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Laporan Praktikum Tanggal Praktikum : 12 November 2020

Fisiologi Veteriner I Dosen Pembimbing : Dr.Drh.Koekoeh Santoso

Minggu ke-9 (siang) Kelompok Praktikum: P6.3

Asisten : 1. Rahmatusyifa, SKH
2. Natasya C Tambunan,SKH

​The Effect of Adrenaline on Heart Function
Oleh :
1. Nicholas Hen ZengWei B04198011*
2. Govarrtini Nagaiah B04198012*
3. Natalie Leong Hoi Tung B04198013*
4. Sadashiva Vasudevan B04198014*
5. Audrey Ng Jia Yie B04198015*


ODD SEMESTER 2020-2021

A. Metabolism & Thyroid Hormone

​ etabolism is the chemical reactions that occur on the body to maintain
the living state of cells and the organism. Metabolism is divided into two
categories, anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the breakdown of
molecules to obtain energy, while anabolism is the synthesis of all
compounds needed by the cells (Mandal, Ananya. 2019). Thyroid
hormones are produced and released by the thyroid gland. There are two
types of thyroid hormones, namely triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine
(T4). A deficiency of iodine causes decrease in the production of thyroid
hormones, which will enlarge the thyroid tissue causing simple goitre
(Irizarry. 2014).

B. Effects of Adrenaline towards the Heart

​ Adrenaline response to stress that increases heart rate, strengthens the
force of the heart’s contraction and cardiac output (Ruben, Victor.2016).
Heart muscle fibers are interconnected. Impulses formed inside the heart
will be spread throughout the heart muscle. The principle of the
contraction is “all or none”. The contraction of the heart is innervated by
autonomic nerves. Sympathetic nerves increase cardiac activity, while
parasympathetic nerves decrease cardiac activity. ​Adrenaline is a hormone
produced within the adrenal gland.

After following experiment A, students will be able to understand the terms
metabolism, basal metabolic rate (BMR), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH),
thyroxine, goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroidectomized and
hypophysectomized. Students will also be able to observe how negative feedback
mechanisms regulate hormone release. Students will be able to understand
thyroxine’s role in maintaining the basal metabolic rate. Students will be able to
understand the effect of TSH on the basal metabolic rate. Students will also be
able to understand the role of hypothalamus in regulating the secretion of
thyroxine and TSH.
After following experiment B, students will be able to determine and understand
the effect of adrenaline to heart rate.
Tools and Materials
A. Metabolism & Thyroid Hormone

Soda lime, an animal scale and three white rats. The apparatus used in this
experiment are three refillable syringes, an airtight glass animal chamber, a
manometer and a syringe.

B. Effects of Adrenaline towards the Heart

Frog (Bufo melanostictus), frog board, Ringer’s liquid, adrenaline

solution, acetylcholine solution


A. Metabolism & Thyroid Hormone

Experiment was done on PhysioEX 9.1. First, the normal rat was placed
onto the scale in the chamber, its weight was recorded. The clamp on the left tube
of the chamber was then closed to prevent air from entering the chamber. Timer
was set to one minute and the amount of oxygen consumed by the rat in the sealed
chamber within one minute was recorded. Then, the left clamp was opened to
ensure that the rat could breathe , the chamber was then attached with the
manometer and syringe. Next, the reading of the manometer was observed and an
estimated volume of O2 was injected into the chamber until the reading on both
the right and left side of the manometer were leveled.After that , the size of
thyroid glands of the rats were manually checked to determine whether a goiter
was present, the observation was recorded. Lastly, the oxygen consumption per
hour of the rate and the metabolic rate of the rat was calculated and recorded. The
same steps were then repeated for the thyroidectomized (“Tx”) and
hypophysectomized (“Hypox”) rats. For the next parts of the experiment, previous
steps of the experiment were repeated, but the three rats were injected with
Thyroxine before the experiment to determine the effect of thyroxine on metabolic
rate. Experiment was then repeated with TSH and Propylthiouracil being injected
in the three rats before the experiment to determine their effect in metabolic rate.
B. Effects of Adrenaline towards the Heart

