrc sllnu n'itlr l,icltrrt.(:ill(l (i0.
I)rittv n llrgc r;trcstion nurrk on lltl lroirrrl, lrokl rrp
I'ictttrc (lartl l-r(i arrtl ask llotl rrtudt cortt is tlrrr& llnr.r, Ss
r('lr(,irl. Sa\, 77rere's t I ittlc. I lave Ss r('l)('irt. I )o t lrc sirrrrr
rvitlr l'i('turc Oartls 57 iln(l 5ll,'l ltcrr lrrrttl rrp l,i(rrrrr,(.irrtl
5ll irrrtl say I luu nmnl,sarrrlrlir./rcs urt lherd I talr. Ss
I('f)(,:rl. Sny'ITlelenre u!,tu, lltrvc Ss t(,Icilt. l)o tlrt,rirrrrc
\r'itlt l)ictrlrc (:ilrd (i0.
t)ivirle tlre class iirto lyoul)s r\ urtrl ll. Ilolrl rrp l,icttur.
Oirrrls 5(i-(i0 on('itl il tirne. Ilirvt grorrlr A urk llrc llrrrl
rttuclt / ttrttrtT, r;rrt'stiorr antl lravc grrtrrlr ll altsrr.r,r il. Crre

@ Buitd ir! @ chonr-o-srom

ilrr. irrrsrvr.r r.lclr tintt'lrt,ltrrltlirrli trp orrlt.rrrrt'or rrrtrllipk.
copics ol'llre carrls. lk'r,r'rsc rolt's irrrrl 1go tlrrorrlilr tlre
cirr tls agirirr.
Torgets ' l

. Ss lan make statements about food using l'here's (n' @ Open lhe book
lor of) (corn).llfture's (a liule) (coril an{Tltere are
(a lot of) (marshntallorus).1T'herc are (a A
(manhnrullorus). Ilirvc Ss trtnt to Strrrlerrt Ilook p. .l.l lrrrrl hrok rrl l):uI A. l,llt!,
. Ss can ask antl answer about amounts of food using (il) track ll I 0. I ltrve Ss listt'rr itntl rr,pt'trt.
(Haw much) (corn) is t\rcru? Thereb (a lot).1Tlrcre's-
(a llttle) and (How many) (marshmallows) are there?
7'lwrcare(afew).lTherearc(alo0, i
. Ss can chant the Ma rshmallows) corn, puckllng, ! l.islt'tt
A. nnd repenl.
umrdchanll i l lotte: 'l ltete's
o ktt o! utr rr. (lt(ntst,)
Clrilt: 'l lrcte's
o little ttrtr. (1,(t,tst,)
l)otttt1,: 'l'lterc ure a ktt rl
trrttrsltttrttlhnt,s. (Tttttst,)
Mgteriols rr.:,,:., ,, t. llulltead lny: 'l
ltero are o li,tu ttrttt shrtrttllorrs. (l,tntsr)

I'ictrrre (llrtls 5{i,(i0, rrrtrltiplc t:opies ol Iletlrrt.etl

Say tlre rrurrrller of t'nclr l)ictllrc in plrrt A. Il;n.t,Ss s;rv llte
l'icittre (larrls l-r(i-(i() ( li'aclter'.s (iuitle p. I75), (:l)
se llt('ncos. Say thc rrrrrnllcrs l ...1 irr rirrrrlotrr nrrk,r. I livc
irrrlivitltral Ss say tlrc sentctrc('s.

O Belore lhe book II

lltarrrr- trll / revlcrv l lave Ss lrrok at part ll. l,lit), ( ll ) rr;rt.k ll l L l l;rr c Ss lisrt,rr
[ul lti('tlr(, ( ]lrtls 5(i-(i0 orr the lloaltl (rvitlr (lre picttrr e lrrtl
sirlt's slrrrrvirrll). (ltll otrt ilrt: cartls irr rlrrtlorrr orilt:r arrrl
lr;rvc intlivitlull Ss go to tlrc board, poirrt to tlrc cartls antl
ll. l.islen und reltcttt,
l'l;rt (lttt'ss ('li'acltt'r's (irritlt'11. l5) 1silg l)it'ttr1r (ltrrtls Ohilt: I kut, tttttclt cortt is tltrn'? lluttsa)
:;{i (i(}.
ktne: 'l ltr,re's u ktt. (
l'll('(, l'i( turr. ( lartl 5(i orr llrc taltlc arrtl sa\,'l herc,s sottrt, Olti1t: llolt, ttttttlt utrtt is tlrur,i' (

Il I l.)nil 6. Lesson 4
Ilullread boy: u Iittle. Qtrtusa)
l)otrtt1,: I lotu nmtry ntorsltttutlknus are
tltarei' (pnrrstt)
{tt Iltrllrcad bo1" 'Y1rtr, ,r,'e a few. (pattse)
l)otttr1,: I lotu ttttuty ttlllrsltrtrulknps nre
therei' Qtause)
'l'lrcre tra rt kt! (pausc)

Illve O eD u.lon. Polnl.3oy.

Ss l)racticc the rlialog in pairs for eaclt picture in
plr I ll. w il
r ll
(l -iiitd, w,,to

lavc Ss look at parl (i.

- I
I l'lty Ol) track l] 12. I lavc Ss liste rt -'u- .('{-,
arrrl rvrite llrc rvortls to (:onrl)l(:te eaclt scntence,
$ "*''${, { ",* ti;J
GED urlon. Wrlts w, k, h or 9h. tmd.
C. I.isten ruul write.
Hi To.d sd,
l. 'l'lrcre ure a w
l'e sntrlu,iclrcs. (2"\)
(l)To.i '-t r. nEd. o conpfa8 ll t@k
2. 'l'lrcre's u littla tnrtt. (2\) lhr4 (t),.-trr. Thd I Ml th' 610
il. 'l lraris a lot of lntnto salad. (2x) l.nlr. ChiP w o (!B- ". ort H. rid rt ml
.1. I ltxrt ttrrult ltrultlitrg is tlrcre? '['herc's a lol. (2x)
q 5. llcl.t, trtttttl, tnarsltrttullows are tlrcrc?
(a}{ .- rl.. Il (rl ech.d
liNr. I tl'fld 6 a, (r)lhthh t. b{r
(61' l"n Toni ond Pctar Clork

'l'lrcrc urc u
[cu,. Q.t) ] t dialt rcclt. lto**c cdl !L.p rm
6. I knu tnarry sntuhpit'lu:s arc tlu:re? 9oin, lo (r) fllc ronr gorlcordl 8yd
'l'lttre rrro u lut. (2.r) I oo*v

O t}D lbt.n. will.. llmb.r

(llrcck Ss'ilntiivers lry huvirrg irrrlivirlttal Ss raise tltcir r& f,erry -

Irnrrrls anrl sily thc $lillcnlonls rlr dialogs.

*::;:;,",,,"," $B
Clrnnt-u-grtrtt {l llrn ur rrr

I lave Ss look at tlrc AInru/tlta llou,s, t:ortr, lttuklitrg, ruou,!

chant at tlre l)()ltonl of p. 42 in the Stutle nt llook. l)lay t )l)
a traek ll1) and havc Ss listcn.

Reod it!
l.isteu and clrunt,
I lnrsl r ttutl lot t's, t'o r t t, t r t rk I i rr 11, tttotu!
forget**li ,6",-1,riii,,iil-i;,
' ,;i,ri,,i,if l *,,
l\t kt t o sil ldtl, yu ultu itl r t s, ttx t! can'pronouncejread and wrltewords wlrh the
' Ss
I luu trrucl! ltrultling is tlrcre? sllent letters ur, ,t, h and r, '
' gfr. '

'l'ltan's o lot.
I lottt tnttn), ttutrsltttutlktuts ttre there?
'l'lwrc anit [r,rt,.
\ I lottt rttttclt lx)t(tto silliltl is llrcre?
'l'lterc's ct litth.
Phorrics Cnrtls tlrrit {i ('l'll l(i:'li,lchcr'.r (iuirlr tl. llllt, (:l I j

I lttttr rttttrt.l, srut{lwi(lt,t$ erc tlrcrc?

'l'lttre nre tt lttt.
Ir I t rs I t r t a tI I u u,.r, ('.rr'rr, 7 n t r k Ii r t g, t uot u!
O Before the book
Itrttrtttt ytkttl, rztttiltuithcs, ltn! Warm-up I rcview
Writc llrr: lcllcr'rrlrrt tlit,ittN, rr*rrk'ft,ftron tlrr, lloirrrl.
l larrtl ortt l'ictulr: ( llr rls li(i {i(}. I'lly l,lrrc by llrrc ('l'erclrur s I lavc Ss go to tlte lloirtrl, rvritc tvrlrtls tvillr llrorc sorrrrtlr
(irrirlc p. lll). frorrr llnit 5,91. llll ulttl sly'tlrc rvorrls. llave tlrc rr.rsl ol tlrr,
Ss repeat.

O Afier lhe book Introduce the silcnt lettcrs u,, k, h antl gh

l'lay (iltrlose o cartl ('lclclrcr's (irrirlc p. l7) rrsirrg l)ictrrre Write the sotnetinl(:s $ilunt le(te rs rrt l, Ir arrtl 6/r orr llrt:
(llrrls 5(i-{i0. boarcl. Use eirlarge<l I)honics Oards Ilnit 6 {'l'll I (i:
Teachers Gttide p. {19) arrd slttltv Ss the silent u, \\'{}r(15.
Poirrt to anrl reatl tlre rvorrls. lllve Ss listen. Sa1, wro,rE,
wrile, wrwtllt. Cau you heur tlrc rr,? Ss slrorrltl slv No. \,*'
a [,ln:*::,ng:'viT:q:]:'1.-c"tl{:p, 17)
llte wortls agaitr attrl ltave Ss relroat. I)o thc sarnc lor tlrr'
.., ." silertt t, silertt lt artrl silcrrt glr rvrlrtls. l)lacc all tlrt,t irrtlr urr
tlte boarl. Ilearl the rvorrls on lhe cartls anrl lroirrt to tlr,'
At tivity lklok gl. lJ{) carr n<lrv be assigrrcrl lirr lronrervork or wortls as you rcatl tltctn. llavc Ss repcat. lixplirin tlrr:
rrscrl irr class. Scc ans\vur key, 'l'cacltcr's ( irrirlt' p. I(i0. tttcitnitrg of any rvortls Ss rlo not ttrtrlerslarrrl. Prrirrt to tlrr'
cartls irt rartdottt orrlcr irnrl lrave indivirlrral Ss rr'.rrl llrt rrr.

Unil 6. Icssori 5 IJ
ry A
@ open the book
C. I.isten onrl turile.
Ilrr|r.Ss lrtrn lr) Strtrlelrl llook P. .l,l ilnrl look al ;lilrt A. l,lilv l. ll'rut1t llt? !ot, n'l llr in n,lritr 1nt1vr.
(,l I 11i11 li ll l.l. I lar,c Ss listcrr arrrl rj,\ )

lloirrt to tlrc ;rictrrrcs. J. Slta ttttght eiglrtu tr lislt itt lutt lutrrts. r:,i )
;1, 'litrtt tttt y,ottr lktslrliylrt ttt tt,r itr, 1tt,\!t tt,tl\ tu
ttililrt. (.ir )

tl. l.istcrt,ltoittt ttnd Tspeal.

\Vritc tltr,s('ntr,n(.(,s rlitlr rlrt,lrllrrks orr thr,lrrriutl. ( lrct L
silcttl u, (ltttust') siltttt lt (
l)uust,) Ss' lrv lrlvirrg irrrlivirlrr;rl Ss H{) l(, tltr,ltolrrrl itrrrl
tt'nutlliu,r(t,tll (1xtttst,) tt,ltilt',tt'ltita (lrilus,,)
ttritt: tltc n'ortls ilr tlrr'hllrrks. Illnt'irrtlirirlrrirl \s r,lrrl rlrt
trritt', u,ritt llutttst') gltost, glutst (lr(uts() s(rnlcn('(is.
rt'rr'tttlt, u,rtutlt (ltttttst') ttltalc, u,lntlc (l)uus()
,i/r'rrt (. (Nilts() silant glt (lutttsa) IlavoSs look:rl tlrt'pietrrrr'. l\rint l0 tll('pi( tlil(.trrrrl:rsk
lrrrr'/. lrrr'r,l (liltust,) tlttshlilllrt, Jlt ulr/ig[t (l)lur() ll'/lir'lr scrrrclrr'r,i.r I l;rlr.Ss rr,r ilr, llrr, rrrrrrrlrlt ol tlrr,
I rrrlr, lttili, (ltttrtst,) ril4lttwtr, eigltt..l,tt (l,uutt,) ('()rr(.('l s('ltt(.il('(' trnrlt,r llrc ri(.lut('. (,,\rrsrrt,r: lt r -, )

l,rrr.lLtl,['lrrck'rl (ltrttst') rottiglrt,t(,ttiEl,t (lxtttsr)

I'l;n'tlrr. (il) ag;rin. llavc ss listt'n arrtl r(fl)eat.

O Afier lhe book
Itlal' llrtserrrrrlllt lt! ( lt,;rt'lrcr's (irrirlt, M)
I'lrrl llre (ll) l tlrirtl tirrrt'. llar.t,intlivirlrrirl Ss repeat tlrc gr.

I lst. tlrt' l'lrorrics (lartls. Slrorv tlre
;lictrrres arrrl irsk
ll'/rar's tlrr tuonl? I lat,e irrrlivitlrr:rl Ss rvrite tltc rvorrls ulr
, o fm ln the blanksl (Teacherb Guide p. 18)
I l:rvc Ss tltrn to Strrrlt'rrt lkrok pp. 3,1*iiir. I lirvt tlrcru
. PaIr dictatlon ('lbacher's Gutde p. l0)
lirrtl:rrrtl rrlrle lriclrrrcs ol rtorrts tlrat r.orrtairr tlrr: lllrorrir.s
surrnrls tltcl. lravc jrrst lcarnlrl. ( krrt,rl, n,lritc, Acrivity llook yl. ,l() t'lrn lrorv lrr':rssilinctl l,rr lr,,rrr,'r,,1,,,L ,,r
ll rrrl II igl rl, ) ttsctl in clirss. Sr.r. iulsrr,(.r kr.v,'li,irr.lrt'r's t irrirlr' 1r. l(itl.
-__.rorr;.1 on tlt(' l)oilr(1. I llvc a strrtlclrt rvritt. tlrt
Next lcssolt: Ilring in rn;rrklt s il \ rrrr r.lroost' lo rlo lltr.
lcttr.r rr irr llrc spacr. l)o tlrt slrrrt'rvillr tlre ollrt:r rvortls. ollti()rlill irciit'it1,'tic-tac-toe ( lr,;rt.lir,r'r ( irritlr. p. 20).

lk'r'ilrv tltr,rlorrls rrrap. krrorv, lrorrrs llrrl catrglrt. l\rirrt lo
r';r< lt norrl irrrrl say,it. I ltrvc Ss rt'1tcal. \\,rilr._rrrp orr tlrt,
lrorrtrl. I l;rvc n slrrtlrrrl rvrilc llre lr:iler rl in tlre splct,. l)o
tlrr' srrruc rr itlr tlre olltt'r rt'r,it,rv rvrrrrls.
Iltrr.t.Ss tunl to Stutlt.trl llrok p. 22 nntl l(,(,k .lt
lr.lrt ll.
S:r\ l)rrlrr1, u,rol( a lclter lo'littti atttl lrelcr. l,tt's reod it.
l'lrrv (ll) trlck lll4. llar,e Ss listerr artrl rvrilc rr,, 1., /r orglr irr
lhe blnnks.
O t@k. cdl fuk. Antwrr.

ll.,t tttrd u,ritc.

lli lini nttd l\,ttn
litttigltt u,t'rtttulc il cttrtrltJirt. lt tutk thru, lutttrs.'l'lrcn
u'r u\,,tt ittttt tltt tt'ttts. (:ltil) satt'tt glutst. I le srtirl it tt,tts 'IilrPqliiE
u'ltik,. lt kttocl;tl (igl,t&,,, tinllrts. I trtrnul on trr1, .,. Adc {|d*h.a Earftr5a
llttsltligltt, ltttt I rlitlrt t.rrt i,. Nrrrl t.\, fittr't slaqi. l,trt 6oirr1;
@ wrno.
Irt tt,r itt st,,rt , lx)sta.dr.l.s. Iltr,.,
I \,,t,,)' | ,&, lhme ore o lcl.

( lrtt'h 5r' ilns\\'('rs lrt' irrtlivitlrral

, .4b.
Ss rt,arl the
l,lt\\itll{'. r .la,
(; tc
llrrr t. Ss tunl to Strrrlerrl llook ;l. ,l,l lrrrl krok lr( l)ilrt C. c<6
|,l;rt' ( .l) lrack ll I5. Illve Ss listerr arrtl Iill irr tlrc n,orrls ls
| .tD,
tlrr,r lrt'lrr tlrt'rrr.
7 <tih
t (i'i

ll(i Urrrl 6. Lesson 6

[O,, Proctice it!

,ll',l.rt i,i' . :rll. i , ''l ';,,"'l

i Torge!.s, 11

it,..o ,Ss can understand and produee this unit's target . .i

r' Ss can wrlte sentences about how many or how i;
t*-L-"*-.1. .
..... "-.-.i^" -.*"# ".

, i",, _ i*#:,'*$:*,

O Before the book

lVarm-up / rcvierv
(lhrnt tlre Clutttt-tt-grat,l (ogclllcr.
l'lay lylng counltlrlrvn ('ll'aclrcr's ( irritle gl. l7) trsing
l'it lrrrc (larrls 5I*(i().

@ Open lhe book

I lavc Ss trrrn lo Slrrrlont llook 11. 45 arrtl look at part A.
l)ernorrstratc horv lo rl<l thc activity rvitlr orre stu(lcnt (Sl).
llrtlr of y,otr strrrly 1'0rrr pi(:lrrr{: frlr ll0 seconrls. 'l'lrcn covcr
tlre pictrrrcs.'lirke turrrs aski116 e ach otlrer ahorrt tlre itcrns
listtrrl ttntlcr llte pir:llrros, c.g. ask 5l lk,u, nutn),
sutulu,lches nre llrcre? I llve S I I ry to rolllonlhcr ;rrrrl
iursrve r r:illttrr ?ltere n rc u Jbw or 'l'lrcre are a lot,

Norr'lrtrrt lo t)arl ll. l.ook al tlre ittrsrvt.r ncxl t()
.ralrlrliclr,s. ( )ontirrrre rvilh tlre other ite nts lisle rl rrrrtlcr
tltc pictures, rvrititrg tlre artsrvcr caclr tirne. \Vhe 11 1,r111
have fitrislrcrl, uncover tho l)ictrlrc anrl check llru ansrvcrs.
l'rtt Ss ittto plirs arrrl lllay tlre g.ltnc tltr: sonlo wa\,,

O Atter lhe book

Ilave Ss r:losc tlre ir books arrrl try lo rolncullte r tlrc
illr:r\r'crs frrrrrr tlte gatnc. Sa1,(|rrc ilcllr, c.g. corn. Ililvc a
:'tu(lcnl .lsk f lotrr ,,tlclt cortt is llu,re? I lavc artolhcr
strrrlerrt give tltu iln$\!cr, I lirvc tlre rr:sl ol'tltc slrrrlt,nls
rh.rirle if llrt irrrsrvt,r \vits cot r'(f('l or nol. I )o ull tltc itcrirs

ictivity' llrok p. .l I can nrlv llc irssignutl [or lrorrrervork or

ttsctl itt class. Sec ansrvcr kc1,,'li''11'111.1's (irritlc 11. l(;1. Now
tlrat Ss lravc conrpleterl tlnit (i, they ciln go to tltc llcrlrrrd.r
1ragc, Activity llook p. 70 antl cokrr rrtrrnbcr (i rcrl.'l'cst 2
( lt'acltcr'.s (itritlc pp. lll.l- ltll-r) can bc tlone irr class norv rtr
lfttrr cotrrple tilrg llccyclc it! .!.
Next lcssrttt: llrirrg rrrttltillle sr:ts ol' llcrltrct:rl I'iclrrrc
( (i
"lr tls l -70 ('l e acltcr'.s ( iuirrcp. 1 77) il' you clroosrl lo rlo
tlrc optiorrll actlvity Ooopcratlvc l'lcasso ('l'eaclrer's
(itrirh: gr. ll-r).

Unil6. lesson 6 lt7

l5 Is it OK?
fishing now?

G_-8, (

go fishing go snorkeling go scubo diving

.i" ;




go surfing go on sofori ,{

loke o boot ride ploy boseboll buy some poslcords

pick slrowberries go lo lhe pork swim in lhe pool go sighlseeing

tlillt'tt'ttt t;ttt'stiotts. llilr'r'Ss try to linrl tlrt'ir partrrt:r''s (]( slIrt.r,lx,lort'tlrr,ir l)ilt.tncr lirrtls tlrt,irs.

I Urrrt 6, leocher Reproducible l5 O Peorson Frltrcrrlion /rsirr Iirrrilcrl

Phonics Cords Unit 6


X ll

t2rrx I

_ rong _ rite I

l* l._ -l -l

l- - neel -

w-ite g_-ost w-ole

floshli ,- t ei- __ leen loni .-- t
0 Peorson Eciucolion Asio t imited Unil 6, Teocher Reproducrblc l6 lt:,
A. l,islt,rr to llte slory, poittl ttrtrl t'.,ltutl.
.5r(,r,{,j /.{ i, (X it
tt,t,14o strrlur tlirittl1 tttnri;
Attttl frlary: t'ttnrr ltru l' ttt l?:o0 litr lrrttrlt
.Srrtr', Drr,
'littri: Wlrich do I'orr lika lrtttr,.srrortr,lirrg or
scrrlto dit,ittg,i'
Slepe: Sculxt iliuitrg,.
Tittti: l.ook! I ltrrds sontr, fitntl.
.Srel,r,.' I tlrittl' ttttrtl is lrutrttilttl. l:lt: rtl lislt lirt'
'llte conl is tlrtttllt'rorts. ttn. lt's rutll.t'slrrttlt
'lbrti: littlt, I ktturr,.
O 'In lltlr. tolnl. !oy.loli ploy
'litrr i: Itxtk! lItosa tu r'.r/lrllr. rnuit tItr,t'i'
.Slet,r'.' No, tltay tttctit. l ltay'1 r' tkrllthitrs.
'littr i: ()lr! ()xtl!

I'la1'tlrc Ol) agairr arrtl ltress tht'partsc lrttlton :tltcr r';tt lr

lirrr'[or Ss lo repr';tt. l)ivirle Ss itrlo 15oups rtl llrrcr'. Ilirvr,
Ss tlt'<'itlc vr'lro rvill lrr: rvltit'lt cltirritt'tcr n itltirr tlrt'ir
Hroul)s. I lavc grorrlls ;lrirctice tltc tlirtlolls. \\'irlk :ttottttrl tltt
t'litssroonr arrtl clret'k Ss: progrcss. Illvc tttort' conlirlcttt
llroul)s go to tll(' lrrttt o[ tlre r:lrtss lo ltct lrlrttt llrc tlirrlrrgs.

O After the book

l'lay lliglr rlrlnra ('l'caclrcr's (irrirlt'p. l(i) usirrg tlrl tlirtlogs
irr tlre storl'.

a FoUow the path (l'eacherb Guide p. l9)
Use Picture Cards 3l-60. lay the cards on the
floor in a circular or zlgzag p&ttenr. Have Ss rvork rJ
in pairs. For each Picture Card, have thcm ask and
onswer atr appropriate questlon.
i. Wrlte what you seet (TR l7:'l'eacherb Cuide ,,1

p.92)' ':.' :f
Torget,i;'.i',"",, ,,, .,, ,
Ss can understand and use the target language fronr 'Use the sentences fronr tlre story.
. 1 rH_
:' ', i ._

Activitv lklok p. ,12 citrr norv llc assigrrt'rl lirr lrotrrcrlork or

*'" ' :r; {{! 'r : ' " '' " ' trsotl irr cllss. Scc lnsw(.r kct','lcuclrur's (irritlr'1r. I(iI.
l'iclrrre (lartls ll I -(i(), ( ll )

O Belore lhe book

Ithrlrr-up / revlcw
I'llrt' lrr trty row ('lL'aclrr.r's (Iritlt'p. l4) usirrg l)ictrrre (lnr(ls
:l I {il1. I Iave intlivitlual Ss rrrrrkt. a stilt('rrrL'nt rrsirrg lhc itenr
ott tltr. cltrtl.

O open lhe book

Ilrrvr, ir slrrrlerrt (S I ) go to tlrt' frotrt. Ask lVlricll do you like
Itrttrn (sittg,lrtg) or klaru'itrg)l llrrvc SI itttsrvcr (.lirrgirtg).
|)o llre sanre n'ith a fcrv rrroru Ss. Ilirve Ss ask t:aclr otht'r.
rrrirLinll tlill't'rcnt srrbstitutions e:rt'lr lirrre. Ilave Ss tunr lo
Strrtk'rrt llook p. 4(i. Ilevicrv thc clraractt'rs ittttl itt'tns itt
llr(' l)i(:lurrfs. l'lay Ol) track ll l (i. I lave Ss listett to tlte storl'
lrrrrl poirrl to tllo l)ictur(fs.

1l() Pecycle ilt 2, Lesson I

Il. Rcod tlrc story,llsten and clrcle.
l. Wlutt tlo Steuc and'lintl u,rtrrt lo do norul (-'r I
2. lVlriclr rktes Stepe like ltatter srrorl-elilg
or sctrlw diuittg? (-'\ i
O (F taod lha atqy. Ih.n lttl.n ,o rr SrerIoo.. Ctrcto. 3. ll/lutt does Steue tlrink about rcral? (l\)
& Go-rwrp i*"*,*t I A r.*rmg
4. ls tlre coral dangcrotts? (:r)
is<,,rra,ung I
5. lltlutt ilo Stcue ontl'liutl stei' lJ t)
f rrultv'irr*r." t lrorr imrunrl 6. Ilou, tna,ty dolplrins are there? (Jt)
!.ewi!i"*^i 5 oro,ior*f Clteck Ss' flnslvers lly havirrg inrlivirlual Ss rcatl orrt the
O (hD tbl.,r.will..
Dobo(6 h$.i'fr/ (il lril fi", hulo huruJy t ty
mnlrt yr.tilrrrrB r.r'.Uhl hro s/hns wqro
i I
llave Ss trrrrr lo part C antl look at tlre rvords in thc ltox.
) I rr.t*o,rar- ,
I lave sonre Ss read out the rvrlrtls. lixplain to Ss that tlrcy
I wrogthitung s@dyroro ll ^:'il, will listen to sonte lettcrs frorn soluc of llrtl Srrpe rkirls anrl
| ;--Jl#ill,*;;;;'* [*ffit. i1 that they should write the alrprolrriaie rvords in tlre

'|.Wlr":sg.:l blnnks, Play OD track ll t8, I lave Ss lisren anrl lill in rlre
blanks. (iivc Ss sullicierrt tinlq to rvrire. lValk aroutrd tlrc
classroorn antl clreck Ss' progross.

t C. I.lsten nnd wrlte.

I o.- ,-o, -o ,.rr.
Ntuttber l,

Ir- rffimil Ili Pcter arul'litni,
lVe wertt ltikittg tortiglrt. Soruly snut n monkey. !1 sy115
uttirtgJittit.l\re saw rt rulrite rhino, !oo. lt ruus so tttuclr
lletll. .,--
Nunrbar 2.
I lcy Cltip and Dorttry,
1 ,.Torget ,,i'|.i,
; ,
I r ttt
we tpetrt to a bnrbecue.
tgt'y t utru.'lit rtrtrrow ury' rc
ttas renlly good. !'ttt trttt
it rg ul ut le u'ttlt I t i tt13 tt t t t I
? )s Ss can understand
unders and use the target laIanguage from st:ulto diuittg,.
I''' Unlr34-.6. :'
i.;;::;l:,-,.,,.. ..",_,,,,":#u*,; , \,:',1
Ntttttbcr iJ.

'Mol,prlols I )ut r St t t t tl.t, a nt I llat h,
i.i.- ()ttmrkr is lteatrtifrtl.'l-|rc u,eotltar in July is tutrrtr. l\tttttt'
I Ptronlcs Cards llnlr 4-6 ('l'lts I l, 14, l6:'l'caclrcr's i urtrl I utrrglrt ttuofislt'todq,.lltritc to us.
I (ittirle 1rp. 68, 73, {}1}), (:l) ;

(llreck Ss'ans\vcr$ lly havilrli in<livi<lrrll Ss rvritr,rlrr.

O Before the book scntellccs on thc boarrl.
Warln-rrgr / revlerv
l'}ll;' Ilcarl nry lips ('lirat lre r's ( itrirlc p. I (i) using rlialog @ aner the book
linr's lirrrrr llrrits,l-(i.
I'lay Scntcnct: rnenlory ('l'eaclre rs (iuirlc p. l7) rrsing
l'lly I)hotrlcs grortpri ('lt'irclrur's (iuirk: p. Itl). se rrlorrcos ltasc'rl 0rr tht: lluikl irl slittcnle nts frorll Urrirs
4*ti, e.g. I tltitrk that's tlte nrost lloisonorrs snake irr llre
rvorlrl; I go srrrlirrg cvery rvct,ke lrrl;'t'lrerc's a lot ol'corrr.
@ Open the book
llave Ss lrrrn lo Strrrlclrt llrok p. 4{i. Ilsviurv thc slory frorrr
plrt A hy lrnvirrg sornc ss rcirrl orrl tlrc rlltkrgs. Ilavc Ss
look at llrc arrsrvcr clroices irr grart ll on Slrrrtcrrt llook
1t. 47. l:xplairr t{) Ss tllilt tlrc1,1y111 listen to tlre rltrestions
allorrl tlrc story. l)l;r1, (ll) tr:rck It l 7. l ltrvc Ss liston, l)lrrse
a[lrr citr:lt tlttcsliott stt tltitt Ss cirrr circ:lt: lht: r'orrci:t
il ll 5lvc r, Actlvity lkrok p. ,lll carr rrorv llu assigncrl for horrrcrllr L ol
rrsctl in class, Se c answcr key, 'li:aclrcr's Grrklo gr. I (i I .

Recycle il! 2, lesson 2 lll

(t? Write whotyou see!


Wrile six sentences oboul lhe piclure.


rit st'll(t'ttt't's ltlrottt lltt'l)i('ltttr'. (llrcck Ss'iuls\\,(,ts ll1'lrtrYirrg irrrli!irlrrirl Ss rt,irrl tlt('iI s(,nt(,n(.(,s.

ll-l Pccycle ill 2, Ieocher Reproducible l7 O Peorson Educcrlion Asio Lirniled

Riddles 2
.,i t,, ) ,)
' ,,,, z^r (-) (r>
i.j \.() ) ,.,,)
'r) 7) Q,) l,
\ ', .) O
a /,,

t. Whol key con'l open 2. Why did lhe girlloke

j o door? D 0 ruler to bed? t_l ri

3 Whol condy is olwoys
lole? rl 4. Whol does o U,K.
whole eol? n
5 Whol do cows like lo 6. Whot do you coll o fly

listen to? D who con'l fly? D ll


( ri
7. Where does o ghost
gel his postcords?
n B. Whol's o ghosl's fovorile
ride ol lhe omusemenl pork? r__l
t.r) ,') ( ,t ',,,) , '(,', ,I
.r ' ,, ;r)
t1 ri


Al lhe ghost office. Fish ond ships,

A mon-keY. Choco-lole.

wonled lo see Mooo-sic.

she slepr The roller ghoster.
Teacher's lnstntctions I)rcltttrc llltorocopir.s lirr circlr stu(lt: tlt irr arlvarrr:c, t Ialrl otrt t5e ryorkslrccls. lli*.r, \r r;rlr.

@ Peorson Iducolion Asio Limited Recycle il! 2, Teocher ReprorJucrbk: lB 1).1

O Open lhe book
Sir1, .Solrcllllrs srttttelltittlq lmtl ltrtltltt,tts trhrn
1,ott 14tt
ut ntltirtg.ll:ltat sltould tttu do? Lcl is li.slcl. I Iiti.(, S\ t I u ,l
t(, Stu(lcnl llorrk p.,18 itnrl look ut
Plrrt r\. I'lur.(.t) trlrt.I
ll I 1). I I;rvr: Ss listcrr, poirrt lutrl r(:l)(filt.

tl, l.islatt, ltoittl ttttil r(l).,at.

"'' ir"',l';*35tlg,14,''*i.iirt*li;,i; ril'.
stirtg (l,tut.\() .s(irr (l\ut\t) ltttisort (ltttttsr)
slittll'r (l,,lur() tttl !tttrrtlt (l)(ut\1,)
I - .rmwli[:;?-*,*
I O 'hm lhro ro h. wdr
qrd r.odrg!.
I'lrrt, ( ll ) t ritck ll2(). I lar.t, Ss lisrcrr.
sildt to do if o bcc lt,nP Yar

1115*1r,.9ryo! th'rr,^r..i,rl trllodoif youseeobeor

-in H 6r*r lt.a l\... t 16,ro n lh. - UFu rro o bcr do^t hr rtnr.4
ia rllng.. tnl. drl tr. .l'nJ,r (t, -'' t6rqrtdd^d ro[ o*nv rlo_L rl. I.i.sft,rr.
Dff t .6 r tn. *- .,r^,
,t t@ b.f affi ,m.,t you b"t@ ll
ll'lutt to tlo il tt lrc sting.,i j?ru
(d lt. Yo L o
-- .,[ 66tt M
b"r h.flt ru lt
doy ,.6 du,t
ll'a lxt, stitrtr4s yrttr, tltt stitrl4tr rt,ill lt' itr 1,rttn sl nr / /rr,rr,.r
A tr..^dt lxtisrttt itt tlta stiilgff.'litkc ottt tlrr stittllr,r rtr,t,r/orr./lt
lrtrc tuill lte t r*l bttrrtlt ttrr 1rtttr..r{ i l, /lrl itr, ttrt tltt
ltrttrtlt trtul it ruill gct strtttllcr. ,J

i\litkt srrrc Ss rrntlcrstarrrl tlrc rrt'rv rtortls. I lrlrr pl;rr tlrr,

rcirtlirrg irg;rirr.
Sir t' I /rr rr' .1,orr 1'1t1,1- l1s11y st turg lt), (, ltr? ll'lrrt t tl i tl
rlo? llirvt'Ss lnsrlt,r.'l lrtrr sa\, ll'lrat dse nrtt ltultltatr
- ,..rar r.f lef lf r Qrt(u 6kd ad rultctt 1'tttt go cttttrltittl4? ls li.slcrr, Pla1, ( .l ) tril(:k lll l.
: ,.mr dt ..n b.I tr,w. t6 S.t dM Ilirve Ss listt.rr, poiut turrl rt peat.
'' - # dr t 6q rqrd tt ta ,.a o ha,,(otle.
^ E{ rff h.ndr It F/ hoi. Jriril. bh. n.

:ffi tl, l.isten, poittt trtrd relr?,x1,

rlrase (prtrtst,) snrcll (lntrsa) tutlk tttt't,t' (lr(nl\t) .J

l'lly'Ol) trlck I]22. llirvt.Ss listcrr.

A. l.istert.
ll'lktt to tlo i.l'.yott s(c l lrttr
Ss can untlcrstand short rcl)orts about horv to be sale
lJ _l'tttt scr tt lmtr, tltttil lx,sttt.rl. litrtt tuttiuttI ttrttl ttttlk
lvlretr canrping.
rttrrt.l,sknt,ll,. l\ttit t'tttt or tlt( l,&t trtigltt rlttnr, 1.,trt...l
ltaar ttrt sttrall yrnr lnlim, it <.(ut \t,r t,ou. ll tt lttir sttrtlls
Motedols 1,ott, it tt,ill ttsttttlly nt,t uurt.l'. Ilutrs ttt.t,tr t li ittrtlll,.
(.irrrrpirrg slfetl,tip r:artls ( l ll lll:'l'cacherls (irrirlc i\lrrkc strrc Ss turrlt'rstirrrtl tlrt, rrerv rvorrls.'l lrtrr pluv
(lli), (:l) tltr
l). rclrlilrg agairr.
-, Sa1, Ilrrrrelou euer s?en t wikl lx,ar? ll'hat did 1,ott iltt?
I lrrvc Ss anst1,('I. I lterr sl\. Norr ,t\,'n, goittl- ttt lutnt ttlnttt
O Before lhe book u'l,rtl lo tlo i!'ttttt get lost. Lr!'s listt,tt. l)llv (.1) lrrrt.k ll2.t.
I lrrvt,ss listt'n, poirrt trrrtl rr,pt,irt.
1l':rrlrr -rr1l / revlerv
l'lrr\' li.:utr hrllnslorrrrlrrg {'li.irr.ltt,r's (}rritle p. llt}. I lave cc
Irr to rlt rrll irll thc tlrirrgs tlrt,\,krrorv rlrrrt tltt:y rrriglrr rlo
tr lt,'rr tlrr'\' 1io r';rrrrpirtg. rl. List t, rt, ltoi rrt trrtd t.(l )cu t.
Iost (|,(lust,) trsrttr urtrl,r,r. (ltttrtst)
rotluce vocabulary
I rr I Itrlicoltttr (1xtttsr,) sutrtlt tlt44 (ltttrtstl
\rrr Iirrirtl' ttr're goittg lo leorn alnul wlut! 11 d9 tyltctt rt'lristlc (1,(uts,)
l.tnt lll, t-tttrtltittlq. I lttre .1rttt t't,?r llorrt, t ttrttltitttr4? ll/ltrtl
Itttltltt'nrtl| I Isc tlrr'(inrtrlllrrg safcty tip cartls ( I Il | lf: l'lrry Ol) trae k lt2,l. Illvc Ss listcrr.
ltirclrr,r.'s (irrirft. p. ll(i), to irrtrorluc(, tlr(, ncrv vot.lrltularl,.

l) I [)ircover il! 2. losson I

Clm A. l.isletr.
ll'lurt lo tlo iJ'.1rttt 1;trl
lJ'1rtrr gtt kxt, dotr'l ltit!a.litur ftttttil.l,tttul .li ictttls rt,ill ltxtk
ltr yttt.Ih,.rrrre rlorlrrr.s rttul senrclt tktgs tt,ill ltx*.ftn. 1,ott,
ttxt. Sit dou,tt ruul tlotit tnot'tt ttrottnrl. lJ-yttt see tt
Itdirtltttr, u'ttrry )rntr lurruls. ll'1,otr lutyt: rt tultis!lt,, bluu it.

Itlakc srrru Ss un(lcrslanrl tlrc rrcrv rvorrls.'l'lre n play thc

rc:rtlirrg agairr.

O Afier lhe book O Belore lhe book

l'lity l)urrols ('lL'aclrcr'.s ( itritlc 1r 20) ttsing flcts l'rrrrrr tlre Warrn-rrp / revlew
rt:atl i rrgs.
lleview tlrc vocallrrllry lioln lhc previorrs lessolt rrsirrg
l)ictrtre (lartls I) l2-l)2li on 1t. gti. \Vrite l^f a lrce stittl4s 1rrtt,
lJ' yo tt sea a l.rcrtr arttl lf l,o u g,l t l(,.st on t lrr: ltoarrl. l n pl i rs,
Itavc Ss iry to sny flllythinH tltr:y t'lrr rr:tr)unlrer irlrorrl atrl'
ol tlre rcarlirrgs. l)isplay, lllo llictltrc Cartls iI ncccslinry to
lrclp tltcrrr rcrtrenrller.

A(tivity llook p. ,l,l clrr rrorv be assigncd for horncwork or

A Open lhe book
ttscrl itt class. Serc ilrtswer kc1,, ';in.,,,rr'r Cuidr,l p. I (i2. I}
Nexl lcssorr: llrirrg a rcfe rcncc ltook iIyotr clroose lo (lo IIave irrtlivirltrirl Ss takc trrrns rclrling llrc
re porls otrt

tlrt: optiorral ilctivily (iroup research. lotrrl. Siry g,tittg lo ttttstuer solre rlrrcsliol.r
N611t 11t1,'7s
ttltortt crtrrtltilg. IIavc S$ tllnl to Strrtlent ltook p. .l:l an(l
krok;rt part ti. I,lay (il) track 1i25. Stop tltr: (ll) alrlr
tlrrcstion artrl elicit llte ansrvcr. Ilsrtrin(l Ss tlrat tlrt,1, r'llt
lirtrl tlrc alr,\v()tri ilr tltc rclrlirrgs.

Il. Ileod,listen snd write.

I .
$ a lrce stitrg,$ 1,orr, tt'lutt ruill lte in yxtr skht {2.r)
2. lllutt's itt the bec's stittge r? (J.\ )
3. Sltottkl t,ttu rttn if yott src a bear? (f t)
.1. Ara bears (2r)
5. Sltatrkl yttt ltklc iJ'1,ort gt:t lost? {ft)
6. ll/ltrtt slutttkl ytrr rlo ifytrt sec a lrclifiryter? (ftt
llave Ss norv g() hack arrtl rvrile an Ans\v(.r lirr
t;ttestiorr. Ohcck lly havirrg intlivirlrrtl Ss n,rite rlrcir
ar)swcrs 011 llle l)(lilr(1.

I litve Ss look at l)art C. I lavo Ss rt:irrl llre r:lrrcs, l'irrrl tlrt,
arlswcrs in the rctrlirrgs tnrl rvritc tlrc lctttrs irr tlrr. lrurr.s
in rlrrler to cornl)letc tlre prrz.zle.

O Afier lhe book

Ilave Ss lalk irlulut tlrcir urvrr cxltr:riulce$ citrrrPirrl; or
lriking. Ask <1rrr:stions srrch ns lVllll-t lmpporcd? llotu rlitl it
Itappctt? ll/ltttt rlkl you do?

' Gmupresearch,, ,:'.,, , :r::.j,,,ii,,,.i"

Uslng a reference book or the Intein'iii, have Ss flnd

I, out more about things rhat mlght hnppen lf rhey go

hiklng or camping, e.g. if you get binen-by a snake. if
I you rlln out of water, lf you gct runburned, lf yorr rrur
, out of food. In large classes, have Ss work ln groups
, ln"d dvl lacl-ry:p-: llf gT I**, -ssi"- *
Activity lklok p. 4l-r can nrlrv lle assigncrl frlr horrrcrror[. or
ttscrl irr cllss, Scu iulstvcr kcy,'l'clclre r's ('irritlc p, ltrJ

Discover il! 2. Icssorr 2 l15

(I} Comping sotutytip cords


sling slinger / skin red bump

r!,ti --l

&i I €D @) I

J*t \t



,-'--"1 I chose smell

*l I

| ----
Qr9 IQry

wolk owoy lost helicopter \J

-'l -'--.t
toz r)

whislle rescue worker seorch dog


I llrr r, Ss rr'pcut tlrt rvortls arrtt lirrtl llrc riglrt ctrrtls.

1)(i [,r,;r ovor il! 2, Inrrc]rer Reproducible l9 O Peorsorr [:ducrrlion Asio IinrrlecJ
ee If ...
gr'l .
-- ----t-
i If o bee stings you, i
If you see o beor, If o beor smells you,

If you get lost, If you see o helicopter, If you go snorkeling,

t- _t

If you hove on eoroche, If you go on sofori, If you go conoeing,


0 lurn oround ond

don'l loLrch lhe corol. sloy in lhejeep. wolk owoy slowly.

t* I

tM /,-


loke oul
loke o lifejockel. the stinger very slowly. lie down.


I _ _y:':ryiTyl_ * t_
sil down ond
don'l move oround.
____t I il will usuolly run owoy.

Tcnchet's lnslructtons l)rcltarc pltotocopies for each stu(lellt in arlvarrcc. t larr<t orrt llre rvqrksltegts. l)rrt Ss i1t9
pairs. llcatl tlrrottgh the I/r'larrse s. Ilave Ss firrrl tlrc cor re cl tinishing clarrse frr caclr, I Iavc Ss crrl orrl tlrr: carrls arrtl pl.rr
(lttttt'ettlratlon('li'itcltcr's(irritlep, l$) rvillrtlrccirrls,rcarlirrglrothclarrscselthlinrethcyfirrtlarnalclr.

() Peorson Iducolion Asio Lirniled Discover il! 2, Teocher Reprorirrr,rlilt: .r() 1)7


_,/ / (,^


wordr Q (F uttro.Potnt soy O CrllIoD utt.n. Pot6t loy

Sitv Nrrttr we'ro gttittg lo tolk ttlnut lmtl tltiugs tlttrt rrtn
IttrT4tett lo lr.s. I krlrl ttll l'icttnt,(,trrtls (i(i"7(l orrt' ;rt ;t tirrrr'.
Sity cltclr cirrtl arrtl lrirvc ss r('l)calt. I loltl trp tlrl clrrrls irllrrirr

@ Tolk obout it! (vocobutory) lttcl elrcotrritgt'Ss trl rctrtctnllt'r tlrc rlorrls itrttl s;rI tltctn.

Torget @ Open lhe book

Ss can point to and name bat, cockroach, cobra, I lavc Ss tulll to Strrtlt,rrl llook pp. 50-3 I trrrrl look ;rt tltr,
ntostluito, spkler, stepped on somethlng, cnt rtry hand, Pictttrcs irl lll(' l)ottotrr ol tlrt' p;r1glr. l'lirt ( .l ) ttulk ll?{i-
fi'll clawn, hit nry head and hurt my leg. I lavc Ss listt'n arrtl p()irrl lo tlt(' l)i('trtr('s.

tl. l.islefi,1toirtI rttrd rqrefll.
I'i('l ir I (' ( lirr tls l-r I -70, ( ll ) lxtt (Ttottsa)
utckrorn'lt (lxtrtsa)
uilrrt (7tt1ttst)
O Belore lhe book tttostlttilo (ltattst')
\\':rrrrr-up / revlerv sltitler (lxtttsa)
stt,lt1tltl rttt s(r,n,,tlti,tE (ltrtttsa)
\lril$'lri|ltilt (lartls 5l (it)()n(.ilt it lintt ilrrtl lrlrvt Ss rrrilkt, tttl ttty,ltutttl (lrilust')
if \r'f f l('n( (' ;rlrorrl earlr carrl, r'.1q, 'l'ltere('s a lot of <'ortt) or li'll tkttt,tr (1,(ilts()
I irsl (;rlr'l rtlt tltt rocks), Itil rttl,lrrytrl (l)(utsr)
Irrtrl ttr.1,lt1i (ltrttt:t')
I rrotltrcc vocabulary
5: rv ll i'i c 6rri rtli lo tnlk olrurrl stnry tltl ttgs, tlrt 1'ort surrul l'lirt' tltc OI) tgain. Ilavc Ss lislt'n arrrl r('l)('rl.
ol ttttl't.lrirr1;? l llvc Ss itnsl\'('r. l lolrl rrp lti('tut('( lirrrls (il-(i5
l'liry (ll) trirck l].17. I lirvc Ss lisllrr lrrrrl nrrrulrt,r llrr \
on('irt it littte. Sitv eaclt clrrtl arrrl lurve Ss rt'Pt'al. Iloltl up
p ict rr rt's.
tlrc r';rrrls nlirritt ittttl en('(,ulitll(,Ss lo rr,rrrtrrrlrcr llrt'rvortls
rurrl s;rv tlrcru. llavr: Ss tell torr olltcr tlrings tltt'1"te scirrorl

llll l lrrit / [nsson I

Il: l.istnrt rttul ttutnber. Pictrrrc (larrls 0l-70, (ll)
Nrlrlrr,r l. ltttrt ttt.1, ltg (2.r)
Ntttttln,r ?. tttL'utttclt (J"r)
Ntttttlter !1. stelryxtl on so,netltitrg
Nrrtttln'r l. sltirler
O Before lhe book
Ntrrrrlrr,r 5. litll tknwt (2.r) Warnr-up / rcview
Ntttnlte r 6. uilrrt (2.r) l)lly lrintl lt, srvat it arrtl srry ltl ('l'cirr.hcr'.s Grrirle 1r. l{ )
Nttttttlttr 7. lxrt (2.r) ttsittg I)it:trrre (lalrls (il-70.
Ntttttln'r B. utt ttt1, ly1111l (2.r)
l'lay tVlnrl gatrre ('li:tllrcr'.s (iuitle gt. I l-r) rrsirrg l)ir.tul(,
Nturtlrrlr 9. utostlrtito (2r) (litrrls {il-7(1.
Nrrrttlx'r |.0. ltit trrt, ltutrl (2.r)

( llre ck Ss' answr: rs lly sal,ing tlrc ntrnrllcrs arrtl having

sl)' lho crlrrespontlirrg vor:irlrtrlary rvorrls anrl plrrascs. Siry
Ss @ Open the book
Ilave Ss trlnl lo Sttrrlcrrt llrok 1r11. 5()-51. lntrorlu(.r: tlr(:
tlre vocallrrlary rvrtrtls antl phrases in randont rlrder. Ilave
nrain scencs lly playirrg (ll) track ll2{1. l.istcn arrrl poirrl ttr
Ss relreirl, priinting t0 each ot.rc.
thc people or objccts as they are rrrt.rrtioncrl.
I lave Ss point to arrrl narne pictures of the vocabulary
tvonls tlrey can scc irt the rrrain scenos. (Ansrvcrs:
t'ockroaclt, sllitler,)
l llvc
lrtok frtr tlrc lrirlrlcrr trlrtlc ill tlrc rrrain sconcs.
(1. l.islt:tt to the stor1,,
(Arrsrve r: lt's rrrrrlcrneatlr Sarrrly's pilkrrv irr tlre l'irral sce rrc.) It's rriglttlirrte. Satul1,11211l ,|ltttlt arc itt Stttttlt tlli ictt.
tltcir xtorrr,ltut Srttrdy ntit slctlt.
Sandy; I lrrtt,tt to go to tltt lttt!ltroom.
O Aller lhe book lleth: ll(, too.
(iivr: five Ss I)ictrtrc Oarrls (il*{i[. llave rll five rrrirnc the Saruly: trVlrr:rrillrtlutthnnttt?
attirtral on thcir car<l at the sanre tinte. As soon as lleth lt's dorutr tlrc lrrtll.
sotllcone gut]sses the arrimal, thnt stu(le llt carr sit rlown. Stttttly: I lttttnl tt ttttist,.
I lorv rprickly cart all llre grrcsserl? Bctlt: lVlrttt kittrl rqf troist?
()ive Iivc ()tltcr Ss l,i(:lrtre (lar<ls 66-70, I lave irll fivc Snndy: lt sotttrtlul like att anitttnl.
rtrirrre tlrc aclion on tlruir clrtl lt tlre sanrc tirrru, As sttorr tletlc I lrcunl it, too. I \t yttt thit* ir's a lxtrl
irs s{rril(,oil(: liucssos lltc acti0rr, that strrtlerrt carr sit rlorvn. Sandy: I tlotit tltink so.
Ilotv r;rricLly,r'arr ;rll tlrc ilctions be grresscrl? ltelly .* I'llgolt19k,
Sandy: ll/lty did llott.rr:rrrrmtl
. CutOttnorder(Tdacher'sGuidep. 15)
Ileth: lleuutse I stL,lrlrul ott sornething,

I ir 1
l)lay CI) trar:ks lllltl-llll2, lror r,;rclr rliirlrrg, havt: Ss ljrst
[ . Cooperatlve Plcasso (TeacherbGulde p. 15) j
lislcrt artrl poinl to llrc clrirractcrs slrctrkinl; tlren rcpt:ll
tlre dialog.
r\ttilitl' lIxrk 11. .1(i t'lrr rrorv lrt: lssil;lred for horrrework or
ttsctl itt cluss. Scc iln5\\,or kt,;','l'e 'rclrt'r''s (irritlc 1r. t62.
I). t)ittlog l.
l.iste t t ttrttl lxti ttl.
Srrrrl.y; I lrttut, ttt go to tltc lxttltrtnttr.
Ilcllt: A!r, too.
Sandy; l11[r,r'r,!' !ltaluttlrnxtrrt?
Ilellt: It's tlotptt tltt'lnll.
@ Tolk obout it! {Diotogst Notu listttrt
(Srtrrtc as
otttl rcytt'ttt,
alxttt, Itttt tttclt linc is srtirl ottc'tt tuitlt t yttut,
Torgets , i
lir Ss to rtl,ttttt.)

