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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 74, 052304 共2006兲

Steady-state entanglement in open and noisy quantum systems

L. Hartmann,1 W. Dür,1,2 and H.-J. Briegel1,2

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Innsbruck, Austria
共Received 6 February 2006; published 3 November 2006兲
We show that quantum mechanical entanglement can prevail in noisy open quantum systems at high tem-
perature and far from thermodynamical equilibrium, despite the deteriorating effect of decoherence. The
system consists of a number N of interacting quantum particles, and can interact and exchange particles with
some environments. The effect of decoherence is counteracted by a simple mechanism, where system particles
are randomly reset to some standard initial state, e.g., by replacing them with particles from the environment.
We present a master equation that describes this process, which we can solve analytically for small N. If we
vary the interaction strength and the reset against decoherence rate, we find a threshold below which the
equilibrium state is classically correlated and above which there is a parameter region with genuine

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.74.052304 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Mn, 03.65.Yz

I. INTRODUCTION i.e., it is supposed to interact only locally with the system

particles, leading to individual decoherence. Furthermore, it
Although in quantum computation and communication cannot “import” any entanglement into the system 共e.g., by
the relevance of entanglement is undisputable and a number exchanging two system particles with a pair of entangled
of existing protocols use specific entangled states as re- particles from the environment, nor by some other external
sources, the situation is not so clear in less controlled, mac- control as it is, e.g., assumed in quantum error correction兲.
roscopic systems, such as solids or fluids, consisting of a 共iv兲 The system may exchange particles with the environ-
large number of particles, which interact with each other and ment, in which case the number N may fluctuate around
with the environment. Theoretical studies of so-called spin some average value N̄. An example for a system fulfilling
chains and lattices 关1,2兴 show that 共bipartite and multipartite兲 共i–iv兲 is a spin gas 关6兴, where particles carrying a spin degree
entanglement is present in these systems, at least at low tem- of freedom move freely and interact for a short time on col-
peratures when they are close to their energetic ground state lision. The particles are subjected to individual decoherence
关3兴. This can be qualitatively understood from the fact that between two collisional events, and also the number of sys-
the ground state of most interacting systems is entangled tem particles may fluctuate. We remark that condition 共iii兲
with respect to their interacting constituents. By a continuity may not be fulfilled in certain situations, e.g., for strongly
argument, then, one expects this to be true also for small interacting systems coupled to a thermal bath. In this situa-
temperatures. The situation is different, however, for gas- tion, interactions between the compound system and the en-
type systems and systems at higher temperatures, or, more vironment may drive transitions to entangled states, allowing
generally, systems that are also allowed to exchange particles for entanglement of the thermal state at low temperatures.
with the environment and that may be far from thermody- However, a local decoherence mechanism as demanded in
namical equilibrium. Examples of such systems include 共iii兲 共which especially takes account of gas-type scenarios
man-made devices, such as the laser 关4,5兴, but also, e.g., where system particles move in a background gas of other
biomolecular processes in cells. molecules with which they collide兲, makes it much more
We study gas-type quantum systems from the perspective difficult to obtain steady-state entanglement.
of quantum information. The main question is whether in In this paper, we identify a simple mechanism that satis-
interacting systems, where the individual constituents are fies the criteria given above and can still lead to entangle-
subjected to decoherence and where the particle numbers ment in a steady state not necessarily close to the ground
may fluctuate, entanglement can exist in steady state. Except state or thermal state of the interaction Hamiltonian. The
in situations with very special decoherence mechanisms or in mechanism corresponds to replacing randomly 共and at a
strongly interacting systems at sufficiently low temperature, given rate r兲 system particles with particles from the envi-
one expects that decoherence diminishes and inevitably de- ronment in some standard, sufficiently pure, single-particle
stroys entanglement. Here, we consider a system of N inter- state. The main purpose of this mechanism is that it locally
acting quantum particles 共qubits, for simplicity兲 and ask extracts entropy from the system. Thereby, existing entangle-
whether entanglement can exist under the following condi- ment between the to-be-replaced particle and the rest of the
tions: 共i兲 The interaction between the particles is capable of system is destroyed, but the “fresh” particle is ready to be-
creating entanglement within the system. 共ii兲 There is an in- come entangled with the system via the interaction Hamil-
teraction between the particles and an environment, which tonian. This simple mechanism is equivalent to a situation
will lead to decoherence on the state space of the system. 共iii兲 where each particle is measured with the rate r and then reset
The environment is not allowed to introduce entanglement, to a standard state 共ignoring the correlations with the other

