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A] Interpretation:

debaters must disclose previously-read positions on the National Debate

Coaches Association Public Forum wiki. The disclosure must be under their
own school and correct side and must happen at least 30 minutes before the
round and must include citations, taglines, and full-text of all parts of the
evidence they cite/reference.
B] Violation:
C] Standards:
2] Reciprocity— I disclosed and put my cases on the wiki. They get access to cites and
cards for cases and prep, but we can’t predict them. This outweighs—a) every reason
disclosure is good is an advantage for them and not me, b) view their counter-interp with
a grain of salt since it’s self-serving. Reciprocity key to fairness—ensures equal access to
the ballot.
3] Academic Integrity – under my interp, we can check to see whether or not
evidence is miscut. Even if we can get cites, my interp is always better since everyone can
check if evidence is miscut. In a world without disclosure, people can read 4 minutes of
fake evidence with no way to check back. We can’t read every PDF in 3 minutes of prep.
Academic integrity is an independent voter since academic honesty is a portable skill.
Controls fairness, can’t have a fair debate with falsified evidence. Key to education, more
peer review means debaters will cut higher quality evidence and research more.
D] Voters—Fairness is a voter—debate is a competitive activity that requires objective
evaluation. Education is a voter—it’s intrinsic to debate. Debate helps us facilitate
intelligible discourse on current issues. Drop the debater—the abuse has already
occurred and my time allocation has shifted—also the shell indicates anything you do.

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