, I Ss can snyllule to go lo tlrc bathmom and Illve trvo Ss (Sl arrtl 52) go to tlrc frorrt, l)oint to Sl arrrl
i respond with ire, too. Ss can then ask and answer ltlint to 52 arrrl say Tftis i.r Ilerll. Srirlrrl
say 7'lis is Sarrrllr
lVlremir ilrc batlroont? lt's dawn the hall, - ilcxt to S l arrtl siry I lruue to go to llrc ltalhroonr. l lavc S I
o Ss can say I heard a noiseancl ask and adswer rcl)cat. Stantl next to 52 and say rllc, ,oo, t lavc 52 rcpcilt.
[, ]' ::t',1 Wmt klnd of nolse? lt sounded tike an antmal, Stirrrrl noxt to Sl alrrt say lt{rerc's llrc bathroonll I llvc Sl
r Ss carr sary I heord it, too. Da you thtnk lt's a bat? rrl)e at. Stanrl lrcxt to S2 arrd say It's rlorlrr tls Itrrll. I llvt.
Ss can answer I don't think so. Ss can respond with 52 rclleat. I lave S I alt<l 52 say the tliaktg on lheir orlrr.
I'll go look, l'r'otrtltt tlrun il'rrcccssary. I)o it ngairr arrtl lrlvr: tlru rlrl ol
' '. $$ can nsk and nnswer llthy dld you scroant?
llte lis rr:pcal.
' Because I stepped an sonrcthlng,

Unil 7, Iesson 2 1,1]

O Afier lhe book
t). t)inloY2. llt'r'icrv tlrt'u,orrls ghost, lirtrr arrtl srurkr'. Illn,r, Ss r('p(.:ll.
l.lst t,tr tt ttil pttlttt. r\rk volrrnir,ut s lo slto\v tltcv tutrlr,rstalrtl tltr. rr,orrls lri.
Srrrrrl.l,; I lt,'ztnl rt ttoist,. tllirrvirrg tlrorrr ott llrc lloartl or irclirrg ortl r';rclr rr'ortl.
lh,tlr: ll'lutt kitrd oJ'troise? l)lace l)ictrrrr. (larrls (il-(i5 on tlro l)oiu(l (rtirlt tlrt.
.\rtttil1,: lt xttttulul likt tttt ttttitttol. l)i('turo sirlCs sltorvirrg) ns a rt'ft,rcrtcr.. I,rrt Ss irrto Itrits
A'orl li.rrcrr aild repcilt. lrrrl lrave lhcnr ltractice diakrg Il rrsirrg rlilli,tt,rrt
vrrr:irlrrrlary'itctrrs, c.g. Do 1'ott tltink it's a (ux.knt!ttlr)?
l.\.I,r('{r.s alxxv,lut udt line ls suiil o, tuitl, o lt(t,tstl
/irr Ss to tt'lrt\tl,) l)la('c l)iclltrc (llrrrls (i(i-70 on tltt l)(lil(l (rvitlt rlrr.
l)it:tulc sitles slrorvirrg) as a rt'lcrcnt.r'. l)rrt Ss irrltl lrt'rr,
Il:nt.trvo Ss (Sll
lritirs trrrl lrrvt llrern llritcticc rliirlog .l rrsirrg ttillt.lcrrt
anrl S.l)go to tlrc fnrnt. lkrirrt to Sll arrd vrrr:alrtrlrrrY ittrnrs, e.g. ll'h1,ilid 1,ott scrutnt? llerause I (c.rtl
',rr I /ris i.s.Sarrrlll l\lirrt to S,l lrrtl sal, TTri.s i.s llelll. Stirntl nty ltutrd).
ilr'\t l(,5.1, f)ut Yottr hattrl lo )'ortr cilr arrrl say I lteilt.d n
loirr'. I llr t' Sil l(.;)ctl. Stlrrtl trcxl to S,l irrrrl slrv lVlrat A.jlrrl
nl rrtrisc? Illrvc S,l r('l)oitt. Starrtl rreil to Sil itrrrl say'Il
srttttttlrll like nn oulrtutl. llavc S.l rol) llal,c Sil arrtl S4
r,r\ llrl tlirlog ori llrcir orvrr. l,rorrrpl tlrr.rrr if rru.r'sslr1,. l)o
. Bcep ('[eacher's Guide p. 16)
it rrlg.rirr rrrrrl lrnve lhe rt'st oItlre Ss l('l)('at. . Change partners (Teachor's Guide p. 16)

r\ctivity'lkrrrk 11.,17 can rrorr,llc assigrrcrl lirr ltorrrerr.ork or

l). l)ioktg 3.
ttst'tl in class. Scc ilns\\'(,r ke1', 'li'ar:lrt'r's ( irrirlt' p. I ti.l. -(
Next lossolt: lllitrg ir lrlirrrllokl il lorr r.lrooosc to tkr tlrc
l.istatt otrd 1nint.
optiorlrl actit'it)'lVlro sirltl lt? ( lr':rclrcr's (irrirlr', gr. l(i).
lh,th: I lttrtrtl it, tort. lilt ytu tltittk it's u lxtt?
.\rrttl1,: I tfutrit tltirtk xt.
ltcth: l'll p lutk.
A'orl li.sft'rr ttnd rcptttt,
t.\rtttrt tts illxil,c, but litrc is srtiil ortttt tuitlt il l)ausp
./r,, ,Ss ,(, ,.,put!.)

IIirrr, trvo Ss (S5 antl S(il go to tht' frorrl. I)oint lo S5 arrtl

'rrv Ilri.s Lr li"lfi. l\rirrt tu S(i arrrl sa\,??ris isSarrrl1,. [i1n11d (
rr(,\r to Sir rrrrtl slS I lrcaxl if , rco. lio 1,ort think ii's n bat?
I lrrvc 55 1('l,r,ilt. Strntl rrcxt to S(i and say I rlorr'f tltirtk so,
I lrrr c S(i r(,lr(,itt. Stnltrl rroxt to 55 artrl say t'll go looL.. I tavc I
t{M b ltr tEltvflri'
S-r rr'pt.;rt. Ilirvt: Sli arrtl S(i say tll(r rlialog orr thcir orvrr. I 0o k,

l'rorrrpl iInt.ccssilr],. I)o it again lrrrl lravc tltc rest oI -

tlre Ss re;rt:at.

l,isten awl ytittt,
.Srurrl.l': ll'hv did you x.ruttrr?
llrtlt: llttttuse I staltltt'tl ott sorrtetlting.
A'(rrl lisrcn tttul repeot,
(.Srrrrt,a.s olxn,c, ltttt eat'lt litrc is srtid once u,itlt a pouse
/i,r .S.s ftl t t'lx\rt. )

Il;rrr. trvo Ss (57 arrrl Stl) go to tlrc frorrt. ltrirrt to S7 irrrrl

rirl I hl.s is .$orrly,, l\ri rrt to Stl arrtl sl1, 77ris rs lletll. Starrtl
n('\t to 57 antl sny lt'[1,rlidy'ott screant? I lavc 57 rol)('ilt.
Stirnrl nlxt t() Sll alt(l sa1'Ilecalr,sc I slepped on soilrillring,
llave Stl rcpoxt. l lave S7 alrtl Stl say tlle tlialog orr tlre ir
orvrr. I'rorrrlrl tlrt,nt if ncc(rssar)'. I)o it again antl havc llrc
Ir,\t ol"lllt, Ss rt,pt.Al.
I'rrt Ss irrto plirs arrtl lrirvc tlrcrrr l)rtctice tlrc rlillogs.
I lrrr r.sorrre puirs lct otrt llrc tliakrgs irr l'rorrt oI tlrc class.

l(Xl I lrrit 7 lessorr 3

@ soy it! @ chont-o-srom
Lislen ond clmnt.
Wlty li11 trtu sr:nuttrt!11/lt.y, llid )rur sr:rcrmrl
' llecottsc I crtntt1, ltund.
i Ss can perform dialog I using vocabutary reviewed
I scnnttutl lryttttst: I t'ttl tttl' !111111!.
i from Unlts 2 and 4 In Level? and Unlt 3 in Ottclt!
:i ll4ry 11i11 1,r, tr'r'tttttri'l[hy did lte scrutnl
llt.ctttsa lte hit lris lwul.
I lc scrstrrtul lxrartsa ltc ltit ltis ltuul.
!, Materigtq
l*' Otu:lt! Ortclt!
i I)icturc (lartls 6 I -70, (ll)
1, I ! i d sl rc sc reu n *
l\r I r), tI i d I rc sc r*t
e t t t ? \lt I 1 slrtr t,pltetl ott sotttetltittg.


Sltc scrcanrcrl lvcnrrsr sltc sttltlttrl on sonu,lhirtg.

O Before the book lVlutt uuts it?
Warln-up / revicrv tl cuckrouclt.
l)liry'll'unr hrulnstornrlng ('ll.aclrcr's (irrirle g). I lave
11. l
grolrl)s of Ss rtrake a list olall the tlrings tlrcy lrave to clo.
lllay tlre Ol) aguin. l)lly Slantl n1l rvlretr 1,orr lteur il
('l'eaclrer's (irride p. 2t).

\- @ Open lhe book

Say ltl
Ilavr,Ss tunl lo Sttrrlt:rrt llrok 1t. 52, Iluvc trvo Ss (Sl nntl S2)
O Afier the book
l)141,Starrtl lrr ortlcr ("lcar:lrr:ri (irritlc gr. ?0). I l.rvt,\r
go to tlre frrrrrt. Suy (.$l1r rlarre) is.Sarrdy. (SZ's nunrc) is
illrilnll(l llrt'rrrs0lvcs irt (,|Il(lr ilr:t.0r'rlirr11 to tlrr, lirrrt, tlr(,i
Ilttlt.'l lrc1trg golng to talk ubortt lnutng to go to lltc gr:t ul), l)orl earliest to latest. l)o thr: sirrrrc rvillr ,rrtt,rr
hathroom do sotttctltirtg. l.ct's listen. Say I lutue to go lo lltc lrrttlr irrrtl go to lted. llcrrrirrrl lhcrrr lo rrse orrl1, lirrglisltl
Irothrcom.lllve Sl re[) Say.{fc, foo. I lave Sl rcpeat. Say
ll'ltere's tlte batlrroortri I lave Sl repeat. Say Il!.rlori,rr f/rc I)lay'Icaln bralnstorrnlng ('l'e ;rclre r'.s (irritle 1r. l1t). llir\ r,
ftalL l lave 52 repe nt. I lavc S I and 52 say tlte rlitrlog on tlrcir leanrs urakc ir list of tlrirrgs tlrcy rlo irr tht: cvcrring lrrtl
orvrt. l)o it agnirr arrtl lravc tlle rcsl of tlrc Ss l,lay Ol ) llctrrc goirrl; to lrcrl.
trirck Ililll, Ilavc Ss listcn anrl rr:pclt thc rlialog.

l,istt:tt rtud rclrtnt.

Stttrtll,T I ltut,t, lo go to tlrc ltallrroottt. (lt,rtrsc)
llctlt: llt,, too. (ltrttt se)
Srtttdy: ll'/rcn,!'tlrellutlrroottt?
Ilttlt: ll's iltuun the lnll. (
Activity liook p.4ll carr rrorv llc assigrrctl for llontr:rrorL ur
trsctl in class. Scc ans\vcr key,'liraclrcr's (irrirlc
Ilavc krok ut tlrc J)ictrtres ntlxt to tlrc dialog. Say tetb
Ss ;1. I{iit.
lyttut, Srtrttly tulk ubout ltilvirrElto go to sotne otlrc'r places to
do tltirrlis.l lave trvo Ss (Sit and 54) rry rhe firsr diatirg. I lavc
Sll siry I ltalc lo ltrtrslt nry leellt. l lave S4 say ilIe, loo. I lavc
Sll siry [!'lrerc's tlrc lxtlltrooarl I lavc S.l say lt,s rlorlrr tlre
lall. Prrt S-s irrlo pirirs anrl lr;rvr: tlrlrrr prtritice llrc rlialog
rr itlr llrc rlilli:rctrl lliclrrrcs. lirr rrtrntlrr,r l-r, lrave Ss rrrake
tlreir orvrr tlillog tirlking alrorrt irnotltcr tIring tlrey lurve to
rlo irr tlrc lratlrroonr. I lavr: sorrrc llairs s;ry tlieir rtillogs irr
frotrt ol tlrr. r'lirss.
@ Buitd it! @ chonr-o-srom
Ilrtrodtrce t hc (lhant-it-granr Torgeh
Ilcvit:rv llrc r,or';rbrrlary, rrrrnls. Slrrlrv l)ictrrre Cartls ti I-70. o' Sscan make statemenB about why people dn
Sirl'tltt.rvrrrrls or plrrirsr:s itrtrl lravc Ss rcpcat. Slty \Ulry, ilkl , something uslng Iscrsam ed becat*i I litepped on
1'tttr screottt?l rrrl slrorv l)ictrtrc Carrl 67. l.-licJt I cut ttt1,
:, somelhfng) -
-,,r;r;{,,,,r':'l;'r, :'1..

,,{rl(r. Ilr.l)(,irt tIrr' pror.r,tlrrrc rvitlr ll,lr}, rl lil ltc scrtnrn? i,ni Ss can ask and answer ahout why people do
l'i('trf r('(lartl (ilt ro clir:it llc ltit ltis lreail antlWlrydid she something uslngWry dldyouscream? Becawe I
scrcrrrrlrrnrl l,ictrrrc (larrl {i(i to Slrc slcpped on (stepped on sonrcthing).
sorttt,lltittg.;\sk ll,Itn! rlcs ir? anrl slrorv l)ictrrrc Cnrtl 62 to . Ss can chant the firlry dld you sb'r<arfl? chant.
elicit,,1 l:trkroailt. Siry Aaouauuna[/ llave Ss repear. I)lay
(ll) trar k llil.l alrrl lr;rve Ss listen. l\rint to tlre rvorrls as
tltcf irre clrirrrterl. (Notr:: 'l lrc Clmrtt-a-74ratrr rvill lrc Moteriols ":: ; :r 'l
_,*-*i:r;$*ir r-ri,&arjtu;in:{;*;ji,itt-;,i", i. _
tcvit'rvt,tt irrrrl tlrrglrl irr nrore tlr:tail irr l_csson,l.)
Itictrrrc (lartls (i6-70, (ll)

Unil 7. lesson ,l l0l


tl. l.islt,rt lrrtl rqrcot.

O trr ttr|en. !oy. llt'llt: I scrutrttul, Istrltlttl rttr
I r r-Y i"t r.. rr, I qtlwl fi yn*r,.,t *ttrratltitrg. (lutrtstl ,\1,

{;,1}'W'ff6 Slrt' thc rrrrrrrber o[ eaclr pictrrrc irr grirr I r\. I llrvt, Ss sirv I lr(,
s('nl('rr('r's. Say lltc rtttrrrbcrs I -.1 irr r:rrrtlorrr orrlt'r. I l:rr c
irrrlivirlrrill Ss sirl' tlt0 s('ilt('n(.('s.

O if: urrco Arr. Antrcr tI

'fr{ '4
i,ra r'i r., !,.Frt' f*oiitir*oraduur*o, I lirvl ss look irl l)ilt t ll. lrlit\, (.1 ) tr;tt.k I].1(i. I lirve Ss listt,rr
rrttrl rr'1lcitl.
""0& '
, r i,r Y r*!, d-',. ll. Lislctr rttrtl reputl.
.Sarrrl.y.' ll lt.t'tlid ytrt sr'rirrlrri' (l,tut\r)
o irti) Urnn wlrc
llt'tlt: llctttttst'Istaltltttlttttt)t,,rtl,inll. (l,tut:()
I L..,Frr^11*,\'t

I lrrvt'Ss pnrctict, tlrt'tliirlog in plrils lrrr t'irt lr pictrrrt' irr
grirrt ll.
I (l
I lrrvc Ss look lt llitrt (:. l,lirr'(,l) trirt'L ll.l7. I lil\'(,S\ li\t(,n
ittrtl rvrilt: tlrc n'ottls t() ( onllll(.t('r,irr lt sr.n(r,nt t'.

C, Lislctt orrtl rprite.

Before lhe book
l. I l( sctt'rttttt'd ltetturst ltt rttt ltis ltttttrl. (f l)
\l'arrrr-up / rcvlcrv 2. I stnttttlrl ltrcttttst'l ltttrt tttt' h,N. (f .r)
I l\(' l'i( tui('( l;rrrls (i{i-70. \\'r ite L /rr nrrtl .shc olr llrc lloarl. .'J, .Sltr,.sr'rrzlrurl lttrtrtst sltt li'll thtt'rt. (2.t)
llt'r'ir.n' tlrt' r'ocallulary rvith rlilli'rcnl l)rollouns llv lroldirrg 4. ll'lrt,dirl lte s(rfittni' lltttrtsr, lrt stt'p1tul rttt \iJ
ill) it ri( t ut (' ( ltrrrl itrrrl lroirrt irrg trl 0rrt, oI llrr' protrorrrrs. stttrrtl hittli. (2.t )
I l;r r t, Ss rr ra kr il stat t0Il(,tr t r.ilr.l r l l rr rt', r',g. .SIrc .slrTr;lcrl 0rr 5. l\! l t.l' l l.s/lr, sr'rr rurr i' /i,r'rrrrsr, l t l
t it s t trt t t /rr,r' /r 1.;. {-'t }

s.),t,ctltitrllot lle cu! ltis ltartil. l). lVlt.t,tlitl l,t)u sl-,,t,(t,,ti' !ltctttnr I ltit ttry ltr,ttrl. (.','.t /

!rrIrotluce grflnunar (.lrt;r'k Ss'lnsr\,(,rs lry lurvirrg iltrlivitlrrll Ss lirisc tlrcir

I lrr, I'i1 11111' ( .lrrtls (i{i- 7(1. \\'ritr, /. /rr,irrrrl .r/rr,orr tlrt, lrolrrrl. Itittltls fllrtl sit],tllc slittcnt(,nts rrr tliilltlgs.
I'rrinl to ir ll(,lloult irrrrl lroltl rrp it l,ictrrtr'Cirrtl. Sity tlre
;rlllr(rf 'n iitl(. slitl(.nlcnt, t..g. I sltruttul lteutuse I t.ttl ttt1, Ohant-il-grarrr
Ittttrtl. I lirvt'Ss I('l)('itl. I krltl trp ollrt'r t.lrrrls, poirrt to ollrer Ilirvt'Ss lrrok at tlrr' 1t'lr.t,r/lrll,1tt st'rutttri'th illt itt rli(,
l, r )n(lluls atrtl clicil tlu' st;lt(.nllnts, r'.g. llc.scn,alrterl l)olt(,nl ol gr.52 irr tlrt'strrrlent lIrok. I'lrrv (.1) trrrr.k ll.t,t
1t11 11s111, ltc ltit ltls llrtrl. I lirlc Ss l'pcat. irnrl lrlvc Ss listt'rr.
ir\r ir lrrrllr' r;rrr:st ion rrrark orr tltc lroarrl. hsk Lllt1, tlitl
I )r
vtu st',, cilrtt? I ltrvc Ss l(,lr('ilt. I lolrl rrp I,ictrrrr, ( )arrl (i(i. Sa1,
llt'. tuts.' I stt'1t1tul ott sorrtl,lltittg. I l;rvr: Ss r(,1)r,itt. I lolrl trp
I'ir tul(.( rrrtls (i7- ;{}one ilt a tillc, l)oillt to rlilli,r,lrt l.i sl ert u tttl <'lru ttl,
t'lit it tlrr, rrgrlroPriatc r;uestiuns arrrl ll' I t 1, t I i t I tt t r t st rc( t t, t i' ll' I t l, d i t I y t t t ttlfl t, t t i'
:]i,,lll,,il,l:'ltttl llttrtrrsa I rttt rtt.t, ltortrl.
)ir itlc Ss ilrto lirorrgr A lrrrtl llrotrp ll. l,oirrt to
I stt trtrttql ltt ttttst, I cttt tttl, lttttttl.
I a ( )rtclt!
Irr)nourr. l llvr. grorrp r\ irsk lt'/ry,did (lte) scrutrtt? l klld rrp
rrrrc clrrl irrrtl lurvc grorrp l) nns\1'cr llecause (lrc) ll' l t t, r l i r l l r e st rat t r r r ? lV l n, t l i d l t t st' t t,t l tr i'
tltit ltis Ircrrdl irr.corrlirrgly. Illrve groul)s charrgu rolcs rvith /lcr' lta ltit ltis ltattd.
r',rr lr rrr.rv cartl. llt screttttrul ltuttttst, lto ltit lris hutrl.
( )rtth! ( )rttlt!
l1'/r.l' r/irl.s/rr, s(n'( t nti' ll! I t.l, (l it I sl tr
O Open the book /lr,rrr I o t t s ( ), t t ( t I t i t t !4., .s/rr, .s/ a 1 t 1 t u
sr' nt t r rt i'

Sl t e sc ru t t t t ar I .s/rc sI t, t xt I t t t t I
,\ 1 1
s( t t t t IIIit t

l;rr r' \s tllr n to Slrrrllrrl lkrok 11. 5ll antl look at Pirrt A.
u'(ts iti'
I lllay
( ..1 cocknxtclr.
l ) trrrr l. lt li. l l;rvr,Ss listcrr lrnrl n'pt'at.

(l.l t lrril 7. Lesson 4

I)ivitlr Ss irrto grotrgr r\ lrrtl groull lt. I lavc groul) A clrant
lltc rgtrestiorrs lrrtl grorrp ll t:lrirrrl ilrc ansrvers. I lirvr: Moteriols ''
groul)s cltange roles arrtl clrirnt llrc clrant again.
Plronics Olrrls llrrlt 7 ('l'tl 22:''ltrr'.s (irrirlc p. lt)7),
llier:es ol pirlte r, pcns, several pairs oIclropstit Is
O Afler the book
l'll1,Olrt:lc rilillr: nl(:nts ( lr,irt
I'it'lrtrc (lartls ti(i -7().
lrt,r''s ( irrirlc p^ |7) rrsirrg O Belore lhe book
Warnr-rr1l / revlerv
Siry orrc ol tlrc rvortls rvitlt silt:rrt lclttrs [r(,nt tlre /lrrrrl it]
pilgc irr Urrit (i, c.1i. glo:;1. Ilrrvc ()rrc stu(lctrt go lrr tlrt
i.o Mychant (Teachers Guide p.2l) lruarrl alrtl rvrilc tlrc rvortl. I lirvt: arrolhcr slrr(lenl reatl tlrr:

il*;ri*, Supmer
(TIt 2l: Teacher's Guicle p. 106)

rvorrl. Corrtilrrrc rvitlr tlre rclrruirrirrg rvorrls frorr-r l)nit (i.

lntrorluce tlrc letters arrrl sorrnds of oI anrl o1,

Actir,ity llook p. ,11) t:irrr rrorv lle assigrrcd for lrorrrcivork rlr
ttrr:rl itt r:l;rss.5rr: ilns\\,r,r kt:1,,'leacher's (itritlc 11. l(ill. Write thc vurvcl rliirgrirplrs oi lnrl o.1,orr lltc lro;rrrl. Ilst,
errlargcrl l)honlcs Carrls tlnit 7 ('l ll .l.l:''s (irrirlr,
Ncxt lessorr; llrirrg sonrc t)al)er, I)olls arttl scvt:ral ltairs of p. 107) to slrorv Ss tlrc ol n,orrls. l\rint to lrrrl rt'lrl tlrr.r
clrollsticks to plity (ilropstick relay ('li:aclrcr's (itritlc gt. I8). rvorrls, ernplltsizing tlrc oi sourtrl. Illvc Ss li:,tt,tr. S;r\.
rtoise, t:oitt, pointed.lltlticlt sotttttl is tho strrrtt? I lirvr, Ss
sity oi. l)o tltc sitttte lirr tlrc o.1,rvot'rls. ltlttt.c ull llrr,t.irrrlr olr
tltc lrolrtl. llcatl tlre rvorrls on llrc t'irrrls, ctrrlllrir:ru irrlg tlrr.
oi t>t tt1' sorrnrl, ttrtl poirrl lo tltc rvoltls ils )'()u t(,it(l tlr(.u1.
I litvc Ss Ir:l)eilt. lixllltrirr llrc rrrcarring oI nrr], rtoLrls \s rlu
not un(lcrstartrrl. l\tint to tlle catr(ls irr ratttltrur ortlt'r irrrtl
Irirve irrtlivitlrral Ss rranrc tlrerrr.

Pronunicolion note
oi Itr I , o.y /.'rr/ (Sce llronrrrrciltiorr lirble orr 'lt'lclrr,r's
(ittirh 11. l-r.)
O il:f, [bto. pokrt soy. Llt b tly

or '" @
'lrh @ open the book
oy t',
(T) I A
Ilitvc Ss tut'tr to Strr<lcrrt llook 11. S.l lrrrl look lt p;rrr ,.\. I'l.rr
(.1) trirck lliltl. llavc Ss listcrr irrrrl
O ,CI:I) tbron Wrlt. ct q oy. tood llrrirrt to tltt,Pir.lrrrt,s.,

k [o6 MJ Ood

5o d, sJ I (l)J e,i o tmk. ,m iu yrllrrdoy Wc :ow o lol

ol Ir! t@ ,dkt W. Et o (t)b - lh. U X , l@ tl. l.isl t rt, ltoi ttl n nd Tsltttt t.
ttr 9d{ ua o {.). n o, o to$rur,Idt to9h1, sody ond I h@d ol, ot (ltttttst,) .).Y, ().1, tl,tilt\t,l
orln I trchloullrd. ltt.pgadono(6)t duck rti, oi, ttoist' (lltutst,) ().y, o),,1rl.1, ll)t|t\()
t r(...4J Sod/ (/D ol ord lough.d It fi! lsny oi, oi, t'oirt (lrilttst) o.1,, tt1', lxt.1, lltrtrtv'l
^l3d 'l
oi, oi, ltrtittlrtl (l)(ut\.,) il.y,0.1" so.l' silu(t, (lt(ut\t'l

l)lly tlre OI) irguirr. Illvt: Ss listcrr lrtrl rr'l)(,itt.

G .ffff llrtao Wrile Hunb.r
l'lay the (ll) a tltirrl titrre. I luvc itrrlivitlrral Ss rt, rlrt
I I.* ir:rrrs.

ll. I lsc tlrt l,lrorrlcs ( lirrrls. Slrorv llto

l)lctilr(!s ilrrrl irrI
lr l lltltat's lltc ruonl? llirvc irrrlivirlrrirl Ss rvrilc llto \r'orrls urr
tlrc lrolrtl.
Ilavc Ss lunt lo Strrrlent llook 1111. 5()-Sl arrrl look ll rlrr,
nrain sce nes. Ililve tltenr firtrl antl narile pictrrros 0l'rr.ortlr
lllitl ( ontititr llrc plrorrit:s sourrrls tlrr:y lrar,c jrrst h:irrrrtrl.
(r\rrsrvurs: lt()isc, toy.)
Reod it! Write s---- s.rrr('s on t lrc lloartl. I lave a sl u(lcnt u I it l
tlrc lrtltrrs o1,irr llrt: s1lirt.c. l)o llrc slrrtrl u.itlt llrr.otlrr.r
Torget tvorrls.
Ss can pnrnorrnce, read antl write oi ond o.y rvords,
llcvierv tlre rvortls ioincrl, poisorrorrs anrl IInt-h. lirr\,. l,orrrr
lo r:trch rvonl irrrrl sly,it. Ilavc Ss rcl)citl.

tjnil 7, tcssorr 5 I (l:t

\\ r it(, i *---- 1r,, on tlrc lloarl. I lave o sttttlcnt rvritc tlre
It'rt('r\ /,i irr tlrt'space. l)o tlrc s;urre rvillr the otlrrr revirrrv
I l;rr r, S,i lilr n to Strrrlcrrt lkrok 1t. l'r,l ilttrl look irt pitt I ll.
\;rr llr,tlut,totl'o lillr lo lu,r nrum ontl's reod it. ,l
I'l,rr ( .l ) rr lrt l llllll. I luvc Ss listr,rr lrrtl rlritt,oi or o-f irr tlre

O nood wrlt..

Il. l.i.rlcrr rrtrd writs llS,HLlI'"5T' arr

Hld. Dmlho'd 1Cq'tO
lli \lttrrr rtntl l\ul, o.rb h nry rm
l6ws lko
. \tt,tth'.trttl I joittttl tt <tutl't Jitrm iltttt'l't'slcr(htl: ll't'.satt, rl olrod h ta c{oell I Effirad,
l,,t ul lutitotutls srtrrtr'.t- lli'tttr'l ,t lutt'.1'tot,t lltr ll,K,, ltttr. I trlalo ItE lx,i, h, I lrlt do{r,
I tr1 my txq, m o (lrrr. floi I
l r lit u't' s t toi t rt.s rt .srttt t'('tti,: l t st tt igl l, Sr u \'
l t t t t t ul l t tr ttt lm hr*b I h.wr lo 0d lo

l tt u tl tt ttoi,rt. l t{rrtl (,lrr.{i./(,. l sttl,l)ill ott rt ltt.l' tl tu k. I

tr t\iasd lhrr m6{10 I itkt ! ftir,,..*,!,, r!,rr.,!

iN oasl i !.n
\t tt'ttntt'tl. *trtrly'lxtitrtctl rtt it ttrrtl lrtrtgltnl. lt rt'tts Jittttt.l'.
ll, tIt Pby Art. Anrwr

( lrtr k Ss irrrs\vrrs lrv lravirrg irttlivitltral Ss rt'ittl tltt'

r;t \\itll('.

(; -,1
I l;rrr'Ss trrnr lo Sttrrlt'ttt llook p.54 itrrrl lrtok itt ltitrt (i.
I'l.rr' ( | ) trrrck Il l(1. I lave Ss listln arrrl lill itt tltc u'orrls as
tlrlr lrr':rr llrttn.

(). l.isten unil turite.

l. !lrr t lot tl'ttoist'.
ltoisot urtts.sllntc ttttklc (2.r)
:), \ln' l,(tiiltt'tl tu lltt' coitt ,r{,.\'r ,o ,/r('sol' .s.ilI('('. (2.\)
't. I
irtitrrtl tlrc ln4'lo 1tkt1'u,itlt tlrc Io)'. (2"t)

/,4 J
\\ritt tlrr,\('nt(,n{ r'\ rvitlr tlrc hlltttks on lht'lrrl:rrtl. (lltt'ck
\\ iur\r\r'1s lrv lrnvirrg irtrlivitlrrirl Ss go io iltt'lroartl atttl
rr r itr, tlrt. rlorrls irr tlrc hlnrrks. l lirlc irrrlivitlual Ss rt'ittl tltt'
( d
\_-/ Proctice it!
\{'il 1 ('n (-(,s.
I l:n.r'Ss look tt lltc pictrrrt,. Itoittt to tlrr' ;rit'trttc itntl lsk
ll ftir'lr .sllft'rrrt is lllisl Ilavc Ss tlrilc llrc tttunlter ttI llte o Ss can understaud and produce this unit'.s targ,ct
I .t t(,(.1 \(,.t(,.(.r, tttttlt.f lltg l)i(.lut(,. (,\ns\1,cr: It's l.) language.
o Ss can rcad the story ond qucstion$ iutd writo
answers to the questious.
O Aller lhe book
l'lrrr'Olropstlck rclty ( li'aclrt'r's (irtitlc p. ltt).
Moteriols ,l
l)icturt (larrls (il-7(), tttittkcts lor lltt'litttttt', ottt't oitt
lirr cirt'lr plir ol Ss
o Fill in the blanLsl (Teacher's Guide p. lB)
. I:lnd thc word (Teacher's Guide p. lB)
. Glve me [Ive (Teacher's Ouide p. l8) O Belore the book
o Tongue twlstcrs ;
Warrrr-trp / revierv
I tave Ss repeat the following tongue twisters: ( .1 rirrrt I lrr: Cl r r t t t l - tt - g,ra trr l()gcllldt.
I sau, a boy wtth a poisonoali toy, I'lly Nlllrre lt! llcloy ( li'itr:ltct's ( itritlt' 1t. .-|0) t1"i111'
lJncle Roy lrcard a noke and dropped the soy ' l'icttrtc (lirrrls (i I *70.
sailce. ,i ,' l

Start slowly md gradunlly incrcasc the pace.

A Open lhe book
tivitv lkrok 1r. 50 t:ttt ttotv be assigrretl lirr ltotttcutlrk ttr
.,\t A
rrst'rl ilr clitss. St'c ans\!cr kt'1','li'acltcr's (itrirlc p. l(i4. Illrvc Ss lunr to Sltttlcttt ll()0k 11. 55 arrtl lorrk al pilrl r\. li'll
Next lt'ssort: llrittg sotttt' tttitt ktrrs tttttl stlttte ctlitls ltl ihctu tltai tltey arc goitt13 lo rctttl it p;tss:t1i1' ;11111 ;111srlt'I ,t
plirt' tlrt. g;rrrrt'. llring sevcraI tlicc iI r'ott t'lttttlst' to tlo tlrt' tlrrcstirltts itltottt il. I Iave irrrlir irltrlrl Ss lill'(' ltll tts llrst
olrtirrrlrl n('iivitv lloll it nvo tirrrcs ( li'irt:lrt'r's (irritlc p. 20). rt'ltlirt11 tlte t;ttt'stirltts, so t.lttI Lttrtrv vrit;tl ittlttttll:tliott
tlrt'1'arc lookirrg lirr. l lrt'rr, ltltvt Ss tt'itrl lltt' l)its\itll('

I (l I t lrrit 7, I esson 6
silcntll'. .,\ficr tlrey lrave firrislreil rearling, ask irttlivirlttal
lilit(le lrls to 0nsw(:r tlre thrcc rlririsiions,'l'hcn, lrave irll
stttrlcnls rvritc tltc ilriswe [s. Walk arorrnrl tltc t:lassrootn
and check Ss' progress. l lavc Ss rvlro lravt: rvrittctt
appropiiate answers rvrite the ir answcrs on tlle l)oar(l as a
sanrllle for the otlrr: rs. Sanrplc ans\r/crs aro:
L l lc rvts tvalclrirtg scary tttttvies.
2. I lc sirrv a gltosl in tlre closel.
ll. I le has a hcatlaclte.

llave !is klok at tlle pictur'os irr part ll. lleviow tltr:
vocabrrlary on each spacc of tlre garne board rvith Ss.
I lave trvo Ss read llte cottvcrsation. I lave other S$ rel)eat.
l'}ut Ss irrlo pairs arrrl rlistrihrrte a coitt atrd tlvo ntarkcrs to
cach pair. I lar,e Ss put the ir tnarke rs ott tltc Start space.
Iixplain that thcy rvill llip tlre criirt utttl ntove olle or two
spaccs flt a tinlo, tle pcnrlirrg on rvlticlt sitle ol'tlte coitr is
rrp. I lave Ss take trrrrrs flippinl3 tlte coin, utovirtg tltcit'
rrrarkcr antl sul,irrg tlrc tlialog rvitlt tlre strllstittttiott sltotvrt
irr tlre stprare they larrtl on.\\'ltctt 5I flips tltc coirt atrtl
nroves, S2 says I heurd a noisl, Sl cotttittttes the dialog
antl vice vcrsa. I lave trvo Ss rleturttlstrate tlte activity
llefrlrc Ss stlrl to pla1,. \\tllk arrtttttrl tlte clitssroottr attd
hclp Ss if nccr:ssary. lI sorrre Ss l'inislr carly have tlrenr lllay

O After the book

l)lar:e l)it:trtrc (lurrls (il*(il-r on thc l)oilr(l as refcrttttt:tl. l)lay
Itrrz-z ('ll'aclrcr's (irtirlu p. l1l). As tlrc ltttzz- llltrtse, ttse I)o
you think it's tt (tttostlttlto)7

Activity llrtok p. 5l carr norv be assignetl I'rrr horrrcrvork or

trscrl irr clitss. Se c ilnsrvor licy,'l'e ar:hcr's (irrirlc p. l(i4. Norv
tlrat Ss lrave contgllctr:rl Uuit 7, thcy c.ul go to tlre lilrrlrrrll
gtage, At:tivity lltrok 11. 7() urrtl crrlor rrrrnrbe r 7 1liuk.
Ncxl lessolr: llrirrg l rvorltl rttl;l lo inlnulrrcc thc
vocaltttllry. Nlake six l)r{)n(}url r:lrtls to pln1,1;1..1"
stolcnrents ('ll'ar:lrcr's (irritlc p. I7).

Unil 7, [esson 6 l0l-r

€) Summercomp

ldicln'l lrove o good week ol summer

cotxp. On Mondoy, I- On Tuesdoy, Iwenl hiking ond
when lpul clown lhe bockpock'


On Wednesdfr, I wenl to lhe

beoch' I
screomed becouse I

'" \'/ ond

On FridoY, I went
On Thursdoy, I__
in lhe kilchen. Ouch lOuch!

hit rnY heod cul mY lrond \eg

hud rnY
slepped on somelhing fell cjown

'l'cacher's lltstntctlolts l)rcplrre lllrotocopics lor t'aclt stu(l('nt itt ittlvitttt't'. Ilatttl ottl lltt'rvorkslttt'ls. Ilitvr'

to conrplr,tt'llrt'scntcnces. (llreck Ss'arrsrvcrs by havirrg intlivitltral Ss rt:ittl tltttir scttlt'ttt'cs.

l0(; Llrrrl /, Icucher Reproducible 2l O Peorsotr Educoliorr Asiu litrrilctl

Phonics Cords Unit 7

n _se c____ n


& p nted
I- -- t- *t

b S- _* SOUCC

qJ [)(](rrson Irlrrcr:lion Asio t.imiled Unil7, Teocher Reproducrtilu '/:i l(),


il * *rli{ elid i*c'


lhlon llumbor srory G) /a}nl lhloo olo!6ot O 'UMt tlrloo Polnl SoY
v/ortlr Q {ar:tt tltton Pohl 3oY. O l}!D

r('l)('ilt tll(' (ltlostioll'
!,ou ct,t'r 8o,tt' tttr *tlhri? I llrvc Ss
i f,,,',' ,,,," *t,ttlt'ttl'itttsrvcr li's, I ltttt't' or No' I ltnrttt't'
llr,pcrrt \villl l'i( ltll(' (.lrrtls ?11 75.
l).irrt l6 (llrrritrl:r 9tr lltp rl6rltl tttltlr, ltoltl ttlt l)it lttto
( l;r rtl 7(i it t ttl itsk ll'ttt' ilid Clt ip atrd I )rttrttt' go ttt
@ Tolk obout itl (vocobulory) l:li(.it ( rir,l l:o lt) sttnrr,il,r'curitlt e| silI it. I lltvr' Ss l('l)t'itl.
(]rtttittrtt' \\'itll l)i('ttlr(' (llrrtls 77 ll().
Ss carr prrint to and natrle went I gone orr safuri'.
I @ open the book
saw I seen a bear, rode I ridden an clepltrrnt, took
lrrvc Ss lttrtt t() Sttltlt'ttt'[irok pp. Sti 57 lrtttl look;tt tltl
nkel a helicopter ride, Qrc I eatet, a baby pineapple, I
p:r1it's' l'lirv ('l ) trat'k Ii l I '
Eo to s,t,,nner'camp, visit litrtrily, sce uild attinruls, go Pictttrt's ltt tlto lrottottl ol tltt'
arrrl go lrcrscback riditrg. i lilvt'Ss listt'tr ittlrl l)oillt lr) tll(' l)i( ttll('s'

Moteriols A. l.i.stcrr, P()i,rt ilttil r(!,t'ttl'

l)i('tur(' (,lrrtls (il"ti(), rvorltl ttrap, Ol) lt't'nt (l)(ltlit')
E('n( oil s(t.lilri {lxllrs(')
J{Iil, (;rrtttsr')

O Before lhe book st't'n tl liiltr

\V:rrrrt-ttql / rcvlcrv rirlrltrr ttrr drl,lt(t,tt (prttt:t)
I'trrv (.ircle stillctll('lll$ ('li'rrcltt'rls irrirlt' ll' I 7) rrsirtg Pi('ltll
( ttntl (lrrttrsr')
t.rrrrlstil i0torr,rit,rvtltcr.or.trl,trlurYltotttlllt'plcvitrttsttttit. tttk'crt rt lttlittltttr ilt
t (lt(ttt\t')
(llt' (l"rll's(')
t lttrotlucc vtlcitbularY &tl(ttdfuilt1'1tittett1t1ilc (ltttttsc)
S;rr' lirrlrt-l'tlr"ltgoirrg to talk abottt lltittg,s tul'ttc rlotte' R(t lo sttttltlrcr c(ttttl,
('irrd T l ittltl lrsk t,isit litrrtilt' (lrrrtrsr')
f lri, I'i.ttire (litrtis T l -71-r. l ltlltl tr, [)ictttre

ll'hal did tltt'1'do? lilicit tltrr l)ilst l('llsc lrltrrtse or saY 77tt1' .sr'r'r|i/ri (tttittutls (ltttrtst')
(ltlttlilltte rvillt l)ictttrt' grr /riLirrg (Irrttsr')
u't',rl (ilt salari,Ilavc Ss r('l)t'itt.
t'rrrrls 72-'i5. lloltl rrp I'iclttrcOirrtl 7l itliltirl iltttl rrsk Ilrlt'r' gtr ltorsrlxrck rilittll lltrrttst)

lOtl tJrrit B, Lesson I

l'lirv tlrr' (.1 ) irli;rirr" I Iit\.t: Ss listetl ittttl l't:l)eitt,
Moteriols - ;, ;iir,'..i:. -,";,r;,.
'l'lir\'(,1) ltirt L ll l.l. I litvt: Ss listcrt lttttl tltltttbcr lllt:
llcrltu:ctl [)i('t tlr(] (lit rtls Tl *{10 ('l'caclter"s ( ilr itlt' 11. l Ttl )'
l)i('l u r (,s.
q l

Il. l.i.rlr'lt uutl,trt,,tl)cr,

.\'rlrlrr'r' l. trtl,ttt tt lttlirttltttr riit (f.\')
O Belore lhe book
,\'rlllr,'r J. go /ril irrg (2.\') Warnr-ugr / revlcrv
,\'ttttlli,'t .'1. grrrtr' tttt xtlitri (J"t) l,l1y Say it! 1.91g ('lir1r'lrt,r's (irrirlg p. l,l) trsitrg II.,lrrt t,rl
,\'tonlr,'r '1. ll(, tt) illttltttt't't(lltlll (f.t) l'ictrrrc (lrurls 7I -ll0 ('li'aclrt:r's (irritlr 11. ITtll'
.\'l/rrrlrr,r 5. &t!t',t11lt11lt.1'ritttttltltlt (.?.1)
l)la1'All prtt il dorvtt! I li'irrlrt'r's ( irritlr' 1t l L) tl\irrtl
.\'rrrrrlr,'r {i. go ltor.rr'/rr ttl, r itlittl4 Q.t) llcrlrtcctl Itit'tttrtr (lirrrls 7l-lt0 ('li:acltt't's (irrirlr'P. I iltt.
.\'ltrtl,,'r 7. str'tt a ltt'ttt' (1.\'i
,\ttrttlt'r ll, r'i:it litrttilr (J-t)
IntrotlttCe rliaklgs
,\'tlrllr,'r 11. t irhlr'tt tttt th:ltlttttt! Q-r)
l)irrlog l: Sirl' Iir'ry'orrr".s trrll.-irrg abortt tlrtir srtt,t,ttL't'
,\'trlrtlr,'r' 10. srr'tlihl rtttittutls (3.\-)
t,rtt-tttiotts. llitvt: tltrt'c Ss (51, 52 arrtl S.l) gtt lo lltl ltottl
Srry C[rrcl.' (poittl to SI ) is lrrl('ing ttt'lotri (poirrl to 5J)
(.lrr.t k Ss' ilns\\'('t r\ lrl' siryirrg tlte tttttttlttlrs atttl ltirvirtg Ss rtttd Pcler (lloittl to Sil). Stlrrrl ll('\l lo Sl lrttl slr\ l)irlJrrrr
srrY tlrt cortt'sltotttlitt6 r'rrrillrttlltt l' l)llrilscs. Slrl' llrt: Itttt't' rt Etxxl tutt'ttt iott? l llvtr S l r('ll('ilt. Slilll(l rlc\t l() s.i
r or'irltrtlut\' lllttitst's itt ritlttltrttt rlrtler. I lltve Ss r(ll)eilt, irrtrl sity' llrtturtii rurts ftuttrtslic. I lavc S? rcl)eilt. Stittttl ttt'rl
poirttittll to t'lt lt ottt'. to S I irrrrl sitl' IIott' tvtts tltt' tt'tttllu'r tlttrt? 1 lirvt' S I t r'1tt',tt
\ I lirr,'t'S: krrrk tirr tltc ltitltlt'rt ttlrtle ill tlttr tttaitt scclles. Slir,rrl rtt:xt to S.] ittttl sl1'(irr'rtl. ll tlns ttsttall.y sttttttl'tttttl
t,.\rrsrrt'r: ll's r('\l to tltu tvirll rll llttr ltottsc itt sct'lte 2') lrol. I litvc Sll rcltcat. I litve lltc tltrcc 5s sl1' tltt' rlilrltrg lplrirr
orr tlrcir orvn. I llllt tltt'ttr h1'rvlrispcrittli tltt'ir lirrlr il
ne('cssill)'. l)tl it lgititt tttttl ltitvtl lltc rtst ttl tltc 5s l('t)('.1t.
0 arer lhe book l)iakrg 2: Ilat,e tltrcc ()tlt('I 5:' (S'1, S5 lrrrl S(il colttr'trr
l,l;r\ llut.r. [1,rrrrprIcr ('li,ltt'ltr.r's (irrirlc 1t, I(i). tlrc lrorrt. Sly .$rrlrl.y'(ltoittt lo S l) arlrl llt'llt (lroitrt to Siil
l'l,n' i\tirrtc lt! llclay ( li'ireltt'r's (ittitlt: 1r. 20). tre tulkirtg lo'littti ttnil l'tltr's rlarl (poitlt to S(i). Sl.rrrtl
n('xt tr) S.l lrtrl sly llt'tlrrrl otr xt.fttri jlr.Sorrtft ,'llr ittt.
I lavt: S.l r(fl)('al. Sltttttl ttt:xt to S5 lttrl sitl'llrttr'1rrtr lt'r'r'

Eotre o,t stt.litril I lirvt' S5 r('p('ilt. Stittttl ttt'hl ttt 5tr, ltttitrl

. 1'orrrst'll, sltt trg 1'ottt sltottltlers ittlrl say rllr'l i\l'rtr. I l.rt r'
q Giesc ltt (Teacher'.s Guide p. l4)
S(i rr,l)(,irt y()lrr 8t'sttlrl's ltttrl rt'ortls. I lilvt.' llrr: llttt't'Sr
. Mect me ln thc mlddle (Tcacher's Cttide p. l5) tlrc tliirlog itl.lititt'tttt lltr'ir otltt. l)o it agairt lttltl ll.trt' lltr'
r('sl ()l tlr('Ss tt'pt'itl.
.\(.ti\it\-llool irf cittt ttttrv llt: ttssiglttlrl fttr ltttlllt'tvtttL ut
p. l)iirlog ll: I litvc tltrt'c otltt'r Ss (S7, Stl irntl S1)l go to tltt'
rrst.rl irt t'l;tsr. Slt' irtts\\'('r kc-v,'li:trt ltrlr's (irrirle 11. l{i'l' li'orrt. Srr1, Dottttt, (prrirtt lo S7), /or)'{Poirtl lo Slt}, arlrl
Ncxt lfsstm: llrilrg irr il st(,lt\\'ill(:ll il )'otl (:lloosc to (lo Olrilr (lluirrt lu Sl)) rlrc tttlkittg, Stattrl ttr:xt to 57 alrtl s.rt' lti'
rlrt,oFlr.rr,rl irr li\ ilv Sltrp lltc sl()l)rvill(rll ('lirirlltr:r's (itrirlr' ,tt.tnt tt, Outrrttltt. I lirvt S? Il"l)('ill. Slittttl tlrtxt'lo 5ll ilrtrl r,r\
I ()1, lltlty 1!i11 t'r,rt go !o Oanndttt Ilavtr S{t Iel)t:ill. Slittttl ttrrt trr
Sll irrrtl sirl' Tir grr lo su,trt,t(r iltrt;r. l lllr' 5ll rt'1tr'.rt l l.rr r
tltc tltrt't'Ss sl1'tltt'rlirrlog;rgirirr olt tltt'ir otvtl, l)tr il ;t1i,rrlr
;rrrrl lrirlt: llrc rr:rt ol tlrr.'Ss t:('l)('itt.

t l)
I)illog.l: I lrtvc lrvo otltt't lis (Sl(l lrrtl |il I! go lrl tll('
rrtrt. Srty l.i.rrt ( poirtt l( ) li I 0) ls ttrll lttli fo llt'r rtlont (1toittt
to Sl I). Statttl ttcxt to Sl0, lroittt trl att illtitl4ittittY llr't llirr r'
1rrottrllf ltttl sitY l.cxtk.'lbttI g,ilt,.'trt.ctt rrct'[lrtcr'. Ilart'SItt