First,the frog was inserted with a probe to damage its brain and spinal
cord. The frog was then pinned to the frog board with its abdomen facing up. Its
abdominal cavity was cut from the end of the sternum towards the right and left
forelegs with scissors , then continued towards the cranial until the beginning of
chest area. This cutting was further cut into two so that the chest cavity opens up.
Then, the epicardium was lifted and the pericardium was opened using a pair of
tweezers to expose the heart.After that , the heart was being wet with room
temperature Ringer’s solution. The heart rate was measured and recorded. 2-3
drops of acetylcholine solution was dropped onto the heart and its heart rate was
measured. The heart was then rinsed with Ringer’s solution to remove the
acetylcholine solution. The pulse frequency was then measured and recorded. The
procedure to measure the pulse frequency was repeated using 2-3 drops of
adrenaline solution. Afterwards, the heart was rinsed with Ringer’s solution and
once again the heart rate was measured.


A. Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone


A. Metabolism & Thyroid Hormone

Metabolism is a term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in

maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. Metabolism can be
conveniently divided into two categories and that is Catabolism that breaks down
molecules to obtain energy and Anabolism, that is to synthesize all compounds
needed by the cells. Whereas, thyroid hormones affect every cell and all the
organs of the body. They: Regulate the rate at which calories are burned, affecting
weight loss or weight gain. Can slow down or speed up the heartbeat. These two
hormones can also work together, Thyroid hormones actually help your body to
burn fat and provide you with more energy. As a result of this effect on fat
metabolism, thyroid hormones bump up your basal metabolic rate also known as
(BMR) which means you'll be burning off fat even when you're not physically
moving or being active. Thyroid hormones also can impact carbohydrate

Based on the experiment, the basal metabolic rate is determined by the basal
metabolic rate(BMR). The BMR measures the oxygen consumption under basal
conditions of overnight fast and rest from mental and physical exertion. BMR can
be read from the oxygen consumed over a timed interval by the analysis samples
of expired air. The BMRprovides sufficient energy for the brain and central
nervous system, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, muscles, sex organs, and skin to
function properly. The BMR of a normal rat is higher than Tx (thyroidectomized)
& Hypox (hypophysectomized) rat. Tx and Hypox rats have BMR lower than
1600, which states they are hypothyroid. Moreover, the Tx rats had their thyroid
removed and Hypox rats had their pituitary gland removed. The lack of these
organs resulted in lower BMRs due to absence of production of the
thyroxine.However, no mass is observed in any of the rats.
Next in the experiment, after thyroxine is injected, the average BMR of all 3
rats increases. However, normal rat had higher BMR level compared to Tx and
Hypox rat.And in the third part of the experiment, after thyroid stimulating
hormone (TSH) is injected, normal and Hypox rats recorded a higher BMR level
(>1900 mL/O2/kg/hour) and they had hyperthyroid. Mass at the neck indicates
there is a condition present which is causing the thyroid to grow abnormally
which causes goiter. However, Tx rat recorded a BMR level of 1542.86
(hypothyroidism) because there was no thyroid to be stimulated thus there was no
mass in the neck area observed.

In the last part of the experiment, the metabolic rate of rats is determined after
being injected with Propylthiouracil (PTU) where all 3 rats recorded BMR level
less than 1600 (mL/O2/kg/hour) which means hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is
an underactive thyroid gland that can't make enough thyroid hormone to keep the
body running normally. Propylthiouracil (PTU) is an oral medication that is used
to manage hyperthyroidism which is due to an overactive thyroid gland.
Propylthiouracil can cause hypothyroidism necessitating routine monitoring of
TSH and free T4 levels with adjustments in giving the dosage to maintain a
euthyroid state.

