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Carb Shi)ing Keto

Carb Shi)ing Keto


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Carb Shi)ing Keto

Carb ShiDing Keto

Grocery & Shopping Guide
Prepare For Success 4
Method 1: Preparing a meal plan 4

Method 2: Rotate 5-10 meals 5

Use Flavor Mix-Ins 5

CSK Grocery Shopping List 8

Carb Shi)ing Keto

Prepare For Success

Now that you’ve got the best approach for success with the
ketogenic diet with our Carb Shicing Keto method, it’s Ome to get

As the saying goes, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.

Nothing is closer to the truth when it comes to any diet approach.
If you are not eaOng the right keto and carb shicing foods, make
no mistake, you will have liNle chance of success.

Method 1: Preparing a meal plan

The good news is that being prepared is not all that challenging
once you get into the swing of things. All it takes is sihng down
on a weekend for a few minutes, making a meal plan calendar for
the week ahead, figuring out what groceries you need and then
going out and purchasing those groceries.

You’ll have all the key foods that you need already in your home, so
that way there’s no stopping you from implemenOng the plan, and
less likelihood of eaOng something off the plan.

This also helps ensure that you don’t pick up any unnecessary
items when you’re out shopping as well, which could quickly take
you off your diet plan enOrely, because when it’s in your cupboard
or pantry, you’re probably going to end up eaOng it!

Carb Shi)ing Keto

Method 2: Rotate 5-10 meals

Another strategy that some people enjoy is simply relying on

similar meals throughout the week instead of a set meal plan. You
might come up with five to ten favorite dishes and just recycle
those, repeaOng them over and over again. This makes meal prep
and figuring out your macros incredibly easy because then you are
just eaOng the same foods so no need to recalculate.

It’s also a wise move to prepare larger batches of food whenever

possible, as then you can simply reheat and have lecovers rather
than having to cook fresh every single day or night.

One of the most common reasons people give for falling off any
diet plan is not having the Ome to not only cook, but decide what
to eat as well. Either of these methods will help you solve both of
those problems.

Use Flavor Mix-Ins

When going about your grocery shopping for the carb shicing keto
method, you’ll want to choose as many of what we like to call
‘flavor mix-ins’ as possible. This way, you are able to boost the
taste of your meals without resorOng to adding addiOonal
carbohydrates or calories.

For example, while a grilled salmon with olive oil is good, it’s
something that you could easily Ore of if you aren’t preparing it a
liNle differently. Instead, you could brush some balsamic vinegar
over it one week… and the next, use some lemon and dill. Both of

Carb Shi)ing Keto

these are perfectly acceptable choices for your normal keto meals,
and will help bring your meals to life so it feels like you’re not
eaOng the same foods over and over again.

While eaOng the exact same foods each and every day is easy, for
many it’s not going to be ideal for living the keto lifestyle long
term. Trying new recipes and experimenOng a bit with the foods
you are eaOng is really key to gehng that feeling of variety that
will help you stay the course and can be a good predictor of

These ‘flavor mix-ins’ are also great because they’re almost always
calorie free, so using them to spice up your meals as needed
doesn’t mean adding addiOonal calories to the dish. It’s something
you can just do on the fly as your mood and appeOte changes or

So let’s get started on your Carb Shicing Keto grocery shopping

plan. This plan is as all-inclusive as it gets… it’s designed to help
you see a nice variety of foods that you can use for your main keto

Keep in mind some of these foods should be eaten more in

moderaOon than others (nuts for example) and used in your carb
shicing meals or days as they do contain a few more
carbohydrates. We’ve also included some helpful carbohydrate
sources that we’d recommend for those carb shicing meals or days
as well. Remember that it’s lower fat carbs you’re acer here, since
your fat needs are already being taken care of.

Carb Shi)ing Keto

You will then use these lists to decide how much of each food to
use based on your current weight and goals.

We’d suggest that you try and incorporate at least five different
foods from all three categories, proteins, fats, and vegetables, each
week in order to keep things interesOng and to ensure that you
aren’t suffering from nutriOonal deficiencies.