1050-2947/2006/74共5兲/052304共5兲 052304-1 ©2006 The American Physical Society


particles兲. This mechanism, taken alone, certainly cannot in-

troduce entanglement into the system, as it acts locally on the
individual particles. However, in combination with the inter-
Lnoise␳ = 兺 −
再 B
s关␴−共i兲␴+共i兲␳ + ␳␴−共i兲␴+共i兲 − 2␴+共i兲␳␴−共i兲兴

action between system particles, it is able to create fresh B

entanglement on an appropriate coarse-grained time scale, − 共1 − s兲关␴+共i兲␴−共i兲␳ + ␳␴+共i兲␴−共i兲 − 2␴−共i兲␳␴+共i兲兴

and thus to counteract the effect of decoherence. The mecha-
nism bears some analogy with driven systems, such as an 2C − B
− 关␳ − ␴z共i兲␳␴z共i兲兴 ,
atomic-beam laser, where excited atoms are injected into a 4
laser cavity, providing a resource of energy in the form of via
where ␴± = 共␴x ± i␴y兲 / 2 and the ␴s are Pauli operators. Pa-
stimulated emission of photons, thereby maintaining the state
rameters B and C give the decay rate of inversion 具 2 z 典 and
of the laser field. Similar as in laser theory, we find a thresh-
polarization 具␴±典, and s = 具 2 z 典⬁ 苸 关0 , 1兴 depends on tem-
old: If, for a given decoherence and interaction strength, and
at some sufficiently high temperature, we increase the reset perature T, where s = 1 / 2 corresponds to T = ⬁. This form of
rate r, we find a threshold value below which the steady state the noise channel is based on certain approximations, e.g.,
of the spins is always classically correlated, while for larger the Markov approximation. Note, however, that this is not an
values of r the system shows quantum correlations 共i.e., en- essential assumption in the present context, but it simplifies
tanglement兲. the analytic treatment. The reset channel corresponds to an
In the language of reservoir theory 关4兴, such a system is additional term specified by the Liouville operator Lreset,
coupled to two different reservoirs: one at high temperature which we model as follows:

Lreset␳ = r 兺 共兩␹i典i具␹i兩tri␳ − ␳兲.

being responsible for decoherence, and a second at low tem-
perature providing fresh particles with low entropy. The sys- i=1,2
tem is thus far away from thermodynamical equilibrium. An
example of such a situation has been studied in Ref. 关7兴 in a The expression means that with some probability r␦t particle
cavity QED setup with only incoherent sources, where i, i = 1 , . . . , N, is reset during the time interval ␦t to some
steady-state entanglement was observed and linked to a sto- specific state 兩␹i典i, while the other qubits are left in the state
chastic resonance phenomenon. We remark that we refer to tri␳. The total master equation is then given by
the temperature of the hot bath responsible for decoherence N
when talking about temperature in the following 共and not to ␳˙ = − i关H, ␳兴 + Lnoise␳ + 兺 r共兩␹i典i具␹i兩tri␳ − ␳兲. 共1兲
temperature of the system兲. Remarkably, our proposed local i=1

reset mechanism allows one to obtain steady-state entangle- We have checked that this equation is of Lindblad form 关9兴,
ment quite generically, independent of the specific interac- and hence, it generates a time evolution of ␳ described by a
tion Hamiltonian and of the details of system-environment completely positive map.
coupling, and also in the case of fluctuating particle numbers.
In Sec. II we capture the essential features of such open
and noisy systems in a toy model consisting of only two A. Ising Hamiltonian and dephasing channel
qubits. We give the master equation describing the quantum- For N = 2, we have analytically solved the equation for
mechanical interaction, individual noise channels, and the Heisenberg and Ising Hamiltonians, HH = g␴ ជ 共1兲 · ␴ជ 共2兲, HI
reset mechanism, satisfying conditions 共i–iii兲. We solve the 共1兲 共2兲
= g␴z ␴z , where g 艌 0 is the coupling strength. In the fol-
master equation and obtain fully analytic expressions for the lowing, we will illustrate the essential features for the Ising
entanglement in the system. In Sec. III, we show that the Hamiltonian HI, and decoherence by a purely dephasing
properties of the toy model carry over to larger systems, even channel. This amounts to setting B = 0 共then s is arbitrary兲
with fluctuating particle numbers. Finally, we give a short and C = ␥, leading to Lnoise = ␥ / 2兺i=1,2共␴z共i兲␳␴z共i兲 − ␳兲. Finally,
summary of the results. we consider the case 兩␹i典i = 兩 + 典i, where ␴x兩 + 典 = 兩 + 典 is an
eigenstate of ␴x. The choice of the reset state 兩␹i典i depends on
the Hamiltonian H, which should be able to create entangle-
II. MODEL ment from the resulting product state. The Ising Hamiltonian
could, e.g., not create any entanglement if 兩␹i典i = 兩0典.
The system consists of N qubits that interact with each The two-qubit master equation now takes the following
other, and we describe the interaction on a coarse-grained form:
time scale by an effective Hamiltonian H. In this paper, we

