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The AnerLoan Langruage Course (ALC) ls deslgned prlmarlly for an

lntensLve language trainLng program. However, these materials
can also be used ln nonLntenslve programs. The course will
provide students wlth a suffLclent revel of fruency and
communLcatlve proficlency Ln AmerLcan EnglLsh to enabre then to
successfully puraue technlcal or professlonal trainlng in schools
conducted by the Department of Defense.

The Generar English Phase of the ALC consl-sts of six progresslve

levels of language proflclency tral.ning. Levels r ttrrough v
consl-st of slx separate lnstructl-onar packages each. Level vr
contalns four.

Level I Books 1 -6
Level II Books 71 - L 2
Level III Books 13 - .1.8
Level IV Books 19 - 2 4
Level V Books 25 - 3 0
LeveM Books 31 - 3 4

The coordlnated Lnstructl-onal packages for Books l--30 conslst of

the followlng:

1. Instructor Text
2. Student Text
3. Audiotapes
4. Instructor Langruage Laboratory Activitl_es
5. Student Lang,r,rage Laboratory Activi.ties Booklet
6. Quiz Kits
7. Optional trainLng aids

rnquiries concerning these materials, including requests for

copies, should be addressed to commandant, Defense Language
rnstitute English Language Center, ATTN: LERW, 2235 Andrews
Ave., Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 78236-5259.

Recommendatlons for improvlng this edition are encouraged.

Letters should be addressed to: commandant, Defense Language
rnstitute Engllsh Language center, ATTN: LEAC, 2230 Andrews
Ave., Lackland Alr Force Base, Texas Z8236-5203.

The Amerlcan Language course (ALc) contains copyrighted material.

Reproduction of this publication ls not authorized without the
expressed wrLtten permission of the owners of the copyrlghts.

The Student rext for Book 14, Level rrr, has four Lessons and one
review lesson, datly evaruatLons and homework asslgnmente, and
various appendLxes.

The honework and evaluation exercises are at the back of thls

text. The evaluation exercises are short quizzes and wlll be
given after each lesson is compieted. The daLly homework
assignments wilI reguire about two hours to complete.

The appendixes are after the flfth lesson. appendix A l"s an

alphabeticar rist of the new vocabulary presented in this book.
Next to the word is the number of the resson where the word is
introduced. Appendix B is a rist of the grammar structures
presented in this book. Next to the structure is the number of
the lesson where the structure is presented. The rest of the
appendixes are reference materials.

The American Language Course focuses orf four areas:

1. a? Functlon
The functions are the ways we use a language to
communicate. There are exercises in the lessons that
show you how and when to use certain words, phrases, and
sentences in a particular situation.

2. $ cr"^^",
The grammar structures in the resson are the forms you
need to speak and write correctty.

3. Skitls |Y >
There are exercises in the l-essons to help you improve
your ski.11 or ability in listening, speaking, reading or

4. I v o c a l u ta ry
The words a n d expnessions presented in the lesson are
those you will need to do the functions and the grammar

The first page of each lesson is the focus page. It provides a

summary of the material that will be presented in the lesson.


TitIe Page
Lesson 1 Roger Is An Ensign. I
Lesson 2 Ranches and Farms 29
Lesson 3 It Must Be Steve's Birthday. ,59
Lesson 4 He Sa1.d He Vfould HeIp you. 91
Lesson 5 Let's Look At It Again! 119
Appendix A Word List A-1
Appendix B Structure Llst B-1
Appendix c Principal Parts/Irregular Verbs c-1
Appendix D Patterns of Irregular Verbs D-1
Appendix E Verb Forms E-1
Appendlx F Punctuation and Capltallzation F-1
Homework HW-1
Evaluation E E -1

ST Page

VOCABULARY: enlisted ranks 3


topic, main idea, and title 5
VOCABULARY: officer grades I

GRAMIIAR: noun plurals (review) 10

FUNCTION: inquire about and report T2

the identification of people

GRAMIIAR: adverbs of time (just/soon) 15

READING SKILL: select the t.oPic L7

GRAMILAR: comparisons
(as+adj/adv+as) 19

READING SKILL: write a surunary 22

READING SKILL: give an oral summary 23

GRAMI'IAR: future Progressive 24

READING SKILL: tirned reading 26

WRITING SKILL: develoP a Paragraph 27

tl vocaoularv

First, look at the underlined words in the chart and repeat the
sentences your i n s t r u c t o r says.

EXAMPLE: An E-4 in the Marine Corps is a corporal.

Next, ask and answer questions like the examples:

EXAMPLES: What is an E-6 in the Navy?

a petty officer first class

What is an E-5 in the Air Force?

a staff sergeant.


Army Marine Corps Narry Air Force

Staff Sergeant
(SSG) and
( s s s t)
Sergeant Petty Officer
First Class
Specialist 6 (PO1) ( rsgt )

E-5 Sergeant (ScT) Sergeant ( SSt ) Petty Officer Staff Ser-

and Specialist Second Class gleant ( SSgt I
s (sPs) (PO2)

E-4 Corporal (CPL)

and Specialist
Corporal (cpl) Petty Officer
Third Cl"ass
( SSt )
4 (SP4) (PO3)
E-3 Private First
Lance Corporal Seaman Airman First
ctass( pFdt- ( Lcpl ) Isearnan) crass-TEIE)-

E-2 Private Private First Airman

(pvrl-- Class (PFC) (Amn)


E-1 Private Private Seaman Airman Baslc

TFvTl- TF'T]- Recruit (Sn1 TaBI--


Repeat the undertined words and read the "ad"


1. The opportunity to serve your country

and see the world. With military
bases in every state, you will have a
variety of assignments.

2. Many opportunities to further your

training and education.

3. Promotion opportunities. The military

wants you to be all you can be.

4. A medical plan to cover all military

personnel and their families.

5. A chance for an early retirement. You

may-Ue a person wno cai-Ei5oy a second

CalI the Armed Forces at (555) 555-0000.

Circle T if the statement is true. Circle F lf the statement ls
fa1se. The answers should be from the ad.

1. The military offers many opportunities. T F

2. When you're in the military, you're serving T F

your country
3. In the military, people live in one place only. ?

4. The military also offers to train you. T F

5. In the military, you will not have a chance T F

to be promoted.

6. The people in the military have a good medicaL T F


7. No one in the military has a chance to retire T F



Listen to the instructor read the dialog. Then read the dlalog
with another student. After that, answer the instructor's

Wllly: Dld you read the ad in the paper about the opportunltles
that the military offers?

Jimmy: Yes, and I think Itm really going into the servlce.

ldiIIy: Which one?

Jimmy: The Marines. My father is a retired NCO. He was in the

Army for many years. I think I'd like to do somethlng

WiIIy: What's your father doing these days?

Jimmy: Since he retired, he travels and goes fishing a lot.


Listen to the lnstructor read the dialog. Then read the diarog
wlth another student. After that, answer the instructor's

Jlmmy: I've enlisted, tfllly! I start basic_ trainlng in two


lfllly: That'e great! I{here wltl you traln?

Jlnny: In QuantJ-co, VJ.rginia.

l{llly: l{herers that?

Jlmmy: It'g near llashington, D. C.

lfllly: rrm realry happy for you. Let'g go to a restaurant and

have .a nlce meal . You're an eJnlLsted man, nor.r.


Lleten to a paragraph two tlmes. setect the toplc and maLn idea of
the paragraph. Then select the best tltle for it.


The topic of the paragraph ls

a. cost of the flrst al.rplanes

b. beginning of the Al-r Force
c. people ln the ALr Force
d. pllot tralnlng

The maln ldea of the paragraph J.s

a. The flrst plane carrled onty two people.

b. The Wrlght brothers made the fLrst ptane for the
Alr Force.
c. The U.S. Alr Force started as part of the U.S.
d. There were only two lnstructors ln the Air Force.
The best title for the paragraph is

a. The Army Signal Corps

b. Learning To Fly An Old Ptane
c. Up, Up, and Away!
d. The Early Days of the Air Force


The topic of the paragraph is

a. the U.S. Air Force Academy

b. women of the Ai-r Force
c. pitot training
d. a bachelor's degree

The main idea of the paragraph is

a. Students take pilot training affter graduation.

b. Women go to the U.S. Air Force Academy and become
c. U.S. military students also get a cottege degree.
d. The U.S. Air Force Academy trains young men and
women to be officers.

The best title for the paragraph is

a. Military Academies_in the U.S.

b. The U.S. Air Force Academy
c. Women ln the Air Force
d. A Difflcult Life
tl vocaoularY

F.irst, Iook at the chart and repeat the sentences your instructor
says. Next, ask yes,/no questions and answer them like the example.

EXAMPLE: Is a captain in the Navy an O3 or an 06?

He's an O6,


Lrmy Marine Ccrps Navy Air Force



O-6 Colonel Colonel Captain Colonel

0-5 Li.eutenant Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant

Colonel Colonel Colonel

o-4 Maj or Maj or Lleutenant Major


O-3 Captain Captain Captain

o-2 First
Lieutenant Junior

0-1 Second
w Second


Right now, Lt Rios is assigned to DLI. He has to learn

English, so he can go to his follow-on training in chi-cago. He

wiII take an advanced Course in electronics. Before he left his

he was stationed j-n the north. His duty station was at


the military academy. One of his dutj-es was teaching electronics.

Lt Rios was up for promotion just before he came to the u.s.

Yesterday, he received a letter that said he would get his captain

bars next month. He was so excited he kept on saying, "Irm a

captaln. They promoted me to captain! I'm a captain!"

Ansr^rer these questions about the paragraph -

l-. Where's Lt Rios assigned?

2. Why does he need to learn English?

3. What ls he going to study in Chicago?

4. Where was he stationed before he left his country?

5. Where was his dutY station?

6. t{hat vtas one of hls dutles?

7. what was Lt Rlos up for before he came to the united


8. !'then wlll he get hls caPtain bars?

9. What did he keeP on saYing?

@ crr mmar

Count nouna are nouns that naY be

preceded by a or Fr. in the singular.
a book a man
an apple a fish

Count nouns can be made Plural.

Regnrlar plurals are formed bY Irregrular

-eg to words -eg and changing -E to other different,
ending in these theytoit,o words forms:
lettrers: g b , c e words ending in
9., ?*, €19, Eh, & a consonant +y

boxeg families books fish

sandwiches duties chairs deer
dresseg cities tables children
inches libraries wordg feet
pages boys teeth
wishes men

llhe -es or -s tbat Ls added to count nouns to folm
the plural has three dLfferent,ions.

/Iz/ /s/ /z/

boxes books tables
dresses suits sons
sandwiches cooks words
dishes cups windows
pages boots boys
quizzes crops dut,ies
horses recrrrits jobs
chances ranks times
classes basics caves
services eggs

A LOT OF ..t-.

The adjective a lot of can be used with plural count nouns.

Complete the following sentences. U s e a lot of and t h e p l u r a I o f
the noun(s) in parentheses.

EXAMPLE: Jim has a lot of pens and pencils

( pen a n d p e n c i l)

A lot of children - were at the party.

rch i ra I

1. We saw on the highway-

( accident )

2. arrived today.
( recruit )

3. Hj-s father always reads to him.

( story )

4. They caught on thei_r. trip.

TrGh t-
5. He rode when he vras on vacatlon.
( horse )

6. It was hot, and we had to open

( window )

7. Mrs. Jackson sharpened yesterday.

8. are becoming doctors.
( woman )

9. We were able to vislt during our trip.

( city )

10. Susan bought this weekend.

( dress )


Use the words in parentheses to answer the questions. Use the

plural form of the underllned noun in your anshter-

EXAMPLE: Is there a clock ln here? (yes/two on the wall)

Yes. There are two clocks on the wall.

1. t^tould you llke to open an accountrwith our bank? (yes/two)

2. Dld you hurt your foot? (yes/both of)

3. Dld a Dollceman arrlve at the accident? (yes/three)

4. Dld Sam break a dlsh? (yes/a few)

5. Does thls base have a tl-brarY? (yes/two)

6. Do you have a match? (yes/a box of)

7. Does yiour qSqlh hurt? (yes/two of )

8. Has John ever been to another country? (yes/many)

aY Functlon
p-_ t5

Ll-sten to and repeat these sentences.

1. This is Private Davld Johnson at Family Services.

2. I'm Alrman Baslc Garcla from Lackland Air Force Base.

3. My name ls Ed Tower. I'm a chief master sergeant.

4. That was Staff Sergeant Miller who calred.

5. Irm asslgned to Fort Sam Houston.

6. I'm statloned at Kelly Air Force Base.

7. I'm Enslgn Park from San Dlego Naval Base.

8. My rank is lieutenant commander.

9. Could I have your name, please?

10. I need your name and rank, slr.

LL. May I ask whors calling?


Look at the pictures and read the dialogs. rn the conversations,

people are identlfying other people by name and thelr miritary
rank. t

fi-A o

Thls J-s Corporat

May I help you?
Smith speaklng.

Private First class Johnson: yes, this is private First

Class Davld Johnson. May I
speak to Staff Sergeant
Stone, please?

fl- v/ w
2. Airman
First crass

lfhite: could
o6 ?
r have your name and rank,

Colonel King: Yes, I'm Colonel King from

Lackland Air Force Base.

q: a TT

S e a m a n Apprenti.ce DoIan

a2 ?
Seaman Apprentice
Dolan speaking.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Keei ird like tc' 'balk to Ensign
HaLl, prease.
Seaman Apprentice DoI an May I ask r^rho's caf I ing?
Lieutenant Junior Grade K e e l This is Lieutenant Junior
Grade KeeI.

q; 6 z -;J

LCpl sR{

Lance Corporal BoyIe: I need to speak t<> Commander SteeIe,

pl ease .
Seaman Recruit Little: Who's speaki ng?
L a n c e Corpora.l Boyle: This is Lance Corporal Boyle cal-ling
from Camp Pend,ictor-r-
Seaman Recruit Little: Commander Steele is in a meetinq.
I'11 tell him vou called.



5. Commander Wood: Who was that on the phonr-?

Seaman Brown: That was Petty Officer Frost calIing, sir.
Commander Wood: Oh, yes. He served rvith me at Norfolk.
He's a great NCO. He errListed when he was
nineteen years 'old.


Introduce yourself to the class. Give this information:

1. name
2- rank
3. country
4. branch of service
5. Iast duty station
6. present duty station (your duty statj-on now, at this time)
7. next duty stati-on

EXAMPLES: My name is Ed Norton. I'm a commander in the U.S.

Navy. My last duty station was Annapolis. My present
duty statj-on is Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. My
next assignment will be at San Diego Naval Base.

I'm Sergeant Ramos. I 'm f ro9;r the Phillipines. I'm in

the Army. My last assignment was in Manila. Right
now I'm in General English at DLI. My follow-on
training is going to be at Ft. Benning, Georgi-a.


{fq! and qoqq are adverbs of time.

{_us! is used to indicate recent completion
in the past. is used to indicate oq)ected
complet.ion in the near fuLure.
,John just arrived from New York..
His brother will arrived from Los
Angeles soon


Read these dialogs. They contaLn the adverbs Just and soon.

1. Fred: Mike, I just finished my homework. Do you want to go

to the glrm?
Mike: Irm not finLshed yet, but I wl.ll be soon. I'll meet
you there.

Z. Tony: HeIIo, Jane. I'm stl1l at the alrport. The plane

Just arrlved.
Jane: When will you be home?
Tony: I I Ll be home soon.

3. Ed: The mall Just came, and I got a letter from my brother.
Al: What does he say in the lettqr?
Ed: He says he'Il be finlshed wl{h bls tralning soon.

4. Ted: Mom, did the phone Just ring?

Mom: Yes, it was Uncle Roger. He'Il be here soon.


Use the words ln parentheses to answer the questlons.

1. Has the train arrived from Boston yet? (no, not yet/but soon)

2. Has the Colonel come in yet? (yes/Just)

3. Did you see Arnold's car pass by? (yes/Just feft)

4. Is Mike finlshed wlth his homework? (nolbut soon)

5. Do you want to go to lunch wlth me? (no thanks/Just ate)

6. Is dinner ready yet? (no not yet/but soon)

7. Excuse me, slr. Is MaJor Jackson stLtl ln? (nolJust left)

8. Have you met my slster? (yes/Just this mornl-ng)


Read each paragraph and select the topic. Circ1e a, b, c, cr d

Peopre everywhere should pran for their retirement. They

shourd think about the future because it wirr be here before
they. know it- rf people pran now, they courd have happier
days in later years- First, people shourd always watch therr
health. They should eat a good variety of natural foods.
They shourd also begin a good exercise program. rf people eat
well and exercise regularly nohr, they wj-l1 be hearthier in ol-d
age. Second, ar1 peopre shourd think about their education
and their job. Do they have the education they need for a job
that wiil pay enough money for a good retirement? Another
thing that people shourd think about is where they wilr tive
when they retire. wilr they keep riving where th-y are now?
WilI they stay with their chitdren? WiIr they stay in a
retirement house with other retired people? Alr of us should
try to imagine how the future wilr be. rf we imagine the
future, we might be ready for i_t when it arrives.

The topic of the paragraph is

a. health
b. education
c. retirement
d. chi-ldren

2. Men in the armed forces have used a military salute for
hundreds of years. The salute began in Europe. It started
during the time soldiers wore heavy metal to cover their
bodies. Metat also covered their heads and faces. When two
soldiers met, they would raLse their hands to lift the cover
from their faces. They would al,ways do this with their right
hand because the left hand was holding the horse. It was an
important sign, because it showed that a soldier was a friend
and not going to hurt another soldier. It showed the person's
face, and most importantly, the salute removed the soldier's
right hand from-his weapon. After many years, soldiers
stopped wearing metal to cover their faces and bodies, but
they kept saluting. Today, things are different. Uniforms
and weapons havb changed, but the military salute is still an
important part of the mititary.

The topic of the, paragraPh is

a. weapons in the past

b. the military salute
c. military training
d. military unif.orms


We uee m ls-.:_:__rg constriuction with adJectlves

and adverbs to srake coryarisons. Look at the
1. ,lack is Lwenty years old.
Bill is twenty years old.
.fack is as old as BiLl.
(= lltrey are the same age.)
2. Fred is rich.
He is richer than his brother ,fohn.
.Tohn isn't as rich as his brother Fred
(= Fred is richer. )

3. Linda finished her work in'twg hours.

Bet,ty f inished in the same time.
Betty worked ae fagt ag Linda worked.
(= Betty and Linda worked at the sane speed. )
4. Bob studies hard evelry night.
Mar1l sometimes studies.
Mary doesn't study as hard as Bob does.
(= Bob studies harder than Ma!y. )

CompJ.ete the foLlowi-ng sentences by using as as and the

adjective or adverb j-n parentheses.

'as ( taII
E X A M P L E: Mary is tal I as her mother. )

1. My ring isn't yours. ( expensive )

2. John ran his younger brother. (fast)

3. Sam doesn't speak English I do. (welrI

4. Complete the work you can. (quickly)

5. A cat isn't a dog. (big)

6. Mv brother is your cousin. (oId)

7. Mr. James doesn't work Mr. Smith does.
( hard )

8. The weather Lsn't it was yesterday. (cold)


Change the sentences. Use as as with the adjective in


EXAITIPLE: 8111 is younger than Bob. (ofa)

Blll lsn't as old as Bob.

1. Mary ls shorter than her slster Sue. (taff)

2. Llnda has a lot of money, and Betty has a lot of money, too.
( rich )

3. Mathematlcs ls more dlfflcult thSn Engtlsh. (easy)

4. Box A ls much llghter than Box B. (heavy)

5. You and your frlend are both the same age. (old)

6. The salad ls more expenslve than the hamburger. (cheap)

7. My plece of ple and your ptece of cake are the same si-ze.


complete the sentences. First, make an -er comparison with than.

Then make a comparlson wlth as as. Use the adverb in

EXAMPLE: Bob swam a mlle.

