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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Final Exam / Spring 2021 (Paper Duration 12 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: SSH-302 Course Title: Pakistan Studies .

Total Marks: 100 (20) Date of Exam: 9 July 2021 .
Degree: BSCS, BSIT Semester: Fifth, Sixth Section: _ _A, B, C .
Marks Obtained Converted Marks
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / Obtained /
Total Marks Total Marks
Marks /100 / 20
Total Converted Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher: M. Khalid, Abid Jamil
Who taught the course: Signature of teacher / Examiner

To be filled by Student

Reg No Name: Semester Section

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that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this exam/assignment,
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3. Any form of Cheating, Unauthorized Help, and/or Plagiarism found in the Answers
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paper to suspension from the University rolls for up to 2 years.

Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1. Pakistan is an agricultural cum semi-industrial country, which depends heavily on the water
resources for the economic growth. Identify the major sources of water in Pakistan and highlight the
impact of water crisis on agriculture and industry in Pakistan. (10)


Q.No.2. Positive friendly relations with the neighboring nations are highly significant for every
country, whereas long standing intricated disputes among neighboring countries always end up on
clashes and regional anarchy. In given context, explain the importance of Pakistan’s relationships
with Afghanistan, also suggest what should Pakistan do after the NATO and American forces have
left Afghanistan. (10)
Q.No.3. In Pakistan, agriculture is crucial for variety of industries. In this scenario, describe the
different crops found in Pakistan, and also explain that how such crops are important for different
industries existing in the country. (10)


Q.No.4. Natural Disasters happen everywhere in the world, but unfortunately the natural disasters
bring more havoc in Pakistan. Identify the major Natural disasters which recently occurred (2000
onwards) in Pakistan, and explain the National Mechanism to overcome the natural disasters. (10)


Q.No.5. Although, the current government is distributing health cards among the deserving people
for treatment of diseases which is quite expensive for a poor country like Pakistan to facilitate every
citizen. In this situation, identify some common major diseases found in Pakistan, describe the
reasons of spreading of such diseases, also give suggestion to overcome them efficiently. (10)

Q.No.6. Often our heads of the state and politicians in their public addresses highlight gifts of natural
resources found in Pakistan, which, according to them, shall make Pakistan quite prosperous nation
free of the foreign debts and pressures. In the light of given claim identify some major natural
resources found in Pakistan, and also justify that why are we fail to take the full advantage of the
natural resources. (10)

Q.No.7. Infectious diseases are fatal which travel quickly and affect a large number of people.
Describe some main infectious diseases which happen in Pakistan frequently, explain the impact on
social life of the people in Pakistan. (10)
Q.No.8. Infrastructural and Human development is the top most priority of all the governments and
political parties all over the world. Describe the contribution of different governments in the
infrastructural and human development in Pakistan in light of the mega and minor programs and
projects they implement in the country. (10)

Q.No.9. Successful foreign policy is extremely important for the development of the country in
variety of ways. Identify the main objectives of the foreign policy of Pakistan. (10)

Q.No.10. It is an admitted fact that internal issues are more dangerous than the external threats.
How far this statement is true in case of Pakistan. Explain. (10)

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