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Bahasa Inggris

Name : Hendra Wijaya

Class : KE 1A
NO : 08
The stamp


1. Stamp mark
2. Stem
3. Size of the stamp
4. Stamps
5. Head

Connection between parts :

The stamp consists a stamp mark, stem, size of the stamp, stamps, head. Stamp marks are interconnected with
each other starting from the stem, the size of the stamp, stamp, and head.

Position of parts :

The stamp is at the bottom. The side of the stem is next to the exact size of the stamp. Head feels at the top.


The surface of the stamp like a bowl. The stamp like a small wooden block. The head of the stamp is shaped like
the surface of a spoon.


In general : Untuk menandai suatu logam dan beberapa bahan yang bukan logam dengan nomer, huruf, atau
tanda - tanda lain digunakan cap.

Functions of the parts of the stamp : Stamp park to mark a metal and some non-metallic materials with a
number, letter, or mark. The size of the stamp serves to know as a marker we are using the size we want. The
head of the stamp serves as the part struck by the hammer.


The stamp made of iron.


sizes of various letter and number stamps can be obtained in sets consisting of: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
4.0, 5.0 mm and so on.
How it works

1. The tasting is done from right to left, for easy viewing.

2. Put the stamp on the workpiece that has been scratched, tilting it slightly towards us.

3. Pull the stamp carefully (slowly) to the desired line until we feel it stops in the line that has been scratched.

4. The cap is then brought close until it touches the flat surface of the workpiece.

5. Hit one time lightly in this position.

6. Check whether the result is lined and straight. If not, is it correct by placing the stamp back on the initial
tasting mark, then turning it clockwise or counterclockwise.

7. After the corrections are made, then hit hard, so that everything is uniform and the depth is the same.

8. Finally, remove the bumps that occur by using a file.

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