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Question: 2

Should working from home result in pay disparity?


There should not be any pay disparity between the employees who are working from home and
the those who work in an office. They both provide their skills to an organization and if both of
the employees who are Working From Home (WFH) and Working From Office (WFO) are at the
same position or offer the same abilities or skills they should be paid the same no matter what.

Because if one of the employees if receiving more pay as compared to the other employee
while both of them are at the same position and having the same skills, this disparity in pay can
lead to great dissatisfaction among the employees.


The situation which was going in the KSOIL on one hand the employees who were WFH were
producing twice and thrice as much as compared to the employees who were WFO were also
getting double and triple salaries compared to them. This caused a lot of dissatisfaction among
the employees. While on the other hand the employees who were WFO had grievances that
they work so hard all day long under supervision, rules and regulations still they aren’t able to
produce as much as documents the employees WFH are producing.

What if a home-based employee had trained his/her family member to work on the employee’s
behalf on the office-provided computer?

It was a Dilemma for KSOIL because they were getting more work done from the employees
who were WFH compared and that’s why they were also getting more salaries and wages.
While on the other side it would be unjust and unfair with the employees who were WFO.

The only clear or visible solution is that KSOIL should set a time limit that an employee cannot
work more than for example 10 hours a day. They should regulate the quantity of documents
receiving from the employees. Right now, an employee who is WFM is only be able to produce
500 documents a month compared to 1000-1500 documents from an employee who is WFH
and set a limit that how much an employee can produce at max or how much will be

Research also show that working for more than 10 hours a day can be harmful or damaging to
the employees’ health and also, they quality of work doesn’t remains the same because they
don’t have the same level of energy so the quality of work deteriorates.

So if the working hours and the quantity of work is regulated all of the employees will get the
same salaries/wages and the work environment will also run smoothly.

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