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School of

Business and

Assessed Coursework Coversheet

For use with individual assessed work

Semester: Fall 2021

Group Number: 1
Name ID
Md. Mahmudun Nabi 1411025630
Dilruba Afroze 1521716030
Group Members Name & Mst Jannatul Fardush 1522044030
ID: Umma Hani Titley 1813280630
Athkeya Farzana Binta Islam 1812311630
Tasmin Sultana Chaity 1831489630
Shahi-Bit-Tazim 1831719030
Course Code: HRM370
Course Title: Managerial Skills Development
Section Number: 1
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Md Kamrul Hasan (KHs)
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Literature Review

Stress is the body's reaction to potentially dangerous events, whether real or imagined. Stress may vary
from people to people. According to Iskamto, Stress can affect a person's physical, psychological, and
emotional condition[CITATION Ded21 \n \t \l 1033 ]. Stress is a gradual process that can happen to
anyone. If a person works somewhere they constantly face work pressure, are more prone to
experience stress. More stress ruin the work-life balance of that individual.

Moreover, Wellfored[CITATION Wel73 \n \t \l 1033 ] described stress as a "Departure from optimum

conditions, "and different individuals react to stress differently. Individuals who are more motivated
towards their goals, suppurated by their colleges and managers, usually feel less stress. People who
have better communication skills can manage their stress efficiently. On the other hand, people who are
already dealing with emotional imbalance, lone less, working in an uncooperative environment usually
feel a lot more stress on a simple task.

There could be various reasons for stress; a study conducted on employees in Bangladesh working in
public and private commercial banks. The top stressors were working long hours and workload in both
banks, followed by family sympathy and management pressure [ CITATION Rah13 \l 1033 ]. This is a
similar case for other private companies and organizations as well. Most of the time the working hours
are too long and that impact the employees negatively. They feel extensive pressure because of the
workload that is bestowed on them. As a result, they can't keep balance between work and life even if
they want to.

Sometimes stress harms overall performance in law morale, absenteeism, poor quality, lower
satisfaction, and turnover [ CITATION Anw12 \l 1033 ]. When people feel the pressure of work and can't
finish work on time, they are more likely to have a poor quality of work. Some employees can't carry so
much stress, so they don't come to work properly. So, the rate of employee absenteeism in the
company increases. People feel less satisfied with their work due to work stress, and they are more
likely to be involved in any immoral activity, as a result, employee turnover increases.

Job Performance
Job performance is defined as an individual's total expected value to the organization of discrete
behavioral episodes performed over a set period [ CITATION Mot03 \l 1033 ]. Job performance is
described as the overall expected value from employees' behaviors carried out over a set period of time,
and it pertains to how individuals perform in their job obligations in terms of expected quantity and
quality of their jobs [CITATION Chr17 \l 1033 ]. Every organization has its own goal and employees from
different level are assigned different tasks to achieve this goal. The organization expects employees to
achieve their goals within the stipulated time and this success depends entirely on the performance of
the employees. So, an organization’s success depends much on the performance of the employees and
thus it is very important for the employees to perform.

Depending on employees' stress, it might improve or damage job performance. Employment challenges
are limited when there is no stress and performance suffers. Studies have shown that job performance
tends to improve as stress levels rise gradually [ CITATION Akr11 \l 1033 ]. Stress is linked to lower
organizational performance, lower employee overall performance, a higher error rate, and lower job
quality [ CITATION Aja18 \l 1033 ]. However, when stress reaches its maximal saturation point that can
hamper employees’ day-to-day performance capabilities. Beyond this point, job performance tends to
decrease significantly.

Corporate jobs in Bangladesh are more stressful than the benefits of the employee. The employees are
stressed. They get very little time to spend with their family. There is little to negotiate with the
corporate as Bangladesh has many people who do not have jobs [ CITATION Rah21 \l 1033 ]. Employees
feel stressed when they do not get much time to spend with their families, and that affects their
performance which eventually hams the growth of a company.

So, the corporation should provide a balanced schedule for the workers. The regulatory bodies should
maintain this strictly so that a fair platform the workers may get [ CITATION Miz21 \l 1033 ]. Job
performance is the evaluation of how a person does his job. That is, over a period, the overall expected
behavior and performance from an employee is termed as his work performance. Measuring one's work
performance is an important responsibility for an organization and an organization needs to understand
that it does not put too much pressure on workers.
According to Whetten & Cameron[CITATION Whe16 \n \t \l 1033 ], 5 things Increase the visibility of job

 Increasing the number of contacts with the senior people.

 Oral presentation of written work.
 Participate in problem solving task force.
 Invite senior managers to help identify important accomplishments within the workgroup.
 Sending congratulatory personal notes or reports or cover notes with useful information.