Ray swam two mlles. (far)

Ray swam farther than Bob .

Bob dldn't swlm as far as Ray

1. B11I walked to class in flve mlnutes.

Betty walked to class ln fifteen minutes. (fast)



2. Jack stayed in New York for three days.
His brother John stayed there for ten days. (Long)



3. Train 21 and Train 42 teft at the same time. Train 21

arrived at O2OO. Train 42 arrived at O2l-5. (soon)

Train 21

Train 42

4. Joe jumped five feet.

James jumped six feet. (high)



5. Frank arrived at his office at OBOO.

Jim arrived at 0600. (early)




Paut Bunyan lived in the state of Wisconsin many, many years

ago. There are hundreds of stories about this big man. They say
he was as big as a mountain and as strong as three thousand of the
strongest men in the world. His feet were as big as a lake. There
are many lakes in Wisconsin, because he made these lakes with his
feet as he walked through the state. PauI Bunyan was blg, but he
could move as fast as a train. They also say he could run as fast
as a plane could fly.


Read the paragraph and then write a summary.

1. The Army Air Corps started in 1926. Later, it became the

Army Air Forces, but it was still part of the Army. General
Henry H. Arnold was the first commander. There were over two
mllllon men and vromen in the Army Air Forces and about 80,000
airplanes. The baby bird, the Army Aj-r Forces, was growing
and growing. Finally, Ln 1947, the Arrny Air Forces, became
part of the Armed Forces, and was equal in rank to the Army
and Navy. It became the United States Aj-r Force.


2. The Astrodome is a large sports stadium in Houston,

Texas. It opened in 1965. It was the first stadium with a
cover or "dome, " so people could use it in all kinds of
weather. The stadium has room for 66,000 people. The floor
ls man-made grass which doesn't grow, so j-t doesn't need
waterlng or cutting. The stadium's name is "astrodome" be-
cause Houston i-s also the home of the United States astro-
nauts--the men and women who travel in space.



Read the paragraph and then glve an oral. summary.

Some English words come from other languages. For

example, the word "gun" comes from a Norweglan word
"Gunnhildr." This word came from a gromanrs name, Dame Gunidda,
who lived in the country of Norway about 670 years ago.
word "rifle" ls the German word that means "long cutl made
lnside- the )-ong part of a gun"- rn the united States, German
gun makers made the first rifres in pennsylvania about 1776-
These are Just two examples of how engrisi'r uses words from
other Ianguages.


2. Polyester is a man-made material. we use it to make many

thlngs--from automobile tires to the cl0thes lre wear. rt,s a
very strong material - rt rasts a 10ng time and is easy to
c1ean. Polyester and natural materiar-s together make ctothes
that are easy to wear in all kinds of, weather and crimates.
People in the United States use polyester and other man_made
materiar-s more than naturar- materiars. por_yester i-s also
becoming very popular in other countries.


-@ cr" mmer


The future progfressive is formed with


It is used to express an action that will

be in progress at or up Eo a particular
time in the future.

We'l-1" be Leaving at noon on Friday.

Tom won't be leaving until midnight'


Read the dj-alogs. They use the future progressive.

1. A: WiIt you be working late this evening?

B: No, I won't be. I'I1 be leaving ear1y.

2. A: lJill you be going to the gym at noon today?

B: No, I'll be working out at 4:OO this afternoon.

3. A: Where will you be going this summer?

B: I'Il be traveling in Europe.

4: A: What wiII you be doing this time tomorrow?

B: I'11 be driving to Houston to visit my grandfather.


complete the following letter. ,use the future progressive of. the
words in the box.

Ieave stay drive play

Dear Jim,

to Florida next Thursday, because I

in a soccer game Friday night. I would

Iike to see you sometime during my stay. I

at the Vacation Inn from Thursday until Sunday. I

at noon Sunday. I won't be able to visit you on

Thursday or Friday, but I will have all day Saturday and Sunday

morning to visit.
Hope to see you soon,

Now answer these questions about the letter. Use the future
progressive in your ansr^rer.

L. What will Ted be doing next Thursday?

2. What will Ted be doi-ng next Friday night?

3. Where will he stay?

4. When will he leave?


you have one minute to read the paragraph. Then select the answers
to the questions without looking at the paragraph again'

women in the military can continue to work tchi-le they are

marrled. They can aISo h a v e c h i l d r e n a n d col-ttinue to work- For
example, E n s i g n E v a n s k e p t w o r k i n g a t t h e h o s p i t a l a f t e r s h e
married Lieutenant Lee. Then they had two children. Lieutenant
Lee went on sea duty for a few months, and hj-s wife continued
working at the hospital. In the daytime, the chitdren went to a.
school for very young children while their mother was at work at
the hospital. In addition, the Army, Navy, and Air Force tries to
station husbands a n d w i v e s a t t h e s a m e b a s e . T h e r e , t h e y c a n h a v e
a family and continue working together.

Select the best answer. Mark a, b, c, or do.

1. What can women in the militarY do while they are married?

a. work in a store
b. begin their education
c. continue to work
d. ioin the armed forces

z. How many children did Ensign Evans har"e?

a. 3
b. 2
c. I
d. 4

Who took care of Ensign Evans's children while she worked?

a. the grandmother
b. a neighbor
c. a school
d. a friend of the familY

Where did Ensign Evans work?

a. at a school
b. on a ship
c. at a store
d. at a hospi-ta1

5. How do you think married people feel about being in the
military together?

a. angry
b. bored
c. sad
d. happy

6. What does the military try to do for married people?

a. educate them
b. help them
c. train them
d. fight ttiem


Read the paragraph. Then use the words and phrases to write a
similar paragraph. When you wrj_te, just look at the words and
phrases, not the paragraph.

EXAMPLE: Basj-c training in the military lets a recruit

become a new person. physical exercise wirr help him get
in good shape. He'11 become strong and healthy. He'Ll
learn a Lot i-n his classes, too.

basic training recruit new person

physical exercise in good shape
strong and healthy
Iearn a lot classes

Basic traj,ning helps a recruit become a new person

Physical exercise gets him in qood shape He 'll become

stron and health He'lI learn a lot in his classes.

Military officers were the first people who landed on the
moon. This is one example of the many opportunities in a
military €areer. A person can get a chance to work in
technicar or professional career fields while in the armed

mi-litary officers first men moon

example opportunities mi-litary career
chance technical or professional fields in armed services



What was it like at che farmEFweekend?
The field was like a forest, because Lhe corn was so EaIl.

extremely /quite / rather/ realLy / eo / terribly/very
This is the place where the sun shines all year.
Can you tell me Ehe time when the movie ends?

If you arb meeting Sfrlvia at.9:00, you'LJ- need to leave now.

If you're looking for Major Langly, gro to room 218.
ff you're taking the test tomorrow, you shoutd study.

If Sara has heard from Tom, She wilL let us know.

If you haven'E decided on a vacation yet, go to Florida.
Samqr c€rn go to the movie if he's finished his homework.
Title Main idea Topic Paragraph from key words


be born a 1ittle (a) barn forest

bloom a lot, ( a ) blossom harvest
blossom around (a) (p) bridge horse
desEroy because of bul1 location
graze extremely cabin picnic
harvest much (a) calflcalves plant
lisrhE /l-LE/Iit probably cattle ranch
locate rather cow rancher
make/made/made thick crop reflection
plant when (a) destruction sheep/sheep
raise where (a) dirt silo
reflect farm raspberry
t,ake/took/taken care of farmer valley
a green thumb
in (fu11) bloom


ST Page

VOCABULARY: a picnic at the ranch 31

VOCABULARY: farming 36
t.opic, main idea, and title 40

GRAMMAR: adverbs of degree 41_

GRAMMAR: adjective clauses

(where/when'as relative adverbs) 43

FUNCTION: ask for and grive

descriptions of places 45

READING SKILL: select the tofic. 53

GRAMMAR:if clauses (If + present
progressive/present perfect, future/
modaLs,/imperative in main clause) 54

WRITING SKILL: develop a paragraph

from a written text 57
WRITING SKILL: develop a paragraph
from an oral Eext 58

tl vocaoularY

Repeat the urrderlined words. Then read the sentences.

1. around
Turn around and you'11 see the mountains behind you.
The children sat around the table and waited for their food.

2. dirt
Tl-re children were playing outside in the dirt.
Wash the dirt off your hands before you eat lunch.
There's a dirt road behind the house.

3. make
That )-ong trip made him very tired.
That color makes you look younger. l'

4. picnic
Let's have a picnic this weekend. we'Ir bring some food and
eat it outside.

E nrnlrr}- l rr

They said they were going to be home at 5:00.

It's 6:OO now; they're probably home

6. farm, , farmer
trre Hirr ramily lives on a farm where potatoes, tomatoes,
. and other plants grow. Mr. Hill is a farmer.

7. raise, glrgep
Mr. Hill grows many kinds of vegetables and raises sheep
for wool and meat.

B. ranch, rancher
Mr. Evans owns a ranch. He raises sheep and other animals for
meat, but he doesn't grow vegetabl,es.


we're havlng a plcnic today. I'm going to visit my Grandpa

and Grandma Jonei at their ranch. It's near San Antonio' I llke
gol-ng there very much. Look at the map on the next page and locale
fne iumUers and tne pfaces on the map as I "take" you on a tour of
the ranch.

1. The Joneses ralse cattle. w e c a n see the cattle from the

road. They are grazing Ln the field. T h e y e a t a l l d a Y long. The
bull ls on the left sJ'de, and the cows and calves are on the right
ilae of the road. Look, there's a babY carf-f;Ith its mother.
It was probablY born last night.

2. lrle're alnost to the bridge. L a s t Y e a r , e x t r e m e l Y heawy rains

destroyed lt. The rLver rose and also caused a lot of d e s t r u c t i o n
to the fLelds around lt. They had to Plant the grass and-E[ird tne
brtdge agaln. t

3. VJhlIe vre ar€ contlnulng our drive, you can see a barn on the
rj-ght side. Next to the bain, there's a silo.- This where they
-is the
fe6p feed* for the animals. Now look across the road from
barir, and you'll see some horses. They ride the horses in the
f l-eIds.

4. There ls a dlrt road b e h i n d t h e p l a c e f o r t h e h o r s e s - It goes

to a special Part of the r a n c h w h e r e t h e r e i s a f o r e s t . T h e r e are
many, many trees there. In fact, Lt's thlck with trees.

5. Next to the forest, there's a lake. Irm glad we have a

beautlful blue sky today. The l a k e r e f l e c t s the sky. Yes, you can
clearly see the btue sky in the lake. This mal-<es the lake look
blue. Thls ls the locatlon of our picnic. It's a very nice place.
Grandpa ls alreacly there. He's got some matches, and he's ready to
ftght the fire for cooking the meat-

*TEeA- =-Eod for the anlmals



T H EH OU S E S X-^h'

3 . T H E B A R NA N D S I L O


ffi T H EC O W S&



Your l-nstructor wl.II assign you a partner and a paragraph number

from the story. t{lth your partner, nake a few notes about the
lnformatlon in that paragraph and add some things of your o$rn. You
and your partner wLll be "tour guides" to the ranch. Both of you
wllL tell us a few thLngs about the place assigned to you.

Write your notes here.


vocao utarY



George: Hi, Grandpal ] hope I/m not too early'

No. We're a littte tate in starting' I just lit

Grandpa Jones:
the fire n o w . - T h r e w o o d i s b u r n i n g n i c e l y '

George: Dontt worry. I'm not in a hurrY.

Grandpa Jones: I drove down to the valley to get a few raspberry

plants. I'll p l a n t tlem n e a r the fence by
tne frouse. r h 6 - g r o u n d t h e r e is nice and soft'

George: What a good idea! Theyrll' look pretty next to the

fence, ind Grandma can use the raspberries when she
makes ice cream.

I didn't want to go to the valley because of the

Grandpa Jones:
picnic, but I really have to plant these
iaspberries soon, before it gets hotter' rt's
already raLher hot.

George: They'II do Just fine, Grandpa, just tike

eveiythtng you plant. You've got a green thumb'


Repeat the underlined words. Then read the dlalog.

George: That was a great meal, Grandma!

Grandma Jones: GIad you liked it. Our geighbors, the Mlrandas,
just harvested some vegetables and gave u s s o m e .

George: Did they have a good harvest this year?

Grandma Jones: They had plenty of vegetables. Soon theyrll

have plenty of apples and pears.

George: Yes, I can remember that early ln the spring all

the fruit trees blossom. The white blossoms
make the trees look rike they have si6-6T-Ehem.

Grandpa Jones: I know. I took some pLctures of the blossoms.

The trees vrere in full bloom. A11 the blossoms
grere open, ana the-trees-Gked beautiful. In one
of the pictures, I got the reflectlon of the trees
on the lake.

George: That sounds like a great picture. You'll have

to show it to me.


Repeat the underlined words. Then read the dialog.

George: The coffee smells great. Thanks, Grandma,

Grandpa Jones: DLd I tell you that the Mirandas want to sell
their farm?

George: I thought Mr. Miranda was going to take care of the


Grandpa Jones: Yes, he wanted to make it a nice place, but the

heavy rains destroyed their wheat crop last year.
They've no$r decided to sell it.

George: Well, I can understand that. They've worked a lot

to make it a good farm. Now, they're going to seII

Grandpa Jones: They probably won't get a good price right now.

George: You're right. I guess you don't think much about

tow prices until you want to sell something.
Has he sold the sheep yet?

Grandpa Jones: Yes, all of them. He had more than five hundred.

George: I'm sorry to hear that about your neighbors.

I have to be goinE now, Grandpa. Thanks for a
great picnic!

Grandpa Jones: Any time, George. Ygu know you're always welcome
in our house.


Select the correct word and write it in the line blank.

George and his grandparents had a . When

(party, picnic)

George arrived, GrandPa Jones was the

(Iighting, putting out)

fire. GrandPa was late starting because he

(very, a Littfe)

drove down to the . Grandpa Jones went there to

(city, valley)

get a few rasPberrY . He wants to plant them

(p1ants, farms)

by the . He wants to a6 it right away because

( fence, patlo )

it's already hot.

( rather, not )

After their meal, George had a nice conversation with his

grandparents. They tatked about their neighbors' harvest. The

Mirandas had a good vegetable . They were

( cattle, harvest )

probably going a lot of fruit also. The

(to harvest, to plant)

trees r^rere covered with in the early spring.

( snow, bl.ossoms )

Grandpa liked the trees that were very much,

(blooming, crops)

so he took pictures of them. He told George about a picture he

took near the lake. It showed the of

(reflection, location)
the trees on the lake.

After the pJ-cnLc, the three of then went to the house for

some coffee and more conversatlon. George fOund out more about

the Mirandas. They want to sell their because

(farm, ranch)

heavy rains destroyed thelr wheat . John

(plant, crop)

Mlranda dldn't want to of the farm after

that. George wanted to know if they had sold the

. George said he r,tas sorry about thls. He

(cattte, sheeP)

thanked his grandparents for a good picnic and then left.

Listenine srills

Listen to a paragraph two tlmes. Select the topJ-c and nal-n idea of
the paragraph. Then select the best titfe for it.

The topic of the paragraph ls

a. vehicles
b. airplanes
c. helicopters
d. flying

The main idea of the paragraph is _

a. Airplanes are better than helicopters.

b. Don't use a plane to fly over mountains.
c. Only the military uses helicopters.
d. Helicopters can go almost everywhere.

The best title for the paragraph is .

a. Places That a Helicopter Can't Go

b. Landing on Buildlngs
c. Why People Use Helicopters
d. Military Uses of Helicopters


We can use cerEain adverbs before adjectives

and other adverbs to make Ehe meaningr
stronger. These adverbs have the general
meaningr of Yery. For examPle:
extrenrely cheap (adverb + adjective)
really interesbing (adverb + adjective)
rather good (adverb + adjective)
terribly noisy + adjective)
quite fast (adverb + adverb)
so well (adverb + adverb)
very quicklY (adverb + adverb)


Read these sentences with adverbs of degree.

L. Mark was terribly upset after the accident.

2. Mr. Shark writes extremely well.

3. Linda's daughter is quite beautiful-

4. I saw the movie, and it was rather good-

5. Sgt Andrew was so excited about his. award from the General.

6. Uncle Arnold is verY strong.

7. Capt Lane had to work late last night, so he's really tired.

B. That man was quite rude to my friend-


Complete the sentences wlth extremely, ,quite, rather, really, so,

terribly, or very. More than one answer is possible.

1. Mark felt tired after the race.

2. It wasn't a difficult test.

3. Charlie was upset after the accident.

4. Ms. Franks is a good teacher.

5. Paul. Bunyan vtas an strong man.

6. That new movie is good.

7. S a m m yE i n s t e i n is an sharp child.

8. Captain Kim speaks English wel1.


Answer the questions like the example. Use the words in

parentheses with the underlined adjective or adverb.

EXAMPLE: Does Lt Marconl speak Italian well? (yes / quite)

Yes, Lt Marconi speaks Italian quite !.rell.

1. Is Sara angry with Fred? (yes / extremely)

2. Are you late? (yes / terribly)

3. Is Larry sick? (yes / really)

4. Are you hungry this morning? (yes / so)

5. Was Fred nervous before the test? (no / not very)

6. l{as that new book good? (yes / rather)

7. Is Nick excLted about his new Job? (no / very)

8. Dld John run fast in the race? (yes / very)


Where is used i.n an adjective clause to modify

a place. IL comes right after the p1ace.

We found a restaurant.
The food was good (at the restaurant).

We found a restaurant where the food was good.

(gbgrg refers to restaurant,

hltren is used in an adjective clause to modify

a noun of time. ft comes right the noun.
The summer was hot. t.
We went to San Francisco (during that summer).
The summer when we went to San Francisco was
(Ehe! refers to sunmer, a noun of time)


Read the sentences about Jim and Rita while they were on vacation

1. They visited the house where George Washington lived

2. They savr the p]ace where the Liberty Be)-1 is.

3. They visited the room where Alexander BelL made the fj_rsr
phone call.

4. They stayed at the hotet where ten presidents have stayed.

Read the sentences about what happened to Jack.

5. He's told us about the day when he broke his arm during a
basketball game

6. He's talked about the time when he was a pilot in the Air

7. He told us about the night when he met his wife in Germany.

8. He's talked about the vacation when,he got the blggest fish
ever caught in the ettEttic Ocean.


Combine each pair of sentences with an adJective clause that begins

with where or when.

EXAMPLE: san Antonio is a city

The sun shines a lot.
San Antonio ls a clty where the sun shines a lot.

1. Fred found a restaurant.

The food is good and cheap. t

2. Hawali ls a place.
The seasons never change.

3. July ls a month.
We can go swimmlng.

4. I remember the day.

I scored two goals.

5, Spring is a season.
Plants grow quickly.

ft t nctton

nead the dlalogs with another student In the dialogs, people are
asking for and giving descriptions of places they've vlsited.

Ask Paul-: What's your uncle's t'arm like?

Answer Mark: Oh, it's a beautiful farm.

It has a two-story farmhouse and
Descri-be several other Iarge buildings. In
back of the house are targe fields of
crops. The wfreat's beautiful now
because it's time to harvest.


Ask Anita: Have you seen the new bridge? What's

it like?

Answer Pedro: Yes, I've seen it. I drove over it

last week.

Describe It's a curved bridge that goes over the

river. There's a thick foiest on each
end of the bridge. From the top of the
bridge you can see for miles around.

Ask John: Did you enjoy your trip to the country?

Answer Marie: Yes, I enjoyed it very much. As a

matter of fact. T
I spent the weekend

Describe I stayed j-n a cabin in a deep valley.

There r^rere mountains all arolnd me.
Some of the trees around the cabin were
as tal1 as buj-Idings. There weren,t
any people for miles around. If you're
looking for a quiet place, go to the


Ask Ben: How did the farm look before the storm?

