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Top Quality Medical Education Sessions on

Human Anatomy

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Whatsapp Group Discussion 12/06/2020 - 256 Members

Topics –
1. Axio-appendicular muscles
2. Scapulohumeral muscles
3. Intermuscular spaces in scapular region
4. Axillary nerve

*Name the Axio-appendicular muscles ?*

Anterior Axio-appendicular muscles- (muscles of pectoral region)
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Serratus anterior

Posterior Axio-appendicular muscles-

Latissimus dorsi
Levator scapulae
Rhomboid minor
Rhomboid major

*Actions of trapezius muscle ?*

-Upper fibres of trapezius along with levator scapulae elevate the scapula
-Middle fibres of trapezius along with rhomboids retract the scapula
-Lower fibres of trapezius along with serratus anterior help in overhead
abduction of the shoulder joint

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*Nerve supply of trapezius ?*
Spinal part of accessory nerve, Proprioceptive fibres from C3,C4 spinal

*Any other muscle supplied by spinal part of accessory nerve ?*


*Actions of Latissimus dorsi muscle?*

Adduction, Medial rotation and Extension of Shoulder joint (as done in

*Nerve supply of Latissimus dorsi, its root value ?*

Nerve to Latissimus dorsi, also called as thoracodorsal nerve
Root value – C6,C7,C8 from posterior cord of brachial plexus

*Nerve supply of Levator scapulae ?*

-Directly from C3, C4 spinal segments
-Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)

*Middle fibres of deltoid are which type of muscle ?*


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*Any other example of multipennate muscle in upper limb?*

*Muscles of Rotator cuff / Musculotendinous cuff of shoulder ?*

Teres minor

Mneumonic - SITS
S- Supraspinatus, I- Infraspinatus, T- Teres minor – in greater tubercle of
S- Subscapularis- in lesser tubercle of humerus

*Contents of Quadrangular space ?*

Axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral vessels

*Contents of upper triangular space ?*

Circumflex scapular vessels
-Circumflex scapular artery is a branch of subscapular artery

*Contents of lower triangular space ?*

Radial nerve and profunda brachii vessels

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*Nerve to which muscle consists of pseudoganglion, name the nerve ?*
Teres minor, Axillary nerve

*Any other nerve in upper limb which contains pseudoganglion ?*

Posterior interosseous nerve

*What is regimental badge area ?*

A branch of axillary nerve - upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
innervates the skin over the inferior portion of the deltoid ( the ‘regimental
badge area’ )
In a patient with axillary nerve damage, sensation at the regimental badge
area may be impaired or absent.


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