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2019/2/18 PTE.


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2019/2/18 PTE.AI黑科技机经

Listening 听力部分

SST Summarize spoken text 录音总结

1. Talent war/人才争夺战 #677 2017-04 频率14

The war for talent refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees. In the
book, Michaels et al., describe not a set of superior Human Resources processes, but a mindset that emphasizes the
importance of talent to the success of organizations.

The war for talent is intensified by demographic shifts (primarily in the United States and Europe). This is characterized
by increasing demand along with decreasing supply (demographically). There are simply fewer post-baby-boom workers
to replace the baby boom retirement in the US and Europe (though this is not the case in most of East Asia, Southeast
Asia, Central Asia, Central America, South America, or the Middle East Eastern Europe also tends to have similar
demographics, namely an aging and shrinking labor force).

While talent is vague or ill-defined, the underlying assumption is that for knowledge-intensive industries, the knowledge
worker is the key competitive resource. Knowledge-based theories of organizations consistently place knowledge
workers as a primary', competitive resource. Talent is never explicitly defined in the book, though the Preface notes, "A
certain part of talent elude description: You simply know it when you see it." After several further caveats, the authors go
on: "We can say, however, that managerial talent is some combination of a sharp strategic mind, leadership ability,
emotional maturity, communications skills, the ability to attract and inspire other talented people, entrepreneurial
instincts, functional skills, and the ability to deliver results." The authors offer no outside support for this assertion.

A 2006 article in The Economist, which mentions the book, notes that "companies do not even know how to define
"talent," let alone how to manage it. Some use it to mean people like Aldous Huxley's alphas in Brave New World those at
the top of the bell curve. Others employ it as a synonym for the entire workforce, a definition so broad as to be

The 'War for talent is seen by various sources as becoming irrelevant during economic downturns. However, there have
been highly visible talent poaching by solvent firms of others who have economic hardship.

This topic is described as talent war.
The intensive competition for talented people is not only within a country but also between countries.
The changes of the nature of economy lead to an increase in talent demand.
The aging of baby boomer generation causes decreased supply of skilled workers.
Some countries attract talent by attracting young people to go to university in their countries.
In conclusion, talent is at premium.

2. Benefits of Laugh/大笑的益处 #678 2017-04 频率30

Laughter is one of the greatest therapies in combatting adversity; and whole communities and nations have frequently
relied on humor to get them through their bleakest times.

On august 13,1961, the barbed wire was rolled out of Berlin to create the Berlin wall. For nearly 30 years, until it was
dismantled, wall jokes proliferated - especially among those living in the east. Laughing was all that was left.

Jokes about those who rule you - and sometimes those who tyrannize you - are a form of folklore that has existed in
societies as seemingly different as communist eastern Europe, Czarist Russia, modern Egypt, 12-century Persia, and
modern day Iran. Humour can also be wonderfully subversive. It can protect self-respect and identity.

This topic is described as the importance of laughing.

Laughing has many benefits, especially in adversity.
Laughing is not only a kind of humor but also great therapy. 2/25
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The war jokes about the Berlin Wall helped people recover from the pain caused by the Second World War.
In conclusion, laughing can also protect self-respect and identity.

3. Indian peasants debt/印度农民的债务 #680 2017-04 频率33

The debt today is so high, it’s two hundred thousand rupees, three hundred thousand rupees of peasant who have no
capital. They who know within a year or two, when they accumulate that kind of debt. Where is the debt coming from?
It's coming from a seed that is costing a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rupees per kilogram, depending on
what you got. Seeds that used to be free, used to be theirs. Pesticides each time, the more they use, the more they have
to use, 12 sprays, 15 sprays, 20 sprays. Pesticides used in just the last five years in the land areas of India has shown up
by 2000 percent. That’s why the free market and globalization have brought and since we are talking about peasants,
who have no money, who have no capital, they can only buy expensive seeds and expensive pesticides by borrowing.
And who lend that money? The seed companies that sell the pesticides, which are the same companies that sell the
seeds, as you know, are now also the major creditors.

4. Governments use tricks/政府使用技巧 #682 2017-04 频率25


This topic is described as government and democracy.

At the beginning of the lecture, the speaker mentioned that citizen should be well informed, which stands for democracy.
He further discussed that in some societies people are deliberately hidden from the truth.
In conclusion,some governments do all tricks in the book to cover their mistake.

5. A mother’s loan/一位母亲的贷款 #683 2017-04 频率4

I'm 43 years old, and I owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Oh sure, I knew the loans were piling up as I
went through school. But with one loan coming from here, another from there, I had no idea of the rock slide that was

Fifteen years later, I still experience moments of sheer horror regarding my families financial situation. My monthly
student loan payment is more than triple my car payment. OK, so without my college degree, I would not have been able
to get my current job. For that I'm grateful but at what cost?

My loans have been accruing at a rate of 10 percent, and now they have burgeoned to well. I'm an English major; you do
the math. I don't think they'll ever get paid off. Were in debt way past our eyeballs, and there's no hope in sight. I'm being
kept in class a financial class of graduates whose only hope for attending college meant borrowing money from the
government. Because of our mounting credit card debt and monthly payments that far exceed our families income, my
kids will also join the class of citizens who can rely on their parents for college support. Do I wish I'd chosen another
educational route? You bet.

This topic is described as a 43-years-old women who cannot pay off her student loan.
Although her college degree helped her find a job, she has been paying mounting debts for the expensive education cost.
She cannot rely on parents’ financial support.
She can’t support her children’s education either.
In conclusion, she advises students practically plan their future and choose an affordable educational institution.

6. Globalization/全球化产业变革 #685 2017-04 频率16

What is Globalization?

Globalization can usefully be conceived as a process (or set of processes), which embodies a transformation in the
spatial organization of social relations, and transactions, generating transcontinental or interregional flows and networks
of activity, interaction, and power. 3/25
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It is characterized by four types of change:

First, it involves stretching of social, political and economic activities across political frontiers, regions, and continents.

Second, it suggests the intensification, or the growing magnitude, of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment,
finance, migration, culture, etc.

Third, the growing extensity and intensity of global interconnectedness can be linked to a speeding up of global
interactions and processes, as the evolution of worldwide systems of transport and communication increases the
velocity of the diffusion of ideas, goods, information, capital, and people.

Fourth, the growing extensity, intensity, and velocity of global interactions can be associated with their deepening impact
such that the effects of distant events can be highly significant elsewhere and even the most local developments may
come to have enormous global consequences. In this sense, the boundaries between domestic matters and global
affairs can become increasingly blurred.

回忆要点:the lecture focuses on globalization. There are two definitions of globalization. One perspective is that the
proliferation of transaction across borders including international companies and trade. Another definition is that
countries can be split to consuming goods countries and producing goods countries and they rely on each other. This
thinking opens an new era. In conclusion, the post-industrial economy is a global economy. 我听的也一般仅供参考。split

7. A Female Novelist/女性小说家成长经历 #687 2017-04 频率21

I have been writing non-fiction for years actually, but secretly wanting to be a novelist.

When I first started writing at the age of 30, it was with the intention of writing fiction, but I took a little detour for 10 or
12 years, and write non-fiction which I absolutely have no regret about at all. I think it's exactly the right thing for me to
do. But there's this dream tucked away inside of me to do this. Now I was remembering reading something that wrote,
who is a great novelist from Mississippi who had a big influence on me actually. She said, "no art ever came out of not
risking your neck." And I think she's absolutely right about that. It felt that way to me at the time; it actually feels that way
every time I sit down to write something. Finally, in the early 90s, I took my deep breath and started writing fiction. It felt
risky to me at the time to do that. And one of the very first things that I wrote was, what I thought was going to be the
first chapter of a novel, called "The Secret Life of Bees." I wrote it in 1992, and it is actually essentially the first chapter of
the novel as it is now.

This topic is described as a female novelist.

She started writing from 30, and her initial intention was to write fiction novels.
However, she took some detour but she never regretted.
She spends 10-12 years to figure out what is fiction.
A great novelist inspired her to take some risk.
In conclusion, she literally started writing from 1951 with the first chapter “the secret life of bees."