B. Effects of Adrenaline towards the Heart

Adrenaline which is known as the epinephrine injection is a clear, colorless, sterile

solution containing 1 mg/mL (1:1000) epinephrine and it is packaged as 1 mL of
solution in a single-use clear glass vial or 30 mL of solution in a multiple-dose
amber glass vial. In the 1 mL vial, each 1 mL of Adrenalin solution contains 1 mg
epinephrine, 9.0 mg sodium chloride, 1.0 mg sodium metabisulfite, hydrochloric
acid to adjust pH, and water for injection. Whereas, in the 30 mL vial, each 1 mL
of Adrenalin solution contains 1 mg epinephrine, 6.15 mg sodium chloride, 0.457
mg sodium metabisulfite, 0.920 mg sodium hydroxide, 2.25 mg tartaric acid, 0.20
mg disodium edetate dihydrate, hydrochloric acid to adjust pH, 5.25 mg
chlorobutanol as a preservative and water for injection. The pH range is
2.2-5.0.Epinephrine solution deteriorates rapidly on exposure to air or light,
turning pink from oxidation to adrenochrome and brown from the formation of
melanin​. Epinephrine is the sympathomimetic ​catecholamine​. The chemical
formula of epinephrine is:
(-)-3,4-Dihydroxy-α-[2(methylamino)ethyl]​benzyl alcohol​.

The chemical structure of epinephrine is:

The adrenaline is also known as the “fight-or-flight hormone.” Because when It’s
being released, in responses to a stressful, exciting, dangerous, or threatening
situation. Adrenaline helps your body react more quickly and faster. It makes the
heart beat faster, increases blood flow to the brain and muscles, and it also
stimulates the body to use sugar as a body fuel. When adrenaline is released
suddenly, it’s often referred to as an adrenaline rush.And the ​acetylcholine (ACh)
is the neurotransmitter used as an agent to evoke a sudomotor axon reflex
response in autonomic testing.

The chemical structure of acetylcholine is:

From the experiment above, the frog's heart beat rate decreases after the 2-3 drops
of acetylcholine is dropped on the frog’s heart. Then the heart beat rate increases
rapidly when the 2-3 drops of adrenaline is being introduced.


As a conclusion for experiment A, adrenaline stimulates the contraction of

heart while acetylcholine decreases intensity contraction of heart. As a conclusion
for experiment B metabolism is a chemical reaction that changes food into energy.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy needed while the body is at
rest​. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the
thyroid gland to produce thyroxine, and then triiodothyronine which stimulates the
metabolism of tissue in the body. Goiter is an abnormal enlargement of your
thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism also known as underactive thyroid is a condition in
which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough certain hormones.
Hyperthyroidism also known as overactive thyroid occurs when your thyroid gland
produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Thyroidectomized frog means the
frog’s thyroid gland is removed, therefore it has no effect when the TSH is
administered. Hypophysectomized is having the pituitary gland removed by
surgery. Negative feedback system is a stimulus that causes the release of a
substance whose effects then inhibit further release. So that the concentration of
hormones in blood is maintained within a narrow range. Thyroxine stimulates
metabolic processes which lead to an increase of BMR. Thyroid hormones are the
main regulators of BMR. The higher TSH, the lower BMR. The hypothalamus
secretes thyrotropin-releasing hormone which then stimulates the pituitary gland to
produce thyroid stimulating hormone. This hormone stimulates the thyroid gland
to produce thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Rohit A. Sinha, ​Brijesh K. Singh​, Paul M. Yen. 2018.​Direct effects of thyroid

hormones on hepatic lipid metabolism. ​Nat Rev Endocrinol.14(5): 259–269.

Christopher J. R. Gough​, Jerry P. Nolan. 2018. The role of adrenaline in

cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Crit Care. 22: 139.

Irizarry L. 2014. ​"Thyroid Hormone Toxicity"​. ​Medscape.​ WedMD LLC.

Mandal, Ananya. 2019. ​What is Metabolism?.​ News-Medical, viewed 17
November 2020,

Ruben V., Victor H. 2016. Adrenergic (Sympathomimetic) Drugs. Synthesis of

Best-Seller Drugs
Name: Nicholas

Exercise 4: Endocrine System Physiology: Activity 1: Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 6 out of 6 questions correctly.

1. Which of the following statements about metabolism is false?

You correctly answered: d. All of the energy from metabolism is ultimately stored in the chemical bonds of ATP.

2. Thyroxine is
You correctly answered: c. the most important hormone for maintaining the metabolic rate and body temperature.

3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is

You correctly answered: b. produced in the pituitary gland.

