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Instructions to use the program:

-You must allocate it in the same folder where you have got the main
program of Tele Hypnosis or Tele Hypnosis Pro.

-This program or the normal R.I.N. seeker program must be executed before
Tele Hypnosis or Tele Hypnosis Pro because they require the Radionics
Index Number of the person to work.

-This enhanced R.I.N. seeker uses a highly innovative system to seek and
detect the best R.I.N. possible of a person; it is too many better than the
random method included in the normal RIN seeker program, and will
provide accurate indexes. If you are experimented finding the indexes using
the manual method, you can choose to continue using the manual method or
this new enhanced system.

-The radionics indexes you already have got must not be changed. Use
always for a person the first R.I.N. you obtained.

-The program, depending of the speed of your computer may take between
10-30 minuts to detect the R.I.N. of the person.

-Important note: You should use the program neither in the 4 days around
the full moon (2 days before and 2 days after) nor in the 4 days around new
moon (2 days before and 2 days after), because it could generate
distortioned indexes, because the inner system of the program is affected in
these days.

2002 All rights reserved.

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