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J\nr lYurt- \

lS a56 : Zm
t U Mi, Co$tit lc^tt crprnricr .tJ ditrrprioa of com&tc. To lrlvcat lhh,
th.tod wa&r.aolubhrulphrt cortclrtof tlEcooqac
t23,1 Gcncml
rnir. cryrcsad ar SO, rhould Dot axcccd /t pcrcclll by
For coh-rrrc ro t)c dunblc, circful sclcclioo oa0E
mir mass oftha attr inlhchix. Th. iulph& aoot d
nd mtlcrisls tr Dcccssao,r so tbat dchlaaious .hould ba calcuh&d .! lhc lotd fmm ttE vrrioul
coastiN€nt! do not Gx$cd thc limiB. conidtrcn! of dE mir.
Tha 4 limir dc Doa+d), ro mlr1rr! mdc
&,Zlz Chlotid.t i^ con d. with suFt|rl9h.ral ccrncot corplyin! eih lS 6009.
Whcncvc( rhcra ir chlori& iD concrct tltc(r i. an
incr.ascd rirk of co.rorion of amb.ddd matd. Thc l,2l. Alrtliagtngot ao.,r'.aa
hi8h.r tlE chl6id. .o .at. o. ifsubcaqEndyarpo..d Somc aggrc;etcr coatrinint pirticul& vrnatrcs of
lo warm moisl conditions. lh. tiatt.r rha rill oa iilicr rnry bc ru..rpriblc to .rtet by altdi. (N.rO
corosir)n. mry contrin chloddc. .ltd rrd IqO) oai8itBtiq fron {rmcnt or oUEr !our!s,
' may bc conr.mind.d by chloridcs
f.oh 0E producin! ar .rptnsiva rc&tion rhich cro clu.c
.xt.rnal cnvi.ormcnt. To miDimizc thc cb&lccs of crlclint rnd dLruption of concrctc. Dtml8c to
dcteriomlofl ofconcrqc fIotrl h.rmfll clEmical s!hs, concrctc from lhis &..tiol *ill norhdly only occut
ft. l.vcls of s(&h hrmful sdlr ill concrcrc comilg wh.n dl dc following ar! pcscnt rogcthcc
from concrctE nrtcridr. dnt is, ..tti.gd6
warcr and a.rrhi xrur.s. &r wcll a.s by diflurion fron lh.
a) A higi fitoilturc lcvcl. wjthin lhc concrcrai
cnvirollmcltr should b.limttcd. The r,|.l &nounl of b) A c.m€ witi hith dtali codcn(.rr arorh.r
chlqidc cnntcnr (.s Cl) in th. celcrcic rt th. til|E of rllalil
sourcc of
,locinS shall bc rl Sivcn m Tlblr 7. c) At8rctata coolarnrnS an rltalt rcrctlv.
Th€ total acid solublc€ coorant shorld coI11(hucnt.
calculacd from rh. mir FoF.tions .nd dE [r8ur!d Whcrc tha scrvicc rccoad3 of prnlcuhr camani/
ofcrh of ihc cmsritucnB. WhcEvct
chloridc coorcnrr .gSrE8alc comtimtior.rE wcll crt blish.d, ud do nor
Fr6sibb. rhc totll chloridc conGnt of thc collcrcrc includc any inltrncls of creclirg duc lo alhli-
should bc d.lcrmin d. atgrlgalc .crtion, no funhca prccsttions should bc
t.2S,J Sulptut.s ia cot|t. n.ccss..y. When th. mllcrirls src unfrmili.r,
pr!(aulidns shdrld lalc ooc or morc of th. lollowing
Sulpbatcs arc Jrrcscnt in most ccmanls tud io romc
aggrltslcs: cxc.siiyc amounts of wrrcr-solublc
sulplElr fr(,n tlEsa or olhar nir conslilEn6 a&t crusc a) Usc of non-rElctivc !88ftgnc from .hcrn.r. 5 Minlmum C.o.!l Con& , M.rlDu,l! Wr!.r.C.D.!t Rttlo.!d MlntEolr crd. o{ CoE n
fo. DirY.Ent Erlr6urrr wiit NorD.l W.libl A!!r!td6 ol Z) tnln Noaird MrriDuD Sh.
(Cld.r.r 6.1 .2, A.2.4.1 oid9.l.2) Ce.r.

M.iorl[ Mi,tllIAn
f!. W&- co4 of
GlEd lrio Cmr&

t) (l) (.) (5) (?) (l)

M'1, 2o 0.o ,1@ t420
iii) Mo&r!. 2& oto Mll t@ 0.50 M2J
ii) S.Et ato 050 M 20 120 0.4! Mlo
ir) \4r, i.vrr! M 0.45 M20 l.o
- 0.,1t rll
v) EttED ,n 0.40 M 2t t60 0.{ MrO
I c.iEi sa FlqiH i! dtL utL i. inr+ciyt ol d!. ar& oa er6 d t i. i.l.iyt o{ idtc a..iqd h tl. Th.
d ttlrlril tr&alld En ltn& i{.., t |.16 {rD M i. dE oq* 6lF.nir lill EIcr !o
.ddni6. rEh o fl, lrt
rlt erEn mE t o.d *s{.H dn if lt l.dili, r.dli.hl d. h.t r dr rlrinE! mllr. r&r ido *&d &
r.r...d dE lrmit 6lF@lon d.l| rF.ilLd i. 15 lat9 (Prn l) 0!d IS at5 G.o.qnql
I MiDDh tr.d. rd tb. !!Ert -rE lrld.rF.rt ddrir ! dr.Fcifr.d.


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