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( l,'inol)

Ilridgcs tnrprovcmcnt,s and Marint,en*uce tr)rngnnmr (Ill M P)

Plxblic *isclosure and ()nx{s'oach Stra$egy

'l'hc Ilriclgc Inrpr<>velncnt and Maintcnancc Progranr (BIMI)) is a livtr- vcar progrilrn lirrrdccl lry
lnlcrnalional l)r:vclgpnrclrl Assooiafion {ll)A). tJrrder tlrc pro.icc1, il tt'}tfll ol'547 bridges on Slratcp,ic ltoittl
Nctrvork (Sl{N) rvitl go thrtlrrglr nraiutcuanccs. ittrprovcnrctrts attcJ ncu' e,t)tlstrrtclit:tts.

tjollorvirrg aru llrr tnio urajor otr.ieclivcs rclatcd to Publio I)isclostrrr.'ancl Otttrcae lr Slrttcgy

a) I:irsl, t6 look irr(u tlrc cllectivr: nleirns and rncchariistu tt> tttakc local puuplc living irr lhc 1:ci-iplrcrv
ol'ilrc projccl sitc aware ol'thc IIIMP projr:cts, unclcrstand tlrcir pcrspcctives on thc prt;.iccls lrrti
clcvcl6;ling an clli:ctive mcclurnisnt to hcar gricvanecs rr;lntcd tlrc projccl.

h) Scconri, to hclp clevclop strntcgies an<l lools n$$clcrJ to.slrcngtltcn ptrblic tiisciosure flncl ttttlrt:aclt
cnpacity ql'tlrc I)olt ro liclp bro:rdcn public owrrcrsl'rip and ovct.sight tll'lhc lllMP pro.iac{s itlttl lo
irrrprgvc [)oll's capacity olitl ct:rrrply rvitlt cxisting social acr:t)ttntability prituliccs lhal itt'r.: in litrr.'
rvith Ncpal's (irxld (iovr.lrnancc rcgitrc.

tlroposctl tctivi{ic{ {rl relr"r,lc*tl to first qbicc{ivc

l. Ilrcr:ting sigubortrds at thc projcct sitc:

t)ur;rose I AIong with tlisst'nrintling intportiutt irtlirnttaliort rclirted kr lhc prt:riucl.thu
signioards rlrpri** tlre.ltpnl p*nplc abclur lhc riglrt cititrrnc; 11v psgislcr lltcir uotnlrteltlti ilnrl
gricvancou relatcd to thc projcct.
Currenl strr{us:
r r) Majority o{' lhc ;:roiccts in Ncpal crccts signiroards lhal plovide sorttr: itltl'rot'llltti
ilr{i:rrlation rclalcd to tho projcct. Sincc lltc signboards atc onlylbr thr: llro.iccl pclirxl.
{hcy aru cillrcr disr:nlailccl or lcli rvilhrrrrl uny ntaintcntrrro$ allcr lhc cornph:tiotr ol'thtr
tr) Signlxrartls provide inlduquntc inlirnrraliorr rclnled 1o grievanscs lirr lhc lucal pcople trtd
civi I socicty rncmbcr.r.
t ) Ilrlbrnration displlryc'd ou tlrc signboarcls is rrol lorrlincly updutcd to irrcorporalcr r;hirrr$qs
rr('c'.onlrcl nurnbcr$, ctlst oi'tlrc projucls anti conrplctir>n ciate. arneng olltcrs.
'I'lrings to bc dottu
a) 'flrc prtlicct o['lrccr oi lX)l{ should ensure thfll thc sig,rrboirrds itrc rnaintitincd nncl lltr:
inlcrrnrlliorr displnycd on thc sigutrolrds is linrcly updalcd by tltc contrtotor.

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