8. Devolution of Power/下放的权力 #688 2017-04 频率30


The topic is described as the devolution of power from government to the general public.
The need to modify government power is a philosophical question.
While the Democratic Party claims that government should hold the big power and entitlements, the Republicans believe
the government should share its powers with the states and people.
In conclusion, the Republican Party was decided to hide power from the general public.
回忆要点:一开始说reducing government or modifying government to be more precise什么的, 然后说devolution 已经被
讨论了很久了,从多少年前 new york times 报道过一篇由斯坦福写的文章说这个是个philosophical issue which divides
democratic and republican party。 然后说democrates believe in big power,but 另外一边认为应该下放(devolve
down?)to people and states,然后后面这点我听的有点模糊,记东西去了,大概是说这种下放的做法经过一个还是一些研究 4/25
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后表面实际上是让这些power离人民愈来愈远(move power away from people)后面就是private power has always been

hidden from the public

9. Vitamin D/维生素D #689 2017-04 频率11

Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron,
magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also known
as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol can be ingested from the diet and
other supplements.

Very few foods contain vitamin D synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is the major natural source of the vitamin. Demmel
synthesis of vitamin D from cholesterol is dependent on sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation). Vitamin D from the
diet or dermal synthesis from sunlight is biologically inactive activation requires enzymatic conversion (hydroxylation) in
the liver and kidney. Evidence indicates the synthesis of vitamin D from sun exposure is regulated by a negative feedback
loop that prevents toxicity, but because of uncertainty about the cancer risk from sunlight, no recommendations are
issued by the Institute of Medicine (US) for the amount of sun exposure required to meet vitamin D requirements.
Accordingly, the Dietary Reference Intake for vitamin D assumes no synthesis occurs, and all of a person's vitamin D is
from food intake, although that will rarely occur in practice. As vitamin D is synthesized in adequate amounts by most
mammals exposed to sunlight, it is not strictly a vitamin and may be considered a hormone as its synthesis and activity
occur in different locations. Vitamin D has a significant role in calcium homeostasis and metabolism. Its discovery was
due to the effort to find the dietary substance lacking in rickets.

This topic is described as Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-solute prohormone.

Very few foods contain vitamin D.
Synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is the major natural source and requires sunshine.
The production of vitamin D will reduce when people migrate away from the equator or wear more clothes in winter.
In conclusion, More food that contains vitamin D is needed for people to keep healthy.

10. Drug Ads/药物广告的影响 #690 2017-04 频率31

The amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads has doubled in recent years. And it's no wonder: studies show
the commercials' work: consumers go to their doctors with a suggestion for a prescription drug they saw advertised on
TV. Now a study in the Annals of Family Medicine raises questions about the message these ads promote, NPR's Patty
Neighmond reports.

You're most likely to see drug ads during prime time, especially around the news. Researchers analyzed 38 ads aimed at
people with conditions like hypertension, herpes, high cholesterol, depression, arthritis, and allergies.

The drug industry says the ads arm consumers with information. But researchers found that though the information was
technically accurate, the tone was misleading.

UCLA psychologist Dominick Frosch headed the study."What we would see in these ads is that before taking the
prescription drug, the character's life was out of control and the loss of control really extended beyond just the impact of
the health condition,"

For example, herpes patients were portrayed as being incapacitated for days, insomniacs utterly out of synch on the job
and depressed patients friendless and boring at parties.

"When the character is then shown taking the drug, he then magically regains complete control of his life."

None of the ads, of course, mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. After all, it's mass
marketing. But in this case, Frosch says, prescription medications are not soap.

Drug companies have doubled investment in advertisements because they worked.

Many people consult doctors or buy prescription drugs with suggestions from drug advertisements.
Researchers found that commercial information is technically accurate but the tone is misleading. 5/25
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In drug ads, patient characters magically regain complete control of life after administering medicines but changing
lifestyle, which is beneficial for treatment, is not mentioned in any advertisement.
It is marketing after all.
The drug company has doubled the amount of money spent on ads.

11. Development of Genes/基因的发展 #691 2017-04 频率14


evolution grows rapidly the small number of different genes is responsible 没有提到piss
This lecture talks about the development of genes.
There are some genetic differences in cognitive abilities between present people and ancestors.
It highlights the small number of different genes between modern people and those from 5000 years ago.
The way of modern people piss has no difference with our ancestors half million years ago because the genes did not
change much.

12. International environmental law/国际环境保护法 #692 2017-04 频率25

Before we consider international environmental law and climate change we need to consider domestic legislation, as it is
within the sovereign states that international law is put into practice. This reflects the environmentalists' maxim, 'think
globally act locally.'

United Kingdom legislative control over the impacts of man's activity on the environment is not new. As long ago as the
reign of Charles II the main concern was the production of smoke from the burning of sea coal. Almost all areas of trade
and industry were subject to very detailed legislative controls at that time, although some were governed by 'self-
regulation' in the form of guilds, which regulated both supply and methods of production. However, the measures
implemented were mostly ineffective because then, as now, the specifying of legal duties and standards without
providing any appropriate enforcement merely indicated good intentions but were of little practical effect.

The next stage was prompted by the Industrial Revolution with the urbanization of society and its profound effects on
the environment. Local industrialists used the Adam Smith model to maximize their economic benefit, but this was to
the detriment of the local environment with the operation of 'Gresham's Law' that is, the bad drives out the good. Those
industrialists who were concerned for either the health of their employees or the local environment faced higher costs
than their competitors. The result was the need for increasingly comprehensive statutory controls on the discharge of
pollutants into various receiving media.

In UK, the environmental law is not new.

During the reign of Charles the Second, UK has posed legislative controls to regulate pollution caused by smoke.
Unfortunately, due to inappropriate enforcement, the measures implemented were ineffective and of little practical
However, the government prompted the laws were prompted during the Industrial Revolution, because some
industrialists used Adam Smith model to maximize benefits, leading to detriments of the local environment.

13. Einstein/爱因斯坦 #693 2017-04 频率26


This topic is described as Einstein.

For thousands of years, people believed that the stars and universe were absolutely fixed and unchanged.
This was transformed by Einstein in the 20th century.
Einstein suggested that the universe was under continuously dynamic change all the time.
In conclusion, this theory was not first proposed by Einstein, but by Hubble. 6/25
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14. Amory Lovins/卢安武 #694 2017-04 频率28

A man named Amory Lovins. Nobody knows him in the classroom, he soaks knowledge in a small town, learns in the
mountain, 30 years thinking up ways to save energy, thinking up ways to solve the problem with existed technique,
people tends to regard him as a genius.

This topic is described as Amory Lovins.

He is an environmentalist with a wide range of knowledge but not from the academic world.
He runs a consulting company and is regarded a genius.
He is dedicated himself to saving energy and resource problems, building a house by himself at the top of a mountain.
In conclusion, a writer called him Mr Green, but other people call him crazy Amory Lovins.

15. Citizenship curriculum/公民教育的现状 #695 2017-04 频率27

Last month I published alongside my annual report a subject report on the development of citizenship in schools. The
report celebrates the success of some schools in implementing the citizenship curriculum. It praises those schools where
there have been substantial developments in the subject, and which now go a long way towards fulfilling national
curriculum requirements. In the report, we are critical of schools which have not taken citizenship seriously, either
through reluctance or lack of capacity to make appropriate provision in the curriculum. Citizenship is marginalized in the
curriculum in one-fifth of schools. It is less well established in the curriculum than other subjects, and less well taught,
and some critics have seized on this as a reason for wanting to step back from supporting it. Yet, the progress made to
date by the more committed schools suggests that the reasons for introducing citizenship are both worthwhile and can
be fulfilled, given the time and resources. Indeed, those reasons are given added weight by national and global events of
the past few months. While not claiming too much, citizenship can address core skills, attitudes, and values that young
people need to consider as they come to terms with a changing world.

This topic is described as the importance of citizenship curriculum.

Citizenship curriculum is neglected by many schools.
There are only one fifth schools introducing this class to campus and they allocated less time for the curriculum than
other subjects.
The curriculum will be beneficial to improve student’s skills and install positive attitude.
In conclusion, school’s management and authorities do not pay enough attention on the curriculum.

16. Agriculture and Urbanization/农业与城市化 #697 2017-04 频率36

I am trying here to capture the dynamics that is conventionally being associated with urbanization developments. And
get back once again, to this question of agriculture. Once you have cities and you also the reverse of the cities, you have
countryside. You have rural areas and have this relationship with urban areas and it needs to developed agricultural
goods. And you trade with increasing industrial goods. Increasing agriculture productivity, reduces labor needs and
opportunities in the rural areas, pushing people towards to the cities. There is this notion that in order to have progress
and development in cities, you need people. If everybody is busing growing to crops, growing food that exists, you can't
have people all going into the city. You need to increased productivity in the countryside. You need to have one farmer
producing enough food for more than one family. And then you will have growth and productivity in the countryside,
which will free of people move to the cities. In fact, in many ways, it will compel it. They will go to the cities and search for
jobs and provide labor force for the production of all kinds of things.

