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The Psychology of Habit

Bayer, J. B., & LaRose, R. (2018). Technology Habits: Progress, Problems, and Prospects. In B. Verplanken
(Ed.), The Psychology of Habit: Theory, Mechanisms, Change, and Contexts (pp. 111-130). Cham: Springer.

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Technology Habits:
Progress, Problems, and Prospects
Joseph B. Bayer Robert LaRose
The Ohio State University Michigan State University

Technology habits have been objects of research for over 100 years and provided heuristic
cases for the study of habits over the last two decades. This chapter traces the history of
research on information and communication technologies in daily life, with an eye toward
measurement and conceptualization problems. Similar to the new technologies of earlier
eras, the prominence of current habitual manifestations has raised challenging questions
for both researchers and societies. These new-er media habits may exaggerate core habit-
ual mechanisms by providing a wide spectrum of potential cues, possible contexts, and
complex rewards—resulting in dynamic habits that appear to be “special”. We discuss
how research on technology habits serves to uncover the assumptions, boundaries, and
moderators of habit, while calling for a revised approach to address recurring problems in
the literature. Altogether, the chapter clarifies how technology habit research contributes
to a broader understanding of habitual behaviour.

Internet, Online, Smartphone, Digital, Addiction, Components, Cues, Contexts

At the turn of the twentieth century, an early graphic operators in the twentieth century.
study on telegraphic habits appeared in Sure, the physical keys and symbols are
Psychological Review (Bryan & Harter, 1899). different, the individual goals and man-
This long-forgotten article demonstrated oeuvres are different, and the surrounding
how mastery of the telegraph depended on a contexts and cultures are different. Yet the
hierarchal set of habits. And in some ways, habits of grouping automatically selecting
not all that much has changed. The habits keys to represent letters, combining co-
associated with QWERTY keyboards re- occurring letters into words, and words into
placed the core processes found among tele- phrases, endure.

Corresponding author: Joseph B. Bayer []

Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

So, what is the contribution of technology media, including Internet, electronic, device,
habit research then? This chapter reviews the gaming, virtual, online, interactive, mobile,
history of research on technology habits in digital, network, and information and comm-
the fields of communication studies and unication technologies (ICT) habits (LaRose,
information systems, while also reflecting on 2010a; Limayem & Hirt, 2003). Increasingly,
the role of emergent technologies for habit and owing perhaps to the convergence of
research at large. Along the way, we trace traditional mass interpersonal communica-
how issues of measurement and conceptual- tion systems (Walther & Valkenburg, 2017),
ization both challenge and advance the “technology” is used as a catchall term (e.g.
identification of replicable factors that ex- Clements & Boyle, 2018; Kuss & Billieux,
plain technology habit mechanisms, ante- 2017). Of course, if we understand “tech-
cedents, and consequences. In doing so, we nology” to be literally “the study of tech-
discuss how technology habits repeatedly nique”, then transportation mode, health,
appear special, and often addiction-like, by and exercise habits that are said to dominate
modulating core habitual processes. Re- habit research (Orbell & Verplanken, 2015)
sponding to the above question, we suggest might also be termed technology habits. In
that studying technology habits helps to spite of this caveat, we adopt the term “tech
elucidate the assumptions, boundaries, and habits” here to avoid further fragmentation
moderators of habitual behaviour more while reflecting on the state of research
broadly. progress, with a special emphasis on every-
day innovations examined in the fields of
What are Tech Habits? communication and information systems.

One of the cyclical challenges in studying A Short History: Progress in Tech

technology habits is the question of how to Habit Research
define them, as well as how to describe the set
of qualifying behaviours. In the years since Even before the popularization of the Inter-
the first study of telegraph habits, research- net and the renaissance of habit research in
ers have directed attention to habits across a social psychology in the 1990s, habits were a
range of technological innovations. Do bi- topic of interest in information systems
cycle habits represent a technology habit? (Limayem & Hirt, 2003) and communication
Probably not in the contemporary sense, but studies (LaRose, 2010a, 2015). Within comm-
maybe they should: transportation modes unication research, for instance, habit re-
such as stage coaches were synonymous with search can be traced to a single item in
“communication” before the invention of the Rubin’s (1984) “ritual gratifications” measure
telegraph (DeLuca, 2011). Alternatively, bike- (“It’s just a habit”) that was a predictor of
share app usage is likely to be seen as a television use. However, the gratifications
technology habit today, exhibiting how examined in such work are defined to be
“technology” focuses not only on the physical actively and consciously processed, so habits
object itself but also on the ways in which it is cannot be gratifications (LaRose, 2010a).
applied. Nonetheless, from a more historical As scholarly attention turned from the
perspective, these innovations are no more television to the Internet, habits were found
technological, or even necessarily social, to be significant predictors of diverse pat-
than old-fashioned bicycles. terns of online behaviour, including general
Over the last two decades, a myriad of Internet use, online shopping, downloading
keywords have been applied to organize the media files, social networking, and online
everyday habits associated with emergent news consumption. Similar to social psych-
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

