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Automata: Privacy-First and Cross-Chain

Compute Protocol
Automata Team


The booming of Internet-based businesses has brought us to a juncture
where important questions have arisen on where we are headed. While

enjoying the great benefits from instant inter-connectivity, highly cus-
tomized services, as well as ”free of charge” offerings, the darker side of
the evolution also manifests. Lack of transparency in data ownership, dic-
tating censorship criteria, relentless intrusion into personal privacy, just

to name a few. All of these are calling for a fundamental paradigm shift
in terms of how businesses, users, and data shall interact with each other.
As blockchain technology starts to gain both attention and traction,
the idea of a decentralized Web, or Web 3.0, sounds particularly promising.
It seems to promise a future where users collectively own and govern
applications and businesses that they interact with. When that vision
is realized, we will no longer worry about data and privacy matters, as
no one would be setting the rules other than the users themselves. The

proliferation of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications in the past few

months seems to have accelerated the transition into Web 3.0.
Nevertheless, reality checks would state otherwise. Up to now, there

is a fundamental divide between what is available for Web 3.0 and what
is needed to build the Internet-grade applications today. For one, the
transparency of blockchains albeit pushing for greater accountability in
decentralized applications, can easily be abused to violate user privacy.

A typical example is all these frontrunning tricks that will cause victim
users of losses, large or small, when they are trading with decentralized
exchanges today. Moreover, the intrinsic nature of redundant computation

in blockchains could become prohibitively costly when applied in scale.

Imagine high performance e-commerce applications that need to process
tens of thousands of transactions per second, and they would not be able

to wait for several blockchain nodes to each ”double check” the results
and try to agree with each other.
To solves these roadblocks to make Web 3.0 practical and usable
at the Internet-grade, we develop Automata, a high performance com-
pute protocol that empowers Web 3.0 applications and businesses with
privacy-first, high assurance and friction-less transactions. Backward-
compatibility with today’s existing decentralized applications is a key
design criterion. The mission of Automata is to provide the necessary
primitives, functionalities as well as infrastructures to make realizing the
Web 3.0 vision a reality. In this paper, we outline how we plan to achieve

this mission via the Automata system.

1 Introduction
With the presence of the Internet dominance of IT giants, like Google [1], Face-
book [2] and Amazon [3], users get used to providing their personal data to these
companies with or without their consent, in exchange for convenient services like
customized recommendations of news feeds and online shopping products. The
recent Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal drastically attracts users’
attention to their privacy, as Facebook let Cambridge Analytica harvest the per-
sonal data of millions of people’s Facebook profiles without their consent [4, 5, 6].

Users may have trust in Facebook, but they would not have any trust in any
unknown third party. While more and more incidents show the evidence that

centralized parties can leak users’ private data to others, users start to seek
alternatives to meet their needs, e.g., blockchains and decentralized applica-
tions. Users use blockchains, like Ethereum [7], to transfer their digital assets
for payments. They use P2P file-sharing systems like StorJ [8] and IPFS [9], to

host their own data, and use P2P microblogging service like Peepeth, to tweet
their messages in a decentralized manner. People are willing to take control
of their data and privacy. However, trusting unknown nodes in blockchain or
decentralized application platforms will not be safer than trusting the central-
ized and well-know entities, as the execution and storage on the nodes typically
are public. In the permissionless blockchain systems, if malicious nodes host
the execution or data for the users, they can reveal the private information of
particular users.

The impact of privacy leakage in the blockchain space starts becoming sev-
erer than what we have thought with the emergence of decentralized finance ap-

plications, especially on Ethereum. For the past several years, DeFi applications
are the most attractive and successful applications on blockchain platforms, in-
cluding DEXes like Uniswap [10] and Curve [11] as well as lending protocols
like Maker DAO [12] and AAVE [13]. The total value (of digital assets) locked

of these applications has surpassed 10 billion USD on Ethereum [14]. However,

due to the transparency and lack of privacy protections, the blockchain plat-
forms like Ethereum are becoming the dark forest, where bots and miners can

behave as apex predators to frontrun the transactions from ordinary users with
higher gas fees and other methods [15]. When finding an opportunity to arbi-