concentrate on gas-type scenarios with short-time interac- ␳˙ = − i关H, ␳兴 + 兺 2
共␴z共i兲␳␴z共i兲 − ␳兲 + r共兩 + 典i具+ 兩tri␳ − ␳兲.
tions, but systems with continuous couplings between system i=1,2
components show a similar behavior. Additionally, the par- 共2兲
ticles are subject to decoherence described by a noise chan-
nel and to a reset channel, modeling the system’s interaction For r = 0, the steady state of this master equation is diagonal
with the environment. We describe the noise channel Lnoise in the product basis 兩s1典兩s2典, with s1 , s2 苸 兵0 , 1其, and ␴z共j兲兩s j典
by the Lindblad operator 关8兴 = 共−1兲 j兩s j典 共z basis兲, and there is no entanglement. The


dephasing channel, described by the ␥ part, eventually de-

stroys all entanglement that may initially exist or may be
created for a short period of time 共small compared to ␥−1兲.
For r → ⬁, we can neglect the Hamiltonian and decoher-
ence parts, and the density matrix will be quasi-permanently
projected into the product of two 兩 + 典-states, and again there
will be no entanglement between the qubits. The question is
this: Between these two extremes—a pure product state on
the one hand and a classically correlated state on the other
hand—is there a combination of parameters g 共Hamiltonian兲,
␥ 共decoherence兲, and r 共reset兲 such that the steady state will
be entangled? Now we show that this is indeed the case.
To solve the master equation 共2兲, we expand the
density operator in the z basis: ␳共t兲 FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Separable states 共white area兲 and en-
= 兺s⬘,s⬘,s ,s =0Cs⬘,s⬘;s1,s2共t兲 兩 s1⬘ , s2⬘典具s1 , s2兩. In this basis, the mas-
1 tangled states 共shaded area兲 in the r-g plane, where r is the rate of
1 2 1 2 1 2 our reset process and g is the coupling strength in the Ising Hamil-
ter equation takes the form of the following 16 coupled, lin- tonian; we use ␥−1 = 1 as unit time scale. The shading encodes the
ear, differential equations for the coefficients:

amount of entanglement measured by the negativity: the darker the
area, the more entanglement is present. Three lines are marked in
Ċs⬘,s⬘;s1,s2 = − ig关共− 1兲s1⬘+s2⬘ − 共− 1兲s1+s2兴 the entangled region: The upper white line is the maximum in g

1 2
direction 共at constant r兲, the lower white line is the maximum in r
␥ direction 共at constant g兲, and the middle line is the straight g
+ 关共− 1兲s1⬘+s1 + 共− 1兲s2⬘+s2 − 2兴 − 2r Cs⬘,s⬘;s1,s2 = r / 共1 + 冑3兲. This middle line is approached by the upper and lower
2 1 2
one, asymptotically, for large g , r. The global maximum of the
+ r/2兵C0,s⬘;0,s2 + C1,s⬘;1,s2 + Cs⬘,0;s1,0 negativity is on this middle line at infinity with a value of ⬃0.092,
2 2 1
⬃20% of the maximal value. The darkest, most entangled area in
+ Cs⬘,1;s1,1其. our plot has negativity 0.068. The inlet shows a cut for constant g
= 2.5␥.
Since the solutions are lengthy, we only present the coef-
ficients in steady state: for r ⬎ 0 the diagonal elements are with steady-state entanglement, where a darker shade of gray
1 / 4, the antidiagonals are , and C0001 indicates higher entanglement. The entangled region is
r共−ig+r+␥/2兲 bounded by the gray line given by one of the roots of the
* *
= C0010 = C0111 = C1011 = 4关2g2+共r+␥/2兲共r+␥兲兴 . All other matrix ele- nontrivial part of Eq. 共3兲. Outside of this region, the state is
ments are fixed by the Hermiticity of the density matrix. All separable 共white area兲. The entangled region approaches as-
coefficients approach the steady state exponentially fast with ymptotically the straights g = ␥ and g = r plotted black in
their own characteristic exponents determined by the spec- Fig. 1. The asymptotic line g = ␥ is independent of r and
trum of the total Liouville operator L defined by ␳˙ = L␳ with indicates the border between the weak coupling and the
values: 兵0 , −r , −2r , −2共r + ␥兲 , −共3r / 2 + ␥ ± 2i冑g2 − r2 / 16兲其 and strong coupling regime. For weak coupling, g ⬍ ␥, decoher-
multiplicities 兵1 , 2 , 1 , 4 , 4 + 4其. ence will always triumph over the Hamiltonian part that tries
As a measure for the entanglement between the two qu- to create entanglement. That is, as a necessary condition, we
bits, we use the negativity 关10兴, which is defined with respect need to be in the strong coupling limit to observe entangle-
ment. The inlet in Fig. 1 shows a cut at g = 2.5␥ through the
to a bipartition A-Ā of the set of qubits as NA = 共储␳TA储1
color plot. Most notable is the existence of a threshold value
− 1兲 / 2, where TA means the partial transpose with respect to for r / ␥ above which entanglement is present in the steady
A. For two qubits, the negativity can assume values between state.
zero 共separable state兲 and 1 / 2 共maximally entangled state兲. We also simulated the system on a computer, where we
In steady state, we compute from the above expressions use a microscopic decoherence model rather than a master
for the density matrix the following analytic expression for equation description. Decoherence is thereby induced by in-
the negativity in terms of the parameters g 共Hamiltonian in- teractions of system particles with an environment, modeled
teraction兲, ␥ 共strength of the dephasing channel兲, and r 共reset as a background spin gas 关6兴, and we consider interactions of

