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Aanchal Gupta
MBA-1st Year 2K20
Roll no.2005230700017
OBJECTIVE:Create a Pivot Table in Microsoft Excel


1. Open the Excel2016_Pivot_Practice.xlsx file. The instructor will direct you to the file

1. Click inside any cell on the spreadsheet that contains data you want touse.

2. Select the Insert tab, and then click on the PivotTablebutton.

3. The Create PivotTable dialog box willappear.
4. Choose the Select a table or range button (use Table1 as your sourcedata).

5. Choose the New Worksheet button (this will place your PivotTable
on a new worksheet).

6. Click on the OKbutton.

7. A blank PivotTable along with the PivotTable Fields will appear on a newworksheet.

8. The scenario question for this exercise will be: What is the total amount sold by each

9. Click inside the boxes next to the Salesperson and Order Amountfields.

10. The selected fields are added to one of the four areas below the PivotTable Fields. In
this exercise, the Salesperson field is added to the Rows area, while the Order
mounthas been added to the Valuesarea.
The PivotTable will calculate and summarize the selected fields. In this exercise, the PivotTable shows the
amount sold by each salesperson.

Total amount sold

by each salesperson

You can sort the data on your PivotTable by using the Sort & Filter button, located on the
Home ribbon.

OBJECTIVE:Creating a scenario summary report

INTRODUCTION: A scenario is a set of input values that you can substitute in a worksheet
to perform what-if analysis. For example, you could create scenarios to show various interest rates,
loan amounts, and terms for a mortgage. Excel’s scenario manager lets you create and store
different scenarios in the same worksheet.


1. Select the cells that contain values that could change.
2. Click the Data tab on the ribbon.
3. Click the What-If Analysis button.
4. Select Scenario Manager.
The Scenario Manager dialog box appears with the message “No Scenarios defined.
Choose Add to add scenarios.
5. Click the Add button to add a new scenario.

6. Type a name for the new scenario.

If you already have cells selected, the Changing cells field will already be populated with
your selection. If you didn’t select cells up front, you’ll have to specify the cells here.
7. Click OK.
The Scenario Values dialog box appears, showing each of the variable cells you selected.
If you name the worksheet cells you're changing, the cell names appear here, making it
easy to tell what value you're working with.
8. Update any values you want to see for the given scenario.
To make sure you don’t lose the original values for the changing cells, use the original cell
values in the first scenario you create.
9. Click OK.

10. The scenario is added and is listed in the Scenario Manager. If you click Add, the Add
Scenario dialog box appears again so you can add another scenario.
Repeat steps 5-9 to add all the desired scenarios.
11. Select the scenario you want to view.
12. Click the Show button.
The worksheet’s values are changed to the values you specified in the scenario. You can select
any scenario here to update the values in your spreadsheet.
OBJECTIVE:Goal Seek in Excel

INTRODUCTION:When you know the desired result of a single formula, but not the values
the formula needs for the result, you can use the Goal Seek feature. For example, you can afford a
$1,800 monthly payment, so how much of a loan can you take out? When goal seeking, Excel
plugs different values into a cell until it finds one that works.
1. Click the Data tab on the ribbon.
2. Click the What-If Analysis button.
3. Select Goal Seek.

The Goal Seek dialog box appears.

4. Select the cell with the formula where you want to define the result.
5. Click in the To value field.
6. Type the desired result of the formula.
7. Click in the By changing cell field.
8. Select the cell you want to change to reach the desired result.
This cell must be a cell that is referenced by the formula.
9. Click OK.
Excel recalculates the formula and displays the value needed to achieve the formula result
you desire in the worksheet.
10. Click OK to confirm replacing the original worksheet values.