ology research that verified the explanatory ance, price value, and hedonic outcomes).
power of habits within the Theory of Planned Likewise, social norms are addressed
Behavior (TPB), habits were pitted against through perceived social support for system
competing variables emphasizing reflective use, and perceived behavioural control is
thought processes and explained more var- accounted for through facilitating cond-
iance in Internet usage than consciously itions and ease of use. Notably, habits are
processed outcome expectations or grat- conceptualized on the same level as the TPB-
ifications alone (see LaRose, 2010a). Although derived concepts, with past work demon-
most of these studies relied on correlational strating their capacity to explain both intent-
designs, some experimental work has offered ions and later information system use.
evidence of a causal relationship between Together, the value of habit perspectives
habits and tech usage (Tokunaga, 2013). has been established in multiple areas of
Along a similar timeline, addiction arose research on emergent technologies over the
as a rival explanation for frequent use of last two decades. Concurrent efforts have
online tech. However, many addiction stud- integrated habit research in communication
ies sampled normal populations, leading to with developments in social psychology,
separate (but clearly overlapping) lines of information systems, and neuroscience
inquiry on tech habits. In response, LaRose (LaRose, 2010a, 2010b, 2015). This synthesis
(2010a, 2010b) proposed that so-called addict- included a variety of psychological studies
ive uses among normal users were the result that employed media habits as focal
of deficient self-regulation. The deficient behaviours (e.g. Verplanken & Orbell, 2003)
self-regulation model of media habits re- and demonstrated the pervasiveness of
ceived support in a meta-analysis against a media habits in daily life (e.g. Wood, Quinn,
rival model of “problematic” Internet use & Kashy, 2002). Hence, from the telegraph to
(Tokunaga & Rains, 2010) and remains a the television to the computer, technology
viable explanation (Tokunaga, 2017). Despite habits have long operated as key heuristic
the potential misnomer, tech addictions can cases for the study of habitual behaviour.
also be interpreted through habitual neural
mechanisms (Smith & Graybiel, 2016), and Measurement Challenges
thereby aid in our understanding of (neg-
ative) habits. Consequently, this chapter re-
As in other literatures, technology research
engages with the addiction perspective, but
rewards innovators of novel pursuits, even as
only as applied to normal populations (see
publication delays and overlooked develop-
also LaRose, 2010b).
ments in allied areas lead to redundancy.
Parallel developments in the information
This is especially so when researchers re-
systems literature, beginning with Limayem
spond to the latest technological innovations
and Hirt (2003), found that habits were more
and social trends. Accordingly, technology
powerful predictors of technology usage than
habit research was already well under way in
reflective influences (e.g. derived from the
both communication and information sys-
Theory of Planned Behavior; TPB). Habits
tems prior to the publication of the Self-
were later included in what is now a
Report Habit Index (SRHI; Verplanken &
dominant theory in the field, the Unified
Orbell, 2003). This led to differing, but inter-
Theory of Acceptance and Utilization of
secting, approaches to habit measurement
Technology (UTAUT2; Venkatesh, Thong, &
that persist through today. Below, we
Xu, 2012). Similar to TPB, UTAUT2 focuses
document some of the pivotal issues that
on a subset of beliefs that are theorized to
complicate tech habit operationalization
determine the acceptance and utilization of
before moving on to the implications for
consumer information systems (e.g. perform-
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