Trading of agricultural products forms the relationship between urban and rural areas.
Urbanization requires increasing supply of workforce for urban development.
Less people are needed for agricultural industry.
One method to push farmers into city is to increase the productivity of agricultural sector. This will compel farmers to go
to cities because there are more jobs and opportunities in the cities.
People moving to cities are more likely to lose their jobs and farmers can serve as labour supply for the cities. 7/25
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This lecture talks about the relationship between the agriculture and urbanization.
One farmer grow food can benefit many families in the city. And the food trade in city also can benefit people in
However more and more people don't want to live in countryside anymore, a lot of people move to urban area, as there
are more opportunities in the city.
If all people are move to city, then they start losing jobs, increasing unemployment rate.

17. Universities' Competition/大学的竞争 #698 2017-04 频率20

Today a university like the LSE certainly has to acknowledge that it is in competition for the best students, all of whom
have choices they can exercise, and many of them choices which run across national and continental borders. We are in
competition, too, for staff. The academic job market is one of the most global there is. And in the 21 st century English is
the new Latin, so universities in English speaking countries are exposed to more intensive competition than those
elsewhere. We are in competition for government funding, through the assessment of research quality. We are in
competition for research contracts, from public and private sector sources, and indeed we are in competition for the
philanthropic pound. Many of our own donors were at more than one university, and indeed think of the LSEs requests
alongside those of other charities to which they are committed. That is a competitive environment which is particularly
visible to a Vice-Chancellor.

18. Biology/生物学 #940 2017-04 频率23

Now, the study of biology is responsible for some of the most profounding insights that humans have, about the world
around them. So, take a look at these four panoramas. In the upper left, you see some bacteria this happen to be equal
line, you obviously see a butterfly, a flower, a dolphin. If you see that at the outer space, just looks these different forms
and structures. You have no idea that they were all related to one to another. So one of the most profound thing that
biology told us is that all life on earth is exceptionally related similar to one to another. So, for example, all of these life
forms rely on DNA and RNA for storing and transmitting in using their genetic and inherited information. They are all
based on cell. Cell is the fundamental building blocks of all life. All of these organisms consist of cells, and the cells
essentially have the same chemicals inside of them - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and the whole bunch of
other stuff and much smaller amount. All these organisms conducted metabolism, in other words, chemical reactions
that using convert energy from one form to another. And the basic chemistry is all very similar to one and another. The
types of molecule is used very similar to one and another.

This topic is described as DNA and RNA.

Although animals look different, they are interconnected.
All creatures are based on genetic and inherited information, and cells are the foundation of building organs in which
same chemicals are contained.
DNA and RNA are used to store and transmit genetic information.
In conclusion, metabolism system converts energy from one form to another by chemical reactions.

19. Management and Leadership/管理能力和领导力 #942 2017-04 频率33

The Education Leadership Initiative was started by Dean Bob Joss, of Stanford Graduate School of Business. He talked a
lot about the importance of education leadership. Education leaders need to be dynamic and entrepreneurial change
agents. Managing is not enough -- increasingly leaders must rise to the challenge of changing their organizations
through innovative, problem-solving strategies. So we are combining forces from our School of Education and School of
Business to support the development of management skills and leadership capacity for current superintendents and
other central office leaders. The School of Education will focus on learning while the School of Business will focus on
management. Now many institutes are providing education leadership learning opportunities, for profit or non-profit.
We want to make sure that here at Stanford, we are not only delivering the services but with good quality. The program
incorporates case-studies and research-based presentations, discussions, and exercises. Participants also collaborate 8/25
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and build relationships through group work. However, they must realize that it is their own responsibility to achieve and
accomplish – what others can do does not indicate what you are capable of.

A lecture held by Stanford University Business School stressed the importance of management and leadership.
The speaker further discussed the relationship between business school and education school.
The purpose of business school is management while the purpose of education school is learning.
Meanwhile, students should realize that the responsibility and accomplishment achieved by others do not indicate what
you are capable of.

20. Ear receptors/耳朵受体 #1653 2017-10 频率29

You've got sound receptors in your ear, and they are beautiful. We're not going to talk about them at any length, but
there's little flappy, these little spiky things going along in your ear and they can translate vibrational energy coming from
your ear, hurting your eardrum, being translated into a vibration into the fluid in your ear into a physical motion of these
little receptors there into an electrical motion, into an electrical signal that goes into your ear. So, all of that, all of that's
pretty impressive stuff. We are not going to talk about the details of it, but I invite some of you who want to learn more
about this, particularly MIT students I think to find receptors really quite remarkable kinds of devices.

This topic is described as sound receptors.

Sound receptors are little spiky things that we have in our ear that can translate vibrational energy of the sound in our
eardrum into the physical motion, and after that it is converted to an electrical signal.
In conclusion, the speaker invited MIT students to have a closer view of receptors, and they will find it very remarkable.

21. Decline/衰落 #3505 2018-03 频率25


This topic is described as the decline of bees.

The conclusions are bees declined. These conclusions are real and well documented with strong and only evidence to
The drivers of the decline are varied depending on different species.
There is a possibility of a huge loss.
The good thing is people began to be aware of the problem and have taken some actions.
是什么decline还未被找到 (whale? Sea weed?)
是well-documented 和 real的,因为有strong evidence support的,而且有且只有这一个(only one)。3.然后说declines的
drivers are varied depending on the species。4.There COULD be a HUGE LOSS (there is a possibility )5.but the positive
thing is that ppl aware of this and take some actions before fixing it.
回忆2.: decline of xxx(说的第一个词 很模糊 读音很像we 我写的whale 是一种species)但是positive side是people aware of
the problem and take actions. 总体讲得很慢 就是没听清是什么decline
回忆3.: it declines, documents are the only evidence, it occurs in various species, it results in huge loss and maybe will
have catastrophe, the positive thing is people began to be aware of it and are taking actions to fix it.
回忆4.:Those conclusions are real and well documented, and they declined. Conclusions have been supported by strong
evidence, which is the only one. The drivers contributed to the decline are varied depending on the species. There is a
possibility of a huge loss, but the positive thing is that people began to be aware of this and take some actions to fix the
回忆5.:There is a conclusion that bees are declining. The conclusion is well-documented and supported by strong
scientific evidence. It is the only conclusion. The loss of pollinators could be huge and catastrophic. The positive side is
that people are aware of it and taking actions to fix it.
回忆要点:一个老头讲的,挺简单的 一开始说:bee decline is real, well-documented and support with scientific evidences
which is the only evidence. 之后:There are various drivers for the decline and they depend on different species. 接着:
one of the reasons is the huge loss of pollinators which is not yet catastrophic 最后说: there is a positive side of the crisis-
people are aware of this and are taking actions. 9/25
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22. Faults and Earthquake/断层与地震 #3509 2018-03 频率52


This topic is described as the relationship between faults and earthquake.

The earthquake’s focus is called epicenter, which is vertically beneath the interior of earth’s crust.
Faults are fractures in the earth’s crust.
The position of epicenters can be identified by using faults maps, looking down from the surface of the earth.

23. Experiment on Body Fat Change/观察体脂变化的实验 #3510 2018-03 频率33


This topic is described as an experiment on body fat change.

31 women volunteered in the program in which they are provided with healthy diet and asked not to change diet and
exercise regularly for 6 months so they could burn 2000 calories weekly.
After six months, some people lost weight, and some people remained the same, while others gained weight.
There are two explanations explaining why women gained weight. One is they ate a lot or cheated on diet, and the other
is they ate subconsciously.
回忆1.讲一个关于body fat change的加拿大研究,说一群肥胖的女人参加一个项目,然后有diet and exercise,说6个月后body
fat change.
回忆2. 50年前一个Canadian research 关于body fat test的,31 obese women as volunteers in the research,they were
asked to not change their diet while taking exercising regularly within 6 months,在这个时间结束后,他们做了一次test 发
现有人lose weight有人一没减,还有人gain weight,然后researcher说这有两种可能,either they ate a lot and cheated the
record or they consciously or subconsciously did it everyday.
回忆3. 1,补充一下关键词 obese women,记住obese,2,中间还有几句话都是围绕 supervision说的,应该是关键词3,two
reason 一个是cheat on diet,一个是consciously or subconsciously do less,这是最后一句话,less 读的很轻,less 是最后一
回忆4. 一个实验邀请了六十个肥胖女性参加 期间饮食习惯不变同时增加锻炼 六个月后大部分人Body Fat减少 但是后续跟踪后 发
现回升 判断可能是作弊或者无意识的增加了进食

24. The Definition of Risk/关于危险的定义 #3515 2018-03 频率26

What's the literal definition of "risk"? Business schools use risk analysis. So, what do mean by "risk", and we need a
dictionary. When you look at dictionary, this is literal, literal definition of risk. What it says is, the definition for example,
the possibility of injury, a dangerous element or factor, chance of, degree or possibility of such loss, and so on. So, risk
has two parts, as you look at the literal definition of risk. One part is the consequence of some kind of particular danger,
hazard loss. And the other is about the probability, of it: chance and consequence, OK? And then at least just as English
language concerns, when you look up the word of safe and safety, which you'll earn as, it's a little bit of a loop, a little
circular argument that free from harm or risks, secure from danger, harm or loss, the condition of being safe and so on
for all. And why we take out of it? At least when we talk about safe at least in English language, we are talking absolute
something is safe, or it sounds safe.