Clicking Cancel closes the dialog box and restores the original worksheet values.Excel
replaces the original values and the desired result is calculated.
OBJECTIVE:Goal Seek in Excel
INTRODUCTION:There are two ways to create a macro: by recording them or by writing
them in Excel’s Visual Basic programming language. This lesson explains the easy way to create
a macro—by recording the task(s) you want the macro to execute for you.
When you create a macro, imagine you’re being recorded; every step you make is being tracked—
all your commands, the data you enter, even any mistakes you make. Before recording a macro,
it’s helpful to write down a script that contains all the steps you want the macro to record. Practice
or rehearse your script a couple times, to make sure it works, before you actually record it. If you
do make a mistake while recording a macro, don’t worry—you can always delete the existing
macro and try again or edit the macro’s Visual Basic source code to fix the mistake.
1. If necessary, turn on the Developer tab.
2. Click the Developer tab.
3. Click the Record Macro button.
The Record Macro window opens, where you can set up the macro’s name, description,
and shortcut keys before you record it.
4. Type a name for the macro.
The name must start with a letter and can’t have any spaces, symbols, or punctuation
You may have quite a few macros in a file, so you’ll want to give it a descriptive name to
easily identify what it does.
5. (Optional) Assign a keyboard shortcut.
Make sure it's not something you commonly use, like Ctrl + C, which is copy.
6. Choose where to save the macro.
 Personal Macro Workbook: The macro will be available in any Excel file you
work in.
 New Workbook: Creates a new Excel file and stores the macro there.
 This Workbook: Stores the macro in the current file. It will not be accessible in
any other Excel files you work in.
(Optional) Type a macro description.
While you don’t need to add a description, if you have a workbook that contains a number
of macros, a description can be really helpful.
Click OK to start the recording.

The macro immediately begins recording.

Complete all the actions for the process you want to automate.
While recording, the macro captures all the actions you perform. This includes clicking
cells, typing cell data and formulas, and applying formatting, among other tasks.
Click the Stop Recording button, either on the Developer tab or in the status bar.
Click the Save button.
The workbook is saved, and the macro will be available next time the workbook is opened.
Once you’ve recorded and saved a macro into a workbook, you can run it using the keyboard
shortcut or view all the macros in a workbook and choose one to run directly.
1. Select the sheet where you want to run a macro.
2. Click the Macros button on the Developer tab.
All the available macros are listed in the Macros dialog box. From here, you can run a
macro, edit it, create a new one, or delete macros that you no longer need.
3. Select the macro you want to run.
4. Click the Run button.

The selected macro is run.

OBJECTIVE:Understanding chart types, column chart, bar chart, line chart, pie chart, XY
Scatter chart , Area chart, surface chart, bubble chart.

INTRODUCTION:This practical discusses the most common chart types, and sub-types,
supported by Excel.


A Pie Chart displays one series of data. A data series is a row or column of numbers used for
charting. In the worksheet below, we have outlined a single data series. If we had selected multiple
series for the Pie Chart, Excel would ignore all but the first.

Single Data Series

Excel uses the row heading (series identifier) for the chart title and displays the data as proportional
slices of a pie (1st image below). One can customize the design of the pie chart so either numeric
values or their percentages display on top of the slices of pie.
The legend can be moved to the top, bottom, left, right, or top right ("corner" in older versions) of
the chart. Legend names can be changed by changing the column headings in the sheet or editing
the chart directly in new Excel versions.

Popular Pie Chart sub-types include Pie Chart in 3-D (2nd chart above), Exploded Pie Chart (3rd
chart above), and Exploded Pie in 3-D. Other sub-types include the Pie of Pie and Bar of Pie -
where a second pie or bar is created from certain values in the first pie. To customize, right-click
on the segment in the first pie and select "Format Data Point."
The Column Chart effectively compares a single set of data points, but it shines when comparing
multiple series. Outlined in red, the image below shows the three data series we're charting. Notice
that we do not include the totals in our data series.

Multiple Data Series

Because Excel uses a different color for each data series, it's easy to see how a single series changes
over time, or compare multiple series over a given time period. The Clustered Column Chart is
especially popular.

Clustered Column Chart

Stacked Column Chart

With the Stacked Column Chart, data points for each time period are "stacked" atop each other.
This chart type shows each data point's percentage of the total. Also available is the 100%
Stacked Column Chart, where each value is shown as a portion of 100%.

100% Stacked Column Chart

In a Column Chart, the vertical axis always displays numeric values, and the horizontal axis
displays time, names, or other category. By default, Excel plots whichever has the most entries,
row or column data, on the horizontal axis. For example, if plotting five rows and two columns,
row headings would reside along the horizontal axis. This can be flipped around by customizing
the Excel chart.
All Column Charts have three-dimension versions—the Stacked Column Chart is 3-D. But the "3-
D Column Chart" is special because the chart itself is three-dimensional using the X, Y, and Z
axes. The first chart below is a 3-D Column Chart of our data series.

3-D Column Chart

3-D Pyramid Chart

In newer versions of Excel, cylinders, pyramids, and cones can be used instead of bars for most
of the Column charts. The second chart above shows a 3-D Pyramid Chart.