trage, e.g., buying a digital asset at a low price on a dex and selling at a high
price on another dex, the bots or miners can replicate the transactions from
users with higher gas fees and their own addresses to let the network prioritize
and accept the replicated transaction instead of the first proposed one. Such
front-running attacks have occurred in the real world multiple times, and dras-
tically disrupt the execution of on-chain bidding process for numerous digital
assets [16], which completely bias the fairness of these decentralized systems
and cause huge financial damage to blockchain users.
Newly launched projects have tried to apply various privacy-related primi-

tives to blockchain systems. For instance, Zcash [17] leverages Zero-Knowledge
Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARK) [18, 19, 20, 21]
to provide anonymity for senders and receivers. Monero applies ring signature
to achieve the similar anonymity. For more general-purpose decentralized ap-
plications, Enigma [22] and Oasis [23] use trusted hardware say Intel SGX to
run private smart contracts in a trusted enclave. This can achieve better per-
formance compared to zero-knowledge proof systems [24] and secure multiparty
computation [25]. However, these approaches can only provide confidentiality,
for which the data itself is hidden against malicious nodes. They do not ensure
a high degree of privacy, which prevents malicious nodes from inferring users’
private information (such as secret keys and user queries [26, 27]) based on
the data access patterns, like the frequency of accessing a particular region of

RAM/disk or a storage node in a P2P system. Since these platforms are per-
missionless, and malicious nodes can easily join the system to execute contracts

or host data, these nodes can further launch attacks to infer users’ personal
information, which is against the expectation of users that decentralization is a
safer place for privacy than a centralized entity. Privacy in decentralized appli-
cations is a zero-sum game. If the decentralized platform cannot provide better

privacy, why can users have more trust in unfamiliar nodes in the network than
the properly registered centralized entity?
In this work, we use a combination of our previous work OblivP2P [28],
PRO-ORAM [29] and SGXP2P [30], and base on state-of-the-art algorithms
(e.g., Oblivious RAM) and trusted hardware (e.g., Intel SGX), to protect user
privacy by concealing data access patterns on a single node as well as multiple
nodes in a P2P system. To further enrich the blockchain ecosystem, we pro-

pose Automata, a privacy-first cross-chain compute protocol for decentralized

applications. The strong privacy can guarantee that the remote nodes cannot
leak any information such as which data is being accessed, when the data was

last accessed and the access pattern is sequential or random, etc.

In Automata, capable machines can join the protocol as two type of nodes,
Automata Validator and Automata Geode, contributing to decentralization,
security and performance of the protocol.

Automata Validator is required to stake a decent amount of tokens and in

charge of various control-plane tasks, e.g., registration of Automata Node and

Automata Geode from community, attestation of Geode hardware and soft-

ware, marketplace for selling and buying computing power of Geode, fulfilment
of compute tasks requested by service vendors, as well as rewarding Geode that

complete the tasks.

Automata Geode provides a shielded, unbiased and decluttered computation
environment, to execute tasks scheduled by the control plane. Geode utilizes
the state-of-the-art hardware-based trust along with algorithm-based hardening
to preserve a high degree of privacy, not only protecting the data directly but
also making the data access patterns oblivious to Geode provider. Geode is able
to connect to different ledgers or blockchains to co-operate the same piece of
data or transfer data across chains in a privacy-preserving manner.

We envision Automata to provide high applicability for decentralized appli-
cations to achieve versatile functionalities apart from the present token-related

Contributions. We summarize our contributions below:

• Privacy-first cross-chain service plane. Automata empowers decen-
tralized applications with privacy services connecting various blockchains.
Service vendors can build tooling services using Geode or integrate Geode
primitive into applications to let users take control over their own data.
• Shielded and unbiased compute plane. Automata enables high

degree of privacy for computation in Geode, which conceals data access
patterns against the hosting nodes themselves on a single machine as well

as in a P2P system. The provided privacy can be even stronger than
centralized cloud services, e.g., AWS and Google cloud platform.
• Elastic and scalable control plane. Automata provides an elastic
control plane operated by a group of staking nodes, which safeguards the

entire protocol and governs the interactions between various participants
in the protocol.
• Collaborative reward mechanism for staking and hosting. Au-
tomata provides a pay-as-you-go service for service vendors seeking privacy-
first compute resources. Geode providers will earn reward from staking as
well as hosting the Geode. Automata validators and other roles can earn
staking rewards as compensation for their cooperation and maintenance

• Unified cross-chain support for interoperability. Automata pro-

vides interfaces for multiple blockchains to exchange data and cooperate

on the agreed set of data in an atomic and privacy-preserving manner.
• Verifiable accounting mechanism. We use various accounting meth-

ods to calculate the reward of Geode when it completes the assigned tasks.
The payment method can be a pay-as-you-go model, which allows users

to pay for a computation per usage, or timely manner like hourly, daily,
monthly or yearly.
• Applicability and Speed for decentralized applications. The ul-

timate goal of Automata is to provide toolings for developers to build

powerful applications without explicit constraints, which can compete with
web or mobile applications in general.