4. An injection of TSH to an otherwise normal animal will cause which of the following?
You correctly answered: d. goiter development

5. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is

You correctly answered: a. secreted by the hypothalamus.

6. Which of the following statements is true?

You correctly answered: b. The hypothalamus primarily secretes tropic hormones that stimulate the secretion of other

11/12/20 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: Make a prediction about the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of the remaining rats compared with the BMR
of the normal rat you just measured.
Your answer : c. The BMR of both remaining rats will be lower than the normal rat's BMR.

Predict Question 2: What do you think will happen after you inject thyroxine into the three rats?
Your answer : a. The normal rat will become hyperthyroidic and develop a goiter.

Predict Question 3: What do you think will happen after you inject TSH into the three rats?
Your answer : c. The injection will have no effect on the hypophysectomized rat and, therefore, it will not develop a goiter.

Predict Question 4: Propylthiouracil (PTU) is a drug that inhibits the production of thyroxine by blocking the attachment of
iodine to tyrosine residues in the follicle cells of the thyroid gland (iodinated tyrosines are linked together to form thyroxine).
What do you think will happen after you inject PTU into the three rats?
Your answer : d. The normal rat will become hypothyroidic and develop a goiter.

Stop & Think Questions:

1h. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.118 ml O2/hr

1i. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.475 ml O2/kg/hr

2h. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.105 ml O2/hr

2i. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

11/12/20 page 2
Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.429 ml O2/kg/hr

3h. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.105 ml O2/hr

3i. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.427 ml O2/kg/hr

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800).

The normal rat is

You correctly answered: b. euthyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800).

The thyroidectomized (Tx) rat is

You correctly answered: a. hypothyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800).

The hypophysectomized (Hypox) rat is

You correctly answered: a. hypothyroid

4c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.138 ml O2/hr

11/12/20 page 3
4d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.556 ml O2/kg/hr

5c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.128 ml O2/hr

5d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.524 ml O2/kg/hr

6c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.13 ml O2/hr

6d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.528 ml O2/kg/hr

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the thyroxine injection.

The normal rat is

You correctly answered: c. hyperthyroid

11/12/20 page 4
Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the thyroxine injection.

The thyroidectomized (Tx) rat is

You correctly answered: c. hyperthyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the thyroxine injection.

The hypophysectomized (Hypox) rat is

You correctly answered: c. hyperthyroid

Which of the rats developed a goiter after injection with thyroxine (select all that apply)?
You correctly answered: d. None of the rats developed a goiter with this injection.

7c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.133 ml O2/hr

7d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.535 ml O2/kg/hr

8c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.105 ml O2/hr

8d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.

11/12/20 page 5
You answered: 0.429 ml O2/kg/hr

9c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.13 ml O2/hr

9d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.528 ml O2/kg/hr

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the TSH injection.

The normal rat is

You correctly answered: c. hyperthyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the TSH injection.

The thyroidectomized (Tx) rat is

You correctly answered: a. hypothyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the TSH injection.

The hypophysectomized (Hypox) rat is

You correctly answered: c. hyperthyroid

Which of the rats developed a goiter after injection with TSH (select all that apply)?
Your answer: a. the normal rat
Correct answer: a. the normal rat c. the hypophysectomized rat

10c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab

11/12/20 page 6
You answered: 0.105 ml O2/hr

10d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.422 ml O2/kg/hr

11c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.105 ml O2/hr

11d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.429 ml O2/kg/hr

12c. Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.

ml O2 consumed/1 minute x 60 minutes/hour = ml O2/hour

Enter the oxygen consumption per hour in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab
You answered: 0.105 ml O2/hr

12d. Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can calculate the metabolic rate per
kilogram of body weight with the following equation (note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms
to use this equation).

Metabolic rate = (ml O2/hr)/(weight in kg) = ml O2/kg/hr

Enter the metabolic rate in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the Lab Report.
You answered: 0.427 ml O2/kg/hr

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the PTU injection.

11/12/20 page 7
The normal rat is
You correctly answered: a. hypothyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the PTU injection.

