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NAME: Haiqa Malik

ROLL NO: NUML-F23- 48320


DUE DATE: 03/30/2024



Training Assessment Need

Demographic Information:

- Age:

- Gender:

- Job Title/Position:

- Years of Experience in Leadership Role:

- Industry:

 Paradoxical Leadership

1. Current Understanding of Paradoxical Leadership:

- On a scale of 1 to 5, how familiar are you with the concept of paradoxical leadership?

(1 = Not Familiar at All, 5 = Very Familiar)

- Can you briefly describe what paradoxical leadership means to you?

3. Perceived Importance of Paradoxical Leadership Skills:

- How important do you think it is for leaders to embrace paradoxical thinking and behaviors in today's
complex business environment?

(1 = Not Important, 5 = Extremely Important)

- What benefits do you believe paradoxical leadership can bring to an organization?

4. Training Needs Assessment:

- Which aspects of paradoxical leadership do you feel least confident in? (circle that apply)

a) Balancing competing priorities

b) Embracing ambiguity and uncertainty

c) Managing contradictory demands

d) Fostering innovation while maintaining stability

e) Encouraging diverse perspectives

- Other (please specify)

- What specific skills or knowledge gaps do you believe hinder your ability to effectively practice
paradoxical leadership?

6. Preferred Training Delivery Method:

- How do you prefer to receive training on paradoxical leadership?

-a) In-person workshops

- b) Online courses/webinars

-c) Self-paced learning modules

-d) Coaching/mentoring sessions

- Other (please specify)

7. **Training Expectations:**

- What outcomes do you hope to achieve from training in paradoxical leadership?

 Psychological Safety
1. Current Understanding of Psychological Safety:

- How familiar are you with the concept of psychological safety in the workplace?

(1 = Not Familiar at All, 5 = Very Familiar)

Can you briefly describe what psychological safety means to you?

2. Perceived Importance of Psychological Safety:

How important do you believe psychological safety is for team effectiveness and performance? (1 = Not
Important, 5 = Extremely Important)

Have you observed any instances where lack of psychological safety has negatively impacted team
dynamics or outcomes? If so, please provide an example.

3. Challenges in Fostering Psychological Safety:

What do you perceive as the main challenges in fostering psychological safety within your team or

Are there any specific barriers or obstacles that hinder open communication, trust, or collaboration in
your work environment?
4. Training Needs Assessment:

- Which aspects of psychological safety do you feel least confident in promoting within your
team? (circle all that apply)

a) Encouraging open and honest communication

b) Building trust among team members

c) Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment

d) Handling conflicts constructively

e) Empowering team members to speak up without fear of retribution

f) Other (please specify)

What specific skills or strategies do you believe would help you foster psychological safety more

5. Preferred Training Delivery Method:

6. How do you prefer to receive training on psychological safety?

a) In-person workshops

b) Online courses/webinars

c) Interactive group discussions/seminars

d)Role-playing exercises/simulations

e) Other (please specify)

7. Training Expectations:

What outcomes do you hope to achieve from training in psychological safety?

 innovative work behavior:
1. Current Understanding of Innovative Work Behavior:

- How familiar are you with the concept of innovative work behavior?

(1 = Not Familiar at All, 5 = Very Familiar)

- Can you briefly describe what innovative work behavior means to you?

2. Perceived Importance of Innovation:

- How important do you believe innovation is for the success and competitiveness of your

(1 = Not Important, 5 = Extremely Important)

- Have you observed any instances where lack of innovation has hindered progress or growth within
your organization? If so, please provide an example.

3. Barriers to Innovation:

- What do you perceive as the main barriers to fostering innovation within your team or organization?

- Are there any specific challenges or obstacles that hinder creative thinking, experimentation, or risk-
taking in your work environment?
5. Training Needs Assessment:

- Which aspects of innovative work behavior do you feel least confident in demonstrating or promoting
within your team? (circle all that apply)

a) Generating and exploring new ideas

b) Taking initiative to implement innovative solutions

c) Collaborating with others to foster creativity

d) Overcoming fear of failure and embracing experimentation

e) Creating a culture that values and rewards innovation

- Other (please specify)

- What specific skills or strategies do you believe would help you enhance your innovative work

6. Preferred Training Delivery Method:

- How do you prefer to receive training on innovative work behavior?

a) In-person workshops

b) Online courses/webinars

c) Brainstorming sessions/ideation workshops

d) Case studies/examples of successful innovation

- Other (please specify)

7. Training Expectations:

- What outcomes do you hope to achieve from training in innovative work behavior?

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