conceptualization. current information systems research is

Improvements upon Rubin’s (1984) orig- informed by UTAUT2, which deploys a
inal habit question added statements that subset of items that emphasizes deficient
further conveyed the meaning of “habit” (e.g. self-reaction (vs. self-observation) in two of
“part of my routine”) to produce reliable its three items.
multiple-item scales. LaRose (2010a, 2010b) An array of additional tech measures tap
proposed recognizing all dimensions of into habit dimensions indirectly. For
automatic behaviour (lack of awareness, instance, Facebook Intensity (Ellison,
attention, intention, and control). This led to Steinfield, & Lampe, 2007), which is defined
a two dimensional solution termed deficient as an intense relationship with Facebook,
self-observation (connoting a lack of aware- nonetheless contains some of the same basic
ness, attention) and deficient self-reaction dimensions as the SRHI. Specifically, the
(intention, control) (LaRose, Kim, & Peng, scale contains items relating to frequency of
2011; Tokunaga, 2015). Deficient self- use and self-concept (e.g., “Facebook has
observation parallels automaticity indicators become part of my daily routine”),
in the SRHI, as became evident when SRHI paralleling the SRHI without using the habit
items were integrated with the self- label. Similar scales focusing on constructs
observation measure (LaRose et al., 2011). such as “involvement” and “dependence”
However, the SRHI does not include self- were developed for other online social be-
reaction indicators (e.g. “I would find hard haviours that can appear obsessive (e.g.
not to do”, “That would require effort not to Walsh, White, & Young, 2010).
do it”) in sufficient abundance to constitute a In addition, a plethora of technology
separate dimension. addiction, problematic use, and compulsive
Moreover, indicators of past behavioural use scales have been developed and adapted
frequency in the established SRHI are (see Tokunaga & Rains, 2016). As noted
problematic for tech habit researchers who above, these scales are relevant since much of
aim to predict usage and its consequences. the extant research on problematic be-
This issue has led to frequency-independent haviour is focused on normal populations.
measures derived from the SRHI (Bayer & Hence, such syndromes may be understood
Campbell, 2012; Bayer, Dal Cin, Campbell, & as habits that include deficient self-reaction
Panek, 2016; c.f., Gardner, Abraham, Lally, & items in their operational definitions (e.g. “try
de Bruijn, 2012). Such measures of tech habits to cut down the amount of time you spend
reflect automaticity, but otherwise depart and fail?”; “stay online longer than intend-
from the SRHI (see Chap. 3 in this volume, for ed?”) (LaRose, 2010a; Tokunaga, 2015; Young,
a discussion of this issue). 1999), and so their scales encompass further
Other tech habit measures emerged that examples of habit measures.
placed greater emphasis on the lack of Most recently, researchers have adopted
control and intention dimensions of auto- techniques outside of standard self- report
maticity. In particular, Limayem and Hirt (see also Habit Research in Action). The
(2003) produced a reliable multi-item Response Frequency Measure of Media
measure for information systems researchers Habits (RFMMH; Naab & Schnauber, 2016)
that contained statements that parallel some asks respondents which medium they would
found in the SRHI. However, the measure use to achieve certain goals (e.g. enter-
also invoked the term “addiction” and so tainment) under time pressure. Although
combines the two dimensions pro- posed by moderately correlated with the SRHI, the
LaRose (2010a, 2010b), while once again relatively long (3–7 s) response intervals allow
blurring the distinction between normal tech for thoughtful deliberation. In turn, the
habits and addictions. As noted above, measure likely reflects goal–behaviour
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits


Prospects for Tuning Down the Noise
Given abundant overlap, empirical validation and integration among available
measures is required, with special opportunities coming from less-obtrusive techniques.
The RFMMH allows long reaction times that invite conscious reflection, and so methods
that confine reactions to the millisecond range may be valuable in future work.
Neuroscience studies sometimes employ reward devaluation to measure habit strength,
an approach that could be applied to tech habits; for example, by removing the chroma
cues or reducing the number of apps that are accessible from smartphones. Habit
formation suppresses peripheral physiological responses and pupil dilation, which can be
used to verify that users are responding to cues (Chen et al., 2018). Researchers have drawn
on functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to examine attention habits in humans
(Anderson, 2016), as well as online media cognition (Meshi et al., 2015), but this approach
has yet to be extended to tech habits directly.
More generally, studies are needed that compare and contrast competing
measurement approaches, along with their structures, head-to-head. The tech addiction
literature has produced a multitude of instruments (e.g. over a dozen forms for measuring
Internet addict-ion). In turn, addiction instruments have spawned offshoots covering
specific devices, applications, and features within applications. In contrast to habit
research, most of these instruments aspire to be diagnostic instruments. Because of this,
addiction measures tend to include both the consequences of use (e.g. neglect of work,
school, and family and social commitments) and the habitual processes that may produce
those consequences, such as deficient self-observation and self-reaction. Separation of the
two components (as in LaRose et al. 2011) might help to converge the two streams of
research; for example, deficient self-reaction may be well correlated with addiction items
that bespeak loss of self-control. Unobtrusive physiological, neurological, and reaction
time measures requiring controlled lab conditions are advancing our knowledge of habits,
but establishing their relationships (if any) to self-reported and digital measures is vital to
understanding technology habits in real-world environments.

associations that are related to habit strength subject to the jingle problem (Thorndike,
at moderate levels, but may be less valid than 1904); that is, habit measures such as the
context–behaviour associations (Neal, Wood, SRHI and UTAUT2’s habit scale share the
Labrecque, & Lally, 2012). Separately, early same variable label, and even come from
research on news habits has found evidence similar origins, yet their scales emphasize
of pupil dilation while individuals view distinct dimensions of repetitive behaviour.
habitually consulted sources (i.e. Facebook By contrast, the SRHI and Facebook Intensity
newsfeed), as compared to a control con- amount to a jangle problem (Kelley, 1927)
dition without cues (Chen, Tao, Liu, & with common measurement elements but
LaRose, 2018). different labels (“habits,” “intensity”). To
those well-known issues, we provisionally
Conceptualization Challenges: add two new terms to describe the con-
ceptual noise in the field. Clatters are similar
Jingles, Jangles, Clatters, and
constructs that proceed from different,
Clamors incompatible paradigms—but that aim to
explain the same underlying phenomenon.
Conflicting operational definitions emit con- For example, behavioural theories (e.g.
ceptual noise. Tech habit research is thus UTAUT2, TPB) and disease models (e.g.
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

