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Discrete Mathematics

Lecture 1.
Introduce. Mathematical Logic (Logic of utterances and expressions).
The laws of the mathematical logic.
Normal forms of mathematical logic.
(1) Invitation to Discrete Mathematics (6) Graph Theory
J. Matousek and J. Nesetril Frank Harary
Clarendon Press, Oxford Narosa Publishing House
(2) Applied Combinatorics (7) Discrete Mathematics andIts Application
Fred S. Roberts and B. Tesman Kenneth H. Rosen
Pearson, Prentice Hall Monmouth University (and formerly AT&T Laboratories)
(3) Concrete Mathematics (8) Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth and O. Patashnik Elliott Mendelson
Pearson Education Litton Educational Publishing Inc.
(4) Elements of Discrete Mathematics (9) An Introduction to Algorithms
C. L. Liu T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein
Tata McGraw Hill Prentice Hall India
(5) Discrete Mathematical Structures (10) Introduction to Combinatorics
B. Kolman, R. C. Busby, S. C. Ross and N. Rehman Martin J. Erickson
Pearson Education Wiley Interscience Publication
Information resources
Lecture online course: Online course:;
Criteria for evaluating student work

All point
Practice part Exam part
for the course

45 55 100

CW LW1 LW2 LW3 LW4 Oral part Writing part Total

5 10 10 10 10 15 40 100

5 ----- 88-100 3 ----- 50-70

4------71-87 2------0-49
List of Discrete Mathematics course’s topics
1. Introduce
2. Mathematical Logic (Logic of utterances and expressions)
3. Logic and proof methods
4. Set Theory
5. Theory of Graphs
Discrete Mathematics
• This is a course based on the study of events occurring in small or
discrete pieces.
• Discrete concepts are widely used in business, industry, government
and the digital world.
• The main areas of research are counting and probability, graph
theory, mathematics of social choice (voting and fair division), as well
as encoding and encryption.
Graph theory
• ... embedded in all areas of research and operations management
• Find the most effective route for a walking car park officer to check
counters in the area.
• As an example ...
• The previous situation can be represented by a graph
• ... in order to simplify the problem ...
... optimize the most efficient route.
... and analyze the information ...
Network of the streets
Charts are analyzed for determining optimal problem solving ...
... and different types of graphs (such as Euler and Hamilton) are
introduced, where more and more situations are analyzed.
• Counting and probability
• Is there a chance to get a lottery jackpot?
• Why lottery participant can choose
several numbers of those lottery ticket?
Discrete mathematics will help answer some of the questions ... and also
explore all the possibilities for this event, such as:
What is the probability of two cubes having a sum of 7?
Digital World Identification Numbers and Codes are related to many
aspects of our modern world.
Air tickets, check digits are at many points for error detection.
Digital World Identification
Numbers and Codes are
related to many aspects of our
modern world.
On the Euro banknote, the
country code preceding the
identification number in which
the invoice was issued.
Then the control digit is
selected so that the sum of all
digits, including the number
assigned to the letter, is
divided by 9. (X = 7)
Digital World
Barcode is a series of
dark bands and spaces
representing Postnet
code characters.
52 vertical bars, 2
security bars, 10 sets of
5 represent Zip + 4
code the check digit is
such that the sum of
the postal code and the
control digit is divided
by 10.
The concept graphs can be
used to represent the
... where information is
represented in binary code
and sent electronically.
Logic is the science of reasoning, which makes it possible to determine
the truth or falsity of a mathematical statement, based on the
initial assumptions called axioms.
Logic is used in computer science to build computer programs and
prove their correctness.
The concepts, methods and means of logic are the basis of modern
information technologies.
Mathematical Logic (Expressions and
Utterances logic)
A utterances is a narrative sentence, about which one can say that it is
either true or false, but not one and the other at the
same time.
Which of the following entries is a utterances?
Snow is white
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
x + 1 = 3.
What time is it?
Read carefully!
1. p: "Snow is white".
2. q: "Kiev is the Ukrainian capital".
Here the symbols p, q are atomic formulas.
Many sentences form a union of one or more statements.
Complex statements are formed from existing statements using logical
The construction of complex utterances was first considered in 1845 in
the book by the English mathematician G. Boole.
Logical operations