The thyroidectomized (Tx) rat is

You correctly answered: a. hypothyroid

Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid
levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal, thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthryoid (high thyroid
levels; BMR above 1800) after the PTU injection.

The hypophysectomized (Hypox) rat is

You correctly answered: a. hypothyroid

Which of the rats developed a goiter after injection with PTU (select all that apply)?
You correctly answered: a. the normal rat

Experiment Data:

Rat Weight (g) ml O2/min ml O2/hr BMR Palpation Injected

(ml O2/kg/hr)
Normal 249 7.1 426.00 1710.84 No Mass none
Tx 245 6.3 378.00 1542.86 No Mass none
Hypox 246 6.3 378.00 1536.59 No Mass none
Normal 249 8.3 498.00 2000.00 No Mass thyroxine
Tx 245 7.7 462.00 1885.71 No Mass thyroxine
Hypox 246 7.8 468.00 1902.44 No Mass thyroxine
Normal 249 8.0 480.00 1927.71 Mass TSH
Tx 245 6.3 378.00 1542.86 No Mass TSH
Hypox 246 7.8 468.00 1902.44 Mass TSH
Normal 249 6.3 378.00 1518.07 Mass ptu
Tx 245 6.3 378.00 1542.86 No Mass ptu
Hypox 246 6.3 378.00 1536.59 No Mass ptu

11/12/20 page 8
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 7 out of 7 questions correctly.

1. How would you treat a thyroidectomized animal so that it functions like a "normal" animal?
You correctly answered: c. Provide the animal T4 supplements.

2. As a result of the missing hormone(s) in the hypophysectimized rat, what would be some expected symptoms?
You correctly answered: d. decreased basal metabolic rate

3. An injection of thyroxine to an otherwise normal rat will cause which of the following?
You correctly answered: b. hyperthyroidism

4. Why didn't any of the rats develop a goiter after thyroxine injection?
You correctly answered: a. In all cases, TSH levels were not elevated by the thyroxine injection.

5. Why did the normal rat develop a palpable goiter with the TSH injection?
You correctly answered: c. The TSH receptors on the thyroid gland were excessively stimulated.

6. An injection of propylthiouracil to an otherwise normal animal will cause which of the following?
You correctly answered: b. goiter development

7. Why did the normal rat develop a palpable goiter with the propylthiouracil injection?
You correctly answered: d. The injection decreased the negative feedback mechanism on TSH.

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Review Sheet Results
1. Part 1: Determining the Basal Metabolic Rates

Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

Your answer:
normal rat with thyroxine

2. Why did the metabolic rates differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats? How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
THey differed because the surgically altered rats could not produce specific hormones (t4 and TSH) since they no longer
have either a thyroid or pituitary gland.

3. If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing in its blood?
Your answer:
triiodothyronine and thyroxine

4. If an animal has been hypophysectomized, what effect would you expect to see in the hormone levels in its body?
Your answer:
TSH levels will be missing because the pituitary gland is removed, so decreased metabolic rate

5. Part 2: Determining the Effect of Thyroxine on Metabolic Rate

What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the normal rat's BMR?
Your answer:
the bmr of normal rat increases,

6. What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? How does the BMR in this case compare
with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of thyroxine in the syringe too large, too small, or just right?
Your answer:
The Tx rat had a high BMR after the injections, making the rat hyperthyroid. Before injections the rat was hypothyroid. The
dose was too low.

7. What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? How does the BMR in this case
compare with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of thyroxine in the syringe too large, too small, or just right?
Your answer:
The Hypox rats also had high BMR after injections making the rat hyperthyroid. too low of a dose

8. Part 3: Determining the Effect of TSH on Metabolic Rate

What was the effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) injections on the normal rat's BMR?
Your answer:
normal rat bmr increases

9. What was the effect of TSH injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? How does the BMR in this case compare with
the normal rat's BMR? Why was this effect observed?
Your answer:
no effect because there was no thyroid gland to stimulate, unchanged, lower compared to normal rat

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10. What was the effect of TSH injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? How does the BMR in this case compare
with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of TSH in the syringe too large, too small, or just right?
Your answer:
- BMR increased
- BMR was just below the normal rat
- syringe amount was a little too low

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