addiction, compulsion) can be said to clatter evidence, Tokunaga (2017) concluded that
with one another. Last, we might designate either direction is possible for the causal
clamors: analogous concepts and scales arrow between problems and habits, with
developed in different fields of study—but some evidence for cyclical patterns of
take little notice of one another. For example, causation. Hence, tech use that results in
communication research can be said to negative life consequences may originate in
clamor with information systems over com- efforts to alleviate dysphoric states with
peting models of tech habits. Despite the rewarding tech behaviour (Kuss & Billieux,
apparent cacophony, the jingles, jangles, 2017). Unfortunately, certain users, these
clatters, and clamors nonetheless further our initial efforts may be hampered by deficient
understanding of the mechanisms, ante- self-regulation and a spiral of mounting use
cedents, and consequences of tech habits. (LaRose et al., 2011; van Rooij, Ferguson, van
de Mheen, & Schoenmakers, 2017), especially
Causal Mechanisms of Overuse when surrounded by encouraging others
(Klimmt & Brand, 2017). Similarly, research
Rising above the noise, a fundamental suggests that deficient self-regulation can
question about the underlying mechanisms lead directly to negative consequences, as
of tech behaviour remains actively debated. well as indirectly contribute through the
In particular, does highly repetitive tech- frequency and duration of mobile use (Soror,
nology use represent a pathology that Hammer, Steelman, Davis, & Limayem, 2015).
originates with chronic dysphoria, per- To summarize, though tech behaviours
sonality traits, or neurological disorders, as rarely cross the threshold into problematic
“disease” models imply? Empirical research behaviour, habit is likely play a role in those
suggests that only a small population of cases.
clinically addicted Internet users exists Furthermore, more problematic tech
(Alter, 2017; Griffiths & Kuss, 2015; Tokunaga, behaviours might eventually be explained
2017). Mental illness is generally marked by through fundamental habit mechanisms.
severe life consequences (e.g. losing friends Two distinct neural mechanisms (Smith &
or jobs), rather than “agree somewhat” with Graybiel, 2016), one involving ongoing inter-
smartphone use complaints (Kardefelt- actions between automatic and deliberative
Winther et al., 2017; Van Deursen, Bolle, processes (action–outcome habits), and
Hegner, & Kommers, 2015). Hence, the neg- another that acts independently of imme-
ative outcomes of technology addiction diate reinforcement contingencies and defies
should only be correctable through profess- self-control (stimulus-response habits), para-
ional therapeutic intervention. Yet, “addict- llel the distinction between deficient self-
ive” use of new media is often resolved observation and deficient self- reaction sides
through spontaneous remission (LaRose, of habit automaticity. Investigations that
2015). Accordingly, among normal popu- separate self-observation (awareness, atten-
lations at least, the deficient self-regulation tion) from self-reaction (intention, control)
model presents a viable alter-native to the find that the two facets are related (LaRose et
disease model (Tokunaga, 2017). al., 2011; Tokunaga, 2017; Van Deursen et al.,
A secondary question about causal 2015), although the directional arrows shift
ordering also helps to resolve the clamoring between studies and reciprocal causation
of behavioural and disease models. That is, remains a possibility. Therefore, future work
do psychosocial problems such as depression is needed to examine whether normal and
and loneliness precede or follow the extreme users of technologies can be disting-
development of tech habits? Examining a uished in terms of habitual cognition alone.
body of research limited to correlational
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

Antecedents and Consequences placement) as the cause of functional

difficulties involving social and professional
The conceptual noise above raises the quest- life (Tokunaga, 2016). Overall, research has
ion of whether some individuals are more introduced a wide range of antecedents and
susceptible to tech habits than others. A consequences of tech habits, though
growing list of personality facets have measurement limitations hamper the ability
received recent attention as antecedents of to disentangle key habitual mechanisms.
tech habits, including trait self-regulation,
impulsiveness, and sensation seeking (Bayer, What is Special about Tech Habits?
Dal Cin, et al., 2016; Wilmer & Chein, 2016).
Demographic, motivational, and lifestyle Amid operational and conceptual diversity,
variables add to the list of anteced- ents (Van extant research on tech habits has con-
Deursen et al., 2015). For instance, a seminal tributed to our understanding of habit
UTAUT2 study found a three-way inter- acquisition and performance in daily life.
action effect among age, gender, and prior Primarily, this body of work has focused on
experience on mobile Internet use, as well as the role of habits—in competition with other
correlations between habit strength and a individual factors—in predicting, explaining,
range of situational factors (e.g. expected and regulating user behaviour. More recent
performance, social influence; Venkatesh et perspectives, however, question whether
al., 2012). In general, communication models tech habits may change human cognition at a
have predicted habit strength from the more basic level (Barr, Pennycook, Stolz, &
expected outcomes of behaviour, self- Fugelsang, 2015; Clayton, Leshner, &
efficacy, and depression, whereas inform- Almond, 2015; LaRose, Lin, & Eastin, 2003;
ation systems research has focused on user Meshi, Tamir, & Heekeren, 2015; Sparrow &
satisfaction and the various uses as further Chatman, 2013; Wilmer, Sherman, & Chein,
antecedents of tech habits (see LaRose, 2015, 2017). National surveys (Anderson & Perrin,
for a review). 2017), daily diary (Wood et al., 2002),
Habit is also a powerful predictor of experience sampling (Hofmann, Vohs, &
adoption and continuance for a long list of Baumeister, 2012), and digital tracking
technologies, usually surpassing the strength (Oulasvirta, Rattenbury, Ma, & Raita, 2012)
of conscious intentions (LaRose, 2015). The studies all suggest that tech usage accounts
sheer volume of use may partially account for for a substantial proportion of complex
both positive and negative effects, but there habits in daily life. But are these habits
is reason to suspect that habit contributes special, or do such societal and academic
beyond time commitment (Tokunaga, 2016). reactions to their presence reflect a default
Online safety habits contributed to the response to encountering the new?
performance of protective behaviours (Tsai Prior research on tech habits has neither
et al., 2016), whereas texting habits predicted fully articulated whether they are theo-
risky behaviour while driving and walking retically (in)distinguishable from other
(Panek, Bayer, Dal Cin, & Campbell, 2015) domains of habits nor related them to the
and responding to phishing emails broader literature on habits. The same
(Vishwanath, Harrison, & Ng, 2016). Studies neurocognitive mechanisms (e.g. Smith &
have also documented a variety of psycho- Graybiel, 2016) presumably explain habitual
social problems that covary with tech habits, Tinder swiping as well as they do Television
including depression, anxiety, loneliness, clicking, tooth brushing, and wallet handling.
and neglect of important obligations Nonetheless, new-er tools might provide
(Tokunaga & Rains, 2016). Recent time series novel cues, contexts, and rewards to develop
research points to habits (vs. time dis-
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

