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Origin banyuwangi

In the ancient times in the east end of East Java Province, there is a large kingdom ruled by a just and
wise king. The king had a gallant son named Raden Banterang. Raden Banterang craze is hunting. "This
morning I will hunt to the forest. Prepare a hunting tool, "said Raden Banterang to his servants. After
hunting equipment ready, Raden Banterang with some retinue went to the forest. When Raden
Banterang walking alone, he saw a deer crossed in front of him. He immediately chase deer until deep
into the forest. He separated from his escorts.
"Where a deer before?" Said Raden Banterang, when lost track prey. "I'll find continue to be," his
determination. Raden Banterang through the bush and forest trees. However, the game was not found.
He arrived in a very clear river water. "Hem, nian fresh water of this river," Raden Banterang drink the
river water, to feel lost thirst. After that, he left the river. But only a few steps walking, suddenly startled
arrival of a beautiful girl beautiful.
"Ha? A girl beautiful girl? Did he really a man? Lest devils forest watchman, "muttered Banterang
Raden wondered. Raden Banterang ventured to approach that beautiful girl. "You're a human or a
keeper of the forest?" Says Raden Banterang. "I'm human," she replied with a smile. Raden Banterang
was introducing himself. Pretty girl greeted him. "My name is derived from the Write to Klungkung
kingdom". "I was in this place for saving themselves from enemy attack. My father has been killed in
maintaining the royal crown, "he explained. Listening to the girl, Raden Banterang absurdly surprised.
Seeing the suffering of the King of Klungkung's daughter, Raden Banterang immediate help and took her
back to the palace. Soon they were married build a happy family.
One day, the daughter of the King of Klungkung to walk alone outside the palace. "Write to! Write to!
", Calling a man dressed in rags. After observing the man's face, he realized that that was in front of him
is his brother named Rupaksa. Rupaksa intentions is to invite his brother to take revenge, because
Raden Banterang had killed his father. Write to tell that he wants diperistri Raden Banterang having
been indebted. By doing so, Surati not want to help call his brother. Rupaksa upset to hear the answer
brother. However, he could provide a form of memory headband to Surati. "This headband should you
keep under your bed," Rupaksa message.
Write to the meeting with his brother is not known by Raden Banterang, because Raden Banterang
was hunting in the forest. When Raden Banterang was in the middle of the forest, his eyes suddenly
surprised by the arrival of a man dressed in rags. "Tuangku, Raden Banterang. Safety Master planned
endangered by its own master's wife, "the man said. 'You can see the evidence, to see a headband that
is placed under the dusk. The headband belonging to the man who asked for help to kill the host, "he
explained. After saying these words, a man dressed in rags was mysteriously missing. Raden Banterang
alarmed to hear reports that the mysterious man. He was immediately returned to the palace. After
arriving at the palace, Raden Banterang peraaduan straight to his wife. Looking headband that has been
told by a man dressed in rags who had met in the forest. "Ha! True said that man! This headband as
proof! Do you plan to kill me to ask a favor to the owner of this headband! "Raden Banterang accused to
his wife. "Is that your reply to me?" Said Raden Banterang. "Do not just accused. Adina did not intend to
kill Kakanda, let alone ask for help to a man! "Said Surati. However Raden Banterang remain at its
founding, that his wife had helped it would endanger his life. Well, before his life is threatened, Raden
Banterang first want to harm his wife.
Raden Banterang intending to drown her in a river. After arriving at the river, Raden Banterang tells of
a meeting with a man in rags when hunting in the woods. The wife also told about a meeting with a man
dressed in rags as her husband explained. "The man is the older brother of Adina. She gave me a
headband to Adina, "explains Surati back, so Raden Banterang melted her heart. However, Raden
Banterang continue to believe that she would harm herself. "Kakanda my husband! Open your heart and
feelings Kakanda! Adina Kakanda willing to die for the sake of safety. But give the opportunity for Adina
to tell about meeting with the older sibling Adina Adina named Rupaksa, "said Surati warned.
"Brother will kill Kakanda Adindalah! Adina demand help, but Adina tolah ". Hearing this, the liquid
heart Raden Banterang not even think she is lying .. "Kakanda! If the river water becomes clear and
fragrant, innocent means Adina! However, if it remains cloudy and foul odor, means Adina guilty! "Said
Surati. Raden Banterang assume that his speech-fetched. So, Raden Banterang immediately drew his
dagger tucked in his waist. Along the same, Write to jump into the river and disappeared.
Not long ago, there was a miracle. Nan fragrant smell spread around the river. Seeing the incident,
Raden Banterang cried in a trembling voice. "My wife is innocent! Fragrant water this time! "How sorry
Raden Banterang. He lamented the death of his wife, and regretting his folly. But it was too late.
Since then, the river becomes fragrant. In the Java language called Banyuwangi. Banyu meaning
fragrant water and meaning fragrant. The name later became the name of the town of Banyuwangi

