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Section 1:
Q. 1 to 5: Choose the correct answer from A, B or C
1. To find out how much holidays cost, you should press buttons __________
A. one B. two C. three
2. Travelite currently offer walking holidays ____
A. only in Western Europe B. all over Europe C. outside Europe
3. The walks offered by Travelite _______
A. cater for a range of walking abilities B. are planned by guides from the local area
C. are for people with good fitness levels
4. On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay __________
A. the same as other clients B. only a little more than other clients
C. extra only if they stay in a large room
5. Entertainment is provided ____________
A. when guests request it B. most nights C. every night
Q. 6 to 10: Complete the table below. Write NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS/NUNMBERS
for each answer
Length of Cost per person (including Special offers included in price
holiday all accommodation costs)
3 days (6).$ …………… Pick up from the (7)………nearest
180…….. station…………………………
7 days $ 350 As above plus
* book of (8)…..…giving
* maps
14days (9) $ …………… As above plus membership of a (10)…local
690……. walking club….……….
Part 2: You will hear a radio report about a new type of air transport. For questions 1-10,
complete the sentences. Write no more than three words and/or a number.
1. It will take 37 hours for the new form of transport to travel from London to____New
2. Unlike crowded jets, the Aircruise will allow passengers to travel in______________style___
3. The Aircruise can travel at low altitudes if there is something ______________________
4. Hydrogen fuels the airship and also provides __________________ for the people on board.
5. The Hindenburg airship disaster killed ___________35___ people.
6. Scientists are keen to develop transport options which are both
________sustainable___________ and environmentally friendly.
7. The Aircruise will carry a total of ______100___________________ passengers.
8. The luxury features on board include private apartments, a bar and a
9. Compared to airports, the Aircruise has the potential to land closer to
10. The concept is getting a lot of attention from a Korean company which makes_____________
Part 3: You will hear an interview with a woman called Patricia Jones, who is a naturalist.
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24. Looking back at her work, Patricia feels ____________
A. surprised that her projects still attract volunteers. B. proud of the wide influence she's had.
C. pleased by how she's regarded in Africa.
25. How does Patricia spend her time nowadays?
A. persuading people to alter their behavior B. advising governments on conservation
C. studying wildlife in its natural habitat
26. How does Patricia feel about zoos?
A. They all ought to be closed down. B. They should have an educational purpose.
C. They still have a role to play in conservation.
27. In her new book, Patricia hopes to give ____________
A. encouragement to young scientists. B. advice on helping endangered animals.
C. guidance to other environmentalists.
28. Patricia believes that children should spend time in the natural world because _______
A. it is the only way to find out about it. B. it is essential for their development.
C. it is a chance to change their view of animals.
29. The organisation called In Touch encourages young people to __________
A. be tolerant of each other. B. actively work for change.
C. talk about their problems,
30. What does Patricia particularly want to do next?
A. to help girls who want to be scientists B. to get scientists to be more responsible
C. to change people's attitudes to science

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