habits, and these factors may allow for habits yet more groundwork is needed first.
to manifest in (seemingly) distinctive ways. Here, we take a sideward step by
From this vantage, the study of tech habits is discussing how the components of a given
the study of moderation effects on habitual behaviour may moderate habits via their
processes; that is, how the cues, contexts, and fundamental elements: repetition, automa-
outcome contingencies created by emergent ticity, and cueing in stable contexts (Orbell &
technologies moderate habit formation, per- Verplanken, 2015). The sections below ex-
formance, and change. plicate how the underlying components of a
Increasingly, technology research has tech practices may influence habit action
questioned the common focus on particular possibilities. In particular, we revisit cue and
technologies, rather than conceptualizing or context properties of tech behaviours noted
manipulating their underlying attributes. In in past work, as well as outcome properties
response, some researchers have called for a (Gardner, 2015), with the potential to
greater focus on “affordances” (Evans, moderate habit strength and performance.
Pearce, Vitak, & Treem, 2017; Fox & McEwan, Certainly, the elements of repetition and
2017). At a basic level, affordances represent automaticity are equally significant (and
the “possibilities for action” separating a interwoven with the activation of contextual
technology (or other objects) from a user cues). However, we underline the latter
(Evans et al., 2017), typically oriented around elements due to the tendency of tech habits
the role of conscious or perceived functions. to challenge the meaning of “cued in stable
Nonetheless, many dimensions of tech- contexts” (Orbell & Verplanken, 2015).
nologies are “hidden” to the user (Gaver,
1991), and such dimensions may aid in the Cue Properties
explication of tech habits. Rather than
engendering a new form of cognition, tech Technologies that can be used more reg-
habits may highlight how latent action ularly than others inherently increase the
possibilities influence habit mechanisms. opportunities for repeat behaviour, and
There are a variety of significant afford- thereby the likelihood and speed of habit
ances (e.g. Fox & McEwan, 2017; Sundar, Jia, formation. Therefore, portable technologies
Waddell, & Huang, 2015) with the potential to afford more opportunities (Schrock, 2015) for
influence habitual processes to some degree. a given cue to be acquired and activated due
On a related front, recent work has suggested their continual presence. In addition to
that particular affordances may interact with allowing for more cue exposure and rapid
online behaviours in the context of self- cue–behaviour associations, portable objects
control (Hofmann, Reinecke, & Meier, 2016). (e.g. phones, boom-boxes, newspapers)
Hofmann et al. (2016) highlighted four inhabit more environments and thus allow
aspects that may contribute to the high level for a greater variety of spatial cues to become
affective temptation seen in online media, associated with a habit. Further, online
including immediate gratifications, ubiq- capabilities substantially widen the range of
uitous availability, attentional demands, and behaviours that can be performed through a
habitual usage itself. Separately, LaRose given tool. Paired together, portability and
(2015) proposed a series of technological connectivity bring about new layers of
features that may influence habitual form- potential cues (Wilmer & Chein, 2016). By
ation and change (e.g. anytime, anywhere, providing an ever- present venue, an array of
anonymity, anyhow). Ultimately, a par- physical environments, and hyperlinks to
simonious set of dimensions that will bottomless information, emergent tech-
transcend specific technologies may be nologies open up extra opportunities for
required to build an enduring framework— different cues to form in conjunction with
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

