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9/5/2019 Practice Sine and Cosine Graphs - MathBitsNotebook(Algebra2 - CCSS Math)

Practice Sine and Cosine Graphs
Topical Outline | Algebra 2 Outline | MathBits' Teacher Resources

Terms of Use Contact Person: Donna Roberts

Directions: Find your answer without your graphing calculator. Use you calculator for checking only.

1. Determine an equation for this graph:


2. Determine an equation for this graph:


3. Determine an equation for this graph:

Choose: 1/4
9/5/2019 Practice Sine and Cosine Graphs - MathBitsNotebook(Algebra2 - CCSS Math)

4. Determine an equation for this graph:


5. On the same set of axes from 0 to 2π, graph:


6. On an axes from 0 to 4π, graph:

Where on the graph does the graph reach its
maximum value(s)? Solution 2/4
9/5/2019 Practice Sine and Cosine Graphs - MathBitsNotebook(Algebra2 - CCSS Math)

7. On the same set of axes from 0 to 2π, graph:

How many points satisfy the equation


8. On the axes from 0 to 2π, graph:

State the amplitude, frequency and
period of this graph. Solution

9. On the same set of axes, , graph:

Find all values for which

10. A small toy attached to the end of a slinky (or

spring) bobs up and down according to an
equation of the form d = a cos(bt). The motion of
the toy starts at its highest position of 5 inches
above its rest point, bounces down to its lowest
position of 5 inches below its rest point, and then
bounces back to its highest position in a total of 4 3/4
9/5/2019 Practice Sine and Cosine Graphs - MathBitsNotebook(Algebra2 - CCSS Math)

seconds. Write an equation that represents this

motion. Solution

Graph your equation from t = 0 seconds to t = 12


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Topical Outline | Algebra 2 Outline| | MathBits' Teacher Resources

Terms of Use Contact Person: Donna Roberts

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