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Costume and Character Description

Felicie :

A poor, orphaned girl who aspires to become a ballerina. Together with her best friend Victor, she
escapes her orphanage and journeys to Paris, where she strives to make her dream a reality.

 Acquired Situational Narcissism: As her skills improve, Félicie's dream of dancing for the sake of
it is twisted into using ballet as a way to move up in society. This drives her to forgo practicing
and getting a good night's sleep before the final rehearsal to go on a date with Rudy.

 Adorkable: An adorably spunky girl who is (initially) an awkward dancer.

 Ascended Fangirl: As stated above, her dream is to be a ballerina dancer. She not only becomes
one, she also gets the role of "Clara" in The Nutcracker.

 Child Prodigy: Though initially lacking in finesse, Félicie shows talent when it comes to dancing.
And her skill continuously shows thanks to Odette's teachings.

 Fiery Redhead: Félicie's defining trait is her passion, and she has a bright red hair.

 Genki Girl: She's always full of energy and spirit.

 Heroic BSoD: She undergoes this after she loses to Camille in the final dance competition and is
promptly returned to the orphanage by Regine against her will.

 Motor Mouth: Félicie just cannot stop talking when she's excited. Odette finds it annoying.

 Nice Girl: Is generally kind to those around her, and is even willing to befriend her enemies.

 Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The passionate Energetic Girl dancer to Victor's down-to-earth Savvy
Guy inventor.

 Significant Green-Eyed Redhead: Fiery Redhead. Bright, green eyes. And she's the protagonist.

 Smitten Teenage Girl: A younger variation. She develops a crush on Rudy during her time as a
ballerina trainee.

 Straight to the Pointe: Wears pointe shoes on her first day in the class, and afterwards is
depicted dancing en pointe in footwear not really suited for pointework.

 Technician vs. Performer: Félicie's the "performer" to Camille's "technician"; Félicie's technical
skill is poor but she's full of energy, passion, and emotion. This is why Félicie eventually gets the
part of Clara: Félicie is able to improve her technical skill in addition to the passion she already
possesses, while Camille is unable to improve her emotional performance.

 Tights Under Shorts: A variation on her default outfit incorporates jean shorts paired with black

 Title Character: "Ballerina" refers to her.

 Took a Level in Badass: Goes from the worse ballet student who couldn't do simple techniques
to being able to match with an experienced ballet dancer.
 Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She is a tomboy that desperately wants to be a ballerina.

 Tragic Keepsake: The little ballerina music box was from her deceased mother.

 True Blue Femininity: She wears a blue skirt, and her dance outfit includes a blue sash around
the middle.

 Unskilled, but Strong: While Félicie can throw some energetic, instinct dancing, she lacks the
finesse required for ballet.

 Youthful Freckles: She has these.


 Black Vest

 White Shirt

 Blue Skirt

 Black Leggings

 Brown Leather Shoes

Victor :

Félicie's best friend and aspiring inventor. He joins Félicie on her journey to Paris, and becomes the
assistant to Gustave Eiffel.

 Absent-Minded Professor: Victor studied chickens for months in preparation of building a flying
machine, and apparently, it never occurred to him to determine whether a chicken can fly or

 Adorkable: A geeky, inventing kid who has a massive crush on Félicie.

 Brainy Brunette: Victor has brown hair and is a budding, talented inventor.

 Bungling Inventor: As brilliant as he is, few of Victor's gizmos work properly until the climax with
the Pigeon Wings.

 Butt-Monkey: He endures a lot of misfortune throughout the movie.

 Child Prodigy: Victor is only 11, but is already a Gadgeteer Genius.

 Curtains Match the Windows: Brown hair and brown eyes.

 First Guy Wins: He ends up with Félicie by the end of the film.
 Gadgeteer Genius: He's a pretty great inventor for an 11-year-old.

 Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The down-to-earth Savvy Guy inventor to Félicie's passionate
Energetic Girl dancer.