said habit (Bayer, Campbell, & Ling, 2016). where” nature (LaRose, 2015). Portability may
Online technologies are not just produce a degree of what appears to be
ubiquitous; they also provide abundant “context-independence” (Bayer & Campbell,
action possibilities within and between 2012). In many cases, it may be that the
devices, applications, and features. The same technology itself, or the embedded virtual
behavioural “chunks” (such as a smartphone environment, is the context. For example, the
“up swipe”) may become associated with notification panel on a smartphone may
multiple responses and incorporated as the operate as a context for interface habits. In
starting points in various behavioural scripts. other cases, it may be that the context is a
Cues may be triggered internally or ex- mental state or frame of mind (in line with
ternally, including the “technical cues” that preceding action states), as opposed to a
emanate from a technology itself (e.g. no- location or situation. For instance, the mental
tifications, buzzes, sounds). These attention- state of boredom may provide a context in
demanding triggers may provide for more which cues (e.g. loneliness) develop for
salient cues than passive objects that lay in checking the phone automatically. In this
the background (Carden & Wood, 2018; way, some tech habits are perhaps more
Hofmann et al., 2016). The rising influence of similar to mental habits or attention habits
personalized algorithms, in particular, may than physical routines (Anderson, 2016;
hold important implications for cue learning Bayer, Campbell, & Ling, 2016; Verplanken,
in the not-too-distant future. Research has Friborg, Wang, Trafimow, & Woolf, 2007).
also turned attention inward to delineate the Given the multidimensional nature of mod-
contribution of different sources of cues to ern tech contexts, future research may
aggregate tech habits (e.g. smartphone require greater attention to context operat-
checking), such as the role of spatial, tech- ionalization.
nical, and mental cues that compose the The wide spectrum of overlapping spat-
global “habit” (Bayer, Campbell, & Ling, 2016; ial, virtual, and mental contexts also create
Hall, 2017). Following Neal et al. (2012), future new opportunities for different habits to
work is needed in the tech domain to become interwoven with one another. Tech-
empirically identify fundamental cue pat- nologies that exhibit compatibility with other
terns across technologies and individuals. habits afford faster cue associations (cf.,
The de facto standardization of particular “innovation clusters”, LaRose & Hoag, 1996).
action sequences by popular technology Individuals may “slip” back into old habits
interfaces points to the possibility of iden- unless new habits are highly compatible with
tifying a parsimonious set of cues underlying individual routines (Labrecque, Wood, Neal,
tech habits. In total, the same technology is & Harrington, 2017). Entry-level smartphone
likely to engender many different cues, and habits, such as placing and receiving voice
the same habit is likely to traverse many calls, may become “gateways” (Oulasvirta et
different technologies. al., 2012) to later habits such as texting and
casual gaming. As a result, technologies that
Context Properties come with wide functionality, or comprehen-
siveness of use (Limayem, Hirt, & Cheung,
Habits are defined to occur in stable contexts, 2007), allow for discrete contexts (e.g. Gmail,
but what is a context? Within the habit Facebook, Snapchat) to appear in successive
literature, contexts are most commonly bursts or become embedded in scripts (Bayer,
treated as particular locations, situational Campbell, & Ling, 2016). Continual access to
elements, and preceding actions (Wood, 2017; related habits lend themselves to rapid
Wood & Neal, 2007). Tech habits, however, “chunking”, such as swiping and password
are noteworthy due to their “anytime, any- entry during habit formation. Altogether,
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

tech habits can satisfy a variety of needs strict norms of social availability mean that
concurrently (Naab & Schnauber, 2016; individuals are expected to check for social
Sundar & Limperos, 2013; Wang & Tchernev, updates—or face repercussions (Ling, 2012).
2012), and new habits are likely to develop Finally, technologies can modulate the level
faster, and remain stronger, as complements of delay in behavioural outcomes. Indeed,
to old contexts. new media are defined by their interactivity
(Sundar et al., 2015), producing some
Outcome Properties combination of positive, neutral, and neg-
ative rewards with minimal delay in response
Habit formation initially depends on the rate to user feedback. By contrast, technologies
and size of the reward (Gardner, 2015; c.f., that provide locks, passwords, and silencers
Wood, 2017), whether the pellets dispensed act as reward buffers. Depending on the tool
by Skinner or tweets emitted by Twitter. at hand and customized settings, tech-
Although online tech often provides imme- nologies may tighten or loosen the cue-
diate gratifications in ways similar to sweets outcome loops that facilitate habit formation
(Hofmann et al., 2016), such actions are not (LaRose, 2015). The immediacy (e.g. clicks,
always rewarding. Rather, ever-present tech- beeps, bubbles, colors, numbers) of inter-
nologies offer instant outcomes (vs. rewards). active habits may be established and exting-
Technologies that are characterized by cer- uished more quickly than non-technical
tain reward schedules have the potential to habits. However, once behaviours are
facilitate stronger habitual conditioning. In codified as stimulus-response habits, they are
particular, many technologies provide inter- relatively insensitive to negative outcomes
mittent reward schedules, such as the act of (Smith & Graybiel, 2016; Wood, 2017).
checking a Twitter newsfeed that may have
variable results (Vishwanath, 2016) that can From Problems to Prospects
increase the pace of activation and ward
against extinction (James & Tunney, 2017). As demonstrated in the above sections, tech
The contemporary state of being perm- habit research is challenged by the
anently connected (Vorderer & Kohring, inherently dynamic nature of technology
2013) offers numerous sources of intermittent itself, as well as what tech habits are
rewards at semi-random times, ranging from perceived to be. Societal narratives defining
direct messages to news headlines (van new-er habits as technology habits corre-
Koningsbruggen, Hartmann, & Du, 2017). spond to the “technology-as-novelty” pers-
Beyond primary reinforcement, versatile pective (McOmber, 1999). Technology habits
tools may produce secondary rewards (and reformulate the ever-changing expectations,
punishment) associated with each catalytic predispositions, and practices of a given
cue. A cue (e.g. boredom) to check a smart- society—in line with the sociological notion
watch (e.g. Fitbit) may produce a reward by of habitus (Bourdieu, 1977; Crossley, 2013;
revealing the time, while also inducing Papacharissi, Streeter, & Gillespie, 2013).
secondary rewards and/or punishments (e.g. Once a tech habit becomes part of the taken-
steps, badges)—all synchronously. for-granted expectations, newer technologies
Emergent technologies thereby offer an inevitably supplant the old in society,
amalgam of reward types, which can influ- creating a continuing stream of research
ence habitual processing in numerous ways. within which theories of habits may be
Since habit formation is especially sensitive reexamined. In other words, the new habits
to social rewards (Graybiel, 2008), tech- of today become the built-in behaviours of
nologies that provide social updates may tomorrow. The result is that “tech habits” end
allow for more powerful effects. Likewise,
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