Answer Pat: Oh, it looked very nice.

It had a new, bright red barn. And

Describe behind the barn there was a large
sil"o. The fields were covered with
tall corn and other crops. There were
a lot of tall green trees.

Ask Ed: What did you thj-nk of the ranch near

Reflection Lake?

Answer AI: Well, we had to take a dirt road to

get there, but tt was great!

Describe The flowers by the road were in fuIl

btoom. The lake was extremely clear and
reflected the mountains and trees. I
also saw a few cattle. They were
grazing on grass and plants in the field
near the 1ake.


These are pictures of praces you have riisited, your partner will
ask you about one of them. Describe the place you visited by
completing the sentences.


Ask S1: How was your vacatiqn?

Answer 32: Oh, it was qreat !

Describe I stayed in a small_ cabin in the

middle of a forest. There was

lots of snow. Because it was so

!eld, we had to buid a fire ewerv



ffAi \\"'
Intru1q {B


Ask SI: What do you think of

Answer S2: It's very

Descrlbe It's o


From the bridge,


Ask S1: What did you see at

52: I saw
There was

Describe I saw

The fields



Ask S1: What was it Iike at

Answer 32: Oh, it was

Describe The lake reflected

When I was there I could see

There was/were

Ask S1: How was your visit

Answer 32: Well, lt was

Describe The fields

And it had

There wasn't,/weren't

If'you want


Descrlbe a place you have visited.. use some words from the box in
your description of it. Look at the example below.

EXAMPLE: a mountain near where I live

Student 1: What's the mountain like

Student 2: The mountain is very high. In the.spring,

the sky ds clear, and the weather is warm and
sunny. We used to climb to the top of it
and see the forest and river below.

house across (from) awful weather

behind below sky 2' by
clear curved excitinj cross
fall hill summer winter
freeze in front of lake teft/rLght of
clty sprlng inside large
blg mlle mountain narrow
near next to over overnight
drlve river road roof
sunny swim temperature terrific
under water wide calm
face favorite flat middle
qulet terribly fireplace alt over
lnterestlng lndoors outdoors nice


Read the paragraphs and select the topic. Circle a, b, c, or d.

A skunk is a small black animal which has white stripes on its

back. Peopre are afraid of skunks because of a yellow riquld that
skunks can shoot out at them. This ltquid smells terrible and is
very difficult to remove from your skin and clothes. If thls
Iiquid gets on you, you witl have to wash your skln and hair with
tomato Juice many times so you won't smetl bad. you won't be able
to get the smell out of your clothes. Youtl1 have to burn them.

The time that you should be most careful is at night, when

skunks are looking for food. A skunk sleeps durlng the day and
looks for food at night. It eats small animals, birds, eggs,
fruJ-t, and other things, but lts favorite meal is bugs. A skunk
can't see very werl, but it has very good ears and a good nose that
help it find food and stay safe. A skunkp can hear and smerr a bug
that is moving in the grass or a dangerous animar that mtght want
to have the skunk for dinner.

The topic of the paragraph is

a. the way skunks live

b. where skunks live
c. what skunks are afraid of
d. a skunk's nose and ears


Certain Lf-condltl.onal sentences sg)ress something

that is true. llhe present progrressive or the
preEent, perfect can be used in the if-clause, and
the future, a modal, or the i-q>erative c.rn be used
in the main clause.

Present Progressive Future /Modal / Imperat ive

If you're looking for you'Il find him in the
8i11, library.

you c€rn find him iri the


go to the library.

Present Perfec! Future /Modal / Imperat ive

If you haven't been to we're going to go this
the park, Sunday.
You should go this Sunday.

go this Sunday.

Read the sentences. The conditional clause contains the present

progressive, and the resurt clause contains the future, a m o d a l , or
the imperatlve.

1.. If yourre meeting Sylvia at O9OO, yourll need to leave now.

2. Maggie can stay with me if she's staying in town for the

3. rf John's plane is arrLving at 1300, we strouldn't.go to the
alrport now. It's tog ear1y.

4. If Bobby is looking for his keys, h€'LI find them on the

dining room table.

5. Please exctrange this shirt if you're going to the mall.

6. If you're writing a letter to pete, tell him I said,'Hi.',
7. rf yourre thinking about your future, you should think about
goj-ng to college.

8. Don't carry a lot of money if you're going downtown.


Complete the sentences with the correct fprm of the verb.

EXAMPLE: If you are driving to St. Loui_s, yourll need a

good car.

1. If you the test tomorrow, you should study.


2. If the plane at 7:OO, you should pack now.


3. If you Harvey, you won't find him at home.

cal I

4. If they for Lt Jacobs, they won,t find him

in Major WiIson's offlce.

rvq with me, be ready at 4:30.


6'. I f you your laundry, get mine, too.

pick up

7. If we to Los Angeles, we can stay with my

8. If you for exercise, I'11 run with you.

9. IiII go with you if you at the mess ha]l.

10. She wll-l stay with us if we at a hotel.



Read the sentences. The conditional cl-ause contains the present

perfect, and the result clause contains the future, a moda1, or
the imperative. t

1. Sammy can go to the movie if he's finished his homework.

2. If you hawen't declded on a vacation yet, go to Florida.

3. . The kids can watch TV if they have finished dinner.

4. If Sara has heard from Tom, she'Il let us know.

5. Terr Ms. Smlth that she can leave early if shers finistred
all her work.

6. If Fred hasn't forgotten, he'IL be here at 7:OO.

7. rf Terry hasn't carled by 8:oo. we're going to reave without


8. If you haven't seen that new movie, go this weekend. It,s

great !


Complete sentences wj^th the correct form of the verb.

EXAMPLE: If you - - r i d he a v e ridde_n__ with Ray once, you'Il

never ride with him again.

1. If the students , theyfll make good scores.

2. If Marsha her work, she can go to the party.


3. Can you get my laundry if Ed

not pick up
4. If Dad the package, you should mail it.
not mail

5. If you the movie, rire eron't go to it.

6. If we all our m o n e y , l e t ' s buy a new sofa.

not spend

7. If you your pen, you can use mine.

forget t

8. You can go me if the bus



Read the paragraph. Then use the words and phrases to write a
similar paragraph. when you write, just look at the words and
phrases, not the paragraph.

A skunk sreeps during the day and tooks for food at nlght. rt
eats smarl animals, birds, e99s, fruit and other thlngs. But its
favorite meal is bugs. A skunk can't see very well, but lt has
very good ears and a good nose that herp it find food and stay

skunk sleeps day looks food night

eats animals birds eggs. fruit
favorite meal bugs
can't see but good ears nose help find food safe


Writing Skrrr)

Now listen, to a paragraph. Then use lhe words and phrases to write
a similar paragraph.

people used wheels long time

earliest use 5,000 years ago Sumer
Assyrians 5OO years later
people Europe more than 30OO years ago




He didn't eat his supper. He must not be hungry.


Walking is good exercise. Pat its tired of riding a bus.

There are Lwo candes on JaY's cake. He must be two years o1d.

Do we have to gro now? Yes, you must go right now.

You must not drive over 55 on city highways.
There isn't a long line, so Ed will not have to wait.
I'11 write to you.
The Devlins are not goi:rg to go to Florida.
Could you help me? I'm sorry. I can't. I have a backache.
Would y o u take this to M a j o r G r e e n's office? Yes, sir, I will
Title Main idea i n Paragraph from key words


Title all birth

be born beside hi rt hdarr

believe in besides blowout

blow/bIew/blown out brofe candle
come/came/come o v er comfortable / comfortably
continue poor gi ft
drop by poorly microscope
drop over pretcy nraqont-

golwent /grone over proud/proudly songf

look forward Lo rich turn
must scared volume
singr/ sang/ sung soft / soft 1y
turn down uncomfortable/
turn up unc,.rmfortably
wrap underneath take turns
from now on

colwTEtfTsoF BooK 14 r.,Essotr3

ST Page

VOCABULARY: three birthdays 51

VOCABULARY: birthday presents 55


topic, main idea, and t.it1e 70

GRAMI{AR: gerunds (subject of

sentence/object of preposition) 70
GRAMIIAR must, (probability) 74

FUNCTION: make deductions 76

READING SKILL: write the topic 82

GRAI1AR: modrls (review) 83

READING SKILL: tiMed reading 89

WRITING SKILL: develop a paragraph

from an oral text 90

tl vocaoutary

Repeat the underll.ned words, and listbn to the paragraph. Then

read. the paragraphs 2.
My father, my. youngest brother, and my son !.rere all born in

the month of May. Their births took place in the same city, but

not in the same year, of course. Every year we have one party for

all of them. Every year in April, the family decides who will buy

a present for which person. Some of us buy presents for my father;

some for my brother; and some for my son. We can't afford to buy

three presents, so we each buy one instead. My wife likes to wrap

the glfts in pretty paper.

We usually have just one big cake and put candles on it only

for my son. My son likes to blow them out. After he blows out the

candles, rre sing Happy Birthday to them. Next, we eat some cake.

Then, the birthday "boys" take turns opening their presents. My

son ls always the first one to open his, because he has.Iooked

forward to gettinq new toys for a long time. My brother Paul is

next; then my father.

you've probably sung the gcng before, but here lt is for you

to sing at your next blrthday party: Happy birthday to you!

Happy blrthdaY to You!
Happy birthdaY, dear !
Happy birthdaY to Yout

Answer the questions.

1. Who was born in the month of MaY?

2. What haPPened in the same citY?

3. What kind of party do they have every year?

4. What does the family decide in April?

5. Do you think it's cheaper to buy presents this way?

6. What does the wrlter's wife do? ?

7. From the pi-cture, can you tell how old his son is?

8. What does his son'like to do?

9. What song do theY sing?

10. After the song, what do the birthday "boys" do?

11. Why does his son want to be first?

DAD's GrFr

Frank: Hi, Steve. This is me, Frank. Can you come over? I
want to show you something.

steve: Rlght now? I'm restlng. I'm sj-ttJ-ng comfortabJy in my

favorite chair, watching my favorite TV program.

Frank: I know. I can hear the TV from here- It's loud.

Steve: Let me turn down the volume... - You were saying?

F::ank: r want you to come over and see what r bcuoht for frarl

S'-eve: lVhy .tre you speaking so sofcly?

Fr.ank: Dad's in Lhe ki-Lchen, but he,s qoinq over to John,s

house in a mi-nute. can you droo bv and see his present?

Steve: Al-i rlght. I'11 come over in a few minuces


Steve: WhaL is it?

Frank: A chair! The chair he's wanted all these yearsl He

won't be uncomfortabl-e an)rmore when he watches TV.

Steve: That's a great present. But how could you afford iC? I
chought you were broke.

Frank: I was. I didn't h a v e a n y m o n e y , but my p-eg,f days are

over. I got Lhe promoLion that I wanted. I'lI be rich
from now on.

Steve: WeLl, congratulationst I'm oroud of you. Dad wilL be

nrnrrd nf rrn rr f_ J. O .
, vv t

Frank: Yeahl He'lL be comforLable and proudl What did you geC
r o r P a u ' L/

. St e v e : One of those new radios wiLh a headset. He can turn it

up as loud as he wan[s. He won,t bother anyone.

Frank: I'm pretLv sure that he'Ll it, but I think he
wanted a stereo.

SLeve: Maybe next year I'1I get rich like you and buy ic for


Select a or b.

1. Turn down Lhe volume. I can't do my work.

a. Lncrease
b. reduce

2. I'11 dron by afLer work todaY.

a. vi.siL you
b. call You

3. Come over tonighL, and we'lI watch TV.

a. drop by
b. t.ake Lurns

4. Did you hear about Frank? He's rich now.

a. He has a lot of moneY.

b. He has a very good job.

5. I can'L afford a new car now.

a. I don'L have enough money.

b. I don't like new cars.

6. Could you please turn uD the radio?

a. increase the volume

b. move it around

7. Because he was poor. he couldn't buy new shoes.

a. He didn't have time Lo go shopping.

b. He didn't have any money.

8. A: Could you lencl me some money?

B: SorrY, I'm broke.

a. I don'c feel good right now.

b. I don't have any money.

9. Betty's parenLs are proud of her. She was promoted ro
a lieulenant.

a. They became uncomforLable.

b. They feel good about her.

10. I can walk comforcablv in these shoes.

a. These shoes hurt my feeL.

b. These shoes feel good.

11. I'1I exercise every day from now on.

a. every day beginning today

b. from morning uncil nighL

L2. That car is prectv old.

a. very
b. a 1itt,1e

13. That chair is very uncomfortable.

a. rL feels good Lo sit in iC.

b. It f eels cerrible to sit in i.c.

tlI VocabularY

Read the following dialoEs with another student.

1. SgE Fern: Did you find your keys?

SSL York: Yeah, t.hey turned uo in t,he washing machine. I
found them wich the clothes.

2. Pvt Hunt: How many days before your leave, Jenkins?
Pvt Jenkins: OnIy a couple more.
Pvt Hunt: What are you going to do these two days?
Pvt Jenkins: I still have to pack.,

3. Daniel: Which one is your son, Mr. White?

Mr. White: The sergeant who's standing besj-de the Colonel.
Daniel: The one on the Colonel's left?
Mr. White: Yes. The one next to the flag.

4. Mary: I'11 p l a y some m u s i c . What kind do you like?

Bob: PIay some soft music. I need something to relax.

5. Jan: W h a t d l d y o u do at the beach besides swim?

Sue: We went out to eat every day.

6. Ken: How's your father, Mark?

Mark: He was tired this morning. )le said that he slept
uncomfortablv last night. He didn't rest well.

$= ru

Repeat the underlined words. Then read the dialog.

Rita: Hello? Beverly?

Beverly: Yes. Rlta?

Rita: You vJouldn't believe what happened to me this mornlng

when I r.ras goLng to the mall.

Beverly: What happened?

Rlta: I had a blowout and almost had an accident.

Beverly: Was that the first tlme one of your tires blew out?

Rlta: Yes, I was scared.... The poor couple I almost ran
into* was aIEo ?itghtened, 6uFtney-stopped and tried
to help.

Beverty: What did you do?

Rita: Well, it all happened in front of a gas station. I

believe in having my blowouts and flat tires in front
oTlas stations.
Beverly: Very funny. Do you know what caused it?

Rita: The attendant told me that my tire was poorly made....

Beverly, can you hold on a minute? I'Il be right back.
Beverly: Sure.

*run into = hit by accident


S PRESENT--continued

Repeat the underlined words. Then read the dialog.

Rita: We can continue now. I'm back!

Beverly: Well, I'm glad you're okay. Did you get to the maI1?

Rita: Of course. I had to buy a present for George.

lggi_Cgq, shopping is good medicine.

Beverly: What did you buy for George?

Rita: A microscope. You know my brother believes in

gifts that can help my nephew fearn fasteil

Beverly: Was that all'?

Rita: No, I also bought him some clothes. Your boy contlnues
to grow out of hls clothes, Ifm sure.

Beverly: Yes, he does. Just be sure to hide.them because the

next tLme we droo over, h€'II try to fl-nd his presents.

Rita: Don't worry. I've put them underneath all my blankets

in the closet.

Beverly: Good. IrIl see you later, then.


Circre T tf.the statement is true; circle F if it ls false.

1-. The blowout caused Rlta to have an accident. T F

2. This was the f l-rst tlne one of tpr tires blew out. T F

3. A husband and wlfe were in the other car. T F

4. Rita was not scared. T F

5. The tlre probably blew out because lt was poorly

made. TF

6. Besides the ml-croscope, Rita bought some clothes. TF

7. Ritars brother belleves in buying gifts that

herp his son learn. T F

8. George's clothes got blg, so he needs ne$t ones. T F

9. Beverly and George night visit Rita soon. T F

10. The presents are on top of the blankets. T F


Read these paragraphs. tfrlte the correct word on the line.

T h i s y e a r we had a party for my Dad's, my youngest

brotherts, a n d my s o n t s at our house.

George his candles and everyone
(came over, blew out)

Happy Blrthday. After the cake, the

btrthday "boys" opened thelr George rl-ked


hLs . He Lmmediately looked for amall bugs

(ml-croscope, chair)

the rocks ln the yard. lfhen Paul's

(outside, underneath)

came' he was haPPY wLth hLs

@ @
gJ.ft, but he also told hls brother Frank about the stereo he

wanted. Paulfs hoping that because Frank ls no longer

he can buY him an


expensive present. When Dad saw hls

( uncomfortable, comfortable )

chair, he was very happy. He sat

(uncomfortably, comfortably)

in it all evenlng. Frank felt very _ of his gift.

(poor, proud)

My sister RJ.ta told us she's not to

(scared, proud)

drive. Now that she has had her flrst , she

(blot.'out, t1re)

knows what to do and doesn't have to worry.


Listen to a paragraph two tlmes. First, wrlte the t o p i c . Next,

write the main idea in a complete sentence. Then w r i t e a t i tle.



Main idea:




Main idea:



A ge::und is the -ing form of a verb

Exannples : eating, pl-aying, sleepingt

A gerund is used as a noun. The most common

noun function of a gerund is the object of a
verb. The gerund plus Ehe words that go with
it is calLed a gerund phrase.

He enjoys teaching English.

We firrished worklng about an hour ago.

A qerund or gerund phrase can also be used as
the subject of a sentence.
Driving on wet roads can be dangerous.
Lea::aing a second langruage is fun.
A gerund or grerund phrase can be used as the
object of a preposition.
You can turn off the radio W pushing this
Are you interested in learaing Glerman?
He apologized for being late.

The following is a list of cormnon preposition

combinations with verbs and adjectives that
gerunds can follow: t
verb + preposition
apologize for . look fo:rrrard to
believe in plan on
decide on talk about
finish with thank someone for
think of
adiective + nreposition
afraid of nervous about
bored with proud of
excited about scared of
fond of tired of
frightened of worried about
happy about
interested in

Read the following sentences that contain gerunds as subjects

and objects of prepositions.

1. Swimming in the ocean could be dangerous.

2. Are the children excited about going to the birthday party?

3. Walking is good exercise.

4. Danny is bored with listening to language tapes.

5. llying airplanes is Captain Taylor's job.

6. rs Lt An{rews worried about faLling his quiz?

1- r.iwing in New York City can be very expensive-

B. Joan isn't interested in buying Frank's car-

9. Thank you for belPiag me.

10. Instead of atudyingr, John went to a movie-


Complete the sentences wiEh a gerund like the example.

EXAMPLE: Kim Soo was interested in learninq Spanish.

1. Mrs. Jef freys was afraid of d o r , r r nt h e stairs.
faI 1

every day is good for you.


3. Calvin taLked to his parents abouE t.o co1lege.


4- Leslie is excited about one hundred dollars.


5. fate on Saturdays is fun.

s Ieep

6. a foreign language is sometimes difficult.


1. Mike is tired of a bus.



Use the words in parentheses to answer the questions. Use a gerund

in your answer.

.EXAMPLE: What did you apologize for? (arrive late)

I apologized for arriving late.

l-. l'lhat's Mom happy about? ( travel to Texas )

2. What ls Terry worried about? (walk to work)

3. What are you afraid of? (ride an escalator)

4. What is Peterrs hobby? (collect stamps)

5. What are you thinking about? (wash the car)

6. What is lrlillie nervous about? (take^ a test)

7. What is Lt Matthews proud of? (="r.,r'" hJ-s country)

8. What is Captain Sullivan so happy about? (receive his

promotlon )


Change each sentence by using a preposltion and a gerund.

EXAMPLE: John is interested in (join) joining the


1. We thought (go) downtown.

2. Marvin planned ( keep ) his old Army

j acket.

3. I'm worried ( borrow ) money from my


4. Instead (do) his work, Bill watched TV.

5. She apologized ( step ) on his toes.
6. You can start the car ( turn ) the key.


Must is used with the simple presenE

tense or the present progressive to
express probability.

Steve is smiling. He must be happy.

I smell smoke. Something must be

trlust not is used, for the negative.

