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I(o r RAI pf tlm Inspeetor Geueral of

atlon'onil &mqlsslbner of
tfn. s.grletekd.r .Bang.biore.
f6qt ,Isnuary'Lg9O.

lhe reglstJntf,os of, th. .fiuqu*fB, .hfuarrti bre ceeiared
as oppos€d b, D,uhllc polrey by Eqvo'r@Fit trr exerclsa of poiiers
conferred *o"t seit{Fr-r eul' irl rr,.t} i' rresr'rt"rti* (*uro. tbtca
Am.rxrdnsi$) AeErr#?e ,,ln'Governoent ,tti.,tiflgatton (ri I:I) l-i? ,:.ItG
?6, d?!e4.14-8-19?9'(2) !D 44 Bl oeri{d €gr,i}.rsBl (A) hD r3?
dho ?b- drted t+-ro*rtg
(*l,,npiip'JHq ?.6 (p) rtate6's-7*rgBs
l' r
(S).Rp,13e- dRG ?6 dated EO,.6iIgSBi
' ' ' ' 1." '.{ :r,.ri,-i1! -. ti'i. ,.i :
1.'pugrxients efff.ethagt. tr€nsfer afl iLs.3tr1t ion. of
. lxrrla 'ln,' sonir*U&Rd.o*:, plf i*arrs d[a,*revindf on
of 'Frrgtorttatfdr 'mil Oonsoilldat&cur_ of Holdlnss
Ast rt960'-9p .tatenrted by'1rsFrataEA
Act NorlB,/?6t
g, qo-eum6n'iJ'fTrdeulng tr-tiUf*r of .1+i:,id tn contre*
uemtlon o't'the rsatatctt,on lrapue3d rilrdsr Seetlon-
6-1 of .tle.6er.pptala Land nEfoili ast and flrnei--
framed the're'iinite .
S" hcrments effeitlhg alXbnetlon of ldnd ln eontra-
lagtlgt of .Sestl,on ?e sf th., nr4uetalra Lsrd Beforms
4. Doaun€'nts effbat,tng transfer of, lsnds ln cqntra-
tentl'sn of 'provfplons of, the rlsrrataka l,snd Oiint,19@. !
5. Doeunents eff,.rstlng transfer Of lands tn crntrg-
w-atlon df uh; Brovlslons of ttp ersrnatakB VlU.ega
Offl cos ni bol"ttlon Act;lg8tr
'6, Dosrnents to terml,rutlon of tenaucy rtghfis
ln qonEareation of the r.arriatgha LaBd Eefoims - -'
?. Ibeuncmt* elfeettng transfar sf tshd tn contra-
ventlonsf tbc grovislong.of Urbau Land (Cel1lng
and Reguletton)- AotrrS?6 (c€D.trs} gct ffi of 19?6
deted l+tn Ogtobeu 1988.
8. pqcruents uont:ravonlng. tfre prqTlstsn$ gf Seettsn
?9-B Of the sgrnatf ha L.auC Eeforus AotrIgEI
( tnpoelag prohltrltion of hot-dtnd aeiicrittural .
lmd by ce-ntu'ln personB (t{o.Bil I38 $nG ?6 (p)
dated tr7-198{i. ,


9. [gouaq$ ts,glltfe st ln e ftl of ].9lq durrng the
ed'.tn uniifi-;e fii
shlci: ;t*pn pubtrlched dder \
trt of".i
g$ffi11ghlgi. ";i'f-8aT-1[;ili-
EutL'BB0tlon i.r) s Bi'-*of the Land AcouI

LO. Dorr:neats affgg!]nS.![,hntl..r uf lpnd ln retpect

i,r rF' ;*.
(iisrnst :4ffi tilffiiffi FiFF${ii'fit#o,
11.' Dqcuffents:_otfr*tdlhg tdanefer, of lano dur{,ng th.r
$ubstsgan.E_gf^,S igreement, e,jier.h rrr[o:S --:
lgttqrl_lv for the ptetrese or irira rlr&i S6c6-on
s6 o f th." B*ngE_+
(riarricrs*a loE ra ir ryggmint-i:Itrf;iiy-;;{i?ire
12.' 'afeu.tlr*e.:.fii"ns{er
Iogrpe+!1 o.f Elte- durlng the

dd;li i t-*ilrirffii u* "