up with nebulous definitions, as indicated by habits (Lim, 2013), including potential tech
the long list of keywords applied to con- solutions to tech problems (Klimmt & Brand,
temporary technology behaviour. 2017). For example, recent updates include
The uncertain scope of tech habits is features that tweak the frequency or attract-
compounded by overlap with the addiction iveness of cues (e.g. greyscale interfaces,
label, particularly given the widening pur- notification blockers), offering possibilities to
view of addictive behaviour (Alter, 2017; enact habit change by changing the virtual
Wiederhold, 2018). Part of the problem is that environment (c.f., Carden & Wood, 2018).
the terms “habit” and “addiction” are often Against this backdrop, it becomes clear
used loosely outside of their central liter- that a more reflective and sustainable ap-
atures (and colloquially in broader society). proach to researching tech habits is required.
Although we have focused on habits in this From a practical standpoint, different labels
chapter, the addiction perspective continues beget different literatures, splintering the
to collide with tech habit research. In re- progress being made and adding further
sponse to early disease model investigations uncertainty to the underlying mental pro-
of “excessive” usage (now considered average cesses. Here, we suggest the core question for
levels of use), there have been growing calls tech habits is not whether basic mechanisms
to reassess the assignment of the “addiction” change as a function of newer tech (they
label across disciplines (Billieux et al., 2014; presumably don’t). Rather, the goal should
Griffiths & Kuss, 2015; Tokunaga, 2015). Most be to explicate what components they em-
recently, criticisms about technological and ploy that moderate the underlying elements
other controversial addictions were fun- of habit. None of the above components are
neled into exclusion criterion to limit false unique to particular technologies—whether
positives (Kardefelt-Winther et al., 2017). comic books or virtual reality—but they are
Collectively, the ambiguity surrounding often salient characteristics of those objects.
tech habits has implications for societies and In line with more conscious perceptions of
researchers alike. Regardless of diagnostic technological affordances (Evans et al., 2017),
rules, the substantial gap between the num- the above components should be viewed
ber of problem users and total users results in along a spectrum. A smartphone is not the
a conflicting narrative in society (Klimmt & first technology tool to be portable—but it is
Brand, 2017; Ryding & Kaye, 2017). Chun more so than a laptop computer or a folding
(2016) argues that, in the age of new media, chair. Taking this perspective, “technology
habit has become even further pinned to the habits” represent a novel amalgam of behav-
notion and lexicon of addiction in society. ioural components.
The expansive use of the addiction label may The question of how certain components
be viewed as part of the “habitus of the new” affect habit mechanisms, and how various
(Papacharissi et al., 2013), as a newly virtual technologies align with those components,
society struggles with new conditions and deserves empirical research. For instance,
potential threats. Tech habits underline the there is the potential to perform meta-
tendency of humans to fear change (some- analyses that reevaluate observed habit
times reasonably; Alter, 2017). That said, strength as a function of tech components.
accounts of spontaneous remissions of Going forward, a research agenda starts with
seemingly destructive tech habits are often research to further conceptualize and dev-
overlooked in favor of sensational stories, at elop support for key components of tech
least until those habits are taken-for- granted habits, including how exactly they intersect
(Ling, 2012). On the positive side, the with the basic elements of habit (Orbell &
uncertainty forces individuals and societies Verplanken, 2015). In line with other areas of
to reflect on the benefits and costs of tech tech research, studies seldom measure or
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