• Inversion - logical negation (not, ┐, ~, ¬, )

• Disjunction - logical addition, fuzzy disjunction (or, ∨ ,)
• Conjunctions - Logical Multiplication (and, ∧ )
• Separate disjunction - severe disjunction, alternative "or" (xor, )
• Implication - if .... then ..... ( )
• Equivalence - if and only then ( ,↔)
Complex utterances
p - the sun is lighting
q - the temperature is height
r - we are not feeling good
Sentences –
“If the sun is lighting and the temperature is height then we are feeling
good ”

p,q,r – are atomic formulas, atoms

Interpretation - a set of values ​of the truth of all atoms of the formula.
To calculate the truth values ​of a formula that depicts a complex
utterances, one must find the values ​of the logical operations defined
by the truth table.
The sequence of calculations is given in pairs of brackets.
If the formula has n atoms, then there are 2n ways to give the truth to
its atoms, that is, this formula has 2n interpretations, and all its
values ​can be reduced to a truth table with 2n lines.
A formula containing n atoms is called n-th place.
Formula f is called executed if there is at least one interpretation in
which f becomes True.
In this case, it is said that formula f is performed in this interpretation.
Summary table of the truth of logical
N% А В АВ A|B A↓B

0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
21 20
2 1
f = ((р → 𝑞) ∧ р) → 𝑞

• Formulas f is tautology when it is true in the all interpretations

• Formulas f is denied or not fulfilled when it is false in the all
N = 2𝑛=2 = 4

p q (р → 𝑞) ((р → 𝑞) ∧ р) ((р → 𝑞) ∧ р) → 𝑞
Bit presentation
The bit string is called the finite sequence of bits.

Find the results of operations of bitwise OR, bitwise AND and bitwise XOR bit
lines 1011000011 and 1101010101.
We get x y OR AND XOR
1011000011 0 0 0 0 0
1101010101 0 1 1 0 1
1111010111 - bitwise OR 1 0 1 0 1
1001000001 - bitwise AND 1 1 1 1 0
0110010110 - bitwise XOR
The laws of statement logic

1. Communicative
2. Associativity
3. Distributivity
4. Domination
5. Double denial
6. Idempotence
7. De Morgan
8. Absorption
9. The ratio for steaday
a) 𝑝 ∧ 𝑇 = 𝑝; б)𝑝 ∧ 𝐹 = 𝐹
The laws of statement logic
Formulas f and g are called equivalent, equal or identical (f = g) if their truth
values coincide in all the interpretations of these formulas.

The equivalent formulas that define the transformation rules called laws of
logic statements.

Convert perform replacement of some other formula as part of the formula for
equivalent formula.
Priority of using logical operations in expressions (formulas):
, , , , , → ,↔
• The rules for removing implication and equivalence

• The rules for inputting implication and equivalence

to prove equivalence formulas
Normal forms of logic of utterances
• A literal is an atom or its negation.
• Examples of literals - p, 𝑞 ̅, r.
• A literal is called positive if it has no negative sign, and negative if it
Normal forms of logic of utterances
The formula is written in a conjunctive normal form, if it is presented in this

where - literals or disjunction, and they are all different

The formula is written in a disjunctive normal form, if it is presented in this


where - literals or conjunction, and they are all different

Normal forms of logic of utterances
To construct normal forms, one needs to execute such a sequence of
equivalent transformations.

Step 1. Apply the rules for eliminating logical operations "->" and "~".
Step 2. Apply the law of double denial and the law of de Morgan to
transpose the denial sign directly to the atoms.
Step 3. Apply the appropriate distributive laws for building
normal shape

To build the CNF, you need to use the distributive law for disjunction with
respect to the conjunction (law 3а).
To construct DNF, you should apply the distributive law for
conjuncture on disjunction (law 3b).
Example of bringing to a normal form of

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