@ Tolk obout itl (Dioloss) roirt,at 1'ottr Hostllrr' ittttl rvortls. Stattrl ttt'x( to 5 l I itttrl s.ri
ll's rutlll,t'tttr'. I l;tvt: Sl I rt'pt'irt. Stitttrl tlt'xt trt SltI rtttrl s,t\'
It:rtlt. I lopc il. I llvc Sl I rclrt'irt. I lave llte lrvtt Ss s;tl tltt'
Torgets tlialogagirirr ott tltcirou'tt. l)tt it irgaitt ittttl llitvt'tltt'tt'rl rrl
o can osk anrl {ulswer Dkl vott lruue a good tltr: Ss rr'glclt.
varutlon? llatpaii u'as lanlostic. Ss carr contintle
asklng and ansrvering witlt How u)as lhe u,eatlrer
tlrcre| Grent. lt truts usually sunily and hol.
A open the book
. Ss can say tt'c u,tnt on satarl h Sotrtft rlr'fca tltctt
Slrorv Ss Slurlcttt llorlL pp.5{i-57 irr 1'ottr lrotrL. Ittltotlttt r'
nsk atttl oltliwer llare yau euer Earre art safari? tlc? tlrt: ttririrr s('cll('s lll' lrlavirrg (ll) tltrcL ll'1.1. l.i:tt'rt ,lllrl l)uilll
Nct,r,I to Ill(: l)Lroplo ()l' (rl)ic(ts illi lll(:!'.tr(' lllcnliottt'(1.
lis cirrr say lfe u,ett ta Canada lhen ask and ansrve r
lltlty rlld yau Xa to Conada? Tb 8o to s,tttt,,ner carrtP.
a 5s unn say Look.'lbn I gave me a necklrrtz fl ll(l nlil ke (:. Lisl(u l(t llt,r sl,JrJ'.
llre :talcnrerr t lt's really cttte. ss can rcspontl rvitlr Strrrtrttt'r utcttlitttt is ttt't'r. liwr)rtrlis Itttrttc. I Ittl" t t
l'talt. I kve lt. Iutrittg,ttll'ekrrrtt'I !rutrr Ittrln'crt.'(tI lb,,i tttttI I\'r, t ,
irrrr.rr'.(.'/rrrr',('l.srr.slirrg littti ttnrll\'ttril tlttt'lrtultt;rt,',1

LJntl I tri:,S()ll "1

i y'r'

tttitnt. /irlti rrtt r I ltttt'ttii trtr.s/itlltrtslir'. I txtk ttl llteir

t'(tt Alter lhe book
I!rtrrrtiitttt.rhirt.t. Tirrrils tkul is t'txtl;irr14 lrrtttrlrttrgars.
Srlrrll rntrl !lt'tlt urt sltttttirtg ltittt tlttir xlitri l,,:ts.'li),ri's llt'r'it'rv lltt' tvottls llrlrzil, Slririrr' (.lritllr lrlltl |rtt is \;r\ t'ltt ll
dtrtI Itrts ttt't\'t lyt,It'rttt *tliu i..!t'r' /)rrtltt.l'i ttttr' l'"sltirIi' rr'otrl ittttl ltitvt'Ss tl'p(';ll. lllrll Ss sltorr lltlt llllrllt"lillltl
llrlxttrglttilitt(.ttrrrtrltt. /rrr')''s l\trtrt.l'rtrrtl (.lti1trt'1r.1' lltc tvrtttls lry prtirttirrg to tll('lll tttt lltt'lttltp nt tlt;tl*itt1i lt
tltr't'tra"ttt to (lttkttl(t. lit lirt ltt sttttl,tt(t trttrtl;, ()lti1r.rrr.1's. \r'lrlt.ilr'r'| ttsitrli otlr'rrI tll(' r.'ottttlt it'r'
llrttt'.1'ottt'trt l!,tt('l(tsttttttltt't'fttttt1t?ll'ltttl'sl.isttrktittlli' l'lrt t'l'icltttt'(lirtrls 7l 75 rttt lltc lroitttl (tlitlt tltr'
{ tlr, ltx* ttt l.istt s llts.'ttl. littri lirttt'ln'r tt rtL'cklttct.litttrr l)i( lur('sitl('s sltorvittll) its;t tt'lt'tt'ltr.'r'. l)ttt Ss ittltt Plrirs
I lrttt'rtii. lt's tttllt'rtttr', srtl.s /tr'r tntnrt. l.istt llti,tk$ so t(il)' ;rrrrl lurvc tltctrt prttctict'tlilrlog 2 rltirrg tlillcrcrrt
vrrt'rrlrttlitrYilt'ttrs,c.g. lt'r'sart'rtltcor. llrtreyou cl'ct".sr.''r
) trtt Ls tl I I Il l7. lror t'rtt lt tliirltrli, ltitvt' Ss lirst rt lttttr? rllr'l Nct,r'tt
I'l,rr ( .1

li.tlrr ;rrrrl prrirtl lo tlto t'ltittltt tt'ts sllt'irkirrg lttttl tltt'tt l'l:rt't' l'it lrttt'(,lrrtls 7(i Ii0 otr tlte lloltttl (rritlt tlrt'
r r'prrrl llrt, rliirloli. l)i( tur('sitlt's sltottittli) its it tt:lt'lt'ttt't'. I'ttl Ss ittto ltt'rr''
prrir s ittttl lritvt' tltt'ttt l)ra('ti('(: tliirlol', il tttitlll tlillt'tlrrt
i rrrrrltttlitt y ittttl rcvit'tv itltlls, r'.11. ll'r'llcrrl lo llnt:il.ll ltt'
tlirl .1'tttt tr1tt trt llruzil?'lit plslt Jittrrtlt',
l). llirtlrtl4 l.
l.istctt tt trtl ltrtltt l.
(./rrrr'[': l)irl.\'rtrt ltttt't' tt 1lrxul t\tilttit)tti'
litrri: I lttrt'ttii rttts Jitrrtttslit" Stop the stopwatch ('l'eacher's Cuide p l6)
( ltttt'k': I ltxt' tt'rtt lltr' trtrttlrtr tlrttt'i' lfsc rlialotrl il lirr tltls activlty.
l'rtrt : t)r*tl. ll tt'rts ttrttrtlll'.sttttttl' rtrttl ltrtl.
N'rrrl li.slr,lr ilil(l rtlx'tt. ,\t tirili'llrroi. t;ttl ttrxt lrr';tssilirrt'tl lor lltttttr'rrtttk ttI
p. Ii.l
i5r.,rt('rtt.ll,tlt'c,l,ltl*ttltlittt'is.sttirlrrttr'l'tt'illtttltttttsr' Slt'itlt\\\'('t llt'\','lt':rcltct's (itritlt'1r. ltili.
rrsr,rl itr r litrs.
/rrr Sr lrr tt ltfitl I Nt'xl lt'ssott: ltt irrll irt il lrlirrttloltl lu Illrr'\\'lro sllrl lt?
{llirrlrlr's(lrrirlt'gr. l{i).llrirrllirttlrr'lrricstirtltt't'llltttt
rrillt rlotrlr lrllrrrLt'tl rtttl il \rttl t llottst'lo tln lltr'()l)li{}lllil
l).l)iulog2. ;rltirilv l;ill it irr { lt'itt ltt't's ( irrirlt'1t. 1 I }.
I.islan ttrtrl ltoitrl.
.\rlrh': lti'tlr'rt, ttrt *tlitri itt Srtrttlt t\iictt.
llrtlt: I kttr'l'tttt t'ltr fl)ttt'otl s(t.litt ii'
litllu'r: r\f i'Nr'ttr
A'rrrl li.stcl 0,r(l r('lrt'Ql.
(Srurtr'rt.s .tlxnr, ltltt rttrlt lirtr'is srtirl rrlttt trillt rt ltttttsc
/il 5.s lrr rtltt'rtl.)

l).1)iuktgil. 'ht urten. Ark. Anr*or.
l.i.\t t't, tt,ril l,0i ttl. -t ,, " I I (') f
Ittr,t,tl': lli'tlr'rrl ltt(1ttt(kltt.
I \Ell ll I .'.Ei "i
!oryl 11'rr.t'(li(l.ttrrl l4ttlrt(ittttufuti'
( lti1t li, l:o l(, su,tnttrr . (ttttlr.
A'rrrl Ii.s!r'rt tttttl rcltcol,
trttrt tt'itlt o ltrtuse \i't
l5.ll('rr.\ ttlxn't, ltttt rttclt litrt'i.s
/iir 5s to rt1rutl.)
.srtirl " /
ni,.. wr'Ili'{ lln,o'

\ /r ,,.,;-,",,11i,1,ili, g ,,,.,,,,,, i,,., ....

l). l)iuloli'1.
l islr'tt ttnd prtittt.
I ltxA'. litrri 14ttrt'trrr'rt rrt't'kluct'. Q);,,,.":661
/of.ct tltlon. chonl.
lllollttr: Iti n'rrllt' r'trtr'. Old You hovo o good vocolloo'
l.isrr: l'utlr.l ktt'it. :
i lt Sott if i,lr) llr'ltrilhov{rr0''il!'r onr'"
A'rrrl li.slcrr ttul rtlteo!, I
vrs v"r i.dil C(rrorloto3q,n'rl
(.\(,ll1r' ,r.s tilxn'a, ltttl tttclt litrt'i.s.srtir/ ortt t' tt'illt rt ltrtttsa I Wil r' ( 'nr1'{r l| ao ir ru rnrt "i't!

/i,r \r l,r trltt'ttl.) li in,t llr Arr' l)r'lr'{,' '"' iO

Y.r Yn. *" r,d Crrr^c 6rji n"' I
i VinY?V/ht)f,lrr4ltt'"r0Jn)(t*!)'
| )ir itlt' Ss irtto gtottPs ol lltlt't'. I litvt' Ss Ptltt tit't'tlilrlogs V/r t'ril lo (ir nYl n) | ' I I rl r,

I 11. ['trl Ss ittto pitirs. l l;trt' llitils l)lil( li('(' tli:rlog 4. I Ilvt'
srrrrrr,prtits it('l ()ttl tlrt'tliirkrgs ilt ltotlt ol lltt'clltss.

Il{} Ilrril l1 [("ison 1]

Conada? I lave Ss re pt:at. Say 7b and poirrt lo l)ictttrc ( ..rtrl

@ soy it! @ chont-o-srom .,,,

76 to elicit go to su,,rr,rer crtrtt;r. l)rarv a tttap tll(.ltitt.r ott
tlrc lloarrl iuttl rcpcat llte ltrrlt:ctlttre rvitlt l)iclttrc (,itttl i,:
(visit l'anrily). l)lay ()l) track lt.l9 and ltavc Ss listctt. l\rittt to
, '
{},t ; .:tj .i ..,.. :, ,:..:
;, ,IOI$OT . ,.1.. ,r., . ,
tlre rvrrrtls irs they arc r:ltattlutl. (Note :'l'lrc Oluttrl'rt-gtturr
. Ss can pe rform dlalog I uslng vocabulary words : rvill llc reviuvetl attrl tatrght irt nlttre tletail itt l.cssrttt l )
reviewed hom Discover ltt 3 tn l*rrel5, Unlt I in Level

List ett tr tt r I <'l t tt t tl.

Moteriols .,,:-_.. IIi,.5rrrr. lti, lt./ltr. l)itl lttrt lutt'( (t Sttul utr'(ttio,ti'
:l . . ..', ...1::;_."... ..... ltrs. lir.r, tut tlil. (irttrtrlu ll'(ls liru'.lr'
(.1), llicrrrre (lartts ll ((,-irnarla), 7(i (grt ro sllllltllcr I
lVlr),l ll'ltt'i'll'lty tlirl trnt l:o t., Citrrada?
carirp) anrl 7? (r'isir fattrily') i l\te wcttl ttt Ottttutlrr to 8t, t(, sltrttrtur ciltlllr.
I li, Artr1,. M, Arttt" Ititl lttrr ltttt'.' a Sood tYu'ttliott,,:
li,.s. lirs, we ditl. Ohitru urts g,rt'u!.
O Before the book tllr-yl tt4r.l,a lI'lr1' ditl yttt 1io to Ohinu?
lltr rpr,rrt to Oltina to uisit fttntill'.
Warm-ttp / rcvlcrv
l'll)"I'eant lrrlirtslorrttilrg ('l'eachcrl Gtridc p. 1.9). I Iavc OI) ilgilin. l)la\, Olrant anrl rlo ('li.aclrcr's ( irritlr"'
l)1a1, 111"
gr,,i,1,r ol Ss ttutl.t'l lirt ol lrll tlre difl'crcrlt tvt'itlllt:r rvtlrtls
I)rlrv a cak:ttrlar ott tlte lloartl. ltt tt-losl of tlrt: rlal's
1 rlrirrv it strrt. Say lt'lralb tlte weatlrcr like itr llawaii? l:.licit
Ills rt.suclll, sltrtrtl'. I)rarv clrltttls itl tltte tlr trvtl tlays. Iilicit
o After lhe book
l)lay Wlro sairl lt? ('li'rrt lrt'r's ()rritlc p. l{i).
It's ltunlly eultr cloudj'.1)rarv otttl clitlil rlct'rrI ltltt'r1.1's atttl
.1.,/ilr'/i,l('.i t ltt' srtttttr rvity.

@ Open the book ,1.: Flll ltin ('Ibacher'sGuidep.2l) l

say Irl ttt

Activirl'l!rok P. l-r'l cittl ttttrv lte assigrtctl f(tr hottltrrttttL
Ilivc tunr to Sttttl|ttt liook p. 5ll. I lavc trvo Ss (S I arrtl 52)
rrscrl irt t'litss. Scc ittls\vcl kly,'l'caclttr's (ittirlc 1t. ltiS
(llrrrcl'. (S2l rrarrrc) /s
li(, lo tlrc lrottt" Srrl'(Sl !'rlarrrc) is
{E Tbtti. l'hay're g,oittg, to tttlk abort! the u'eatlrcr itt Ilutt'ttii. Next lessolt: Ilrirrg a rvrlrltl tltitp to ittlrtttlttt't: llltr
gril nl rll ir r.
l.rt lr lislt'rr. Su1' I)irIlorr have o Soorl wtcn!iotr? llirvc S I
rrl)r.,irt. Sa1' llrrrlrrii u,tts.frttrlttstit:. I lave 52 rel)eilt. Sity Ilott'
trrts tltr u'cather tlrcrc? I lavr: S I rt.l l)eat. Say Grt'nl. If lt'n.t
rr.rrrrlll.y.rtutttl'. llrtvt S2 r('l)oitt. llavc Sl arrtl S2 sitt'tltt'
tli,thrg orr tlrt:ir orvtt, I)rl it again atttl ltave tltt: rtlst ol tltr: Ss
rr'l)(',rt. l'lir1'(il) trlr'I li'lll. I llvc Ss listctr atltl l't'l)eiti tll(l

@ Buitd itt @ chont-o-srom

..1. I.i.slcrl tttrtl rcpeal.
q (jlrrcl'.' l)itl t'ott lt(tt'.'il liooil pttr'ulitttt? (ltatntl Torgetsl , ,, ..r lri, , .

littti: I ltttrttii utts littttttttit'. (lrrtus() I Ss can make statemenB aboutwhy somcone <litl
(llrrrr"l: l/rrtt,tt'rt.s lltt tt,ttttlrcr tlrrn"f fl)uurrI sonrcthlng uelng fl$e) u,eil fi (Qtnndt) to (g,o to
'Itttti: (,tt'ttl. lltt'rtsttrttrtl[;.rltttrtll (I)(uts() summer camp), 'rt l

I Ss can ask and answer lbout whysomeolle rlitl

I l;rrr, 5r looI lt lltt'tlilli:rt'rtt rlt:atlttlr s1'tttllols tl('\t l{) lll(' something uslngWhy dltl (tou) tp ta (Qttvulalf'lit
rli,rlrrli rr lrrt', 5.rt l r'l s lurlt Olttttk utrd littti osk rttttl (golosutwnercnmp), i rf,;X, ,t ,, ,

rttttrtvr dluntl trttnt ollttr cuttntrlts tttul llte u'uttltr tltrtt'. o Ss can chant the Did you haw a gowl wcillloil?
I l.rrt'trro rrrott'5s (Sil irtrrl S,l) tr5'tlte lirst rliakrl;. I llrvt'Sil chant.
sirt' I)irl1'or ltrtt't'tt 1;ood wtcrttlott? llavc S l sltl'Sotrrll
;l[rie u u,tts ftrtrlrrsrit'. llavc Si] say llotl u,us thc tvtullu'r
thtrl7 I lirrr S I slt (irr'rtl. ll tttts ltunll.l' cl'rrt'lottrlj'. I'ttt Ss
irrtrr puirs irtttl ltitlc lltt'ttt lttrtt'lit:t: tlttt rliitlog u'itlt llrc
rlrllct(.ttl pi(-tutr5. l ot tttttttlrt:L 5, llltve Ss tttitLt' tltt'it rrrr tt l'icttrrc (lartls 7l*110, rvotkl ttritlt, (ll), lk:tlrrt t'tl l'it ttttt'
rlilkrg lllottt tltt lvlittltlr itl attolllcr lllltlr:' I lilt't: strttlt: ( lirrrls 7(i-ll(l ('li:at'lr*r'.s (irritlt' 1t" lTllI
grlirs sa.y lltcit rli;rlogs itt llrrttt rrf tltc class.

Int rurlrrce t hc (lltant-a- granr

lk'r'ilrv tltt' r'r tculrrtlitr)' tvortls. l)ttl Piclttrc (,irt tls ll ((.ittturl;r )

-rrrrl iti (1io l(, :,tllttlll('r cittttlt) tttl tlttl llourrl ($'itlt tlrt'
lli( trrrr: sirlt's sltotvittll). Slrl' lttr u'e,rt lo (krrnda lo $o lo
tunurrrr iltrrtlt. I lirvt' Ss rt'1tcal. Sa1' l1'lt1'rlirll'ort Lltt ttt

l.Jnil B. lt:ssott .l II I
(SJ4,i,,ri',l# tl. l,islt,tr ttnd reltcrtt,
O 1I!ID lhlln !or. Olrilt: llt'rlr'lt, ltt(ittttultt tolitt l(t rtttrtnt.'r
L, .d, h (,r, ilr $ fi' tr Dr'rr{ rci!, ((ttnlr. (lttntsa)

SirY llrri rrrrrrrlrcr oIr':rclr l)icluro in P:ttt r\. llint'Ss \ilv lltt'
s('ltl('n(:('s. Slrt' tltl tttttttltlts I -,1 itt rrrttrlottt ot<llt. I lrtvt'
inrlivitlrr;rl Ss sly tltt s('nt('n('('s.

l{r! urton Arl Amwr,.
I l;rvc Ss lo{)k rl l)iu't Il. I'lir1' (.1 ) trtrck ltir l. l l:rr t'Ss lirltrl
, nr ruJ.b(urxt t ito|llOrrr* totp\
irttrl rr'pr,itt.

ll. I istatr tttttl ralx'rtt.

Iory: lt'/ryr/irl.trrlr go ttt (ittttuht:' Il\tust')
(.lri1t: 'li)
l:.) l(, sttt],ttl,tt', l'ttt,tlr.

l'ul Ss irrto lxtits itttrl ltitvt'lltt'ttt l)titrli( ('tlrt'tliirlog lot

{'it( ll I}i('lur{'irr plttt ll.

Ilrrvc Ss look ;tt part (i. 1r1x1' Ol) track I152. Ilave Ss liste rt
irrrrl rvr ilt rlorrls to ctttttplt'tr' t'itt'lt st'ttt+'tlee.

O. l.istatr tttrtl u,ritc.

O Belore the book t .
I ltt.t u't'nl lo ( .ltirrrt ltt ri:it liuttil.v.
2. lrrtrrttrt(lttttultttolytltikirtl4.

\\'tnrr-ull / rcvlcrv ll. Ilarrtrr!toSotrth,\JiirrtlolitrttrrrrtJrtri. (':r)

l'l;rv All irt ortlcr ( li:aclrcr's (ittitle p. I 5) rtsirrg l)i( tltr(' 4. ll'ltt' tlitl lr)tt 8o to I ltturriii''lit l:(t t(, stttttt,wr
( rrrtls 7l-t10. (tt,ttlr. e\)
I'luy (lharntles ( li:itclttt's (itritlc p. I 5) trsirrg I'ictttrc 5. l|lty,diil ytu go tt,'lit gt lurselutck rklirtg,. Qx)
('lrtls 7l't10. 6. lYlry rliil lrttt 11o trt Slxritti' lit t,isit fittrrilt'. (2.t)

I rr lrotlrrce grarnrnar (.lrcck Ss' irns\\'('r's ltt' lrirvirttl ilrtlivirlrrlrl Ss tltirc tltlir
I lrt'tlrl rr'otkl trutp itttrl Pictttrc (lurtls 7(i tl0. lktirrt ttr Irilrrtls itttrl sitY tltt' stilt('lll('lll\ or tlilrlolis.
( lrrrrtllr on llr(,nrirl) arrtl lrolrl trp I'it trrrt'( lirrtl 7(i. Slrv l1?
u'etrl ,t, ( tttrttrlrt to Bo to su,rrrrr?r ftttnl,. I lin'c Ss r cl)('itl. (,ltartt-:t-griutt
I\rirrt lo (,tll(,r [)llc('s ort tltc trtalt tltat Ss ktrorv atrtl ltoltl trlr l litvc ss lrtok rtt tlrt' I)irl.trrri ltrtt't tt lyxtrl t?l( (rri{rli' clliltll
(ltlr(,r l'ictrrrr'( lirrtls. l:licit rlillerrrr( s('nl('nc('s t'iu'lt tirttc. ll llrt'ltottottt ol p.5ll itt lltt'Strrtlcttt llook. ltla\'(:l) lra('k
\\-r itt' tlre I)rollouns l, rt'r, lu,,.s/te arttl t/tr'l'ott tlrc boarcl. I] ll) lrrtl lltvt'Ss listt'rr.
l:licit st rrtcncr:s agnin, each tinrc llointittli to a dillcrent
llronolnl, 1.ll:rce ort tlrt'trxrp atrtl holtlirrg trp a tlil[t.rcrrt
I'ir'lrrtr'( }trtl.
\\'r itr' It'/,.]'i'on tllo l)olr(1. l\rirrt lo (lrrrrltlir on tlrc iuill) l.i starr tt r rtl clttt trl.
rrrrrl irsL ll'ltt,tlitl .l'ou 14o ttt Otttatdtr? Ilirve Ss rept'at. ! li,.*trtr. I li, lttlttr. I )itl ttttt ltttrt rt 13xul rrutttitttti'
r\rrsrrr,r 'l'tt lirt to siltrr,rror firtrtP. Ilat'0 Ss rt'pt:itt. l)ivitlC tlrt' li,s. li's, rrt'tlitl. (ltrtrtrltr rr'Its 8r('(rr.
llirst irrto grorrll r\ iurrl grorrgl Il. ltrirrt to ir plact'ott lltc It /rt'i'11 /r.l'i'll'ltt'rlitl ttnt 1io ttt (itttrtrltti'
rrurp iurrl lrlvr.'grotrlr A rrrirkc {lre tlttcsliorr. Ikrltl trlt a l1'r,r|t'rtl lo ()ttttttltt lo 8(, lt) stt,,ttlt,lr ((t,ttlt.
l'i('t lil (' (.ilrtl ;rrrrl lraYc grtlrrll ll sfl y, tlre iilrsr\'{'r. Stvitclt lli, ,lttr.y. I li, Artrt. I )itl trtrt ltttyt' tt Erxxl tttilttio,ri'
rolls rrrrrl tlo otlrer pllt'es nrrtl cartls. l)o lll clrtls rrgtirt, ti,s. )i's, ttv tlitl. Olritrtt rt'tts g,rutl.
r.le lr lirrrt, lloiutirrg to a rlilli.rcrrt lrronouu. li'lrli't1'lr.t'i'lVlty rlirl .trnt go to Oltittrt?
lli,rrarrt lo Oltitrrt to risit littrtil.t'.
O open lhe book I )ivirlc tlrc cl;rss ittto llrottp r\ ittttl gtottlt Il. I llrlt'grottlt A
A t'lr;rrrt llrr'\lill('nr('nts;ttttl lltt't;ttt'stiotts;ttttl 11tort1l ll
I l;rr r'.Sc lurn lo Slrttlt'trt llrrok p. 5t) :rtrtl look ttt pttrt A. I'lirt' t'lr:rrrt thc ilns\\'('rs. ( iivt' r'ltt'lt 8t{}tll) it st't ol Ilt'tlttt'r'rl
( I) trrrt'k ll5(). Iltrvc Ss listt,rr irtrtl tr'grlirt. I'iclrrrr'(.rrrtls7(i tl(){lr';rr:lrt'r's(irtitlr'I. l7tl}. llitvcctt'lt
[,,r(]ul) s('t ttP tltt'ir orvtl till)l('rvitlr rlillt'rt'rrt itt'ttts ott il,
tlrt.rr rrrakt'ul) tlrcir olvrt cltitttl. I litvt'sotllt: gl(ltll)s
pt'r[ortit iltt'ir cltartts litr tltt' r'lltss.

I li, I lrrit B. lossorr 4

o Aller lhe book O Belore lhe lrook
l'lay 1.1'lng countrlorvn ('l'cacltcrl (ittitle p. I 7). Warm-rrp / revicw
Writc tltc lt:ttcrs of otrc of tlrc sllt:llings frottt lllt' lttul it!
. Mycholce (Teacher's Gulde p. 17)
page in I luit 7 on tlrc ltoutrl, c.g. oi. I Iavc Ss gu ttt tltr:
lroartl, rvrite tlrr: rvorrls rvitlr tltat srttttttl atttl sil)'lltu \\(,t(l\.
I lave tlte rest of tlte Ss rcpeitt. (ltltttirttte rtillt r4'.
i I lave ss make stfllemcnts or ask questlons abbut
Inlroducc tlre lstters and sottnds of scr s;rr alttl
i r whytheywenl somewhere.

ir ,- -lVtryt(TR23:Teaclrer'sGuidep. ll6) s;rl

,: .."'*r..
Writo s(:r ()n tlte bolttl. I lso e rrlargerl ltltottics Curtls llrrit ll
. .". ..

('l'lt 2.l:'li'itr"lrt'r's (itrirlc 11. l l 7) trl slttxv Ss tlte .st'r rvortls

Activity llook p.55 t'ittt ttttrv lrt: assigttt:tl lirr ltttttttrrvtlrk tlr
I\ritrt lo atttl tt'utl tltt: rtortls, cttrphasiz,ittl;'t sttttttrl.
rrsctl itr class. Sec alls\\'er kcl','li:aclter's (itritlc 1t. l(i5.
llirve Ss listcrt. Sly' scrtunred, scralclreil, scrlr}. ll'lrir'll
snttrlrl is tlte sttttc? I litvc Ss sit!' srr. I)rl tlle sittttt: [or Illt'
.spr artrl .s;rl rvurrls. l)lut'r: itll llte cartls oll lllt l)oill(1. ll('il(l
tlte wortls otl llle c.rr(l!i, clrtpltasizirtg thc .rc[ sTrr atttl .rpl
sottttrls, atttl poittt lo lltc tt'ottls ls yrttt rcatl lltt'rrr. Ilitr' 5r
rcl)eal. lixlrlairr tltc tttcltttittll oIattl'rvords Ss tltt ltol
rrnrlerstarrtl. ltlittt to tltc carrls ill ralltlonr ttrtlt'r ittttl ltitr t'
irrrlivirlrral Ss rcitrl lltcttt.
\ @ru raar& Pronunicotion note
hrg rfroy
O trlto Poht toY. .scr /sLr/, .r;rr /s1tt/,.rpl /spl/ (St:c prtltttttlciitliott titlrlt'
'li';rlltct's ( irrirlc
scr spl orr 1t. 5.)

ad,-i I '-t4 s4 ,rnr* .;,*rfp

",,"t ,
$l., ffitr \il rx{

@ Open the book

...1, r.s-
.\ ,_ A
llavc Ss lrrnl t(, Slttrlcttt llrok 1t. {i(} ttrrtl hroL al ltarl r\' l'l;rr
O ttrfg tbts wrlt. icq rp. rpl. (ll) trar:k ll5ll. llavc Ss listr:rt attrl prtittl lo tlte ltit'ttttcs.
\ :t
r*r r*dl,s ro, ,s fa r ond Pc
P.l.r (l)
ii lr (.d T* lc'9ol h" (2E6 a' sha w
{i lo (!l
tl, l.islt,tt,1xtitil anrl reprutt.
r.d Oodrtdlk$dd
l. l.r hrr I'hg.r
li (6ill,( txrvr/9.1o(r)1) rnlat rn
I hrl
5-('r;.s('r (lxtttst) qtl, qrl lluttt:tl
srtulr II'|r lhr
I htofE
Orhl 5d!rr shl 8.lh 6t o lol 'lr .r('r; s( r, s(tt'tnttr(l (ltttttsa) slrl, s;rl, sltltr:lrtl (lknt\(l
[, d*l sJ {61
lot d*l
fr ILt
(rr 6rkl g(lh ti'rf'd s(',:.T('r; scntlrlrul (ltttttstr) qil, s1tl, sltlit' (/,(rir-\r')
ir tr
ror q ls^, t!"ry .l('nrl,
s(',', .r('r', (lxtttst) s1il, s1tl, sltlirtttr {rtrlrr.'r
.rir)r, .rr)r (1trutst,)
@;lpra rarm wdr lrmbl .r;rr, s1rr, ,ryrrirtg (ltttttst)
l. i,.t,r, rr,rrr.r ,i .t .r/,r, .rr,,r', sltrittklcr (lutrtst)
\ *tr{
,i-, t
sl,r,,r/r,, s1tritry,lxtk (1xntsc)

l'luy tltc (.1) irgairr. I lavr.l Ss lislctt arttl rol)citl.

Illly tlre (ll ) a tlrirrl littte. I Iavc itttlivithral Ss rtprlt tlrt'
llsc llrr: lrlrotrics (litrrls. Shorv tltc llietttrt's itttrl lsl'

@ Reod it! ll{ral3 tltt, wonl? I llve irrtlivirlrtal Ss rvritr: lhe trorrls utt
tlrr: lroirttl-'
l lltc Ss tunl to Strtrlcrtt lkrok pp. 56'.57 artrl lttok lt tltr
Torget rnirin sccrrcs. I l:rve lltettt llrttl arrtl ttitrtttl lticttttcs ol \r'ttttl:
.l' Sg cun pr'{}nounce, reart nnd write $cri s;rr untl spl tlrlt crrutiritt tlte pltuttir:s sotttttlr tln'1' lrulc ittrt lt'itr trrrl.
(irrrs,r'rs: sllri ttklcr, slllirslrcrl. )
\Vritc __* cottttd ott tltc bolrrl. I litvc it s(tttlt'ttl rr t tl,'
tlrc lrrltt'rs sr'r itt tltc spitt"c. l)o lltl' sittttt' tr itlr tltr rrtlllt
Mcterlole i'l
rvot tls.

i l'lrolrics (larrls llnlt ll ('l'lt l.l:'l'caclte rl (irrirlu P. I t 7),

i t:tr
\ llt'r'it'rv tltt: tt'rtttls stltlscrcctl artrl lrtrg sptirl'. l\rirtt lrt t',tr lt
Nilrrl irrrtl sirf it. Ilitve Ss rcpcitl.\\'ritt'.rttrl-.*-.-,.. ('.'rl ()lt llril
lrrrirrrl. I llvr rt sttttlettt rvrile tltc lcllers st'r itt lltt' sp,tt ,' I 1,,
Ilrt'sirrrrt rlitlr tlrc othcr rovilf\v tvortls.

IJnil B It:s:,r,tr ) I l:r

Ilitrt'\s llltn t(t Slttrlcrrt lltrok p. (if] lrrrrl looh ltt plttt ll.
S:rr (-/ri1r u',.t1., tt rqtorl ttlntttl tt' lr.,ltlrt',tul dttt irrli
stttttttt.'.rt\t.'ttlitril.l.t't'srt'ttrl ir. I'lrtt'(ll)tr;r(.kll5 l.Ililvt'
\r lirtt'tt ittltl rvlitt's('r; 'rpr rrr slrl itl lllc bllrrrks'

ll, l.islt,rr rttul u,rile. @mm Lhls,wrll..Nmb.r.
.slrrrrrt*'r' t,ilcttlio,, u'as littr. litrti utl l\ter slthsltetl irt Oh
llt" ot't'tttt. littti Jitrgtt ltcr stltt.sct'(t'rt. .Shc trT r's rettlly rul. d} Yi{,.,ld'rrryffil9n90t

I torrttt'tttul ! l*trrx'rl h,lr.u trt s1ilit tt'txxl litr tt trrrttllirc.

Itorttri.y'lirtt rt 5llit,l.'r itt lris litrlict Ottclr! Sttrrtl.l'tttttl li'tlt
itut'tt lt,l rt.l rtt'tt'tttlirtrttls likt tlrc sltt irrglu*. llatlt sttltltnl
ttrt tt t]l'rltu'k rttkl scriltntrtl. l lt(tl tt'tts u lirtttrl'stttry.

( lrlr k Ss' ittlr,i\\'t'rs ltv lrlrvirrli ilrtlivirlrrirl Ss tclttl tlte

);r \ \ir li('.

ll;rvl lltrrt t(t Sttttlettl llook 11. (i() irtrtl look itt ltitrt ("
Ss /. lnvt d f . novot
O Art frlondr.Wrllo
tutcli ll5S. l lnlt ss lislt'lt irrrrl lill irr tlrr rloltls ;ts
I'l:rr (,1 )
tlrlr lrlrrr tltt'ttt, ,L,
{'ffiry*q *
,rtiia t

('. I i\1.,,t ttrrtl tt't itc.

rT a 9ft o $'fit
t isole.t
L I'ttl ort.srrrl.$(',11'rt ttrttl lttt14 s1trut1' ttttlsitlt irt ri!t.r oo.qY{,dlf rr r n!5o.lpaqfl f,
rpr irtg. (Jt
ir,{r o rYrr.{nr, rrh' (: t rdfiohlaoPtt,d.l n
/ sr'rr'rrrttr"r/ rdrcn lhe sprittkltr slsktslrad trtt'.
'I lrt sltritr14lnk
F,ot tr'tttrr lhe sltlit rt'rxxl
(2r) an.{ o tr,\?,},,o,8&1 t: 0 tirsbdfFropd.r u
\\'ritt'tlr{, s('rtt('ll(('s rr'itlr tlre blarlks ott llle lroitrrl' (.lrCck
Ss':lrlrnt'rs l,t'lritvirtll irrtlititltrlrl lo tltr'' lro:tttl ittttl
Ss go
r.. r it. llrc tr ot rls itl tltt' Irllrtlks. I lirvc irrtlivirlrrltl Ss lt'lrrl llrt'
\r'nlt.n( r's. /\
I l;rrt'5'; lool' ltt tltt'ltiIltttl'. I)rtittl to lltt' Pit ttttt'iltttl itsk
Q$ Proclice il!
ll lrir'll .sr'rttcrlcc i.s I lrtvt' Ss tlt itc tlrc tttltttlrt'r tll llttr
e()rrCct sclll{.'ttce tttttl0r tltc l)icttlIe. (Atlsr!0r: lt's i}.)

. can understand and produce thls unltb torget

o Ss I

Afler lhe book language.,.: :

l'l;tr li'urrr spcllirrg ('lt'rtt ltct s (irrirlr'p l1)) o Ss can rvrite sentences telling allout the existence
ol'obje cts.

o t:ill ln the lrlauks! ('llaclrcr's Cuidc p. lB) Moteriqls

I Oopsl ('ll'aclter's Cuidc p. lB) ( ll ), lk'tltrt t'tl lti('ttll(' (,lrtrls T l l|() ( lclrt ltt'r's ( irlitlr'
o l7l|)
Qulck flash (Teachers Guide p. l8) 1t.

r\r'tivitl' llook p. I-rti catt ttrtrv lrr.'assil.ltlctl ftlr ltttttlcrvttrk

rrscrl irt t'l;tss. Sct'iltlstl'('r kcr','li'ar:ltcr's (itritlr: p. l(i6.
O Belore lhe book
Nt'xt lrssolt: llrirrg rrrtrltilrtt'scls oI Ilctlttcctl l)ictttre WarItr-u1l / rcvicrv
(lrrrrls 7I l!(l ( lctrt'hlr's (irrirlr' p. I7li) to plirl' No.Sorry. ( llrir rrt t ltt' (.1 t r t tt l' rt' gn t trt trtgct lrcr.
((io lish) ( li':rclrt'r's (irritle p. 20). l,lrrV l)t,rcclivcs ( li,uclr0r's (irrirlt,P. l7) rrsirrll llt('lirlll('t
gt iilllillilr llill l('l ll.

@ open the book

IIlvt'Ss lttrtl io Strttlcttt llook 11. (il arrtl ltrok itt part A' Sir\'
ll\,'ra goirtg, ro lisletr lo so,,t( I'irl.s lall'irrg alnttt ttlrat tht]'
diil oi tlrcir wtcrtlitttts. I'isl(,t tt,ti trrite lltt trtttnhar ttt'tl
to llte xtrrtcl ltit'lttrt'. l'lllr'(.1 ) l r;llk ll5li. I lltvt' Sr lirtcrt
rrtttl tttttttltt'r.

III Ilrril U lnssorr(r

/1. l.isten, wrile uil(l ,utrnber.
q Nttttttlti'r l.
lltlkt. I'ttt Sully, l.ttst yetir, nry corrsitr Stttt ntul I uu:trt lo
llnt:il ttt gtt !o suilt,trcr caarp. lli' u't'ul su,irrttrti,tS, ttt'!r),
r/rr.I' Irr'r', i t tt,as rea I lJ, I t ol -

lli,rlr,lt t'tttrttt'intr1, !tn. I crtttliltt tt lislt! lt urts futt.

tl Nttrttln,r 2.
l{ l li. lll, ttttrtrc's lut. l.rtsl $trnrrrt{fr; I u,1'nt to
i; (ittttulrt lo st't, tpikl anitttttls. lt trds unrrn il,td sutrltl,. I
ii u,.,ilt ltikiilE il kt!. I luul tt, u,(tr
.$lrlscft,sl tttttl u lxtstfutll ttt1t. I saw u ltenr uul suttttt
I t igl n r t t s/rcr7r. lltrrt,l

Nruttlrcr !1.

Ilcl'! !'ttt lltn. I u,utt to (.ltitut ktst s1trin14 to t,isit lomih'.

tl'orl It ! tl,p ,nost lttrtutiful cortrttq, irt
tlrc rwrlrl! I rt,t,rtt lutrselutck rkling,. A11' / lt,(lsy'lsr,
bttt tha brrgs troa Jitslen I put o,t btry spr(ry tltrt'a !irttrs rt

(.lrcll lrrsrr't,rs loge tlrcr, Ilave Ss look at eilcll l)icttlrc arl(l
rtirrl lrrtl lns\\'ur llrc tpte stiorr rlexl lo it.'l'lrcn lrave tltettt
rvritc tlrc alls\\'t:r lnl(ler cach (lucstiorl. Ohcck Ss' ot)swcrs
lrt' lrlr'irrll irrtlivitlrtul Ss rvriic lho liotllettces ott lltc llo:tLtl.


Ililr'c Ss luilr lo purt l|. (;o ovcr all tlte tlucsti0tts. l)ivirlc Ss
irrto grorrps ol lorrr. I Iave t:ach grottp rttake two pairs.
I luvc Ss ask tlrcir llirrtner tlre tlucstiorrs ttrttlcr Frictrd I ,

iurrl rvritrl il clrc('l. (",/"\ or an "X" n(f xt lo cac:lt (lu(:stion.

I l;rr.'c grorrps llrcn rclirrrrr so tllat cve ryone has a tlil'l'e rent

/q l)irrliler. llave Ss ilsk ilr)(l ans\ver tlteir ncrv l)artttcr al)out

tlrcir prcviorrs l).rrtrrcr, rvritirrg that person's ansrvcrs irt
tlrt: lroxcs rtrrrlcr l:rietttl 2. (lheck arts\vers by asking ll/fto
Itus t,uer gone on silIilri? or ll'lrc hns rreuer g,o,re o,r st1lhri?
I lavr: Ss ansrlrr lborrl tlre peollle lhey le ;rrlrerl allotrt irr
ljrieltrl 2.

O Afier lhe book

I'lir\, No. Sorry. (Go fish) ('lc'acltcr's (irritle p. 20) trsirrg
lk'tlrtt't:rl l)ir:ttrlu (.arrls 7l-{t(} ('l'eachcrs (irrirlc gr. tTlt).
llirvc Ss rrsk Ilrrlrrl,orr eyer (rklden an cleplutttl)?
,. Best ln len (Teacher's Gulde p. l9)
a Parmts (Teacher's Gulde p:20)
lr'lake statements about lvhat the SuperKlds and
the chlldren in exerclse A did.

At tivitl'llrok p.57 can ttotv ltr irssilirrctl lirr lrotrrr.rvorL or

trst'rl irt cluss. Sre ilns\\'er kcl,, lelclrr,r's (itritlc p. l(i(i. Norv
tltat Ss ltave t'ottt;tletetl Ilnit [i, tlrr:1,can l;o to tlre llrrlrtrilj
l)li.i(', A('iivit)' lkrok 11. 70 trrrl t:olor rrrrnrlrt,r'll 1'r'llorr'.
{ Ncxl lcsstttt: llrirrg irr a hallootr il'),ott r:ltrrorc to tlo llrt,
uptioltirl lrtivil)' llalkrort llouttce ('leaclrt:r's (irritlr: 1r, I5)
irrrrl lrrultiltle r'opics ol'llcrlttcctl Iticlrrro Oarrlr tt I lt()
(li,aclrr,r's (iuirlr'p. I7ll) if.yort cltoose lo rlo tlrr.()ilti{rrirl
.rrlivil\'(iurrlr ht orrler ( leircltcris (itrirlc p. l|ri.

Unil 8. Ies:orr 6
e9 whr
( lwent lo Conodo lo visil forrrily. )


Conodo Chino

go lo summer comp WE go sighlseeing lhey go horsebock riding


he visitfomily she go snorkeling you

go hiking


SoulJr Africo Brozil Poris

yoLt see wild onimols he see wild onimols she go sighlseeing

WC go snorkeling lhey go horsebock riding I go lo summer comp


Spoin lhe Greol Borrier Reef lhe,Grond Conyon

lhey visil fomily I go snorkeling WE go hiking

she go horsebock riding you visil fomily he go sightseeing

I l(i Unil B, Teocher Reproducitlle 23 O Peorsort Educoliorr Asio Iimiled

@ Phonics Cords Unit I



eomed otched
t* -t-_
q ,@ I

,- \\a/, lA zz

.-_---_ rng inkler ingbok


oshed I ----it I inter

Q i)t:rrrson IdLrcolion Asio Limiled Unit B, Teocher ReprorlLrcrltlt ?.1 | l;

f !. -ra*4! &

vroror @ (,IS tlltm.loert. !oy. O (F tltlon. Numbot. srory G) {tD thloo,

ffi,ffiffifrylffiJ'l s*1

Srry Nrrttr rre'rc gttirtg,lo lutrn ltou' to lulk nlxntt !lrc

clrrl.s. tJsc l)ictttrt: (lartls lltl-l)0. I krltl rrp tlte c:trtls (ttl('$t a
tirrrc arttl sa1'lirrr, nwre [ttn, populon nnre populan
itrtertstirrg, ivtrl nnre i,tterestitrg,, I lavc Ss
@ Tolk obout it! {vocobulory}
' . s* ".rry.f"$IErf 'ri$ txP'lt'lil :'
Itlacc l'iclttrr'(l;rrtls lttt-ll0 ott tlte lrrrartl as il rcfcrettct'.
I loltl rrll l)ictrttr'(lartls lil-117, ottc ltl it tirtrc. l:or dnclt cltrlr,
Torget Irlvc ss tnirkc a s('tlt('tt('(! rlt'st rilrittg tllt clttb, t'.1i. .$clltrol
batul is ltoltttlttr or Oltoir is littt.
Ss carr lroirrl to and ttanre scltool band, cheerleading,
tcturt, clrelr, dranu club, sclence club,:colrtpulel clttb,
scltool nouxpapentun, nrcre fwr, popular, nwro
po p u la 4 Interuslirtg att d no re interest ittg,
A Open lhe book
Ilrrvt,Ss turn to Sttttlcttl lkrttk pp. (iZ-(iil and krok:tt llrtt
pictrrrcs rrt tlrc irutlont oI tlte llitges. I'la1'CI) track llli7.
Moteriqls ',,,' ., ',
I lavt,Ss listcrt ittttl lloittt to tlte piclttres.

Pi('lrtr(' Carrls 7l -{Xl, (.1)

tl. l.i st ett, ltoi rtt trtul repca l.

O Before the book sclttxtl ltttrtl Qtttust'1 tittt ll,(tttst')
clrcarluulittg tuurt (l)(tttsc) rtrcrc tiur
lVarrn-trp I revlerv (lrausc) (l)(ttts()
cltoir 1xt1rl1l11y
I'llv l\tirrtc lt! llt'la1'('lt'aclrt:r's (irrirlc p. 20) trsirrg l)icttlre tlntttut t'lrtlt (lutttsc) tttttn'popttlar (1,(tlas,|)
(l;rrtls 7l- l|0 to tcvicrv tltc voeitlltllitry li'rlrrt llrt lltevitltts sciattctt clttlt (p(ntsP) irtft,r'r'.rlllg (lttutse )
rrrrit. trtttrlttttor r,'lttl, (lr(llr.{(') r r utn, i nt t rcs t i t r14 (
tr tttsr')
.sc/rrr0l lrr,rr,.sprtper (
Introduce vocaltulary
S:rl' Tirrlnl' u'e're Soittg to learrr ab<tttl clttlts ol .sclrool' ( lse l'lay tlrc Ol) aglirr. Ilitve Ss listcrr atltl r('l)col.
l)it tttrt'(lurrls ttl"tl7. lkrltl rtll tltc cltrtls (lllc ilt il tittrc lttttl l15lt. I ltvc ss listctt ittttl ttttttllrt'r lltr'
l)lrt1'Ol) trlt'k
rr;rrrrc llrt'rrr. I llrvt'Ss [('l)('ilt.

I lti Urril 9. tesson I

Moteriols , ,;

It. l.istctt utttl ttttnrlx,r. Ilcrlrrt:t'rll)icttrre(llrrlstll-t)()('liritcltt:r's(irritl'p. lilll.

Nrrrrrlrt'r l. litrr, trtttra littt (2t) cirlctrrlar, (.1)
i\l'rurrlll.r 2. clutir (2t)
I'rtlrtlrr'r.1. ltoltttktr, ttutrc ltoltttktr (2.\)
iYrlrtlrr'r .1. scluxtl ltttttrl
Ntrlrtlr,'l 5. .rt ir'rtt ,'r'ltrlr
O Belore lhe book
Ntttrtlwr{i. scltno/ t,(tt'slrttlrlrr (2r) lVlrm-rrp / revicrv
Nrrrrlrr'r'7. rltl,lrr ltuli,,g tr'(tttt (2t) I)lly IUore pict rlre searclrlng ( l'eac ltr:r's ( irr irle p. I 'l ) rr sirrg
Ntttttlvr tl. itttrrttlirtl4, trutn' irttt:rcslirtg, f?r) llt'tlrrcctl l'icttttc (llrtlr tll- tl{} ('lluclrt'r's (irritle p, l 71li.
Nrlrtlrr'rll. tttrttlttrltr rlttlt (2x)
Nrurtlrt'r 10. tlrttttut clttlt (Lt) lntrotlrtcc dialogs
l)iolog l: I lave trvo Ss (Sl itrrtl 52) 8o to llto froltl. Sal' I')r'tcr
(.lrcck S;' iulstv(:rs lty sirf irrg tltc ttttttllttlrs atrrl lrlvirrg Ss (lioint trr Sl )'is.,all'ilg to his nlom (prlitrl lo Sl). Stlnrl
sal tIrt: t ortt't"lttttttlilt1i voc.rlrtrlirry rvorrls. n(:xt l{) Sl, poirrt lo it tlitlt: ()tl tllc cillerl(lar 2 tvt:t:Ls lrottt
t otlay atttl suy .lcft orrl .slr t rt s i tr l tt'tt tlr:cls. l litve S l r{'l)('irt.
Slv tlrt'r'ot'ltllttlitt.l'rvortls itt ratttlottt tlrtlcr. I lave Ss
Slanrl ncxt ttr S2 itttrl sitf itt att trxt:iletl voice ?'Itnrl
rr'llr,itl, pottrtirtg lo t'.tt ll tlltu.
t,tcilittl;! I luvt: S2 r('lt('ilt. Slltttrl ttt'xl to Sl atrtl sav l'r'all, i,
I llvc Ss ptrittt ltt atttl tlitttte ltictttres of tlte vrlcallttlitry
i.s. l lirve Sl rt'1rlrtt. l litvc lltc l\\'o Ss tlte rliirkrg itlStitt ott
rlorrls tlrc\'('iln ste in tlts tttilitt rirelles. (Attsrvcr: scltool tlrcir orvn. I lclll tlrt'rn lr1'rlhislrcritrg their lirres if
lrlrrrl. )
ll(f(:essary. I)o it itgiritt atttl ltavc lllc rt:st oftlre Ss rt:l)t'ilt.
lorrk lirr tltt: hirlrlcrt ltlrtl(l ill lltc lttititt st:ctte. l)ialog 2: l'litt't' l)it'tttrt'(lirrrl tll (rtl tllc l)o;lr([ ils
(.\nslrcr': lt's llrtrvrt'tt tltc t:olorittl; s(:l all(l tlte llrlok llag itr rt:li:rcrtce, ll;tVr: trr'0 olltt'r Ss (S.l ilrttl S'l) grl trr tltc frottl
llrr'slrop rvittrlttrv itt scttttt: L) Say ?irrri (lloirrt to S.ll alrl .Sruld.l'(p<littt to S l) arr' tttlkittl;
ultout tltc sclrool ltattil (groittl to l)ictttrc (larrl tl I ). Starrrl
ncxt to S.l arrrl sa\' ,'lrt')'ott 11oitr14 ttt .ioitr the school bund?
@ Afier the book I llve Sll rcl)oll. Stitttrl ttt'xt lo S'l atttl sity itt a llrorrglrtltrl
l,llrt. l'ictrrrc (larrls tll-90 ()n lltc l)oilr(l (rvitlr tlle l)icttlr() voicr: l'lrutot silrlr l'.'t.I trtigltt,I lavc S{ r(:J)cill. Ilavc tht'
ritlcs sltotrittll) as a rcli:rcnt:e. ['lay llace by tttttnlter t\\,o Ss sl),tlrc tltlkrg;r1;litt ott tltt:ir otvtt. l)o it agltitt lrrrtl
('li'acltt'r's (itritlt' p. I (i). Irave iltc rt'st ol tltc Ss rr:1tt'itt.
l)ial0g ,l: l)lrrcr' l'ir'lttrr'(.irrtls ll I ll('xl l() [lL! olr tltc
lxrlrtl. lllvc t\vo olltrr Ss (Sl-r ltttl S(i) go to tltr lrrlttl. Sl1'
?irrri (lroirrt to S5) ruttl (jllirr (Sti) trt lalklng, al,ort! tlra
i r
.]. |: l
' :

Boltoon bounce (Teachei's Guide p, 15) st'hool lxtttd (Poirtt to l)i( turc (larrl lll) ottd tlrc
i i$,.. r
I .
- _.