This topic is described as the definition of risk.

In the dictionary, there are two different definitions of risk. One is the situation of being in danger, and the other is the
consequence or possibility of being in danger.
Also, there is a difference between safety and safe. Safe means being out of dangerous situation, and safety is a
condition of being safe.

25. A Survey on Happiness/一项关于幸福的调查 #3523 2018-03 频率20 10/25
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This topic is described as a survey on happiness.

The survey has large samples from regions, countries and even worldwide.
One factor that makes people happy is the consistent patterns, and they are prevalent and consistent across countries
and borders.
Consistent patterns include some basic things like income, marital status and employment status.
Other factors that make people happy include environment, quality of life and natural instinct.
回忆1:关于happiness的一个survey,这个survey follow 某一个pattern,这个survey有large sample在regions,countries,
甚至worldwide,然后她提到happiness取决于一些basic things,说了大概4-5个,然后她又说到happiness还取决于其他
回忆2:What makes people happy. One factor: Consistent patterns They are prevalent and consistent across countries,
borders They include income, marital status, employment status Other factors: environment, quality and natural instinct.

26. History and journalism/历史与新闻 #3524 2018-03 频率31


This topic is described as good quality of history.

Qualities of history and journal are similar because they all need resource and evidence, attention of logic, style and
These factors are crucial for academic and journal papers.
There is no clear line between them.
1.Good quality of history,就说了一些rules关于怎么判定是好的quality,比如说logic,style,writings, 最后他说这些rules对
academic and journal papers也很重要
2.Qualities of history and journal are similar because they all need resource and evidence, attention of logic, style and
writing which is quite crucial for academic and journal papers. Hence, there is no clear line between them.
The quality of good journalism is like the quality of a good academic history. Firstly, they both need the determination to
look for all available sources and the collection of evidence. Secondly, they both need universal sympathy for all sides of
the story. Thirdly, they both need detailed attention to logic and literary style, which means the articles should be vivid,
interesting and have a clear writing style.

27. Food and Income/食物与收入 #3527 2018-03 频率26

In my view, it's impossible to talk about wildlife, and not think about its role in livelihood. And I guess part of that is my
own view, part of the research that I do in Africa. In most eastern-west Africa. I look a role, all the humans rely on wildlife
as the source of food, and also the source of income. And we talk about our wildlife, it seems we talk about fish, we are
talking about what probably the single most important source of protein for human that across the globe. And, so ,
billions of, or more than a billion of people rely on fish as their primary source of animal protein, and most of these
people living in poverty. So the management of fish resource of wildlife in that sense causing incredibly important to
livelihoods and health. And also, wildlife tourism is the multiple billion dollar industry, and in many places, such as Africa,
south America, it can be the No.1 source of income, it can be the No.1 source of foreign income for economies.

This topic is described as the relationship between food and income in Africa.
According to a recent research, most residents in Africa suffer from poverty and the main livelihood is wildlife, especially
Fish is the major source of food and protein.
Fish is also the major source of their income since fishing industry can attract tourists around the world, which can
effectively facilitate the economic development.
Fish will become the top one source of income in Africa, even the income for foreign economies. Therefore, in Africa,
their income is closely associated with food. 11/25
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回忆1:讲这里的人很poverty, 他们以Fish为食物,因此鱼对他们很重要,他们的Income也是通过鱼来获得,有旅游者也过来,
回忆2:提到wildlife在非洲不同地区的变化 主要讲source of fish, 我们考虑fish要先考虑ocean 讲了 poverty,habitats,
source of fish变成Africa income 第一,也变成foreign economies第一。
回忆3:Fishing industry in Africa 1.The residents in Africa suffer from poverty and they live on fish. 2.Fish is the major
food source and the major source of protein. 3.Fishing is also their source of income because fishing industry attracts
tourists from. 4.Over the world, which can effectively help the economy.
回忆4:The lecture demonstrated a research regarding to the relationship between food and income in Africa. Their main
livelihood is wildlife, especially fish which can provide high protein. Although most of people grow fish, they are suffering
poverty since (原因没记来).Therefore, their income is closely associated to food.
回忆5.第一句主旨说的是wildlife is important for people's livelihood. 然后举了fish in Africa 当例子,billions of people in the
world rely on fish as their source of protein and many of them live in Africa in poverty. Fish is also important for tourism
in Africa and it becomes the largest foreign income.
回忆6.补充几个细节:1.是animal protein, 前面有animal 2.income有提到数字,billion dollars of income from fish

28. The Big Bang Theory/宇宙大爆炸理论 #3528 2018-03 频率39


This topic is described as cosmology and Big Bang Theory.

The Big Bang Theory is an amazing discovery. People used to think it happened 10-20 billion years ago, but it actually
happened 13.8 billion years ago.
After the Big Bang, the universe keeps changing.
It is discovered that the oldest star is about 13 billion years old, not older than the universe, which is perfectly matched
with the Big Bang theory.
We still don't know how the Big Bang happened and we do not know about the future.
回忆1.讲 Big Bang 理论,speaker 说这个发现很amazing,文中穿插了很多 billion 年份,有一个 13 billion, 文中说 宇宙始于大爆
炸不是很确切,之后宇宙不是固定的。文中提到了 cosmology,前几天Hawking 的事出现过这个词
回忆2.考到了 people used to think Big bang happened 14 billion years ago. but to be more exactly, it happened 13.8
billion years ago. It is a stunning achievement. physics laws and atoms help to explain Big Bang. the oldest star is 13
billion years old and the universe is older than the oldest star. we don't know how the Big Bang began. we don't know
how Big Bang happened. we don't know the future

29. An Advertisement/一则广告 #3531 2018-03 频率27


Consumers are extremely smart in choosing product, and it takes them only a few minutes to make decisions.
Therefore, brand images and consumer values are important for business.
Our brand has the softest but strong product.
Do not shake before you put it in the washing machine because you do not want it separated.
回忆1.一个广告, 说一个softest product, 但是又strong . 满足Smart consumer的需求,人只需要几秒钟就决定要不要买。 又说
了fundamental engineering contradict. 开始以为是个洗衣机,但是最后一句话是You don’t want it to be separated when
you put it in the washing machine.
回忆2.consumers are extremely smart in choosing product, brand image, … is essential for business to create value
回忆3.Consumers are smart, consumer values are important for business. 还讲了个什么brand, we are best into products,
文章重复了很多次soft, engineering, wet. 最后一句是you do not shake washing machine.
回忆4.刚考完,和机经内容差不多,但是后面的tide, toilet paper, tissue这些都是例子而已,主要中心意思是consumers are
extremely smart, can make decisions about price and value of product in a second; so brand images are essential for 12/25
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businesses; consumers are willing to pay 15% more for better performance; there are some fundamental engineering
contradictions, such as we want products softest but also strong, light and strong, easy to break but cannot be torn;
examples are the “Tide” brand and so on.
回忆5.看过一个机构的鸡精,回忆四只是其中的一 部分,主要讲的还是一个广告,产品叫 wheat gluten fiber,然后就是回忆四的
内 容,consumers are smart, brand images,和engineering contradiction再加上例子,最后又回到这个产品,说不要 wash,因
为you do not want it separated.