.Tohn's lights are off . He trRrst, not

be at home. ,
Betty isn't eating. She mugt not,
be hungry




Read these dialogs with must.

1. Alan: Their car i s at the side of the road.

Jack: They must be having iar trouble.

2. Edward: John, {o 1,ou understand what they are saylng?
John: No, I don't. Let me listen more carefully. Oh,
they're from Oman. They must be speaking Arabic.

3. Kevin: The traffic is rea1ly moving slowly t o d a y- .

Larry: There must be an accident up ahead:

4- sgt rrving: oh rook! Someone forgot his jacket. rt has

the letters M.L. in it.
Sgt Carlson: It must be Mike Levine's.

5. Sandy: This package from Grandma is very small.

Bobby: It must not be the bicycte that you wanted.


Make sentences with must like the use the words in

parentheses. "*a*pLe.

EXAMPLE: HeLenrs telephone ls busy. rt's been busy for two

hours. (on the phone)

She must be on the phone.

1. My car won't start. It's very old. (need a tune_up)

2. Jim wears brue shirts everyday. (rike the color blue)
3. There are several presents, a cake, and a lot of decoratlons
in Mr. Harris's office. (be his birthday)

4. The Sl-nclairs llve ln a big housei they have four new carsi
and they travel to other countries at least twice a year.
(be rich) -

5. There are twenty candles on Lori's cake. (be twenty ye.ars

ord )

6. The Jacksons have three children. one is a doctor, one Ls a

teacher at the unJ.versity, and the other is a maJor Ln the
Air Force. (be proud)

7. Elaine wears those shoes almost every day. (be comfortabre)

9- Jane is golng back to the offlce to get her umbrerla.
( be rainJ-ng )



We use the nodals mtgt, may, nl.ght,

and could to make deductions and
concl-usions from the infor:uration
that we receive.
ltrst is used when we €rre very sure
or very certain about, something.
lfray, nigbt, and could are used when
ure are Less sure or certain.

mrgt, veraf sure

may t,
night I
could less sure


dlalogs about people who are making conclusions from the

Read these
lnformatlon theY have.

1. A: VJhich one is the keY to the door?


B: TheY must be rich.

B: Oh, she might not be hungrY'

4. A: Do you want to eat supper outslde?

B: No, the skY looks dark. It naY raln'

5. A: Are the chlldren stlll awake?

B: They must not be in bed yet; their lights are on'

6. A: Look at all the cars in front of the Smiths' house!

B: TheY mtght be having a PartY'
7. A: I've called three times, but no one answered the phone.
B: They must not be at home.

B. A: He's wearing a sweater.

B: I guess he must be cold.

9. A: George isn't at home.

B: He could be shopping at the mall.

10. A: The mailman didn't stop at our house today.

B: He must not have any mail for us.

11. A: What language is she speaking?

B: She's from Switzerland, so it could be German, Itatian,
or French.

12. A: Why is the baby crying? She jy,st finished eattng.

B: She could have a stomachache. '


Read the sentences. Then complete the deductlons from the

statements and extra lnformation. use may, nlght, could, or must.
Some of your answers may be negatlve. There may be more than one


statement John always visits hl_s mother on Sunday


information (Today is Sunday. )

deduction John must be at his mother's.

1. Ralph sometlmes goes to a baseball game on Friday night.
(Ralph lsn't at home rlght now. It's Friday night.)

Ralph be at the baseball game

2. Jan never drlnks coffee.

(Thls cup 1s full of coffee. )

Thls cup be Jan's.

3. Jean goes to bed every nlght at L0 o'clock.

( It's mldnight. )

She be in bed.

4. Alex ate a big dlnner.

(It's Just a half hour after dlnner. )

He be hungry.

5. John al.ways eats breakfast, but today he dldn't.

(It's noon. )

He be hungry.

6. Someone's at the door.

(Ray's at the movie.)

It be Ray.

It be John.

7. The door of the school ls closed.

(It's 1:30 ln the afternoon, and there's no one here. )

There be any classes today.

It be a hollday.

8. Kevln ls wearing a sult and a tie. He's getting into his

(He never wears a sult and a tie to vrork. )

be golng to a party.

HE be gotng to work.

9. Karenf s looklng through her thl_ngs, and she lccks worrled.
(She's at the aLrport.)

He_r tLcket be lost.

She be looking for passport.

She have any money.

10. T h e r e i s a bowL of w a t e r o n t h e f l o o r o f Don's kitchen.

( A d i s h o f food l-s b e s i d e t h e w a t e r . )

Don have a p e t .

He have a cat.

B u t the pet be a dog, too.

ASa matter of fact, he have more

than one pet.


Look at the picture and the information that you get from it. with
the cue under the picture make a sentence with rna!, might, could,
or must. Look at the exampte.



It must be raining.

1 birthday 2. sick


burning ^ a - goocl movi e


5. Iate 6. moving to an apartment

7. waitress 8. on vacation

9. rich 10. going to the airport

Readinsskttt t


Read the paragraph. Write the toplc.

There were horses on Earth before there were people. The

first horses lived about sixty million years ago. The name of
these horses was Eohlppus, which is a Greek word that means
"beginning horse". Eohippus was the size of a large dog, and
it could run very fast. Then, many hundreds of years later,
when man came on the Earth, the horse was a large animal.
There are pictures of this large, heavy animal on rock wa1ls
in northern France. The flrst people who lived in this
location painted these pictures. Men then began to raise and
train horses to work. Horses could also get people from one
Iocation to another very qulckly, and they were a very
comfortable animal to ride. Horses were also strong. A horse
could cross a desert, climb a mountain, swim a river, travel
for hours without rest, run very fast for short distances,
pull heavy items, and jump over high fences. For about 5,000
years, people have trained and loved horses.


2. One of the most popular drinks for adults i-n many parts of
the world is coffee. People flrst learned to use coffee as a
drink in Ethiopia about 1,300 years ago. About 2OO years'
later, the people of Arabia, Iran, and Turkey began to use the
coffee plant. Coffee arrived l-n Europe only about 4OO.years
ago, and it finally reached America about 3OO years ago.
Coffee farms began in Indonesia about the year 1800. Coffee
farms began in South America about forty years later. Brazil
is the world's largest grower of coffee, but Africa is growing
more and more coffee each year. The coffee plant is a tree
that stays green all year. It grows only in warm climates.
The tree can grow 15 to 40 feet tall, but farm workers cut the
trees to 6 or 9 feet. This height lets the workers get to the
coffee beans. On the outside, the coffee beans have a hard,
red cover. Inside the hard, red cover, there ate 2 beans with
a yellow, wet material around them. Coffee growers take out
the beans and dry them in the sun. Then they send the beans
to various countries.



lhrst and have/has to both elq)ress

necessity and obligaEion.

You uugt have money Eo buy a car.

I can't go. I have to study for a

lrlust not is used to ocpress prohibition.

You mtrst not smoke in the building.
(Don't smoke in the building.)

You rust not drlve through a red light.

(Don't drive through a red 1ight.)
Not, have/hag to is'used to e)q)ress
lack of necegsity.
Tomorrow is Saturday. We don't have
Co go to cl,ass.
We have a 1ot of time. We don't have
to studlz.

UtJUt and be qotns to are both used to
eiq)reEe future tlme
Frarrk wlII ftntsh packing tonight.
He is goLag to fLaLgh packing tonight,.

Could and would are used to nalce

Tfou1d you close the window, please?
Could you pLeaee ltand me the sugar?


Read the following dLalogs. They contaln the modals must and have
to, expressing necessity.

1. Sgt Olson: Sir, when nust I re1rcrt to Travis AFB?

Capt Smith: You must be there on the twenty-first of April.

2. Carl: Mom, do I have to wash the dishes tonight?

Mom: Yes, you have to wash them before you can go out.

3. Alan: Johnny, does your little brother have to corne with us?
Johnny: Yes, Dad said I have to take care of him all day.

4. Lt Richards: Do we have to wear our hats outside?

Lt Ali: Yes, you must wear your hats outside.

5. Mr. Mitchell: When do I have to be at the airport?

Mr. Franklin: You must be at the airport by lO:30 a.m.



L. Don't drive faster than 55 on city highways.

2. Keep your driver's license with you.
3. Don't go on a red light.
4. Go on a green light.
5. Don't make a U-turn on the highway.
6. Always wear your seat belt.
7. Always pass on the left.
8. Don't drive faster than 20 mph near a school.
9. Always stop for pedestrians.
LO. Always obey pollce offLcers.
LL. Donrt fight with police officers.
L2. Donrt cross yellow lines to pass.

Look at the information in the box. Use the Lnformation and make
sentences with must or must not like the example.

EXAMPLE: (1) You nust not drive more tharr 55 on clty highways.
(2) You nust keep your driver's license wlth you.


Use must not or do/does not have to Ln these sentences.

EXAMPLE: Itfs Saturday, so Sam

L. It's Saturday, and you go to class.

2. A person ____t_ get marrled to be happy.

3. You go out lnto the cold and rain wLthout a


4. There Lsn't a llne at the post offlce, so vre walt.

5. I told you that you _ play wlth these sharp


6. We have a lot of time. We rush.

7. If you're a clerk, you be rude to a cust-r;nrer.

8. If you're slck , you cut lhs r y r . r ,' ; .


Answer the questions with be going to or wi.ll and the words in

parentheses. Look at the examples.

EXAMPLES: When ar€ you going to mail the letter? (after tunch)
IrIl mail it after lunch.

What will they do this weekend without their car?

(stay home and read)
They're go1"ng to stay home and rearJ.

1. When w1ll he see you? (tonlght)

2. How old is she gol-ng to be next week? (twenty-one years oId)

3. Who'11 cook dlnner tonlght? (Ed)

4. What are you golng to get Dad for his birthday? (a new
watch )

5. Where wlll you stay when you vlsit New York? (at the Rex
Hotel )

6. How long are you golng to stay there? (three days)

7. When is Bob going to return? (before dinner)

8. What wlll she'do after graduation? (study to be a doctor)


Read the dlalog. Mrs. Olson is asklng Mr. James to help her.

Mrs. Olson: I don't llke the sofa here. Could you help me
move lt?
Mr. James: Sure, I can.

Mrs. Olson: I don't want the picture on that wall. l{ould you
move it over here?
Mr. James: Sure, I wLll.

Mrs. Olson: No, I donrt tlke it on that watl either. Could you
move it next to the fireplace?
Mr. James: Sure, I can. How's that?

Mrs. Olson: No, I think I tiked it better in. the first ptace.
lfould you mind moving it back?
Mr. James: Of course not. How's this? I hope it's OK because
I think my wife is calting me for dinner.


Make requests with courd or wourd and then give yes or no answers
like the example.

EXAMPLE: move the sofa

S1: Could you help me move the sofa?

S2z Sure, I can. / Itm sorry, I can't. I have a

drive rne to the library

SL: Would you drlve me to the tibrary?

S2: Yes, I'1I take you after class. 7 No, I can't.
don't have my car.

L. take me to the birthdqy party

sl-: ( question )
52: ( answer )

2. open the door

S1: (question)
S2: ( answer)

5. help me carry these boxes

S1: (question)
52: (answer)

4. help me with my homework

S1: (questlon)
32: (answer)

5. take thls letter to MaJor Green's office

S1: ( questlon )
32: ( answer )


Complete the sentences with the correct modal. Use the modals in
the box below. Some sentences may have more than one answer.

could must have/has to be goi,ng to

would must not don't,/doesn't have to

L. I'm cold. you close th€ window, please?

2. You obe,y the military police.

3. The grass ls wet. We do exercises today.

4. You drive through a red 1ight.

5. You stop at a red light.

6. Todayrs a holiday. We go to c1ass.

7: John's packlng hls suitcase. He travel to

Europe and Asia.

8. you pass the salt, please?

9. Betty 1s in high school now, but next year she

study Ianguages at the university.

10. You arrive to class late.


You have one minute to read the paragraph. Then select che
answers to the quest.ions wit.hout J.ooking at t.he paragraph again.

The Great. walr of is che longest wall in che world-

The people of china start.ed buirding the Great wall about i,igO
years ago. They finished buirding it. abouL 2,ooo years later.
The people buiLt the wall to keep armed forces from other
counLries out of china. t h e w a l l . i s 1 " ,5 0 0 m i l e s ( 2 , 4 1 4 k m )
long. rE begins aL the yellow sea and goes west past t.he yelrow
River to the count.ry of Tibet. The wall is 30 feet wide and
about 30 feec high. About every L00 yards, there are narrow
buildi-ngrs that are 40 feet high. The warl is made of stone.
The top of the waLl is wide enough to be a road, and it. was t.he
best road for business traffic hundreds of years ago. rt cosE a
loc of money, and it took a tot of men tp buiro i-t. The Great.
Wal-l of China j-s stiLl t h e l o n g e s L , , fe n c ' e " i n t h e w o r l d .

Select the best answer Mark a, b, c, or d.

1. The Greac WaLl of China is the walL in the world.

a. highest
b. longest
c. narrowest
d. busiest

Wiiy d i d t h e p e o p l e b u j ,I d r h e w a L l ?

to enlarge the country
to keep out people from other
c. to help Lravel to oLher countries
rl to dj.vide the country' j.nto Lwo parts

wall is made of

h di.rr.
.l gJ.ass

4. ilow long is the waII?

ir. 20, OOO mi les

b. 35 miles
c : 300 rni les
d. f , 500 nii les

5. Why is the top of the wall so interesting?

a. It ' s so old.
b. Peopte used it as a road.
c. You can see it from the.moon.
d. It cost a lot of monev.

6. Why is it called "Great,'?

a. because of its size

b. because it's made of stone
c. because it's man-made
d. because of its age


Listen to a paragraph. Then use the words and phrases to write a to the one vou heard.

first candles made 1ong ago

thousands years ago learned pieces of wood burn longer
with grease
Egyptians cloth and grease in bowls as candles
Romans first people made candles like today
made candles from grease


YOU. B00K14rESSolt


You don't have to pay the fare. What did Nick say?
He said we d i d n ' t h a v e t o pay the fare.

Dan's shoes are too tiqrht. He ought to get another pair.

What time will Pat arrive? He'1l arrive at six o'clock.

What did he say? He said he would arrive at six o'c1ock.

When is Jan going to leave? She's going to leave Monday.

What did he tell you? He told me she was going to leave Monday.

When does A1 have to be there? He has tolmust be there Sunday.

What did he t.el1 you? He said that A1 had to be there Sunday.

Carl draws well. Ed draws better than CarI. Al- draws the best.
Sue sings badly. Ann srngs worse than Sue. Pam sings the worst.


Topic Title Main idea Oral sammary Transitional words/phrases


attempt lto) by accident foreign group

board by chance just as 1ottery
cancle on and on 1uc.lqr luck
n rrnlrl-
v s Y r r e
l-^ take a chance off passenger
promise (to) on promise
puL/put/Put aside abroad rough refreshment
report accidental/ smooth/smoothly report
smel1 accidentally worse/worst (a) smeIl
taste as soon as taste
better/best chance tour
by fare t.ourist

collrEltrs 4
oF BooK 14 T,ESSON

ST Page

VOCABULARY: taking chances 93

VOCABULARY: I Promised You a letter 96


topic, main idea, and title 1-01

GRAMI\{AR: ought to (advice) l_01

GRAMI4AR: indirect sPeech

(past tense rePorted sPeech
with modals) L04

FUNCTION: inquire about, clarifY,

and report what someone, else
has said r-06
GRAMMAR: comparative/superlative
of irregular adverbs LI2

READING SKILL: write the toPic 115

READING SKILL: write a srunmarY 1_l-5

READING SKILL: give an oral sunmary t16


tl vocaoutarY


Repeat the undertlned words. Listen as the lnstructor reads the

dlal.og. Then read the dlalog wlth another student.

Jack I can't believe it! Irve won!

Paul What did you win?

Jack I won the lottery!

Paul I didn't think you believed in totteries.

Jack WelI, I didn't before, but one of the men who works for
my father brought in the tickets. He got them in the
mail by_aqcident. He was going to send them back, but
he decided to ask if anyone wanted to buy them.

Paul So the whole thing was accidental.

Jack Yes- At first, r didn't want to buy a ticket, but Richard

went on and on telling m e w e s h o u l d t a k e a c h a n c e s o m e t i m e-s" .
So a group of-us, aUout five or six,-Uougnt tfre ti;;;;;:

PauI You're really lucky! Now you can pay at] your bills.

Jack No more rough times for me.



Repeat the underlined words. Listen as the instructor reads the

dilfog. Then read the dialog with anolher student'

Jack: Do you have any interesting s u m m e r tours?

TraveI Agent: We do. Where would You Iike to go, and
how much time will You have?

Jack: Could I tour Malaysia in three months?

Travel Agent: You certainly can! And you're in luck today! We

have some great fares for a tour that's leaving
June 6 and returning eugust 28. Here, take a look
at these.

Jack: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia ..., great price!

You're right, this is pretty good. But there
might be a problem. I have to be back at work by
August 26. I have to complete a report and turn
it in before the end of the month. And I have to
report any trips I've made, too.

Travel Agent: That's too bad. Is there any chance you could
stay a couPle of daYs longer?

Jack: Well, maybe....

Travel Agent: Don't worrY! When you return, your work will be
there just gE you left it.


Repeat the underlined words. Listen as the instructor reads the

dialog. Then read the dialog with another student.

PauI: Hurry, Jack, you have to board the plane in ten minutes.

Jack: Okay, Paul, I 'rr going. I I m going. I r^ras j ust thinking.

It was a good idea to put aside some of the money I won
for this tour.

PauI: Yes, I'm glad you took my advice not to spend i_t on
other things. Good luck. Go on, you need to board
your flight. Have a great time.

Jack: Okay. And yes, I promise to write to you. I'I1 send you
pictures of me at the museums, on the beach, dancing....

PauI: Sure, sure. I'lI see if you kep your promise this time.


Make sentences with the words. Fol-low the story about Jack and

EXAMPLE: Iottery Jack won the lottery.

1. by accident

2. take a chance

3. group

4. Iucky

5. rough

6. tour (verb)

7. tour (noun)

B. fares

9. bv
10. promise

tl vocaou,ary

Dear Paul,

ilm keeping my promise to wrlte you just as r said. r want

you to know that ilm having a rot of iun on this tour.
visited rots of. interesting places, and a couple of days ago, r
ecciqe?lal_ly met an old friend, Sakiyama, from Japan. He and f
found the water Market*, and we've visited it often.
At the water Market, r^rerelax while we enjoy the smelt of
large green onions, tomatoes, and vegetables ttral you cailT find at
home. rt's a good chance for me to try the sweet and sour castes
of fruits that are new to me. There aie so many kinds or r
there that r won't even attempt to describe them. r have never
smeLled or tasted anything rixe tnts in alr my lifel r enjoy golng
tnere and buying-difierent tnings tor rFriesnments.
You can probably guess that_ everything is going smoothry for
me. r think r might iancer the last p - aanr td o f t h ; t o ; r t o r n a i r a n d .
sakiyama wants me to meet nis iamiry tour Japan. This will be
a great chance to meet a family in a foreign country. Besides,
Sakiyama promises me that his folks wirr mike me feer at home* and
n o t l -i k e a t o u r i s t .

I'1I wrj-te you again as sgon as I decide. Tell_ BiIl and

everyone hello for me.

Your Friend,

*water market = a place where fruits and vegetabres are for sale
from boats on the river
*at home = relaxed; tike a part of the family


To get a chance to go on a tour, you must answer one of the two

questions in the column below each letter tha! spells tour.

1. Why did 3. How did 5. How was 7. What kind

Jack write he meet his everything of family
friend from going for will Jack
Japan? .Jack? meet in

2. What do 4. What does 6. When will 8. Is Jack

they enjoy at Jack like to Jack write planning to
the Water buy? again? go to
Market? Thailand?