Cnnlslnbrder(TeacherbGulder. l5) cltatrluttlittl4 lcrrlt {lroitit tu l'ielttrc Oitr(l lll). Slatttl ttlrt
i ttse coples of Reduced Plcture Cards 8l-90 to Sfi irrrtl slt' ll'filt'll is nrore fun, tlrc sclatol bntul or the
| (Teacher's Cuide p. 179). clrtcrlerttliilg, tt'rtttt:f I lilr'c 55 r('l)cat. Slatltl tlcxl t(t S(i all(l
sir), , rr,-rf t
lirc rlt,l.rltailing, lcttttt.llavc S(i tcl)(r;rt. Siry' tir,'
rliirlog aglirr antl lrlvt: Ss rl:pcitl. l)o it lgititt attrl ltitvc llrt'
r\t tivitl'llorrk p. 5ll ciut rtorv ltc itssigttcrl fttr ltttttttttvork ttr rt,st ol tr'pr'lt.
tnt'rl itt clitss. 5t:t' iltls\\'et l'try, 'ltacltttr's (irrltlc p. I (i{i.
l)ilk16 l: I lirvl lrvo olltt'r Ss (!i7 artrl Stl) Ho l(t llte [tortt
Nrrl k'rrorr llrirrg l t"itlt'ttrlttr ltl itttrotlttcc tltc tlialrlgs. I)r'uv a lricltrrc ol it t'rrol"lottkirtg Ittalc lt:itcltcr tttt lltt:
lrrrirrtl. Siry' l)otrttl,rttrrl llrlh urc tralklngabottl their ttttt'
tt,rtclu,r, Stlrttl ttcrt to Si artrl say tl'fiol ortt rt.'ttt tt'ucltt'r
1;oittli ttt lrr,l I lirt't' S7 tclttritt. Staltrl ttcrt to 5ll attrl sttY lIr:
lllttck. I'yr lturrl ha's tlrc l,lcst lt'rtt'hen Ilirvt'Stl rt'1,('irL
Stirrrrl rrt,rt to 5l rtrttl saf in ittt excitt:tl voicc (.krol. I lrrlt'\i
rr,l)('irl. I l;rvt''o Ss sity'tlrr: rliirlog agititt ott lltt'it urrtt
l)o it;rgirirr irrrtl lrirvc tltc rest ol tltt. Ss r(ll('itl.
@ Tolk obout it! (Diotoss)
@ Open lhe book
Torgets I lirvc Ss lur n l(, Sttttlcttt lltroL 1rp. (if li.l. lrttlorlttt r lltt'
a can say.Scrroo, srn rls iu truo rryelr and respond
Ss rturin st'r'ttcs lly llllyirtg(.1) trlt}i llirl). l.irtlrt itltrl ltotttl lo
: \!dth Tlnt\ srritlttgl Ss can agree utlng l'enh, ll ls, llrr ptloplc, ltlitr:cs or oblecls ils lll('\'ill(: ttl('ntl()lltrl.
e Ss can ask and answerdreyou golng, lo toin the
school bdnd? l'm not xue 1tel. I ml$ltt.
| 'S*
can flsk ond answerwith substltutions Whlclt ls
moft fan,lhe scltool bartd or llrc cheerleading, O. l.islurt to tlte slory.
tean? I tltlrtk the clwerleading team. .srlrorr/ .rrrrrl.r itt tu,o tt,r'tlts.Il,tr'r tiirr('.t llrati crr'itlrrg. .ll/
. Sr can atk lnd answer Wira'i oor leacher Bolng lo llrrr 5llrr,rAir/.s tre gtittg slrtlqtitrl4 litr srlutol.ll'lutt tltt
, bc? Ms Blaclb. Ss can contlnuc vtlth l'ue hcanl lrc's t t
I I tr.1' t rt'* I t t I tt t.1' I or * I nx tli' lit t t i, * t t ul.t' tt r ul ( )l t i 1t ru

,,,, rfl* bc,rt feacrrerond respond wlth Cool. nt'"tt lo !ltt rttttsir' slrut'. 'l lrt.ltrr' lutkittl4 ttl sr'lrtxil ltttrrl
il ...i ttttilirrtts. Srttu\,tttig,ltt jttitt lltt sclrcol lnrul.'l lutt
totrntls ittttrtslitrg. I"s st'ltool lxttttl Txrltttlttr (tl l\)ttr

Unil9.lcsson2 lll)
sr tool? lit t t i tr t i g,l t t jtti n l l rc c l ut' rlutt li t g t t't t t t. l t'/riry't i.s
l t t l'lltcc l)ictttrt'(.:trtls tl I .1)() ()lt tltc lrrrltttl (rvitlr tlrc
trrorr litrt, llte stluxtl lntrul or tltc cltu'rlaarlittl: tt'(tttr? l)i('liltc sitlt's sltrlrr'itt1i] its it tt'lt'tt'ttt't'. I'ttl Ss ittlo ttt'rf
ll lrttl tht t'ott tltitrk? Olrilt str.l'.s rle rrri,r['.{ tlrc clr"cr latttlittli pirirs rttttl ltitvt' tltt'ttt l)tll('ti('(' tlirrlog il ttsirrg tlillcrettt
,{'.r,1 i.\ trtort ltttt. l)otttt.t'tttrtl llttlt art talkittlittlntttt vot rrlrrrlirr l itcnrs, t'.1i. l1 /lir'lr i.s tttttrr'ltttltttlrtr; lltc (scltottl
tlrtir ttttu lt'ttcltcr. llis rtrtrtrtrs ltlr. l)lrtck. /lr'rlr .srr.l'.i.s/tr'i lttttrd) or the (cltu'rluttlitt14 ttanr)?
Irr,trrl lrt's lltclu'st tc.ult(r ltlrols tIr'lttsl tt'rulrtt ttl l'ttrtr
r, lttui?

l'l;rv ( ll) tracks ll{i0-l}61t. l;or t'rtclt rlialog, ltitvt: Ss litst

. neep ('tbactrer's ctu*l,]u]. , ,,0

lirttrr ;rtttl l)()int to lltc chitractcrs sltt'irkiltg lttttl illt'tt o Rcad my lips ('l'eachcr's Cuide p. l6)
rr'pt'at lltc rlilrlog.
Ar'tivitt'llook p. 5l) t'ittt ttorv lrt':tssigttt'tl ftrr llttttllwotk ttr
rrrlrl irr clitss. St't' .tttsl\'('r lct','lctrt'ltt'r's (itritlr'I. l(i7"
l). l)ilrlo1i l. Ncxl lcssott: llrirrg irr tt stttllt'tl itttittl;tl t() l)lll\"lirss the
rurrlrrrul ( li'rrt'ltt'r''s (irrith p. l(i).
l islt'tt trntl lnittt.
ltetor: Scltool .slrtrr.s ltl ,tt'o tt'r't'i.s.
llttthar: ?Tralltr'.rcitingl
l't,ltr: li'ulr, it is.
Nrrrl li.slcrt ttti rtpettt.
{}rrrn{, (rs olxn'a, ltttt atttlt littt' is sttirl tttrce rritlt rt ltrtttst
/irr S.r Io ,t'l)t'nl.)

Sl:I:t thlon
l islrtr rtrrtl lxrittl. Ark. Anlwor.

littri: Itr trttr to.jttitt lltr sclrrxtl futtrtli'

#*, &'
.\rlrrll'.' l'ttt ttol.{llrt'.1'(rr. I tttig,ltt.
Norl li,slcrt ilnil rq)eill,
(5rrrn('(r.s ttlnta, ltttl urclt lirta is.srrirl olttt u'itlt u lt(tlts(
/i,r .\r to trltt'rtt.)

l.istett anil yittt.
'littri: 1l'lli<Jr i.s rtttttt'Jilr. tltc scltrxtl lttttrl or tlte
( I lft tl t( t. I i, t
N I t't t, t t i'
Olrilt: .l tltitrk tlto clttnluulittl: tt'(t,,t. @ffi=,.
SL! tlrlon Chonl
A'rrrl lislrrr iltld rep.\tt.
(*rtttt as alxn,c, b,tt t'(tclt litrc is saitl otu'e u'itlr (t Pttttsrr
,/irr.$.s to ttpt'(tt.)

ln,,iIr r.i,..,; n \1.", in: i.,,r

ll'c d, i'ir .lr, 6 nD.t ilr lrln lho ct!{
l). l)iuktg,1. rlh, ilr'(i il.:Erllr0 lfim rl IH rurl l\n of dr
l.i stt,tt tt tul ltoi ttt. (io l.,nn o I Ydr iffil

l)ortttl': ll /rrri otrr l*tclu'r goitrg to lrc?

Itctlt: r\tr Illrrr'A'. l'r'a lttrtul lrt's tlta l)(tt liltclt(t:
l)otrrtl': ()xtl.
Arrrl li.srcrt rttul relttul.
ltttl t'tu lt /irrc i.s.sair/ orrra willt (t l)ilttsa
@ soy itl @
(Srrrtrr,rt.s rrDrrt,s,
_/irr.5.s lo tl'p?ilt.)
l'rrt Ss irrto plrits rttttl lt;tvt'tltcttt l)tll('ti('{'tltt'rliltlogs. I litvc Torget
rornt' pirirs itci oul tlrc tliakrgs itt Irrlttt ot' tltc class' practice dinlog 4 uslng vocabulary worrls
Ss carr
reviowe(l fronr Uuit 2 in Levcl 5.
O Afler the book ':41,

l'lrrcr'l'it trttc Oilrrls tll*ll7 oll tllc l)oar(l (r!itlt tltC l)i('ltlr(' Moteriols 'i rt,i

sirlt's sttortittg) as a rgferctlct:. ['ut Ss itrttt llairs ittttl ltal'tr l

tll('ln l)riteli('c tlialog 2 ttsitlg tli[[cretlt vocill)tllitry i({flrts, l'icttttc Cartls tll-90, (ll) I

('.H. /lre )'ol F,oirtg to joi,t llrc (scienct clttb)?

120 tlnil 9, lesson 3

(iivc tli[[crent Ss tltc I'iclttre (]lrrls for tltc vocllrttl;trr'
O Belore lhe book i tuns in tlrc r:lrnrrl. I)lay Slund rvhclr you hcar it {'li'irllrt'r':

trVrrnr-up / revierv (irrirlc p. 2 I ). l'}la1, tlre (ll) agailt. I lavc'Ss rvitlr tltc t lrrls
l'lly'loss lhu artilttitl ( l'e aclre r's ( )rrirlc p. I (i) to rcviov tlte sttntl rrgl rvlrerr llrey lrelr tlteir itern llcing strttg.
tlialrrgs. (lsc ttit'tttrc (.artls lt I -1)() lrl llrttt:tice llttr
srrlrslitrrtiort rliirlogs.
O Atter the book
I'lay llcep ('lL'aclrer's (irritle p. l6) trsirt6 all lltc tliitkrgr orr
@ Open the book tlris page .
Say itl
Ilavc Ss lrrrn t{, Sttttlcnt l}ook 11. (i,1. Ilave ttvtl Ss (Sl and fryt,,., ...,r
i:.i.i ..,.:,,,.,t
52) gtr to lltc lrout. Say (SI's rtttnte) ls Dtttttrl', (52's truttrc) . Change partners (Tbacher's Gulde p. 16)
ls lleth.'l'ltey're goitrl; lo lalk tltottl tt'lto tlrcir leacher is Use the varlalions on the pa8e.
lo li.tlcrt. Sit)' ll'ltrt's our teuclrcr goittg lo be?
lrc, l.t:t's . .1,,,,..;,,:;tt. . ;,
lluvc Sl rr)pcal. Sat'illlr, llktc*..1't'e lu'urul lrc's tlrc besl r Hot potatoes (Teacher's culoe liili"ii'{}r':: "
tutchcn I llvc 52 rcl)cirt. Sa1' (,bol. I lavc S I rcpeat. llitve
5l arrtl Sl ra1'tltu tlillog ott tltt:ir ttrvtt. l)o it agaitt arttl Activity, []ook 11.
(i0 catt ttort'lte assigrtetl ftlr lttttttt:tlrrtL ut
Ir,rve tlre r*si r,[ tltc Ss rclltritt. l'!luy Ol) track li6'1. Ilirve Ss rtsr:rl in r:litss. $er: ltlrtrvt'l' licy,'l r:itcltcr's (lrrirlt: p. l ti.:.
listrrr ltttl tt'pt.'ul lltt: tlilkrg.
N(]xt lcssoru llritrg irr l\r'(t lo)' trticrttpltottt's lo pl;t\'
Karaokc ('leitt'ltcr's (irrirlc p. 2l ).

l.istett tttul repeut.

l)artny: ll'ltrrls rrrr tt:il(l,.tr Soittg, lo l,ci' (lxtrtst)
llillt: lIr ll/rtr'('. I'r'c lraurtl lrcli tllc lrr'.s,
tutcln'r (1,ilus.')
Dortrrl': (ixtl. {lxtrtstt)

I llvr Ss lrroklt llrt: tlil'[erettt pir:lttlcs tlexl lo tlre tlialog

I t'l's ltavc l)onrt1, 111211 lleth lttlk ttltttttl Ilrc
sr r.:rrt', S:rv
otl,(r SilparKids.lltlatt do lltey say? llave lrvo Ss (Sll trrtrl
S l) try tlru [irst tliirhrg. I llvc Sll ask lt/lro's llrc t)ttss 1tlu1'er
gollg l<r lrtrl llave S{ ttttsrve r Sandy. l'pe lrctnl slu:'s tlte
Ircs, r'hrs.s plu.1'cr, Ilavc Sll sly' (.'ool, l'ttt Ss ittttt llitirs lttrl
hirvc tlrcnr praclice tlre rliakrg rvith tlre tlifft:rctrt ltit'tttrcs.
l:rrr rrrrrrrlrt,r 5, lrave Ss trtake tlteir orvtr tlialogs askirrg
allorrt lrrollrlr sltttlt'ttt itt lltc r:lass. I lavc sottte ltitirs sity
llrrir rlilkrgs irt Irorrt trl.llte cluss.
Irrlr<lrluce tlrc Cltartt-a-Bratn
llcvirrrv tlrc t'ocitlrrilitt'y rvortls. Sltorv Ss Itictttrr: (iitr(ls
lll*lX). l'ut I'i('lurr'(ltrtls tltl (lirtt, tttort: lirrr), ttl (sr:ltool
balrrl), tt:l (clroir) lrrrl ll.l (rlrirrrrir clrrll) on the lloartl, Say
It'/riclr i",; ttnre ftrtt, lltt scltool luttttl or tlta cltoir? Ilave Ss
r|[)eat. Sa1' I tfiial' tht t'ltoir. I lave Ss rel)eat. Sa1, Tlle clloir
is tnorefrttr llt,rn tln sclutol bnrtd. llrltcat llrc lrtttt:ctlttrc
rrith t'lruir untl rlrllrtl clttlr. I lirt'c Ss rol)cat. Siry ?llc
ilnttna club is nrcre ltttr tluttr llrc clrcb, llitvc Ss re llcirt.
l'nl I'ir.tirre (lirrrl ll2 (clrct:rlelrlittg tolrtr) on tlrc lronrrl. Sl1,
;lttil tltt rlrcerleudlttll letrm ls tlre ,r,osl |urt of clll I lavr: Ss
r(,1)tla(. ltlay (.1) lrack ll{iS attrl lrave Ss listcrt. l\rirtt to tlrc
lrlrrasrs irs lh(:), arc clr;rrrlt:rl. (Nott:;'l ltc
rr ill lrr, rt:r'it,rlr:tl lrrrl ilulilrl iu tttorc rlelail in l,r:sson .1.) en utr(l (ltn,tl.

It'lrir /r is trtorc ltttr, tltc st'lttxtl luttrrl or lltt clutiri'
I tltittt tltt r'llolr li's, 1't'.r, 1'
I lr rlutir is rrrurt littr tlurtt !1rc sclutol lurtrrl.
l!'irir'lr is rtutrc Jirtt, tltt clutir or tlt.'(lftt,ntt (lulti
I tlrirtl; tlrt rlrttttut rlttlt. li'.s, t'r'.s, lT 'sI
! ltt,rltttrrttt tlult is tttttrr'ltni ttttitt tlrc t'ltoir.
..lruI tItt' rlr,r't l*uIitt1i r.'.lrl is tItc tttrttt Jitrt rtJ ttII!
(;(), !.'t0 t t, 1yt! l\'r tl t, t ttt tt t!

Unil9, lessort .1 l2l

Y @ Buitd i* @ chqnt-o-srom
Il, Listen nud rrputl.
Torgets . ,
ll'/riry'r is nrltn,.litrr, tltt srluxtl futrttl
cltcerlcadittg lt,tttrt?
rr tlv
. Ss cnn make comparisons about clubs using I lfiinl: Cltilt: I tlink tlrc dteerlutrli,,g tt,ttt,t. {lxtust')
the (chcerleading teaut) is moru (un) tlnn the
(school l:r,ncl) i
Ilavc prlctit'e tlrc rlialog irr lrairs lirr llclr pirlrrrr. itr ptrt ll
. Ss can ask and an$wer about clulrs using WItich is
Nottr: Agairt, ogc Ss lo cxprt'ss llreir orr rr
morc $utt),the (scltoolband) or tlrc (cheerleading
ollirriorrs alrorrt tlrcst. sclrrlol clrrbs. As befolu, lhcrc are :ro
"riglrt" rrr "rlrortg" alllswers ltr:re, ttor is llrc nrhvork
. Ss can clrant the Mrlcrt is nlorefur? chant.
n'l,r{'sr,trtirlivc oI lltr"'0r'tler irt rvlrich tlrr. clrrhs Iru lo bc
tlt'sc r i lrt'rl.
Moteriols (l
l'iclurc (lartls tll-90, (it) Ilave Ss krok'tt llart O. I'lar' (ll) trile k llt;ll. Ilave Ss listclr
irrrrl rvritc llrc t'ornrt:t rvotrls.

O Belore lhe book

It'trrrr-u;l / revlew O. l.istt,tt ttnrl u,ritc.
I'l;r1' 1;n*, nclkllr ('li:aclre r'.s ( irride p. I5) rrsirrg lticturc l. I tltittk tltt st'ltool rreu,sltttlter is ttrtrt inttrtstinB tlro,t
(iurds tll*${). tlrc cotrrltrttcr clult. (2x)
Ilt.virrrv crrrrrlrarativcs ltullcr I sltortt,r / oldtr I vtttrtgt'r' 3. I llrinl,^ tlrc stlrrxtl httril is rnort poltuktr tltrut thc
lllarrl lrt' havirrg Ss corrllnrc tlrerttsr.lves lo oilrcrs itr llrc tlrrtttrtt clttlt, (2.r)
clnss. Ask llho's tnllr,r. (st,,ul.,,rl's trttttt() or (slttdcttt's
:1. I tltit,k tlra rlutir is trntta Jilrt tlrtttt tlut sr-irttrt,
nalae)? I lavc Ss illrsiv(.r, clrtlt. (l!.r)
4. ll:lriclt is trtore poltrtlrtr; tlte dntttrrt clult ttr tlu,
Ilt t rotlrrce gr:lrrunar scltottl rtttlslxtlrri' I tltittk tlte rlnttntt clrtlt. (2.t)
5. lVltklt is tnorc i,tl(rL,stitr!!, tlte cottrlttrttr club or
l,\c Picturo (llrtls Bl-1X). Ikrkl rrll l)icture (lards tll arrd lltl
llte sclttsrtl ltrtrrtl? I llrittk !lte scltrtol lxttul. (2x)
arrtl sa1, 'I'irc scltool band lsJitrt.l loltl rrlr l)icture Carrl 82
6. Wlritlr is ttrox, tittt, tlrr rltoir or tlte
arrrl siry 'l'lto t'lrcerleatlittg leant isf rrt. 'l lrclr holtl trp I,icturc
L'lraerluulittg tttrtrr? I tlritrk tlur tlutir. (2x)
(.artls tl2, Iftl antl 8I anrl s;ry I lltittk tlrc checrleading, team
ls nnro futr tlren lhe scltool lt,rrul. I lirvc Ss rcpcal. Usc
(,lrt'ck Ss' ilnswcrs ltavirrlg intlivirlrrll rnisc tlrrir
l'i('lrrro (lilr(l tlll to lnlk nlurut clrrlrs, llrcrr t;rlk alrorrt b1, Ss
rlillt'rtrttt clubs usirrg Itit:trrrr'(llrtls llll lntl !)U. lritttrls rtttrl siry,tltc sliltltn('nts or rlialogs.
I lrrltl up l'ictuto (lards tll|, tl I lnrl lt2, Ask lVlriclr ls uore Charrt-a-gralrr
frttt, the school bond or tlrc t'lrcerlutding rcnrl? I lave Ss
r(,lr.irt. Silt' L,,rrrk the cltu'rluullttg, lt\t,tt.I lavc Ss rcl)('irt. Ilirve Ss lrrrrk irt llrc tt'/r/r/r ir tttota J'tttti'ehilnt lt tllc
lk'Plitt thu prot:etlttrc irlrovt'to conll)irr(. tlre rlilli'rurrl clrrlrs. lrotlortr ol p. (i,l irr llrt.Strrrlt'rrt llook. l'ltr1'(il ) irack ll6li
irttrl lrave Ss listcrr.

@ open lhe book

A I.islett o rtd <'ltttrtl.
Ilirvc Ss turn tr) Sttrrlt'rrt lkrok p. (i5 anrl look at part A. I'lirv ll'/rir'/r l.t tttorr Jittr, tlrt srlttxtl ltttrd or ilu, clroir?
(.1) trae k ll(i(i. Ilnvr: Ss listr:rr and rt'pclt. I tItitrl; tItr rIrttit'.'li,s,.1t'.s, 1r,sl
lrc L'ltoir is tttore Jhtt lltrtrt the scltaol lnrul.
ll'lrir'/r i.s ttrotr,littt, tlrc rlutir or tlrc tlnrttttt chilr?
I tlrirrk tlrt tlrttttttt r'/rrD. 12.s, .1,r,.s, 1,r,.s1
tl. l.islen artd repeot. 'I
ltt drutttrt L'lttlt is ttrcrc Jittt tltau tltc t:hoir
Cltilt: I think tlrc cheerluulinK tt'(tt,t is ttrore
tltrtl tltc clrlrt leurlittg tutm is tlrc nxtst fttn ol all!
littt tluut llrc scltool batul. (lxtttsa)
(io, lt,rttrr, go! lbuh, ttturtt!

Slt' tlrc lutnrllt'r of e ach picture irr part A. l lavc Ss sav tlt('
l)ivitlo Ss irrto group A and grorrp ll. Ilave group A clrant
s(.rrt('nc(.s. Sly tlre rttrrrrbcrs l-4 irr ranrklnr orrlt'r. I lirvt' tlrc t;rrcstiorrs. I lavc grotrp ll clrarrt (ltc'nrrsrlcrs. Ilave
irrrlir'itlrral Ss sly tlre senlcn('(:s,
gloul)s clrlrrgc rolcs arrtl clrarrt tlre charrt agairr.
Nolc: litrcortrngc Ss to cxllr(lss tltcir rlrvrr opirrions
l'lir1, Kuraokc ('lirtclrur's (irrirlu p. 2l).
irlrottt,st'lrool t'lrrlrs.'l lrt're arc rto "riglrt" or "n,rorrg"
iln\\rtrs lrcrr:, tror sltotrltl Ss rtssttrnc lltat the artrlork is
irttcntl.ctl l(, rcl)rcsenl tlrc rlrtlcr in rvhich tlre clubs arc to
bc tlcsr:ribtxl.
O After the book
l)lir\, 5c,r,.,r,'.. nlenlory ('l'eachcr'.s (irrirlc I. I7) rrsilrg
It I'icturc (larrls U l-.90.
I lavc Ss krok nt part ll. l'lir1' ( ll ) track ll(i7. I lave Ss listcrt
arrrl rcpt'li.

122 Unil9. Lesson 4

Introduce the rlifferent sounds of en
tJliHtI ;,r,r" ,l "1!; I

: o Mycholce \\rrite cn olt tlre lrourtl. llse crrlargctl l'lronlcs (larrls llrrlt lt
(Teacher's Guide p. 17) ('l lt 26:'liruchcr'.s (iuirle 11. 127) anrl slrrnv Ss tht' lirrt slr ol
q ;,, .1'whlch
l,s.more.-'? (TR 25iTeacher's Guldg p. 126) rrr rvrlrtls. I\rinl to anrl rcurl tlrc first set oIrvor(ls,
errrlrlirrsizing tht: r,a sotrnrl. I luvr: Ss listcrr. Say ltrculr:litst,
Iteadaclrc, brutd.Wltirlt solrrrl is tlrc sanrcll lave Ss s;rv
r\crivitl' llook p. 6l can norv llc assignerl for lromervork or
crt, I)o lltc silrrrc frlr lltc 0lltct ltvo s(:l!' 0f rtt t\,orrl:,. Nrrlr'
ttsctl in t lasr. Suc alls\\,(:r key', li,trchcr'.s (irrirlc p. lti7.
tllil( th()rc ill{: tll[('c rlilfcrtlrtl prortrrrrcilliolts oI tlrr.sanrc
Ictlcrs. l)l;rr:e nll tlte t'artls on lllc l) llt.arl llrc rrortlr
oll llle (:ar(ls, errrplrasizirrg lllc t,rr sorrrrtls, atttl lloilrl to tlrr
rvortls as 1'ort rcarl tltcnr. I lave Ss r()l)oat. l:xlrlain thr:
rttcartirtg of any rvorrls 5s rlo rrot rrrrrlcrslarrrl. ltrirrt tu tlrc
carrls irt rarrrlurrr urrlcr rtrrd havc irrtlividrrll Ss rcltl tlrrrrr.

Pronunicotion note

O i3cro ulm rout soy.

ert lel, e,a li:l , ea lhl (Sce pronrrncialiorr tuirlt'orr
'l'oachcr's (rtritlc p. ir.)

sct eo ocl
r*rr.,* 62gr1B r^-
{fft! 9ln @ open lhe book
E '.i6
,,,.,llli ,S
& A

S $ro urtn
w.rt .

E lr:l
t* Ilirve Ss trlnl to Strrtlt'rrt llrrok p. (i{i antl look at grlrt r\. l'l.rr
(.1) trirck ll(i11. I Ilvc Ss listcrr irrrrl groilrl lo tlrc

i' . -...-'' -.r-

tt,tr, t*.,t, ,tg.rl'u(@l
[l rl. l.islt:tt, ltoittl utttl rclt.,ttl.
li ,a, il. r.J omr. sd Fllor €
I h oY..ol (tl
L'il, t\ l (ltttttst') .'tl, t'/l (lrtut\.'l
' tn ut, att, lt,.utLfttst (lutttst) .\t, t'e, itl*t (l,ilutt')
ro tr. <h..rl6d dJ l'r
i ,e,^J lo,^
t:tt, trt, ltt'tulut'lte (1ntttst,) et, t:t, Korut (ltuu\(l
q [ ,o r*,o..-,

[i ,.,
*'.,,tJ t llhoYG lo (1)
.dt or (tr rr go'n| to b.
t,rt, rrt, ltr*ul (ytltttsc)
,| ir t'il,.'a (ltttttst)
* fur rtsr,.rt'r'^l
| .'u, eil, lftr,,t (ltttttst,)
aa, ut, Ttt utltt,s {ltrtttst)
O tE rrrrn wlr. Nribl til, .'il. tl\t.'lt(r (lxtttse)
,! lro!. {krlr lii,rl

l)lay tlrc ( il ) ;rgilirr. I lavc Ss lislen itn(l rcl)rill.

l'lay' 1;1,' (.1) u tlrilrl tirnc. I lavc irrrlivirlrral Si rlrr
i tcrrrs.
llsc tltc I'lrorrit's (larrls" !ilrrlv tltc picltrrrs arrrl isk
It'/ral'.r tltr tt'onl? Illve irrrlivirlrrirl Ss rtrilt.tlrt rrrrrrlr olt

t @ Reod itl
Sly orrr, ol' t lrt: llr,rrrl itl rvorrls. Iln,c l \\'t it(. IIr(.
rvrrrrl orr tlrc lloirltl. I )o tlrc sitrrrc rvillr lllrr ollrcr rt.r rt'rr
tr'r rt rls.
Ss can pronounce, rea(l and wlte the dlfferent
soundsofefl. : llevit:rv tltc rvorrls tvcalhcr, citl, l(:ilvos atrtl slrenkers. l\rirrr
to caclr rvortl anrl sly it. I lavc Ss rr:l)cat. Say orrtr of tlrt
rcvierv rvortls. I llvc it stu(lonl rvrilc lltc rvorrl orr llrt'
Moterlols ., .-i,ri#i-",
lrounl. I)o the sarrrc rvitlt the otlte r rvrlrtls.
l)ltortlcs (lurrls lhrlt Il ('l ll 2(i: lirirclrer! (irrirlc p. 127), I Ss tlu n t() Strrrlr:rrt lkrok ;t. (i(i arrrl IxtI lt F;rr t ll.
(:t) I)nlrt.y trrolc t, rqtotl tlnul tlrc new scltoul -yr'rtr I rr'.r
reurl it. lllal'()l) track 1t70. Ilave Ss listcrr alrrl rvritc rltr:
rvortls irr tlrc blarrks.

O Belore the book

Warnr-u1l / rcvicrv
ll. l.islen arul write.
\\'ritt tlrt, lcttcrs 0[orre of tlre sorrrrrls frorrr tlrt, lltttl it! 'l'lrtt tut'rttlu,r is gt,ltittg, t'rxil.'l'ltc lcuyt's rtrc t'.i.
1 glr1.;rr irr I lrrit ll rln tlrc lroarrl, r:.g. .scr. Illvc Ss go lo tlrr:
It's litll.
orattg,L'tttrl yellotu. li,er),fux$s ruull,to ttil,'t s( lktt,l I
Irrr;rrtl, rtritc tlrc u'orrls rvitlr tlrat sottrtrl antl say lltc \vor(ls,
Irut't, tt grutt klttt. l'ttr g,oitt1l to joitr tltr rlrr'rl*ulitrl'
I l.rlt: tlru r(.51 uI tlll: Ss rcpeat. (]orrtirrrrc rvitlr tlrc
tt,tttrt.ll\|ll lvtt,t,lo lrttr'lit't, etrry rtutrttittli. I'll ltrttt, to
rlrrt.rirrirrg sotrnrls irr I lrrit ll.

tJnil 9. Iessorr lr t::r

fit! 1,, r\tklilsl t'arb'. Ottr tu acltcr i.r goirrg to lte hlr lllack.
I Irr t t's t'.rc iIi r t 14!

l)icturc Cards tll-90. (ll), lttitrkers ftrr

(llrr:e k Ss iulstl;ors try hnvirrg irrdivitlual Ss rcittl tlre
I l;rt'e Ss turn lo Stutleltl llortk p. 6(i arttl lottk itt part ( i.
l'llr'(ll) track ll7l. Ilavc Ss listetr artd l'ill irr tlrr: ttlrttls its O '..tlD tblen. naod. w.ll..
tlrct lrcar tlleltr. I f ( i{ry{xarrrn,iri}rr'.(t4."nrnrht

I TI(h (tn) nit til$ffnlhl

c. l.lslott /3rrtl u,rllc.

t tun { nr hrt il{d h lu (tnlt
l. lrc soccer ttam lxntglrl "slt'rtlt'ts itr ktrcn'
'l (?,\.)

2. L$,tuil'h"t u\t,tls lt,uul (tttd ytrcltts Jitr ltttrrlt. (3,t)

.1. I luttv tr lruulnclrc utrrl I cutl't ut! ltrattklitil. (f.t )
O Ptoy. Atl. An!w.r. t$,:;:j:::::;#*'sfu
\\'rite tlrc settti'ttces rvitlr tlrt blarrks olr tllc l)orlr(l' (.ll('ck
Ss' rtnstvt't.i bl'lravilrg ilrtlivitlrrlrl Ss 1',rr lrr tltc lroitttl ;ttlrl
rlr itc tlre rvortls itt lltc lrlirrrLs. I llrrc irrtlivitlrritl Ss tt'lttl lltt'
I lirvt'Ss look al lllc l)i(rltlr(', l\ritrt to tltc ltictrttc itrrtl ask
ll'lri.'1, se,rtence ls tltis? I lavc Ss r','ritt' tltc ttttttrlrt'r ol tlltr
('o1 r(.cl str lllclrcc tttttlcr tltt' l)i('ttll c. (Atrsrler: I t's 1l')

O Afler lhe book

t'lly' (ilve ttte five ('l'eircltt'r'.s (irritlc 1t. lti).

o Flll ln the btanksl (Tcacher's Guitle p. lB)

. Palr dictallon ('l'eaclrer's Gulde p. l8)
Use gcntencel front llre readiltS. O Belore lhe book
Warrn-up / review
llave the three setrtences in part C as
Ss $ay (llrrrrrt tlrt, Olrtttrl-tt-grttttr togctll('1. I loltl trp I'ictrtte (lartls
tongue twiotors, Start slowly and gradually . . :" tl I*1X) one at a tittt('. I lavt' irrtlivitlrtitl Ss ask tl'tlclr is
lncressc lhe puce. Ilave Ss try to make their own ,not'? .,. ? allottt t';tt lt ottt'. I lltvt' ltttotltt'r sltl(lt'llt illls\tt'r
tongue trvisters, using words that contain the r':rclr Iintt'.
diilcrcltt es sottttds.

At tir itv tlook 1r. (i2 eittt ttotv lrt'assigrlt'tl lirr ltottttrvtlrk ttt A Open lhe book
rrrt'tl irr clnss. Sr:e iltts\v('r kt'\','li'itt:ltcr's (irritlc 1l' l(itl. A
Next lcssutt: Ilriltg trtarkers [tlr t'itclt pair of Ss ttl plal' Ilnvr,ss trrnr l(t Stutlt'ttt lkrok 1t. llll ntrtl ltlok:t1 lrnrt r\. Say
tlrr.. glttrc. lltc're g,oitrg lo lisletr lo (ktlhy and Snm talklttg, rtltout
srlrool, l.t,!'s lisletr. I lavo Ss look at tltc lirst picture. I'lay
(ll) track 1172. I lavc Ss lislcrt.

A, l.islcn trtul u,rit<',

/*. Ntttttlrcr l.
@ Proctice it! t li, Qttl,t'. tlrc lttrt lookinli.lirtt'ttnl ttt slrtrtittl1
Qtlltl,: l?.s, I anr. I tttiglrt ioin n clttlt.
Torgets : :, r i!.,.'; , i ,
.5rlrt: rlti'.1'rrtt 14ttitt1i ttt ltitt tltc crttrtlttttct tlult?
. Ss can understand and produce this unitb target Orth1,: !'ttr trrtt.t,,111't'1. I trtililtt.
' language.' " Snnr: I knu alxtrtl tlrt'tlutrtrtt cltilt?
(ittlt.1': Ntt. I tlotit lika ttctittl4.
. Ss can listcn to childrcn talkirtg about school atrtl
write auslvers to the questions.
r Ss can play &o game using tltc gralntnar dialog. I lavc Ss look irt tlte first rlttcstirlrt. I litvc rlttt sttrtlt'ltt rcad
tlrc rlrtcsliolt ittttl alttltltt'r altstv('r it' I lavt Ss rtrrilo tltrr
ans\\'t'rs irr their llrroks.

I2,1 t.lrril9. Iesson 6

Ntltrlrr'r J.
(ittlr1,: I lotu trlxttrt yttt, Sotrri' tlrc yttt lqoirtl; to .joitr rt
.Srurt; lllt"lruh. tl'Iir'/l i.r rnort Jiur, tlre srlrrxtl barul
1 or tlrc scit'ttct chtlt?
()atltS,: I thitrlr'tfuo.scir,lct, tlult. l)o lttrt likc trttittttrlsi'
Srurr.' I rutll.1, like rutirtnl.s.'l'lte scittrce clttlt sotouls
(irtlt1,: linirt g,txxl (1, s( i(,,r('('.
.lrrrr.' ?Trrurl'.s. I utiglrt joitt tltc tcit'rtu'tltrlt.
Illll Ss look lt tlrt. srcorrrl rgrtr:stiott. I lavu otto sttttlt:ttt
rr,lrl llrr r;rtcstion lrtrl arrolltcr iuls\v(rr it. I lovc Ss rvrilt:
llrc ansrlr'rs itt llrt'ir lrooks.

(lttlt1,: I llrtt' tut," lt)l (,[ rlul,s at stlttxtl.
.\rrrl.' )irlr. ll'hatli tlrt ltcs! clttb itt sclttxtl:'
(k.lh!,: I tlrittk tltt clrttir's tlrt lryst. I ktt,u )rtu t't,rr
listt,ttql to tltt clnir?
.trnrr.' ,\['i'Nr'rtr: ,'lrt you goitrlt, to joirr tha cltoiri'
(htlty: l'r'alr./li['r'.iirrgirrg.
qi .Srrll: (inttt.l'orirttlrr,lrr,.st.sirrl;t,rilr r/rrrclrrs.s.

Illvc Ss krok irl llrc tlrirrl rptr:stiolt. Ilavc otte stu(lr: nl r(fil(l
tlrt'rlru'sliurr itrrrl attolll'r lnswcr it,
Ilavc Ss rvritc llte ans\\'crs irr thcir llooks.

I l.rvt: Sr luln l(, 1lilr't ll. lrtrt Ss iltlo pairs. (iivr-'eirclr lrrir ir
nr.rrkcr. I llr,c Ss pllcr: tltt,ir rnorkurs on Slitrl. I lirvc S I irr
caclr plir lool irl tlte arlicctive irr tlre Start s<1trnrc, [ollorv
lltc trvo llr{lvb lo llrc clttlls nrrrl itsk il {lltortion rrsittg tlrc
3 rlrrrst iorr irrtrl llrc I \vo act ivitios , e'.g,. Whitlt is nwrc.fitn,
tlw clreerlruill,rg, t.,turt or tlrc courpulcr clult? llavr: 52
iilr:r\r:t: r allrl tnovr llrtj ttlarkcr to lllill ri(luAre. Ilirv(l S2 thr:n
asl, llrr: nc\t (lur:sti(,n.'l lre ar:tivitl'[itrisltr:s rvltcrr tlrc1,
lattrl on it l:ilrislt s(luiuc. \\'rtlk arottnrl tlrc clrrssroorrr anrl
lrtlp Ss if ttt'cr,sslrr\'.

O Afier lhe book

l'lll,Starrrl in orrle r ('lirlclre r'.s (irrirlc p. 20) rrsirrli l)ictrrn,
(,irrtls lll-117. llin'c Ss lrrlnllc tlrornst'lvr.s irr ortL'r ll'orrr
.rlr tlrr'lt,lst lo lllu nrost ftrrr cltrll. Ss rtrtrst ilgl('(: on llrt,orrllr.

(hncentratlon (Teacher's Grride p. l9)

tlse coples of Rcduced Plcture Cards tll-87
, (Teacherb Cuide p. 179). Have Ss use the grammar
dlalog and make a quesllon each time thc carrls

;\ctiritl'llool p. t):l ( iul tr(l\\'lrt, lssignurl lirr lrotrtr:rvoLk or

ttsctl itt t lus:'. Sr,r. ilns\1r'r lt,\', lt.trt'lrcr's ( irritlc 1r. I (itl. Norv
tlt;rt Sr ltirve t'rrrrrplr'tr,rl I lrrit 1), tlrr,y ('iut Ho to tlrr, llr,l'rrrill, i\cti\it1'lIrol, p. 7O ilrrrl C(}lor rrtrrrrlrcr'1l lrlir(.1. l0st .l
( lt'irt lrt'r'r (irritlr'gtp. ltl{i ltlT) cln lrt.rkrrrt'in cllss no\r'()r
irltlr r'utrrplt,titrg llt'e1clr: itl ll.

[Jnil 9 lt':,',lrrir
q9 Which is more ... ?
The choir is more fun A gorillo is more
lhon lhe science clu[:. lhon o monkey.

----r -r..-_----_^ - --l

. -.,/,


cheerleoding leom school bond science club

I --"-'--':: -::-- - --l
inleresling -1*



dromo club _t* compule1{L_i _ *_- choi1***_t :;,8
T -l --]

colorful I

t __I

I -- -l
I gorillo I monkey I lizord

beouliful -1.-



Potsonous I

t-" *-l

dongerous I

spider r\rNE
Jr crocodile
_l -_ ''_:'"::::"_ * J
"I'encher's lnstructlotts I'rcgratrr lllrolocopics lirr errclr rlu(l('nt itt ittlvltnt't'. Ilittrtl otrt tltt'rtotksltt't'ts. I'ttl Ss ittlrr

l,luy agairr, tlris lirrrc trsing tlrc corrrpirrativc ttljt'ctivt's;tttrl tltt'itttitttill citrrls.

l2(i Unil 9, Ieocher Reproducible 25 O Perrrson Itlttcttlion /tsio [irniled

E9 Phonics Cords Unit 9

h doche br--d
\- t00x ll ;



U lir:rrrs0rr Irlrrcoltr:n /iSio Linriled tJnil 9, Teoclrer Rcllrorltrcrlilc .,r, ll7

litvtt Ss lttrtt l() S(tltlt:tti llook p. (itl. llevit'rv the
clratitctcrs lttttl ilcltts itr tlre pictrrrt's. l'lit\'(.1) trlt k ll7ll.
I luvt Ss listett trl tll(! stor)'atltl lloittt lo lll{' l)ictllr('s'

11. I,i.qlcrr to llt( slor1',1xtlrtl utrrl rclrrutl,

5'crtrll'; Sr'/rrrrrl.srttrrs itt ttt'odrt1's.
'littti: l'trtlr. Ihrtt'srrlt'i!irtg.
l\'ter: SsltJ / ltcrrrrl rt
l)ottttl': lVlmt kitul ot troisa?
Pt'ltt': lt sottrulul li(r'a .srtnk'.
Oltilr: lliltry )'t,tt t'ttt ltiltti tr srutlrci'
O Ar'o uls. Polnl. !.Y. roL PloY. l't'ttr: i\ft'?Nc't'r'r:
Sartrl.y': Are yott 14ttitt14 ttt 11t ltutki'
l'ct(r: Illr... I tttilllrr.
'littti: I'll go lutk.
'littri: Il'r'rltrsr' ! slt1ryn'd ott Iktlt!

l'l:rv tlrr'( )l ) lgrrilr ittttl ptt'ss lltt'pitttsc lrttltrttt ttflt'r tttclt

i A0rrgor,alrg,k(l: lirrti lor Ss io tt'pt'itl. l )ivitlc ss ittto grort;ts rtf [ive' l litve Ss
I im F) fr4 lFr,t u qltl.)
tlt,t'itlt'rvlro rvili lrt'u'lticlt clt;trltctt'r rvithirr tlteir grotll)s'
I luvc grottps llritt'iit'c tlre tli:rkrgs, \\'itlk arottrr<l tlrr'
cl,r..rtiottt'itrtil cltcck Ss' progrcss. I lave ttttlre cttltfitlt'ttl
Ilroul)s go lo tltt'ltottt ol tltt't lltss to pe rlotttt llrr:

ln0rln\ l
O After the book
l'luy Wlro sniil it? ( lt'ircllt'r's ( itlirle p. l(i) rrsing tlre di:rltrgs
irr tlrc st ut \'.

Use Picture Cartls 6l*90. Lay the cards on I ille'

floor in a circular or zigzag pattern. llavc Ss work
in pairs. For each Picture Grd. havc thenr and .

ar',it"er an appropriate question. , , ' ,' .,-,'., ,

Torget e Palrdictation (lcacher'sGuidep. lB)'.1"''',

Use the sentelrces fronr the story. '
Sscan uttderstand and use tlre target language froln
Units 7-$. : . A school ncwspoper ('l'It 27:'l'cacher's Guiele
p.130) 1-

Moieriols .

ActivitY llook p. (i'l t'lltt tttttt bc ltssigttctl [or hotltttvtlrk or

I'i('tur(' (lirrtls (i I *l)0, (,1) rrscrl irr cl;tss. St't'illls\vor kc1','li'acllcr's (itritle p' l{itl'
Ncxt lt:ssott: llr irl1l a stoltn'lttclt ttl plal'lleat thc tlnrc
('ll:tr:ltcr's (itritlc 11. l4).
O Before the book
Warnr-up / revicrv
l'lirl ln nty rorv ('l'cacltcr's (ltritle p. I 4) trsirrg l)icttlrc (:xr(ls
(;I tt(t. I la,'e ilrtlivitltral Ss tttakc il strllcltr('llt trsirrg tlte
itlrrr orr tlte cartl.

@ Open lhe book

llrrve a sttl(le tll (Sl ) gtl lo llte frrtttt. Sly .S's/r! I ltetnl t
rrrrise. I lave S I ask lI/rat kind o[ noise? Attsu'er lt sortttde d
liLe a ( I lave S I ask llct'e J'ntt ever hetrd a (g,ltost )?
i\rrsrvcr rllel Net,er. l)o llte satttc rvitlt a lcrv tttorc Ss. Ilitvt'
Ss lsk t':tcl't otltt'r, tttakitrli tlilli'rcnt stt[tstittrtiotts citclr

l2ll Recycle it! 3, Lesson l

Il. ltetd tlte slorj,, listcn auil circlc,
l. ll'lrcrt tlors scltool strtrt'l (Jtt
2. lltltrt lrttnl rt trrtist':' {lt )
ll. ll'lttrt tlirl it srtrttrtl liltt? (J.t',

Q iflt fmO f,o rtqy lhcn lrlrn lo lho quollbnr Ctcl6 1. l lrts I'rl(r cfi'r lturnl tt srrrrl 'l (lt')
5. ll'lrolr goirr g to ltxilri' (-lr)
(i. ll!lrl, tlirl littri scr 'rtr tt r' (2\')

(.lrt,t:k Ss' iuts\\'(,rs lry lrirvinli irrrlivirlrrul 5s rt'url urrl llrr'

il n s\1'('rs.

Ilirvc Ss turil to l)irrt (; arr(l look at llrc rvorls irt llrc lror
I lavt: sorrre Ss rt'irtl (,ul tlrt: rvoLrls. l:xllllin lo Ss tlrilt lll("\
rvill listcrr tr) tioillc r,('nl(.llc(s illlotrl lltc l)i( lilrcl' irrrrl tlr.rt
tlrcl, slrorrLl n,ril t, llrr al)pr(,llrill(: tr'urrls irr t lrc lrl;rrrl.r.
l)liry ()l) trirr'1, lliii, I l;rvc Ss listctt utrrl lill ln tlrl lrlutrL:
( iivc Ss srrl'lit'it,rrt tirrrt' to tvritt:. \V:rlk arottrttl tltt'

t lassroonl urtrl clrcrL Ss' progrcss.

C. l.istett rtrtd u,rilc.

Nttlttlrr'r l.
llttlt rntrtts trt lu,tt tt'ttrlrrr. (itutl itlut!
Ntuttlur 2.
( )lti1r lilt: lrt tttllrl cttitts ttrttl rrftl trul's.
l'.'1.'t s{ tiu,tt'tl u'ltilt 5rrrtr/1'-s;rlrr.s/r,'tl ltittt tIitlt tltt
.sprirr I /t'r'.
Nttttrlttr .1.

l)otttt.l,tt,ttttls t(, to !t) lttttt itt tltt sltt ittl;.

Torget Nrtlrlrr'r:i.
Ss can understand snd use the rarget tanguage from
'litrti tttir,lrt jtitt tlrt tlttrr luulirtl; tt'tun. Sltt tut
l.rnirs 7-$. ttttll;t (t lrtl rtl tttt v'r

( .lrr'r'h Ss' iru\\\'('t \ ll1' lrlr' ittg irrtlir'irltrirl Ss tlr itr'.tlrt'

Motsrlols h('!'s ilrr llrc lloittrl.
Sruprr';rlclr, llhorrics Oartls llrrlt 7-{, ( 1'lts lt?, .t5, :lll:
'lr',rrlrt't's (irritlc pp. 107, I 17, ll7), (ll)
O After the book
l)lit1'Scltlctrre nlcnror)'( iiraclrcr's (irritkr p. l7) rr.irrll
O Belore lhe book s('t)l(,n('(f s lr;rrt'tl oil tlrc ltuiltlllj ht.ltt,nlt'nl\ lr0rrr Ilrrrts
7-1), t'.g. I slrt';rtrrcrl lrr'r'irusr I stt' on sorrrltlrirrli: \\r.
\\'arru-rrp / rcvlcrv \\'('ntt(,(.iur.rrlirtog()l(,$utllnt(,Itltrtll; lltt,tlrr,r.rlr.,r,lrrr1i
l'l,rl llt'll tlrc titttt, ( lr,,rt lrt r's ( ittirlc p. l.l) trrinli tliirlog llitttt'ir tttort,lttrt tlrur tltc sclrool lr.rrrrl.
Itrtr's lrurtr l,nits ; 1).
l'l.rt l'ltorrics grolrl)s ( lr',rr lrt'r's (irritlt: p, llll.
. 'l'eam spelllng (Teacher'.s Cuide p. l$)
a Open lhe book tlse nny of the vocahulary or phonics rvrlrds fronr
(lnits 7-9.
Il.rvt' Sr lilr il t{) Slrtrlt'ilt Il0o}. 1t. [rll. llr:r'ir,r| tltt, slorl' liotrr
o llidrllcs 3 (TR 28: Teachcr's Ctride p. I3l )
lr,ut ,\ lrv lr.rrirrg sorut'Ss tcltl rrrtl tlrt'tliirlogr. Ilrrvt'Ss
lool .rt llrl iurs\r'(,t t ltoit t,s irt p;rt't ll ott Slurlt.nt llrroL '\r'tivitl'lloiiL p. [i5 t'lttr ltotv ltt.assigrrctl lirr llorrrt'norL,,r
p (ill. I:rpl.rirr to 5s tlrrrt tlrt,1,1r'111 listt,rr to lll(.{ln(,\tiunj u\(,(l in clirss. St,c iln:r\\'cr kc1','li:rtr'ltcr's (irrirlc 1r. lt,1l.
;rltntrt tlrt' slot t'. l'lrr\'(.1) lrirt I ll7.l. I litlr, Ss lislr,rr, l\rrtrt' Nt,rl lcssotr: llritrg ir tlrirltl nrirll to itrtrorltrcr.llrr'
.rltt'r r',rt lr (pt('\tlon so lltirl Ss t ittt t'irclc tltt't or rccl r or';rlrrrlirr\'.
,rtl',\r t't r

R()( y( l(l ill 3 1, ,',',r, ./ I lll

W Aschool newspoper

A scary story. $ummer camp.
Beth and I went on Chip and I went to Canada to go to
safari to South sunrmer camp. The weather was never
Africa for our cold. We went canoeing, camped
summer vacation. overnight and learned how to split wood
It was fantastic! We for a campfire. I got a splinter in my
saw giraffes, hyenas, monkeys, rhinos and finger. Chip saw a white ghost. I made
a black mamba. lt's the most poisonous a new friend.
snake in South Africa. One night, I heard a His name's
noise. lt sounded like an animal. Beth went Adam. We had
outside to look. She screamed because she a great time. We
stepped on something. lt was a toy duck! want to go next
We both laughed. lt was funny. summer, too,

l. Whot onimols did Belh ond Sondy see in Soulh Africo?