30. The Free Human Rights/自由人的权利 #3533 2018-03 频率34

The human rights act can be said by reaching, some of them are controversial in the UK' S history of rights. At the same
time, it can be described as some cause documents, they provide some start point for world application for low to rights.
In many ways, the frecious protection contain UN the human rights act that we are not new to people who living in UK,
the 18% that UK law most closes the European conventional human rights. The convention itself was devised following
the end of the Second World War by the counselors of bureau. UK lawyers play the significant role in drafting the
convention. And UK was among the first governments who ratify the convention in 1951. Rights sometimes are
described as being positive or negative nature. That’s to say somethings expresses right to you and the other is freedom
from. In 1998, 50% specific rights of freedoms, which include rights to liberty security, a free trial, free expression, free
elections, and the rights.

This topic is described as the free human rights.

During the second world war, UK was the first country that mentioned free rights among other countries.
It set up the baseline and minimum standards.
The positive aspects of human rights include right to marry and free religion. The negative aspects include sex.
Other aspects that UK government mentioned include voting, election, tourism and trading.
During the second world war,UK government was the first one 去干嘛干嘛的
later in 1958,more freedom
tourism or trade or voting。最后说什么basis还是basic line

31. Memories/记忆 #3538 2018-03 频率43


This topic is described as different systems of memories, including implicit memory and explicit memory.
Implicit memory is also called procedural memory, which cannot be consciously recalled. It is an experimental or
functional form of memory.
With implicit memory, behavior is automatic, and we do not know when we use it. Examples of implicit memory include
using language naturally, driving and reading. When people try to describe the behavior of driving, they may even
mislead themselves.
Explicit memory consists of a great deal of highly personal memories related to time space and people. It is totally
different from implicit memory.
Examples of explicit memory include remembering people’s birthdays and answering multiple questions on the test.
回忆1.主要讲Differences of memories. 形成了people’s behavior, Procedure of memory , 又说了Using Language naturally,
reading and riding are automatically, try to describe, conscious, 最后一句话是 consist a lot of highly personal memories.
回忆2.different system of memory,人require记忆和语言一样naturally,然后有了记忆就automatically 运用出来,所以don't
know when we use it。举例子学会开车后就回来,answering multiple question in the test等等很自然的就会了!
回忆3.讲system of memory 分implicit 和 explicit, people are not aware of it called implicit, implicit relates cultural and
social background, 然后听到的是 language is automatic, reading and riding can be动词没听清楚 only once,接着说 explicit
is different, it relates space and time and is more personnel, e.g. Birthday many years ago and questions on the test
回忆4.考到 和回忆3差不多 考试原文和62楼同学说的2:03的视频不一样 但是后半段可以稍微参考下他的表达 上来讲 talk about
memory,什么hinden information (不重要) 先讲implicit memory,also known as procedural memory,its about
culture and social,开始举例子,driving automatically,speak language naturally,reading,but cannot describe it 后讲 13/25
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explicit momory,known as episodic memory,its different from implicit memory,more about time and space,related
to personal life experience,举例子 remembering birthday,answer MQC(在开始讲explicit memory之前,很快速的说了
一句 我们所谓的bad memory 是指explicit memory 感觉像是在两个memory 之间过渡一下) 考试是女声,语速我觉得还是偏
快的 但key words 应该就都是这些了

32. Australian housing/澳洲住房 #3539 2018-03 频率20


回忆1. 由于过去几年经济增长90%,People can borrow money to buy house.Immigration leads to the increase of
purchasing power and push purchasing power.
回忆2.这个留言一下,经济增长和affordable mortgage variable rate,这两个是因果关 系,同算第一点。第二点是more
immigration.第三点是smaller household size.

33. Genes/基因 #3568 2018-03 频率23


This topic is described as gene study.

Recent research has shown that genes can determine not only humans’ physical features, such as height and hair, but
also psychological features, such as our behaviour.
Our research on genes has provided interesting information to biology, psychology and neuroscience.
Genes不仅像我们以前说的那样可以决定physical features, 比如人的height, hair 等;最近我们发现也可以决定我们的
psychological features, 比如我们的行为。我们的基因研究这样就给生物学,心理学和neuroscience 神经科学提供了有趣的信

34. Industrialization/工业化 #3578 2018-03 频率28

Within most developed countries, notions of pragmatism, notions of the fact that we have democracies, have succeeded
in tempering the market economy. In the 19th century, 18th century, the Industrial Revolution has a very negative effect
on people, particularly working classes all over the world. We see data where life expectancy was reduced, hikes we were
reduced, we were looking at the medical record. We can see that actually, living standards, much among large fractions
of population, actually went down. But eventually, we pass the legislation about working conditions. And eventually, we
circumscribe some of the worst kinds of behavior. We eventually, in the 20th century, we put regulations that composed
better environmental conditions. And so some of the damage was reversed, and that we have made the market
economy work and ways that the benefits of the all is far more what we shared in the world a hundred years ago.

In most developed countries, pragmatism and democracy successfully tempering the market economy.
In the past, the Industrial Revolution had negative effects on people, including reducing life expectancy and living
standards going down.
However, we pass the legislation about working conditions, circumscribe worst behavior and put regulations that
composed better environmental conditions.
Therefore, some damage was reversed, and we make the market economy work and better benefits for everybody.

35. Description/表述 #3583 2018-03 频率20


This topic is described as description.

Two methods of description: symbolic language and body language.
The abstraction is an important layer of computers. 14/25
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The origin of symbolic system was developed when people try to communicate with each other.
Sign language was developed, which means hand words in language.
回忆1.讲description的,符号语言和肢体语言。用了 电脑,翼龙,还有人作为例子。篇幅很短,不到一分钟,不难,但是这几个
回忆2.一开始讲我们这篇topic 是abstraction. Abstraction is an important layer of computer, computer use symbolic
systems. Sign language and movements can help people ask for help 当人们遇到dinosaur,不 ,rhinoceros的时候。
Hands communication is a good idea. Hand words are language.

36. Prevention of pandemic Transmitting/传染病的预防 #3586 2018-03 频率22

What we know is that the impact of the pandemic would be catastrophic if it is similar to what we had in 1918. In the
United States, there has been unprecedented amount of preparation so far. It’s, affects every aspect of public
health. We have efforts for treatment, efforts for better prevention, clinical management, key communications, the
domestic and international responses, and also efforts to try to prevent transmission within community. The federal
government has had tremendous amount of resources that they have put into development of the new antiviral drugs,
antiviral drugs stock piles; development of new vaccines and manufacturing facilities for vaccines. So, there’s quite a lot
that’s happening in the United States. However, developing countries do not have the level of resources found in more
developed countries. That’s the real challenge.

This topic is described as prevention of pandemic transmitting.

United States uses some methods to prevent pandemic transmitting, such as antiviral drugs.
In developing countries, it is more difficult for the government to make efforts to prevent disease because the lack of
resources will be a big challenge.

37. Misuse of Drugs/药物的滥用 #3634 2018-03 频率26


Drugs used at home can be dangerous. Drugs should be closed and stored properly so that children do not get access to
it, some children can even open a child proof cap. Some people take drugs for wrong reason. Eg. some drugs used for
bacterial infection can not be used for virus infection. If drugs are taken wrong, allergy might happen. If drugs are taken
at wrong dosage, under wrong indication, drug resistance may develop. Recommendations Physicians should give correct
indications Physicians should stress the importance of taking the drugs right to the patients. Eg patients should finish the
whole course of their antibiotics.
第一种是孩子accidentally take wrong drugs,很危险,父母应该避免这种情况,用lid和closed box把药装起来。
第二个是wrong prescription, 有些人 is allergic to wrong drugs.
第三种,不同的药有不同的the resistance and duration(有点忘了,应该是这两个),吃错很危险。有一些方法可以improve

38. 90's/九十年代 #3803 2018-04 频率18


回忆1.90's comes around,people got online,during that time,there are extraordinary works people created online
such as pics。this is not caused by normal factors such as religion,motivation,sizable profitability,but because
people can feel a sense of enjoyment through their creation.
回忆2.前几天考这题,大概写的内容是:According to the speaker, in the 90s, more and more people could get online, and
thanks to the UK, the invention of HTML allowed people to be able to create a wide variety of extraordinary works. During
the first decade, people created things like web pages and lessons without fears, without religious concerns, without 15/25
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advertisement, without profitability, and without traditional promotion schemes, because they thought it was a good
回忆3.考试的时候这么写的,应该百分之95都是正确的,刚开始有点小噪音,差点没反应过来。90s came around, and more
and more people could get online. Thanks to the UK for the invention of HTML, which allows people to create a wide
variety of extraordinary works. During the first decade, people created web pages, learning resources and other online
contents. They did it without fears, without religious concerns, without advertisements, without profitability and without
traditional motivational schemes, because they enjoy it.