The Line Chart is especially effective in displaying trends. The vertical axis (Y-axis) always
displays numeric values and the horizontal axis (X-axis) displays time or other category.
The first image shows the Line with Markers chart of our single data series. Markers—the circles,
squares, triangles, or other shapes which mark the data points—are optional, and Excel displays a
unique marker in shape and/or color for each data series.

The Line Chart is equally effective in displaying trends for multiple series as shown in the above
Line Chart without markers. Notice that each line is a different color.
Though not as colorful as the other charts, it is easy to see how effective the Line Chart in showing
a trend for a single series, and comparing trends for multiple series of data values.
Besides the Line Chart, we have the Stacked Line Chart and the 100% Stacked Line Chart - with
or without markers. A 3-D Line Chart is available, but the Line Chart does not display data well
in three dimension.
The Bar Chart is like a Column Chart lying on its side. The horizontal axis of a Bar Chart contains
the numeric values. The first chart below is the Bar Chart for our single series, Flowers.
When to use a Bar Chart versus a Column Chart depends on the type of data and user preference.
Sometimes it is worth the time to create both charts and compare the results. However, Bar Charts
do tend to display and compare a large number of series better than the other chart types.

All Bar Charts are available in 2-D and 3-D formats. Excel provides the Stacked Bar Chart and
100% Stacked Bar Chart. The second chart above is our 100% Stacked Bar Chart in 3-D. This sub-
type allows us to see what portion each data point has of of 100%.

As with the other chart types, new versions of Excel provide the option of using cylinders,
pyramids, or cones instead of bars.


Area Charts are like Line Charts except that the area below the plot line is solid. And like Line
Charts, Area Charts are used primarily to show trends over time or other category. The chart at
left is an Area Chart for our single series.
Also available are the Stacked Area Chart and 100% Stacked Area Chart. Each comes in 2-D
format and in true 3-D format with X, Y, and Z axes. The chart at right is our 3-D Area Chart and
effectively displays our three series.
In many cases, the 2-D version of the Area Chart displays multiple series of data poorly as series
with lesser values may be completely hidden. In the first chart below, Flowers is totally hidden,
and just a wee bit of Trees peaks through. Not an effective chart!

This problem does not occur in the Stacked Area Chart shown above or the 100% Stacked Area


The purpose of a Scatter Chart is to observe how the values of two series compares over time or
other category. To illustrate the Scatter Chart, we will use the worksheet values shown below:

According to Scatter Plots (U. of Illinois), "Scatter plots are similar to line graphs in that they use
horizontal and vertical axes to plot data points. However, they have a very specific purpose. Scatter
plots show how much one variable is affected by another. The relationship between two variables
is called their correlation."

The series pair has a Positive Correlation if they increase similarly, and a Negative Correlation if
they both decrease in like manner. Otherwise, they have No Correlation.

Excel does not use labels from the worksheet to label the horizontal axis. It numbers the X-axis

The Scatter Chart comes in several different formats: markers can indicate the data points, and the
points can be unconnected or connected with smooth or straight lines. The first chart below is a
Scatter Chart with Only Markers, and the second chart is a Scatter Chart with Smooth Lines.
In general, markers work well when the number of data points is small, and smooth lines without
markers are often used when the number of data points is large. But it is best to try the different
sub-types to see which one best presents your data. For a good discussion on Scatter Plots,
see Scatter Plots - U. of Illinois.
OBJECTIVE:Change the Chart Type

INTRODUCTION:Different types of charts are better for presenting different types of

information. For example, a column chart is great for comparing values of different items, but not
for illustrating trends or relationships. If you find that a chart you’ve created isn’t the best fit for
your data, you can switch to a different chart type.
Change the Chart Type:
1. Select the chart you want to change.
2. Click the Design tab.
3. Click Change Chart Type.

Right-click a chart and select Change Chart Type from the menu.
The Change Chart Type dialog box appears. It shows the different types of charts
4. Select a different chart option.
5. Click OK.
You can switch the rows and columns of data in a chart so they appear in opposite positions.
1. Select the chart
2. Click the Design tab.
3. Click the Switch Row/Column button.
OBJECTIVE:Create a combination chart

INTRODUCTION:A combination chart is a chart that combines two or more chart types in
a single chart.
To create a combination chart, execute the following steps.
1. Select the range A1:C13.

2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Combo symbol.

3. Click Create Custom Combo Chart.

The Insert Chart dialog box appears.

4. For the Rainy Days series, choose Clustered Column as the chart type.
5. For the Profit series, choose Line as the chart type.
6. Plot the Profit series on the secondary axis.

7. Click OK.


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