Impact of Stress on Performance

Research studies show that working in most organizations are highly stressful and work-life balance is
compromised, and employees may suffer physical and mental disorders. Another study has shown a
negative relationship between organizational structure and employee efficiency because of stress's
impact on an employee's job performance. On the other hand, reward results in positive employee
efficiency simultaneously [ CITATION Vij18 \l 1033 ]. Stress is now a common problem for the job
holders, and lack of administration support, excessive workloads, and customer or coworker relation are
the main factors that cause stress.

Any occupational stress that is not appropriately managed can eventually increase absentee rates,
conflicts in the organizations, and decrease employee morale [ CITATION Isl14 \l 1033 ]. There are
various negative consequences that may occur because of occupational stress. Considering individuals,
there could be some effects of stress, for example, unwanted behavior, physiological diseases, and
psychological diseases. Workplace or organizational level occupational stress can be caused by any
discrepancy between environmental demands and an individual's capacity to fulfill those demands.

Besides, stress is caused by an organizational work environment that reduces employee performances
and their motivation to work. Eventually, there is a decline in the organization's performance [ CITATION
Eff11 \l 1033 ]. Job performance is defined as individual productivity in quantitative and qualitative
factors. That determines how well an employee is performing on the job and are following the policies
and duties of the organization. But the stress of any level decreases job performance significantly
draining employee energy, time, and concentration. Stress can cause an imbalance of life and badly
affect an individual's mental health. Personal life shows inconsistent behavior caused by an extreme
level of stress.

Workloads, role conflicts, and inadequate monitoring rewards are the major reasons that cause stress.
These major issues eventually lead any employee to reduced efficiency, from which it is hard to recover [
CITATION Kar16 \l 1033 ]. Occupational Stress can cause physical illness but majorly causes psychological
distress and mental illness. In the higher level of stress, there is very poor concentration, increasing
frustration, and very low enthusiasm for their jobs. Money is not the solution to these stress issues but
job enrichment, affiliation, and just thanking employees for their work can help employees reduce their
stress. A better and friendly relationship between colleagues could be helpful to reduce the level of
stress and increase job performance.

Research Methodology
We have gathered the information for our research by doing quantitative research with the help of an
online survey. We choose quantitative data because it is better than the qualitative method during this
pandemic situation. So, we conducted our research using a quantitative technique for convenience in
collecting data. Apart from that, we examined several internet publications and journals and the class
lectures for comprehension of the subject better. Quantitative research examines statistical and
numerical data using numerical and statistical methods. And from the other hand, Qualitative research
works with non-numerical and open-ended data [ CITATION Pic21 \l 1033 ]. Researchers who use the
quantitative technique can collect data online without difficulties or limitations. Furthermore, with a
quantitative technique, queries are grouped in a standardized manner, which decreases the probability
of error.

We designed our questionnaire based on the “Impact of stress on Job Performance Bangladeshi
Organizations” to complete our research. We started by writing a guideline for our responders, and
whomever else would be involved in the data collection process. We selected three demographic
variables, such as age, gender, and job experience, to analyze them by categorizing the data from
different perspectives. Moreover, we got our job performance questionnaires given by our respective
faculty and there were 4 questions where each question responded on a scale of 1 to 5 and starting with
very poorly to exceptionally well. We also used Google Scholars to arrange and collect questionnaires on
stress for our survey. And we took our questionnaires from the article [ CITATION Shu16 \l 1033 ] and
that has been organized by considering job stress scale, role expectation conflict, coworker support and
work-life balance in daily life to measure the stress. The scale has proven to show acceptable and high
internal consistency reliability (alpha-.83) and factor-based validity [ CITATION Shu161 \l 1033 ]. These
questionaries are scaled on 1 to 5 points which is starting with strongly disagree to strongly agree and
there were 22 questions regarding stress. So, in total we have 29 items and collect 90 responses from
our survey. We've run into a few obstacles in gathering data for this study. It was challenging to locate
published articles on our subject and connect them to our research. We read the articles and other
related sources in our research study and then included them. While drafting the research study, a few
favorable and unfavorable points arose. As a result of this situation, we decided to form specific
hypotheses while using the questionnaires data gathering method. The first, most challenging thing was
finding the impact of stress on the job questionnaire. We could not conduct interviews due to the virus
crisis, but we gathered data by distributing questionnaires to filled employees around our relations and
neighbors. We collected replies from a wide range of people through this technique.

We used the SPSS program to study correlation, ANOVA, and regression analysis to examine our
responses. Finally, we evaluated the information in the report's conclusions and discussion section. We
evaluated the results of our replies to the conclusions of our research study in the discussion part.
Several factors contributed to the similarities between the conclusions and the review of related
literature, while others related to the variations.
Findings and Analysis

In this report our two important variables were average job performance, (dependent variables)
and Stress (independent variables). The hypothesis for this research was that stress is directly
related to levels of job performance. To appropriately test this hypothesis a questionnaire was
selected from which we have presented the statistical results below.