2 Overview
Automata has four planes, i.e., ledger, control, compute, and service plane,
as shown in Figure 1. The ledger plane represents various blockchain systems,

Service Plane Service User

resources configurations
fees Vendor
Compute Plane Geode

attestation Geode
rewards proof of execution tasks Attestor

Control Plane Validator registration Geode


Ledger Plane Ledger Validator

Figure 1: The overview of Automata architecture
e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum, which can act as a global distributed ledger system
for the purpose of payment settlement and task registration. The control plane
is the coordinator to outsource tasks, distribute rewards (like gas fees) from
ledger plane to compute plane, manages the registration of Automata Validator

and Automata Geode with stakes, and evaluates the performance of these
nodes. The control plane consists of a group of validator to ensure the security

and integrity of the system. The compute plane is for Geodes to accept and
accomplish tasks assigned by the control plane. Any machine that meets the
requirements of trusted hardware such as SGX [31] or TrustZone [32], can join
Automata to become a Geode.

One of the main goals of Automata is to ensure the privacy of Automata

Geode. We leverage our previous works OblivP2P [28], PRO-ORAM [29] and
SGXP2P [30], as well as the state-of-the-art ORAM and SGX techniques to

achieve the obliviousness of the data access patterns for Geodes. The strong
privacy can ensure the Geode itself learn no information about 1) which data is

being accessed; 2) when the data was last accessed; 3) whether the same data
is being accessed (linkability); 4) the access pattern is sequential, random, etc;
or 5) whether the access is a read or a write, as described in Definition 2.1.

2.1 Threat Model

In our threat model, we consider a global adversary, which can actively mon-
itor the traces of users to do further analysis. For example, there exist tools
like Global BitTorrent Monitor [33] or BitStalker [34] that support accurate

and efficient monitoring of BitTorrent. Previous research has shown that any
BitTorrent user can be logged within a span of 3 hours, revealing the digital
identity and the content downloaded [35]. Meanwhile, some of the nodes in
the network can also be controlled by the adversary. They can further collude
to exchange data with other adversarial peers in the system, such as observed
/ served requests and the contents stored at their local storage. In real-world
blockchain platforms like Ethereum, the adversary can monitor on-chain trans-
actions using bots or running nodes to frontrun the existing transactions with
higher gas. In Automata, compute plane nodes are required to have trusted
hardwares, which guarantee the untampered execution even in the presence of a
malicious provider who has privileged control of the underlying infrastructure,
such as OS, memory and disks. The adversarial nodes can take arbitrary ac-

tions as long as it does not violate the guarantees of trusted hardware (e.g.,
Intel SGX).

2.2 Background
Square-Root ORAM. Oblivious RAM, introduced by Goldreich and Ostro-

vsky [36], is a cryptographic primitive that prevents an adversary from inferring
any information via the memory access pattern. √
√The square-root ORAM scheme [36], uses N + N permuted memory and
a N stash memory, both of them are stored encrypted on the √ untrusted cloud
storage. The permuted memory contains N real blocks and N dummy blocks
arranged according to a pseudo-random permutation π. To access a block,
the protocol first scans the entire stash deterministically for the block. If the
requested block is found in the stash then the protocol makes a fake access

to a dummy block in the permuted memory. Otherwise, it accesses the real

block from the permuted memory. √The accessed block is then written to the

stash by re-encrypting the entire N stash memory. The key trick here is
that all accesses exhibit a deterministic access order to the adversarial server,
namely: a deterministic scan of the stash elements, followed by an access to
a real or dummy block in permuted memory, √ followed by a final re-encrypted

write and update to the stash. After every N requests, the protocol updates
the permuted memory with the stash values and obliviously permutes (shuffles)
incurs O(N log2 N ) overhead, resulting in an

it randomly. This shuffling

√ step 2
amortized latency of O( N log N ) per request.