What would you do with lottery money? Why?


Repeat the underlined words. Li.sten to the instructor read the

dialog. Then read the dialog with another student.

Paul: Are you taking care of Jack's apartment whj-le he's abroad?

Bill: Yes, and lrm a little worried. Because of the storm

yesterday, his refrigerator was off for about four hours.

Paul: Is it on now?

Bill: Yes, itls on now, but the floor underneath is in bad

shape. Vlater leaked from the refrlgerator and now the
wood is very rough.

Paul: Oh nol IE used to be so srnooth.

Bill: Do you think r should call hlm?

Paul: No, he can'E do anything about it now. He can take care

of it when he geEs back on Friday. JusL IeL him be a
happy passenqer on Lhe plane. He can worry abouL rough
floors when he gets home


Match the words in Co1umn A wit.h their meanings in CoLumn B.

Colunn A B

1. _ attempt a a
l - n i nr v

2. _ board b. get on

3. _ put aside c r ' 1 ri r - e o f a r.iCkeL

4. _ rough d. save

5. _ fare e. try

5. _ abroad t. when

7. _ by accidenc S. in anoLher country

8. _ just as h. by chance

9. _ tour i. noL smooth

Select the best answer. SelecL a or b.

1. I have to get home bv ten o'clock.

a. not after ten o'clock

b. a little afEer Een o'clock

2. They served rbfreshments aL che parcy.

a. coffee and cake

b. dinner and desserL

3. A passenger broke his arm in the bus accident.

a. the bus driver

b. someone on the bus

4. The bell rang just as Mike went into the classroom.

a. when
.b. before

5. The machine is on.

a. in operation
b. broken

6. He often travels to a foreign country.

a. another country besldes his own^

b. everywhere in his own country

7. The vending machine was off this moining.

a. No one could get anything.

b. It was working nicely.

. 8. Our flight to New York was very rough.

a. uncomfortable
b. relaxing

9. Sally talked on and on about her trip to Europe. She

'a. didn't stop talking
b. described trer trip in a few words

LO. They canceled the fllght because of the snowstorm.

The fllght

a. will leave during the storm

b. won't leave during the storm

Ll. Jim promised to write to me. He said

a. he might write to me.

b. he would write to me.

L2. There vrere ten people ln the

a. fare
b. group

13. She smlled after she the soup.

a. tasted
b. reported

L4. I feel lucky. I thlnk I'11 and buy a I o t t e r y ticket.

a. smelL it
b. take a chance

15. She burned her flnger on the hot pot.

a. accldentally
b. as soon as ,.

16. John left work he finlshed writi_ng hls report.

a. by
b. as soon as

L7. There was the of flowers ln the room.

a. smell
b. taste

18. There are a lot ot hotels in this part of the city.

a. smooth
b. tourlst


Listen to a paragraph two times. First, write the topic. Next,

write the main idea in a complete sentence. Then write a title.


Main idea:


@c,r"r^", OUGHT TO AS N)ViCE

ShouLd and ought to are both used to give advice.

You don'E look good. You should gee a doctor.

You don't, look good. You ought to see a doctor.

The negative contraction of ghould is shouldn't.

Otrght to is not usually used in che negrative or

in questions.

Read these sentences ought to.

1. Sara has recej-ved three letters from Jack. She ought to

write to him this week.

2. Sam's shoes are tight. He ought to get a bigger pair.

3. There was an accident on the highway. you ought to teave a

little earlier today.

4. Mr. Langley has caLled five times already. you ought to

return his cal-I.

5. It's very cloudy today. Jeremy ought to wear his raincoat.

6. The llght is changlng to red. You ought to slow down.

7. Maj Thompson needs to sign this first thing in the

morning. You ought to put it on his desk where he can see

sHoItrD / oUGHT TO

Change each sentence from should to ought to.

EXAMPLE: You strould get there on time.

You ought to get there on time.

1. You should taste the soup. Itrs delicious.

2. Jack should serve in the army if he has a chance.

3. They should take the cattle to tfe barn.

4. We should have a picnic this weekend.

5. We should visit our friend who's sick.

6. She should wrap the birthday presents.

7. Bill should clean his room.

8. You should stop smoking.

9. We should buy Jim a birthday present.

LO. She should caLl the Major this weekend.


Answer the questions. Use ought to in your answers. Look at the

the example.

EXAMPLE: Irm supposed to plck up my uncle tonight at 6:OO, but I

have a class. What should I do? (ask your cousin to
pick him up)

You ought to ask your cousin to pick him up.

1. My brother's birthday is tomorrow, and he doesn't want any

ppesents. What should I do for him? (take him to lunch)

2. Itrs raLnlng very hard outside, and I know the traffic is
bad. How wiII I get to work on time? (leave earlier)

3. My sister r^ras angry with Carla. Now she feels bad about it.
What should she do? (apologize to Carla)

4.' My arm has been hurting for two days now. I think I hurt it
playJ-ng soccer. What should I do? (go to the doctor)

5. Lori has been very sad lately. What can we do for her?
(take her to a funny movie)

6. It's lunch time, and I'm really hungry. Where should we go?
( the new restaurant in the mall )

7. Mrs. Stevens is in the hospital. What should we send her?

( some flowers

8. Alex has problems with his car. How can he get to class?
(take the bus)
9. Sgt Smith has a lot of reports to write. What should he do?
(work late)

10. Lt Lee isn't doing weII in his English class. what should he
do? ( study more )

-Q et" mmar

When a modal is used in direct speech, it is

frequently changed in reported speech.

(present tense)

will would
present-BE going to past-Be going to

must (necessity) had to*

have/has to had to
not have to didnithave to

must not (prohibition) must not

*Notice that had to is used instead of must

in past, tense reported speech when must
means necessity.


Read these dialogs containing direct and indirect speech. Notice

the change in the modals in indirect speech.

1. Lt Rogers: Major Green, are we going to fly today?

Maj Green: The sky will clear up in a couple of hours,
so we may fly.

Capt Smith: What did the Major tell you?

Lt Rogers: He told me that we might fly today.

2. Alan: What time does Dad's plane arrive?

Frank: It will arrive at 7:3O.

Ted: What did Frank teII you about Dad's plane?

Alan: He tol-d me that it would arrive at 7:3O.

3. Tom: When is JusLin going to go on vacaLlon?
Bob: FIe's going t,o go in December.

Ray: What did Bob cell you about Justi-n's vacation?

Tom: He told me thaL Justi.n was going to go on vacaLlon i-n

4. Sgt Wilson: What Lime do I have to be j.n class?

Sgt Bowl-in: You must be there aL 0730.

Lt Martin: What did f.he sergeant cell you?

Sgt Wj.lson: He said that I had to be in class at 0730.

5. Kevin: Do f have to wash che dishes t.onight?

Dad: No, you don.t have to. ft,s Tina,s turn.

Tina: What did Dad say about the dj-shes?

Kevin: He sai.d that I didn,t have to wash them todav.
It's your turn.
6. Bob: Can I smoke here?
Bil-l: No. You musC not, smoke in the room.

Ed: what did Bi-lI say about smoking here?

Bob: He said that we must not smoke in the room.


Read Lhe dialogs; then answer the quesLions. Be sure to use the
correct form of the modal in reported speech.

EXAMPLE: Eddie: I ordered a cake from the store. Can vou< it up? yes, I,IJ- p:_ck it up on my way home from work-

Whar dj,d Mike say?

He said he would, pick it up on hi-s way home from work.

L. Jim: The game is tonighc. Are you going to be there?

Ted: Yes, I'm going to be Ehere.

Whar di.d Ted cel-l Jim?

2. Mary: Vfhen do you have to get up in the mornlng?
Linda: I have to get uP very early.

. What did Linda.saY?

3. Timmy: Do we have to go to school tomorrow?

Bobby: No, we don't have to go to school'

What did BobbY saY to TimmY?

4. George: Can I smoke in the lab?

Allen: You must not smoke in the lab'

What did Aflen tell George?

5. Bi-II: WhY can't we go in?

Ted: We have to have a ticket to get in'
What did Ted saY to BiII?

ft ,unction

Read the following dialogs about people reporting what someone else
has said. Notice the change in some of the m d d a l s from direct to
indirect/reported sPeech.

1. Dad: I ' I ). helP You, Ann.


Tim: What did Your Dad saY?

Ann: He said he'd helP me.

2- Mrs. Smith: You shouldn't be Late to class'


Jonathan: What did Mrs. Smith saY?

Jeremy: She said we shouldn't be Iate to class'

3. Jessica: I don't have to take the test!

Jim: What did Jessica say about the test?

Tammy: She said that she didn't have to take it.

4. Art: My mother's gol-ng to retLre at the end of this month.


Bob: Did you hear what he said?

Cal: Yes, he said his mother was going to retlre at the end
of the month.

5. Mr. Day: You can not leave the room durlng the test.

Beverly: V,Ihat dtd the instructot'="y about the test?

Chris: He said we couldnrt leave the room.


Let's talk about signs. Ask another student what the sign said.
He will look at the sign and tell you what it said.

SL: l{hat did the sign say?
NO SMOKING 52: It said not to smoke.

2. 3.

lor GE on l#sI OUIET



5. 6.


7. 8. 9.


11. L2.


One student will look at the picture and the cue under it and then
make a sentence. A second student will ask a third student what
the first student sald. The third student wilr report what the
first student said.

S1: He doesn't like the sandwich.
32: (to 53) What did he say?

53: He said that he didn't Iike

the sandwich.

not Iike sandwich

f / , ' .l \

-st-C .,-J-

windy beautiful dav enjoys teaching

sun/hot tired looks hot



lce in glass happy sick


Let's agaln talk about something that someone else said. Look at
the cues and make a sentence. A second student will ask a third
student what you sald. A thlrd student will tell him what you

EXAMPLE: Sl-: golng to cancel my trip

I'm qoing to cancel my trip.

32: say?

What did he say?

53: He said he was ooing to cancel his trip.

1. S1: must not talk during the test

S2: telf?


2. 51: wiII pick up some bread

52: say?


3. S1: must board the plane

52: say?


4. Sl-: have,/has to come over soon

S2: te11?


5. S1: doldoes not have to teach today

32z tell?


6. S1: going to enlist in the NawY.

32: say?


S er"^.",

Some adverbs have irregrular comparisons.


well better than t'he beEt
badly rlorse than the worst

The comparative form is used when referrinE to

two people orthings.

The superlative form is used when referring to

three or more peoPte or things.


Read these sentences that contain the comparative and superlative

forms of these irregular adverbs-


Carl draws well- Ed draws better A1 draws ttre

than Carl. best.

Harry drives badlY. George drives Pete drives

worse than Harry ttre worst.


Janet cuts hair Mary cuts hair Linda cuts hair

badry. worse than Janet. ttre worst of all.


Larry spelIs weII. Johnny spells better Sam spells the best
than Larry. of all the boys in
hls cIass.


Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form

of bad or well.

L. Does Mrs. Smith wash clothes Mrs. Jones?


2. Mr. Andrews shaves hls customers of all the

barbers in the shop.

3. Jim sings _ Bob does.


4. Jane doesn't spell her brother does.


5. Harvey plays soccer of all the boys in the

first grade.

1 t-4
6. Sue doesn't sLng GIen does.

7. Does Jullus play basketball Larry?


8. Yes, Herb spoke of all the speakers ).ast


9. No, Tom doesnrt drive his brother.


10. My wife cooks my mother.



Read the paragraph. Then write the topic of the paragraph on the
line below.

It's August, and the thoughts of many Amerj-cans turn to

American football. The coaches are ready, and the prayers are busy
practlclng their kicking, throwing, and running. For the next five
months, they will eat, drink, and sleep football. From early in
the morning untir late in the evening, they wirr be on the practice
fleld. Then,"there will be the days and nights when they have
the j-r games.

The stadlums are arso ready. Thousands of people wiJ.L soon

firl the now empty seats. The scoreboards are ready to record
which teams win, lose, or tie. The best two teams wlll go to the
super Bowl this year. Right now, no one realty knows which teams
wJ-lr go. Each prayer on each team wirl do his best to make his
team win.

It is uncertain who will go to the Super Bowl, but it is

certaln that the Amerlcan peopre wlll have another exciting foot-
balI season.


*Super Bowl is a football game between the two best professionar

football teams.


Read the paragraph and write a summary

Mr. Sarinas needs to get a Texas driverfs license. He bought

a book to study the traffic Laws. He has rearned that in Texas you
must wear a seat belt at ali times and that all chl-ldren under four
years old must be in a safety seat. He also found out that in
Texas you must have auto insurance. Mr. Sarinas hopes to get his
ricense in a few days after he has rearned alr about the traffic



Read the paragraph and give an oral summary.

A career in the mllitary offers men and women a lot of

opportunities. The military can train you to be a pilot. a
mechanic, a doctor, a nurse, an office worker, a professional
soldier, and many other things. The military also offers you
a chance to travel a1l over the wortd. You could be stationed
in.the Unlted States or in a forelgn country. Finally, you are
guaranteed a nice retirement and medical care. When you serve
in the military, you feel proud of yourself and your country.




When you listen to or read a paragraph, you should be aware of

transltlons and connective words. These are words that connect
ideas and sentences in the paragraph. Here are some examples of
connective words

first of aII second third after that then finally

as we].l as and at last next

Now listen to some paragraphs and write the connectives and

transitions that you hear.



LET'S B00K14rESSolr

-l I

v rill
a t :




Listen to a paragraph. Select the topic, main idea, and best


The topic of the paragraph is

a. jobs in the Marine Corps

b. Marine Corps training
c. basic training
d. military services

The main idea of the paragraph is _.

a. Marines have to be in good shape.
b. Marine Corps personnel work on land and on sea.
c. Marine Corps training is difficult.
d- The Marine corps has difficurt physi_car examinations.

The best title for the paragraph is

a. Physical Exercise
b. A Little More
c. In Good Shape
d. Special Jobs


comprete the following paragraphs. use the correct sj-ngutar or

plural form of the noun in parentheses.

The Biggs Department Store had one of thelr big family

--l=alet- this past weekend. They towered the

( price )
on everything in the store. and --apirrowl
( blanket )
were on sale for half price. They marked down
( dish )

a -( and -1 and
( glass ) knife ) (TorEl-' pot )-

. They sold and

(pan) ( refrigerator) ( stove )

for 20t off. for and for
( dress ) (woman) ( suit )

were on sale at a big discount. There were big savings


on clothes for , too. can save a lot

( child ) ( family )

of money at these family

( sat'e )


Use qulte, rather, extremely, very, really, terribly, or so before

the adjective or adverb in the following sentences.

EXAMPLE: The book was lnterestj-ng. J

The book was quite interesting.

L. The sergeant from Venezuela speaks English vrell.

2. It's hot today.

3. John flnished his assignment quickly.

The maJor who is sitting next to the speaker is friendly.

5. Kevln works hard at h1-s Job.

6. Lt Foster 1s a good instructor.

7. She was upset after the accident.

8. AII the students were nervous before the test.


Read the paragraph. Then answer the questions your teacher asks.

There are farmers who raise both animals and crops. Ralsing
anlmals makes lt necessary forthe farmer to grow food crops for
them. Corn and wheat are common food crops for animals.
Harvesting these speclal food crops means keeping them some place
too, not just selling them the way crop farmers do. These farmers
become lnterested in building bigger barns and better silos for the
crops that they gro$r. Taking care of the animals is also a lot of
extra work. But still, most farmer$ enJoy raising animals.


Match the statements in Column A with the advice in Column B.

Colurnn A Column B

1. The weather is very cold He ought to see a doctor

this morning. right away.

2. Nick's arm looks badly He ought to write them

hurt. tonight.

3. Nan's shoes are too small

for her. mechanic.

4. He got four letters from You ought to wear a coat.

his family this week.

5. Al. 's car isn't running He ought to see a dentlst.

hrel l .

6. Mick's tooth hurts. She ought to buy. bigger



Listen to a paragraph. Write the transitions that connect the

ideas and sentences.


Complete the sentences with the adverbs Just or soon.

1. Dinner wlll be ready

2. The captain was pronoted last week.

3. Ned turned the machine off.

4. Airman Smith will be up for a promotion

5. The ptane Ianded so he should be here

6. Fred cancelled his trip to .Spain.

7. MSgt Jones wLll retlre

8. Petty Offlcer Smith was assigned to this duty.

9. r received a letter from my cousin in Eng1and.

10. I'd llke to eat dinner with you


Match Column B wlth Column A. Wrlte tnd fetter on the line.

Column A Column B

1. We found a Mexlcan a. where the rent was cheap.


2. He found a qulet ptace b. when the weather ls cool.

3. The town c. where the food was cheap

and good.

4. He ls waitlng for the d. when blrthdays were fun.


5. I remember a tlme e. where he could study.

6. Marge and Max found f. where he made many

an apartment friends.

7. The sergeant was g. when he can leave.

statl,oned Ln a country

8. October is a month h. where I live has no



LLsten to a sentence and a cue. Make a statement about the

sentence you hear. Use the cue and nay, aight, could, or must.
Remember that auat ls used when you are very gure about a
sltuatloni B8y, nLght, and courd are used when you are less sure.

EXAIIIPLE: I: There are four candles on her blrthday cake.

(years old today)
S: She must be four years old today.


complete the sentences wlth the adverbs below. use the correct
form of the adverbs.

well better

badly rrorse worst

l. . Ted went to high school j-n the United States.

He can speak English

2. Alex and his friends are good dancers, but Alex can dance

the of all his frlends.

3. Sgt Brown plays soccer well, but I think Sgt Green plays

than he does.

4. Sally didn't do so well on her spelling test; she did



5. My sister and my brother are'bad drivers, but I think

my cousin drives the of all.

6. My friend doesn't sing r^rell, but I'm sure I sing

than he doeS.

AS.. . .AS

Read the sentences. Then make a sentence with and the
adjective or adverb in parentheses.

EXAMPTE: SL: Mel is six years old. His cousin is the same age.

52: Mel i-s as oId as his cousin.

1, Ned's car can go 1OO miles per hour. Abe's car can travel
that fast, too. (fast)

Abe's car

2. Meg weighs 1l-B pounds. Her friend Jane weighs the same.
(much) t


3. The big box weighs ten pounds. The small box is five pounds.
( heavy )

The small box

4. PauI can lift twenty books. Ron can Lift only twelve.
( strong )


5. Katy is very pretty. Her sister looks just like her.

( pretty )

Katv is


The following are dialogs. Two students will read the dialog;
another student will ask a question; a fourth student wiII answer
the question about what someone has said.

EXAMPLE: Bob: Do you want to go to town?

Bill: No. I trave to study.

Ulhat did Bob say?

He said he had to study.

1. Sgt: Did the lieutenant sign the report?

Alrman: No. He has to read it agaln.

lfhat did the airman say?

He said ,

2. Ed: Do I have to go?

A1: No. You don't have to go to the meeting.

!{hat did Ar terr Ed?

He told him

3. TLm: What about the sotdiers?

Mark: They must not be Iate to the airport.

VJhat dld Mark say to Tim?

He sald

4. Mrs. Arch: !{hen must I be there?

Mr. Arch: You must be there as earty as you can.

tlhat did Mr. Arch say to his wife?

He said

5. Sgt Smith: Have you gotten your new assignment?

Sgt Jones: Yes. My next tour of duty will be in Japan.

What clict Sgt. Jones sdy?

He said

6. Captaln: Are you goJ-ng to go back to your country?
t'tajor: Yes. Irm going to go back next month.

What did the Major tell the Captain?

He told him


Complete these sentences with the future progressive form of the


EXAMPLE: Tomorrow night I will- be studying for a test.

( study )

L. The next group of airmen basics

t. ( arrive )
tomorrow afternoon.

2. BilI has his car so he the bus today.

(not ride)

3. r to Europe on my next vacatlon.


