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Guiding Principles

1. Meritocracy
o Antidote will always be meritocracy, not an autocracy in which someone leads and others follow, and not a
democracy in which everyone’s vote is equal—but a meritocracy that encourages thoughtful disagreements
and explores and weighs people’s opinions in proportion to their merits
▪ group decision-making system to be effective, people using it must believe that it’s fair
▪ Meritocracy = Radical Truth + Radical Transparency + Weighted Decision Making
o We cultivate an environment to seek the truth
2. Integrity of our solutions
o Do not compromise the uncompromisable
o Customer Focus
▪ Always focus on what the customer’s immediate needs are currently and how we can fulfill them.
Pay less attention to what competitors are doing.
▪ Ask questions and LISTEN
3. Always hire the best
o Put together a dream team
▪ Assemble the dream team like a professional sports team
▪ Pay top dollar for the best talent
o Only hire someone who is better than yourself
▪ "It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they
can tell us what to do." – Steve Jobs
o Always hire individuals who align with our mission
o Get rid of bad hires (cancers) as soon as we possibly can
o Instill a teamworking environment
4. Think big, stay focused on “loonshots”
o We always work towards crazy outrageous goals
5. Continue to strive for the highest of standards
o Find independent thinkers who are on the same mission as us
o Always maintain a culture that cultivates our mission, core values, and principles
o With a lofty goal or target, there must be an application to measure its success
▪ Always goal oriented
o Do so by monitoring daily progress into each employee
▪ KPI’s
▪ Dashboards
2020 N Bayshore Dr #1806
Guiding Principles
6. Radical Transparency
o You say what you think, even if it is uncomfortable
▪ Silent disagreement is unacceptable and unproductive
o Implement a constant flowing feedback loop
▪ The art of taking feedback is a crucial skill, particularly harsh and critical feedback
▪ We not only need to take this harsh feedback, but actively solicit it, labor to seek out the negative
precisely when our colleagues, friends, and family and brain are telling us that we’re doing great
o Never hold onto to resentments
7. Work on any project as you see fit
o If any employee strikes a passion for that project, they may join the team
▪ We will create a natural selection process in projects we take on
▪ The best projects will gain traction, the weakest will lose momentum
8. Ego is our enemy
o We must eliminate our ego
▪ Our Definition of Ego: an unhealthy belief in our own importance. Arrogance. Self-centered ambition
1. Ego drives us away from and is contrary to our mission and purpose
2. “If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity.”- Marina Abramović
3. Be humble
▪ Fill ourselves with gratitude, humility, and discipline
o Don’t worry about looking good; worry about achieving our goals
o We welcome the brilliantly smart creatives, but do not tolerate brilliant jerks
9. Be Courageous
o Have backbone and speak up
o Don’t be afraid to make decisions
▪ Avoid analysis paralysis, but farm for opinion and dissent
o Don’t be afraid of failure
10. Be Open Minded
o Radical open-mindedness is motivated by the genuine worry that you might not be seeing your choices
o Open Mindedness is the ability to effectively explore different points of view and different possibilities
without letting your ego or your blind spots get in your way
o It requires you to replace your attachment to always being right with the joy of learning what’s true
2020 N Bayshore Dr #1806

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