 What the Hell, Hero?: Victor gives Félicie a minor scolding when Félicie admits that she's
assuming Camille's identity so she can join the ballet class; Victory advises that Félicie should
"be you!" instead.


 Brown Jacket

 Brown Pants

 Brown Leather Boots

Odette :

The mysterious caretaker of the opera. She becomes a mentor and mother
figure towards Félicie, teaching her how to improve on her dancing skills.
Initially bitter and cynical, she eventually opens up towards Félicie as she
mentors her.
 The Ace: She was a former prima ballerina.

 Birds of a Feather: With Merante. They are both no-nonsense perfectionists who are passionate
about the art of ballet.

 Cynicism Catalyst: The tragic fire that caused Odette's limp shattered not only her promising
dancing career, but her hope that anyone's dream could come true. Befriending and training
Félicie renews her faith.

 Dark and Troubled Past: A fire at the opera resulted in her limp.

 Handicapped Badass: Not a violent example. She has a limp and while she doesn't do any ballet
moves, she was able to teach Félicie so effectively that the young girl went from the worst to the
best in her class.

 Meaningful Name: She is named after Princess Odette of Swan Lake, one of the world's most
beloved ballet heroines.

 The Mentor: Odette takes Félicie under her wing to polish off her dancing.

 Mysterious Past: Most of her early life is left a mystery.

 Parental Substitute: To Félicie.


 Red Vest

 White & Black Skirt

 Brown Leather Shoes

Nora : Ballet Class Uniform

Nora is very kind and endearing, she is very friendly with Dora! She likes
Rudy but hates Camille Le Haut ... She was eliminated in the semi-final of
auditions for "The Nutcracker"

Dora : Ballet Class Uniform

Rosita Maui :
Camille Le Haunt :


 Pink Headband

 Black Ballet Shirt

 White Leggings

 Ballet Shoes

Camille has blonde hair tied up in a bun. She has blue eyes and wears a black ballet top with
white leggings/tights and peach ballet shoes with pink socks. Near the end of the movie,
she is sometimes seen with a green ballet top with a pink waistband with the same
stockings and shoes.

On the day of class before the final audition, Camille is seen wearing the same kind of white
dress with butterfly pattern as Félicie and the other Paris Opera Ballet students, with a pink
ribbon around the waist. In some other scenes, like during her mother Regine's pursuit of
Félicie, she wears a long-sleeved green dress with short black shoes.
Louise Merante :

Félicie's demanding ballet instructor.


 Black Coat

 Red Shirt

 Black Pants

 Black Shoes

 Birds of a Feather: With Odette. They are both no-nonsense perfectionists who are passionate
about the art of ballet.

 Brutal Honesty: He'll always be honest, even if it's not nice.

 Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Merante may be demanding, brutally honest, and strict but he's fair
and reasonable.

 Secret Secret-Keeper: It is implied that Merante figures out that Félicie is not Camille Le Haut
after seeing her in the Breton tavern, but keeps it quiet because her passionate dancing
impresses him.

 Stern Teacher: He accepts nothing less than perfection from his students, but it's ultimately for
their benefit. He's especially hard on Félicie when she enters his class under Camille's name
because Merante knows the real Camille uses her mother's wealth and connections to bribe her
way into dance school.

 Uptown Guy: The ending implies he (a reasonably wealthy dance instructor) will become this to
Odette (the poor caretaker of the opera).

Regine Le Haunt :
A wealthy restaurant owner and the mother of Camille.


Green Long Skirt

 Abusive Parents: Regine put Camille through a rigorous ballet training regimen.

 Ax-Crazy: When Camille gracefully passes the role of Clara to Félicie, Regine tries to cripple or
even kill the orphan girl in a full-on foaming-at-the-mouth rage.

 Big Bad: Camille may be Félicie's

main ballet rival, but Regine is
ultimately the main antagonist for
the film, with Camille being
subservient to her.