Correlation is a statistical approach for determining how closely two variables are connected to
one another or the degree to which they are associated. Like if we know the average stress level
and average performance level then we may determine how these two factors are connected as
well as the correlation between them. We may also identify a link between these two variables.
The formula determines how well the variables' relationships can be fit to an imaginary line
formed across the data by measuring the distance between each data point and the variable mean
for two variables.

To better comprehend the results, we used the Pearson correlation test. The average stress and
average job performance are directly proportional, according to the test results shown below. A
Pearson correlation score of 0.110 suggests a weak negative correlation between average stress
and average work performance, indicating that an increase in average stress does effect
productivity and the rate is substantial. Our first assumption was that increased job stress would
lead to worse job satisfaction and overall performance among employees. The negative
relationship between average stress and average performance shows that employees in
Bangladesh have a better employment balance or are in positive mental health.

Scatter plot

The scatter plots for average performance and average stress add to the reliability of the findings.

We can see that the results are primarily populated between the scales of 2.00 and 3.00 in the
Average performance scatter plot.
This means that as stress levels rise, so does average performance. When we look at the average
stress scatter plot, we can observe that as stress levels rise from 2.50 to 3.50, employee job
satisfaction drops.

Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is a statistical approach for determining which underlying
components are assessed by a number of observable variables. Basically it is a data reduction
technique, determined by looking for unobservable factors that are reflected in the observed
variables. There are many different methods that can be used to conduct a factor analysis but for
our research we have been used KMO and Bartlett’s Test, Scree Plot and Rotated Component

KMO and Bartlett’s Test: The KMO test is used to see how strong the partial correlation
between the variables. KMO values near 1.0 are considered optimal, whereas values below 0.5
are considered unacceptable. The null hypothesis that the correlation matrix is an identity matrix
is tested using Bartlett's test of sphericity. An identical correlation matrix indicates that our
variables are unrelated, making factor analysis difficult.

Sample adequacy of the questionnaire we have created for our report is .711.
Sample adequacy .711 means adequacy is high. Significance level of sample adequacy is .000
which means our findings are highly significant.

General Hypothesis:

Null hypothesis: No significant relationship.

Alternative hypothesis: There is significant relationship.

Here, .000< .05, we will reject the null therefore we can state that there is significant relationship

Scree Plot

In an analysis, a scree plot is a line plot showing the eigenvalues of factors or major components.
The scree plot assists us in determining the best amount of components to use. Each component's
eigenvalue in the first solution is displayed. In a scree plot the eigenvalues are on the y-axis, and
the number of components is on the x-axis. It has a downward curve at all times. The number of
factors created by the analysis is indicated by the point where the slope of the curve clearly
levels off.

In the scree plot graph, it has clearly showed the 25 components of the plot is in downward
direction which means the eigenvalue is decreasing. The total variance calculated in SPSS
calculation has showed specifically 8 components that has been researched among the 25
components. The total cumulative value of the main 8 components is 69.720%. This value shows
an approximate variability of the 8 components which is 69.720%.

First component’s Eigenvalue is in between 5 and 6, gradually all the values decreased. First 8
component’s values are more than Eigenvalue 1. But rest 17 components are less than
Eigenvalue 1 and the values went down to nearly 0.

Rotated Component Matrix: what and mean

So, we repeated our factor analysis in SPSS, this time using the Varimax rotation process with
Kaiser Normalization. We were able to obtain the Component Transformation Matrix as well as
the Rotated Component Matrix this time. The Rotated Factor Matrix assisted us in determining
whatever the analysis's components defined.

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a
a. Rotation converged in 11 iterations.
We can see that the first component, S2 (.698), is strongly associated with S1 in the Rotated
Component Matrix table (.769). Since it has the highest meaning, this is a superior
representation. The components are then divided into eight groups.

Linear Regression Model: mean

The relationship between two variables or factors is shown or predicted using linear regression
models. The dependent variable is the factor that is being predicted. The independent variables
are the factors that are utilized to predict the value of the dependent variable.

Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate
1 .110a .012 .001 .66698
a. Predictors: (Constant), Average Stress
b. Dependent Variable: Average performance
R-Squared is a statistical measure of fit in a regression model that reveals how much of a
dependent variable's variance is explained by the independent variable (s). The R-squared
measure of how well one variable's variation explains the variance of the other.

The model Summary of average stress and average job performance shows that the value of R= .
110 and R2 = .012. The Value of R shows the correlation between stress and performance. As R 2
= .012, which close to 1, the linear relationship of stress and performance is low.