39. Endangered Language/濒危的语言 #3921 2018-05 频率36

Language death is not mainstream theatre. It is not mainstream anything. Can you imagine Hollywood taking it on? It is
so far outside the mindsets of most people that they have difficulty appreciating what the crisis is all about, because they
are not used to thinking more about language as an issue in itself. Somehow we need to change these mindsets. We
need to get people thinking about language more explicitly, more intimately, more enthusiastically. Interest in language
is certainly there, in the general population – most people are fascinated by such topics as where words come from, or
what the origin of their town’s name is, or whether their baby’s name means anything; they are certainly prepared to
play Scrabble and a host of other language games ad infinitum; and language games are often found on radio and
television, too – but a willingness to focus that interest on general issues, a preparedness to take on board the emotion
and drama inherent in the situation of language endangerment, is not something that happens much.

This lecture is about language death. It is not mainstream anything, and people are not used to thinking more about
language as an issue in itself.
Besides, it seems that people do not have enough willingness to focus on general issues or recognize the situation of
language endangerment.
Since interest in language is still certainly in the general population, it is our responsibility to change those mindsets. (67)

40. Global Warming/全球变暖 #4062 2018-05 频率24

There can now be no reasonable, science-based, doubt about the reality of global climate change effects brought on by
the cumulative and rapidly growing emission of so-called "greenhouse" gases - primarily carbon dioxide - into the
atmosphere. As these effects become increasingly more obvious worldwide, so commercial interests, groups of
concerned individuals and national governments have been gripped by what amounts to mass panic about what to do
about it.

To many, Paul Ehrlich's Malthusian "Population Bomb" of 1968 appears about to explode in the world's face in an indirect
version of his millenarian vision of population growth which outpaces agricultural production capacity - with predictably
catastrophic results for humanity. And his three-part crisis scenario does indeed seem now to be present: a rapid rate of
change, a limit of some sort, and delays in perceiving that limit. Ehrlich's work was roundly criticized at the time, and
later, from many quarters, and much of what he predicted did not come about. Nevertheless, can the world afford to
take the risk that the climate scientists have got it wrong? Is it not in everyone's interests to apply the Precautionary
Principle in attempting to avoid the worst of their predictions - now, rather than at some future time? As the Chairman of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, has recently pointed out, eleven of the warmest
years since instrumental records began have occurred in the past twelve, while major precipitation changes are taking
place on a global scale.

There is no reasonable and scientific doubt about the reality of global climate change effects brought on by the growing
emission, while many stake holders feel mass panic about solution because of the increasingly obvious effects
Nevertheless, the climate scientists have got it wrong probably risking the world due to everyone’s interest now or future.
Finally, the warmest records are recent, while major precipitation changes occur globally. (69)

41. Adam Smith/亚当斯密的国富论 #4074 2018-05 频率12

暂无文本内容,大神们快来完善。 16/25
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回忆1.industrialization是output 不是input, Adam Smith的国富论, development是output, national income和 output 是
equal 的。
回忆2.不难很容易听懂,除了 output input 这一点,还有一个就是 unlike other people, Adam Smith also included
manufacturing industry in his theory,文章 前面说Adam的理论认为development is output不是input,然后又说尽管那个时代
是农业为主,但Adam smith的理论也包括 了手工业,不是工业化的手工业,而是 handmade manufacture

42. Ugly building/难看的建筑 #4255 2018-06 频率28


回忆1.说他去了伦敦 看到很多街道和建筑都很丑 这些建筑都有几百年的negative impacts 人们走路心情也会被影响 frustration
and anger 然后问建筑师不能造beautiful building吗 建筑师说 beauty is an arrogant(不确定)word 然后说可以去了解为什么
bad buildings出了问题 哪里出了问题.
回忆2.The lecture talks about a complaint of why the buildings in London are so ugly. He thinks the architecture did a
really bad work, which the streets are too ugly. It will be a serious impact for the people live in surrounding for thousands
of years. He tries to doubt why the architects do the bad works, but the architects do not think that their designs are bad.
回忆3.有一题是architecture. Lecturer mentioned he used to live in West London, everytime he walked through the street,
there are some ugly architecture. The bad building last for a long time, not like a bad book几年以后会不见。 然后说问了
architecturer 什么是好看的building. The word beauty is very arrogant。举例说了Rome 的一些建筑很好看留了很久,应该要
learn good。总结提到要知道bad building为啥见的不好要避免
回忆4.补充一点(1)文中提到了个book,具体没听清。(2)还说了beauty is different to everyone。
回忆5.West London 有很多ugly building, speaker认为ugly building比bad books更恶心的是它们会last for hundreds of years,
the speaker asked some architects 有说到审美的不同 as beauty is in the eye of the beholders. 音频后面还说了些内容但忘记

43. Indian peasants debt V2/印度农民债务(版本二) #4484 2018-07 频率5

Today a hundred and fifty thousand farmers in India have committed suicide in areas where seed has been destroyed,
where they have to buy the seed from Monsanto, and buy it every year very very high cost and that high-cost seed is
getting them into debt and that debt is pushing them to suicide. What we've done is create community seed banks,
places where we collect and save seeds, rescue them from disappearance, multiply them and then distribute them
according to farmers needs. About 40 community seed banks have been created across the length and breadth of India,
places where these have been created farmers are not in distress because the biggest cost today is seeds and chemicals.
These seed banks have now been a new place where we can respond to the new crises of globalization on the one hand
and climate change on the other. Globalization has led to farmers suicides. We are able to take seeds to these suicide
zones and distribute the seeds so that farmers can break out of that dependency, grow food crops, get out of debts.
We've been able to create community seed banks to deal with climate change with the extreme flooding, the new
droughts, the cyclones, the hurricanes that lead to salinization, and today, for us, the work on seed has become the place
from where we are responding to the worst tragedies and the worst crises of our times.

Thousands of Indian peasants committed suicide because of expensive seeds and chemicals which contribute to their
debts. The community seed banks are created, working on the increase of seeds and distributing seeds to farmers, to
release their economic stress. Furthermore, these banks help we respond to the globalization and climate change. In
conclusion, the seed banks help us respond to the worst tragedies and crises of our times.(68 words)

44. Talent war V2/人才战争版本二 #5002 2018-10 频率10

Talent is premium and there is a war for talents in 1990's because of the talent shortage. Companies and countries are
recruiting young talented people from different countries and sending young people to universities. Some young people
immigrated after they graduated from the university. They compete with the local students. Countries and organizations
should put talents at the primary positions. The collapse of loyalty makes employees happy to change their workplace 17/25
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because of the higher income. There are three reasons. First, the change of nature of economy leads to increase the
talents demand and need skills. Second, the shrinking labor force after the baby-boom causes less supply of skilled
workers and the retirement of baby-boomers will cause a shortage of experienced workers. Third, there is also a
mismatch between what schools are producing and what companies need.

Talent is a premium and there is a war for talents in 1990s.

Companies and countries are recruiting young talented people, and some young people immigrated after graduation.
Talented people are in primary positions and the collapse of loyalty makes employees happy to change workplace.
The reasons include the change of nature of economy, the shrinking labour force after the baby-boom and the mismatch
between schools and companies.

45. Talent war V3/人才战争版本三 #5005 2018-10 频率32

I think there is an intense competition at the moment to hire the most talented and most intellectually able people.
There is a time when I think companies have many of the adventures in the world. That involves the companies’ world. It
was the bosses’ world. Now I think it reverses the case. We have a shortage in talent base within countries and between
countries, have an intense battle between companies to hire the most talented workers and also between countries,
which are looking to recruit talented young people, talented young immigrants.

We have this sense of immigrants being things that countries are battled to keep out, and immigrants want to get in,
climb of the walls. I think the opposite isn’t that the case. And the topic is that countries are trying to lure bright young
people to get them to go to universities and get them to become immigrants.

So, on many levels, talent is a premium. There is a shortage of talent, and so countries, companies, all sorts of
organizations, of course, volunteer organizations as well as, are competing to hire the best and the brightest. You know
we have a baby-boom population which is aging. We have an economy which is becoming more sophisticated. And so,
for all those sorts of reasons, talent is a premium.

There is an intense competition at the moment to hire the most talented and most intellectually able people.
Many countries are trying to lure bright young people to get them to go to universities and get them to become
Since talent is a premium, countries, companies and organizations are competing to hire the best and the brightest, and
the reasons including population, economy and so on.