4. Mary has a Job downtown. She 1n

(not work)
her father's store anYmore-

5. Jim his grandparents next month.

(visit )

6. Joe English next year.

( study )

7. Bob to Colorado in the fall.

( drive )

8. John has a lot of work to do. He

(not leave)
the office early todaY.

9. Because of his injurY, Ali in the

(not play)
the soccer game SaturdaY.

10. What hotel at when he arrives?

( stay )


The following are dialogs. Two students will read the dialog;
another student will ask a question; a fourth student will answer
the question about what someone has said.

EXAMPLE: Bob: Do you want to go to town?

Bilt: No. I have to study.

!{hat did Bob say?

He said he had to study.

1. Sgt: Did the lieutenant sign the report?

Airman: No. He has to read it agaln.

llhat dld the airman say?

He said t

2. Ed: Do I have to go?

Al: No. You don't have to go to the meeting.

What did Ar telt Ed?

He told him

3. Tl-m: lfhat about the soldlers?

Mark: They must not be late to the airport.

Vfhat dld Mark say to Tim?

He said

4. Mrs. Arch: When must I be there?

Mr. Arch: You must be there as early as you can.

What did Mr. Arch say to his wife?

He said

5. Sgt Smith: Have you gotten your new assignment?

Sgt Jones: Yes. My next tour of duty wlll be j_n Japan.

Vfhat tlid Sgt. Jones say?

He said

6. Captain: Are you goLng to go back to your country?
Maj or: Yes. I'm going to go back next month-

What did the Major teII the CaPtain?

He told him


Complete these sentences with the future progressive form of the


EXAMPLE: Tomorrow night I will be studying for a test-

1. The next group of airmen basics

, ( arrive )
tomorrow afternoon.

2. BiIl has his car so he the bus today.

(not ride)

3. I to Europe on my next vacatlon.


4. Mary has a Job downtown. She 1n

(not work)
her father's store anYmore.

5. Jim his grandparents next month.

( visit )

6. Joe English next year.

7. Bob to Cotorado in the fall.

( drive )

8. John has a tot of work to do.

( not learve )
the office early today.

9. Because of hj-s injury, AIi in the

(not play)
the soccer game Saturday.

10. What hotel at when he arrives?

( stay)


Complete these true condl-tLonal sentences with the correct form of

the verb.

Group A: Use the present progresslve in the if-clause; the

future, a modal, or imperative in the main clause. More than one
answer ls possible.

L. If you by plane, you more

(go) ( need )

2. If Alex dinner at that restaurant, he

a reservation.
( need )

3. If you before noon, you

(not leave) ( need )
a reservation.

4. me if you late.
( not call ) ( arrive )

Group B: Use the present perfect in the if-clause; the future, a

modal, or lmperative in the main clause.

5. If the students ' they - good

( study ) (get)

6. If Mary her homework, she to

( finish ) (go)
the dance.

7. r you shopping if I
(not take) (not fix)

my car by Saturday.

8. Alex early if he his

( Ieave ) ( finish )


Clrcle the best anssrer.

1. Vfhen do you have to report to your new base?

I be there no later than Saturday.

a. must
b. would
c. could

2. The law says that you make a U-turn on the highway.

a. have to
b. wouldn't
c. must not

3. I'm a ride home today. you pick me up.
a. would
b. don't have to
c. must

4. Where wlll you 90 on vacatlon thLs spring?

Itm go to Hawail.

a. could
b. have to
c. going to

5. you help me move t h l s heavy box?

Yes, I can.

a. Could
b. Must
c. Going to

6. you take me to the BX thls afternoon?

a. Must
b. WouId
c. Have to

7. I be able to take you to the post offlce today.

a. mugtn't
b. goLng to
c. wont t

8. Are you interested ln tonLght?

a. go
b. goLng
c. to go


Look at the pictures. These are pictures of places you have

vl-sLted. Descrlbe the place you visited as completely as you can.

n\ i l , :
.l \\,


Appendix A


a grreen thumb, 2 by chance, 4

a lit.E.Ie (a), 2
a lot (a), 2
abroad, 4 cabin, 2
accidental/accident.al1y, 4 calf ,/calves, 2
advanced. 1 cancel, 4
afford, 3 candle, 3
airman basic captain (0-5) (N), 1
(AB) (AF), 1 caLtle, 2
airman first class chance (n), 4
(A1C) (AF), (^nirman), L come over, 3
all, 3 c o m fo r t , a b l e , 3
Amn (Airman), l- comfortably, 3
armed forces, 1 commander (0-5) (N), 1
around (al (p) , 2 conE.inue, 3
assign, L corporal (CPL), 1
as soon as, 4 cow, 2
attempE 1co), 4 crop, 2

bar, 1 destroy,2
barn, 2 dest.ruct.ion,2
basic, 1 di.rt., 2
because of (p), 2 drop by, 3
be assigned, 1 d rnn
v r v v
n rra
v Y e ^ ,

be born, 2, 3 duty, 1
be promoted, 1
be stationed, 1 F-1/E'-A 1
L^ ,,* t^- 1
vg utrJ rvr, r enlist, L
believe in, 3 enlisLed, L
beLter, 4 ensign (0-1) (N) , 1
beside,3 extremely,2
besides, 3
birth, 3 fare, 4
L v i r F vhr dl v: sr tr
pL L I
J f arm, 2
bloom, 2 farmer, 2
bl,ossom (n) (v) , 2 foIIow-on, L
blow/blew/blow out., 3 foreign, 4
blowout., 3 forest, 2
board, 4 from now on, 3
bridge, 2
broke, 3
buLl, 2 :r^ru, J

by, 4 golwenE/gone over, 3

by accidenE, 4 grade, 1

g.raze. 2 poor, 3
group, 4 poorly, 3
pretty, 2
harvest (n)(v), private ( PVT)', I
horse, 2 .private irst
f class (PFC) (A), 1
probably, 2
ln (full) bloom, promise 1to), 4
lnsignia, I promote, I
promotion, 1
proud, 3
Just, 4 proudly, 3
Just as, 4 put/put/put aside, 4

lance corporal (LCpl), 1 raise,2

l,leutenant, 1 ranch, 2
Ileutenant commander rancher, 2
(o*4) (N), L raspberry, 2
lleutenant Junlor grade rathgr, 2
(o-2) (N), 1 recruit,2
llght/\lt/LLt, 2 ref]-ect, 2
locate, 2 reflection, 2
locatLon, 2 refreshment, 4
look forward to, 3 report (n)(v), 4
lottery, 4 retired, 1
luck, 4 retlrement, 1
lucky, 4 rlch, 3
rough, 4

make/made/made, 2 Corps, 1 scared, 3
mlcroscope, 3 seaman (Seaman) (N), 1
much, 2 seaman apprentice (SA) (N),
must, 3 seaman recruit (SR) (N), 1
serve, 1
service, I
noncommissloned of f icer sheeP,/sheep, 2
(NCO),1 siIo, 2
sing,/sang/sung, 3
smell (n)(v), 4
o-L/o-6, L smooth, 4
off, 4 smoothly, 4
oD, 4 soft, 3
on and on, 4 softly, 3
opportunJ.ty, 1 song, 3
ought to, 4 staff sergeant (SSgI/SSG), L
station (n)(v), I
passenger, 4
personnel, 4
petty offlcer (PO) (N), take a chance, 4
plcnJ.c, 2 take/took/taken care of, 2
plant (n)(v), 2 take turns, 3

taste (n)(v), 4
tectrnlcal sergeant ( Tsgt )
(AF), L
thick (a), 2
touri, (n)(v), 4
tourist, 4
train, I
training, 1
turn, 3
turn down, 3
turn up, 3

uncomfortable, 3
uncomfortablY, 3
underneath, 3

val 1ey, 2
volume, 3

when, ( a), 2
where (a), 2
worse, 4
worst, 4
wrap, 3

Appendix B


Adverbs: Comparison: better/best, worse,/worst, 4

Adverbs: Intensifiers (degree) preceding an adJectJ-ve/adverb, 2

Adverbs: Time: just,/soon, 1

Ctauses: AdJective (restrictlve) introduced by relatLve adverbs

referring to a place (where), referring to a time
(when), 2

Clauses: Adverb clauses of condition: real/true conditJ.ons, 2

Clauses: Adverb clauses of comparison/degree:

' as + adJ,/adv + 3s, 1

Indlrect Speech: Statements !.rlth modals -reported l-n indl-rect

speech, say/tell-type verb (simpfe past), 4
li Nouns: Count: review of regular/Lrregular plurals, L

Verbs: Future Progresslve: actlon that wl-ll be in progress at

some specl-fic tlme in the future, L

Verbs: Modals/modal equivalents: (must) expresslng deduction/

probability, 3

Verbs: Modals/modal equivalents: (ought to)

advisabillty, 4

Verbs: Modals: revl.ew of must,/have to (necessity), must not

(prohibition), not have to (lack of necessity), wLLl/
be going to (lntentlon/future time), could,/would
(petitlon/requests), 3

Verbs: Verbals: gerunds as subJect of'the sentence/obJect of

the preposition, 3

Appendix C


Past Past
Present Past Participle Present Past Participle

arise arose arisen flee fled fled

awake awoke awakened flv flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
be was been forgive forgave forgiven
bear bore borne freeze froze frozen
beat beat beaten
become beCarne becone gec got gotten (got )
begin began begun give gave given
bend bent bent grind ground ground
bet bet bet grohr grelt grovJn
bind bound bound
bid bid bid 6anB z. hung hung
bite bir bitten have . had had
bleed bled bled hear heard heard
blow blew' blown hide hid hidden
break broke broken hir hir hit
bring brought brought hold held held
build built built hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
buy bought bought keep kept kept
know knew known
cast cast cas t
catch caught caught lay laid laid
choose chose chosen lead 1ed led
come came come leave left Ieft
cost cost cost lend lent lent
creep crept crept Iet let Let
cut cut cut Iie lay lain
light lir lit(Iishted)
deal dealt dealt lose Iost lost
dis dug dug
do di.d done nake nade nade
draw drew drawn mean meant rneant
drink drank drunk neet net net
drive drove driven
pay paid pald
eat ate eaten put put put

fall fell fallen qult qult qult

feed fed fed
feel felt felt read read read
fight fought fought ride rode rldden
find found found ring rang rung

INREGI.'I.AR VERBS (Continued)

Past Past
Pr.esent Past Participle Pr€sent Past Participle

rise rose r].sen wake woke ( waked ) woke( waked)

ran run rdear hrore worn
hreave wove hroven
say said said weep hrept wepE
see saw seen wet wet wec
seek sought sought win won won
shake shook shaken wind wound wound
s e 1I soLd sold wring wrung vrrung
send sent sent wri te wrote hrritten
set set set
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
shrink shrank shrunk
shut shut shut
slng sang sung
slnk sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
s11de s1 i d s1id
sllt sIlt slit
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
spln spun spun
split split split
spread spread spread
sprlng sprang sprung
stand stood s tood
steal stole stolen
stlck stuck s tuck
stlng stung stung
strike struck struck
strlng strung strung
swear swore shrorn
s!reep swepc swept
swin shranD swqm swunS swung

take took taken

teach taught taught
tear tore torn
te11 told told
thlnk thought thought
throw threw throvrn

understand understood understood

Appendix D


1. Three PrinicipaL Parts the Sane

hlr hir hir bid bid bld

quit quit quit
spli t spli t split hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
bet bet bet
Iet 1et let cost cost cost
set set set
shed shed shed
put put put spread spread spreai
cut cut cut
shut shut shut cast cast casE

2. Last Two Prinicipal Parts the Sarne

a. Final Consonant Change Only

have had had bent bent bent

make mede made spend spent spent
send senE sent
build built built

b. Vowel Change Only

maa l- ma l. me!
read read read
bleed bled bled
feed fed fed
lead 1ed led

Iight 1it 1ir

slide slid slid
sit sat sat
shoot shot- shot
hold held held
win lron hron
shine shone shone

find found found

wind wound wound
bind bound bound
dig dug dug
stick stuck s tuck
sbrike struck s truck

U- L
c. Vowel Change - Additipn el-:!--g!-:

sleep slept slept nean neant lteant

keep kept kept leave left left
creep crept crept
hreep wept wept flee fled fled
tel1 told told
think thought thought sell sold sold
teach taught taught
buy bought bought lose lost lost
catch caught caught
fight fought fought hear heard heard
seek sought sought understand understood understood

3. Three Principal Parts Differ to Some Extent

a. No Similarity

be was been
go went gone
do did done

b. Vowel Change--Addition of -n

arise arose arisen ride rode ridden

drive drove driven rise rose risen
frv flew flown

Vowel Change--No -n

sing sang sung shr]-m swam swum

ring rang rung
drink drank drunk begin began begun

d. First and Third Vowels Similar

blow blew blown

know knew known come cqmg come
grow grew grown
throw threw thrown eat ate eaten
give gave given
see saw seen
draw drew drawn

e. Second and ]'hird Vowels Sinilar

break broke broken tear tore torn

speak spoke spoken rrear hrore worn
choose chose chosen swear swore sworn
steal stole stolen bear bore born

got (gotten )
forget forgot forgotten

eppendfx e

vm Kn6

(Thes are ex4les of standard crJr.gaticns. )

Verb: Tb Be (Be: SinBle Fcnr)

Preserrb Tense Hnesent Perfect Tense

Ian t€ ane I have been r^p trave been
I'cu are !'crr are 1ul have been yel har,e been
he, she, it is tlroy are he tns been t]rery have beert

Past ltense Past Perf€t Tense

I was !€ !€r€ I had &" - rse had been
Inr.r wsr€ flclr wer€ ycu fnd been 1'ur had been
he was tholz were he had been ttEry/ had beert

Rrtlre Tense* F\rture Perfecb Tense*

I will be we vrllt be I wlll ha\re been r,,e will have been

1tu.r will be 1'cu w"ilf be ycu wilf harrc 1ul wiII have
been been
he will be tlEy wlll be he wlff have tlelr will have
beert been

Verb: to $ratk (Walk: Sinple Form)

kesen't Tense kesent perfect Tense

r wark rte walk r have warked r^rc trave walked

1ul walk ycr.r walk 1ul harrc walked lam have walked
he, stp, it walks tlelz walk he has walked tfrery, nave watked

Past Tense past perfect Tense

I walked r,e walked I trad walked roe had walked

1rcu walked 1rcu walked 1u; had walked 1na.r fnd walked
he walked tholz walked he tnd waLked they had walked
* shall may be used, b:t it's less ccnrrcn.

Verb: To Walk (Continued)

Future Tensei Future Perfect Tensqr

we will walk I will have we will have

I will walk

youwilr wark youwilr wark ]3luii,.r n""" n"""

walked walked
they will walk he will have walked they will have
he will r.ralk

Verb: To WaIk (Progressive Form)

Present Tense

I arn walking we are walking

you are walking you are walking
he. she, it is walking they are walking

.Past Tense

I was walking we were walking

you were walking you were walking
he was walking they were walking

Future Tense*

I will be walking we will be walking

you will be walking you will be walking
he will be walking they will be walking

Present Prefect Tense

I have been walking we have been walking

you have been walking You have been walking
he has been walking theY have been wa)-king

Past Perfect Tense

I had been walking we had been walking

you had been walking you had been walking
he had been walking they had been walking

t=e" page E-l

Verb: To Walk (Continued)

Future Perfect Tensel

I will have been walking we will have been walking

you will have been walking you will have been walking
he.wiI1 have been walking they will have been walking

Verb: To See (Passive Voice)

Present Tense

I an seen we are seen

you are seen you are seen
he, she, it is seen theY are seen

Past Tense

I was seen we were seen

you were seen you were seen
he was seen they were seen

Future Tense*

I will be seen we will be seen

you will be seen you will be seen
he will be seen they will be seen

Present Perfect Tense

I have been seen we have been seen

you have been seen you have been seen
he has been seen they have been seen

Past Perfect Tense

I had been seen we had been seen

you had been seen you had been seen
he had been seen they had been seen

* see page E-L

Verb: To See (Contlnued)

Future Perfect Tenser

I will have been seen we will have been seen

you will have been seen you will have been seen
he will have been seen they will have been seen

Verb: To Be (Subjunctive Mood)

(used in conditional or contrary-
to- the-fact situations )

(If) I were (If) we were

(If) you were (If) you were
(If) he, she, it were (If) they were


* see page E-1

Appendix F

Punctuation and CaPitalization


A. PERIOD (. )

1. Use a period at the end of a statement or command'

The pen and PaPer are on the table.

Go to the chalkboard and write your name'

2. Use a period after an abbreviation or an initial '

Abbreviated mifitary ranks do not require a period'

Feb. (February) Mr- Brown Ms' Little

Dr. Smith (Doctor Smith) Mrs- White a'm'
J. Jones (John Jones) " P'm'


1. Use a question mark after a question. Sometimes the

question may be written Like a statement.

How many children are in your family?

He's here todaY?


1. Use an exclamation mark after words, sentences, or

expressions t h a t s h o w e x c i t e m e n t , s u r p r i s e , o r e m o t i o n . Any
ex-lamation, even if not a sentence, will end with an
exclamation mark.

What a game! Look out! Do it!

wovr ! oh !

D. ouoTATroN MARKS (" ")

1. Use quotatj-on marks to show the words of a speaker. They're

always placed above the line and are used in pairs'

John said, "The commissary closes at 21OO hours today. "

"Where are the children?" she asked.

divided j-nto two parts, use
2. If the words of the speaker. are
quotation marks around both parts.

,'Do you,'. ''go to the library after class?'.

she asked,

3. Use guotatlon marks around the titles of chapters, articles,

parts of 6 o o k s a n d magazines, short poems, short stories, and

Last nlght I read the chapter "Grammar Is Easy" in our

bOOk; inen I read the article "Learning Eng1ish" in the


1. Use an apostrophe in contractions'

I,m she'S they're

isnt t aren't can{ t
whatts where's Bob's

o'clock (of the clock)

2. Use an apostrophe to indicate possession.

add 's.
a. If the noun is singular,

Bilt's book the girl's coat

b. when the noun is plural, add's if the plural does not

end in s.

the children's ctothes the men's shirts

c. If the plural noun ends ln s, add only an apostrophe'

the boys' shoes the libraries' books

F. COMMA (, )

1. Use commas to separate ltems in a series.

We ate sandwlches, potato chips, and fruit for lunch.

She looked behind the chairs, under the bed, and in the
kl-tchen for her notebook.

2. Use a conma before the conjunctions g!d, bgt, gl, lql, lSI,
yet when they join independent clauses

We lived in Venezuela for three years, and then we returned

to the Uni ted States .

Frank can speak Chinese well, but he can't read it.

3. Use ei comma after an introduc tory clause or phrase to

s e p a r a t e i .t f r o n t h e ! ' e s t o f t h e s e n t e n c e .

After we study this book, wc wanL to take a break.

Because John was sick, he didn' t take the tes t.

Looking up at the sky, the smalt boy suddenly ran home.

4. Use a comna after words such as yeg, !g, weI! when they
begin a sentence.

Do you vrant to go to t
the I ibrar5,?
Yes, I do.

I didn't pass the test.

VrlelI, study rnore.

5. Use conmas to separate the words of a speaker froo the rest

of the sentence,

"Llsten to me, " she said.

Jack asked, "Where's my Iunch? "
"I don't know," said John, ',the answer to the question."

6. Use a comna in dates and addresses.

June !, 1970
143 Main Street, Los Angeles, California

7. Use a conma in figures to separate thousands.

5 , 0 0 0 ( o r ! 0 o O)
, 6,550,000


1. Capitalize the first word of a senteOce.

The boy stood up and walked outside.

Your book is behind the chair.

2. Capitalize the names of people, cities. states, countries,

and Ianguages.

llark Bi 11 lla ry Linda

San Antonio Chicago H o u st o n London
Texas Ca1 i fornia Florlda New York
Spain Uni ted States Canada Venezuela
Arabi c Chinese Russian

3. Capitallze the names of schools, streets, buildings,

bridges, conpanies, and organizations 7.