The value of R2 =.012 indicates that the independent variable can explain 1.2 % of the variability
in the dependent variable. As a result, it may be established that stress accounts for 1.2 % of
performance variability. As a result, we can see that 98.8% of the time, the stress level has no
effect on the quality of the performance level. And, because the R 2 is so low, it can be concluded
that there's no significant relationship between the two data sets.

(mean and what)

Unstandardized Coefficie 95.0% Confidence
Coefficients nts Interval for B
Std. Lower Upper
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound
1 (Constant) 2.877 .468 6.150 .000 1.947 3.806
Average .165 .158 .110 1.042 .300 -.150 .480
a. Dependent Variable: Average performance

In linear regression model the equation is:

Y= a+ bx
Y= dependent variable
A= Constant
B= Beta coefficient
X= Independent variable

Average Performance, Y= a+b*x (mean and relation)

Average Performance= 2.877 + 0.165* (Average Stress)

So, Y= average performance (dependent variable), a= 2.877 and b= 0.065, x= average stress
(independent variable)

Here, the Standardized coefficient is=.110, which represents the positive correlation between the
Average Performance and Stress and sig=.300

P-value for the predictor Stress is .480 in this table. The value of p is greater than 0.05(Error
level= 0.05). It is justified that there is no significant relationship between stress and job

Stress is the independent variable, and average performance is the dependent variable, as
previously stated. Because the Standardized coefficient is.110, which is a positive number, it can
be stated that Stress and average performance have a positive relationship. As a result, if the
stress value is increased by one unit, the level of performance is increased by.165.

One-Way ANOVA:


After Pearson Correlations and Factor Analysis, we work out the One-way ANOVA test. This
test will help us to determine if there is a significant difference in the performance and stress of
90 employees at different levels.

So, in this ANOVA test we can see that,

F = 1.086, and Sig. = .300

Since Sig’s p-value is .000 or less, suggests that there are no significant changes in the job
performance and well-being of individuals in Bangladeshi organizations.

Hypothesis for ANOVA:

H0 (Null Hypothesis): There are no differences in the performance and Stress between job
holders in Bangladeshi organizations.

HA (Alternative Hypothesis): There are differences in the performance and Stress between job
holders in Bangladeshi organizations.

From the table we can see that, F= 1.086 and Sig.= .300

So, we accept the Null Hypothesis.

A histogram is a graph that allows us to analyze and visualize the underlying frequency
distribution (shape) of observed variables. Histogram helps data to be examined for its
underlying distribution. For example, is the histogram normally distributed or it is skewed?
From our research result we see that where average performance is used as a dependent variable,

The histogram is normally distributed. If the graph is approximately bell-shaped then we can say
that it is normally distributed. From the above graph we can see that the curve is bell-shaped, and
values are relatively equal on either side of the average in a normal distribution.

Lastly, we can say that literature review has given us the information Stress has a positive impact
on job performance but our results from SPSS says that the stress has no relationship with job
performance which is totally insignificant.



The correlation analysis was calculated out using SPSS, and the average value of stress and
performance of employed. The "r" value in the research section is .110, while the "p" value in the
test section is.300, which is greater than 0.05. The correlation coefficient in this situation is.110,
suggesting that stress and performance are negatively connected. Furthermore, poor performance
has a negative impact on both the emotional and physical stress of both employers and
employees. Our results indicate that as stress levels rise, performance levels fall. Since these two
variables have a significant negative relationship. Because of their poor self-satisfaction,
managers will be less content than the rest of the team. Stress has an impact on performance.
Both have a poor relationship with one another.

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Pickell, D. (2021, May 14). Qualitative vs Quantitative Data – What’s the Difference?

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Whetten, D. A., & Cameron , K. S. (2016). Developing Management Skill. (S. Wall, Ed.) Donna Battista.


This research paper is on the impact of stress on job performance in Bangladeshi organizations. The
main purpose of this research is to know whether there is any relationship between stress and job
performance among the employees in an organization. And, if there is then to which level does stress
impacts on the job satisfaction. To know about the relation, a survey was conducted on 90 employees
from different organizations in Bangladesh. The survey questionnaire was consisted of 22 questions
regarding stress, 4 questions regarding job performance and 3 demographic questions. Data analyzing
techniques like correlation, factor analysis, ANOVA, regression etc. were used to analyze the data
collected by conducting the survey. Moreover, several bar charts were used to understand the
relationship between stress-job performance and the demographic factors of the employees. The
findings of the research indicate that stress impacts on the job performance of the employees
negatively. The correlation between stress and job performance is moderately negative according to our
research findings. It was also noticed that with the increase in age and duration of working experience,
the rate of stress increases whereas the job performance rate decreases among the employees.

Table of Contents

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