Some variety in the diet is important because each type of food is

going to provide you with its own mix of micronutrients and these
micronutrients are essenOal for keeping all systems in your body
funcOoning as they should.

If you’d like to cover all your nutriOonal bases, go ahead and use a
good mulO-vitamin to ensure that you are gehng what you need.

Carb Shi)ing Keto

CSK Grocery Shopping List

Steak Prime rib Veal Roast beef
Baby back ribs Ground beef Corned beef Stew meats
Heart Liver Kidney Bison
Lamb Goat Tuna Salmon
Catfish Trout Halibut Mackerel
Mahi mahi Cod Bass Orange roughy
Sardines Haddock Tilapia Clams
Mussels Crab Scallops Shrimp
Duck Chicken (all parts) Quail Turkey
Cornish hen Turkey bacon Turkey sausage Eggs
Pork tenderloin Pork loin Ham Pork chops
Bacon Ground pork Pork rinds Full fat greek
Parmesan cheese Swiss cheese Feta cheese Cheddar cheese
(full fat)
Brie Montery jack Mozzarella Colby cheese
cheese cheese
Goat cheese Blue cheese CoNage cheese Cream cheese
(full fat)
String cheese RicoNa cheese

Carb Shi)ing Keto

Coconut oil Olive oil Avocado oil MCT oil
Unsweetened Almonds or Hazelnuts Natural peanut
coconut flakes almond buNer buNer
Pistachios Walnuts Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds Flaxseeds Chia seeds Pecans
Cocoa buNer Coconut buNer Avocados Coconut flour
Almond flour Coconut flakes Cocoa powder Heavy cream
Sour cream (full mayonnaise (full Grass fed buNer Ghee
fat) fat)
Heavy whipping Coconut cream

Leafy greens Kale Spinach Swiss chard
Bok choy Romaine leNuce Iceberg leNuce Radicchio
Brussels sprouts Green beans ArOchoke hearts Bean sprouts
Broccoli Garlic Onions Bell peppers
Asparagus Kohlrabi Celery Cucumber
White Portobello Black olives Green olives
mushrooms mushrooms
Zucchini Spagheh squash Snow peas Okra
Leeks Cauliflower ArOchokes Cabbage
Sauerkraut Kimchi NaNo Dill pickles
Note: Very small amounts of fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, and
blackberries) are also permitted.

Carb Shi)ing Keto

Flavor Add Ins

Yellow mustard Brown mustard Soy sauce Coconut aminos
Sugar free Horseradish Hot sauce Low carb salsa
Worcestershire Sugar free salad Lemon juice Lime juice
sauce dressing
Basil Oregano Parsley Rosemary
Thyme Cilantro Cayenne pepper Chili powder
Cumin Cinnamon Nutmeg Pepper
Sea salt Baking soda Vanilla Pure stevia
Monk fruit Mannitol

Water Sparkling water Soda water Tonic water
Unsweetened Unsweetened Unsweetened Unsweetened tea
coconut milk cashew milk almond milk
Black coffee Unsweetened Bone broth Stevia sodas
coconut water
Note: Hard liquor is permissible on the ketogenic diet because it will not cause an effect on blood glucose
levels. However, due to the calorie value and reduced inhibitions please use in moderation.

Carb Shi)ing Keto

Carbohydrates (carb shiDing meals/days)

Brown rice White pasta Whole wheat
White rice
Whole wheat Pita bread Sweet potatoes Potatoes
Oatmeal Bread Bagels English muffins
Bananas Apples Grapes Cherries
Beans LenOls Split peas Bran flakes
Raspberries ArOchokes Green peas Chickpeas
Chia seeds Carrots Corn Low fat/fat free
ice cream
Low fat Potato perogies Low fat cereals Applesauce
Pretzels Low fat energy/ Sports drinks
granola bars
*Note: If you’re using a carb shifting days versus meals approach, because you are suddenly eating so many
carbohydrates at once you could experience stomach distress if you aren’t careful to choose some lower
fiber options. We’ve italicized the lower fiber options in the chart above for those using the carb shifting
days approach. If following the carb shifting meals approach, you can choose any of the carbohydrates
noted above.


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