2. Why did Belh screom?

3. How wos lhe weolher in Conodo?

4. Whol did Chip see?

Teachey's lnstructlons l)rt'parc plrotocopies for cach pair o[ Ss irr arlvalrce. I lantl out the rvorkslrccts. l)ul Ss into

tlttestions and ansn,ers.

l:10 Recycle ill 3, Teocher Reproducible 27 et Peorson Fducolion /tsio Limiled

Q9 Riddles 3
,,r) ,,)
(, :

Whol's block ond white Whol hos 2 shoulders

ond mokes o lol of noise? ond 2 orms, bul no heod
3 Whot clid lhe boy octopus
or honds? L]
soy lo lhe girl octopus? D 4 Whol ore 2 lhings you

5 Whol do ghosts weor

conlt eol for breokfosl? t_j
in lhe sun?
\_l Whol do cots like
7. Tommy's molher hos 3 boys. The
to eol? t,l
oldesl boy's nome is John. The second B. Whol slorls wilh o T, ( t

boy's nome is Dovid. Whot is lhe

youngesl boy's nome? n ends wilh T ond is full of T? L-,1

\) (.,'

A penguin PloYing - Sun screom

lhe drums. Tommy.

,l*ol,r, hoh you,.

::fg,hond, hond, Lunch ond dinner,

A leoPot. hond,
Ibachcrb lnslructlons l'rcPitrc pltotot'opir's Irr c;rt"lr sttrrle rrt in atlviir,ie, llurrtl orrt tlrc rtorkslrt,cls. ll.r.. Sr r.rlr
il ll5\l'r'f.

O Pcorson [,durolion Asio limiterl Recycle it! 3. Ieocher Reprodtrllrli: itii I .t I

lislrrrr. Ililvc Ss tttrtt to Strrtlent lltlrlk p' 70 arttl lttok at Part
A. l)lay (ll) trnck ll7(i. I llvc Ss listt:rr, ltrlittt atttl r('l)t'ltl'

G@ A. Lislen, poitrl ond rclretl,

irY)rl, ril.r['.s (l)ttttse) jewelry (ltrtuse)
kill (ltttrtse) crtrvitrg, (l)ilttse)

l'lay Ol) lrlck l|77. I lave Ss listt'rt

A. Lislen,
,lli.ict trt I iltl tl rtt tr t s
'I lrr'rc orr rtttll' 300,000 trt 600,000 A[t it'ttrr t'lrlilrrttrts ltr
rrrnltl. l\ttple ttri crttlingtlotun lltt'lorr,tls wlu'rc
trrtttrt'alcltlrttrlt.slilr'. Sorne pao1tlt kill clrliln.nts rttr thair
ir rrri trr.ti's. /tnrt' i.s tl.sctl ,rt tttake ir u'tl11' onrl utt t'itrl4s'
l|lrirt ctttt ruc tkt trt lrclp tlli.ictrtr elcltlutrrtsT
Nlrrkc stttt: Ss tttttltrstntrtl tlltr ttt'rv rr'rlrtls.'l lrctt pllrl'tlrtr
rcltrlittg itgltitt.
Siry ?lre next rtttintrtls ilrc Asiatt lttrlles,l'el"r li'slot'
I'lay Ut; track llTt|. I lavc Ss listctt, ptrittl irtttl rt';tclt'

tl. l,istetr, poirrl ond rcl,etl.

.sr'll ( slllcll (Pattsc) rnulit'itttt {lxtttst')

l)lar' ( ll ) track llTt). I lirve Ss listt'rr.

A. Listerr. \
,1.sirut 'litr,/r'.s
ln Asia, sotne pco1ile cttlclt lttrtlcs ttt sell ilratn titr n lot of
,,ton(')'. Itltttrli 1x't4ile likc to tttl lrtr tlc sottlt. Other people
rtsc tlit'turtli: .slrclls for tnulicitrc. Orrc dttl', llrcrc tuill be
no lurtlcs itt Asia.lVlmt tttr u'a do ttt lrcl1t the tttrtl.ns?

IOrger N'Iflk0 sttrc Ss [ttl(le rstillltl tltc ttr'rv rlortls"l lrcrt play tht'
Sscan untterstand short reports about endangered reirtlittg agailt.
aninrals. Say zlrrrl tlrc llsl anintrtl is tlte ttrttrtttttritt gorilla ln liast
A[t'ici. LcI is li.s/err. l'la]' Cl) tritck lltl(]. I lavc Ss listt'tl, poittt
arrtl rclteai.
Iinttrtrgered altitrtal cards ( l It 29:'l'cacher's Guiclc
p l.l,l), rvorld rrrap, CI) A. Lislerr, point artil r?Pert.
rtrottrrtuitr gorilkts (lxrttsa) stcill (puuse)

O Belore lhe book l'lny (lD track llU l. I lavc Ss listerr.

Warln-u1r / review
l'lny'll'anr llrainstorntirrg ('l'eaclre r"s (iuide P. l-9) to
rlvit'rv all the aninrals that Ss catl rctttctttber.
llor r tr I t ti tr ()ori lkts
Irrt rodttce vocatlulary
llotttrlttitr gtrilkts lirr' itt lktst ilJi iqt,ltul llrcn' are ttnly
tlsc tlro tilrtlarrgcretl uttirtrrtl cards ('l'll 29:'l'cache r's Ctritltl ttlxtttt 660 l4or illas. l'utple cut tlorurr tlrcir forests lo rnake
p. l.l,l) to inirttiltrce tlltt ttuv vrlcallulary' llse tltc rvorld Ilr,trsts rttrii litrnrs. Stntrc people also kill gorillos lor fixxl'
irr,rlt tu lrr:lp Ss ttttcterstatttl.'l.sirt attd liost tlJi'ictt' Sottrt 1tr:o1tie stcal gorillas orrtl scll lltt'rtr tts pct's' l1'lrrtt
crrrt tt,e rlo to lutllt llrc tnotttrtuitr gorilkts?
@ Open the book
lvliikc srrre Ss tttttlerstatrd tlte ttcrv rvtlrtls.'l ltetr play thc
A rcarlittg agaitr.
Srrr'?brlrrl' we're g,oirtg,lo ltarrr aborrl stnne animals tlml
art itt ding,er,'Ihe lirst one is the Alricnrt etleplmnl' l'e I's

! 1|2 Dircover il! 3, lesson ]

O Afler lhe book pairs, lravr.Ss try lr) say lnltlrirrg tlrt,1'cirrr tr,nr(.ntl)(.r
irltottt rtttl,rrl tlrt, irrrirrrirls li'orrr llrc rclrlirrlgs. I )i:pl.r1 rlrt,
l'l:rY lrarrots { li,irt lrt'r's ( irrirlt' p. 2t)) 1;5i111, llrlls lj'orrr tlrc I)ir'tul'c (.trrtls il ll('( (,s\ilrV lo ltt'lp llrt,trr rr,rrrt.rrrlrt,r.
t t'.rrlirt1is.
@ Open the book
(loncenlratlon lf}) (Teacher'.s Gtrirle 11. I Iitl,c irtrli\.irltrirl Sr tirl,t' lttt rtr rt';rrlirr11 lltr. t(.pr)t l\ iirir
I lsc llre lindangered anlnrul cards ('lR 2t):'l.eaclrcrk
Itrtrrl. Str1, Nrxt,rlr,'n,Srr ittl; to rttrsrt'tr sont.' tlt.t,\tit)tt\
ttltott l t,ttrlttttg,trul u tt i rtutls. l lave Ss l unl to Sl t ll, r,,l.
11. 7 I irrrrl l()ol ilt l,ilr t lt. ltlrrt ll) trilcI lllt?. 5toI tlrr,t I
( t

r\ttiritt'llrrrk p. (i(i r:arr rrorr'ltc itsr'ilirrcrl lirr lrorrrt'rvork or itl'ter citt:lt rgut'stiott lnrl llir'it tlrc trttstlr'r'. llt'nrirrrl 5r tlr.rt
l\r'(l ul t lirss. St,c iuls\\'r.'I kt,i','l'car:lre r's (itrirlc p. I(il). lltcy cirrr l'inrl tlrc iurs\\t,rs irr tlrc rt'atlirrlis-

Il. lluul,listt'rt tutrl rtritt.

l. I lotu ttrtttty' .llr itrttt tltltlutttts ttrc ll.t't. i,t llt.,
urtrltl:' i"'\ l
!. ll'/irl tt:trl lttt !
i.s it,ot.y' i. I r

.t. ll'ltl' tkt lttoltk rttlch /rirtlt'^si' r.'\l

4. ll'lttrl tttt'tttt tlt :lttlls tnr,ll litri'
1 O {ilJlt l$d lblsn wol. I 5. IIut, tttrtrt.l' rrtttttrttttitI gor i/lrrs urc
III(n' itt tIt(
"l trsrrulij.,I\rl1/tr.fril,rri,"e,'nDdn!,) [,r {"lt i

li (i ll'lty tltt ltt,rrltlr rnt tlilu,tt lllt rttotttttrtitt 1;ttr ill,t'

2 t,,,, ., ,,r{t Ir l
L /ili'rt"r i'
t' I lrtvc Ss n()\v Ho llrr I irrtrl rlt itt.irt'r iul:r\vr,r lilr r,;rclt
I rlttestiurr- (.lrt't l lrt lt;n irrg irrtlir irlrrirl Ss ttritt: tlrt'ir
t, itlls\\'('I!r otl Iltl. lrrt;rtrl.
I .'... , r,,-,!, ,.;
,r ,,1 .r.1,,..,)'
a J, , ' t...q.. ' t v,,,nr,'..
I litvt: Ss lu(iL ilt l)irlt (,. I lavt, Ss rlarl llru r lrrr,s, lirrrl tlrt'

1 iuls\\'(,ls irr llrc rt'lrlinlis irrtrl rlritc tltc lcttt,rs in rlrt'lrrrrr.t

itt ottlt,t lrl ( oilrl)lIl(' lltr: llrrzzlr.

O After the book

r...{- J,aJ,Irl , Itlly"l'caru lrr;rirrslorrnirrg ( l!achcr's ( irrirle P. l 1)). l l,ir r.
lr';rtrts tturLr,ir lirl ul iur\, olltr,t r,rrtllngt'rctl attirtr;rl: tlrt,t
nriglr I Lr urrr, ol' irrtrl rllrl' tltl1, trrr: r:nrlarrgr.rcrl.'

o Ilelp theendangered anlmals

'1 tlave Ss talk aborrt wa!6 they might be atrle ro hel;t
endilngered anlnrols. Some ways miglrt he; lcarrr
more about animflls so that you can tcll nther
peoplc about thenr; write lerters to tell peopk'rlurr
' you cflre about the anitnals; tell people ifthev arc
cloing:omething to h,.lrt anirtlals; don't buy
Torgets anirnals in a pet store that have been cauglrt in tlre
t Ss can rcad $hort repons abnul endanger*d animnls, wild; tlon't buy products that are made frnm rvikl
a Ss can wrlte onsrrer$ tn queslions about readlngs.
animals; support zoos thot arB breeding
endangered anlnrals; support omanlz"alions rlrar
are working lo help endangered animals. Visir
Moieriols <lrttp:/ / /ecology/_rcology"
html> on the lntemet to find llnks to other sit('s
l:ttrlirttlit'rcrl lrtlrttlls eitrtls ('l ll lltr'lr,lrt lrlr's ( iuitlr' aud ways to conlributc to saving nnture.
p l.ll),t.l) . More endangered anlmals (TR 30: Teaclrer's
Guidc p. 135)

O Belore lhe book ,\ctivitl, lkrok p. ti7 t'att notr, llc assigrrr:rl lirr ltorrrt^trorlu or
\ \tfarnr-np / rcvierv urt'tl itr t'lrrss. Scc iln!'\i'ur kcy,'li'aclre r's ( irritlc p. Itill.
llt,r'inv tlrt'rrlt'ubttlirrl, liolrr tltc pre viorts lt,ssrrrr rr'irr1; Ncxl lt.ssorr: ltring sortte grit'trrrcs oI roek clirrrlrinli, :r',r
I'irtrtrr'(lirrrlsl).3.1 'l).l2orrp. l.l.l.\\trilt'tllt'icrutl..ltyrlttttrls, LirvlkirtH, snorvltoarrlittg anrl lrirrirsliling lo irrtrrrrlrrr'r" tlr,,
rlrirlt lrrrllt's itrttl .\lotllrrlitt ()ttrillas ott tlrt, lro,rrtl. lrr rlillt'r't,rrt lrlvr,rrttrrt' sl)(rrts.

Discover itl 3 lu,:;r,n .r I ^l t

Endongered onimql cords

@ @

ivory lusks kill


corvrng sell shell

-l -l;= -1
!@9 I
@ tQ9


' Teaclret'o lnstructlonS Prepare photocopies for r:ach stutlent in advance. I larrd orrt the rvorkslrt'cts. I lave Ss cut
out the cards and placc thern on their rlesk in rarrdorn ortler. Say the vocabulary rvords, orre try one, in rantlurn ortler.
Ilave Ss rcpcat thr: rvords and find the right cards.

l:14 Discover ill 3, Teocher Reproducible 29 O Peorson Educolion Asio l-imiled

e9 More endongered onimols

0rang-utans live l. Where do Orong-ulons live?

in Borneo and
Sumatra in Asia.
They live in trees
and eat fruit. They
are good climbers.
There are only about 30,000 0rang-utans 2. Why do some people sleol Orong-ulons?
in the world. People cut down their forests
to make houses and farms. Some people
kill Orang-utans for food or sleal
Orang-utans and sellthem as pets. What
can we do to help the Orang-utans?
Giant Pandas.
3. Whol do Gionl pondos eol?
Giant pandas five
in the mounlains
of China. They eat
bamboo. They can
eat for 14 hours a
4. Whol ore people cutling down? day! People are
cutting down the bamboo forests where
many Giant pandas live. Some people kill
pandas for their skin. Now, many people
can only see Giantpandas in zoos What
can we do to help the Giant pandas?

lndian Tigers.
a How mony Indion ligers ore there in lhe
There are now world?
only about 4,500
lndian tigers in the
world. The tiger is
the biggest cat in
the world, Some
people kill tigers for their skin. 0ther 6. Why do some people kill ligers?
people use the tiger bones for medicine.
One day, there will be no lndian tigers in
the world. What can we do to help the
lndian tigers?

Teuclrefa lnstructlons l)rr'pitrc ltlrotocopit's lor t'; plil ol ss irr atlvurrce. llirrrtl orrt tlrc rvorLslrt,cts. l,ut Ss trrt,

rlrrcrliorts autl rtrrsrvcls.

Ot Pcorson Itlucolion Asio timiled Discover ill 3, Ieocher Rcprorhrcrlrlrr l0 l.l',

Advenfure Sports

Adventurs Sporlr

I r.rl,\'l$ir 1,r,rLt{.\!tJ!,r! til,11{.Altrihtu.r{r{rrrr t,{,rO,rli.r.l ,tr I 6!rrr(l,x)rrIlil',ilr \!{ L! irr{lilr ft!rr rxh\lrxy,liiJrIrr,r,q
! ir r,rt iLnte 9 iliff {f{imi r, o ld,r., I r..d fV i,\I!r 4.., i6( i, (i,,"{J,.,,t) !t, lj "tr rif)(mq,)r$lltl(r,,d,,Frrlrt,inrr.rr
r,!\! routmrrilrrrrqnvlr,iill.trtflr.
. wF r t {,,, t{r) B pt' l, ft!61(fL r}r {,r!,il.,r'r hr4, rir r,x,it rr ho ur nF Irirvrrrr,oi. r.rr(on{k,irr{,J lrc lrotr{hr}lnr}f frlorrFlqwsl$rd
'! , ri l{ tri f rr,iN\

I I rr.e r'> I aN ts i.J toplf,!;t Iar B<y, o }!,,! lrxr' ( Ll!r, o l,! * o t!!t,,h.rr'l o

' 'rn,,r tr,*r'Htot *il',ad, ll{mlo,(rF:\lixl ro,rLt l,^,!rt.rr,'r{

t?odi O.tID [hrm. rbt rt 3oy @ tm<l nc rcrdr Paodlngr O nood Quurtlonr @ f@ urtcn Anrwr.


Culture note
'l sprlrts
lrt'crrjovt'tl hy clrilrlren irll ovt.r tlte

@ Tqlk obout it! {words)

._j,,,.i,l: ..
tvor lrl.'l lrt' rctrtlirrlls tirlk nlrorrt spt,r'ilie cxrrrrrltlcs ol'
tltc sltorts irr t'orrtrtrir.s tlrnl lr;rvc lrlt.rr rrtcnliorrttl or
,.1 ), stutlictl in tlris lt.vcl.'l ltis rrrrit cirn lrt'rrsetl :rs rrr
Torgets tl.ii,,,l: '
:,1',., :
cxtt'rrsiorr of Urrit ll, irr u'lriclr tlrc SrrpcrKirls tllk
t $t can point to ond nante clirrbin g shoes, harness, irlrottt u'lry,tlrcy rvcrrt to tliI[t'rerrt pltrccs;rrrrl rvlrat
helnrct, kayak, fur seal, ilp ouet, do jumps, tlrt'v rlitl tlrcrt'.
snawboarcl, binding and parasail canopy. t,
t Ss can rcatl, undcrstand and answer questions
illrout adventure $ports around the world. lrrtruduce vocabulary
Slron'Ss Strrrlcrrt llrok pp. 72-7ll in 1,orrr book. Itrint to tlre
l)i('lilr('s :rt tlx' lll)lt0nr ()[ tlto Pitg0s irrrrl trirrn0 tlrctil. Ililr't'
Moteriols ''' Ss rr'1r('ul. Iixpl;rin to Ss rvltat tll(' l)i(:trtr('s arc (st'r:
lrtttlgtrrlgr, trotc lrt'lrrrr').
l)ictulcs of rock clirrrbirrg, sca kataking, srrorvbuardilrg
irrrrl p;rrasailing, Ol)

Lo nofe
O Before lhe book
clinrlling slrocs: tiglrt-littirrg boots tlrlt grip tlrc rvlll
Warln-up / lntroduce tlre adve nture sports to lrr,lll rvlrcrr clirrrlrirrg.'l lrr,1,ilr(: \t'onl rvitlrotrl socks.
Sal' lirrla1, n,e're g,oltrg to learn nlxutt s,.lt,ile sports tlrdt hnnress: l srrtrg-littirrli set of ir<ljrrstrrhle patldetl lrt:lts
klils tkr ltt otlu'r coutttrles arurttti llro tt,orlil. (iivc Ss a lllilt irllirllrt,tl to il t(ll)('lo I)rcvctrl a clirnbcr
lrrir'Ir'rplnrrirliorr oIn,hat atlvcntrrrc sl)orts arc (s('c lrorrr Iirllirrli oll tlrt,uirll.
t'ttllttrc rrutt'). Slrorv Ss sorrrc'l)ictuIes oI tlre dilll'rcrrt Itcltnct: a liglrt, tight-l'ittirrg lrat rnarle lo 1)rot('(:t lllc
arlvclrlrrrC sl)(,rts an[l narrre llrcrn. l r orr r Iirlling rocks l rrtl rlclrris, or irr casc oI a
t'lir r rlrcr v.
lrrll or lrrrrrrirrg irrto l rvall.

, Culltrre I. lpsson 1
kuyak: a liglrtrvuiglrt, portalllc lloal rrratlc o[a franrc
ruitlr a snrlll opcrrirrl4 in thc ccrrtcr arrd propellcd lly
rkrrrlllc-lllatlcrl parltlle. Kayaks rvcrc originally
Collage .' "it: ,r
a ' Have Ss search through magazlnes or on the lnte rnet
\ clnocs covcrerl rvith skirrs.
to flnd plctures of adventure sports, then mnke a
fur scal: a nl(fat-oillinli trtarirte nrarrtttral tlrlt lives collage by gluing ull the pictureg to mnke a hiB
chiefly in cokl rcgiorrs atttl lras litulls rtrotlillerl irrto poster. They can also write labels under each plctrrrr
rvcblletl flippe rs arlaprterl prirnarily to srvinrrnirrg. identlffingthe sp:rt'
ilp ovcr: rvhe n a kaynk rulls antl thc llersorr irrsitle r ..,';,. .i;l'*ii*,,',. .

entls rrp rrpsirlr rlorvn irr tlrc rvater. A kityakcr can

Ncxt Icssolr: Ilitvt, Ss lrrirrl; tlrt, r,rltriltrtrertl of otrt,ol
tlrerr nrake tlre }iiryak roll to ltrrtt right sitle ttp itgaitr. '
tlrr:ir fitvoritc sl)olu t() slrorv tltc n:sl of tltc t'lass if y'orr
rlo lrrnrpsl rnakc thc srrotvlroard jtttrtp trp irrto tlte air clroosc to tlo tlrc opliotrll .r(:livil)' I)errronstratlolr,
hy trSilrg tltc lcr:t ilrtrl lr0tly.
srtorvboartl: it llolrtl likt: a sttrflroartl or skatelulitnl
tlrilt i$ $trapl)crl to the l'oct.
hlrrtllng: tlle stral)s thlt lttaclr tlrc srtotvltoartl to the
parasall canolry: a llarachrrte-likc itern that attacltcs
to a botly lrarrress antl a ro;ro lo the towl)oat. It is
irrllatetl so tlrat tlre;rarasailer riscs inlo tlrc air. @ Totk obout it! (Reodinss|
\ Torgets ' ', , '

@ Open the book Ss can read trnd understsnd the readingE ubout
atlverrture sports ln othcr counlrlT: ,:
A :
IIavc Ss tunl to Strrtlertt llook pp. 72-7.1. l'lay (il) trar:k
llltil. Ilirvc Sr listrrr irrrrl gtoitrl lo eaclt lte tn. Moierlols
(ll), 'lirlk rrlrorrl trlvcnl ure !ilxrrls ('l'lt :l I : 'li'lclrt.r's
(ittitlt' gr. l.lll)
,1. l.islr'rt, polrtt tuul rcl,eill.
rlittrlti ttg sltor'.r (prtu.rc) tilt urr (lrttrsr)
1 Itlrrrrrt.s (l)at$e) ilo jtttnlts (l)(uts() O Belore the book
Ittlrrrt (
ltrtttsa) srunplxxtnl (l)(uts() Warnr-rrgl / revicrv
lzrtTrl' (ltuttstt) ltitrtlitrg (lxtrtst)
llt:r'icrv tltt rocllrttlirrl' h1' lrl'r'irrg Ss nruntr sonlt:
lltr stttl (lteuse) lxtnt*tilrtn(rl\' (lxtrtsr) rtrlvt'rtltrrc sl){}rls. \\t itt tlrr: r,rrclltrrlirry ttorrls ort tltl
lrolrrl. Arlrl irnv arlvt,tttttt'c sl)(,rts Ss ttriss to llre list. Nirirrt,
l'llrv tlrt, ( .l ) trlck lglirt, I lave Ss lislert artrl r'cl)r'lt. lltt'sc itrtrl lrirvt, Sr Ill)r'ilt.
I} l'll1'\\'ritc it altrt circle itt ltclll, ('lt,rrclrt.r's ( irrirlr,
p. l{i) u'itlr tlrt,u'ortls ort lltc lroitrtl.
I Lrlrl trP llrr, l)iItrlr('s rrI tlrr: tlil'l'erent a(lVenlrrr(: sl)(rrts
!- l1;lin or grnirrt to tlrt' [orrr ntlirr sccttcs. Say Loof,'rrl Iftc

1tit'turcs. I:ittil tht pic!nrts ot' tIrc words I sa1,. Narrrc tlru
r'ocallulirry rvurtls itt rltttlottt orilcr. I lirvc Ss lirrtl tlrr
@ open the book
pictttrcs lnrl poitrt trr tlrr,rrr irt tlte rlillirrcrrt scr.ncs. \Virlk (l
trotttttl lltc. classrorrrrr rrrrrl clreck Ss' llroglcss. Ilirvt' Ss tllnr t{r Strrtlcrrl llook grp. 73- 7ll, lil,atl t.irt lr
tt'lrlirrg trr tlrc Ss. l:or t'lclt orru, ltirvt'Ss lirtt.rr irrrrl lorrl irl

O Afier the book tlr(.liit.trlr{,:'. l:rrt'ortIitliriSs to [irrrl tlrirrlis tlrr.1,r'r.('r,l.lili,/r,

IroItr llrt,rt';rtlirrgs iil tllr l)i( trlr(,s.
Illlt't';rllr stu(lcnt rrrlLt'l 1ir itl ol'it x ll stgrrirrt:s. Ilirvt.Ss
clroo:t. irn1' r,iglrl ol tlrt,,,oclrlrrrllrl' tvorrls arrrl rvrilc ttrclr Airlrlrr'r l.
itt itrrl rrttt:irlr: s(llliu('on tll('u liritl. I llve tlrr.trr rlr itc otrr' lilrr I clirttltittg is rttt ittttn,ttittg slx)tt.litrt slntttltl l\ttt tti t

o[ tlrt' lirttr t otlltlri|s irt tlrr.r't.rlr,r :rrlllitrr: ol tlr|iI grirl" itt tt 1q.1'trt, titrtt gtt tlii;iliittl; utttsitlt. littr ttttl tlirttltittli
Ottr:* Ss lrrrvt'lillr,rl ul, tlr('il'gritls rvitlt rrirrr: ruortls, pl;ry' .rlrrrr's, rl lrrtrrrr'.r.s rttttl tt ltcltrtet" tlse lrntr ]ing,cf.i (rnll 1.,(,\
llittgo itr tlrr.ttsrrrl rr,ay, crossittl; uttl or placirrg rnirrkr,rs ttt rlitrtlt tt1t. ltt Korut, nx-k clitttltirtli is ltrtltuktr (ht
oll llr(, l)i( tilrr,s. i ltr: sc('orttl lirrttr lorr plaV, ltirvtl Ss tir[.r, ln,{,1(,1{ls,.lrl t to4lclliltt,s lutt,t ltt statrd itt litu, rtt lltt
ittrils clllirtg ()ul \\'{)t(ls lirr evr:r1'ottr: to (:o\'cr (,r ('[r]:15 ()llt ,, t t )51 l)t,l )u lil r til/)tttt ltt i tts.

llr'itrl !lrc Ilssirliu ugitin iutrl lrlve sttttlt,rtls gtoint lo tlrr,

tvrrrrls nrrrl rtrrrl alottl;. lI-ratl tlre lritssirg(| it tlrirrl tirrrt'.
pirrrring lrclirlc sortte falniliar rvorrls arrrl clicitirrg tlrr.
\ rrrrrtl lrotrr Ss. Ask sorttt: tlrresliotts, stre lt ls ll'lrln, shrtttlrl
1'ttu yntctice rock clinilting? llthere is nx'k tlitrtbittl4
ltolrttlar? l)o yny u,ilrrl lo lry rnrf ,rr,rrrrirrg!r, t,tr'.

Cullure l. lesson ') l'.li

Nttrttlx,r 2.
.,:, t
I ltrt't yttr et\:r b(,e,r.rco ('.f fll'ir,gl l'ott neccl a sntall boat
rallnl a kay*, a padtlla anrl o life ju*et. lrt Sourlr
t\i ir:t t, ltt r t (?rt fc, sisrtr.rc c i r g i r r e k a),a k. l'u r t uu t se e fi t r
a Myfavorlte'adventure spon
HaveSswriteashortparagraphaboutan " ".,',)
s*tls anl tktllltirts. lt's' rxilly e.rcitirrg. llttt bc utrcfiil.'l'lrc adventure sport they have dorre or would like to i \
uttler is r*il|1' fttst.lbtt tlorit utattt to lilt outtr do. Sorne possibilities might bc backpackftrg, I

Itr'arl tlrc l)nssngc again arrtl lravc sittrtletrts prlirrt to tltt: mountaincering, surling, sailing or whitewater
r..orrls arrtl rt'atl along. llcatl tlrc l)assagc a thirrl tirrrc, rafting. llave Ss answer or find the answers to
plrrsirrl; lrt:forc sorrrc farrriliar rvor<ls antl cliciting the some questions about theirspnrt, such as: werc
rlolrl frorrr Ss. Ask s(,nre (plestions, sttclt as lllftcn, r'rur lrrrr do kids like to do this sport?Wlntdow need? .t.
go .sca l'n1'nl' ittg? lllrol do you ueed?, t:lc. What can you do when you do tltis sport? Do 1ou
haue to ptuctice first? li it danget'ou;?Wry1sl1 ,rl;i,
,\'rnttlter !1.
dangerous? Is it interest htg {un, exeltingolsffry?
*rrnilntttttlinli is tt lxtprrlttr u'ittter slxtrt irt lttlttttt.
Sruttlxvtnlirtg i.r lil'c .srrr/ing, lrrrt il ls ott snout. l'ott t'rtrt lirr
Errcourage Ss to find a picture of thslr sport in ": I
rutllt'Jitst dau,tt tltc rtt<turtlttirt,litu cutt ulvt ttt'( ytur lrouk or on lhe Intcrne t. 'I'hcn, using lheir, i;ij;] i
answcrs, lrrve Ss writc and or givc a shofi lalk , ;,,
li it,ruls, ltrtt pnu:tice lstfiro ytrt tu't'.liut t'ttrt tkt jrtttrps, about their sport.
Irxt. l)o 1'ort u!trrt !o lry it? l?trt ttL'ttl tt stutruhottrd,
Iti rrrl i tt14s ttrul lxxtts. i a Demorrstratlon
I-lavaSsbriugthecquipmcntofoncoftheir .,'
llt,lrrl tlrt'l)ilssallc aguirr arrtl lurvc slrttlonts poitti to tlre : favorite $ports and tell the class how to play rhe"
rvorrls atttl rcad alurrg. ltcar"l tltc I)oslitl{o it tlrirtl tirrtc, sport.
grarrsing lrrlorc sonre farrriliar rvorcls attd cliciting llte
rvorrl [nrrrr Ss. Ask soule rluesti(rrrs, strch ns lVlterr is
At'tivitv liook p. (ill cirtt ttorv lrt'itssiliutrl lirr ltotttctrtxk or
snupltounling polrular? lyltat con yau do rrlterr
rrsurl irr tlrrss. Scc ilnslvcr kr'\', li'rrt lrt'r's ( irritlt' p. 170.
s t ttu t'ltotr nl I ttgl, ctc. 'ttu're
Next lessorl llrirtg sonte footl llit:ttttcs rrr actttal footl
N'rtrttbcr 4. ilerns (an1', lltrt try to irrclttde lornaltocs, irt'rtcatlos, oltiotts,
I )o 1'ott u,nttt to ll1'? 'li'y pantsnilitrg itr tlre futlrtu rta.s. )?rrr glrrlic, t:rrcrtrrrbers, salt, l)el)l)('r, lrirtt:tnrts, iet' crcitttt,
ttrctl a lurruess, a lnntxtil cottopy arul rt lnat.'l lrc bottt clror:olalt' s1'rtrp, rvlri ppr:tl t'rt'a rrt, clrcrt it's,
6Jrrr's rivrll1,y'r.rt a,ul l)ttlls 1'ort u1t like a kita.littt crttt Jl1, rrrirrslrrrrirllorvs, grahattr r-'r;rckt'rs ittttl t'ltot'rtl:tle stgtt:trcs)
It)0 trrctars nbott( tlu, u,iltt:r.l'ou ('{rr, .rc(' lln'l)?o(lt,lu). to irrtrotlrrct' tIrc tlilli'retrt itttcrtuttiottitl lirorls.
Iti.strrrll ltul it's Jittt!

lk'rrtl tlrt: l,irssilgo again arrtl lrirvc students l)oint to tllc

rvorrls arrtl reatl alotrg. llearl tlre l)assilgr: a tlrird titrrc,
lrlrrsirrg lrclirrc sorrrr' [arrriliar rvortls antl clir:it ing tlrr:
tvrrrrl lrorn Ss. Ask sorrrc rltrt:stiotts, sucJt as lVlrrrl cail )'ou
sce rllrert 1'rrtr go ltttruxrilitrl;? ls it.$('.t, t,f, (.ir.

I'l;r1'( il ) trlck lltl.l. l'arrsc irltlr r,ar:lr tprcstiorr lrrrrl lrrvt Ss
lrY to ilns\\'{'r eacll (,nc oralll'. llernirrd Ss tlrat (lre ansrvers
rurt: irr tlrr. tt,xl.

l,isrt,n attd answer.

l1?tr'rr'.s/totrlrl )'ou l,tttt ti( ltaJbre xx.k clitrrltitrg,
otrtsila? (2-r)
ll'ltttt tlo yott s(llclirr,(,.s ltttt't, lo statkl i,t litta ttt tltc
ntost lx)Pulilr ttttttttttttitts? (2-t)
3 ll'ltul do 1'ott tu'ad for kuvtkitrli? Q.r)
4 ll'lrttt t'ttrt lrttt st't, tt{tett you go kayakittli itr Sorttlt
tlJi ica? (2:)
5. ll:1,(tl slntl is strrttt,lxnrtlitttr; likc? (2\)
{i. lt'r,rr, tlo lrttr rtL,ul lir srruu'lxxtnlitrgi' (2.\ )
7. ll'lntt lnrlls .lrtrt ltiglr ittto tltt, uir u,ltatr )'ou go
lxtnxailittll? (2.\)
ll I ktrp higlr utn 1'ouJI1'? (2"r)

O aner the book

I'llr''l'rue or false ('l'caclrcr's (irritle 11. lt)) using facts firrnr

I:t8 Ctrllure l, Lesson 2

A) Tolk obout odventure sports


Write six senlences obout the picture,

t. )lou-ncr:clclimhing shr:es,--fi hr:ur*sri c.:nil e: helmet-if yctt."--

w n n i*lo, I r y-nncls-ctimhing





irrrlir irlull St rearl tltt,it sutrlcrtr:cs.

C) Peorson Ecfi-rcolion Asicr limiled Cullure l, Tecrcher Reprorlucrlr!i: ll t I :ll)

Internofionql Foods

tnramoflonor Foods
I t{BE (hi rtr. !r,,il
lrtx{O,uCtr wtrt.,,.,ern
ki(rs r rff, (rfi,,
I x(Dgo,
allo(drkr rrrrt
I k(og ol ilr,*t {r I

_ -i-tTi]E
txirhllrorrxx,x!q*ii zriorlnrNnlr, eq,i-,r(,{,n,{to
t, '.i, l\/ rl{! uryrvt norl
tO r,n ko (rqni l*, *,.,ir"
il{Ilrl ( krrt m rirn ko gm.n o,v, lrrnxua J- iyii, ;;;; U;lr'L
,x. lrrr f, ts (iwry m rl ; r joi;;

hcrdctt IrEildirn
0iff6 lFnnxn rrqlflt
100 ot rogul 2
lzt filinr! o, Eb I 48€ d (NYrfu,{

I cqwrDeo
I It{ei olh d I
I la$fi,rCral
. l,;

fvorat O,$:Itt lhton. Folnl. soy. @ find ltre woror. loodingr O e@d Swrlion! O,trtl (ltltn. Amw.r

NW;tSTfi .t I
F;'r rrE.! I Erlt'i: .
i ln1{l
l\.,'iiY .
,-! '
litr tL,
d?i* {u* rl

@ Tolk obour it! (wordsl

r Ss carrpoint to antl rranre ;rccf cltop, rnash, mix, Irrlrorlucc vocalnr lir ry
sprinkle, slice, scoop, on top, toast and toaster
o Ss can read and undcrstand anrl particiuate
Slttttv Ss Strrrlcnt llook pp. 7,1 7li irr
1,6rrr lr91k. l\rirrt t6 llrr.
making and eating irrternational iootls.' l)r( l,r('s trt llr. llrrllrrrrr,l the pag.s itrrtl rta,te tlrc,t. H.r,e
lis rel,{'itt. lixgrl;rirr r0 Ss r|ltirt ilrtiPit:rtrros arc (sce
litttgtrirgc rrotc lrt,lotv).
: Longuoqe note
l'it lrrrt's 0l tlrt' lirotls (rr aclilirl lirorl itcrrrs (irrrt; btrt try
. lo iyl('l1s1l1' lontitt(,(.s, arrlc;rtlos, orriorrs, pccl: rrsr, ;t r.r.lictulrtr: pcr,lcr lo ronto\.(, llrt, orrtcr
1"ilrlir.,' skirr
, r'trt'turrlx'rs, sitlt, 1lep1ler, lxtttatxrs, icc crutrrt,
clror:olrtlt, or pt,t,l li otrr vcgt tlrblcs.
si'r rrp, rllriplrctl r.rt,:uu, <.lrerr it,s,
rrrarslrrrralltxvs, clrop: rrsr. rr krrilc to (.ul into snurll pict.t,s orr lr crrltirrg
1ir;rluuu curr.kcrs arrtl t.lrot.olirte srlrr;rnrs), ( ll) llrr;trrl
ntlrslr: trsc a lor k to crrrslr rrrrtl rrr;rkt, solt.
O Before lhe book rrrix: trsc ir sl)oon in ;r r:irt.ttlirr rnoliotr lo t:ornbittc
[!'irrrrr-u1l / revlerv tlrirrlis irr tr lrou'1.
S:tv lirrlrt.t, u,e'rc goitrg to lutrrr alxtrtt sottte sprirrkle: trsr: rr slrirkcr or to s(.illl(,r ir sutirll
foods tlrttl kirls ilillrrltnl 0u tlrr. l0p.
t,uI i,t (outr!rics tnttttul llre tutrld, ( iir.t, Ss a lrritl
r.xpllrnlliorr ol irrtt,rrrntiorurl luotls (scc r.ultrrr.r. rrott,). slit't.: rrst'tr krritir to cul inlo llrirr pilr.t,s ol llrc s;rrrrc
Slr,r' Ss srr,e l)i('rrr(fs .I tlrc rlillirr.rrt irr.rrr:rti.rrrl lirrtls s izr,.
rrr lootl itctns ltntl rrlrtrc llrt.rn. s('ool): us(' lr llrtgc spoort ot. lirrllc to rrr:rkc strr.irrgs oI

140 Cullrrre 2, l-esson I

r)n l(ll): l)Ul it ( llr.l IV r)tr tlt('( t(,iilll. \
loilsl: ( (lrll itl il lli!llt l(,nll)(,ritlurc so it l)('( oilt('s
lrrorlrr iurtl t'r is1l.
l(tilst('r rlt'clt: l)ot t,rlrlc clt.t tlit ovt.rr trsr,tl lirr
I oit s l it tl,.
@ Tolk obout it! {Reodinss)

O Open lhe book Ss can rentl antl rrnderstand the rcarlings fihou(
irrternat ional loorls.
Illvt:Ss irlnr l()Strrtlcrrt llooL p1r. 7I 75. I)lrry(ll) trtrck
lltl5. I lrrlt: S" lirltrr trrttl ltoirtt to r,;rclr ilcrl, Moteriols
( .l ),'l irlk irlrrrrtt irrtr:rrrirtionll forrrls ('l It ill: Ii';rr'lrr,r'r
(irritlt'p. l.l.ll
,1. Li.rlcrt, ltoittt utttl r(1,(ul.
lt,rl (lttttt:t) .rli,r' (lrrrtrsr,)
clutlr (ltrttrsr) st t)(,1) (1,ilils() $ Before lhe book
ttttt:lt (l,tlttir) ()il lt,l) (ltttttx')
\\rurnt-rrp / rt.r,ir:rv
,,I' I (l)ttttst') l(t(t\l (ltttttst)
tltr ittLlt {/xllr\i'/ trtitslt't rtl'r'il ll,(lut() l{r'r'il't! lltr' t ilr ,rlrtil.rr r lrr lt.rr iltil 5\ ilililtr. \t,nt(,
itttlt tlrtiutt;rl lu,,rlr \\ r ill tlrt' r l( .rllulil \' \rul rlr on llrl
l'lirt lltr,(.1)
llrrirtrl. .\rltl irrrt, irrlt'r n.ttii)niil luotlr 5s Itti:: lo llrt, lisl.
il1iirirr. ll.rrt.Ss li:tt,rr itiltl t(,1)(,itt.
Nirrrt(' lltr':r' .rrt,l lr,rt r. \\ t{,I{.,t1
ll l'l;rt \\'ritc it irrrrl r irllt.itl ltr.lirt,( li';rt lrr,r': (irrirlr.1r Ilrt
rritlr tlrr' \\{rtrl\ r)n lli,' lrr,,rrrl
I 0ol,;rl lll(f lli( tut('s 0l tlrt: rlillt,rt,rrt irr'liorrs itt tll(,1){,ilotIl
rrl tlrr'1r,r1ir'. S,ry Lrrol ttl lltt rtttrlittl;s. l:itttl tltr rt'rtt rls I
sl.1t lk'irrl t'.rt lr pirrsirlit,irrrrl prrt rtll tltr,il ltirrrrls Open lhe book
rrltln tlttv lrr'.rr lirt lr rrortl lrt,irrl; nl(,nur)n(.(1. I loltl rrp lltt,
lrillutr,\ or lirnrl ilr.rrrs, otrr,.ll it llnl'. I lirvr,s: sirV rrltirl
tlrr'1'lrrililrt rlo lrr t'.rr ll l)i( tlu(.rrlrr,rr prr.p,rrirrli ir 1t'.1;. Ilitrl Ss luln lu \lrttllrrl llr,u[, p1r. i'.1 r'lj, llt'irrl lirr lr
tirur,r[()('\ pt t,l, r,lit t,, t lroP; irrot irtlos pt,t,l, rrrirslt; s;rll tt'itrlittli lo llrr'\,,. I ot r',r, lt orrr,, li:tr,rr itntl lur,k lt
sprinllr'; ir't. r'tt.;rul \('()ol)i. tltr'piltrtrlr I n( r,utirllr,5: trr lirrrl tlrirrlls tlrt'r,r(,(rlllli/r.
Itutrr lltt'tr',rrlrrrlir llt lllr, I)t( tulr,\.

O Afler lhe book Ittnilr,'t /

(;lt(lt(il!tt)lt' lr rt.\/r'rir rtil ltxtrl l:itsl, |tr,l ttttrl Lltttlt lltr,
l'l,rt'i\lintc il! llclly ( lt,lt lrt,r'': (irrirlt'P. llt) to lrrirt tit t,tlrt:
tt! t)t'(ltlr\, lt)illtl!0. rttti0tt ttttrl 1;rtrlir'. ,1/rrr/t tltr (lt 0\'ttiltt
currl'irr1; r ocirlrrrlirr'\. ,\s atr irtltlt.rl clrirlllrrgr,, tt'll Ss lrr
"slit t' irrr irpplr"' or "r'lro1l lrt oniort." itt rt luttrl I ltr'rt rtrl,l lltt,ltln(t!(,, ttttiott, lyttlit, t(tl! tuttl
tr ttlt rlttlt' \ttu t,lil lrltt l! ln ltt(.tt\, t0(,.

"I'eanr hrnlnstormlng ('l'cacher's Guirle p, l i)) li,,rrl tltt'l),1\\,rlll irli,ritt;tntl llir\(,:rtu(l(,nls lroilrt lrr llrr,
llave teams tnake a list ol all the tliffe rent foods thcy irutrlr.rrrtl rr,;rrl.rlnrr1l. lit',rrl llrr,l)ir\\irll(: l lltrr,l trri,,,
p,rtt:irr1i,1;rrrriliirr \\,()t(ls iul(l t.liriti:r,; rli,'
might llreparc hy pccling, r:lrop;ring, nraslring,
\,.()lrl lf{)nr 5., \,,[. :orrrt,r;utsliorrs, sttt lr .t: ll ltrli I,itt,l 14
sllcing or loasling. l.el tlre nr usc tlle frrrit lrrrl
vogetill)lr pages o[ u plcturs rlictiorrnry to lrrlpr. Irttttl i; liuttt iuttttlri'll'lrat ir itt 1;trtttrttttttlti'. r,tt .

.\tttttlrt t .,
Nctl lcrrrrtt: l l.t',r' Sr lrr irrl; rrr,r lrir trrtr, ul ;r l,rorl tlrlr llll ( ,tr tl lr tt lrt)l)ttlttt' littttl itt litrl.ty. l'ttt tltr lt4!1 I tyttl
ot t\()ul(l ltlot'lo ttl.rlr, ot llrr,lorll it.,{.ll l()t ollrrtr ll ll t tl lt itlt t lil tt lrtut'1. l',t'l ttttrl t ltttlt 111r, t t.t ltilltt t l,/,/ tIr.
\r)tl r ll(,(l',r'to rlo tlrr, Ur1jo11,1l,rr lititt il1'lirilrl. Il,tr,.\., I tt t I t I't't t t l ttl .tr tl ( to I I tt yt ).tiu t 1.,\lir r,t,,,r l llrllr r;
I r1

llttttg trt tttpitt'tlit'rrtr ol orlr.rrl tlrt,ir l.rroritt,ltrrrrl,, il \lrr l1ir1r'llrt'1. I ltt'tt ltttt lltt 0lit,t,rttl tttt lttlt. Slrrtril/,. tli{ til!il1
r lloort'lu rln tlrt.rplilrr,rl ,t( lt\ il\ Ilr lirtrl plrr:. t)n tttlt ul lltr oil, lt's ttttll.1,17tty!.

llr',rrl r l tt' l)it\s.tll(: ir1.i;rirr urrrl llir\ r, sllt(, l,l rilt lr I lllr,
trurrlr rttttl tt.;rtl irlottg. llt,irrl tltr'l)irssitllc lr llrirrl ltrrrr..
lr,utsirtg ltulott: solur: lirrrriliirr u'urtls iurrl r,lit itirrg tlrt.
lottl ltottt Ss. ,,\sL sonrt,r;rrr:stiorrs. srrclr ir: lt /tr,n,is crrciA'
ltttltrtlttri'll'ltttl tlo 1,tttt ltctl attrl cltolt?, ttr.
Notc: (lircik ciut lrt' r,ult,n irs ;r tolrl \(,ull.,r tlip or ir
r'ontlirrrt,rrl rvillt vr,lqtt;rlrl(.\ ol nr(,.r1.

Ctrllrrrt 2. Ius:,orr li ill

l\rtltlt itt rltt, ll,S. rcally likc lxrtrana.rr)lir.{..S/i(rc l/re
lxuuttrtr. Scool.r tltc ice cream itilo a dish. Irttt tlre lxtruttra
. ,r.,:,*:,, . ,r, ,",.,. 1,;
,rt.\l t(, tlto ice cream. Irour some tltocolnte sJ,rttlt otr the
r Myfoo6 , ' :i,.,t
.r:1 ,;i;,i.t;i.r,,.,1!.-;ilri : r,1-;-,,:, I ,, ,l

irt t'rrttnr. l)ttI tlrc ultiplt*l cmtnt ott tlt{ crt:rtttt rnttl IIave Ss think abour a food theytlkerortrlbdd ilfe,'.
ltttntttttts. I ltctt 1t111 tltr tlttr t.t,ott toP. 11,5, rlrliciorts! to rnake, then write a short clescription about lt ae i
in the readings. l{ave ss answerquestlons, such,r, j
as: Wlrar is the fooil callcd? lt/tto likas to eut iltis , :
llcrtl tlte J):tssagc ng;rin arrtl hlvo sttrtlerrts poirrt to tltc ,

tr,orrhi arrtl rortl alorrg. llentl tlrt,l)assirl.llr a titird tirrre, foorl? What do you need to nwke it? Ilow do vou .l ,ii
nwke i* How clo you ed, ,tf Then have theniwritei;
p;rrrsirrlS lrr'lirrt sorrrc farniliar rvortt, lirrl cliciting tlrt i
a slrorr report ahorrt thc tood. Encourage Ss
rrortl f rorrr Ss. r\sk sonrt: r;ut,stiorrs, ts llr/ro iilic.s ro to
lrirrg in a picture of tlre food or the foo<I irselifor " '
ttrl lttrtrrtrrrt sltlils? ll,ltut (lo 1,ott slicc? ll!ltut tlo
ll'lutt do you lrut o,, top?, alc.
1,1111 st.rxtlt? otlxirs to try. i I ,

Nttrtrln,r 4. HaveSsbringlngredientSofoneoftheirfavoiite
('lriltlrttt irt (ltrttulu rrr,l-r,.s)rrori,s o,t (t t.,tttl,Jirt,. litotls. I lave
rltot tlltttt tttt ttttt, gnillttttr cntcl;ct..'l'ltatt
l,ttt llrr Ss drc l,
cxpluin and dcntonsf rate tu r
class lrowlo make it. Cook oue of thess foods if tl
ltttr in
Iacilitics allow. lf you do nor have cooking
rrrrtr sltrtutllott' llrt L.ltrcolttt(. lixtst r,r,a11,tltitr14 itr tlra
'tt !ltt tnttrslttttrtllout
(.(tst.r t)t'(tt. ll:ltttt .'i I
lutks ltt ott,n, trtkr, facilities, have Ss choose a food that rtoesirl ,., l

it r.trrt. l)ttl tlt( sacottd grtiltttttr crockcr utt to1t. Bt,mralitl require cooking. .
, .i.i ;

u'lu'tt rrtt il. lt's ltot.

tivitt, liook p. (il) ciul n()\\, lre trssigrrctl lor ltorrrt,n.ork or
lllrrrl tlte l)assilge itgilin iln(l h:rr.c strrdcrrts point to tlre rrsctl irr clirss. St'c anstvcr kc!,,'li,;tclrcr,s (iuirle p. I i0.
rrorrls altrl rcad alorrg. llctd tlrc l)assag(: a tlrirtl tirrrc,
p:rrrsirrg be[ore sorrre farniliar rvorcls aiitl clit:itirrg tlre
rlrrrtl [rolu Ss. Ask solnu (plcsliolrs, srrclr irs ll,/ro tnrtkcs
.s'lrrlr'.sl ll'hal do 1'ott naerl?, t,|r..
Nt)lt:: S'ntores art'so rr;trrtt,rt bccitrrsc nltcr c;rtirrli orrr,,
(,r.('r\'on(' \!iutls "sonto trrorr,"! \Vlrcrr clriltlrcn rrrlkr.
s'ttl(tt('s olt a canrlrfirr, lltr.\. tptrsl lIt, rtrtrr slltt;tll111, ptr
sti('k, tlt('n l)llt tll(! rnarshrrrlllorv llctrvccrr llrt, grtrlurrrt
.r;rt' ;rtrrl Ilt,t.,l;rtt,.'l lrr,ltrrt iltitrslrrrr;rll.rv rrrirk.s lltr,
clrucolirtc rlclt nrrd it is eatcrr likc a sarrtlrviclt.