Defense Language Institute Unlversity of Chicago

llain Steet Clark Avenue .Empire State Bu-ilding
Golden Gate Bridge Ford llotor Company General Motors
Natlonal Football League

4. Capltallze the days of the week, months of the year, and


Sunday Honday Tuesday

June Ju 1y August
Chri s tnas Easter Thanksgiv'ing

5. Capltallze tltles and military ranks before nanes.

Gen Roberts Capt Snith Sgt Jones

Professor Land President Lincoln

6. Capltalize the pronoun "I. "

I can't go with you.

I'm happy to see you again.

7. Ca.pitalize the first word of every direct quotation

She asked, "Can I sit here?"

ttlfe saw her," said John, "8t the University."


A. These words ard the Navy officer ranks. Write them correctJ-y
on the l-l-nes, and then put them in order from the highest to
the lowest. The first one is done for you.

( pntaaci ) captain

(tntneeailu ammocnrde)

( genisn )

( nnuliattee )
(ailutetenn noujir erdag)

( rdencoamm )


B. On the first line next to each rank, write Army, Navv, Marine
Corps, or Air Force. On the other line, write officer or

EXAMPLE: corporal Army, Marine Corps enfisted

1. petty officer

2. captain 0-6

3. captain O-3

C. Match the enlisted ranks ln Co1umn A with the abbreviations
in Co1umn B. Write the correct letter on the line'

Column A Co1umn B

1. petty officer a. PVT

2. corporal b. Po

3. captain c. CPL

4. commander d. CAPT

5. ensign e. CDR

6. lieutenant f. LT

7. private S. ENS

D. Select the best answer. Circle a, b, or c.

1. Frank: Why dld Martin get that short haircut?

Tony: He _ ln the ArmY.

a. retired
b. Promoted
c. enlisted

2. I my country. I was in the military five years'

a. trained
b. served
c. retired

3. Al: What does Jack do in the Air Force?

Ed: He has an interesting job; he dogs to fi'nd drugs'

a. trains
b. serves
c. learns

4. In the U.S., the -- lnclude the Army, the Navy, the

Marine Corps, and the Air Force.

a. armed forces
b. military ranks
c. assignments

5. A sllver bar ls the for a first lLeutenant in the

a. opportunity
b. enslgn
c. lnslgnla

6. Hugh: Vfhy dld those young men shave thelr heads?

Barb: They've J u s t J o i n e d t h e Army. They're nehr

a. captalns
b. recruits
c. retired men

7. If you want to get a job here in this bank, you need to go

to the office

a. personnel
b. opportunlty
c. promotion
8. Rex: D l d y o u s e e the general when you went to Washington?
Roy: N g , I d l d n r t have the to see him.

a. trainlng
b. opportunlty
c. promotion

9. If you're a father, it's your to spend tlme with your

faml Iy.

a. asslgnment
b. chance
c. duty

to. Pete: W h a t a r e you going to d o a f t e r your

Henry: I ' m J u s t going to take l t e a s y .

a. retlrement
b. opportunlty
c. commander

i1. I didn't k n o w h o w to use that weapon u n t i l I got some

a. duty
b. trainlng
c. chance

L2. Mary: Have you seen Robert Johnsonrs latest movie?

Betty: No, I havenrt had a to see it yet.

a. promotlon
b. duty
c. chance

13. Lt Runk: tfhat wlll you do after you finLsh your basic
Engllsh course?
Lt Choo: I'I1 take an EnglJ-sh course.

a. enlLsted
b. advanced
c. assignment

14. Soldler, you _ to a new post. Here are your orders.

a. have been retlred

b. have been asslgned
c. have been enlisted

15. Vic: You were in the ALr Force. Where dJ-d you have your

Dan: ^ile";i:13'l?: Force Base in san Antonio.

a. basic
b. retlred
c. enllsted

E. Complete the paragraph wLth these words.

advanced duty station promoted

asel-gnment dutles promotion
be statloned be up for service


Sgt Davis is very happy that he has a new

His new wiII be on a post in the southern part

of the country. He likes that part of the country and is glad to

there. His new wilt include

worklng wl-th r^reapons, one thing he has wanted to do for some

time. He has received in this field, and now

herll be able to use lt. He plans to take some

weapons courses after he gets to his new station.

Sgt Davis has another reason to be grad. Her1l

promotion in two months, and he's certain he wiII be

this year. He has been in the for a

number of years and knows there's a good chance to get his

this tlme.

F. Use an adjective from the box below with the plural form of
the noun.

other a few Your

a lot of those manY

EXAMPLE: waitress those waitresses

1.. policeman

2. box

3. babY

4. man

5. tooth

6. countrY

7. daughter

B. ladY

G. Look at the example. l'lrite the answers to the questlons.
Use soon or Just in Your anshters.

EXAMPLE: Is dlnner ready yet? (no/but)

No, but it will be readY soon.

Have you finished it yet? (yes)

Yes, I just finished lt.

1. Have you met the new instructor yet? lyes)

2. Excuse me, is Lt. Sanders here? (nolleft)

3. Has the plane departed yet? (nolbut)


4. Did Mark caII yetZ (yes)

5. Are we at Grandma's house yet? (nolbut)

6. Have you finished your work yet? (yes)

H. Write the answers to the questions in complete sentences.

1. Is Dalras as big as New York? (no)

2. Who is as strong as your father? (my uncle)

3. Are the radios in this store as cheap as the ones in that

store? ( yes )

4. Can Jlnmy run as fast as you can? (yes)

5. Does your brother drive as wetl as you do? (no)

I. !{rLte the answers to the questions. Use the future


1. VJhat wiII you be doing tomorrow night around 7:OO?

( homework )

2. Will the first group of students belarriving before noon?

(yes, 8;OO)

3. WiIl you be riding the bus home today? (no)

4. Where will you be going on your next vacation? (Mexico)

5. What wlll you be studying in college next year? (languages)

J. Read the titl"e. Circle the letter(s) of the information that

would be ln a paragraph with that title. There may be more
than one answer.


a. where to sew it on the uniform

b. pictures of noncommissioned ranks
c. clvllJ-an personnel on base
d. career opportunities in the military


a. the variety of college courses you can take

b. maJor career fields and courses
c. the office with education information
d. the number of vacation daYs


a. how much time to travel

b. what kind of work there is
c. where the recruits eat lunch
d. how manY class hours You need

K.Readthetitte.Circlethequestionsthatwouldhaveanswers than one

in a par"gtuph with that titie' Thgre may be more


a. What do we catl the floor on a ship?

b. Where is the sergeant?
c. What is the word for a bed?


a. How long does it last?

b. Where is the training base?
c. How manY f r i - e n d s d o You have?


a. What time is the program finished?

b. Wfro were theY?
c. Where is Your dutY station?

L. Read the paragraph. Select the topic. Circle a, b, c, cir d.

Many words for commissioned ranks come from French.

AII mllitary services use the word "1i-eutenant".
"Lieutenant" comes from a French word that means someone who
works in place of, or instead of, an officer of higher rank.
Another military word from French is "ensign". A long time
ago, in the French Navy, an ensign was the man who carried
the ship's The word "insignia" means sJ-gn. The
.word "captai-n" means head. A captain is the head of a body
of men. The word "colonel" comes from a French word and an
Italian word which mean straight li-nes of men, or columns of
men. The French word was "coronel". The Italian word was
"collonelo". The English people put together the French
sound with the Italian speLling to make the word "colonel".
There are colonels in the Army and Aj-r Force, but there are
no colonels in the Navy. There are no colonels in the Navy
today because there were no colonels in the French Navy a
long tlme ago. At that time, men could not stand in
straight llnes or columns while they were on a ship at sea.
The names of these ranks are just &,few of the many mili-tary
words that corlre from the French language.

a. Iearnlng French in the military

b. French and the commissioned ranks
c. the most lmportant ranks
d. promotions in the armed forces

M. Wrlte a summary of the paragraph.

There are many kinds of grasses. In fact, there are

more than 4,7OO dlfferent klnds of grasses. Grass can grow
rLce as tall as a man. There are many grasses like corn and
rice that we do not usually think of as grasses,'but they
are. Both man and animals eat these grasses. Grass is not
only lmportant as a foodi it is also important to the land
during heavy raLns. Grass keeps the land from becoming a
desert. Certaln animals k111 grass because when they eat
Lt, they cut it too close to the ground. When this happens
and there is no grass, a heavy rain will take the dirt away,
or a strong wlnd wiII blow the dirt away. Some deserts of
the world once had grass thousands of years ago. Someday,
these places mtght have a "green carpet" again.


N. Read the paragraph. Then use the words and phrases below it
to write a similar paragraph. Don't look at the paragraph.

Military uniforms from many years ago were very

different from the military uniforms of today. Some of the
oId uniforms were made of leather and metal. These uniforms
were heavy and difficult to put on. Soldiers needed someone
to help them get dressed. They also had'to be strong to
wear them.

old uniforms di-fferent from today

some made of leather metal
old uniforms heavy difficult to put on
. soldiers someone to help get dressed
strong , to wear them

Now write the paragraPh.


A. In the paragraph below, change the qlmple future tense to

future progresslve.

will + verb ---) will be V-ing

. BttI will study for an important French test tonight.

He wlII go to the llbrary J-n the evening and stay there
untl-l ten o'clock. He wiII review his notes and will read
the lessons ln his book. His friend Daniel will go with him
and wlll gJ-ve him a ride home.'

B. Complete the sentences below with the vocabularY from this
lesson. Then write the word in the puzzLe.

Horizontal Vertical

1. Most f lor,ters in the 1. The fruit trees were _

spring. when I took the plcture.
3. The corn w a s very 2. Too much food will
good this Year. you sick.
6. My mother - of 4. Did you corn or wheat
my children when I work. this year?
7. Therets some old corn 5. We raise for thelr
in the wool.
8. Bread is made of 9. They vegetables and
10. A calf's mother isa fruLt in the fall.
a L2. When there were no cars,
11. tney raise cattle on people used to ride
13. oo-you have a match?
I need to rnY cigarette.
L4. We keeP Young animals, feed.
and tools ln the
L5. Cattle aII daY long-
l-6. Cows, b u l l s , and calves are

c. Select the best answer. Circle a, b, or c.

1. Oh, no! Some sheep got in the field and the corn.

a. fixed
b. destroyed
c. harvested

2. Pvt Trent: Where did they build the new mess haII?
Pvt Jones: They it on McGuire Street.

a. destroyed
b. reflected
c. located

3. The chlldren sat their grandmother and asked her to

telI them stories.

a. probably
b. a lot
c. around'

4. My aunt seven children.

a. planted
b. bloomed
c. ralsed

5. You have a mark on your face. Here, Iook at your in

the mirror.

a. reflection
b. harvest
c. location

6. Ms. Ruiz wlII be a little late the rain.

a. probably
b. around
c. because of

7. CaIl your mother at home. She's there right now.

a. probably
b. extremely
c. rather

8. My uncle 1s a He grows fruits and vegetables.

a. farm
b. farmer
c. bridge

9. The grass ls very on the football fietd.

a. thick
b. wheat
c. forest

10. The _ the river ls too old. We need a ne$,


a. Iocation
b. forest
c. bridge

11. Did you find the best rocks in the or the mountains?

a. crop
b. valley
c. destruction

L2. There are a lot of deer in that

a. forest
b. dirt
c. harvest

13. The heavy ralns caused a lot of in the valley.

a. cattle
b. reflection
c. destruction

L4. You were playing in the Don't forget to wash your


a. fence
b. dirt
c. crop

15. My son raises cows and sheep. He's a

a. farmer
b. worker
c. rancher

D. Wrlte the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

1. English speaks son my well quite

2. really today Ls Maj tired Green

3. vrell wrl-tes rather

E. Use either wtrere or w t r e n t o complete the following


1. Ken saw the place they s-i.gned important papers.

2. Jeffrey knew the time the plane was arriving.

3. Sue ls always talking about the time sne was l.n

Mexlco City.

4. Pete goes to a school they still teach Latin.

5. Dld you find an apartment the rent was cheap?

F. Complete the senteqces. Use the present progressive in the

if-clause and the future, a modal, or the imperative in the
main clause. There might be more than one answer in the main

EXAMPLE: If hJ.s plane is arriving ( arrive ) at noon, he

will be 1Ue) home by 5 o'clock.

1. If you (look) for Lt Jones, you

(find) him in the mess hall.

2. If Carl (buy) a ne$r car, he

(not have) enough money for a vacation.

H$t- 15
3. P1ease, (buy) some mllk if you

(go) to the store.

4. He (need) money if he

(stay) in the United States.

G. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect ln the if-

clause and the future, a modal, or'the imperative in thd main
clause. There mlght be more than one ansster ln the maln

EXAMPLE: If he has flnlshed (finlsh) his work, he wlll

take (take) us to the Party.

1. If you (not eat') at that restaurant, we

(So) next Monday.

2. r (nail) those Letters lf Roger

(not do) it.

3. If Pam (forget) her book, she

( be ) i.n trouble.

4. If my roommate (not pick up) the

packages, (get) them for me, please.

H. Comblne the two sentences into one sentence. Use an adjec-

tive clause with the word in parentheses.

EXAMPLE: A helicopter is a vehicle. It can fly straight up and

down. (which)

A helicopter is a vehicle which can fly straight

up and down.

1. Some people smoke clgarettes. They have trouble smelling
and tasting food. (who)

2. John lived ln a nlce place. He went swimnlng everyday.

( where )

Read the paragraph. Then select the topic.

A man named Sutter found gold in California tn 1849.
This caused many people to go there. They a1l hoped to find
gold and get rich. A few of them got rlch, but most of them
didn't. Many of them became business owners, farmers, and
ranchers. The gold hunters started many small towns, but
these dld not last when they stopped looklng for gold and
went back home. When the gold hunters left these towns,
they became "ghost towns", empty towns except for the wind
and dlrt. Later, the business people who stayed in
California buitt towns that lasted. Today, the state is
rlch in farm and ranch land and different kinds of
businesses. Not everyone who looked for gold in Callfornia
found it, but those who stayed found that's as gooc
as gold.

The toplc of the paragraph is

a. a man named Sutter

b. California gold
c. 1849
d. "ghost towns"

J. Look at the picture and complete the dialog-

)' \',

ASK S1: What do you t h i n k of

ANSWER 52: It's very

DESCRIBE It's a very

It crosses

From the top of the bridge

H W -1 8

A. Read the tttle. Circle the letter(s) of the information that

would be Ln a paragraph with that title. There may be more
than one answer.


a. kinds of shirts and ties

b. different colors of dresses
c. how to wrap the present


a. whose birthday it was

b. how many people came
c. .how long ago it was


a. the age of the child

b. the klnd of restaurant
c. the number of adults

B. Read the tltle. clrcre the letter(s) of the questions that

would have answers in a paragraph with that titre. There may
be more than one answer.


a. Can we eat the blossoms?

b. Do we need to cook them?
c. Who destroyed the bridge?


a. Where ls it?
b. Who left the light on?
c. How long is it?


a. What kind of crops do the farmers raise?

b. When do they plant the crops?
c. What destroyed the bullding?

C. Se1ect the correct answer. Circle a, b, or c.

1. Most Americans a good education.

a. turn uP
b. blow out
c. believe ln

2. One of his front tires , and he had to stop carefully

a. blew out
b. dropped by
c. turned down

3. Classes will until the end of the summer.

a. look forward to
b. contlnue
c. drop over

4. In the wlnter, Martln the hgat when the room

temperature is below 600 F.

a. contlnues
b. turns down
c. turns up

5. When the weather is very cold, I my scarf around my

neck to keep warm.

a. look forward to
b. vtrap
c. blow out

6. At our home, everyone has a to wash the dishes,.

a. song
b. glft
c. turn

7. recordlng songs from the radlo, vre can ptay muslc wLth
6ui-Eassette tape recorder.

a. Besldes
b. Also
c. Poorly

8. Ted: Where were you _?

Ann: In Los Angeles. I llved there untll I was seven.

a. scared
b. uncomfortable
c. born

o My brother and his wife received many on their wedding

a. birthdays
b. gifts
c. noises
1n The of their first child was a happy time.

a. birth
b. candles
c. born

11. After my 18th _. I moved away from home so I could go to

the university.

a. couple
b. turn
c. birthday

t2. George: What was that noise?

Paul: I don't know, but it sounded like a

a. blowout
b. volume
c. present

13. Vfe want to show our thanks by g i v i n g you this small

a. blowout
b. birthday
c. present

14. Everyone is of you. You scored IOO on your test.

a. proud
b. poor
c. uncomfortable

15. Fran: What happened to Mr. Davi-s?

Jane: Oh, that man. I heard that he broke his legs
and had to stay in the hospital for a month.

a. proud
b. poor
c. uncomfortable

16. Henry: Dld you find the map you lost?

Burt: Not rJ-ght away. It two days later in my desk.

a. looked forward to
b. blew out
c. turned up

the paper isn'E on top of the refrigerator' Iook -
I7. If

a" uncomtortable
b. underneath
c. besides

18. Don't play the radio so loudly' Pray it -'

a. turned uP
b. softlY
c. PoorIY

Jack's family has a IoE of money' but he's not


a. rich
b. scared
c. uncomfortable

Mr. King: Did all Lhe students take turns and answer your
quesEions ?
Mrs. SEan: Yes. of them did'
a. aII
b. none
c. two

D. Complete Ehe sentences with the words below'

by uncomfortably soft confortably

took gurns couDle of scared

My friend Jack yesterdaY evening.

in his favorite chair, the one
2. He satr

the bookcase.
a movie t'hat lasEed a
3. I t.urned on the TV, and we watched


movie, but I didn't get

4. It \r/as a frighEening

5. We telling funnY stories.

6. Next, we listened to some music. I was so tired.

7. I slept for about flve minutes ln mY

chair. I guess Jack saw me and declded to go because vthen I

woke up he vJas gone.

E. Complete the paragraphs wlth the words below.

afford sing looked forvard to song come over

. candles continue

Captain Ahmed always has fun when friends vislt him after

class. His friends like to relax, but they usually can't

to visit very rong. One ctoudy evenlng, he asked

some friends to . Hls best friend, Captain Piras,

was very exclted and the visit. Captain

Ahmed asked him to come early to help him cook. Right after they

started to cook, bad weather came. and all the lights went out.

' They couldn't to cook.

When the other frlends arrJ-ved, CaptaJ-n Ahmed declded that

they could still have fun and entertain each other. He llt a lot

of , brought out some cold food and drinks, and

asked each person to from his country.

They aII had a good tlme.

F. Complete the sentences. Use must or must not.

L. What's wrong with Jack? He didn't eat any supper.

oh, he be hungry.

2. He's putting on gloves and a wool hat.

I guess he be cold.

3. Do you vrant to eat outside todaY? to rain.
It be going
No, the skY looks d a r k .

4. The mailman's not stopping at our house.

He have any mail for us.

5. I've called three times, but no one answers the Phone'

They be at home.

and then make a deduction wlth must and

G. R e a d the statements
the c u e i n p a r e n t h e s e s . Look at the example'

The school parking lot is empty'' (classes)

EXAMPLE: Statement:
Deduction: There must be no classes today'

on the hlghwaY stoPPed' A flre truck Just raced bY.

