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crop is to a great extent equivalent to the application of a

talent, and, prompted perhaps by a commentary on the Epistle

remains grew fainter with every fresh Aegean discovery, and

des Antiquaires de Picardie, by whom the museum was built in

of Book-keeping's Antiquity,'' the author states, on the

a-b-diaminopropionic acid, lysin. or a-e-diamino-n-caproic

was a reformed branch of the Austin canons, founded, A.D.

he retraced his steps westward and then marched southward

the water in the Niger and Zambezi renders their navigation

year 1893, to insert in their contracts of affreightment

rail. Pop. (1901) 16,443. The town lies on the right

``association of the egotists.'' The final conclusion of that

of Kuka.'' By this agreement the British government withdrew

emerges as the great Mackenzie river, which falls into the

(1823-1903) of Boston, who, however, really belongs with the

of the rise of tragedy (Poet. iv. 13), names no one before

Madox's History of the Exchequer; Round's Feudal

very reasonably suggested 6 that the title ``king of Sumer

Mediterranean plant which spreads to the south of England,

vulgaris, Cetonis auratus, and in America probably of

camp under Johann de Kalb; Virginia and North Carolina put

forms (Das Wesen der Kunst, Bd. i. pp. 277 ff.).

with play in not directly subserving any processes conducive

subjects, his chief historical work being the Dominatores

by several publications, one of which, The Selling of

was confided to the care of learned foreigners, who taught him

given up, has come into deserved prominence at the present time;
count of Foix gave asylum to the ``faidits'' (proscrtbed),

hero; he was worshipped at Athens, where he had a statue in the

terminating in a stigma. Acephalocyst is the name given by R.

up to the currant industry; the currants are shipped from

(1906). C. R. Cooper, Chronological and Alphabetical Record

countries between Timbuktu and Lake Chad, owing to the labours

Bagirmi. Several other expeditions followed, and in 1806

despatched to the country, and hospitably received by

leaving a large unfinished picture--``Bruce at Bannockburn.''

doubling his salary soon after his appointment as professor,

of a rocky mountain gorge, in which nestles a lovely lake,

12th May 1894. By this agreement King Leopold recognized the

consequently first ignited and the gun fired immediately

name of the place, ``Fort St Mary.'' Mahdera-Mariam (``Mary's

west. Their northern slope, which is occupied by the three

grandmother sharing the same fate (241). Though too weak and

state the Persian dress. (According to pseudo-Plutarch, de

to Constantinople skirts the Maritza and Ergene valleys, and

messos, while in later Green it becomes mesos.12.

(Edinburgh, 1878); Pratt, Buchan (rev. by) R. Anderson),

1905, when it was proved, as had long been suspected, that

particular Timbuktu was occupied in the last days of 1893.

drapery, and defining the sizes to which cloth should be woven.

1850 to 1900 296.0 186.5 267.1

humiliating. But it was plainly shown by other powers that

the central tower and dome, in 1904. The legislature first


he resigned when the duke of Wellington came into power in

song, but the inspiration of the spirit of nationality was

compressed air, a portion of which, liberated into the space

&c.; cork, the bark of the cork oak, which flourishes

The latter published a selection from his father's papers under

obtained the degree of doctor in divinity from the Sorbonne

odour, boiling at 12.5 deg. C. It is used in the same class

(council of Narbonne, 1235; Bull Ad extirpanda, 1252).

took command of the American army at Cambridge and proceeded

evidence. If it ever existed in Etruscan, it had been lost

Koreish blood and to be the descendants of an invading Arab

has never since fully recovered its prosperity. For about

of Spoleto and Benevento. In 572 or 573, however, he was

heated to a temperature of 245 deg. C. in a stream of chlorine

(cf. Lat. modus) in music for ``melody.'' (See ARIA.)

it. On the other hand, it is argued that the authority of

in the sense of surrendering the supreme power in a state.

charged with harsh treatment of the poorer patients, and his

l'ancienne Afrique (1860-1862; Supplement, 1874); Ch. Diehl,

historian, lived during the 4th century, and wrote a History

origin, resulting from the decomposition of various aluminous

Alaska was a governmental district of the United States without

Burnes) visited Kabul on his way to Bokhara in 1832. In 1837

known work by ``De Maillet.'' The most remarkable pseudonym

course. In mammals generally, however, the duodenum is complex

loied by a

as the possession of an heiress and her fortune, have been

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