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Girlynne T.

Ramos Labor Law and Legislation


Answer the following: (Discuss and explain thoroughly)

1. Can the company require as a condition of employment that one cannot marry or have a
family. Only single persons can work in that position? Ex. Flight stewardess

It is unlawful for an employer to require a condition of employment that an
employee cannot marry or have a family. It is simply because it is not the basis or
qualities. As long as the qualified employee has the ability to the said task they are
capable. In addition to, we are also working to build our own family in the future. So that,
in my opinion it is unlawful if the employer require this condition of employment. In my
experience there are companies that strictly prohibit spouses, siblings, or relatives from
being employees because they protect the company’s confidentiality. But other
companies allow employees to have spouse within the company or have a relatives in the
company but with a condition. Employees who have a spouse, siblings, or relatives in a
same company cannot be in the same line, process, or department. If the company require
that only single persons can work in a position I think the company may not have a
regular or permanent employees because all of us wants to get married and have a family
in the future.

2. Can the company change the working hours of the employee to extend the hours of work
in exchange for a 4 day work week?

Yes, the company can change the working hours of the employee to extend the
hours of work in exchange for a 4 day work week. Because a compressed work week is
one option when implementing a flexible work policy. In a four-day work week it is the
most common type of compressed schedule in which employees work full time hours in
four 10 hour days. The main idea of the compressed work week is for employees to have
another day off, and it can also be beneficial for companies balancing high workloads.

The advantages of a compressed work week:

 An additional day off affords employees a better work/life balance

 The employee keeps full pay and benefits
 Reduced commuting time and costs
 Fewer interruptions and higher productivity in non-regular office hours
 Increase in total staff hours during high peak workloads by overlapping schedules
 Extended hours of workplace operation
 Managing excessive accrued time

Disadvantages of a compressed work week

 Some positions may not be suitable for longer hours because of an increased risk
of injury or errors
 Less supervision in some time periods
 Could cause understaffing in some time periods
 May create difficulties in scheduling meetings
 Employees could be working unauthorized overtime
 A longer schedule could cause lower productivity at the end of the day

When create flexible work policy, it should definitely take the compressed work week
into consideration. A compressed schedule is highly beneficial for both parties. When
setting this rules, it also have to be careful not to exceed the legal limit of how many
hours an employee can work per week.

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