Illal'ol) rrack llnti. r)arrse alrcr (,a(:ll stilt.. .rorrt arrd have ss
lr' lo irl\\\'('r r';r.l*r'rt',r rrilr'. Rurrri rrtr ss tlr,t r ha .rsrvcr.s
lrt'irr ilrt ltrt.

I). Listctt tttrd ot$tuer.

I. ll ltrtt t ttttrttry tloas gttttt ttrttolc utnto lirsttt,r, (2.r)
2. ll'lticlt titotl rlo 1,ort rnaslr irt rt lntul lo tttukt,
gttot'tttttole? (2.\)
3. lrt rt'ltat cotttttry is cutik
Txtpttlar? (2t)
.1. ll'lrttt tlo yttt sprinkle on tolt of
tha oil? (2x1
5. ll'ltrre lo l,ou l)ut tlrc lmttrttrtt to tttoke
t htnorut sltlit? (2-t)
{;. ll'lrttt &t
lrnt l,ut ott tt,l, (,1'llrc ultipltarl t.rcarti (2.t )
ll'lrL,re do dtiklrart itt ()tttrttkt ntrtkc s'ttutras? (2"\')
il. ll'lut! tlo lrtu l)ut o,t tol, oJ tlrc t:ltrxtilttttt? (2.t )

O After the book

I)ili<lr: tlre class irrto groul)s o[ [irur or [ivc. IIave eaclr
lirorrp lirort llrr,),tvotrltl likc to nurkr,. I Iavc
llrcrrr rr';rrl tlrc lirorl rc;rrlirrg alllrirr arrrl rrrtrkc a list ol-
(\cr \ tlling tlrtl, rrr,ctl, irrcltrtlirrg lirotl irrrrl uterrsils.
I llvc
llrt'grorr;r rrrt'rrrllers [rc rr:slrolrsilrlc lirr lrr irrgirrg tlrt. itcrns
to tlrc ltext class. tn llle nexr clnss, lravc gt',ri,1rr
tlrr.foorl. (Altt'rrrarivcll, have grorrps lrriiig tlie Jtrt.,i,ly-
prlJxrrctl lirorl to lhc rrcxt class lirr otlrcrs io try.)

I l? Cullrrre 2, Lesson 2
q9 lolk qbouf intemotionol toods
L Where do you pul lhe yogurt ond woler?

2. Whot do you do with lhe cucumbers?

3. Whol do you pul on top of lhe cucumbers, lhe

solt ond lhe yogurl?

4. Whot do you do lo lhe bonono?

5. Where do you scoop lhe ice creom?

6. Where do you pul the whipped creom? U

People in lhe U.S. reolly like lhis food. First,

clrop some meol. Peel ond chop lhe lomoloes
oncl onions. Mix everylhing logelher. Moke
everylliing into o circle shope ond heol in cl
frying pon. When lhe meol looks brown, lurn
off lhe heot. Slice some letluce ond cheese
ond pul lhem in o bun. Pul lhe meol inlo lhe
bun ond odd lomolo souce. Your food is now
reody lo eol. Drow your food in lhe box!

tuTcache/slnctnrctlons, l)rcpare ltltolocopir:slirrcirtlrlririroIssinarlvarrcc. llarrrlorrttlrcrvorkslrects. l,rll:.,,i1r,]

@ Peorson Educrrtion Asio Limiled eullure 2, Teocher Rcprorlucible 32 l.l:l

Sludent Book pp. 76-78

i O ils urrm. nmd wrr.
Ss carr.assess wtrat tlre1, have leanted and fcel & sense
rl pr.{,..rrsrrr t.r -{Jh r' *, ycrr, { I r,',r,, Uf fr.,l{Ot{,) hI of uclricvctrreni.
f,ri tidd ar,r (,.t I f I tl t,,i t\, I if,i r,.r!,r r in, r r"r il,. ( L!-i,rr.irll
,r eOa, tt"r a. r,il | [.r. tr, !r r..!,r,ij, t,, L,, r.,,. r n,,,,llr,",,rl
, iirL,tclhFi,

r'. t. ,. "..... .,t !. j. .,,.- I

.^Il,..F',ll,5.,.,,'ey.|..,,.i'.',l.". Moteriots
{rdhFrr,irr,,l,t r.,it r. .. n,qjt\1 {,,!!.,r
lld 11!.'{t ea !r. /r .t n",.. n{,,,r OU,r.rr,i,}rr, I il(rl I rr,, Ir rr.,n' llctlttcttl I'icturr.( )lrtls I 1)t) ('li,;11'111'1',,; Orrirle p1r.
,:r O{
I {ij., it.,.f rr,j..r,!r, lrrirr,rI., t.Jr i, r,
..!r,t SCf Frn di td.r,,.n L!,...1 r r.,,,, 1,, d, t, n,!,",,rr,t I7 I I r't'rtilicirtt' of t orrrplt,tirrrr ( lr':relter'.s
7l)). ( ll ),
,0 Q I .,,.,ar1 (irritlr,P. l.l7) lor I'il('lt \lu(l('nt
,r',,", y ror.,r ...'!,.., CQ r |, {t (r,! r,,., F, rlt.., rt 1,,.r,t,l,r
", r.. r,,\.,,,) ,'. r. I',, . t',',,,,.I)l ,,

'+hl r.,r,,,-,.",; .. .r .-.J rn....,r.r j, , ' ,, ,.eOr,,,,ir
Belore lhe book
@ nrco wrtte Wu / revicrv
I r,r,, .nn!,-,r.+di,., .-..,,, llo. I m nol. lle's t<lllor lhon nre.
l )ilirlr. Ss into rrirrc llr(lul)q. I lst llt'rlrrcr,rl I,icttrrr. (.artls
, ,,,i ,. , ..,,,,i!!!.. .r., ,.,,,-,\. I ,t I think mrrSic is. I t)t) I li'rrt lrcr's ( itrirlt' grp. 1 7 1. . 1 71)). l'ir:k it clrrrl Irrrrrr tat lr
, trr"',r,,'. r.r'(r*,r,n ..rt j,,l il/ i,,..,,,,,,i, YeS. ] lhink SO.
trrrit irrrtl givt'ont: t'irrtl lrr etrclr grorrp. I)lirct'tlrr: r(.sl of ltt('
:a ['!/ r,r,]r,,..rv..!r.,r',(rri,11 YeS. i hctve, ('iu(ls ()n a lirlrlc or orr llrc lloor in tlrc rrritltllc of tlrt'
of lr.'1 (6 you proclice lhe ukulqrle t'l;rssroorn. I ltn'r'r.irch llroul) lrv to tirtrl tlrc r('\l ()[ lltc
If,,"' ,,,.. i,t. "r.,1 r:1 t rrtrls tlrrt lrllorrg lo tltt'slrrrrt'lltout) or unit it\ tlrc clrrrl
* r,',r,Jirj y!"'0 gO 11; lht {,1)(nl(1it}S. .i, ,..n,,r,r r..l lltr'\'tvlrr'1iilln. \Ylrllr itll lltoltl)\ lr;rrr,lotrrrrl tlrr,ir r'irrtlr,
r l, did Scm screorn .rhi., j,,,"r.\,.., !ir,!r,,r.,r1..,,j,,, Itirvc t':rt lt Hroul) l)illl(' ltll tlrcir t';rrtls. lrr srrlrllr.r cltrssr,s,
! rr-,, long does il loke lo gel lo Koreo tlivirlt'Ss irrto lt'ncr'groul)s:rrrtl liivt'('il('lt groul) tlrt.t.:rrtls
llorrr llrrcc to Iirtrr rrnils. I lirvr.llrorrps cl;rssilt.tlrr'ir c;urls
irrto tlrt' siun(, groul) or trrrit rurtl tlrt,n nilnt(' itll tltr' t;rttls
:t Irorrr orrt' ot nx)t(. rrrrit(s),
l'l:r1' ltuir rlictaliorr ( li,;rt:lrcr's ( irrirlt, p. I ll) to rcvir.n' tlre
scnt(f n('cs Ss lrave lt,ilrncrl irr l.t'vol (i.

l,l I I crrrr rlo il!

@ Open lhe book I lutt,e n l)(t l,ilrrot. I tlritrk it's tlrc nrost buttrtiJit! biri irr \
tlrc worltl. It's grattt, red atrrl wlritc. Sam lil-r,s nronlr,tr
A ltttcr tlrrttt l,ar,'ots. I tltink parrots ilru ntorc inrtlligr;ttr
I lave Ss turul lo Strrrlcrrl llook 1r. 7(i urrtl look ilt l)art A. lltut, t,t(ltkq's. il)t p(u rol con sl).'ek linglistt.
l'octts Ss'atlention orr the rvortls arrtl picturcs on thc right l.ttst stttrtnrtr, Sant attd I tpt:tt! tu llte nnunlains ttt gu
hartrl sirle of the page. I lave irrrlivitlrral Ss rcarl thc rvords. I r i k i t rg. l t tuus
lt t tr t t t s tir'J Snrrr t ook t lrc rlnlrg lrrr.r r t r i l,,o t

l lave Ss rea<l thc sr,ntr: llces anrl l'ill irr the ltlanks. Chcck lost. tl lrtrtr rlutstrl ltittt! I pot tt ttt1, ltutr fitr il sotn,..nir.
Ss' ansrvers by lraving pairs ol'Ss say tlle tlialogs. I lavc Ss Sttttt s(ruttnt:rl lrrt'rtrr.srr ltt slt ltltttl ott n strtkt, ltttt il
rvrito a clreck ("/") lresltlc rirr:lr riglrt arrsrvcr anrl lrr',X" trutst il 1 xtiso ttr ttts.
hcsirlt: cach rvrong arns\ver. Nr,tt 11111,, tt'in,gttitr14 ta Kan'rt to gtt xx:k clirtrbittg. lt
lrrl'r'.s I I
luturs kt gt'l tltera lt.y 1t!rtttt,.ll'tlnr grtitrg ta go
B crtrttltittg ttrrtl utttot,ittli, too. I't,t slr_,ltt i)t tt teilt, ltut l'r?
llave Ss lrrrrr to Strrtle nt llook p. 77 arrtl look ilt part ll. lrlity trettr g(ntt'ftttutt'ittg,. I uttltt to t,at kiutclti for ltrrttl Jtrst.
(lD track Ilt]7. I lave Ss listclr ro rhc rlialogs artrl chet:k It's goittg t:t lr liut.
("/") tlre corrccl iltr\\\,('r'.
(lhcck Ss' lns\\,crs lrt, lravirrg irrtlivirlrral Ss rvritc tlrc. rvrrr tls
tllc l)(ritr(1. llitvt.Ss rvrite a chcck btsirle caclr riglrt
B. l.istetr aud clteck. ans\ve r urrrl alt "X" bcrirle car:lr rvronl; alls\\,rr.
Ilo1,: l,ottk ot ttll tlunr lislt! D
Girl: l)otit lortch tltc corutl! Ilave Ss look al llilrt I ). I lirve Ss rcltl r;rrcstiorrs I-.1 it,l(l
llo1,: llln,rroti' rvritc ansu,t,rs ltlslrl otr tlrc passagc irt part O, lL-:rrtirrtl Ss
thal tlrc1, are trsLirrg Nurrcy tlrc (lucsli{)trs.'l hcrr, lrayr:5s
Ilo1,: l'ttt goirtl; ttt Sottth :lJiirrt.ll/hut ttlxutt 1,orti, reirrl lnsrvt'rs 5,ll lrrtl rvritc rgrrttslions bascrl rlrr tlrc
Girl: *llttttttrl/rrrirgt.rirr.r; to :iut,utrcr..ilntlr. l)itssal1lj. (llrcck Sr'itnr\r,tt5 by lxrvirtg irrrlivirlrral Ss rr,irtl
tltc rgtrt.slirrrts antl irrrsrtt,rs. I lirvc otlter Ss tyritc llrt.
ans\l,r:rs (l-"1) irrrrl tlrc tlrrcstirrrrs (li-ll) orr tlrc lronnl. I lartr
Ilol,; Sclrool srrlrts itt ttt,o u't:clr-s. Ss rvritc a t:ltr:ck llt'sirlrr t,uclr riglrt irrrsrvcr arrrl arr "\"
1. licsitlc eaclr \!rorrH iln:!rvct,
iltttt: ..lrt ytu ruul1, to 1;tt tttt *tlitrii'
Girl: it dtttrlitrous?
ll?.srrrr,rrnrl /.r
O Afler lhe book
Glrl l: I lteunl tt tutist,. Illve Ss (:oullt ll(,\r rnarry; cht:cks tlre1,'1'" got irr lotal frotrr
Glrl 2: ll'lutt kittl t1l'troist? itll llte cxt'rcis{:s (,n l)l). 7{ii-711. l)raise Ss for all ol tlrt,ir.ltarrl
rvrrrk llrnrrrgh()ut tltc coursu anrl ltattrl orrt l r:crtilit.irtr ol
r:ottrpletiorr ('li.irclrcr's (iiritlc l.l7) to elclr strrrlcrrl.
B.o),, ls it ( )li il u,Lr gtt fislritr14 rtut,?

Glrl: I li, l'nt tltttl'. l ltilt k,ol\.s lt&tt,lt"
lto1,: ,t li'.
lVonut n: Alol ui. \l\' kn rne I o I lu u ut i i,
Bo1,: lli,Attnt iue. lli, ltttcle lrilrtt.
.()lrl: l le1,,'littrt,. l lcy,, Atttt.
Glrl: Lttok. llttry g,tut.t t,t.,il tttttl;lrttr.
lltrnrrrr: ll's t*tlly ctttt'.
(.lrct'k 5s'.llt:'rr,(:rs h!.lr;n,irrg irrrlivirlrral Ss sirt, tltt.iullr\\.cr
for clclr l)i(:tunr. I llr'e Ss rvr itc l rlrr.t"k lrcsirlrr r,irclr r ililrl
arls!rur attrl att "X" llr.sirlt: circlr rvtorrg iuls\\.t:r.
Ililr'c 5s trlnl to Strrrlcrrt Book 1r. 7ll irrrtl lotrI itt l)iil.t (..
Itlay il) tta( l llllll. l l,rvr, Ss listrn to tlrt. lrir:rirllc irrrrl rr r ilr,
llte ttrissirrl; lettr,rs in t'aclr splt.c to conrlllltr.tlrc rvotrl.

C. l.isten, read ttnd writy.

lli! lll,ttttnrc's rYarrr'l: /'lr (igltt.rt,t .l'&trs old. I ltrttt,trul.l,
lrou,tr ltttir. lrly lrxttltrr Srtrtt is tltirlt'att, ltttt ltis ttlltr
tltan mn I l(s ort tlrt clt .trluulittl. tttilnr. I ltlrt.y' tlta
ukttltlt,. I pnu'licr't,t,try &q,. I tlrirtk rttrtsit is trntrc
i tr t t rts t i ng t I u ut cl ut rlu u I i t r

I con rlo rll I ,15

e9 Rewords
f- \"


w fuhP)

fEPoP IHe'
Qoou h,oRk! 5#d'

'li::rcher's lttstrucllons lrl.k. c.gri.s.l tlrt,rt'rllrrtls (orr colrrrlrl p;rpt'r'il'tlt'sitctl) atttl cttt lltlttt ottl. (iivt'l('\rilI(ls l0
Sr lor lrlrticipitliotl ttr gttotl llt,lutvior. ltlotiviltr. Ss to ('rrllt,ct irs nriln)' tCrvitt(ls lls tltey
catt. Nittttt'lltt' l(.tr;ttrls l|ltt'tt
lrrrrrrlirtg lltt'tlt io Ss.

@l Peclrsotr Irlrtrrttiort Asirr Iirliled

I l(i ['r,',',ir)rdS. Tnoclter Ppllrodttcitrle 33
o 6
.If $l
0) r0
0) ())
a C -o 0)
o oo
o- 0)
.9, o-
0) E tr
o o
U o
o !
E(l) 5


!u.1J,,Lr.r.Y-Yt't ''rl.rd "t,:tt I tv I It'ri i t -uu-*,.!1,P:.f*.I&*.*.
'6g,.,1 ;s,,'oi"-!1|,'!t l.f

ufiro rtr)Y"
r hhul cc
' r.r,' S':'qlir t]

ai1.';.; cl " b':., u ro'i


o .--.€.i9- o 6*dr-a,+-"-.r
r Wfil dr rB 0,, r,J l! dr ll, r !r"!.r7
I ff U! n lo gr iL :-J'r Aiir.!
i Shoi oboul yor)
oour, oul I 6. 9,, nd t , t!{''.r .ur D
t ilod loM do.trl lctr lo lrr rffi*'
lr k,l(! I ho!f! by l!,xtr'
. Ifti! d,d y,,u do 'li0r'
I 1 t,.J d !( i.r,l

l'ii'Iit Tf,i*'l @ fon obout it! oioloss

@ soy it!
@ fott obout it! vocobulory I'}lrry'(ll) tril( k :.1, prrttsirtli it rtt crrr'lt
lrr'll sounrl lirr Ss lo lill irr tlrt:
I'lirv(.1 ) trrrck il, plrrrsirrg it lrt eallr
Dcll sorrrrtl lor Ss lo tlllrrv a littt'ttr
A thc lpllrollrirttc vt'tlt pltrase. A[ler
blauks, ttsitrg tltt'rvottl ltltttk its it
I'lir\'(.1) lrlrk l, prtttsittg il at citclt rt'[err:rrt:c. 'l lrttt ltavc Ss rcatl tllc tlrc activity, ask lllllarls ttttntber l?
lrr,// snttttrl lor Ss to tttttttlrt'r tltt' tlialolis ittrtl tttttnlter tltt: pir:ltltt's' ltrrl lrrve Ss attsrvttr.
itlll)rrll)r iirtr, l)i( tur('.'l ltt'tt ltitvt'Ss Allt.r tlrt' at'tivit\', ask lt/lrrrl is
llrlrt'l tlrc ltictttrt's, ttsirrg lltt' rvortl tttinrber I I atttl ltitve Ss attsrlt'r.
lrirrrL irs a n'l.crt'ttct'. Alter tlrc A. l.isttln ond ilrau, a line.
ir<:tirilr', ask [l'hal'.s rrttrnltar l7 or l. I tt't'trl lo lttlttttt lttsl stttrt,ttcr.
ll'lrtrt tttrntlttr ls lltc Oruttd A. Listen attrl wrile. Ntttrtber. It trrts grartl.
Ou ttl'tttt? I lltve Ss iltls\\'('r. l|lrttt litl l rttt do llrrra?
l. ll'ottttttt: ll'ltttl ttra ytttt 14ttirt1i ltt
tItt t I r i s str ttr ttteri' I I x tt r 141
t t .sruttr' "sott t t'rl ir'.s.

€ED d
Girl: I'rrr 14ttirr14 lo g(, l(,
I trt,ttl ltt,lIrT ico lrtst sttttttrtcr.
lt u'tts llt&tl.
/1. l.i st.',, u tt nrt rrtbcr, ll' r i! e. ,.1./i ir'rt.
l. llrtrurii llktttrtttt: llutll-y':' ll'ltut rlid,rotr drt tlrera?
'-!. tltr ()ttttl lhtrritr lil't.l ,)
ll' I t t t t tl xt t t t _t'tt t t t'
I trttlt rt titlltt tottsl,'r.
;1. tltc ()rttttrl (ttrtl'rttt llol': I )ort rt.1' tt rttl I tt r t' Tioirtg ;t. I rtr'rtl lo,lttslntlitt /{rJI.{lr,rlrrr{',:
.1. Srtrttlt t\iictt lo sunullcr ('(tttll). ll u'tts grutl,
5. ()ututtln l{ottttttt: 'l'ltttl sortrttls like titrr. ll'lrrtt tlitl ytrt io thcrr?
ti. tltr hnrclr .,. (iir J; tlt,ir, gr.rirrg I o I It t u'rtii. I s,ttl rt l,htt.r'l,tts.
ll'utttrttt: I lott, lottN tktr'.s il tal''r ,,. I rrartt to Olritto lost stt,tt,rtrr,
lr Io gel tlrarri' II ttl.s grr'rtl.
llo1,: L trtlr'.s 7 lrttrtrs It.1' ll'ltrtl tlirl wttt do tltrtt?
I Ilvt' Ss ttnsr:nttttblc tltt' ltttcrs I tortk rt ltixtt ritle.
irrrrl rvriie lltc rrltltrrrprirttt' n'ortl, 4. Iloy: I u'(ttl to llrrrt,aii lttsl
rrsing tlrc tvortl lrattk as a sunltner. ll tutts t:rcrtt, I}
rtlcrcnt'e. I lrt'tr ltltve Ss rvt ite ilrtr Girl: lltltrtl tlitl rrtrr tltt tlttrc? I lirvc Ss look :rt lrtt t r\ trr rvt itt' lltt'
nl\'\l('rY rlotrl. r\ltt'r tltc irctivitt', l)uy,: I clitttl.lcd tt trtlrttttrt. scllt('rrc('s irt 1r;rr t li, trsirrg tlrt
lrlvc irrrlivirltml Ss rvrite tlte rvortls Girl: I l'rrrt,J
rvortl lxrrrk its :t ttt[ert'ttcc'. A[ter tlre
ort llro llttartl.
aclivitr, lr:rt'e lrvo Ss sat'caclt
rlialog. I l:rve ollter Ss rlrite llttr
IIavc Ss look rtl tlrc tlialogs itt pitrl tlialogs ott tltt: ltoartl.
A to rvrite pirtt ll. Alter tltc activit\',
Irlvc (n'o Ss srtv t'ltt lt tlilrlog. (l
I lalt: Ss rvritc llrotti tlteir sttttrtttcr
vil('ilti()rr. i\Itt'r tItc acIivil.Y, ask
11'1r"vp f ill yort 1io llrst stuttnrcr?
ll'ltttl tlitl t'ort rlo ,lrlrr'7 I lavtt
irrtlivirlrrll Ss ;tIrsu t't.

I lll Arlivily Rook Answer Key tJnil 1

S, *. O *,,
O u> r*.,* . -
r r..- ;Lrr "r. .-", !b'E
t r-- {i r^rt! ldt r'ou, . !ou.
d-rl tst.
,."- ,hur -r a0i-rtrt., !,;.r o
Uro I lulr
,..- { id! ,.i l0;r;!t(r , b-i

' t"d:':., ' '-:*dl:r!-'i:iue''
l. Ari.rr, rJ::t k._!u,rr t,..i L, L-Jr

. ,, '..., .i..,.,., ," , ,t t. y', I

Jrdrrrr:t t.r. trIij
.:. i
. ,r.^,r.. r, .-. J-rrilt$Lrt-UEt
t-I tArY U. lo & ' s cr!
'rqY $,'.. tr-Jtdro.JL.,r
r !!. LqJ au.r d lulc rr rx!
tg!*lil'rts ("t'
ll rllt !l lis1L, llx " €)

@ auila itr @ Reod it! @ nroctice it!

I'la1'()l) lrack.l, l)itusirrl{ it at citcll l'lay (,1) tritck l), llarrsing it at eaclr I'lay (.1) track (i, parrsing it al
|r,/l sounrl frlr to fill irr tlrt: Ss irrrl/ sorrnrl lirr Ss to Iill in tlre lrlurrk lrr,/l sorrrrrl lirr Ss to \vritr: lltc
lrlarrks, using tltc \vor(l l)ank as a to contplcte llrr rvortl. Al'tcr tlrc lgtpropritrlc rvorrls. Altcr thc
re [crr: n{'r. A[tcr tltc ilctivit\,, lllvu ir(:livil)', irsk ll/ltrrlls nutnlt.,r l7 ivrd lct ivity', lrlvr: intlivirlrrll Ss rt.irtl
itttlivirlrral Ss s;ry t,aclt scnte ltcc. Itavc irrrlivirlrrirl Ss rvritc tlrr: tlrc ltrstlcrs.
ittls\vcr orr tlrc llorrlrl.

A, l-i\ltrt ttnrl turite. GD

.1. Li.sltl rttrd u'rite,
l. Il trlk,.r 7 lxtrrrs t(t ll(t to Ilrtrt'ttii l.istt'tt tttttl turi I c. l. SIr,r'r,rttttl lttlttt tl( goi,tlit.,
b.1, ltlttttt,. Ittxtt ,\Ir,tir'o. I hcf rt gtittli to Nt) tt,
2. l! tuk"s 45 trtitttttt's ltt 1it't to Ilte tttotttttttitt tuntnt(r .'l,rtlt. ll tttkts l.l ltttttr s
ltutclt lry 1117111.
)0u It, Et't tltt,t L' 1t.1, ltlune.
J, I loru lorrg lors it lukc ttt 14t,t to lNttts *'. ..llrt rrttrl Sttc ure gttittg ltt
. Otttrtrltri /t trr(t,.i I lutttrs rrtul 2l) Itotttt' .ltttlntlitt. I ltt.1,'rt gttinll ltt yo ltt
tt r i t t t t I t,s I t.1, 1
t It
.1. I loru lotrl; tlots it tttka to gt'! to tltc
u t r.,. .soilt t,ll i r.r' lltt ltt'ttrlr. lt tttkts !!! lttttrs to 14t,1
ll ott,t rs tlttrt 14' ltktttt
tt'ikllilt lturki' lt tttkts 4 ltottrs ( (IltJ .1. .1lrll tut(l (.:(ttl,l,(n.'gt)i,tX t(,
tttul I tt,rtinutt,s l,y, Dl.r. t ltitttt. !ltr,t"rr,13rirrg ttt ritit tlttir
B r'orrsirr.r, lt trrLr,s 55 trtirrrrlt,.s lo gr,t
B llttrt lt1, ltxrt.
I lrrvt Ss lt'irtl tlrt: l)itssitg('irrrrl lill
I Iavr: Ss krok at caclt llicltrre arrrl irr tlrt: lllrrrrLs, rrsirrg tlre rvtrlrls irt
fill in thc blitrrks rvith tltr II
llitt.l ;\. ;\I tct llrc irr'l iviI\,, lrirvt.
allprollriale rvurrls. I luvt. Ss usc irrrlivirlrrirl Ss tirl,t'trlnls to rr.ilrl tlre I Iirve Ss lrxrk at tltt: tll)lrl irr
lltc rr'rlnl hanl as l rc[t,rr,rrt.t:. r\ltt'l lrlrt r\
S('llt('rl( r's. I().rns\t,er Iltc rgttcstiorts. r\ltr,r Ihr:
tltc activity', lr;rr'c irrrlivirlrrtrl Ss siry. it('livit)', lrlvr: irrtlivirlrr;rl Ss lr1' Ilrr.
citclt :crrlctrt r,or rliirlng. (l s(!rrletr('cs arrrl rvritc tllt,rrr orr llrr.
lro:r rtl.
I Iirvtl Ss lill irr tlre lrllrrrks lrrtl n,r irl
iur ('ssil\,, lrasur! orr l)ilrt Il. i\ltct
thc actir,it1,, lrirvc irrrlivirltrll Ss
tlirrl llrt,ir'(,ssitVri l(, llrc t:lirss.

Aclivity Book Ansiver Kcy tJrirt I l.llt

*\" "f t,ffiAJ(tl*till,',',, ; iiliicrii l&;i'*t;i:, r:r11."",, {'r ;.i!,

O Nt r$.q(-

?H? dl
li il

r.d *. llrl
ffi ' llT

o b.iFid1.r{
r r k,r lci{ !{tl &, Ci! t arn !l{ Q mrt.rxa
I Fs.r tlct.! btEl k @J blu. rtrt O'ddhqdhw,ft r Wbd! Ioo r.c{€?
r - h, r!0! Uo.n l,:, d Llt crtt I LtJa rrrdtkt dd rrd mtdl
.'. fd (r\,rd fs ddyr?tttc! I co I find ay ttlrr. r lifol t !'oq nMr'E'
i - r".i i il t/t.d \r d tl,r.trt r lt thr tofcr llrrn ,!Jr
l 9'rr1'itool fli ,rfcn bc.'t
l!o, lhn t not.5|ot lho'lil lho[ nc ! [loltlr,\Frurut
ln fiqc I th.l 6d tro'r Edd!
r L lhd yow $!er gls ll'ere'
Y?!. lhol ! hE. Ihonlt u lul
.. Alohd. Wch@E lo llorox. I II amwer rrv vll )

'i @ fon obout it! oiotoss @ soy itl

@ fom qbout it! vocobulory l'liry (il) trar:k tl, pausitrg ii at ent:lt Itlrt'(ll ) track 1,, ;rlrrsing it at t'lclr
fuell sorrrrrl lor Ss to rvritt'a clrcck Irt,// sotrrrrl for Ss trl rr'rilc lhc
("1") next to the apprttltriate approllriate rvortls, ttsittg tlte rvord
l'lay (il) lrack 7, pausing il at eaclr resllolrse,'l'ltt:tt ltttve Ss reltl thc trarrk ns n rcfenrncg.'l'lrctr hnve Ss
}rll sornrd for Ss to draw the tlialogs arttl ttttrttllcr tlte pictttres. color the clotlrirrg itt'ttts" After tlre
npproprilte lrllrstylc arttl cr.rlor After the nctivity, usk lVlrat's ir(,:tivily, ask lylrfll'.s nuntber l? arul
tlre lrair arttl c1'es. nuntber I ? and havc Ss ansrver. lrave Ss ansrrer.

tl, l.lslen nnd drau,. Calor, A, l,isten and check. Nrttrrlter. A. l.isten and u,rlte.
l. I lnre longblond lmir nttd l. ltlatt: ll'/rrrrls n,rotrg? !. lltlrttt's ln'r rtartrc?
.lotri ()lrtrk.
,,r.Il,rI ('l'('s. llo1,: I rttrit Jirtd nlt'.si.slcr:
2. I httrc stfttigltt bluck ltuir arul 2. hlan: l.s.s/rr'lalft'r tlnn yott? I 1'lral is .slrc u'ut r i try,'!
iltrr, r1'rrs. lkty: No, .slrcis ,,0r. .5rtc's ;1 lrluc.stlr'al.shitl arul rrl
!t. lle llas short bnnur lmir und sltorter tltart rrtc. sltcrt ['r'r.s.
lrllrr, r1t,s. !:1, ltlan: ls tlrdt ),our sisl(tr oucr 2. lltlrttt's ltis trttttrc?
,1. Slrc luts curly red lnir arrl g1utr tltcrc? l)orrtry llaken
I'l'('s. llo1,; l?.s, tlrat ls lrcr. 'l lttttrks ll'/raI lr lrr, u'et tr i try,?
5. llc lra.s crtrll, ltlotal lvtir and bltte rt lo!. A g,rren roinuxtl and ycllou,
t'lt'.$. 4. lVonmn: tlloha,Welcorttt: to b(x,ts.
I lau,ttii. 3. lltltttt's lrer nrtttttT
B lletlr (in ot.
I lilr'r. Ss l()ok itt llrc llictttrt's irt 1:tirt ll ll'/rar ls .slle u,utring?
An orange'l'-slrirl and brou,tt
A arrrl rlrite scnlcncos alxntt tlte I lave Ss look at thc dialogs itt part sanials.
clriklrcrr, usitrg tlre wortl ltitttk as a A to write part ll. After tlre activity,
rr.k'rcrrcc, Aflrrr the activit)', ask lravc two Ss siry each dialog. B
ll'lrnr's rrrunher I7 atttl lravc
irrrlivirlrral Ss rcrrrl llrt'ir sctrlertct's. llavc Ss klok at l)iul A lr) rvriie thc
s(,ntorrccs in part li. After tlre
(: activity', lrave lrvo Ss sat'eaclt
tlialog. Ilnvc otlrer Ss rvrite the
I litvc Ss rvrite allout tlrcrrrselvcs. tlialogs on lhe l)oard.
After tlrc activity', havt' irrclivirltral
Ss rllscribe tlrt rrrselves to ilre
t lltss.
I lave Ss renrl tlre (luesti{rt atrd
rvrite allout thcir ckrthirrg. After
tlrc activity, ask lllrol are )'ott
wenring,T imtl lrave irttlivitltral Ss
an stvcr.

l5() Artivitv Book Answer Kev, tjnil 2

,I, u,
r Srl lii
1 r,.,
r .,.
lid<li6 ..
i r., ' ,.. tq:!.. lis - o .-,, ,-" dr. -.!.r-- ...
Lir n,
. ritrd6,ls -
' ?.1
o.i l;!;.;t.
' I;lri3
--,. r;id rtsrh.,i

r :).(i JJ6 lM &il

'.T"jf" o ed^ur!'*-b,*li{
. . - ri/is lid ls
f.t, l;s a
:i (l
il I'r r!n.i$ lho d l
l!,l! el fl.'t ld.. lt,il J I Answcrs nroy vory I

!f,r, t'uHkFbryf,ktrtF

@ arito itr @ Reod il! @ nroaice it!

1 I'la1'Ol) lr;rck l(), gratrsing il at l)lay OI) lrack I l, plrtsirrg it ul l'lar'(.1) trat'k 12, lllrrsirrg il irt
caclr lcll sotttrtl lirr Ss to lill irr tlrr: circh lrrrl/ sotrrrrl lilr Ss to fill ilt tho r..relr lrrll sotttttl lirr Ss lo lrrrrrtlrrr
lrlanLs, rrsirtg tlre rvorrl hlrrrL ;rs ir lrllrrL to cornlllclc tlrc rvortl. Altr,r tlrt: ilpllrtrllriillrj lri(:lul(,. r\ltr,r tlrr.
rt'fr:n,ltrr:.'l'ltcrt ltlve Ss rcitrl t,irr:lt llro ir('tivil),, ask lt/llnlb nunthcr I? l('livit),, urk ll'llrtl's ,rtrrnlr.,r , i'iur(l
scr)trlr(r.'orrrl rrtirtclr it rlitlr tlre lrrrl lrlvc irrrlivitlrral Ss rvritc tlre lralc Ss llts\v(,r.
approprintr: pictrrru. Altrrr Ilrc ilns\vcr oD tllc l)()lll(1.
atlivit\', lritve irttlivirlrtul Ss slv
r.aclr scrrlerrct'.
tl. I islt'n tttttl tttttttlx'r.
Lls! tt t rt tttl' turilr. L illttn: ll'lilrt'5 utt0nNi
Itinl lir4'.' I ctttit lirtl rn.l'r'nl.'irr
tl. l,lslert tntl turilt, tltirtu;tt llltrtt: ll'lrttI thtt,s ltr ltxtL ltlti
\ l.
l'ttt slxtrtrr !luttt lrtr. sltottklar Ilrl,; I lt lrtts slliort ltktrrrl ltrrtr
2. ,\ltr,i -1'rttut gtr tltatt ltint. t urr l( rtr ttl ltl ttt t,.1't's.
.'1. /r s/rr' talltr tluttt y,ruri'Nr, .rfur,i srt r.l' llutt: ls ltr'1rrtrtt13,r tlttttt tutti'
rrot. ,\fit'i slutrltr tlttut tttt,. ( r'{l( l{'r.t lkt1,: Nir, lrr,i trot. I lls ttliltt
.1. ls ltt oldrr tltntr /rr,ri'li,.r, /rt, i.r. ilttnnt(,r tlttut tnt.
ltttrplrt .,I ,1Iarr: ls ltc tttlfur tlrrttt ltttrt'
n Ilo"y,; li,.r, lr,is.
Il.tvt: Sr kroh irt t'irr'lt picturt, trrrrl
5 llrttt l1'lrrlrir lrr' t*trittg!
lltt1,: rl frrt tr'l atul tt lut.l,l,ttll
fill irt rlrc bllirLr rritlr tlrr: I lirvt' Ss rt'irtl tlrt, l)ilsltilll(, arrrl till
.'(t l r.
approllriatt: rlortls. Altt.r tlrt' irt tlrr lrllrrLs, trsing tlrc u'otrls irr hlutt:
lt ls tlldt l'oltr cottsitt ttt,r,l

't aclivit)', ltirvc irrrlivitlrr;rl Ss slv

citclt srtttctrct: rrr tliirlog.
l)iilt .,\. Altt,r tlrt, irctiVirl,, lrlrV(,
irrrli!irltrirl Ss tirLt,lilIils tll r(ltrrl tlrr'
5t'llI('ll( r's.
l'r,s, tlrrrtlr ltittr. l'lrttnk

o II
I l;rvt' Ss lill irr tltt' lrlrurls irrrrl rr r irr. Ilitvc look al tllr: l)i( tut(':r in ltiu
Ss I
It'llt'rs, lrirslrl on lliut ll. r\lllt llr(. A to rvrite thc scrrlr.rrt r.,s irr grirr I ll,
ir('livil)', lrirvr irrrlilirluirl 5r rt'irrl r\llt:r tlte activity, lravc irrtlilirlu,rl
tltcir llltlr s to llrr, r'lrrr:. Ss sit1, tltc ir(,nl('llt'(.:i,

Aclivily Book Answer Key, lJnrt 2 l5 I

rinrr (;ti':'tr Qi: *"


llt J.trl.l
bc, trq
'l -rrt.l
: r:r, .
f."r F. rrn!

G rrpdt
: ,'t.t,t,.
i:, \ rn\
-"*-{, c@aq,

@ fott obout it! oioloss @ soy it!


@ fon obout it! vocobulory I'liry'Ol) track 1,1,

eaclr lrcll sttttrttl lttr Ss trl
lrlttsitrg it ltt
lill irt tltc
l'lir1'Ol) lrack I l-r, llirrlsittg it at
caclr Dcll sotttttl frlr Ss to lill irl tltc
A bllrrks, trsinli tltc u'ortl llatlk its n
blanks, ttsitrg tltc tvottl bitttk as a
l'liry (.1) lrack l:t, pttrsirrg it itt rr:lcrcttct'.'l ltett Ititvt'Ss rcitd tlle rclclctrt:c.'l'ltett lrave Ss tlrltrv a
r,lrt lrlrlll sottrttl lilr Ss ltl ttttttlllrlr tlialrtgs ittttl ttttlttlrt'r tlrr' pit'ttlrcs. lirrt' lo thc it;rprrtptiate rvttrtls.
tlre apllrolrriirte llictttre.'l'ltett Alter llre activily; nsk l1/lrarb Altcr tlrc activitl', sll' lt'llcl'.s
Irirvt' Ss l;rlrel lltt' lliclttrcs, ttsirrl; ttttntber I I ittttl ltitvt: Ss itttsu't'r. tttttttbtr I ? atttl lratt' itrtlivitlrr:rl Ss
tlrt rlorrl bank as a rc[crcttce. Al'tcr ilns\\'or,
tlrf irctivity, flsk ll'hat's trrtttrltcr l7
rrl lt'lrrrl ttrtnrbcr is slteltitrli lxrg?
/1, l,isteil ond u'rite. Ntttttbcr.
Ilrrvt' Ss irnsrve [. tl. l.istett ottrl u,ri!e. l)rau'a littt'.
I. lanc: Ili. !'ttr lrttrt'.'l'lrol looks
Ircttr'1'. l. l|ltttt ttre rua goitrg to t'isit a \{
Cltilt: /l is. litrttri'
l.i t'tr nd nu nh r, ll' r i t t, I)o tta,tl sottt? ltcllri' '/7ti.s.sllltttr'r.
,.1. s I tt t e Jttttc: 1'ott
t. sl,rltittg lxtg Cltilt: .Srrr,, rfirltl.r. 2. ll'lrt tr ara rt'a gttirrli lo clittrb tt
lili' jm'kat 2. Dotttrl,: lVlrctt rtn' ut(t g,oi,tll lt) l:(, tn0il,ttttitli'
crt t tr tt,i t tlii' ( )tt l:t itlrtl'.
-t. .sil n.(('r('(,r,
4. ltrtg sltnr!, lnne:'l'hctlttl'ttltarlotttorfi)tt'. ,'1. ll'/rr,rr ttra u,t l4oirtR ttt Xrt
.,. (tlno., l)ottrt1,: tlre u,e gtirtg to uttttl, t:t t t tot'i tt 11il
t; ('(, rn(nl ou'rttitlrt'' Nr'.tt ,,lortIrt.
latre: Illt-hrtlt. 4. lllrctt arc u'c goitrl4 lo slt'il
ll .3. lto1,: I lttt,t' yott (lt.',' Et)n( ttttn,ia?
t'rtttoci tt14i'
I nratclt tltc rvortls attd
Iar r. Ss I)otttt1,; No, I I t r t t,r' t r' t. I ltt t r' |'tt ti.'
t .5. ll../rcrr ,,,.r, 11,1,14oitr11. to ltick
piltrrrt's, tlrert rvrilc the lloy: I?.s, I /rrrt,r'. sl rrt rulta r rics?
n[)l)rol)riilt(. rvorrls. I lavc Ss rtst' 4. Cltilt: llltttt rlo 11'1' 111'p1l 111 ltt rlrty ttIttr IontQrrou'.
tlrl rvorrl ltnnk lts it rcfcrtrttct:. i\ltcr tttkri' (j. ll/ltcrr rrn'rt'e gttiil11 ttt 1yr hikitrll?
tlrc lctivit\', havc irttlividtrrrl Ss latrc: l'ntt trt'crl tt sla'ltitrg bag, N(,rI lt'('l'.
rvritc tlrt' r'erb pltrast's ott tlte antl a liJi' jttckrt.
Irolr r tl. II
Ilave Ss krok at tltc taltle ittttl rvt itt:
Ilirve Ss look at tlre tlialogs itt part il sontcnc(' itlrottt caclt pictttre.
A to rvritc l)art li. n ltcr tlrc activitl', AItcr tlrt' l('tivil\', itsk ll'llar'.s
Ir:rve trvo Ss sa1't'rtclt rlialog. ttutrtlx'r I I ltrtl ltitvt' irtdivitlrr:rl Ss
ilns\r'rtr. I litvc otltt'r Ss tvrite tlrt'
sent(.ncrfs (,ll tltc lloltl tl.

iil Aclivily Book /\nswer KeY, Unil 3

\ :ru. o i4ptr.
aLJit 6 l;rn
,.{a .

o --.{a,E
lANhlrs $Oy \dr'/ I '

@ arita itr (9 Reod it! @ nroaice it!

1 l'l:r1'Ol) tr.tck l(i, parrsirrg it irr l'1u1,(.1) tlirck lT, llirrrsing ir at l)la1' t )l ) trlck I ll, pirrrsirrg il irt
cach Dcll sorrrrrl for Ss to fill irr tlrc t.irt'lt /rr,// sorrrrrl [or Ss to l'ill irr tlrr, t'lrt lt lrr'l/ sotttttl fttr 5s lo ttutnlrr.r
lllirrtks, trsirrg tlrc rvorrl lrlrrk rrs tr lrlirrrL to corrrplt,tc tlre rvortl. Al'tcr tlt(' irlrpr(}llIiiltt, l)i( lur(.. Alrt'r' tlrt,
rrllrcrtt'c. Aftcr tIru itcIi\.it)', IIirvr, tlrc irctivit\,, irsk Itlllrll' ttutttltcr I? ir( livit)', rrsl llrltrrtis tttttttlu'r Ii'.,rttl
irtrlivirlrral Ss sl1, clch s(f nl('n('c. attrl lrlvc irrrli.,'irlrrtrl Ss rvritrt rlrr, Itilr'r, Ss l nh\\'ur-
itlts\v(:t ott lltc lrrrirrl.
Gr.. (furr
A, l.lstctt ttrul u,rite. GrF' ,.1. l.i.rlerr tttrrl tttttttlrcr,
l .
l'pt ttt't'cr lr.srtl rt tllr1rrr.s.s. A. Listt,rt rtrril rprltc, l. llo1, 1; ll'ltrn trrc rlr,1;oirrg ro go
.?. tl't,i,r, sltltt i11 11 1s,111. l. trnt t'tt t utt,i tt14?
.1. Ilart,.y,ou (t'(r ,nntlt tt crttttltlirt? 2. tltrilt 2: Ntlt tucaketrtl.
\ Mr, rlr ltttt,t,til. .'1. $ll,a,/r/ J.
lltt.1, l: ,.lrt tle grrlrrg t.) t tuttlt
4. I lauc nttt ut'tr utttght a Jislt:' ,t. u,r,tl t*trttiglrt?
l'ts, I lutrr'. 5. lnlr llo.y'2: lllt-ltttlt.
(i. rlrltharrts llo1, 1 ' On,ttt. lt'ut, I u\tit! ll(u,(
B 7. ttrtttl l't ) I ( t\' r' llt l I (, t't t t t r tt i t t 1i:'

lirr,c Ss lotlk at eat lt lrictrrrc urrtl

Il. lrrr,,sr,ltrs llo.y,2: N<t. I lrrtr'ttit-
fill irr tht.hlirrrl.s rlitlr llrr: llo1,2' lltlm! do tr.'.ttt:*l tt,
agrpropr i,rlt: \r,()t(ls. r\llr.r' I lrr,
ll I t tl;r?
lctivit), lrirvc intlirirlrrll Ss sir1, I I;rvt,Ss rt,irrl tlrr.l)it5\algc arrtl lill
Ilrt.1' 1; ltt'ttt't'rl -rh'r';rirtg [rrg.r
tt trt I I, .jrttl,t s.
eitclt st'trtcltr'tl or rli;rlog. irr tlrt lrlirrr[,s, rrsing tltc rlortls itr t
llo.y, I: llt,rrr,r,r/ stilt5.'tt,t,r, ttx)!
1r;rrt r\. ..\ltcr rlrt, irctivitl,, ltlvr.
\ C irrrlii'irlrrirl
s{'tt t ('t I ('{'s.
Ss tlri.t,tuilts to rr,ilrl tlrr II
I llvc Ss rt:lrl tlrc (lu(fstions illl(l Ilirvt: Ss looL ilt tlrr". lli( tttr(,), in l):il t
rlr ilt, tltc itl)l)rol)t iirlc lrrsrvt,rs. (l ,\ to rlritc lltc st,rttr,,trt:tts itt grart ll.
,"\ltcr tlre lctivit1,, ask Ilrrlr,1,orr
;\llt,r tlrc irctivity, ltavr: irrrlrr irlu;rl
tvrr tttttl[ il crttttplin'? I lut'c 1,ort I lirvl Ss lill irr tlrt' lrlirrrLs irrrrl rr'r itr, 5s r;rV lltr, btnlcn( cs.
tn r slr1r! irr rr ,r,lll I l;rr'r: Ir,t tr,r's, lrirst,rl orr pirr t Il. r\ltr,r t ltt,
ittrlivitluirl Ss ;rnsrvlr. it( tivit),, lravc irtrlivitlrurl Ss Lclrl
tlrt'il lcltt'r's lrr llrt' r'lirss.
I Iavc Ss rcarl lhc rlrrcstion irrrrl
tr,ritt: I lrc trpprollrilIc aItsr\'(,r.
r\[lcl' t ltc a('livit]', 1sk Ilrrpr, _1,olt
.tttr gorrc tiln ocilgl arrrl lrirr c
irtrlivirlrrirl Ss ansrvr.r.

Aclivily lJook Answer ]ity tlrirt I lri t

o ,db,,.h
I ".,".r, r,, r,.,. , 7 ,4,.rtliie,* .,

o Hl-.*-rFr r- t0 oq r,-!, L""...".,. tl "- -,.,

t !."". r,,.,., tZ ., pt,*r',
d. ba "
5 '-8,,.-".,r,n 2 {^r'h,,tr ".,,
6 r!,8 r!."tr8'.
t F.ti.!,.*"-
, i]-,q,*'h

O kdhdcEtrb6',,r

' ,{!qr ,. cdrudo

f'-fii,rr 4 "-',.r,' prom
\tvh''(i\' I h!u! , ".- r',+.


lh. C6l lrddr-

Ilavc Ss rcitrl eaclt setttcttce.'l ltett llave Ss reacl eaclt attstler, ttriltclt Ilavc Ss look at citclt pictule atld
lravt.Ss lill irr tht,blartks to It to n qucstiorr in part A attt.l rrarrrc it.'l lre n lrave Ss [iltd nnd
currrplclc llre crossrvord, uslng tllo nurnber it. After tlrc activity, ask circlc the rvorrls ln tltc rcord
rvrlrtl barrk lrs n rcfcrertcc. Altcr tltc Wlrat's nuntbor I / llavc two Ss say scnrch, usirrg tlrc rvotd hartk as a
ilctivit)', ask lt/ficl's I acrosslartcl the rlialog. reli'rerrcc. Al'ier tlrc itctivity, ask
Irirve irrtllvitlual Ss .uts\tcr. Wlrfit's trrtntber I7 arrtl lravc
C intlivitlrurl Ss nnsrver.

llave Ss look at the llictures.'l'lrett

have Ss rcacl the sctttt-'ttces atttl
rvrite tlre alrpropliltic woltls itt tltc
lllanks. After tlre activity, havr:
inrlivirlual Ss rcntl illo scttletlces (o
the class.

Ilave Ss rvritc alrottt tlrcir pliurs [or
thcir next vacatiou. Aftcr tlrc
activity, lrave irrtlivitlrtal Ss rcatl
their essays to tlrc class.