Tree-based ORAM. Tree-based ORAM introduced by Shi et al. [37] of-

fers a poly-logarithmic overhead which is further reduced due to improvements
suggested in the follow up works [38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43]. In particular, Ring
ORAM, [39] is one of the latest improvements for tree-based ORAM. In Ring
ORAM, to store N data blocks, the memory is organized in a (roughly) log N -
height full binary tree, where each node contains z real blocks and s dummy
blocks. Whenever a block is accessed in the tree, it is associated to a new ran-
domly selected leaf identifier called, tag. The client stores this association in a
position map PosMap along with a private storage (stash). To read and write

to the untrusted memory, the client performs an Access followed by an Evict
operation described at a high level as follows:

• Access(adr): Given address adr, the client fetches the leaf identifier tag
from PosMap. Given tag, the client downloads one block per every node
in the path P(tag) that starts from the root and ends with the leaf tag.
The client decrypts the retrieved blocks, and retrieves the desired block.
This block is appended to the stash.
• Evict(A, ν): After A accesses, the client selects a path P(ν) based on a
deterministic reverse lexicographic order, downloads the path, decrypts it
and appends it to the stash. The client runs the least common ancestor
algorithm to sort the blocks as in [38]. Finally, the client freshly encrypts

the blocks and writes them back to the nodes in the path.

The stash is upper bounded by O(log N ). The overall bandwidth may reach
' 2.5 log N , for N blocks stored. In Ring ORAM, eviction happens periodically
after a controllable parameter A = 2z accesses where z is the number of blocks
in each bucket [39].

ORAM Security definition. We use the standard security definition for
ORAMs [44, 45, 39]. Intuitively, the security definition requires that the server
learns nothing about the access pattern. In other words, no information should
be leaked about: 1) which data is being accessed; 2) when the data was last
accessed; 3) whether the same data is being accessed (linkability); 4) the access
pattern is sequential, random, etc; or 5) whether the access is a read or a write.

Definition 2.1
Let →
−y := ((op1 , u1 , data1 ), (op2 , u2 , data2 ), ..., (opL , uL , dataL )) denote a

data request sequence of length L, where each opi denotes a read(ui ) or

a write(ui , datai ) operation. Specifically, ui denotes the identifier of the
block being read or written, and datai denotes the data being written. Let
y ) denote the sequence of accesses to the storage given the sequence

of data requests → −y . An ORAM construction is said to be secure if for

any two data request sequences → −
y and → −z of the same length, their ac-

− →

cess patterns A( y ) and A( z ) are computationally indistinguishable by

anyone but the client.


Intel SGX. Recently, Intel proposed support for a trusted hardware primitive
called Software Guard Extensions (SGX). With SGX, we can create isolated
memory regions called enclaves which are inaccessible to the underlying oper-
ating system or any other application. SGX allows the creation of hardware-
isolated private memory region or enclaved memory. For SGX CPUs, BIOS
allocates a certain region for processor reserved memory (PRM) at the time
of boot up. The underlying CPU reserves a part of this PRM to create en-
claves. All the code and data in the enclaved memory is inaccessible even to the

App Code
Secure User
ORAM Controller

Memory Disk

Position Map

Figure 2: Obliviousness on a single machine.

privileged software such as the OS. It guarantees confidentiality of the private

data within enclaves from the adversary. Along with enclaved execution, SGX-

enabled CPUs support remote attestation of the software executing within an
enclave. This security features enables a remote party to verify the integrity
of the software executing on an untrusted platform such as the compute plane.
Further, it supports local attestation between two enclaves executing on the
same machine. These enclaves can then establish a secure channel and commu-
nicate with each other. One can perform such attestation of an enclave program
as described in the SGX Programming Reference [31].