Traffic t
( fire )

') The alarm clock is ringing- (get up)

boY in the dePartment store is alone, and he's

? The little
crying. ( lost )

4. There are onlY 2 more minutes left to PlaY in the

basketball g a m e , a n d t h e s c o r e i s 1 20 to l-l-9. (exciting)

verY f a s t and looking at his watch. (late)

5. Terry is walking

H. Complete the sentences with a gerund tike the exampte'

EXAMPLE: Lt Richards talked to Lt. Evans about going to

the Officer's Club for lunch.. go

1. on a crowded hi-ghway makes him nervous-


2. Chrissy is interested in how to play tennrs.


3. Issac was sorrY about coffee on ELlen's new


4. Charlie is good at o1d cars.


5. Bev didn't want to think about , on Saturday.


I. Read the paragraph. Write a similar paragraph using the

words and phrases. Don't look at the paragraph. (Paragraphs
wlll varY. )

People have been havlng birthday parties for hundreds

of years. One of the first birthday parties happened in
Egypt about three thousand years ago. The Pharoah, the head
of the country, g a v e a p a r t y f o r a l l t h e p e o p l e o n h i s
btrthday. After this, people began to have parties, but
they were for important men only. Today, birthday parties
for men, women, and children are popular in many countries.

People birthdaY Parties- Years
first partY EgYPt 3,000 Years ago
people his birthday
Pharaoh head of the countrY PartY
but important men onIY
after this People had Parties
today PoPular m a n Y c o u n t r i e s

sentence with the correct modal ' Some

Complete each
wilI have m o r e t h a n o n e c o r r e c t a n s w e r '

would must have,/tras to

must not don't/doesntt trave to
will be going to

follow traffic laws, or theY maY


get a ticket.
you heIP me with mY car?
leave for the lake tomorro$I.
3. We
park in front of the bank. The police

w i 1 1 teII you t o leave.

staY late todaY. We've finished

5. We

all our work.

K. Read the paragraph and write the toplc

There are many good things about a picnic. A picnic

can be very relaxing for Just one person, a couple, or for
many people. People do not have to hurry. They can take
time lo tafk and listen. The sun and the outdoor air are
good for the body. A good location in a park, in a forest,
on a grassy hilt, or on a beach is best, but you can have a
plcnii any place you want to. You can have one in your own
vara. Rnother good thing about a picnlc Ls that it lets you
lfrfnX. You think ontry about the few things you really need
to think about. You forget about your problems and begin to
relax. The last good thj-ng about a picnic is that anyone
.can afford to have one. Picnics do not have to be expen-
sive. Rtch and poor peopte can have picnics.



A. complete the sentences with the correct form of the word.

foreign put aside board report passenger

attenrft lmooth abroad rough bY

l-. In Ner^tYork, Passengers boats every hour to

get across the river.

2. Strong winds and rain may make the ride very

3. My last ride was a ----_.---------".- ol9, so I was able to take

clear pictures of the Statue of Liberty'

4. If you don't drive weIl, don't to drive in

New York CitY.
5. Irm glad Jack went for his vacatlon.

6. Ask the cterk to - these gifts for you now'

You can Pick them uP later.

7. Do you have to make a of your triPs to anYone?

8. The new instructor sPeaks manY languages.

9. MarY $tas a on the plane that had an


LO. Please be here six otclock.

B. Match the underllned word or phrase in Column A with the word

or phrase that has a similar meaning or expresses the same
idel in Corumn B. Write the letter on the line'

Column A Colunrt B

1. He won by chance. a. Just as

2. We came as $re Promised. b. group

3. A number of students c. luck

toured the cl-tY.

4. Please tell me that You won't
6A-f aEe-TEe next time ! d. accidental

5. Did you eat some of the sour fruit? e. promise

6. Paul decided not to go on f. attempt

the trip.
g. taste
7. I saw my friend at the mall.
It was not planned. h. cancelled

8. Our family goes out of the i. fare

country every year.
j. abroad
g. The price to ride the bus
is not cheap.

10. I'm a llttle scared, but I'Il

try to drlve.

C. Wrl.te the answers to the questl-ons. Use ought to or should

In your answers.

EXAMPLE: The temperature is onLy 42" F. What should I wear?

(a Jacket)

You ought to wear a Jacket today.

1. The baby has a temperature of 10O". Do you think I should

take hlm to the doctor? (yes)

2. Nlck has a bad stomachache. What should he do?

(see a doctor)

3. I really need a haircut before I leave town tomorrow,

but the barbershop is closed today. What should I do?
(let your mother cut it)

4. It's really cloudy outside. Do you think I should take ny
umbrella? (yes)

D. Complete the guestions like the example.

EXAMPLE: Did Jeff play worse than Nick? (better)

No, Jeff played better than Nick .

1. Does Sam sing the best? (all the class)

Yes, Sam sings

2. Does George cut hair .wetl? (better/Jack)

Yes, George cuts hair

3. Does your sister drive better than you do? (worse)

No, she drives

4. Does Sara dance better than Jane?

Yes, she dances

E. Read the sentences. Complete the conversation.

L. John: I have to get a new job.

Jean: What did John say?

Ruth: He said (that) he had to qet a new -job.

2. Clare: He's going to write a book about his trip to Africa.

Alice: What did Clare say?

Grant: She said

3. Sgt Ames: We must not forget to call the General's
Sgt Fish: What did Ed say?

Sgt Jones: He said

4. Greg: Werlt finish Book 5 next week.

Flo: What did Greg say?

Aldo: He said

5. Mike: I don't have to sleep more than six hours a nJ-ght.

Betty: What did Mike say?

Gene: He said

F. Combine the two sentences into one. Use an lnfl-nitive.

EXAMPLE: Kevln went to the hospital. He went to vlslt

a patlent.

Kevln went to the hospttal to vlsit a patlent.

L. Jennifer went to the matl. She needs to buy a pair of


2. John will stop at the store. He has to get some bread.

3. Mike's going to college. He's going to study languages.

G. Change the paragraph from present tense to past tense.

EXAMPLE: Sgt Jackson gets up at OSOOon Saturday-

Sgt Jackson got up at O80O on Saturday-

Sgt Jackson gets up at OSOOon Saturday. He sleeps

later because he doesn't have to go to work- After he gets
dressed, he eats breakfast. He has two eggs, toast, and
coffee. After breakfast, he goes to the gyn for two hours.
Then, he goes home and watches TV. About L7OO, he cooks his
dinner. Then, he calls his friend and makes ptans for the

H. Read the text. Then write the topJ.c.

In 1881, the ship Ellen Austin found another shl-p. It

was floating ln the Atlantlc Ocean, but there vtere no
sailors on lt. The captaln of the Elten AustLn put some of
hls men on the shtp. Two days later there was a terrible
storm. When the storm was over, alL the sallors on the
other shlp were gone. The captaLn put more men on the shtp-
Later, the shlp went into a thick fog. The captaln never
saw it again.

In 1945, flve Navy planes took off 1n good weather from

the Naval Alr Station In Florlda. They flew over the
Atlantlc Ocean. Less than two hours later, they called on
the radlo and sald they were lost. Another plane went to
look for them, but lt nev€r came back. None of the planes
ever returned.

from Bermuda. The Army imlnediately sent planes and ships to
ifttA ft, but they couldn't- Six months later, a British
pi""" got lost n6ar the same place, and one year after that,
inotnei BrLtish plane got lost while it was frying to
ftnd it.

These are Just a few of the stories about a part of the

Atlantic Ocean ie calt "The Bermuda Triangle. " Many people
have tried to understgnd the causes of so many accidents
there. Some people shy there are natural causes for aII
these things. In 1955, Japanese scientists went to the
Bermuda Trlangle to learn more about it. No one has seen
them since!

The topJ-c of the text is


A. Introduce yourself. Glve this information:

1. name
2. rank/grade
3. countrY
4. branch of service
5. how long you have served in the military

B. Llsten to the paragraph. circle the topic, main ldea, and

the best titLe for the ParagraPh'

The toplc of the Paragraph is '

a. making rlngs from gold

b. whY gold ls exPensive
c. finding gold
d. usJ-ng metal in JewelrY

The maln idea of the ParagraPh ls '

a. Gold is Yellow.
b. PeoPIe Ilke gord
c. It's easy to flnd gold.
d. Gold is exPensive.

The best tltle for the paragraph ls -'

a. t{here PeoPle Flnd Gold

b. Jewelry Stores
c. Gold rsn't CheaP
d. !{hy There Is Gold

c. complete the sentences with the adverbs soon or Just.

EXAMPLE: Tom Just called.

1. Fred's golng to enllst

2. Mrs. Post ls not here. She left.

3. I'1I be finlshed wtth lt

4. A: t{ould you lLke somethlng to eat?

B: No, thanks. I ate.

D. Use the future progresslve to complete the following

1. A: t{hen are you going to Caltfornia?

B: I in July.

2. A: Look at those dark clouds.

B: I think lt in an hour.

3. A: Are you going to be at home tomorrow?

B: No. t mY Parents in Darlas'

4. llhen I get up tomorrow, I hope the sun


5. Bob when you get here.


E. Use the plural form of the nouns under the blanks to

comp).ete the paragraph. Wrlte your answers'

prlvate Jones went to a party for enlisted personnel last

weekend. Most of the and there were new

man I^rOman

a few ago. They talked about

recrult month

their . Private Jones told them about his two


. He showed them a picture of his little sister who


Iost two of her front . Then he told them about some


he had while he was assigned to follow-on



F. Read the text and then clrcle the toplc.

Everyone who has looked at clouds has seen the many

different shepes they can have. And everyone enJoys looking at
clouds in the early morning and evening when the sun gives them
beautiful colors. But do you know that there are different kinds
of clouds and that they come from alr and water?

There are three kinds of clouds: low, middle, and

clouds. Each one grows at a different height. There are two
different kinds of low clouds. One kl-nd beglns below 7,50O feet
and grows down from there. The other begins at about 1,600 feet
and grows up to 7,5OO feet. Middte clouds start above 7,5O0 feet
and can go up to 21,000 feet. High clouds begin above 21,OOO
feet and some of them groi{ up to a height of almost 5O,OOO feet.

Clouds start to grow when col.d air pushes wet, rtarm alr up
lnto the sky. Then the warm air beglns to get cool and changes
into water, or rain

The topic of the text ls

a. rain
b. warm and c o l d a l r
c. beautiful colors
d. clouds

G. Match the words on t h e left wlth thelr meanlngs on the rlght.

1. armed forces a. duty .

2. assignment b. stopped working

3. retired c. JoJ.n the mllltary

4. personnel d. military

5. enlist e. opportunlty

6. chance f. people who work at a place

H. Select the best ans$ter.

1. The test today ls - the test last week'

a. dlfficult as
b. as difflcult as

2. BiIl is an ensign. He's in the -'

a. ArmY
b. NavY

3. Bill's sister five years in the Army'

a. served
b. Promoted
4. John enlisted into the Marine corps. He's going to
start training-

a. basic
b. advanced

I was ln San Antonio for slx months. I Lackland AFB.


a. was Promoted to
b. was stationed at

6. Last month Bob was a lieutenant; now he's a captaln'

He recel-ved a

a. retlrement
b. promotlon


A. Imagine you took a trip Lo the mountains. Answer the

questions your instructor asks you about your trip. Use the
words or phrases below in your answer.

1. really wonderful

2. very pleasant

3. terribly hard

4. quiEe beautiful

5. extremely cold

6. quite clear

7. really excited

8. very tired t

B. Combine t.he two sencences Lo make one sent.ence that. cont.ains

an adjective clause. Use when or where in your new

1. Tomorrow i.s the day. She goes to the fa.rm tomorrow.

2. One o'clock is the time. We are having Che picnic.

3. This is the barn. He keeps his horse in ic.

4. We can't plant. crops j.n the valley. The cows graze there.

5. I Like to go to the lake aL night. I can see the

reflection of the moo:r on the water.

C. CompJ.ete che sentences wiEh the fut.ure, a modal_, or the

imperative. The main cl.ause might have more t,han one

EXAMPLE: If iC has rained, the f orest wiLl h'e beauCif ul".


1. The cabin really cold if Tom hasn'L lit a



l{e her if she's going to the university'


lt's, theY the harvest 1ate.

4. If

5. If they haven't taken the test yet, they

lt next week. take

to a paragraph. Then select the topic, main idea'

D. tlsten

The toptc of the Paragraph ts -'

a. houeee on a farm
b. cows and horses
c. flo$ters around the lake
d. a trlP to a farm

The maln ldea of ttre paragraph ls -'

a. Flowerg rder€ bloomlng around the lake'

b. My trlP to the f a r m w a s nlce.
c. I llke cows and horses.
d. I staYed ln a nlce house.

The best title for the paragraph is -'

a. The Fence
b. The Farm
c. BeautLful Flowers
d. Wheat Flelds

E" Complete the sentences wlth these words'

ltght ral-ses graze wheat barn

bloom trarvest make cattle takes care of

L. Many flowers in the spring.

2. Mr. Brown cows and horses.

3. The cows usually on the grass behind the barn.

4. Cows, bulls, and calves are called

5. Grandpa needs a match. He wants to his


6. The farmer r.Iill the wheat in the fall.

7. The covrs and horses sleep in the

8. My wife three children during the day.

9. Eating too much will you sick.

10. Bread is made of

F. Select a, b, or c.

1. They raise horses on a

a. boat
b. Jet
c. ranch

2. We get milk from

a. covts
b. horses
c. plants

3. The farmer wheat and corn.

a. planted
b. destroyed
c. grazed

4. The people sat the table and began to eat.

a. much
b. a little
c. around

5. The bugs the corn crop.

a. harvested
b. destroyed
c. bloomed

hls hands because he was PIaYing in
6. The lltt1e boy washed

a. crop
b. dlrt
c. fence
Let's go into the and get some.
7. We need some w o o d .

a. forest
b. lake
c. brldge

8. They bullt a over the river.

a. sI1o
b. barn
c. brJ-dge
He's there right now-
9. Your father must be home'

a. extremelY
b. quite
c. ProbablY

The vrtll be late bad weather.

10. Plane

a. €lo
b. because of
c. rather

lL. A ls between mountains'

a. valleY
b. reflection
c. dlrt

harvest the corn Iater this month.

L2. They wlll

a. Iocation
b. forest
c. crop
of tomatoes and potatoes' He's a
13. My uncle grows fields

a. rancher
b. farmer
c. worker

L4. He has a lot of halr; it's very

a. extremely
b. raspberry
c. thick


A. L l s t e n to a paragraPh, and then wrlte the toplc, main ldea,

and a t l t l e . You wl1l hear the paragraph only once.


Maln ldea:


B. Cl-rcl-e the best answer.


1. You - do Your homework every night or you won't pass the


a. must
b. could
c. must not

2. You go on a ted flght, or you'll get a ticket.

a. would
b. wlII
c. must not

3. I'm take a vacatlon ln June.

a. must
b. wlI I
c. going to

4.. you help me move thls box?

a. Must not
b. Could
c. Going to

5. You obey police offlcers.

a. must
b. could
c. must not

C. Complete the sentences with a gerund as the subject of the
sentence or as the object of a preposition.

EXAMPLE: Running is Sammy's favorite exercise'


1. Capt Jones is haPPY about a promotion.


z. stamps j-s Peter's hobby.

col lect

3. Dan is bored with to language taPes.

I i sten

4. Capt Taylor's job is planes.

r ry

5. Jan wants to know about a test.


6. Is Terry tired of to work every day?


7. Did improve Mary's grade?


D, Read the paragraph. Write the topic.

Mr. and Mrs. Mil-Ier are very proud of their children. They
have two girls and two boys. Their older son, Mark, is a major
in the Marine Corps. He's married and has two children of his
own. The older girl, Mary, is married, too. Her husband's a
doctor, and they have one chiLd. Marge, the younger daughter, is
studying l a w a t t h e u n i v e r s i t y . S h e ' s a v e r y g o o d s t u d e n t . M e 1
i-s the youngest of the children. He's still in high school. His
instructors all say he is at the top of his c1ass. The Miller
children have always worked hard and made their parents proud of
them. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are a happy couple with a happy
family. They have enjoyed their family and are now beginning to
enjoy their grandchildren. They hope their chj-Ldren's familj-es
are as happy as theirs has been.


E. Read the sentences, and make deductions. Use the modal in

EXAMPLE: Ned isn't at work today. (might)

He miqht be sick.

1. Jack went to sleep earlY. (must)

2. Mary is wearing a hat, gloves, and a heavy coat. (must)

3. Sometimes the machine doesn't work. (coutd)

4. She drives a big car and wears lots of diamonds- (must)

5. Maj Thorn usuall-y gets home at 1600 hours- (might)

F. Select the correct answer.

1. Please the radio. I can't hear it.

a. turn uP
b. turn down

2. She was born ten years ago today. Today's her

a. gift
b. birthday

3. She wrapped the Present.

i: 3l:i:l.n3oil."i3l"i.l'
4. Can I tonight? I'd like to see You.

a. blow out
b. droP bY

5. He was scared of the big dog.

a. frightened
b. proud

E E -1 3
6. He has a 1ot of money. He's -.

a. rich
b. Poor

7. BilI slept well last night. His bed was .

a. comfortable
b. pretty

8. Please turn down the TV.

a. continue Ehe Program

b. reduce Ehe volume

9. hle have enough money Lo get a new car. We can - lt.

a. believe in
b. afford

10. Give me a couple of pencils, please'

a. two
b. five

11. Do you have a match? I have Eo light Lhe - on the

birthday cake.

a. candles
b. gifEs

L2. My daughLer received a lot of oifts for her birthday.

a. years
b. presents

13. The scudenLs took turns in answering t.he questions.

a. One answered, and then another answered.

b. They answered at the same time.

14. John is exciLed abouL his trip. He's - it.

a. looking forward Lo
b. believing in


A. Agk about and report what someone sald-

EXAMPLE: S1: She'lI leave tomorrow morning.

52: Ask 53 what S1 sald.

What did he say?

53: He said (that) she would leave tomorrow


1. 51: l{e'Il go at seven.

s2z Ask 53 what S1 said.

53: He said

2. 31: They have to be there at the end of the month.

s2z Ask 53 what 51 sald.

53: He said

3. 51: Frank, you don't have to take the test.

52: Ask 33 what Sl sal-d.

53: He said

4. S1: I'n golng to go swlmming after class today.

52: Ask 53 what 51 sald.

53: He sald

5. S1: lle must clean the apartment next Saturday.

32: Ask 53 what 51 said.

53: He saLd

B. Listen to the paragraph. As your instructor reads, write any
transitional words and phrases you hear in the spaces below.

1 z.

{ 4.

c. use the correct form of badly or well to complete the

sentences. Some sentences have more than one answer.

well better best

badlY worse worst

1. I always tose at card games- I play so

2- Alex Plays much I do.

3. Of all the people I know, Jane p13ys

4. Tom did very on the test.

5. He always wins because he plays so

D. Answer the questions below. use the cues and ought to in

your answers.

1. Should we get refreshments now? (no/later)

2. What should we do about the tour? (cancel)

3. Where should we go abroad? (South America)

4. Should I put aside some money for the trip? (yes)

5. What should we take today? (coat and umbrella)

E. Select the correct answer.

1. Itrs t L m e t o board the p1ane.

a. get on
b. Ieave

2. Mr. and Mrs. Brovtn cancelled their plans to go to dinner.

a. They're going to dlnner next week.

b. They're not going to dinner.

3. BLll puts aside some money each week.

a. saves
b. spends

4. They served coffee and cookies at the meeting.

a. refreshments
b. chance3

5. The doctor attempted to treat the man.

a. reported
b. trl-ed

6. The vending machine was No one could buy anything.

a. on
b. off

7. hle're travellng to Europe and Asia this fall. We're

a. forelgn
b. abroad

8. B11l found fifty dollars yesterday. He'was very

a. better
b. Iucky

9. P1ease finish this three o'clock.

a. by
b. on

LO. Have you ever traveled to a country?

a. foreign
b. smooth

11. The fllght was very There were no problems.

a. smooth
b. accidental

12. What's the round-trip _ to New York?

a. fare
b. passenger

13. he sat on the sofa, he fell asleep.

a. On and on
b. As soon as
' it's
14. The top of the table Lsnrt smooth. In fact, _.
a. rough
b. Iucky

f5. There's a good that werl).wJ.n the basketball game.

a. chance
b. promise

16. The plane was full. There were 25O on l-t.

a. passengers
b. refreshments


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