 Evil Gloating: Regine gloats a lot,

constantly taking verbal jabs at
Félicie and Odette, including when
Félicie bombs her audition due to
not training or resting the night

 Evil Matriarch: The relationship

between her and Camille is abusive
and controlling, forcing her
daughter to push herself to the
limits to please her.

 Foil:

o To Odette. Odette is a poor woman who serves as a maternal figure to the orphaned
Félicie, giving her strict ballet training but genuinely caring for her. Regine is a rich
woman, the biological mother of Camille, gives almost inhuman training for her
daughter, and only seems to care about herself.

o To Félicie's mother. Félicie's deceased mother was kind-hearted and a passionate

dancer. Regine did not even give Camille genuine love.

 Green and Mean: Is always seen wearing a dark green dress.

 Kick the Dog: When Félicie fails at the audition, Regine adds insult to injury by having her sent
back to the orphanage by force while simultaneously spiting Odette by having to see her friend
taken away and then sacking her for the coup de grâce.

 Lean and Mean: Is very thin, and is the film's Big Bad.
 Nouveau Riche: Regine's wealth comes from being the owner of a successful restaurant, and she
is hellbent on climbing the social ladder via Camille's ballet career.

 Revenge Before Reason: In the climax, after Félicie gains the role of Clara in The Nutcracker,
Regine is so enraged that she attempts to kill Félicie. She doesn't seem to consider the fact that
there are numerous witnesses to her crime, including her daughter.

 Rich Bitch: Is wealthy, and is very stuck-up and snobbish.

 The Sociopath: She has no empathy for anyone; even her daughter is just a means to an end in
her eyes. She's even willing to commit murder just to get her way.

 Sore Loser: Her response to Félicie besting Camille and gaining the role of Clara is to try and kill

 Stage Mom: She measures her success by her daughter's.

 Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Pretty rude and abusive throughout the whole film, and fully
graduates to this trope on the film's final few minutes, that with her fully trying to commit
violent murder or equally brutal crippling of a kid with a heavy wrench and all.

 Villainous Breakdown: She suffers from one in the climax of the movie. After Félicie defeats
Camille and gains the role of "Clara", Regine loses it, becoming noticeably unhinged and trying
to murder Félicie.

 What Happened to the Mouse?: Very jarring, since Regine is the closest the movie has for a Big
Bad and attempted to kill Félicie for taking the role of "Clara", which she wanted Camille to
have. However, what became of her after Victor saved Félicie is left a mystery. Given her
position when left off, it's quite possible she suffered a Disney Villain Death.

 Would Hurt a Child: Regine can be rather rough towards her

daughter. She also tries to kill Félicie in the climax; and
before that, she hit Victor on his head with a wrench.

Auguste Emmanuel Vaucorbeil:

He was the real director of the Paris Opera after 1879. When we first
see him in the movie, he’s singing and looking all dramatic- well
that’s because he was a a singer and composer for the Opera,
specifically French baroque opera and ballet.

Something interesting to note about his legacy…

He was known for (although not well liked by the Opera’s composers)

for using students and prize-winners from the Paris Conservatoire for
operas to keep down expenses. It might be one small explanation for
why they would choose a young (11 year old?!) ballet school student
to perform as Clara instead of a recognized ballerina.

 Purple Jacket

 White Pants

 Black Shoes

Mathurin :


 Black Hat

 Eyeglasses

 Red Scarf

 Black Jacket

 Brown Pants

 Black Boots
Janitor :


 Black Mantel

 Black Pants

 Black Shoes

Rudolph :


 Green Vest

 White Shirt

 Dark Blue Pants

 Black Shoes
Postman :


 Postman Hat

 Blue & Red Line Coat

 White Pants

Chicken :

Mother Superior :


 White Hat

 Blue Robe
M. Luteau :


 Green Jacket

 Brown Pants

 Black Boots

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