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!it,l l( :'f ft l( A l.

liN( i I Nl rliR I N{i l,icotttrr* I i,t*nr inat ir;h

Plgc 4


tcnrriilor har il non'lnarl orrtput vrllttgr rntirrg rtf t?.0 vollri. Its unnaturc cil'cuil re.sistnrtce is 0 95 ohrn and ils lie ld
scpitrttcd cncrgizcd, !lf it Ioad ral(x, nt 2 KW rrt lI5 volls is ctnnccicrl acror$thc output, negl,,rcting thc cffects of
rcoc'tion onrl lilc dr.)ps, rvhill .pou,ei rvotllt'l be ttbsorbcd by llrc lo.rtl?
lI70 watt.s ts. 2,180 rvatts C, ?,000 ivat* D. !,5 I I rvetts

r brrs'rclrcrrrc lrur thc lhllowing chlr'ue tcristics F,XCEI''t'onc. Which onc is this?
I rllou,s the {i:icorrtgction of eire$ii brcakers firr nt*inlccance rryitlrcut intorntp(ing the servicc
xtrnorc flc iblu
ldlor,rs betle, conlitruitv ottssnicc as cornparerJ rvitlt thc sittgle brrs
I k orrr coslh' {hin thtt ol'rlrq fixglc btls:$yslttrl

td3g|tonsinavacuunretperiellceafur:ceol2x 10'r'1N. l'lorvfarapanareflleelccllons?

Itt x lO'rm ts. 9.o0 x l0 '1m C. 2.84 :. lO'r:nt D. 5.05 x lg 'r1ul

istorrlrledlt J \rir{lr rurd 6 volts *rc c(r$ncci':d ii$oss !t birtlllry rliili ilrr opcn iia{:uit volHge of 6 lults, What is the
rcsisrance of the'.r-att*ry i'Fthc rcsulting glrrent is 0.8 A?
B. 0.15 A c, 0.23=4 D, O,O3 A

inc thc porver ang{e in tlre scrier cireuit rvhich cotlsists tif R " J5 o'[rms, L - 0.? l{ across a porver.sup-ply of 200
tO l{r'.'
f{ dcg II. 51.'l dr:[i ('. 'i(r.4 rh-'g 1). .!(i.,1 ttc6

of 10t000 KVr\. ti0",ir lag canrtcctccl ii to a li"-100 vok lirre. l.lorv uurclr cxpacitivt rcactive porvcr is needed ro
drc port'cr filct{,rr l1i 0,q1 l0gsitt$,'l
L\':{.R ll. i,.t.!f LvAI{ c, 1,547 tv^tr r). 4,75J kV r{

clcctrofls in rnolirrn crtllcil?

variction ' 8. Elegtrig currenl C. Electron velocity D. Dynamic elcctricity
l0Il\tA .0.ti p l-l;rgging, 1) kV is ru'rvcrlh\ il lrilttsrrissiott liuc rvhich hirsa line rcsistllnce of ] ohms and a line
ol' Itl (rhrrrs, $rrlrrr liir {llt: tendiirL-1 end vriltag,l,lJ
It, t3,,1.:3 \1 c, ?.1,206 v D. 24,1t4 V

ivt' force is usrrllly utcasr,rcel iri rvlrat unit'l

I1, trrrll C. Kilrrgrnnr !). irrrpcrcs

are *lrrctrical tlcviccs usnally consisling, of stvitclres trirnsFcrrner, irrduclors and eapacitor, What are they used for?
BtLrng< l)C rlrltlsit l(1 i|noth','r I)C vOltagr' B. '[a clrirngc AC sinusoidal waye to AC prrlsed wave
b oortt r-rt []f
I *lll;ri h) AC vt]llilBr' I)
To chanlrc AC voltage to DC volragc

ass{tt}bl,\i l'6ra rv$urrd r(i!0r ntotorcorsisls ol'20 €loulolllr erf'961s1 iron g,rlu 0lgmgftt$, The rnring df cfich ir 0,l0 4
)tan joiru-r,l ilt.tryir,'s;rnrl (ester"l acros.r ?:l() toits, llte nt€asrtrcd cttrreft was- 100 A, l-lorv nruch powcr wos lost in fe

lw t]. t,8 kw C, ?I} KW D. 2,r hw

i0 nutr lorr;. rrltlrcJ itl a rrr'locii.l: gf ?,S ttt+ters Srersecrrrrdircrolr$0 rtragfictic fisld ol'0,90 W/nrt. What is the
FBtrjllcdrl'' _-
v . ta. 0.0648 v c- 0,,il25 v D, 0.072 V

consiiis <;l'trtsr rc*islat r.t!r:rl 3,4. arr"tl 5 ollnis nrrd conn$eted i[ Dorul]cl, lf this circui! is connectcd lo r baltcry
an int{rnal rcrismncc,ll0,2 oltm. What woultl b0 tlrc cur"renl pas.sing thr:origh lhe:ohtr n sisror?
t}. {.8 A c, ?..1 A D. 1,0 A

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