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Klent Mej Jacob V.

Gaid 11 - SMI

You need 2 steel wool or 10 small iron nails.

1. Place the steel wool or iron nails on a shallow container. Prepare two sets, A and B.
2. Place set A in an area where it is exposed to air and set B in a covered place in your classroom.
3. Examine each set daily for 2 to 3 weeks and make a record of your observations.




1. What changes do you observe in both sets A and B? what factors contribute to the difference in your observation?

While doing this activity, I noticed that set A (which is placed in an area where it is exposed to air) rusts easily. In
addition, the water turned rusty. Iron materials, as we all know, rust easily in the presence of air and water. Set B, on the other
hand (placed in a covered area), is slowly rusting, but it is not visible. This, I believe, is due to its location in a congested area. As
a result, there are two factors that contribute to the differences between the two. These are air (also known as oxygen) and

2. How can you prevent the steel wool or iron nails from weathering?

Because iron nails require iron, oxygen, and water to rust, you can keep them from rusting by removing one part of the
equation. Based on my observations, this can be accomplished by coating the iron nails with a substance that prevents oxygen
and water from reaching them. Or perhaps we can prevent it by keeping them as far away from water and oxygen as possible.

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