manipulate technological attributes directly; habitual users of the Facebook newsfeed,

conversely, the moderating components are selective exposure was stronger when
typically limited to the discussion section. presented on a screen that contained familiar
This may be partly due to the measurement cues (e.g. standard logo, URL, color scheme,
challenges associated with extracting par- and layout) than comparable neutral cues.
ticular components, particularly while main- Since initial steps in a sequence of actions
taining the real-world validity. By virtue of limit deliberations over later steps (Smith &
their complexity, however, tech habits reveal Graybiel, 2016), this result might be ex-
the built-in challenges involved in disting- plained as a weakening of critical reflect-ion
uishing standalone habits from more global on message content once an news script was
sets of habits, chunks, and scripts. A century cued. Restricted deliberation following the
later, tech habits continue to echo Bryan and initiation of a context cue might also explain
Harter’s (1899) early study on the hierarchal intense online experiences such as flow states
nature of telegraph habits. (Tokunaga, 2013) and immersive engagement
Tech habits thereby help to clarify the (Kuru, Bayer, Pasek, & Campbell, 2017).
boundary conditions of habit mechanisms— When packaged into compact scripts,
and offer innovative avenues for future seemingly special habits paired with other
research (Carden & Wood, 2018). Indeed, the unreflective forms of cognition may jointly
prominence of tech habits during everyday contribute to the “addiction-like” aura of
life brings about abundant opportunities to these habits (Bayer, Dal Cin, et al., 2016).
study these components in naturalistic In sum, tech habits often seem “special”,
environments. Hence, emergent methods are even when operating through the same basic
slated to help habit researchers unpack some elements of past telegraphic operators. For
of the underlying elements and components this reason, the deconstruction of habits into
discussed above. For instance, mobile and component parts may help to explain the
digital methodologies (Bayer, Ellison, societal skepticism, and potential pathologiz-
Schoenebeck, Brady, & Falk, 2017; Harari et ing, of new habits. The realization that tech
al., 2016) are well-positioned to untangle the “addictions” are often just new-er habits that
roles of spatial and virtual contexts in habit appear special is not new itself; back in the
formation, while also allowing for testing 1970s, television was described as “the plug-in
hierarchal interactions of different habits drug” (Winn, 1977). One does not need to be
(e.g. walking habits and swiping habits). omniscient to presume that tech habits will
Moreover, research on the moderating continue to emerge that will pose theoretical
components of tech habits can assist in and clinical obstacles to our future research-
clarifying the lines between the normal ers and societies. Yet the way we approach
habits and clinical problems. As a whole, tech this perpetual problem can change.
habits remain well-positioned to explicate
real-world habitual behaviour. Conclusion
Future tech habit research should also
move beyond predicting personal conse-
This chapter mapped the trajectory of con-
quences associated with use to examine how
temporary tech habits, an umbrella term
habits contribute to broader societal con-
encompassing a growing array of new media
cerns about technology. For example, recent
behaviours. Due to their ubiquitous role in
research suggests that Facebook habit
everyday life, tech behaviours contribute to
strength moderates the likelihood of indi-
our understanding of dynamic habits by
viduals engaging in selective exposure to
challenging the preconceptions of standard
attitude consistent political content on the
habitual action—at least at first. Each new
platform newsfeed (Chen et al., 2018). Among
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits

layer of innovation reinvigorates old con- in societal progress (or lack thereof; James,
cerns and promises related to the impacts of 1890). In the process, we suggest that research
emergent technology on individual and on tech habits helps to illuminate the hidden
societal well-being (Carbonell & Panova, mechanisms and moderators supporting
2017; Ryding & Kaye, 2017; Wilmer et al., 2017). habitual behaviour at large.
To be sure, there are other innovations that Looking forward, this chapter suggests
are also deserving to represent the “tech that researchers place greater emphasis on
habits” mantle from a mechanical standpoint the underlying components of habitual
(e.g. medical or transportation inventions). behaviour, rather than the fleeting features
Those pertaining to daily information, of the present. Why does deconstructing the
communication, and leisure activities, how- gears of tech habits matter? We propose that
ever, often receive an outsized share of examining how newer technologies rely on
concerns compared to their tech brethren. certain components that exaggerate habit-
As a consequence, tech habits offer a ual cognition may help to explain, and to
valuable case for considering the positive and some extent justify, the uncertainty
negative outcomes that result from a surrounding them in both societal and
perennial research focus on new-er habits. academic dis-course. Novel combinations of
On the positive side, research has dem- cues, contexts, and outcomes can make a
onstrated the immense role of habit in tech technology habit look powerfully, and
adoption and usage, as well as key ante- perhaps deceivingly, special. With this in
cedents and consequences—all while mind, future research should examine new-
encountering successive waves of trans- er habits through more generalizable
formative inventions. Simultaneously, their paradigms, not limited to particular devices
behavioural complexity and real-world or applications, and avoid spinning the same
relevance makes them revealing as heuristic flywheels over and over again.
cases, affirming the adaptive power of habits
Bayer & LaRose Technology Habits


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