3 Automata in Depth

3.1 Privacy-First Cross-Chain Service Plane

Service Plane. The service plane provides privacy-preserving services directly

facing the user base from different blockchain networks. Anyone can be a service
vendor developing these services targeting users from one or multiple networks,
by utilizing the privacy primitives of Geode as well as the ability of running code

in native or various virtual machines (e.g., EVM, WASM). With less constraints
in Geode, services can do more than then present blockchains, such as running a
trusted gateway to forward user inputs to other blockchain services with privacy

enhanced, creating a API service to provision information derived from secrets,

or even integrating the application closely with Geode for better security and

3.2 Shield and Unbiased Compute Plane

Compute Plane. As shown in Figure 1, the compute plane accepts tasks
scheduled by the control plane and submit proof of execution and performance

Ledger Plane
payment states
register & join
& task states
Control Plane Validator

workloads register & join
& rewards

Compute Plane

Figure 3: Elastic and scalable control plane

to it to own the reward. We leverage PRO-ORAM, OblivP2P and other lat-

est ORAM techniques to ensure the obliviousness for data access patterns of
the computation and storage in Automata Geode. More specifically, for any
Geode, we use ORAM primitives including PRO-ORAM [29] and ZeroTrace [46]
to hide the access patterns against the hosting machine. The guaranteed degree

of privacy is even higher than the one provided by centralized cloud services,
e.g., Amazon Web Services(AWS) [47] and Google cloud platform [48], as these
platforms still may have the implicit access to users’ code and data, or at least
they have the privilege to monitor the data access patterns via hypervisor or
hardware. Further, with the support of trusted hardware, we can also provide a
confidential execution environment for users to run their own algorithms with-
out giving away the license or making code public. This could attract more

Web and mobile developers to build their applications in a decentralized and

privacy-preserving manner. As shown in Figure 2, via a secure channel, a user
can execute code in an enclave and our ORAM controller will manage the data

in RAM or disk oblivious against the node itself. Both the user’s code and
data are protected by our system. According to previous research studies, this
approach may introduce 2 - 3x overhead compared to the program executing
in an unprotected environment. Considering the benefits of privacy and con-

fidentiality as well as the slowness of the present blockchains (like 5-mins to

1-hour confirmation time), this overhead is acceptable for the vast majority

of blockchain users. Meanwhile, Automata also allows the user to select the
desired degree of privacy. If privacy is not a concern, the compute plane can
provide a pure confidential execution environment to only ensure the code and

data integrity. Based on the gas fees paid by a user and also privacy degree, the
control plane can instruct the compute plane to select one or multiple nodes to
serve the user for a period of time, e.g., one hour, day and month.

3.3 Elastic and Scalable Control Plane

Control Plane. The control plane is the coordinator between the ledger plane
and the compute plane as shown in Figure 3. In the ledger plane, there can
be multiple blockchains acting as the payment and task assignment channels

for Automata. The control plane receives the tasks and gas fees from service
vendors and distribute them to the compute plane. The control plane handles
the registration of Automata Node and Automata Geode. For each type
of node, the requirement varies, e.g., control nodes are required to have more
stakes, compute nodes need powerful trusted hardware.If there’s any misbehav-
ior on a control node, the node will be punished by slashing a portion of its
stakes. If the node is offline for a long time, it will be removed from the plane
and be penalized with a large amount of stakes. To reach consensus on various
decisions, e.g., task assignment and penalty for nodes, the control nodes runs
Proof-of-Stake protocol safeguard the network. In the future, they can also
can run BFT-like protocols or the highly-efficient consensus protocols proposed
in SGXP2P [30]. Upon the completion of the tasks, the control plane will ac-

count the performance of nodes and reward them with the gas fees charged from
service vendors.

3.4 Collaborative Reward Mechanism for Staking and Gas
To join Automata as an Automata Node or Automata Geode, an amount

of stakes is required to constrain the node from behaving maliciously or being
offline without completing tasks. When a user pays for the compute/storage
resources as gas fees in the ledger plane, a small portion (e.g., 15%) of gas
fees will be distributed to the control nodes to cover their maintenance cost
and reward them. The vast majority of the fees (e.g., 85%) goes to Geodes,
which provide the resources and services for the user. With more users and
developers use the services provided by Automata, both Automata Node
and Automata Geode can earn rewards collaboratively.