再 冎
Ising type, which leads to dephasing noise. Since the spin
␥共r + ␥/2兲2 + g2共r + ␥兲 − rg共r + ␥兲 gas exhibits memory, the decoherence process is non-
N = max 0,− . 共3兲 Markovian and possibly nonlocal. Also in this case, the re-
2共r + ␥兲关2g2 + 共r + ␥/2兲共r + ␥兲兴
sults qualitatively agree with the analytic solution of our toy
Equation 共3兲 contains the full information about the en- model. We remark that the system itself may also be de-
tanglement properties of the two qubits and is one of the scribed as a spin gas, even with fluctuating particle number.
main results of this paper. Note that N = N共g̃ , r̃兲 depends only All these results support the following conclusion: En-
on two parameters, g̃ = g / ␥ and r̃ = r / ␥. tanglement can persist even in open noisy quantum-
In Fig. 1, we see a contour plot of the negativity function. mechanical systems that are far from thermodynamic equi-
The key feature is the color-coded region in the r-g plane librium. It is true that even for r = 0, i.e., without reset


FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Negativity for two-qubit system with

共1兲 共2兲 共1兲 共2兲 FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Average negativity of 共i兲 five qubits that
XYZ interaction and magnetic field, H = g关0.7␴x ␴x + 0.3␴y ␴y
共1兲 共2兲 共1兲 共2兲 have all pairwise interacted with each other 共dashed line兲, 共ii兲 the
+ ␴z ␴z + 0.5共␴x + ␴x 兲兴, as a function of the reset rate r at g
reduced density matrix for any two qubits in a five-qubit setting
= 10␥. The noise is described by Lnoise of Eq. 共1兲 with C = B / 2 and
共dashed-dotted line兲, and 共iii兲 Poissonian mixture of reduced density
␥ = C / 4. The upper curve corresponds to zero temperature 共s = 0兲,
matrices corresponding to fluctuating particle number 共see text兲
the lower one to infinite temperature 共s = 1 / 2兲 of the bath. Curves
共solid line兲 as a function of the reset rate r for Ising interaction and
for any finite temperature lie in between.
dephasing, with g = 5␥.

