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Chapter 5: creating customer long-loyalty relationship

Q1. what measures should your company take to build long-term loyalty relationship?

Q2. As Murree brewery has it's importance in market and more customers are attracted, what are those
techniques and method your company use to attracting and retaining customers

Q3. Is your company betterly deliver customer value and satisfaction ? If yes, than what are those
successful strategies your company use?

Q4. Is your company consider well-known 80-20 rule to differentiate among profitable,non profitable
and middle customers?

Q5. Is Your company murre brewery measure customer lifetime value to adopt a long term perspective?

Q6. How your company built customer loyalty?

Q7. Your company creating brand communities? If yes share some benefits?

Q8. As customer perceived value based on either total customer benefit(image, service, product) or
total customer cost(time, energy) ,what is murre brewery customer perceived value that customers
highly preferred?

Q9. Murree brewery is traditional organization(at top are higher management)or modern customer-
oriented company organization(at the top are customer) in their chart?

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