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Name: Een Helmi Mundifah

Nim: 1917404021

Class: 4 TBI A

1. How do you correct young learners’ errors and mistakes?

Teacher should help students focus on both on what they say and how they say
it during communicative activities. And teacher should encourage students to express
their ideas and take risk in a secure learning environment. Teacher should know when
to correct an error and mistake. When to correct an error is immediate correction and
delayed correction. Immediate correction means teacher tend to correct an error
immediately during activities. Delayed correction when an involved in fluency work.
When selecting error correction techniques. Teacher should take into
considerstion a wide rage of individual factors like student ages, motivation,
individual oreference and level. To correct young leraners mistake teacher need to
know children is sensitive level students. If children make mistakes just tell their
mistakes not their personality. Accept their feeling because making mistakes its not a
easy situation for chilern. Use polite word and soft intonation while correcting
children mistakes. Use easy sentences that make children easy to undersant, so
children can knowing their mistakes. And be patient while teaching children.

2. Children word is playing. What kind of games you can apply while teaching
young learners in which those games can improve students’ pronunciation?
I think best game to increase student pronunciations Taboo game. It is very fun games
to increase students pronunciation. Taboo games train students dictation words. In this
game a player will get a card with a word. And the player should guess the word in
the card. And the other player try to describe the word.

3. The for teachers should planning various teaching methods. Because every student
have their own unique it make all student can handle by on method. Next, rather than
yelling, teacher better giving non-verbal alert or gesture to student. This very efective
to handle crowded situations. Focus to positive behaviour of student. Theacher don’t
need to always focus on negative things of student. If teacher focus on positive things
on student, student will feel respect to the teacher. Give positive punishment, a
punishment than can increase student potency or ability.

4. English teaching For 5th grade student will focus on memorizing vocabulatis and
expressions. On this level of class, tenses will introduces while learning expressions.

5. Teaching listening and speaking are aspect wich should be taken into consideration of
teching English for young learners. Teacing English listening should be done in
careful and well preparation. Those young learners are socially, emotionally,
cognitively and phisicaly different from adult learnres.

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