3.5 Unified Cross-Chain Support for Interoperability


The cross-chain communication with data exchange has been a critical hurdle
against the smart contract development for a long time. The primary difficulty
lies in the inconsistency of data and block formats for different blockchains, thus

it’s quite hard for various platforms to support a unified interface to perform
cross-chain operations for smart contracts. This service enables contracts not
only to exchange data across chains, but also to co-operate on computation

and storage in a privacy-preserving manner. This further provides opportuni-

ties for developers to build collaborative decentralized applications like Google

Docs [49] and Slack [50]. By placing our cross-chain service contracts on multi-
ple blockchains, we can provide a unified interface for contracts to interoperate
on various ledgers.
To reward Automata Node and Automata Geode in a more convincing
way, we need a better evaluation system for their performance. For the nodes,
they can run consensus protocols periodically to evaluate each other’s perfor-
mance such as online time and # of signatures. For the Geode in compute plane,
we apply the various techniques [51], especially using the primitives provided
by Intel SGX [30] to quantify the resources used by the compute node, e.g.,

CPU time, memory, I/O bytes and network bandwidth. For the Geode with
storage, apart from the above methods, we can also leverage proof of retriev-
ability [52, 53] to verify the availability of the data. To ensure data availability,
the on-demand replica mechanism can provide multiple replicas for users to
meet their requirements. Further, advanced algorithms for data availability or
recovery may also be applied to achieve more efficient data fetch/store in this
decentralized system [54, 55, 56].
Automata provides privacy-first compute resources for service vendors to
develop full-fledged and versatile Dapps, which can compete with web/mobile
apps. Developers will not face the constraints in present blockchains, such
as limited set of features or APIs, long confirmation time. When a developer
creates a website-like Dapp on Automata he or she can perform the payment on

any supported ledger and the compute resources will be used to serve users who
view the site. When web users click the advertisements on the site, the developer

is encouraged to share a small portion of the revenue with the control plane
of Automata in return, to further support the system maintenance. Besides
website, developers can also build privacy-preserving file sharing Dapps, and
various decentralized finance apps like DEX to achieve low-latency and prompt

user experience and compete with centralized exchanges.
4 Related Work
Decentralized Compute Confidential Compute Privacy-preserving Compute Decentralized Storage Confidential Storage Privacy-preserving Storage
IPFS é é é Ë Ë é
StorJ é é é Ë Ë é

MaidSafe é é é Ë Ë é
Oasis ? Ë é é Ë é
Enigma ? Ë é é Ë é
Golem ? Ë é é Ë é

Blockstack Ë é é Ë Ë é
Truebit ? é é é é é

Table 1: Comparison to other systems or projects.


Comparison to existing solutions. In Table 1, IPFS [9] is the leading

project that enables peer-to-peer file and resources sharing for blockchain users.
Storj [8], MaidSafe [57] and other systems provide similar services but with dif-

ferent algorithms. These solutions allow end users to encrypt their data and
upload to the platform to ensure the confidentiality of the data. However,
they do not provide a comprehensive privacy-preserving mechanism to protect
users’ data privacy, especially data access patterns. At the same time, they are
more focused on the data decentralization, but not confidential and privacy-first
compute providers. Besides decentralized storage, Blockstack [58] also provides
decentralized computation but without confidentiality. Truebit [59] presents a
protocol to assist Ethereum smart contracts to outsource heavy computational

tasks to off-chain nodes via a secure way, but it does not ensure the confidential-
ity and privacy of the code and data. Oasis [23], Enigma [22] and Golem [60] all
embrace SGX and leverage its primitives to offer a confidential execution envi-
ronment for smart contracts, which amplifies the smart contract’s capabilities.
Nevertheless, they are not designed to provide a high degree of privacy for the
computation and storage, especially P2P storage. Since these systems are per-
missionless to the public to join as nodes, they also open the door for malicious
nodes to sniff and infer the private information of their hosted users. When
taking frontrunning into consideration, all of the existing protocols do not pro-
vide a comprehensive solution to eliminate the frontrunning attacks, and few of
them offer mitigations but still leak access patterns to the unknow host nodes.
To some extent, privacy of Automata is a must for all decentralized systems

or applications. Compared to the existing approaches, Automata is the first
system to provide privacy-first feature for both compute and storage planes,

which is also frontrunning-resistant.

5 Conclusion

Privacy is always one of the primary concerns when users move their data from
a centralized entity to a decentralized system. The vast majority of the present
blockchain systems are acting as decent global distributed ledger systems but are
not designed to resolve the privacy matters in a decentralized way. Therefore,
developers could not build versatile Dapps on the current blockchain systems,
which can compete with web or mobile applications. In this work, we provide
Automata, a privacy-first infrastructure for Dapps, which enables develop-

ers to build any existing web/mobile apps or new apps in a decentralized and
frontrunning-resistant manner.

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