154 Aclivily Book Answer Key, Recycle il!

o s,.-.,,....-,'-,

@ fott obout it! oiotoss
I lavc Ss ttr.ttl tllt' [).tssilgc lrrtl lill
@ foU. obout it! vocobulory l'liry, ()l) trlcl' 31, ltirttsitlli it lrt
t,lt:lt bi'// stttttttl lrtt Ss to lill ill tlrt'
itt tltc llllrrrLs, rrsitlg lltt: rtortl lrittll
A lrllrttLs, ttsittl; IIrc tvrtttl llitttL in;r
rt'li'rltrt t'. I ltt'tr It;tlc Ss tt',rtl llrt'
as r ttlttr'ttcc. l ltt:tt ltave Ss titittl l'liry trrrck 10, Plrtrslrlg it lrt
(,1 )

rvltat ir,llrrrl lllc llilssilSe tlt'st riltcs' cach h'll sotttttl lirt ss trr litttl ilttrl tli.rlolis.tttrl tlttlttlrt'r lllt' pit ttttlr
.\flur rItc l( lilil), lrave irrtlivitlttal rilt'lc tltt: u'ortls itt tlttl rvttrtl r\l tt'r tlrt' il('ti\ it\" ask ll'[at ls
lis t.r}.c ltlrlls to tt',rtl lltt: scitrt lt. I lltvtl 5s ttrt' tltt: tvottl ltitttl tttttttlttr l'l ttltrl ltitlt'5r itttsttt'1.
sUll li'l l('(fs. its at rt'lt'It'llt't:. r\ltt't IItt'il( livil),
ir$k tl'rrc,I trttttrlrcr I i' ittltl ltitve
(; itrtlivitlrral Ss itttsrlt'l. ;1. l.istr'rt tttttl u'rilt'. I'lrrrll,.'r''
I . (ittidt:
l'liry'(.1) lrlt'k lt), piltrsittg it lt .'ltr'l'rttl t t'(ttll' ltt \:tt t)tt
t.atlr lr,'ll sttrttlrl lor S:' to wlitc il sttlitri !
h r:ltuc\ {'rl"1 llt'xt l(t tll(l A. Llstttrt,litrtl uttil tircle. lfuth lli'.sttrr'rtrt'r I.r it
l. luttgtrotts tlttttl'3ruttsi'
arlll)r'( ll)riitl t, allt\\'l: r.,\lt rrr t lttl
If irll(l J. .srrtll' (ittirlr: ,\ir, it i.rrr't (l{t,t[lt'tt,tt\
irciitrtl', usl ll'llrrl,s-rulll,cr litr, .rlrtl' itt lltt ittlr
Itavu Ss itlts\r'l:l-" !1. lrtturtilitl
.1. color.litl ). lfullr: / orrlJ l/rr'tt'li rt Sitrrllt
[t. litttrr.l,
.\artrll'; tl'ilr/ girir//i'sJ I lirrr'l
$. ictulll' l*th: / tftirll llrl')n'll,'
(,'.I itlttt +rnil wrile. r itt rtl litst tt i tr r l t'
7, lroisortttlt"r I tr t t

t. ll lctr, rttr'tltrr (irrrl' I.rlrrrrrl'rl Il. rroisl' .l Ilt'tlt: !ltttst'ttrtt'lltt'ftiltt.

ll'l w r a n i n ds t,ilil,Io' (.irrrl'
ilr(,t'l lltryi'
,;= :l
ltkttrtls:' I] .\nrtrlf': ,\tr. lIr'1' tttt'tt'l lltt'.\"tl
.I" lltnu tltrtttf i.rilrtrls ilt( tlil'r.'irt It 1r'ttrtr.
ril lfit' llrtltttrtrrt.r I I llvr: Ss ttttst'rittttlrlt' lttttl tvrilc tltc .l (ittiilr: ('u,t .t'(,to,'t' l/lt' rtltil r':'
tvottlr,, ttsittl3 lltt'tl'rrttl llittlk its lt

It'lrrrl r/irl tIr'lrtttlr-s lritlt irr tlrc It \ ;roirrtttoto

/lirholrtrt.ri' rclirrt:ttt'e.'l ltrtl ltitvc Ss rvrilc tltrl lfutlt: llorll/.r llrttl lltt rrtrt:l
ll ltot urritttrtls lit'tt rttr tlrt srrltt'rlrttivt' lirt tlt. .\ltt'r tlrt' ilt'tivity, ;tttllttlltltiS )ri{llr' lll
(.rlli;rrri;rr.r lslr rtrl.ri' lritvc ittrlir:irlttitl Ss rvrittl lltc tvorrls \otttI .l/iilt"
oil tll(: l)oilI(1. 'Ortirlc: li'r, / t/lirrl .rrr
! ltnr rtttrclt ttttt tt y,itttrl t\,rl()i\c
l|r'i1;lr i
.:. . ;,:
'i. llirrt'Ss lorrl.,tt lltl tll.llol;r ttt 1t,rtt
itr' p'rr I Il .\ltlr lltr' .r' ttr tlr
'\ lo rr I
llltt't'ltro Ss s,tY t'.tr lt,ll,rlr,li


Aclivily Book /tnswcr |(cy, Disctlvt:r tl! I

Aclivity Eook pp. 26-28 ;'' . ' :l;il.rr.i{r ,{,,,rrk};i jl'r I

f) *a' l*"
o r!! 4 ?i..-'-,.r' O;1 ,*-* .'
t' - t iit'i
, I,-,.-t*. ,
-r O 8". '.r).-.r,-.k
"', {i-. q
" .l.z r It
,'::)o.' l't.\'i"
0 -."'....-."'.,'q
J( \i, 1X

t' r;:;;;l

,-6) soy itl @) Build il!

(9 Reod it!
,\ A A
I'lrrt ( I t lr;rll l'l), ilirtt.;itt1i it itt I'lrrt ( Ir lr;r( i.. :1.1, qxrrtsirrll il lrl I'lir\'{ l I lrirt l.:'1, 1r:rtt"itt1l ll ltt
r';rr lr lrr'i / courrrl lnr Ss to n rilc it citt'lr lrr'll sotttttl lrrt Ss to lill irr tlrl lrrr'lr lrr'/l srrrtrrrl lrrt Ss to lill irt tlrt'
r lrr,r II ,/'"1ot iut "X" tttrt trl lltr: lrlirnks, ttriitrg tlrc trorrl lritttk its lt lrlrrtrk to lotttplr'll tlte trotrl,,\lllt
rl'llolltiirt(' l)i('lllr('. Altcr tlrr' rt'lcrr,rrlr'. Altlr tlrl itllivitr., lttrvt tlrr';rltiuitr', lsl' ll /rrrl'.r nttttrlrlrr l7
;rr lir ilr, irs[ ll ftar'.r ntttttlttt' l? irrtlivirltrirl Ss srtv t'itt'lt st'tll('tl('t'. :rrrtl lr:rle irrrlivirlrr:rl Ss trtilc tltt'
;rrlt lr:rr l Ss :tttstr t'r- inrs\\ r't (ln lll(' llllittrl.

r;-rn @r
tl. l.islarr orrtl rrr ilc. errD
l. I irtr'rr ttrrtl tt,t ilt,. l. I tlrittk tltttt'r tlt( rttttst irtlrllil:ort ,1. Listr'n tttttl rt'rila.
I llto't tltt' tlt.'t'lttltr. tttut l lltt'l'? ttttittt,tl irt \tttttlt .Vt it tt. I tttttttlr.l'
,\lr. I/rr,t,rrrr,ll t. I irr.t, rr, Irtrtris. 2. I tlti,tt' llt(tl's tltt.liiltttir'sl rtrtirtrttl .l lttrttt,,tl
.' l/rrrrr' tilt' t tt)r't\lilrs, (ltt'tl't tltr.l'i' irr Srtrtth.lliictt. .I ,\ilrlrrl'
li'r. llr'.r rlr'. .:1. ls tlt(tl lltt rrtrtst Trttisrrrtotts .trlrtIt' l. ltttl,t
I /lrrr'r' rtr,' tltittos, (llt'lrl lllll'i' irr ,$rrrrtlt ,.llr irtti'li's, / t/rirrl srr. ,5 i/r'r'/,t'
,\rr, tlrr't tut'tt'1, I lt(.1'tt' ltiltTros. 1. ls tltrtt lltt ttro.:l rlrtrtly'trttts tttl itt l;. nlt )tt t'.1'

I I ltr t'1' ttt t' lli illt,!i, trl t',l t lll$'i' ,\tttrtlt .lli ittt:'Air, / r/ort', l/tirtl srr ,' lIrtttt
li s.,lrt rrrr,. s llt
i Ilrrr.r'rtfr':{'rrf.t.{, tlrt'tll tll,l':' It
\,rr llrr't' (lt(tt l. I lttt"tt''s. lt
Il;trr.S,i l11k lrt t,it(.lt l)i('llil(';1il(l
lill irr tlro lrlrrrrlis rvitlr llrt' ll;rrr, \. rt';trl lltr' l)ir'.\:tli(' irrttl lill
lr irr tlr,'lrl;rtrLr, rr',irr1i tltt trotrl" itl
irl)l)lr)l)rirrlc tvrrtrlr.,\lllt lltr'
I lrrrr.Ss lilrrk ;rt pirtl r\ t0 tvrile tltt' itctivin', lriri'c itttlir itlrtrtl Ss srtv plrrt \..\ltlr llrc rrr lililr'. lltrt'
\r'nt(,n( (,s itr prrr I ll, tttirtll lltrr t'rtt lt st'ttlt'ttt c ot rli:rkt1g. irrtlivitlrrrrl Ss lilh1' lttt tt\ l() tr'lltl lltr'
unrll l1;1111 ls rt tclt,tr'nt'r'. r\lttr tlrc s('il1('n( ('\.
itr, lurr t' lrto Ss s;tv crrt lt
:rr t ir o
rlirrlnli I lrrr r, otlrtr Ss rlt itl lltt, o
rli;rlolis ort tlrt ltoitrrl. I luvr, Ss lill irr tlrl lrlrrttks. r\ltcl tlrc
irt tivitt, lrsk Ss ll Irrt'.s lltr tttttst I llrr'\r lill irr tlrt'lrl;tttl. s :tttrl trtill
hutrttiJitl ltinl itt _t'ortr rttrrtrlrt? lllllrs. lr:rsltl ott plrtl ll \ltlt tlrt^
rtrtrl lrtvc irrtlir irltrtl Ss rtttstlt't. rrt liritr, lr:rrl irtrliritltlrl \s tttrrl
tlrr,ir llttlrs trt lltc r l;trr
lly *t." -b;
Q .er --, ,-. *,--

er 'k :".

1"d,}; / ..."... , ".'.,\,--- ,rj;.
'& . j'
o.-..kF.-..*.r t -i,
r ", .- , I ll-r Ii., (r : *rl ";L -j o ,-. , h .b+.--. :+
| &nu'!!'J!r,41!Nrrl{
. ll-aaqlll,,. l.r(r ! j'q'
irrr-t"ti r i'lru a li ir- r'.ilr': i.'rl
. tr!-t'rrlir! I
lr! i --

-i, -'r, ,:.J J r.., L.' I h I ! l;,J !( tl{j

Ed . l!.r',:- !.-i'1 .-r:rilud

;l r.1 ir lJ!

@ eroctice it!
Uu;ii-G)- -'-;;.j @ fott obout it! oiotogs

l'1a1,(ll) ltur L.l:r. pirttsirtg it at @ fott obout it! Vocobulory l'lirr'(.1) lt;rt [' ]7, l)irll\illll il .rl
t'irr'lt l,'ll sotttltl lot S\ l() \\ I ll(' it
r:lt'lt lrr'll sotttlrl. I lrtrt: Ss ttrilu lltt A t lrt't li 1 '/") ttt'rt ltt lltt'
tttttttlrt'r llt'\l l(, tlrt'.tltplolltiitlt'
l'lir1'(il) tllr'k 2(i, pirttsittli it rrt irlii)i()l)l' l('sl)llllst.' I lt,rt t'
pit'l ttt rr itttil t'itt lt' lltt' rr utrls. ;\l lt'r
lr 1r,'/l sotltttl lttt Ss lo tlttlttltt't Ss rittl tltt' tliirlolis illltl lltlllll)t'l
rltc aclirtll. tr:'1. ll'llatl trtttttber l?
r,;rt t

tltc ilpproprillt('l)i( ttlr('. l ll('ll tlrr, ltit-tttrt's.,\ltt't lltt' it('li\ lt\, il\l'
;rtttl ltlrr c tttrlir irltt;tl Ss ittlsrvt'r.
Irir\'r'Ss l;rllcl tlrr, lli( ttllt's. tl\illll l1'lrat lr rtruttlur I I ittltl lt;rr t' Sr
ltitttk tts;t tr'lt'tt'ttt t'..\llt't
GP lltc tvrtLrl
tlrt irctit'it1', itsL ll'ltrlris tttt,t,ltrr Ii'
irll \\\ ('I.

.1. I irrr'rr rrtul tttttttlttr,

l. Gtt'l: IItir rrr/rtri ls rttrllt'
rrr ll'lrrrl tttttnlrcr l.r .srrilirrgi' ,rrrtl
Ititvr: Ss ltn\v('t'.
GP ..1. l-i.rlctr utrtl rltcck. hitttttlttr,
t, Oirl:
J. llol':
I rntL! | lttrt'.s tttt tlr'ltltttttl,
I lil,r tl,'lrltttrttt. I l/lirll
tltt.l"tt IItt ttttttl
Cp ;1, Lislcrt ttttrl tttttttlnr. ll'rilt. llrrl';
Ilttrt'o.ftttr tht .1tttr 1;rt
.srtrrr( r'littg i'
l.t'trY ttllr-l irtt'.
i tr lligt t t t tt t t i r r t ttl s.
tt l. sru/itlg 2. llttl': .5ur/irrg is ltnr. ltrt Ttttr
Oirl: I tltirtl yt, ttut J. tuitttlsttrlitrli tftiltl !t) !t.l'itt'
l llul': I ltoir ttrt tltittt)\' (ttt'tt'l !t. xtilittli Oirl:
'1. ()irl:
li'.s, I r/o.
tlrrf i' .1. scrtltrt tlit'irt11 ll'lrir'lr rirr t\ttt liL{ I't'ttt t

s t t rl i tt 14 or :ttor.l rlll tt1;i'

l. Oirl: \'o, /ltr'llrtrr'rt t. llttY'n' .5. sttrrr I r:/i rt,q
' Itipltrtt. llt t1': Srtrrrlr'/iri1; i' lrrtr. l,ttl I
. / lt,'1"r,' rtr 1'lri6 II ltl t' .sttr/trtl; lrr'Il,'r
5. (ilrl: ltirrll A lltol llt(,tt()st .1. Oirl: llt tttrtlttl. l)rttil trtt,r lt
\tttttlr I l,rrt'Ss tltitrr';t littt'ltottl llltl titttt' lltt trtr ttl
Ittttrtlillrl bitrl itr
pltrirst's trt tltt'llit ttttt's. Altt:r tlttl llul': ll /t,l'tiot:'
- llri,ri,'
I irt tivitt, s;r1'll'hrtlis tttttttln'r I'! Oirl: ll'.s rt,tll1' :ltrtr lt
ll,,t', )i'r, / t/tirtl rrr
li. Ilol'; ('(ltt ltttts,'r'rltr'lrirrl:'ll"r irrrrl ltirr r: irrrlivirltrirl Ss itltsrvt't.
ltr.iltltlul. lt
I l;rvt,Sr luuL itt lllt rli;rlolir itl p,rt I

lr A tu tr t ttr' l),tt t ll. .\ltr't lllr' ,tr tii tlr.

I l,trrr 5r lIrtL irl lltI llit lttt('s ttl ltitt t Iutt't' I rr o 5r sitl' t'itt lt tliitlo1i.
,\ lo rr I itc lllr' sr'tttt'ltt tts irt llitlt ll.
.\[lcr- tlrr' ,rr tir it\. ltin't: irtrltr itltt;rl
5s r.t1 lltr' \r'lllt'll( t's .tlttl tr I llt'
lltcttt rrtt tltl ltoitttl.
ll.trr' 5r tt.ttl tltr tlttt':tirrtlr.ttttl
rrlllr' lltr',llrl)tr)llti.ttr'.ttlrtrt'lr
.\fttt tlr,' .r( ll\ il\. .rsk ll'/rrtr tt,'( .l'tttt
1;oittg, ltt tltt ttt'tl tl'('('A i'irlr,l lr.r\ r'
irttlivirltt,rl 5r,tttrttt'1.

Aclivrly Book /rnst'rclr Ktry, t ltitt 'i

lf"r'r. /l\ **'
o r,rr-,brbF\4* O.rr,"9"i

{l :b.i Sl
,, ;" rnJry (' 'r!u'nJ
lrG l,("-. rt-0!ti,ir,

' hki dc
dlw b6?tx,
lr. Lr:F.
ltqt orr,a d r/

1ri,1 ,i1
'-.i[ f,'r-5 Jo rh lN. brlli.

j:l r.!.
t',.r. i.t.'J !, !.rf rEt

o ,-n,..,F,.r-,,",."d
i' ,.'.i
-t linl.ttt' tl\'!rl
l Arrqarrt nttt ut Y l

@ soy it! @ rrito itr ({) neod irt

I'lrrr ('l ) trir( k :,11, ;rrtrsirrg il irt l'lrr1'Ol) trnck llll, pirtt.;irr11 il rrt l'lir1 ( ll) trir( k :ll), prrtr,iinll il nt
lrrt lr l,r,ll rourrrl lor Ss to rvritc a circlr fir,ll sottnrl ltrt Ss to lill in tlrc clclr lrr'll sorrntl lor S.i to tr'rilo ilrt'
r'lrcrk ("/') n('\l ln tlr(' lrl;rrrks rvitlr llr(' irlllr(ll)r iirl(' norrl, rtsitrg llrr tlrtttl lr;rttl: ts il
:llIl)il)l)liitl(' lllt'tlllr'\. I lr(.tt ltav(' Ss rtortls. r\ltr.r Ilrt. itctiviIt', lutvt' rr,lr,rr.rr<'r.. Altr,r tlrl lr lir itr'. nck
rvrilr, scrrttnct's, trsirrll llrr, rvorrl irrtli','itlrrrrl Ss ,r;rv rirt lt s('nl('n('(: ()r ll'/rnl ir nttntltr'r I7 attrl lrlrr r'
lrnnl. its it rllctltrcr'. r\lllr tltc tlirrlog. irrtlir irlrrlrl Ss rtttsrvcl.
l( ti\itr', rrrk ll'latls ltorr[r'r Ilrtttrl
lr;rr r' \,.i tlrrrl tlrc tlttt'stirrn.
rl. l.i^slr'rr rttttl tt,t ilt'.
t[. l,isletr atrtl trrilt
(arrD l. I 1yt srtttr kr'lirrg tlrrca lit,tt's (t l. rttrttpttlt't
,1. l.islcn, cltcrk lu'o ltittures and tn,l,tlll. 2. srttltt tlit'irr!:
trrilt, .'1. .S/rr'grtr'.s sltt/trt tlit'itr1i ltt,it't, o .ll. ttkuklt
l. ll lrir'lr lltt 1,ttt lil,a ln'ttrr, sirrl:ittN tt,r't,,(-. .1. ltrtltt
or 1t1i111i1s1,1'
!1. Ilott,tt!tttt tltt lott 1yr 5. ltttrsr'tllt
!'. ll ltitlt lltr yort lil,t l)rtt(r, itltt.l'i,tB r r i li r 1;i' l' r'r' t .t' t t,ar k e t tt l.
r t t I srt r' r 0. trrrtsir
tt rlrtf it111sortt't!' ,1. llott,o.lttrt thx's hc go sttrling?
.t lllnt:thtll
lrir'/r tlo tttrt lilr lx'tttr, I jt'tt l, r tl I r tr tI t tl,. II
r I rtrtc i tt 11 or stt'i rrt tr t i t t 1i? I Iavr.Ss rctrrl llrr'l)itsqitg(i nrrrl lill
irr tlrc lrl;rrrli.s, rrrirrg llre rtortls in
lr IIirVr,Ss hr()k ;rt ('ir('lt l)i('tur(. iilr(l p;il 1 r\. Alt(,r tlrc nctiIil5', lritve
Illruc look lt iltc rgtttsliorts itr
Ss lill irr tlre lrlrrrrks rlitll tltc irrrlir irlrrrrl Ss titko lunr( lo rcntl llrr'
1ru t r\ to rtrilc lrrsrvcts. ,\lter tlrr' irlrlrr olrlilrtr, rvorrls. Altr,r llre s(,il1{'il( r'\.
ir( llvit\', llir!r. tr\'0 Ss silt crrclr il( tivit]', lrflr'r'irrrlivirlttitl Ss sitl'
rlirtloli. t'irclr st'rrlr.rrct. or tlirrkrg. (l
(l I lirr t, Sr lill irr tlrl blrtttks ltrtl tr r ilr'
l(,tl(,rs, lr:rsctl ort lliilt ll. /\ll('r (lre
Illrr,e Ss rvrite irpproprirtle ;rcliritt', lmvr, inrlivirltrtl Ss teatl
s('r'rt('n('('s irlrortl lltr,ir lrrrlrllics. llrr,ir llttr,rs lo llrt cl:rrc.
Altcr tlre il('tivitr, lrrrvr. irrtlivirlrrrrl
Ss rt'ltl scrrtlncls.

I 5tl nr livily Book Arrswer Kcy, Uttil 5

un* @ 5l*:*'"
rlr ",""."
o.i* .*.a..,,-.".
.,l::lf ''

' J-., r' -J

>g o ",,,.' i...."..

'r,.l1l ll;
liJ'{ .r', ll .l'
. .i,r ' l'[:l
:,. i,fi ^t\i\r ,.11:
. ,i:l^: '-"1,t,'4'.
v\JC , ,. i.1,., ., ,
, t'
- /---- | !.'j-,," I "1,I r , i .r rl" r.'-rr

AqEl t I,l,r'lr, l',i

k J,r, IJL i r I O!,*n
J!.t 'r
:t !,.r1 't

e, ol '*u
"*i ", "p',
r', I Dd{'u&ir r ,. ! ,: I

@ nroctice itl Unit @ rott obout it! oiotoss

l)1.11 (.1 lrl( L t l, llirtrsiltli it lrt
) @ fott obout it! vocobulory l'l;rr'(-l) tr;rt'L.lli, l)iltl\liill ll ,rl
Tt cirllr 1,,'ll stttllttl l,tt Ss to ltll ttt tlrr'
t:lt lt Ir,'ll \{)tlllrl llrl 5: to rltitt' tltl l\
lrlirrrLr, u\ittH tll(' rrrtttl lt.ttll',t' ;r
tvottlr itlttl rltirtr tt littl lo llttl
l'lir1' (.1 ) tr irr [. il], pirrtsittli it itt rr'l('t('rr( ('. I ltt'tt lt;rrt'Sr tt'irtl tltl
l)i('turr'. ,\ltrt Iltr' ,l(.tivil!', ilsi. frr'll sotttttl lirt Ss lo ttttlttlrt'l rli,rlr'1gs,,,',1 111111tlrll lltr' ptr ltttlt
It'lrrrl's ,,tttrtlrrr I l,rtttl lrilvr' 1,;11 11

irrtlir irlttll Ss ltttstr trr. tlrt: irpPlolrl iill('l)i( ltlI('. l llt'll iltr'r tltt'ir( ti!it\', irr|. ll'lrrt,ls
IriNt'5s lirlrIl tllt. l)i( llllt'\, ll\illll ttttttt!ttr I i'irttrl lritvt' Sr ,tllrtr r'l
tlrrl tvoLtl ltitttl' its ;t rt'li'tt'ttt t'. .'\llt'r
tltc irclivit\, irrl' ll'lrrllis ttrrtttlx'r I?
l. I irlr'rr ttttrl u,ritt. l)nttp tr littr" ol ll'ltrrI trttrttltrr is trtrtr ttl'l tlrt 1. I istrtr rttttl tt't it.'. Ntt,,tl,.'t.
I lutti: l/r;r 1,'/irrt', tr lttr /t rlrr |rrtt /tlr' llushli1;lt ti irtttl ltitlt' 5r itrlrtr't'1.
i,, tt, r lr irh liirlg I I lt ri,trtr'irlgi' L Ittttr': I r'ti .sr'l ttlt lltr t tttttlt\tl,'
I )tttttrl': ll'ltttl rlrt tt',' lt,tt',' t,',1"
lllr'1,' llol: I /ilr' rlirtiitt( 1,,'ll,'r' I8,,
\ r,l,ttr, tttg,'1,'t i ll rllr',lll. Jtttrt': Ititk trlt tltt t tn I s I ltr rt

) htni: Il,tr,ilrrll/lll,lt,.lrrrttlfulrl'i' tttttl rtt,ltrlrtr. ll't ite.

.,1. /.isIr'rr l)ttt ltl' lltt t, ttl
ll Ir, l rlrt lrrtr ltl,'lr,'1ft'r, ,rlrtt'itttt l. ll'ttttttttt: ltlr\ttr'ltltt tlrtrt tt llt,' Itttta: ll'/tttti t/t,' tttttllrt i
!( tt ) I plill tt )1. Iirrg'|0rrgi'
t t | t /rrt' l1rri' l' l)ottttl': I ltttt't tttt r'ittrlr ltr'
.ltrrtl.llrlr); l'l,rt'irr6 ;;irlg lrlrri,l ir/tttt, Oirl: ( )1. !rttta: ll'lt.t'rirrrt'l ltttr tyt lrt
lrtrl I ltlr' plrtf irlrl t,'rtrii, bi'llt'r. .1. Oirl: l\'lttrl,ltrtttltltrrtltt dt ttt't ti'
lotti: lht| r'ltttt r/rr lott /'/'tt l' rtrttri' /lr'\l:' l)ttrrttt': I tlritrl I rt'ill
lttrl: (lttrr'tl lt tt'l
.ltrlrt llitttttttr / r't i 1ri1
( ttlt tlt( t't)rl\' ( lti1t: l\ i, (lA t/ ir','11,, lt'lttrt.;
t .lotti: lh|( ill)t)ltl l0l/ /( /lrll 'l Ltttl'(ttt l. ll0ttttttt: I )!ttl t lt)t'!!'l lo !llrll oll tlttlt':'
tlt,' lltt;ltltgltt. Ittttt': t )Ir, Ittrt (tttttt' I 't, I rtl
l,lril l',/,ll\:'
/r',1lll l lr'r. I t till .l ll'ottttttt: I ttt tt rttt tltt lttttlr'rtt, 5 l(l lttr tlittrtr t
lutt lr, h r/rr lrrtr irl,'1,,'ll,'t /,lrtl'ittr'
l1 lr/"trr' I ltilt: llr,tt',tltttlt trtttt tt tltr t,
Ittttr': Ilttrt'rtlll
T lr',lrl1' l,I vll/l,lll: lkt.y': { lA.
, llottttltt: I'lttt:r'ltttl ttl) tlt( lt'ttt. l),rttttl': I lrttt' ttt,tttl
/r'llrl|'; I lrl, ,,rilirrrl irr'll'r I (/, \rlill,l1l
ltt k r' ,t ttlt,ttllt . I )tt \'()tl tl'tl,ll sttlll(' ttttttsltrttrtl!',,t 'rr, ll" t'
lwti: \h'l r' tr l/l I/ i/r, lnlt llr'lri'tlt'rl I t,'l 1t i /lol'l lltrtt'ttt\'tt l, it
rlltli,l( r,I ll lllrl'rir/l,Ui Ilttl': \irrr',1/titttl..
\l'r r'r ll tlti/,tttftttr; 1' /lrrt l,til I i tlr' II
./r,lli,rl l'r ll, I It ll,rrr' 5r loil[. irl lltr' (ll,llilll, lll ir,ril
lottt: ll')u t)ltilt,lo toti qo rltt/ittili' \tu\rttlr'1t,rrt ll \lt, r tllt .r(ll\ll\
\l|t,'; I ilr, ,l/rlllll r'li r I {}llJr', rlill'
llirrl s: loul ,tl ril( ll l)i( tlil(',lll(l
\ft't r'; I\'1, r ,l,i ll,1/ Iil'' lllr/1 l11.'
n.rrrrr'il. I,'f'r ltll itr tlrl lrl,rrrlr Itittr'trro Ss:,t\ r'.tr lr tlt,rl,,1i
Iil r rtttlltlt tI lllr'( lil\\\\rrrrl, tl.lttli
' ""llrirl' / r;'L'i''
l'tlrr: l,' /,lir llrl trutrl lr,tttl.,r:,t tr'lt'lt'ltt t'. \llt't
\lr'tr't ll,tl ,tllttt illr t,,tr Ii,ii tt)ttll'ttltt tlrr,,rt tir 111, ,r.l' ll lrrtl's ttrttrtltct li'
r,tirtr r.' irtttl ltitt't' ittrlir trlrr;rl 5\ .lll\\\('l
Ittl'r I l7i.'l r0rtllllll(', rli/rlli'\ l/il('r'
JIrllr'i {l ii r'r'l
\lr't i; { ofrr rr}/ I t'l t l,/rlt

I l,rlt'\r tr''r,l lltr tltlr'\llull\' ll{t}.,ll
r..rrlr lrtt ttt l),rt I \ ;rtttl tr t itt'
llrr' ,ur\\\r'l .\ltt't llrt' .l( tlvil\', llil\ ('
\r'ltllll" tu r,tt lltr'\('lllt'll( ('\.
/rcltvtl.; [Jrtol. AltS'"i,,1 f I ",' i ll rtl 'i
h tnt r|\ r*n
o,,.- ',- - O +r bb tr e-"r-

I 'r.| r
o [llr.
'i, i;tl 5l d rrr iBi
o .*,,.-..,{-.". ..... - \
o o o B
{'}t !.1-rl
"i ii '1, L) I I i'ir I

o o o I
o ...'.,.--,^-.-
i . 'inidr r rrnt'r..!I,il!
r,,. r!n rr 1, i,1rr1i y
l r r'1,.:,r",t' . h,{trid-qrrFt
:'. ti $.,rrJ,1,r
. trdtttr-t,t.ra
,,i, flr I !j,ri,r

@ soy itt @ eriu itt () Reod it!

i\ A A
l'l;rr ( .l) tllck ll.l, Jxrusing it rr lri.rt (.1 )trirek ll5, prtusirrli it irl I'l;rr ( ll ) lri( k .ll;, l,irtrring it itt
llrr lr 1,,'ll *otrrrrl lirr Ss to cirtlt tlrr, r,rrt'lr lrlll soturrl lirt Ss lo lill irr llrc t';rllr /rr'il,,,,,11111 lrrr Ss to lill itr tlrr'
l,,tllt. ;\lt('r thc trclitity'. irsk blrrttks, trsirtg llrt'n'tlttl lritttk ;ts rt lrlrrrrk lo t onrgrlr,tt' tlrt'rvottl. Altt'r
ll lrrrl 1r nttrnltrr I 7:rrtrl ltirvc Ss t r'lr,tr,ltcr'.
'l lrt'tt lritvl Ss tt';ttl t'itt lt tlrl rrr'tivitr', ;rr\ ll'lrlrl'.t ttttntltrr I ?
iill \\\ (,r. s('nt('n( lrrrrl rnllclt it n'itlr tlrr
(, irrrtl lurvc irrrlir irlttitl Ss rlt itt llrr'
olrliirtr' pit'ttttr'. Alttr llrt'
iilr\\\1't l)rr llr' lrr[ttrl.
1)nr aetivitr', lritvc inrlir irltrrl Si s:r\'
.1. Listrrr tndcircle. cach st'nttttt'e. €En
,1. l.isrlrt tttttl tutitt'.
I . rt I lr' ltrts tt Jtu'r.
SLr' /ras tt li,t,cr.
.\/rr' ltos tt slrttttru'lr,:.clta.
Gmr l t'iglrtrtr
J. Ttlrttst
.'1. il. I.istett nnd writr. l)nrtu a lirtt'.
lr. \hr'lrrts tltt t'(n(il'ltr, l. ?7rr,rr'ls tt littlt rortt. ;1. r'ttttyltl
I tr I lr, lttts tt utld. 2. 'l-lrera art rt Ji'rt sttrttlu'icltcs.
,1. rrritr,
Ir I l,' lrrts tt .li'rtr, .'1. I ltnu ttttttt.l' tttttrsltttlttllotts tttt 5. lhrslrliy,lrt
l, rr \/rr' lttts tut t,ttt ttrlt(. tlrcrt? 'l'ltrrr ttrt tt ktl.
ti. u,ltirc
Ir I lt ltrts rltt ttttttltr. 4. llott,rttuclr ltrttltlirrg is llr'rr'!' 7. I'rtilr'
i tt I lr lttts tt tttltl. 'l
lttre's o lot.
ll. ltrtttrs
lr. I lt lrtts a ltt tttltttltr.
ti. tt I lrrl'lrttt,t tt li'rer. II I}
It. I lrrt'ltnyt a slorttttrlrttrltc. llll
I l;tvc Ss rlrrrl tltc p:rssirg('rrrril
I lirvC Ss look itl lltC l)i( ttlto :tlt(l
I} irr tlrc lrlirrrLs, rrsirrli tlrc trottlr itt
tvr itc tlre approprilttc s('nt('n( ('s.
prrr t i\. r\ltcr llrc rrt'tir itt', lrtlc
Il;tr t' Sr look lrt illrr I A (o r!rilt' tlrc r\ltt.r tlrc ir('tivity, lrirvt' irttlivirltrrl
Ss srrl eirclr s('nt('n('('or tliitlog.
irrrlir irlrr;rl Ss tilkt' lur ns lr) tt'irtl lltc
{('nttn( r,r in plr l ll, ttsinli tlrt s|tII('n( r's.
rrotrl lr;rtrl, lrs tr tt,lt'tt,ttcr'.;\llcr tlrr.
rrllirilr. llrrl trlo Ss srtv llclr (l
rli;rloll. llrrr.eotlrt.r Sq rrritc tlrc
rlilrllllr ntt lltr. lto;rtrl. I lirvt' Ss lill irr tlrt lrl;ttrks ;ttttl rr t ill
Ittlcrs, lrirst'rl orr l)iul ll. \ltcI llll
rrt tivilr', lurve itttlivirlu;tl Ss tt':rrl
tlrlir lcllt'rs lo tlrl t'l;rss.

I {i() Acli,rily []6rtk Attst^lt,,r Key, Utril 6

,..:,:t:-:::il{;*.. 1 r r

S **."
t_ _t

a i,
'h, ,

@ Proctice il!
i A
i1 ) lralk ll7, pilllsillS il
l,r'r, stttttttl [0r.Ss lo tttttltlter
llr* itltptollti.lltr Pi(:ltlI(', Altt'r Iltr'
ar'tir'itt', ask ll'llrrll rttlatDt'r I I ltltrl
I Ss rtlittl t:llt'lt s(flltcll('o"l lloll
havu Ss [ill in tlrc.lrllrrks lrt
collll)lclo llto I't osstvttrtl, trsitrg tllrr
I tt'ittl r.'ltt lt atll\\\('t, lll,ll( ll
il to l rlttcslitttl itt l)ill I ;\ itll(l
Irrrrrrlrt'r' it. Altct 1l1g x1 1i1 i1v, .rsL
rvorrl battk us it I't:lt't'tlttt't'. Aftr'r tltt' tl/llal's ttuntfu'r ll llavr' l\\o 5\ \ir)'
Ititvu irtrlivithrill Ss lllls\\'(lI. tlrt: rlialog.
itetivity, ask ll/Ial's I nt'
Ituvr: irtrlivitlrritl Ss itttsrvcl.
,,1. I -i sl t:rt tt tul ttrt ttt ber,.
reatl tltc belll('ll( (':' lrrtl lrll
I lin'c Ss
t. ll'ttttttttt: I tt's 5t't ttP tlrc irr tlrc hllnls. r\ftr:r tltc u( livit),
. {lrrtl'}irr'. have irrrlivirlttal Ss ittlIrrtltrcr.' tlrt'ir
Glrl: (itxxl itlcrt.lltlutt drt u'tt
frir:ntls to tltc class,
s llbrtrrrl l
lun,e ltt tloi'
jrsr, tlr' ttt'ul ttt Ttttl
tlou,tt tltt luu'k1xttk.
ll'otntttt: l ltut piclt l,l, ,rt(' t1,('l'.s I lrrt'e Ss rtritt itltttttl lltt'tltst"lr t's,
lktl': ll'lat rrr,,rli' llrcrt ittlrotlttt:c lllclltrt'lir': lu tltr'
ll'urtttttt: I ltttt Ttttt ttp llr( lt:ttl. class,
llol': ,.i t, (rA. i/'rlr,9ru./i.rltirtl;
llittttutt: ()h, lrtrt t ttttu'lll.ttk ul
.1:.1(l lit r tl i tr tra r,

-1 B
I llvu 5s li,,,L .rt lltt' itttsu'ct s itt ltittl
r\ lo tr'r ill tltl stltlt'ttctts irt llitrl li,
Allt:r llrt o('tivitY, lrlvtr irtrlivirlttll
5l ritl' tltr:, rrttir'llt'('r" illl(l u'filc
lllcttt ort lltl lltr.ttrl.


Aclivily [3ook Ansv.rt:r licy. t lr ul 6 It

nr'r. rt{ yegar lrlra,i"t*trJ

o *:- .".-

xl -'l
'' rr.

t,{. 'ffi('

llilve hulk at eacll picturr, an(l
Ss rcarl tlrt. l)assnllc lrrd lill
I lav<r Ss
@ fom obout it! vocobuhry
rranre it, rrsiug the rvrlrtl bank as a ilr the blarrks, rrsing the rvortl battk A
lr'[crcrtce.'l lrt:rr havn Ss filrrl the as a rcli're ncc. Altt'r tlte ltt:tivitl', I'lrrv (ll) trlck llll, pausing it nt
rvrrrrls irr llte rvorrl starch nrrrl have irrrlivitlrral Ss lirkc tuills to lrr,/l sounrl [oi Ss lrr nrttrther
cirrk: tlrellr. Alter the activitl', ask read the setr((!nces. tlrc appropriate lrictrtrr'.'l hclt
It'hnl'"r nnntl'nr I 7 antl hnve Irave Ss l;rlrcl thc piclrrrts, trsilrB
irrlir irlrral Ss rrrrsrlcr. C lhc rvorrl lrarrk ls a rtlt'lcttce. A[ter
Illal'Ol) trirt'k llll, grlrrsirrg il at tlrrr;rctilitr', nsk lt lrrrtit uunther l7
t'ach lrr,ll sorrrrrl lirr Ss trr rvritt it rrr ll'lrrrl ttuntbcr is coltra? I lave Ss
clreck ("/") nt'xt t0 llre iill s\\'(,I.
allllropriale ilns\v('r. A[ter tlrc
at:tivity, flsk lVrrrrr:r ,runtlrer l7 anil
ltat,o Ss nnsrvr,r. rl. l.lslt,tt utttl ttutttltcn ll'rile.
l. liott
2. ltat
(L Ll.rterr and t'lttrk. il. rutcknxttlr
L I lotp sltortld .tttrr tokt tltc stittgrr
4. coltnt
lt. tttosrlttilo
2. ll'lt(tt sltottltl .l'ttrr l,ut (,t, Ilt., rul 6. sltitlrr
7. T4ltost
.'J. ,$ltrrrkltrrrr u,nlk ilu'ttt,slowl! il'
yott see tt lrcttr?
4. Crut a lrttr strrcll t'ott ln.lirc it
,'rrr,,r,1,10rri' I lavc Ss krok at ench pictrrre nnrl
5. ll'ltat sluttthl .t'ott tkt rlltrtt I'ott rrirrrrc it. I lavc Ss lill irr tlrc ltl;trtks
scl a htlitttlttu i' lo c0lnl)l('l0 thc t rosstr'orrl, trsirrg
(i. ll'/ro pill fu1111
.1i11 .1'rtrti' tho tvortl battk its :t tr:[t'tcttct'. A[ter
thc irctivilli ask lt'lrrltb rrutnlrcr l?
arrtl lrave irrrlivirlrrirl Ss itnsrrer.

I ti:l Ac livily Fook Answer Key, Discover il! 2

,J), uv ,r !1.) *"
Q to,-<u..t
q-' f
' s"o' o
''.l i lsir fr lii: O'6
.)11 '"tli' ' l,q o '.rir
,l r,,
? o
, !;'ti_."_
i$1ii! o ,'-.,,'r.-
,l rI ! -..i aJ Lr-.!!. Ir lr.l.!r J (al-

l! ! r l-, r;:.J l(id! tir r lrr i- &i

l!,.-1! rl.! L! hd hrl

r :li( 1,6 l! idculT ll. r! -'
. l"ruLr...pItr'.sr jt-rU.Ii
| tlr:
II o ^'"-*'=----------r
n,()Y v0rY tr.! ;r I rt' r, t.rn:
Atrswt:r I

@ rott obout it! oiotoss @ soy itl @ ariu itt
l'lay (.1) ltir( h l(), lr;rttsitr1; il rrt I'l:ry (ll) track^l l, pitrrsittli il lt l'lrry (.1 ) tllck .11i, ltlrrsirtli il ll
r:ullr lrr,l/ sorrrrtl lor Ss lo lrll irt tltc e irt:lr hr,ll sottttrl ftrr Ss lo tttttnltcr circlr [,'/l sorrnrl frlr Ss lo rirr'lc tlrt'
lrlurrlr, rrrirrg tltt uortl h;ttt}. ls lt tlrc ilPPI0lrriillc l)i( tur('. Altt't'tltr' cltlcl, ("/")or lltr "I". L\llt't lltl
tc[('rtrt( r!. I ltt'rt ltirvt'Ss tr'ltrl tlttr ir('tivit)', irsk lt/lratl nutrrltcr l? iutrl ir('tivil\', irsL ll'ftrltir ttttutbtr ll
rlialoli.,rn,l trtttttl rr't lltt' ltit lttt t's. Iurvt, Ss:ulsw('r: irttrl lr;n'r Sr unstlr:r.
Altcr tlrt: lr'tivit1, irsk lt'llat's
tttttttln'r I i'ittttl lrlvc Ss itttstvcr.
tl. l.islatt ttttd tttuttltcr.
..1. ,.i.rf1,rr ttttl tircle.
l. I It lrtts trt tuuslt ltis litra. l. 5/lr'sr'ti'rllttrr/ lrr'rtitrir' :ltt ltttt I
A. l.istt'tt utrd u,ritc. Nttttrlttr. l. S/rr, lrrts to trutke lttr bul. /rr'r' /,'1;.
l. Stttull,: I luttt'lo llo to llt( !1. llr lttts lo brttslt ltis tt'rtlt. 2. llr yrt'tttrtul lttrttttt ltr lrll
Irttlltrttottt. .t. 'l'ltc1, luu,t: to lukt ortl lltt' !ruslt tlou,tt.
llttlt: .\It', lrro. 5. .5hc lttls lo l'tu'ttttnt llll.' rootn. .1. S/rr' ){,i'(l,,lr'{/ lrt'rtttlsr'sll,'
llrrh: ll'/r,'rr,.s II tt I tt IIr rt tt t rt t i 6.'l'lttl, ltaye to.rrr'{'/) r/l{'.srr'/,.i. st r'1 t 1
ttl ( ) tt s(t, t tt t I I i, t8.
SrrrrIl,: lI's dorltt tlr ltttll. .1. l1'/r.1' tlitl lra scttrurtr' llt * rt'rttttr'tl
,J. .lllrrl1,; I lrcunl u troiit. II lrr'r'' ltc tut ltis luttul.
llttlt: ll'lutt Lirul ttl ttrtisti' :i. l1'lrt'r/irl t't)u t('r.'ttt,t? lli',irlr,' ti ,'
Illrvt'Ss look at tlrt'l)i( tuI('r iu)(l
Srrrlrf,.' lt sttruttlnl lil,t rttt
rvritt: lltc s(:nlrn( ('\, trsirrl; tlrr, It'll rltnutt.
ttttitttul. (i. ll'/rt' tlkl .r,rtu r('rt'{rrtli'lLr rrlr' I
n'orrl blrtk ils rr rt'lr,rt'ltcr'. ;\ltt't'tltt,
.l llctlt: I ltutnl il, ltxt. l)o .t.ttrt
ir( tivil)', lrirvr: ittrlivirlttitl Ss sir\'
Itit rttt'lrtttl.
tltirrl it's rt ltttt:'
.Sanrl1,: I ltttt I lltittL stt. t';rt lt st,rrtcttr't,.
I lirvc olltt'r Ss rvriltr lt
l|ttlt: l'll gt kntt. llrt. st'ttlcttt'r.s ort lltc lloitrrl.
I llvc 5s rrrrscrunrltk: tlrr: tr orrl:
'1. .\rrrrrly; ll' I tt' t I i t I .l tt t t't t tili'
itttrl n'titr: lllt'sr,lrlr.ltr r,s. lllt'r llrt'
t st' t

llellt: Ilrl'rlltrr' I tttltltttl tttt (:

s(, t,t(l t t, t!:.
lt tivilt', lt,rvc itrrltlirlrr,rl 5: s't ilr.
I lirrc Ss rvt.itt: irlrorrt tlrcir rlly.
lll(, st,iltcll('rfs 0tt llrrr ltorrttl.
r\ltt:r' tlrt. rrctivil!', .lsk ll/rra, do 1,ou
ll Itut,t lu /r{r ro(r/r-},f iur(l lrilvc
llitrr' \r lrr,l' ;rt lltt' rli,rlolir itt p;rtt irrtlivitlrrlrl Ss lrrs\r'r,r.
A lrr rrritr'Ir,ul ll.,\llcr tlrl irr'tiiitt.
lurrr,trro Sr llv r'.rt lr tliirlog.

Aclivrly lJook Ansln;rlr f;r:'1. I lt,rl / I ti:t

t fl) *n
: '&f4,',,' ,Yl, t.r {lr
n i,,
' ' O. rrr.tlr /
I ;ffi'$ia' *ilit'*," ,

o t-e,s.,!

[16,"n'5 roY i rYl
l!.culr ttrr )dl hfr k.{
l'J li#t#red,.,ru D r&6,* tr*{

ffp Reod it! @ Rroctice it!

['l;r1 (ilt trlt'k l,l, p;rrrslrrlg it ttl l'l:ry' ( )l ) t rirck ,1.1, pirtrsirtll it itt @ fon oboul il! vocobulory
lirllr lrr,ll srrrrrtl lor Ss to lill itr tlrt' crrclr lrr,// sorrrrrl. I lirvl Ss rvritc llttr A
lrl:rrrk to torrrplltc tlrt'tvorrl. Altcr rrrrrrrlrcr n('xt tt) tltt' approlrriitttl
tlrr';rctivilv, nsk ll'llatl rrurrllr.'r l7 I'llr1'( il) tr;rck ,t5, prtttsiltll il nt
lri('lur('iltrtl (.itt'lc tlto rvottls. Altt'r
;rrrtl lrarr, ilrtlivitlttal Ss rvritc tlre tlrc irctivitv, ask lllrol'.s ttttrtrber l? e;rch Lcl/ sorrnrl lor Ss to wrilc lho
iills\\'('r ()n llt{' hoitr(1. altrl lritlc irrrlivitlrritl Ss attsrvt'r. rlortls artrl rlrtrv a littt'lo tltr'
aplrropriirte pictrttr'. Ilrlrr lt;tve Ss
r"pf cornplt'tc tlrt' r't'rlr plrritsc, ttsittg
llrl rvorrl lrrttk its it tclt'rt'ttct'. Altttr
,1. LIslll trtul ,lrllr, I.islt'tt tttttl tttt tttltcr. tlrr. rrctititr', ask ll'lratis ntmtlx'r l?
l. ttoisr' l)rrrtrtl,u'tts cntlitt!.i ttrt tt1t1tl1. I lp ltrtl ltitvt' Ss attsrr tr.
i!. Ittisttttrttts srrt'tltrt(rl lrr'r'rlttsr' lttt cttt ltis
,. .{(rl,s,ilt{'f Itttrttl.
l. irtinetl Cltilt u,as trutkirrl4 tt cnrrrltJirc. lla GEn
'\. ltttitrlul scrennied ltlrausr' lte slrltltul ttrt zl. l.islan and rurile, l)nttr o line.
ri. lr)1, xttttetlritrll. tll itc.
;'. lttt.1, llr,,/t tt,rt.s rirlittll tt Di['r'. Shr' t. tnt itte fitt(,t e lnlty ltittrnpltlc
il. r'oil, st'tt,rttrtul ltrfitus( slte lrttt I ltrr 2. ,s,'e .srilr, sttn tt ltttr
ft'g, 3. llo u'(,tt 1yttrt'ttrt rlt.litri
II t. It'rr't'rrrrs ltlrr_rirrli lt'ttttis. I lr 4. ritlt *ulr tirlrlt'rr tttt tlrTtlttttt!
I lrrrr. Ss rr';rrl llrr. l)nssirll,('ntrrl lill
x'n'tttntrl ltrcrrttsr' lrt ltit lris lr. till\.e ltx* tttl,rtt tt ltclirrtlrttr t idt
irr tlrt'lrlrrrrks, trsittg tlte rvrttrls ilt .Srutr11,tlas gttirt1i Io lrr'rl. Shrr II
lrirr t r\. Altr,r tlrc ar:tivitl', have sr t crt t tt ul Dr'r'rt' .sft t' I t ut rtl o
irrrlivirlttnl Ss take ltlills lo r|lttl llttr Ilirvc Ss nlrtclr tht' rvortls atttl
,i('t I I ('ll('o\. l)ictur0s, tlrt'rt rvritc llte
II al)l)fol)riilto rvttrtl.. I lave Ss ttst'
(; tlrt' rvortl llitttk as ;t reIt'tcttt't'. Altcr
Ilirvc Ss look itt tltr' picttttt's itt pitrl tlrt irt'tivitr', lrave inrlivirlrutl Ss
Illrrr'\,. rrritl lllllrs, hasctl ott t\. lr) \vtitc iuls\\'('l s lo lll(' n'ritc tlre verlt pltt:tsls ott llte
1r;rr I Il. r\ttlr tltl rtclivilY, ltavtr s('nt('n('os irr piu I ll. r\llcl tlrc I ro lt rtl.
irrrlivirlurrl Ss rt':ttl lltcir lclters to activit\', ltitvt' ltvo Ss sltl' tltt'
ilrr,r'l;tss. s(.tll('llc(.s,

l(; I /\clivrly Book Attswer Key, Unil 7

, (?r t""' QJl ur
o o ..r,-*. " - o {".5q
sl r,
.l -, j'.-i.LrJ--J.d..,.-r'
',-\r- , 9- ''i
!r u'-l
:!, ,.. ( I?.' ll.j. .. , .: i-"-.irL h"'ry
t&r1.1 .
S..., i'-i,..r"'..(i'.,:i'('i"
\;i-ir ir "r.:-_,!.rr lh.rr l.r r .rL\J
idlhoi U.:,
r.r:r.,i (F .
, ,. , ,-. ,"." u ,. -, .., . ..,
Lrillrn,ri!ilrii::rn. ,r l'.lr l.l-"
'. L.r!
rt)':-t- '
,'. r nir l:.( .rJl'l 1' ! \

*;r:'. I'.:!t,r.l,rlar,

lr,t;r , ?i..,J
' F-r
L lr--,i,,rJ--l'--..
ll-il..r rer') -
- o"-
ar --:;;r a rrv!.\:r'',
rl 1., :, i,tr 1, .-, ., 1 | .r t:

@ fott obout it! oiotoss @ Soy it! @ erita itt


l'llr lr,r( k .lti, lrlttsitrg it irt

(.1 ) l'lir1' ( )l ) tllck ltitttsittg il itt
.17, l'l;ry ( ll ) trlcl .ltl, pattsittl; it ,rt
r'at lr 1,. // \{)lllttl l{tI 5\ lo \\ I itt' il cuclr lrr,ll sottntl lirr Ss ltt tr'tilt' tltt' lirclr lr,'/l sotuttl filr Ss to lill irr tlrr'
clrlt I l'l'I Itr'\l lo lllt' 51'nlrn('('s, ttsittg tltt: rvtrt'tl ltitttL its lrllrrls u'itlt tlrc itpptopt i.rlt
irlllltol)r i.rtl tr's1tot)rt'. I ltt'tt ltilvt' ;rlr'lt'rlnt'r'. A[tt't tltc irt'livil\', irrk rtorrls. r\lllt tltc itr'livill', ltirr t'
Ss rt';trl tlrt' rliltlolir irtttl tttltttltt't l1'lurl ls tttrnrbcr I I illt(l llilvc l\ro irrrlit,irlrtal Ss say'tar lt strtl('tt( r'.

llt(. llir'lurr'\. r\lIr'r Iltr' ;rr'liIil\', ilsL Ss siry' t lrt' tliirlolqs.

ll'lral lr uttnrbtr I I ittttl ltitvt' Ss
il ll S t\ ('f. .,1. Listcrr uttil wrile,
;1. Li.stlrt rttttl u'ritt, l. l'lttl'u,(ttl lo Iiltu'ttii trt t't'tt
l. l)itl.l'tstt ltttt,t tt lltxxl I'ttttttittttr' litttill'.
rl. l.isI t, n rt ttd rlttt'lt'. iYttlrtIrcn I lttrt',tii tttts Jintttt:lic. 3. l1'r'trt'rtt Io Srtttr/i .lltitrt t,t 1yt t,rt
t" .5rrtrrI1'l lt'r'tr?rtt ott sttlrtri itt !lort, tt'rts lltt rt'rrtllttr lltcrti' xtlttri.
Srrlt/l .1/r ii rr. // tt,rt.r ttsttrr//l' .{lttlrl.}'. I lt tt,trtt lo Sltrritt to go Itrl tril;,
l,ttlt: I lttt't l'rttt t't'(t !!(,,.t' (,lt J. l)itl .1tttt ltttt'r tt lytrlll tttt'ttlitttt:' ll'lry'r/iri I'tttt l4(, t(, llnt:tlt' lrt 1;,t
xtlitrir' ('t t ttt tt ltt lt\
t\ | (l t t l(t sl iL'. Iirr r,'l,rr. I I ir/rrrg
l:tt t ltrr: I ['i' ,\i'rt'r: !!otu trtts tltr rrattlttr llttrt:' ). Il /rt r/irl sltr:1;o ltr l'tunttht:' ltt,
J. l)otrttl': 11i' rlr'rt, ttt ( tttttttltt. /, tt,rt.t rtltlrl.l's .rrtott'll ri:it ltttttily.
Itu'1': ll'ltt'rlirl lrrtr go lrr .J. l)il1 .l'rttt ltttt't tt llxtrl ntt rtlitttt! ll ltt' tli(l .t'.nt g,o ltt lttlttuti lu l\t
( rtrtrttltli .\lrrrlrr rrrl.r liu r t ttsl ic. l0 su r il I I l.'t' ('tl III I t
( ltilt: lt, 13) l(, ittttt,ttt't (tttttl, I lott, u'tts tltt rruttltrr tltrt t:'
I isa: I rtu/'. litrti lltt't' ttt( tt I I il'',\ .\ttn lt'l l, I lt'i I lt rl. II
llrt l lrtr'r'. I lilr,r: S: lo0l itl r'il( lt llir ltttr' 'tllil
lltttlttr: ll't tt'ttll.l'r rttt. ll lill irr tlrc lrlltths rritlr tltt'
I irrt; \''trlt I lut't il. I lirlt. Ss rr';ttl tltt'tlttt'stitrtts itttrl irpptolrti;rll rrotrl:. :\llt't tlir'
.llrur: I ti,l tttrt ltttrt tt 1ltxul tirit\, ltint' 5, r,ri
rvt ilr' tl rr',rl )l)l ()llt i.tlt' irtlstr't't s. irr
I iIt rt!itttt:'
(iirl: i\l r ('r' r lrt' rrI t iVitl', irr'}' I)irl.yott lrrrrt' sr,illr'ilr'r' or tli.rlr rg.
llrttt,rit tt tt\ ltt,lttt\lit.
,\rrlrl; I lttlt' tt'tl\ llt,' rt'trttlttr
tt lirxtrl t'ut'trtirttt'f rttttl ltit't'r'
irrrlivirlrtirl Ss iut:\r'r't.
lllr't r','
(iirl: (,rr'rtl. lt tl!l\ tr\tt.r/lt'
;ttttttl tltttl ltrtl
lllrr'S: lunl ;rl lltt' rlilrlolis irt ltirrl
.\ lotrtilr' p,rrt ll \ll('t tlrr',rr lirilr.
Iuttc trro 5\ \.r\ r'.t( ll rltitl,rg.