46. Vitamin D V2/维生素D 版本2 #5062 2018-10 频率6

Okay, to understand what Vitamin D does, we need to understand the central concept. The function of Vitamin D is to
maintain blood calcium. You probably think the function of Vitamin D is to maintain strong bones and teeth. But it does
that by accident. Its real function is to maintain your blood calcium level in a very narrow range. And the reason for that
is if your blood calcium level falls below about 9 milligrams per 100 milliliters, then you’re longing to be in a big trouble,
and die rather quickly. And that’s because blood calcium is important for muscle contraction and nerve transmission.
And if you don’t have enough of it, you can’t contract muscles normally, There can’t be normal nerve impulses. And this
results in a disease called tetany, where you got these uncontrol convulsions followed by rapid death. Calcium is also
important for enzymic activities and blood clotting.

This lecture talks about Vitamin D. Its real function is to maintain blood calcium in a narrow range.
It will cause trouble If people’s blood calcium level falls below a range, as blood calcium is important for muscle
contraction and nerve transmission.
Besides, it will cause tetany if people do not have enough of it. Finally, Calcium is important for enzymic activities and
blood clotting. (68)

47. Managers/管理者 #5114 2018-11 频率7

暂无文本内容,大神们快来完善。 18/25
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回忆1.Manager should read more book and go back to university to improve themselves. The best manager is not to
know their organization better, but to be a professor of management.
回忆2.前天刚考了这个题,补充几个内容 Manager should have broad perspective, Experience is not necessary, but
management knowledge is important. 后面还提到了Skills 最后一句就是回忆里Professor那个。 整体不是很难,但是要组织一

48. Population changes/人口变动 #5138 2018-11 频率4


回忆要点:topic是population challenges,讲了三个点,density change(讲大部分人生活在urban areas), distribution

change(讲migration patterns changes), aging structure change(讲women have less children)最后一句话是Old
people will be as many young people on this planet

49. Children literature /儿童文学 #5140 2018-11 频率12

And I am the professor of children's literature at Newcastle University and I want to write a very short introduction to
children's literature because although here in Britain one of the longest and most distinguished traditions of creating
books for children, perhaps the longest and most distinguished in the world. We often take them for granted and we
don't pay enough attention to what a remarkable cultural resource they are for adults and kind of cultural work they do
for children and the way that they have served writers and illustrators as a cultural space for creativity subversion and
opportunities to experiment with new ideas.

So what kind of cultural work the children's books do? Well, at the level of individual child, this is one of the places where
children learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences, and see the images of the world that help them think
about how the world works and where they fit into it, because children's books are first places that children encounter
these things they are often very direct, as a source of information about what a particular period thinks including what it
thinks a child is, what a child needs to know, what childhood looks like, sometimes when we are looking at children's
books from the past, it 's very important to notice these kinds of children who aren't there, for instance. So that is one of
the things that we have in children's books.

This lecture talks about children’s literature. People don’t pay enough attention to what kind of cultural resource and
cultural work that they can provide for children.
Cultural work can help children to learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences and see the images of the world.
Additionally, children’s books are first places for us to know the thinking and the needs of children.

50. Chimpanzees/大猩猩 #5144 2018-11 频率7


致是一个nonhuman rights 的组织向一个New York Court上诉希望释放被用来research 的chimpanzee,希望争取legal rights
for nonhuman animals,然后court 没有同意,觉得they are not a person,即使他们有cognitive skills。大致是这样,大家可
回忆2.一开始说在这个human right 最早在美国怎么样。 然后有说到在英国是什么样的一个情况。又说了animal 被关起来做什
么。。估计是research? 我没有听明白。 然后有说 Tommy这个名字。还说这个human organization 要求释放这个Tommy。结
果别拒绝了。 全程没有提到chimpanzee和Africa , 没有什么court 我是懵的。自己胡诌了一段话上去。 我开始写的时候才感觉
和这个chimpanzee很像 我也按照这个思路 胡乱写了。

51. Telescope/望远镜 #5162 2018-11 频率6

暂无文本内容,大神们快来完善。 19/25
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回忆1.讲telescope 说we can use telescope by eye. 还说了 10 times telescope we make them ten times bigger to see the
details 中间有一部分没太听懂,应该不是太难,语速也不算快,听力水平有限,希望有人补充回忆!
回忆2.听到的内容: Telescope, improve details if enough light. We can see more features and details, due to quanti-
mechanism. Fractions can make image blurry. Telescope is widely used in the astronomy field because it is xx digital
detector, 100 times more efficient than our eyes.
回忆3.主要两个点 1.bigger telescope great improve details 可以看到什么wave fraction 2.modern digital detector 100 times
more efficient than our eyes,最后应该是说这个telescope比普通的大10倍还是比普通的清晰10倍 可以看到更多details是因为
可以collect more lights

52. Different learning methods/不同种学习方式 #5163 2018-11 频率5


回忆要点:讲的是英国girls 和boys的learning methods不一样 1. girls are much better than boys in the class 2. boys are
more simplified 3. 就说老师应该look for teaching methods 用来教男女混合的班级。

53. Three types of family/三种家庭 #5167 2018-11 频率11


回忆1.Three types of family#考场遇到 Three types of family: 1.nuclear family includes mom dad and children.
2.extended(这个词不太确定) family with grandparents, parents and children. Families live close geographically.
3.attenuated family, not live together but keep contact daily over phone and internet 没找到原文,小伙伴们一起看看哈。
回忆2.考到3 types of family: the first is nuclear family,a typical unit in western has mom dad and the
children. It’s the dominated family organization in western countries. The second is extended family. Besides mom dad
and children, it has grandparents or other relatives, common in other parts of the world. They live geographically close.
The third is*** family. They dont live with grandparents or even parents, but in daily contact with them over mobile
phone or the Internet. 大概点都在这里 第三个是真的很难听到 主要感觉是单词太难不熟悉,把其他点抓出来应该也okay了

54. Land use/土地使用 #5177 2018-11 频率6


回忆要点:类似animal survive 但是讲的是人类和动物有conflict 因为地球的资源有限 土地和资源都 shrink …… 人需要更多的土

地盖房子 living ……之类的……

55. Persuasive essay/说服力强的文章 #5200 2018-11 频率4


回忆1.开始就是how to write essay,write a persuasive essay is veay important,然后at beginning, write persuasive essay
need collect many materials, then the essay have four structure and the quotes xxxxxx ,最后说了essay is a chance to
identify your read and learnt。。大概就是这些。。
回忆2.关键词是hook!!!全篇都在说hook对persuasive essay的影响,本来不敢确定是不是hook,刚才去Google了一下,应

56. Automation/自动化 #5202 2018-11 频率8 20/25
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回忆1.今天应该是考到了新题,automation, safer technology vehicle, level 4 car, remove human from the control system,
level 3 car, press button can read book, 听的不好,其他不确定的就不发了,可以查一下level3/4 car的特性 就是讲这些。
回忆2.网上搜到的level 3和level 4,不知道和考试题目一样不? Automated Vehicles for Safety Increasing road safety by
removing human involvement in driving level3: An Automated Driving System (ADS) on the vehicle can itself perform all
aspects of the driving task under some circumstances. In all other circumstances, the human driver performs the driving
task. level 4: The vehicle can itself perform all driving tasks and monitor the driving environment – essentially, do all the
driving – in certain circumstances. The human need not pay attention in those circumstances.
今天考到了 中年男人的声音,一开始说if we want to go further,我们需要好好利用我们的technology,目前有一个
technology,是automation on vehicles,it aims to remove human with side benefits,such as saving fuels and more
efficient。according to the authority in America(好像是美国道路管理局),level four is fully remove human from
driving,such as the google one,but i suspect it。Level 3 vehicles,still need human involvement,but people can read
a book by pressing a bottom。this one i believe could be the most accepted version of automation.主要是讲这个speaker
对于level 3 的偏爱吧。

57. Design of the hospitals/医院的设计 #5203 2018-11 频率7


回忆1.主要是说along the history of the design of hospitals, researchers have found that patients recover faster when they
get access to the view of outside environment through hospital’s windows and are frequently visited by friends and
families. Viewing of hospital’s yard can help people rest and sleep faster and also release stresses easily. Nurses’
experience suggest that hospitals should be well-developed.
回忆2.好像之前看过的 hospital patients who have a window view over greenery recover faster

58. Smile of mother and baby/亲子的微笑 #5204 2018-11 频率10

Ever try to get a baby to smile? It can seem close to impossible—and then suddenly there it is: that elusive, seemingly
joyous grin. Well it turns out those smiles aren’t spontaneous—they’re strategic.