mechanism, one can obtain entangled steady states, e.g., for qubits. In case 共i兲, we use the average negativity N̄, which is
a decay channel 共s = 1, B / 2 = C = ␥兲 and an interaction Hamil- the negativity averaged over all possible bipartitions of the
tonian H = g␴共1兲 共2兲
x ␴x . However, this phenomenon is restricted system 关6兴 to measure multiparticle entanglement, Nonzero
to specific Hamiltonians and noise channels, where a steady average negativity ensures the presence of some form of en-
state of the noise channel with sufficiently low temperature is tanglement in the system. To compute this quantity is a for-
a necessary condition for steady-state entanglement. In par- midable task. The system size, and hence, the number of
ticular, entanglement vanishes for high temperatures of the differential equations and relevant bipartitions, scales expo-
bath, s → 1 / 2. In contrast, we show in Sec. III that steady- nentially. To simplify computation, we consider a symmetric
state entanglement appears generically in systems that fea- situation, where all qubits interact pairwise via Ising interac-
ture some kind of 共appropriate兲 reset mechanism. tions, and compute N̄ of up to seven qubits. Regarding 共ii兲,
we consider pairwise entanglement between two particles in
III. BEYOND TOY MODEL: MANY-PARTICLE SYSTEMS N-qubit systems, where the state of the two qubits is given
by the reduced density matrix that is obtained by tracing out
To demonstrate that we have identified a generic feature, the remaining particles. Although typically such reduced-
we will generalize the system in various directions. state entanglement is rather unstable in multiparticle en-
tangled systems 共since entanglement with other system par-
A. Generic Hamiltonians and imperfect reset mechanism ticles acts as additional noise source兲, we find even in this
Although the details will change, the qualitative behavior case a parameter regime with entanglement in steady state.
of the two-qubit model does not depend on the particular However, the region in r-g diagram, where one finds en-
choice of the interaction Hamiltonian or the decoherence tanglement, becomes smaller for an increasing number of
model. Figure 2 shows, e.g., steady-state entanglement for an particles N. Figure 3 shows the plot of the average negativity
XYZ Hamiltonian as a function of reset rate r, and decoher- and negativity of reduced states for systems of N = 5 qubits.
ence described by a noise operator Lnoise with different pa- Finally, we have considered systems with a fluctuating
rameters. The qualitative behavior is similar to the inlet of number of particles N. To be precise, we consider systems of
Fig. 1, and we observe steady-state entanglement even for N qubits that interact pairwise in a symmetric way, and N
infinite temperature of the bath. fluctuates between 2 艋 N 艋 6 following a Poissonian distribu-
Second, the idealized reset mechanism we consider can be tion in this interval. The state of two qubits, ␳AB = 兺N pN␳AB ,
replaced by a more realistic imperfect reset mechanism. In is given by a mixture of reduced density operators ␳AB 共ob-
this case, fresh particles come in mixed states with suffi- tained from the steady state of the N-qubit system兲 with mix-
ciently low entropy rather than in pure states 共with entropy ing probabilities pN given by the probability that the system
0兲. Still, the steady state turns out to be entangled. size is N. We find that entanglement between pairs of qubits
remains finite 共see Fig. 3兲.
Generally, for any interacting system subjected to some
B. Many-particle systems
kind of noise or decoherence 共not necessarily local or Mar-
We have also considered systems consisting of N par- kovian兲, one can expect that an appropriate local reset
ticles. In this case, we are interested in 共i兲 multiparticle en- mechanism leads to entangled steady states, as long as the
tanglement and 共ii兲 entanglement of reduced states of two system is capable of creating entanglement from 共slightly


mixed兲 input states at some point in time. For reset rates that For a two-qubit toy model, we could analytically solve the
are slow enough that entanglement may be built up in the master equation consisting of a Hamiltonian part, a noise
system, but fast enough that decoherence 共or other noise pro- channel, and a proposed reset mechanism, which is respon-
cesses兲 will not destroy all the entanglement, one typically sible for the nonvanishing entanglement in the steady state.
expects steady-state entanglement on an appropriate coarse- We were able to give a closed expression for the entangle-
grained time scale. ment as a function of the parameters of the master equation.
Note that various physical processes are conceivable for We extended the analysis to similar models with other inter-
the reset mechanisms, including active processes, such a action Hamiltonians and decoherence models 共including
measurement or “optical pumping” of randomly selected par- non-Markovian decoherence兲, systems consisting of more
ticles in a spin gas, as well as simply replacing a qubit by a particles, and also systems with a fluctuating particle num-
fresh one 共e.g., spin-dependent tunneling of electrons in ber. In all cases, we found that steady-state entanglement can
charge-controlled quantum dots兲. A process of the latter type prevail. This demonstrates the possibility of stable steady-
may also be conceivable in more natural scenarios such as state entanglement in natural systems consisting of many
biomolecular interactions in a cell. These systems are far particles that are far away from thermodynamical equilib-
away from the thermodynamical equilibrium, and there the rium.
fluctuation of particles may, at the same time, act as reset

IV. SUMMARY We thank P. Zoller for stimulating discussions. This work

was supported by the FWF, the European Union 共QUPRO-
We have shown that entanglement can be present in open DIS, OLAQUI, SCALA兲, the DFG, and the ÖAW through
noisy quantum systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium. project APART 共W.D.兲.

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