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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria.

Universidad Nacional Experimental “Francisco de Miranda”.
Profe: Joan Alemán.
Inglés: VI

Local life and global life

José Carlos Álvarez .

Mene Mauroa, Edo Falcón.

Local life and global life.

Education has to foster a critical spirit in the face of the new changes that are
coming, which we very much fear will pursue the same objectives as before,
economic growth and maximum profit. Social justice, the elimination of poverty,
ultimately human development, will remain in the hands of the social
movements to which education will have to help.
We do not usually keep it in mind on a daily basis, we are not aware of the
manifestations and consequences of this globalization. The global has become
the norm in our local life, something like what was intended in the 1980s with
the “glocal” concept which was later given a critical and social meaning. We see
it when we go to the market and find all kinds of fruits or vegetables at any time
of the year that come from another hemisphere or when we can buy clothes
made in the antipodes at very cheap prices, or we buy a car produced in
another continent but that is us so familiar that it seems made here, or when we
receive a news at the moment, on television or through the networks, that
happens thousands of kilometers away or when we adopt.
In a few decades we have gone from having the town or the region as a
commercial reference and more immediate relationships, to a society of
immediacy in communication, production and consumption on a planetary level.
As a result we have that for very recently the new generations have only lived in
a world in which the manifestations of globalization are part of their daily
commercial, cultural, work, communication and political life. People tend to think
and act locally without bearing in mind that the conditions, interests and causes
of our way of living the local are global.

Compound nouns.

Compound nouns are all those that are formed by the union of two different
words, which create a new word that acquires its meaning from the words that
make it up.
Are those formed by more than one word.

Dining-room, bathroom, breakfast.

Dining room, bathroom, breakfast.

In English it is quite common to use compound words starting from two words
that have by themselves a different meaning than the new compound word.
Breakfast (break + fast)


Compound nouns can be hyphenated, joined, or separated. There is no fixed

rule except for those derived from an -ing form which will, as a general rule, be
written with a hyphen.


Dining room



Front door

Front door

Plural of compound nouns

Compound nouns generally form the plural by adding an “-s”.

Bedroom → bedrooms

Bedroom, bedrooms

Washing-machine → washing-machines
However, when the compounds are made up of nouns in which the second
element serves only as a complement, it is the first that takes the plural form.

Sister-in-law → sisters-in-law

Runner-up → runners-up

In compounds with the nouns man and woman, the two nouns take the plural:

Man-servant → men-servants.

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