Aclivily Book Attsr,ver Kcy. t lr rrl 8 I (ilr

}{r.ilrilt t.uvn Ppr rr9-!rg

0) **,
@ rtrt5r.*
i ' ' /\
o ." ., .". ,4 -..- {^n r.
.i /(r ,f r'-{fi

', ;
tmr =:-1
'r' fli /'.- .
'zl 't'- '1r, i): :" l) .,

o bidhF--&-.'{

,^,-r.. I Frn! r, Con.,lo 6lh " / !d' l'

t Wh, dd ro, O0 l^ (l,r,r.Ir'
r r,.,,$ illir y.u.,ri O r rt.{i

ldr lo llon,:.

I Ar,r...r d ,IY rr ry I ,,", ll rd rrnrry or., n!r

{tJ rffwn,.rhl4t.effit*-

@ Reod it! @ nroaice itl

l'la1'(il) trlck partsittg it at
411, l)lay ()l) iril('k 5(), prrttsitrg it ll @ fom obout it! vocobulory
r';rclr lrcll sorrrrrl for Ss lo lill irt tlrtr t'nclr Dcll sotttrrl. I lrrvc Ss rlt itc tltr: A
lrlirrrk ln conrlrlctr tlrc rvortl, Aftcr rrrrrrrllur rr('xl lo lItc rtpptopt irtlt'
tlrt. rrt tivitl', irsk ll'ltrtlis nnntl,er l? l)i( trlr(:. Alttr tlrt u( tivit\', ilsk I'lir1,(.1) trlck 5l, lltrrsirtg il al
lrrrtl lurve inrlivirlrrnl Ss rvrite tlrc l!'lrrrl is tttttttlter I 7 rtttrl ltitr.t' caclr lrr'/l sottttrl lor Ss ltt tttttttltcr
:ilrs\r ('r on tllo lro:tr(1. irrrlivitltrrrl Ss ltttstvlr. llr0 rrPrropli;rl(' l)i('lllre. I ll('lr
hirt c Ss ttttscnrtttltlu lltp rr'tttrls.

,1. I.i.slr,rt and u,rite.
GE and
t[. Lislett tttttnlter.
Altcr llre ir( livilv, lsk ll hrr!'.t
nrtnrlttr l? or ll'hat nunrlter is
tlnrttrrt rlrrDl arrtl lrlve Ss irlswor.
l. btt1l sltray L llo1,: l li! l)id lntt lrrtt't' tr gtxul
3. .trrr,.({'I?etl t'rtt'ttl irttt?
.'1. .r1r irr6hoA'.s Girl: li,.s, r, rrc-s gn,at! Lt,(nt lo CFD
I srt *lttttrtl ( it r 1,i l1 1 11.1, l1t
rr tt r I r 1 1 r rr i I 1,. 11. l,i.slclr attd nttntlx,n llrtsrruniltle.
,i.r;tpj71g 2. Ilol': ll'1t.1'tlitl .1'ott grt ltt II ) itr'.
li .qrrlrtsll&l ( it t tttr lr ti' l, rlrrtrrttt clttlt
i suttlrlrrtl :1. Girl: Iit gr hikitr14. llrtt't')'ttrt 2. r lrr'.llrrttlinl: tt ttttt
tt sl,lit .'t'0 1;(,t tt' I t i ki rr 11? |1. crtrrrlttttcrrlrrlt
,1. llol': No, I lttrrrtrl. .1. r'lttrir
ll 5. Girl: ll'lrttt tlirl 1'ort 14tt? 5. y ltrtttl luntl
I l:rvr, Sr relrl tlrr' l)ilssrrgo rrrrtl lill
llol': il'r'rrt'rt/ lo llott'ttii. ll u,rrs {i. rr ir,rtr'r'r'lillr
irr tlrc lllalrks. rtsirrg the rlorrls itt .lttrrtttstit!
6. Oirl: llltrr,! I knu uns llte I}
lrrrrI A. Altt'r tlrc tr.'tivit1', lrnvt- u,utlltrr tlter.'?
irrrlivirlrrnl Ss lirke tlu ns t{) rcarl tlre Ilu"c Ss rr.lrl tltt. (lucriliott lrn(l
Ilo.1': (,rtrrt. Il rrrts stiltttl' ttrtd
\ (. t I t (,1I ('('s. Itttt. rr'ritc tIrc irppr nltri;rtt' ilnsr\ r'r.
r\ltcr tIrt lctivitr'. ask lt'hlrll cllrlr
(: lt io I'ort tt,uttt lo joirr? atttl lrirvt.
irtrlivirlrrll Ss irttsttcr.
I lrrrc Ss lill irr tlre blrrrrks irrrrl rvritrr Ilavc look lrt tlr(, l)i( tilr('s in lr0rt
iur ('\sl\', llasurl orr lxrrt ll. Af tcr A to writt. llrr. st'rrlcrrt'r,s in Plrt ll.
tlrr lt'tivitv, lravc irrtlivitlturl Ss Alter tlrt' activitt', lr;rvt' irrrlivitlual
rr.lrl tlrlir (,\Enys l() tlrc clrtqs. Ss srrv tht's('ltl(,n( ('s lnrlrvritc
llrr.rrr on tlrc lrrxrrrl.

l(i(i Arli',,ily [looh Arrsrver Key, LJnilB

.t l3j*"
' , l'rir
l{. 'r;"
' ;r)i ri{}ii
ial L-r irl ' jrl t n,,
' iL, .. ' 'llr'TrrJjr|lYiji
. atd O
'1'rr I , 'lril
!'1r { J. .!:14 t
. ti.a l o,....,'...'.--,d"-. r
| ts.i "
I {l,i 1,,,l,,,rlLr,t' 0,-,j lr'r Lr
{,1r1 :!r I' j., rr'r J Urr llt lr, 5r rtr\i lllitt
| 9r./r lr, liJrr U...nJlutr' l
r, rrr i.r tr!IJl|(t!t. Llil rrJr
!.., ,..' .n I hr "t lli! {,.tu J'rng lo L!l
o .d.k Ittr I .r lr - 1 lit'l ll t Ltlr d.r!r
, ir-,t,tl'- .!'l
. ltl!r t[r ul, 9!nt0 lobtT o
l'lt, i Crrt l\c hli,.l ttl lht b(tl (Irrl
r f.r-. ; Ji,,.,r i_.t i-i--'!*J
l.:. i.:;.,!! I .r:, 1
lf lAnr.\''rJ ndi r'Yll
. riei l'-.r.l*',:'r1..:.-il-i'
d (i: {!ri.:{ r[ 3 '
I !!ri t:r .1,(rr.";,,J rr'.'

' IAns*r'c: nrli \dYl
. tl,-t,i r! ].r':' ... 9r" l,' Lt
* L.r i".

@ fott obout it! oiotoss @ soy it! @ eriu itt

)l) trlck 5:t, patrsittg it ll l)lir)'()l) tlatL 5 l, patrsirtg it itt
l'llr'("1) tr:tck 5.1, lrltlsittg it ilt P1i11'(
hr'/l:,oittr(l f()[ 5r to lill irr tlrr'
,':rr lr lirt lt L,'ll sottttrl lirt Ss lo u ritt'it r,lt lr lrt'll s()ltrl(l for Ss trr lill irl tltr'
t:ht't'k ("/") tloxl lo lllt' lrl;rnI.s nillt lltr: llllltollt i;rlr:
lrl,rrls, ttsittg tltc rrottl ltitttk its it
illlltrrrllt iittr' [)i('ttlr(:. r\l lt'r tlttr rvtrrrls. Aflr:r tlru activill', ltuvc
tt'lttcttt t'. I ltt'lt ll,lr t' Ss rt'itrl tltr'
rliult}gr ittttl tttttttl,,'r lll{' l)i( ltllt'\. irt livitl', ask ll'lrar'.s ,lllrrlrr{'r I I illl(l irrrlir irlttll Ss sitl' caclt !it'lll(rll('('
Aftrr llrt'rrr tir it1', .r-1. ll'lratt Itlvt'Ss arts\\'('r.
,ttnrtltlr Il.ttrtl lt,rr',' \\ illl\\\'('t.
Listttt tttul u,rita.
.1. I i.slr'rr anl cltelk. I tltittl; tlw cltt' rl.'tuli,tN l(1.,t1 l\
4 I lslrn utttl ttritt. Ntrtttltrr. / ll /rrr.i ,ltr'r'/tt's.s ltlttYar ytitrli ltt trtttrc littt tluttt tltt J( ir'rlti'r'/l/1,
5r /trrol.'lrtrrs irt ltt'rr ':' I tlrirr(' tltt cotttlttttcr clttlt it ttrtttr'
I l)ttttttl': 1,,

It r'r'l r ,\{r,ri /i,(f ltr'rltrl sltr'ls tlta ln'st

}1 ltoltttlttr tltan Iht tlutit.
'litrti: .l
lrrtli r'rr'iIirt11.f { rrr'JJ l}l{rl?r. I tltitrk lltc tlntrtrtt clttb is tttt,tt
J. l1'lroli tlrr'.sirtgr'r'13tirl8 rr) l,(';' i rt t r rs Ii tg t ltu tt I ltt (otrrlrtt lt' t
l)otrtt.1': li'rr/r, it
t t
tlttlt: .ltr'lttlt goirtg rrr lttirt tltc llrtlt. l'vt /tr'rltl .sltr'.1 lrlr' ,x'.ir tlrtlt.
t lttxtl lttttttl,' s irtl;t'r. t. ll'lrir /r ls ttrttttt ittltrt:titt8, llrt
.$artrl-f: !'ttt ttttt r'rlr(',11'1. I ntiy,ltt .'1. lt ltols lltt ttclor Tytitrli lrt In':' .t)nrl,utrr tlub or tlN J( i{'rt( r'
llttlr: ll'lrir'l ir rttttrt ltrrt. !lt,' I'r'ltr. l'r'r lttrtnl ltls Irl('l)('r, tltrlt:' I tltittL lllt c,rtrlttrltt ' lttlt
v lttxtl l,,trtil ttr lltt tl( I t tr. ll'lrrr'll is tttrnt furt. llt,'rr /-ti,r',1

t Ir tt r I t t t, I i r r 14 I t't t rt r :' .1. [t'lrols tltt ttrtisl lloirlg lo lrr'i' luttril ttr tltt cltttrlttt,littli tt'ttttti I

(.'lri1t: I tltittL tlrt t lte ,'t l*ttlin14 (.lri1t. I't't h*trtl ltr's rrl('I,r'-tl tItittl tItt.rr'/tool ,lrrtttrI
. lt tlttl ttt li\t. (; ll lrir'lr ir ,tu)tt'ltol)ttlttt. lltt'
ll /rrr r uttt ltu lttt t',ttittg rlr ttttttt r lttb ut lllr r lt,tir i I tlrtttl
lt,11,'t' tl tltt tltttir.
Sarrrlt'; .\lr lllrrr l. l'r't lt*rrtl lrt's I lirvt'Ss lool itt ltitt t ,\ lo tvritt' llttr
ti,' lrr'r, lt'ttt lt(r. I}
( rtrtl h(.lrtln( ('s irt plrt ll, ttsittli llttr
l'tltr: rvorrl lrirttk ls rt t('ft'rt'tl('('.;\lltrr tlttl llirvc Ss tt',ttl atttl itttsrrt'l lllt'
ilctivity, lrrvC ltvtl Ss silY t'ittjlt rlrtt'stitttt:. .-\ltt'r tlrt' itt'tir lt1. lt;tr tr
It lrvo !,i s,tr tltc tlilrl,rll.
rliaLrli. I litvr'otltt't Ss rvl ill tlttr
l l.rrr'5r lrrtrl. .rl llt, ,lr.rlulis ilt 1t,rl l rliitIrgs orl tlr(' lx,.lt'(1.
\ l{r \\rtlr'p,rrt ll \lt, r lllr',lt lirtlt.
ll.rrc ltrtt Sr r,tv t'rtt lr rlrirloli, C
I llvr: Ss rt'itrl tltr: rlttt'sliotts ittltl
tvtiIl tItc it1I1tt tt1tt irrtr' ilIIs\\'('l s'
;\lttr tltt'it( livit)', irsl l1'lol tlr:
lrr:sI rtrti.s, itt 1'ottr r' lttttl
It'lto'.r rltc l,r'sI .rill.ii'r' irr .1'tttrr I lirvt' irtrltr irlrr,rl Ss llllst\'('I

Aclivity []ook Answor Key, t ltttl 9 l(i7

".,"J *li,&l

if xr Smn
O *'tr.:a o h4,{,**,*.*

ffi,q ,,rid*11',i$P,
o *-1{.i4.{H
' (Siri,, 1{,i\.,,
o tddh,t,.d.-.{
r. khool!ldtr n I'o "

r!r'q.l u,/' .j'l

' *.Y:::Y,,"^' "l'"
r[ tf
n hld hrld s rf..h.i'L,!j q r.,rl .l
o *--th hl
.. I nighljoh lhr cf."'l,rtJ,n0 !.rdr
r I righljoh lh. to4t{,.r (lub
o &@p,ft
Ans"t n'ty vtr Y I
I '
f.|****rh, s'''.,,,d-.,*

@ Reod it! @ nroctice it!

I'luy' Ol) lrnr:k 55, ;tausittg it at l)luy (Jl) tritck !r(i, pltrsirrg it at
I lavc Ss rt'atl e;rclr st'tttettct'.'l ltett
r:nclr blll sorrrrtl for Ss lo tr'rilc Ilte each hrrll sotttrtl [irl Ss lo tttttttltcr
hnvr Ss lill irr thc hlartks to
rvortl, rrsirrg lhe lvortl llnnk ns a npproPriatc lrictttrt'. Altt'r tltc
r:onrPk'te lltt' crossrtttttl, rrsitrg tlre
rr,llrcnco. Alter tlre nctivlty, ask activity, ask ll/hnf '.s rttrrrtlrr I ? ittltl
lvortl llirrrk as rt rtili'rt'ttctl. Alter thc
ll'lrat is ttttnrber I I attd lurvq have intlivitlrtal Ss atrsrvt:r.
ar:iivilr', ask ll'ltatir I ttorr.r.rl nntl
irrrlivitlrurl Ss nrrsrtt:r.
lrlvt' irrrliyitlttitl Ss attsrvt'r.
tl. l,islen and nuttrlter.
4. l.i.rtcn and wrile. l. Glrl: Sr'/tool .s,rtrr.s irt,tlrr
l. torttrt tlct,[-.s.
'l hat's excititrg!
2. idm Ilol'3
il. tt,t'tztlrcr Girl: li,rrft, it is,
,1. lunvs 2. Girl: Ara lrnt goittg to joirt tlrc
5. |rtl[/lr.rt school lxrttd?
l; t'ttl lloy: l'rrt trot surc yel, I ttriglrt.
,' sllr'rtlr'ls !1. llttl': ll'/rir'/r i.s nrorc !'trtr, tlta
ll. ttttrlttr scltrxtl ltrtttd or tlrc
tl t tc r I u ul itrSl I c r t r t r?
II Girl: r e cl tecrlcotl i g, I eo u rt r.
,1. Girl: I rrril4lrt joitr tlrc
I lirve Ss reirrl tlre passilge arrcl fill t'ltu'rkrulitrg, tttatn. I lot(
in ihc bltnks, ttsing (lre words itt olxtttl .1'rttt?
Irilrt A. Aftor the activity, lrave 5. lktl': I tttight .ioirt llre
irrtlividull Ss take tirrns to rcad tlrc t'otttltttter clttb.
s('n t ('il('os.
l lavc Ss lotrk tt t l rt' l rit l tr t cs i rt ;tltrt
Ilnvc Ss rvritt'r'ssnys, lrasctl ott A to rvrite tlrc stntcttt'cs irr ;lnrt ll.
pilrt ll, n fter tlrc aclivil.t', have Altr.r tlrc activity', lrave irrtlivitlual
irrrlivitlrrnl Ss rcrrl thcir essays lo Ss sal'tlte s('nl('r!('('s ittttl rvrilt:
tlrr' llass. thcttt ott tltc lrorrrtl.

l(ifl Aclivily Book Answer Key, Unil 9

t- - i,.

t* l., l'.ir.l
lr L,,.

o -- --"r'--

I f*t*"' n.,i t'' 1 1
! Jl

ll A lt
ll,trr'S: lt'ilrl t',it lt.lttrtrt't, tltitlt lt I lilr'c Ss look itt t'itt ll l)i( tlll(l illl(l I lavc Ss rclrl lltu l)ilssaBc lntl lill
Itittltt'il, llsillS lll('tvtrttl llilttk lts it irr tlrc lllutt[.s, ttsittg thc rrrtrtl ltirtt]'
il to .r rlttt'sli,rll ill l)itl I .\ arttl
Lt'lcrt'ttt'c. l lttltt ltttvt' Sr lirttl tlrtr irr ir tt'li'[t'ttcc.'l ltt'tt ltitt'u Ss rr't itt'
iluilrl)r'r il.,\ltt'r tltt'lrt tiVil\', irsL
ll'lral s trttrrtlttt l I I l.rr t' l\\.o 5\ sir\ rvortls itt tltc rvortl st'itrt'lt ittttl rvlrirt rrttitttitl tltt: llusritgtl
tltu rliirloli t'irclc tlrtitu. AIt{tr Ill('ir( tivil)/, ilsk rllst r iltr:s. ;\ltt'r tlrc itcli\ it)', llir\'('
ll'lral s rtrttttltcr I ? trtttl lritvt: irrtlivirlrtitl 5: litIt' ltll lls l(l lcll(l tll.'
(: inrlit irlttitl Ss itttstvt't. sr:IIItIIr. Is.

Il,rrr' \r \\tll(' itlr(,lll ( lripr tlt't'\. (:

,\[tcr llrr'.t( ti\il\', lt.n,' tttrlir itltt,tl
5s t,'.ttl tltt'it sltttt'ttt r'\ l(! lll('
l'lir1 ( .l ) lr,r( L i)7, ltirttsittli il .rl
t l.tsr
t'irr'lt lr.'il:'ulllr(l [()l S\ ln \\ I ll(' ,r

clrt'r'k ("/"1tt('xl l(t llr('

irltlttopt iittr ittts\\'l'1. ,\llr't llttr
l) livil), itsL ll'llrtll rttrrttlrr'r ll.rrrtl
I Iurt: t':rr'lt \ttr(lr'tll rvt ilt'itlrrlttl Itit"t: Ss ittls\\('t.
I lruir rr ct'1..,\l tt'r tlrc ilrt ivit\', llir\'('
irrrlivitlrrrrl 5r ritv lltt'lt st'ltrrltllt' lo
tltt: t lrtrr. CP (1. I lrlr,rr utrrl tt,rilt.
L ll'/rrrl tttt'ltt'rltlr riltitt!', lrt tltt
,llt it tttt r'ltltltrtttl: li(/,r1, 'r'
.1. tl /rt'r/rr ro,nt' lt\'!tltl( Iill l1t t,,ttt
..1 l1'/t,'rr' tlu ,tt(tttttlttitt lytr illrtt lirr'i
I. ll lrt' tltt srttrt,'ltr'ultlt sltrtl
t,lt tu t l!(t i t I 1y t r t llt t :i'
5 [l'/rrtl tkt vtttrt' lttrtltl,' ttt I't,t,/rt
(tll(t lltrl'ttttr lt tttt tlt',i

Aclivily Book Answer Key. Recycle rll 3 l(il)

io x Fr.e.t.b(*-E*. Q uwr*rra
' : I q.r*.rrn.*
trr,,I \-.-
illit ^ Ll $-r*kk\-
lB.Eo{ | tr. eh* U lt 6 hr.
rtdt l6t doff fta
*e,il{rll! lq 6 G
I I I ,-*.*.",r--",*rrc
I *.r -id. F-
l{ irrd-tr tcrot. r Dqddir 6d I lfr
t'.&r Id d6] rd h n! od. .:.
I rI o*qr,*.-'...ff r.r r..i rr*i6E@,'t'
l{'<\ t -..h--.r,.*--r q.*
rY r.,t t r-..
.' '^.,sdr.,r,r
" -
ri-L(g a,ldr.
!6dllaroffto- ".-
. 7 !<r..*.dfid.d-E
' a
I --*-.r.r
sl d hdr l6t boo!.
ll,l. ..r'r
'dr.l 't4,

r"_n'. le6ilt tmE!6.t!mlh. tdr.

I lave Ss read lhe setllena'es flrld I lave Ss read the sentences artd
rvrito the letter "'t' [or truo or "t:" trumber thetn irr order. After the
ftrr false next lo eaclr senletlce. sctlvlty, have ltrtlivldual Ss tnke
'l turns io reild lhc senloll(:(}s.
lrtn lrove Ss correct tltc fnlst:
serrlences. After the actlvlty, have
lntlividunl Ss rcad the lrtte

l7(l Aclivily Book Answer Key, Cullure 1


lhe Greol Borrier summer comp


'ttt;", .,*.- ..,*tt"
lhe wildlife pork the mounloins

lhe beoch my grondporenls' lrouse

(, i)etrrsrlrr I rhtt irlttitt Asirt Itttttlcrl tlnil I Rcrlut'utl l)tr ltrru ( rtttir, l ; I

slroighl block hoir long blond hoir

r-: -t-(a +i='
i(|9 r,\>:_-
'a /a

curly red hoir shorl brown ho

I/ me you / you I

he / him she / her

we/us llrey / lhem

O Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled
li') Urril2, Reduced Piclure Cords
mode o compfire


slepl in o lenl o compos


couglil o fish sleeping bog
t-,:- *-" I


life jcrcket Tliermos

l29t 6ol

sunscreen bug sproy

. __ -J

(, Pcrrrsort Irhrcrtlton Asio Ittnrtorl t lntl 3. Retltrcorl Ptclttrtr ( rtr ili r ;:r
friendly / friendliesl funny / funniesl

I scory lscoriesl noisy / noisiesl

@ /,-...-... -"--"..-.-.-,---. .-.
I I II ilil|lil1ilil\ilil llll II I II

I 1


ugly / ugliesl mosl poisonous snoke

t-; @

mosl colorful lizord

mosl beouliful bird J

mosl inlelligent onimol most dongerous col
L_--- _t_
@ Peorson Iducolion Asio Limiled
li 4 Unil 4. Reduced Piclure Cords
t t^1li I










I'- I








scull0 diving I


l(.l5, I









I winrlstrrfing every doy I

t. I

l\!7t I


/, . Juty I





every otlier doy


I lhree limes o week I


! t.rq,
(.!9 I









I uvery weekcnrl I
lwice o monllr

() l)ri(lIr,on [(lrt( illl(ln At,t(l Iiltltlr](l tilrtl 5 llrrritttt:,1llt,lrrrr,(,){rl, I it,

pick up lhe rocks put up lhe lenl

lurn on the lonlern

I o lol of corn I

o lol of pololo solod o litlle pudding

L -t^ J

:L-- o lul
u sondwiches II
of 5ulluvvlLl luJ
lol ul lsYY morslrmollows
\lo few llr\rrJrrrrrurrvvru ___-J
176 Unit 6, Reduced Piclure Cords €l Peorson Iducolion Asio Limiled



cobro mosquilo



hur! my leg

0 Pettrson I rhrr rrlron Asro Irrniled Unil 7, Rerlrctltl l'llltrrr: ( irrrl, l;','

wenl / gone on sofori sow/seenobeor

rode / ridden on elephonl took / loken o helicopler ride

ole /
eolen o boby pin eopple go lo summer comp

visil fomilr/ see wild onimols

I go hiking I qo horsebock riding I

l;ll Unil B, Reduced Piclure Cords @ Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled

school bond cheerleoding leom

choir dromo club

[---_li* /
science club computer club

sclrool newspoper fun / more fun


populor / more populor inleresling / more inleresling

O Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled Unil 9, Reduced Piclure (urtj: I 7t,

Test script
'lbsts l, 2 trrrl l| on 'lhacher's Guitle B, Listen and rend. Clrcck. Iesl 3: Unlls 7-9
pgr. I ll2- I ll7 ilrL' t(t l)e given nfter Ss
Iurvc lorrrplt,lr:d llocycle lt! 1, 2 and 3
L lllutt ttv yru gtittll ttt tlo lltls
nr ;rfrlr tlrrits ll, fi atrd I respectlvely,
sutttntar? Q.\) A. Listen and nuntberlltrlte.
llt,lort giving onv test, revlcrv lhc 2. lltrt ra,,.t tind yttrr'.(i.skf,: lV/rdt t. Do ynr tltink it\ a roltrt? (itlntt. (2.u)

t:rrgr.t lnrrgrrage lrt the lhree uttits.

rloe.s.rlre ktok likt? Q.r) 2. Slte scrrartred }ccrrrr.rr' sltt'y''ll
lrtirhc it copv of botlt pnges of tlre lest !1. I)o tott utfi,tt sonrc ln'llr? Qt) tlotutt. l:ell dott,tt. (2il
lirr t'aclr strrrlt tri. I luve Ss wrlle tltelr ,1, l?nr wurt to I ktu'ttii lost 3. llat,e )rru euer su!r, a lu,ar?
rritnr('s orr r' lrch tett pnge.'l lre lest .rrr,rf lr(,r l,l'lutt did ynt do tltarr'? (2s) Srur a lxnn Qx)
sr:r'ipls arr. n(,i recortled on the CD, 5. ls tltot yortr sisler arcr llrcr.'? (2x) 4. I thi,rk tlrc sciencc rlufi i.s trtrrru
st rrrrrl ottl cach scripi altd glvtt Ss 6. lt//tcn ilt? tue going to cantP polnlnr tlmn lhe dutrnrt t'ltlt
srrlliciclrt tirne to conlplete (laclt tflsk oreniglttT (2.Y) Irlorc popttlan Qx)
(approxlrrralcly I 5-30 sccorrtls). lf 5. I u,ent k (iuada to-gt ltikittg.
Iorr rlo tlrl speakilrg opli(!rl flt tlte C. Read and tt,r'ilc rut.stt,er.s. (io ftlL'irg. (k)
cntl ol citr"lt t('rit, llttl Ss itltrl pairs (no script) 6. Are you going ta jttirr tlrc
arrrl lr;rvt' tlrcrrr play tlte gattte olt the ann puter ch ilrl (i n t 1nt le r
plrgc indit alt'tl. Ss lrray use tlreir D. l.isten and writc. ftlatch. clult. Q.r)
lrorrLc, lrrrl slrotrlrl look al ench ollter
I. corrrs 0.t)
ls lh('\ s;ry citclt lilre. lYalk arottttrl ll.I.isten and read. LJrcrA'.
llrr.r'l:rrsroorn nlrtl llstett lo Ss irs tltcy 2. girl (2.t)
spurk. ( lircle vottr ossessnlent otr 3. tent Q.t) l. Do yorr tltirrk it's a lnt? ex)
caclr strrrk'ttl's test page (hig slrriley 4. trrornttains Q.r) 2. Scltool..stttrrs ill ,tt'o lt,t'eLs. (2x) ---{
fnrc firr r't'r1'gttotl, strriley face ftlr 5. srrr/ Q.t) 3, llaue)'ott t'uer Eo,rean safariT Qx)
good. srn;rll srrrik'1'face for ttectls 6. presetrts Q.r) 4. I lnrc lof,o to tlrc ltatlvoorrr. (2x)
irrrllrovtlrrcttl.) 'l r1' to keep lltt' 5. lintr rwtklace i.s rr'rrlh'cule, (2x)
atrrrrrsgrlreru rclaxt'rl.'lL'sls catt tlr.: 6. Arr lutt g,oirrg to ioin the scluxtl
frrrr. loo! Atrslers for all tltree tests Tesl 2: Unlts 4-6 barul? Qx)
art ort li'nclter's (ittitlc p. llll.
A. Llsten nnd nrtnilx'r',Wrire. C.Ileud utd tt,rite flrlslt'ers.
Plocemenl l. 'llterds o lol ttt'cortr. tl lot ot- (no scriltt)
'l lrr,se tlrree tests con alstl be cont, (2x)
2. I lotu olien do ytrt ntrtitrg? D. Llsten and rurlte, ftlntclr.
trscrl as placetttettt tests. Use
Qx) t. tt?ant Q.r)
llrenr ts follorvs:
3. 'lltru of tlrc Jlasltlig,ltt. T\rtt 2. teaclu,r Qx)
a. lf Ss score ttl(rre thatt ll0'li' ott
' l. givt' thern'li'st ll. lf Jlasltligltt.
oll tlrc Qx) 3. )rorse Q.t)
tlrey also do vcty rvell otr lltis 4. I go sailitrg thru' tinrcs o uteck. 4. sltktslrcl (2.r)
'l lvt c titttcs rt tutt'k. 1zt)
l('sl, llley slrotrltl be ttsittg a
'l'lrut's tlrc ntost lnruttiJiil ltinl.
5. sltlit Ql)
higlrcr ler'r'l texllrrlok. 5.
hlost beautiJitI binl. (2.t) 6. ltoittetl (2x)
h. lf Ss scorc [)ollveelt 30'/o-{}0%
olr 'li.sls I, 2 or 3, tltey are at 6. lVlriclr atinml is tlrc Ji'iettrdliest?
thc correct lcvel. I:riendliest. Qt)
c. lf Ss score less tlrarr 30% tln B. Listen artd reqd. Check. l, they should be placed
irr l.lvcl 5. l. Surfing is ltttt. l)o vtrt uutttt to \
try it? Q.t)
2. ls it (X r/'rrrrrgo/i.,rhitrg,tuttr,? (2.r)
Test l: Unils l-3 3. '|hose ue h1i'trrts, ttratit tlrav? (2.t)
4. Are you ready to 14rt orr satitri? (2t)
A. Llste n nnd nuniltenlVrlte.
5. l[lutt's llrc ttutll(,'1' (2r)
l. tli,rr 6oirrg t<t the n ildl[e park. 6. Whiclr do 1,otr likt lteltar,
ll'ikllife yrrle Qx) snorkelittg or sculxr diuittg,? (2x)
2. l'otr tr,'cd a sleepingbag.
Skrpirrglxtg. Qx) C. Read and wrile onsu,ers.
il. l'rrr goilg to stutnrrer aantq. 0ro script)
Stttttttttr tantlt. (?x)
4. .Slrr" lrrrs short lrown hain D. Lislen and rurite. ltlatclt.
Sltorl lrunut lutin w) l. nrrr.sic Q"t)
5. lhrre yttr ever slepl h a tent? 2. kneel (2.r)
Sk'1tt in u lent. (2x)
3. nronkey Q.t)
6. lle lra.s curly rad hain Curly 4. slee1ry Qx)
rul lmin (2.r)
5. ktrocked Q.r)
6, rtutsewn Qx)

lB0 lestscripl ond Answer KeY

Test onswer key
(brrccl llrc lt,sts irr t lirss rvith Ss or
o ,,,tr,, r.,,r.r. *-
collt:t:l tlrt.ttt lntl crlrrcr:t llte ttt otrl o[
cl.r:s. NtaLe sulr: !()u g(, orcr tlre l.l L

alnb\i'r:r'b rr itlr 5s. I lave Ss tirkt: lltt:
tr.rtt$ lr()nltl antl slrorv llrcrn lo tlteir
.:t,i 2

l)irrrnls. l:uclr ttsl t'rtttsists ol'Ilur:e [.',7

plt tr rvitlt sir rlttlslionr r.lllt, otrc Itoa!ilu l,rd !!., r. l.r*l t. Us ,e l"I4r B .1,{r

t).ul tlilll livc tprt,stiorrs ltrtl rrrrc ltarl It loldl I !6dl br !u4
rvitlt lirrrr rlrrt,rliorrs.'l'lrr bruakrlorvrr
litt hdrr iJ lita d trrt q.J j r.. !-I
of lloints is ls [ullorvs:
a llarl A: (iive orrt'poirrt lirr corrccl llrr rt Er(a trJ { Llajrtl

rrrttrrlltritrl; artrl orre poirrt lor

tvritiug tlrc ( ()Ircct uurrl(s),
rcstrltinlg in a lotal ol I2 puirrts.
o l'art ll: (iilc our,point lirr r,lr:lr (*' (s
coil('( l iltr:r\\'t:t, tt'rullittg itt l lotttl
oI six p,ritrts.

I a I)&rl (l: fiivc orrt: Poirrt lirr

corrr,r'tly ltlrrvt'!i ng r,irclr
(lurfstion, rr.r'rrlting irr it tillal (}f 4
I$rt I I*t I
lloirr t s.
. Part l): (iivc orrr.'lloirrt lirr
('rrrrrcrl)'lilliilg irr tlrt, lrlarrks arrd
orrr lroirrt lirr corlt,ctll' rrrutcltlng ,,.[i
il\ I
tlrt: rirrrrls, resrrltirrg irr l trrtal ol'
l.l poirrtr.
rt I I

'l lris givt:s a
B, k 3ar &&1deJ r.r. 0 ...r

I lot.rl ol .l.l lroirrts lirr

eat lr lcst. lf tltr: sllr:aking ()l)tiou is
dolrl. il\ sir lloirtls to o \,0t')'
tlrr';rLt,r, lirrtr groirrts to it goorl
td, .!rr t( ljr ! J.r, !Jj.

li ih,1rt d rd lli,l;lt ru4lJ rrr 4 r,( .-i ,

slrt'.rllr;trtrl trro l){)iuls lo a sllt,lkcr'
tlltu trlt'tlr iurgllovetttt:rtt, utirLittg a "- --\<,- |

lrrl.rl ol.l() poirrts for euclr tr)sl. Ss .':..,;---- -.'

rrlto ulrtairt trvrr.l.l/il I or ltt/.1{) (iI
tltc slrr,.rlirrg ()l)ti(,n is irrt.ltrrlctl) :rrt:
tft rirrg ut.ll 17tt'i,).

*, l
,i1J D
1ii ' I ,:!' x..l
at ,

,; J
t,i) n
.. tJ,,{ I
!,r b!d l! tl.. ir,r. i ! Lr{,,r

l! ilJ i!:r.LJ-l r,r rJ

!i!rJrs !;t.r, - i, t ! Ii" J {r-rr

{,, (," ,s
Tesl Sctipl ofl(l An:,1,,,ur l^r:y ltt I
poge I


O Listen. Number. Write.


O Lislen. Reod. Check.

ft Il lokes 7 hours by plone.

o (?) Blue shorls ond o green T-shirl.
Thol sounds like fun.
o Il's good lo see you ogoin.
I'rn going lo go lo Soulh Africo.
o She hos slroighl block hoir
ond brown eyes. o -.

e No, Ihoven'|.
o s) Iclimbed o volcono.
5ure, lhonks.
o Wow!
Yes, I hove.
o Icon'l find my sisler.
(Jl Yes, lhol's her.
o (0 No, she's nol. She's shorler
lhon me. o
Thol looks heovy.
o The doy ofler lomorrow.
Iwenl lo Howoii losl summer.
o You need o sleeping bog ond
o lifejockel. o L*

tlT Ie:;l l, Ieocher Reproducible O Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled

lesr I
poge 2

) Nome: -- -

Reod. Write onswers.

This is my sister. Her nome's Liso. She's younger thon me.

We're going to go to Conodo in July. ft tokes 5 hours to
get there by plone. We're going to go hiking. We hove to
toke o tent ond o composs . We've never used o composs.
How obout you? Have you ever used o composs?
t Joey

0i When ore lhey going to go to Conodo?

(D How long does it loke to get lhere?

C Whot clo they hove to toke?

C Hove lhey ever used o composs?

o Lislen. Wrile. Moich.

o c- _ s . .e g_-__ |

( 3') le. '€) m_* __ - nloins

c s -*- f . o@ prese*--_ _.,. s

O Speoking option.
Wilh o porlner, ploy lhe gome on Slucjenl Book p 11.

S Pcorsorr Irlucrrlion Asio l"imiled Tesl l. Ieocher

Tesl 2
poge I


O Listen. Number. Write.


o Lislen. Reod. Check.

c Yeoh.
o@ nhink Iwill,
o There ore o [ew.
o OK, bul come bock of 5:30
for dinner. o (

e Don'f louch lhe corol.

o G) Wild giroffesl Wowl
No, lhey oren't.
o We sure ore!
Every weekend.
o No, il isn'l dongerous.
(!) Bul sloy in lhejeep.
o (A) Snorkeling is fun, bul Ilike
scubo diving beller. o
Pick up lhe rocks.
o Il's reolly shorp.
I hove on eoroche.
o Yes, I lhink so.
t{l,l Tesl 2, Teocher ReProducible @ Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled
lest z
poge 2

I Nome: - __

O Reod. Write onswers.

I reolly like scubo diving. I go scubo diving twice o week.

ft's o little dongerous, but it's o lot of fun. Lost week I
sow o funny f ish. It wos sitting on the corol. I think it
wos the most colorful f ish in the oceon. Hove you ever
seen o colorf ul fish?
I Steve

How oflen does Sleve go scubo diving?

e Is il dongerous?

(O Whol did Steve see lost week?

@ Wos il lhe most colorful fish in lhe oceon?


o Lislen. Wrile. Motch.

o m.-*-""..-sic . o r1.I
- neel

o monk--- .- . . (4) sleep.

e nocked r .G) m -. seum

o Speoking oplion.
Wilh o porlner, ploy lhe gome on Sludent Book p, 45

O Peorson Iijucolion Asio tirrrited Iesl2, Ieocher Reproritr, rirl,: lll5

Test 3
poge I

O Lislen. Number. Write.

O Lislen. Reod. Check.

(,1) Ilwos usuolly sunny.

o e Thol's exciling!
Idon'l lhink so.
o To go lo summer cornp.
School slorls in lwo weeks.
O I've heord he's the besl leocher.
o i

(!-) l'll go look.

o (O We wenl on sofori in Soulh Africo.
o Me, loo.
Me? Never. r-l Becouse Islepped on sornelhing.
C Yeoh. I love il.
o ("q) lheord it, loo.
Il sounded like on onimol.
o I lhink lhe cheerleoding leom.
o I'm nolsure yel. Imighl.
l8(; Iesl 3. Ieoclter Reproducible @ Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled
Tes-l 3
poge 2
I Nome:

O Reod. Write onswers.

r hod o fontostic vqcotio n.

we went to the 6rond conyon to
9o horsebock riding. We comped overnight in o tent. f
screomed becouse r heord o noise. wos it o poisonous snoke?
No, it wos o little
cockrooch. Thot wos funny. f,m going to
join the horsebock riding club qt school. r think it's more
I interesting thon the science club or the computer club.

(!) Where did Jenny go on vocotion?

t e Why dicl she go tlrere?

C why did she screom?

@ Which club is she going lojoin ot school?

o Lislen. Wrile. Motch.

o l_.___*_ m . (z't cher

(e -.----* se .
GI oshed

G) .-ir . (0") p

O Speoking oprion. -_nled

Wilh o porlner, ploy lhe gome on Sludenl Book p 55

(O Peorson Erlrrcolron Asio lirniled

Jesl 3. Teoclrtr RtlrrlrIr, rl,i,r llt;'
,rl$a", -,&*,lS'.,, sli@la&Sldid

o Chino 57 go hiking 57 lion 5l

42 choir 62 go horsebock riding 57 lizords 30
long blond hoir
o cold
42 chop 74 go sighlseeing 35 12
o lever
u flrw rnorshmullows 4l cleon your room 35 go lo surrttner comP 57 losl 48
42 climb o mounloin 20 gone conoeing lB
o hcodoche
4l clinrbing shoes 72 gone on sofoti 56 m
o litlle pudding
o lol of corn 4l cloudy 5B gorillo{s} 29,30 mode o compfire lB

o lololpololo solod 4l cobro 50 guocornole 74 mostt 74

o lol of sondwiches 4l cockrooclt 50 rne 12

o slornrrcltoclte 42 coin 54 h rrredicine 70

oclor 64 cold 5B hordly ever 58 mix 74

olliqrrlots 30 comb rny hoir 52 lrorness 72 money 32

olrvrtyt; 5B compuler 3B Flowoii 6 rnonkey(sl 30, 32

conrpuler club 63 lre 13 nrore lun 63
ottl 22
orlisl 64 counlrY 32 lrerrdor:he 66 more inleresling 63

ole 56 cows l0 lrelicopter 48 more populor 63

Allorrtic Oceon 26 crockers t6 Irelrnet 72 rnosquilo 50

Arrslrulitt B crocodile{s} 29, 30 Irer 13. 16 moslbecruliftrlbird 29

curly l6 lritrt 13 moslcolorful lizord 29

b curly red hoir 12 lrigrpo{s} 29, 30 mosl dongerous cctl 29

32 culmy lrond 5l lrilrny heod 5l rnosl inlelligenl

boby onimol
brrncrrro splil 75
hours 10, 44 29

brrrbecue 38 d house l0 nrosl poisonous

boseboll 36 doncing 36 irow l0 snoke 29

btrl 50 do jumps 73 hulo 38 mounloin gorillos 70

22 dromo club 62 humpbock whole 26 nrounloins l0

birrditttl 73 dry 32 hungry 32 mouse l0
't6 hurlmy leg 5l museurn 3B
lloul 7 e hyenos 32 rnusic 3B
my grortdporenls'
lulols t4 eol 66
I Irouse
borrqlrlsotne er:len o bctby
souvenirs B pineopple 56 I 12

eighleen 66 n
boy 54 44 ideo
Brrrzil 57 elephonl 22,29 inleresling 63 never 5B

breocl 66 equolor 26 islcrnd 26 nexl week 20

breoklosl erupl 22 noise 54

l0 every d<ty 35 j lroisiesl 28
evr:ry olher doy noisy 2B
l:rol'rnir:s 10, 4l 35 jrrckel l4
trrtrsh rrty leelh 52 every weekend 35 Jopon B {
btril slrrtry 19. 60 jewelry 70 o
bus 7 f Joey 32 older I3
lelldown 5l joirred 54 on lop
19, 44 July 32 on WednescloY 20
c lloshlighl
c<rcik 7 4 flowers l0
crrll horne 35 flv
JL k
Pocilic Oceon 26
corne[o 19 Iriendliesl 28 koyok 72
ponls 14,22
Corrodo 6. 58 lriendly 2B kill 70
currrJy trurs 4l lun 63 kneel 44 Jrurosoil c0nol)y 73
Poris 57
c(rr 7 funniesl 28 knife 44
peoches 66
crrrornel corrr 4l funny 28 knocked 44
44 peel 74
corvitrq 7A lur seol 72 know
pick slrowberries 20
B, 66
coughl 44 Koreo
pick up lhe rocks 40
ccrughlo lish 18 g
chose 48 ghosl 44, 5l I ping ponq 36 \
ctrperleoding leom 62 gionllorloise 26 leoves 66 lrirole
poinled 54
chess ployer 64 girl l6 life jockel l9

Word Iisl
porson 4B skin 48 llrem t3
poison0us 54 slceping boc 19 Thermos t9 you I0, l3
populor 63 sleepy 32 lhey t3 younqer l3
proclice lhe piono 35 slepl 22 lhirleen l6
presenls 22 slepl in o lenl 1B lhree limes o ureek 35
purple 16 slice /5 Thursdoy l6
puldown lhe srnell 48 lip ovcr /')
bockpock 40 snoke(sl 30, 5l loosl 75
pul up lhe lenl 40 sneokers 14, 66 loosler oven 75
snorkeling 34 lomorrow 20
q snowi:oord 73 loniglrl 20. tl,1

quill 22 soccer 36 look 56

somelimes 58 look o bool ride 8
r soul) l0 loolhbrush l9
roincool l4
soulh l0 loy 5A
Soulh Africo 6, 58 lroin 7
recrding 36
red burnp 48
souvenir l0 lreosure 26
soy scruce 54 T-shirl 14, t6
rescLre worker 4B
I rhinos
ridden on elephont 56

lurn off lhe flrrshlighl 40
lurn on lhe lrrrrlern 40
lurlle 16

rode o roller coosler 8

splinler 60 lwice o nronlh 35
splil 60
spring 60 u
s;rringtrok 60 tuglicsl ,28

sprinkle 4 7 trgly 2B
s'morcs 7 5 sprinkle r 60 ukt rlekl 3B
soiling 34 sleol 70 l.Jnclc Roy

soll 22 slepped on US l3
sondols 14 somelhing 5l Lrse 38
Sondy 32 sting 4ll trseil o contl)uss IB
sow 56 slinger 48
sow o plolypus 8 slroighl t;lock hoir 12 v
scoriesl 28 summe r 16 visil o krrrn 20
scory 28 summer comp 7 visrl krrnrly 57
school bond 62 sunscreen 19, 60
school newspoper 63 surf 16 w
science club surfing
62 34 wolk ouroy .1(1
scoop 75 sweolshirl l4 w0nl ,)?
scrr:lcheci 60 swepl 2'2 \J0rIn 5B
screr:nred 60 r,vrrslr nry frrct: L: t)
scrub 60 t vrrlclrrnq IV 36
scutro rliving 34, 38 loke o bollr r,vrrklr bolllit
5'.) l9
:;co lion 26 lokcrr o lrt:licogrlcr tvtrlcr tnulun 4l
senrch <loq 48 rirlc 56 l3
see o movie 20 loller l3 vtctrllrtr 66
see wild onimols 57 leoc[ier 66 l.rcrglr 26
seen rr treor 56 lcr:m 66 r^rcr rl 22, 56
sell 70 lennis 36 ','rltr r lt: 44
she 13 lenl |
',"rlrrsllu 4B
sholl 70 lltc llorrrlr I r,,,,1tikl 44
shrp 26 lhc Gronrl Corryon 6. 5B i^rir tr l:;r tr {rni.; 34
shorlbrown hoir 12 lhe Grcol []ornr:r ,.r;inrJy 58
slrorler 13 Reaf 6, rr
ll v{rll) 44
shoulrJer 16 lhe motrr-tkrin:; l,,rrt:ttllt 44
sinqer 64 lhe tJ K tJ ! /riIr] 44
sinqinrl 36 llrc wikllrft.r lltrrL \^,/t ( )l i(.1 44

Word tisl lll,

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