Researchers have found that when babies smile, it's for a reason. They want whoever they’re interacting with—typically a
parent—to smile back. And they time it just so, a smile here and a smile there. The researchers call it sophisticated
timing. The study is in the journal PLoS ONE.

The researchers enlisted real mothers and infants and quantified their interactions, which fell into four categories. One:
babies wanted to maximize the amount of time smiling at their mothers. Two: they wanted to maximize the time the
mothers smiled at them. Three: they wanted to experience simultaneous smiling, and four: no smiling at all.

By studying when smiles happened and what the subsequent effect was, the investigators were able to figure out that
for mothers the goal 70 percent of the time was to be smiling simultaneously—while for babies 80 percent of the time
they just wanted their mother smiling at them. So, mothers want the interaction, while babies just want to be smiled at.

So your baby may not be able to feed itself, talk or even turn over yet. But when it comes to smiles, babies seem to know
exactly what they're up to.

The smiles of babies are strategic. The reason is they want whoever they are interacting with to smile back. The
researchers defined four categories of interactions between mothers and infants, including maximizing the time smiling
at the mothers, maximizing the time the mothers smiling at the babies, simultaneous smiling and no smiling at all. As a
result, mothers want the interaction, while babies just want to be smiled at. (69 words)

59. Absolutism/绝对论 #5240 2018-11 频率12

暂无文本内容,大神们快来完善。 21/25
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回忆1.关于 absolutism. 我听到的key words:abosolutism contains some rules, guidelines and principles which are
universal. It is like a road map to guide individual and social behavior. some principles of absolutism cannot be violated
and betrayed and they have wide acceptance without assumptions and interpretations.
回忆2.考到个新题sst universalism and absolutism 不确定是universalism这个词 开头只出现一次,universe的音很快,后面一
直讲absolutism 先讲 ideas for universalism是concepts and principles of values ( individual, societies, environment) 要
consistent xx 第2 部分讲absolutism (clear boundaries between right, wrong) 很多排比说no exceptions, no xxxx
回忆3.考过说的是absoluteness 24号bh 我写的是 关于一种让人follow的rule,一个规定人们行为举止的principle,between
right and wrong,no exception,no boundary...

60. Childhood/童年 #5241 2018-11 频率11


回忆要点:现在孩子的童年和以前变得不一样,成长得更快更risky,threaten at streets,变得更customer了,manufacturer针
对性推出很多商品,并且刻意区分gender。。。 大家还有人听过这题吗?

61. Canadian work structure/加拿大工作结构 #5343 2018-12 频率12


回忆要点:Canadian work structure 改变。一百年前有五分之一的农民,现在只有百分之4了,worker也是人数减少。但是

people still work for others。now there are 2 changes in labor force.一个是people only focus on paid work.还有一个是 an
increasing number of women are in the workforce. 大致内容肯定没错的,细节待补充。

62. Secret life of plants/植物的秘密 #5346 2018-12 频率6


回忆1.有没人考过一篇新题secret life of plants,讲的是植物能interact,又可以talk to each other的
回忆2.开头男声旁白讲这是一个British experiment,之后主要女声讲 topic是secret life of plants,提到interaction跟一个啥
principle有关,然后audience opinion is valuable,plants can interact/communicate with each other not only in their own
species, but also other plant species。结尾是plant xxx themselves。非常像科学60s那种旁白+interviewer的形式。我听力一

63. Need in English/英文中的需要 #5347 2018-12 频率14


回忆1.讲的是 the term need in English language. 1. Need 可能strong desire,not basic things ;2. need 是essential
thing,比如planet 要sunlight and water,然后还有提到了social environment,natural to people,后面听得不太好” 这么看
回忆2.考到一篇讲need, English language里面指需要strong desire,不是essential needs, 不像plant need water,
psychological 里面指require from nature,
回忆3.开始说 In English language(演讲人说不是American language) 然后说designers 要design a planet with sunlight,
water, organic things and do on. 然后human beings,什么not for development but for social 什么的。 最后一句说this is
not psychological for nature. 听力能力有限,求听力大神复盘!

64. Newspaper/报纸 #5363 2018-12 频率10 22/25
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回忆1.Newspaper 行业shrinking. 有提到America,和美国一些州newspaper的情况。they can’t find buyers. 超过100个have
no money to publish the newspaper everyday. Some published three days a week. Small sized newspapers only publish
回忆2.今天也考到了关于Newspaper shrinking的题,其中说到:Economic models changes although newspapers have
increase the cash flow, newspaper industry lost money because they can’t find buyers,small newspapers go online,
some newspapers disappeared, 100 small newspapers existence, the staffs worked in newspaper dropped 30-60%,这些
回忆3.讲newspaper行业的衰落shrinking,很多newspaper disappear了,有些还是positive cash flow. 有些publish 3 day per
week or only online. 有one third strunk,reduce 30%-50% or more

65. Fight-or-flight response/战逃反应 #5370 2018-12 频率19

To understand the Fight or Flight response it helps to think about the role of emotions in our lives. Many of us would
prefer to focus on our logical, thinking nature and ignore our sometimes troublesome emotions, but emotions have a
purpose. Our most basic emotions like fear, anger or disgust are vital messengers: they evolved as signals to help us
meet our basic needs for self-preservation and safety. It would be dangerous to be indecisive about a threat to our
survival so the brain runs information from our senses through the most primitive, reactive parts of our brain first. These
areas of the brain control instinctive responses and they don’t do too much thinking. This more primitive part of our
brain communicates with the rest of our brain and our body to create signals we can’t ignore easily: powerful emotions
and symptoms.

This lecture is about the relationship between fight or flight response and emotions. Firstly, most people would prefer
logical thinking and ignore emotions that actually have a purpose. Secondly, basic emotions are vital messengers,
evolving as signals. So, the brain runs information through the most primitive and reactive parts of our brain, which
control instinctive response, don’t think much and communicate with the rest of our brain and body to create signals. In
conclusion, we cannot ignore these signals, including powerful emotions and symptoms.

66. The separation of power/三权分立 #5374 2018-12 频率19


回忆要点:the separation of power. 3个系统,第一个legislation,第二个(应该是administration但是我没听到)提到officers

care about...第三个负责interpret, 所以应该是司法,这样分工很清晰,但是在过去有个blurring line,因为他们不晓得谁该做什

67. Two kinds of stress/两种压力 #5491 2018-12 频率22


回忆要点:讲有关stress的,关键词有little stress, exam, practice, necessary, calendar, play and work等! 本人听力79,虽然
这篇听的一般,但应该可以参考! The lecture is talking about stress.There are two kinds of stress, one is little stress, it will
happen when people taking exam or practice. But it is actually necessary because it could help people to improve what
they are doing. Another stress is what we usually talk about. To release such stress, people could use calendar to
schedule their play and work. 可能有漏掉一些词,但是这么写似乎也没问题,有听力大神的听到这道题了可以再复盘!

68. Globalization and detraditionalization/全球化与去传统化 #5728 2019-01 频率7

So, I think you all know what I mean by globalization, don't you? This is the idea that we all live in a global village. With
instant communications, we can share ideas, and consume cultural artifacts from countries all over the world, just by
going into the Internet and all dream up, basically. The world is shrinking. In terms of speeds, it is accelerating, but in
terms of distance, it's shrinking. What do I mean by detraditionalization? I mean the disappearance or the erosion, for 23/25
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the better word to use, the erosion of traditional cultures, of conventional ways of doing things, of conventional
moralities. More and more young people around the world are rejecting the culture they grow up in, and it's probably a
little bit cruel. But some imitating a Hollywood model of society, rather than the one which they inherit from their local
tradition background. OK?

回忆要点:考到,男的声音很慢,几乎都能记下来。 When we talk about globalization, it means we live in a global village,

share ideas and consume cultural products all over the world. The world is shrinking by distance and speed. But when we
talk about detraditionalization, it means the erosion of traditional culture and conventional ways. For example, young
people reject their local cultural ways in which they grew up and pick Hollywood ones. 因为detraditionalization这个词记忆

69. Internet and journalism/互联网对新闻行业的影响 #5738 2019-02 频率3


回忆要点:讲的Internet 对journalism的影响,大概是Journalism has changed since the rising of the Internet, including how
it is produced and how it is consumed. People become enthusiastic about such changes, viewing it improving the
spreading of news and helping people to gain information. Journalism becomes now a collaborative process and in a
marginal way, this is unexpected.但是后面in a marginal way那里我听的不是很好 24/25
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