Nama: Dwiki Nur Febrianto

Class: XI-AP-3
“The Flying Dutchman”
The story of the ghost ship Flying Dutchman is one story that is very well known and has become a
legend throughout the world. There have been many books written with a story of this legend, even in
the film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
(2007) The ghost ship also raised.
But, whether this story is real or not I do not know, or maybe still the same with the other legends are
considered only to the extent of coral stories / fables down-temurun.Menurut folklore, the Flying
Dutchman is a ghost ship that can never be anchored , but had to wade through the "seven seas"
forever. Flying Dutchman is always visible from a distance, sometimes illuminated with dim light
Many versions of this story. According to some sources, this legend came from the Netherlands, while
the others to claim that it originated from the British drama The Flying Dutchman (1826) by Edward
Fitzball and the novel "The Phantom Ship" (1837) by Frederick Marryat, later adapted to Dutch story
"Het Schip Vliegend" (The Flying Ship) by the Dutch priest AHC Römer.
Other versions include the opera by Richard Wagner (1841) and "The Flying Dutchman on Tappan Sea"
by Washington Irving (1855).
Some reliable sources said that in the 17th century Dutch captain named Bernard Fokke (another
version called the captain "Ramhout Van Dam" or "Van der Decken") across the sea from Holland to Java
with incredible speed.
He is suspected of asking for help to reach the speed demon earlier. But amid his voyage to the Cape of
God Hope sudden bad weather, so the shaky ship. Then a crew called for the cruise stopped.
But the captain did not want to, then he said, "I swear I will not resign and will continue through the
storm to reach the destination city, or I'm going to my ship and all its crew doomed forever" Arrived
-Arrived storm hit the ship so that they lose against nature.
And cursed forever with the boy captain that his ship into the bodies of living and sailing on the seven
seas forever.
That said, the ship is condemned to sail the ocean until the end of time 7. The story then spread very
rapidly throughout the world.
Other sources also mention the emergence of dangerous diseases among crew members so that they
are not allowed to dock in ports.
Since then, the ship and its crew sentenced to always sail, never docked / pull. According to some
versions, this happened in 1641, the others guess in 1680 or 1729.
Terneuzen (Netherlands) referred to as the home of the legendary Flying Dutchman, Van der Decken, a
captain who cursed God and was sentenced to sail the seas forever, has been told in a novel by
Frederick Marryat - The Phantom Ship and the Richard Wagner opera.
Many witnesses who claimed to have seen the ghost ship. In 1939 the ship was visible in Mulkzenberg.
In 1941 seklompok people in the Glencairn beach watching the sail boats arrived - arrived will disappear
when crashed into a rock.
Sightings of The Flying Dutchman was again seen by the crew of a military ship Jubilee MHS near Cape
Town in August 1942.

In fact there is a record of the story of Christopher Columbus' voyage, it's time to see Columbus crew
aboard a floating hang with the crew of the screen mengembang.setelah first saw killed instantly.
Myth nd-nd also tells if a modern ship saw this ghost ship and a modern crew gave the signal, then it
will be a modern vessel sink / woe.
For a sailor, unexpected encounter with a ghost ship The Flying Dutchman will bring danger to them
and said, there is a way to circumvent the possibility of bumped into the ghost ship, which is a
horseshoe with a pair of masts of their ships as protection.
Over the centuries - centuries, the legend of The Flying Dutchman became a source of inspiration of the
writers and novelists. Since 1826 Edward has written novels Fitzball The PANTOM Ship (1837) is lifted
from the experience of meeting with this spooky vessel.
Many famous poets such as Washington Irving and Sir Walter Scott are also interested in raising this
Flying Dutchman The term is also used to nickname some football athletes, especially the major players
from the Netherlands. Ironically, the veteran country star Orange, Dennis Bergkamp actually known as a
phobia or fear of flying, so he was nicknamed The Non-Flying Dutchman.
Some reports sighting the Flysing Dutchman who had documented:

1823: Captain Oweb, HMS Leven tells has twice seen an empty vessel tossed around amid the ocean
from a distance, but in the blink of an eye the ship then disappeared.

1835: It is reported that year, a British-flagged ship amid storm besieged by the ocean, was visited by an
alien ship that is touted as the ghost ship The Flying Dutchman, and then suddenly the alien ship
approaching and as if to hit the ship them, but strangely before both foreign ships collide then disappear

Nama: Dwiki Nur Febrianto

Class: XI-AP-3

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