+- ffi {$;$gr
ffi ##jstrffi Ir*ffiffi$.qiitflfirH;lirl*
-Ther96rs$arlng euthspltles t'or the rililffir*lo: elf xreertarnlng
nhEthor' tha do cnuBn t:' .pr'es eu.teu te+rc. rnd's:rn' m y. gf t he bovc
aetegorlss EaI eaLL re-r,ret.6sant tu&nc*tton froui the eqnserned
lnctud[ng tbe porty Srldigntlrg ,the o*cmirt,
. rn'sptts of ctrcular tnscrustionr ltatts{'f,rors to tlnae ,
lt has aQ$, tg ttrl, qf Govep,qEnt thst ttra s.yfu.l.t ef tho
gbove-notl,f,f.eatlsni bave not Ben fu1ly llqplepeatsd grd
lt has. q&: to ngtlse of thE Gorrrmnent.tFat the gub &gletrars
qre sstefthfnrnd' tlr* dodtuesrts ,for regt$trrttt* on the rev€nue
sltsg r Bvsn thorrgh the cou mr'nmt . ha?," ts*rr€d lartnrctlons
fre tluE to tlm te ett tlre Sub n"sf"tr."i fo rhe E;;;e nor ro
ent*tatn and riiilster thE.flceuneirt' tn ne.|"oi oi *r*ruc Ettes,
" It f*'"lro. dtlected that th+ .'$uU BeEtstrars shuuld lnslst
on emty PQr.{o4r.'$D pnnsents tbe aloorfieni'of ttre crtegorlds
apn.ttoued aborle for r.*tstraFlsn to prodrrce an afrttitavtt to
tne effeet'thr!. tb* pteposed trelrsectlq lnwtvlng thc transssr
of lan0s:fn t:ho sqr.,ecf,f;tdd surrey'puubu td.Ie not rau under
any of, the categqrlre.r of,.&cunents no,nfr"loped a.bore end also to
produoe 8US doernontaly evlddnc€Sr Fr@ qr er,tnrqts fram lndex
of'l,ards .sn{ rEcoTtlg of rlght": ,S8t*t,erc or rny other pmof,
to establ.lsh that tire ovcr*g @ thc doomeuts
"t-t r r rr rr3
pre sar ted fior regJ.strstlon dotss not cone urder tho purvlew of
tfie sald Notlf[ catlons.
At ttr r tlne of acceptanco of docu&ents for r;5lstration n

the Epgtstering offla.r sirould lnslst upon the p8rt,l'ls to produce

all tbe documentarX' ,videnees trr tvro s:ts r5rrly c. rtiliuC by thetn
as true copy. $ub Begistre,r shouLd fl]"u at'r d prt s I'v; onr set of
such coples tn htg offlce. TIE iegls t,,rlng offiqEr .1ft.r regL-
sl.jrlng such documents, affldavlts s; col1ect":dt
and evldenccs
should be sdlt to ttliJ Tshsilaers ot risp.crrvr Jurlsdictlont
uho in turn vl}l vurlfy the rraracity of such artldsvlts revldenccs
and lf th€re is aEy vlolstlon of the provlsions of tlre r.cts
specl fli.ed ln the aforesa!d nottrflcstlons, they ohould irnmedla-
t61y report thc matter to tt€ Deputy Coool ssioners and Ulstflct
Reglstrsrs of the d.lstrlct to 1n1tlat,. actlon.

A11ths Sub Reglstrars ln the State are her€ by dlrected

no! to reglster revslue slte6 and luplaent the above notlfl-
catlons strletly in conpllanco wtth the provlslons of the
p 3epectJ.rre ActE an il Rules. 6ny vltl)'atlo[ or lIfsg,ulerlty

notlcetl, scrious dlEcip$nary action will' be ta ken egalnst the

o fflccrs oonc,r:lned besldes r€po rttng ths rrntter to the

'ic.ur" ; ktmnffif- #t/'',.FIP
Gopy tor
l" A]1 the D*rp uty CorrrnlssloneF ln tho titate for I'nforoa tlon
2. All ths Dtstrlct Reglstlars/Deputy iomnlsslondrs (DUo) ln
th.) Stat, for lnformetltrn
3. lr11 thd Assistant 0omrol s stonqls ln thc Etetc fo! lnlormatlon
4. Atl the Insp;ctor of Reglstratluns for Informatlr:u
5. AIt the luh$ildars tr thg btate for lnforuatXou
6, I11 the Sub Ite gl st rars ln th" $i:atc for lnformatlon &
t s6tT actlon.
?. Auolt $ection of Hcad office 6. Ct rar].8! fll{) 9'Spere

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