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Serials generally follow main story arcs that lasts
entire television seasons or even the complete run
of the series, and sometimes spinoffs, which
distinguishes them from episodic television that
relies on more stand-alone episodes..Serials rely
on keeping the whole nature of the story hidden
and revealing elements episode by episode, to
encourage spectators to tune in to every episode
to follow the plot. Often these shows employ
recapping segments at the beginning and
cliffhangers at the end of each episode.They keep
us entertaining throughout the series.

When the Marvel Cinematic Universe announced

a wave of new television shows, it was no surprise
that the charismatic brother of Thor, Loki, secured
a series all to himself
However that idea was changed when it was
released. Played by the beloved actor Tom
Hiddleston, Loki won over viewers with his debut
in 2011’s “Thor.” Despite his introduction as a
villain, MCU fans have watched him develop into a
reformed hero.He was an anti-hero in this new
television series. Disney Plus was the online
platform for this new show which follows the
evolution and expands on Loki’s character
development by exploring the meaning of free will,
faith and identity.

Marvel had other series launched just before the

‘loki’ series, which had more important characters
than loki.However ‘loki’ smashed all the records
and strived to be the the top watched series at that
With its promising premise and beautiful
production, “Loki” had a strong start. This was the
beginning of the fourth phase of Marvel Cinematic
Universe [MCU] and it did start with a bang.There
also was a special scene where it showed how
small the previous phase of MCU [ Thanos’ Arc}.
This really made fans get hyped for the rest of the
Limited time bred complicated plot lines that left
viewers with too many questions and little
resolution.The loki series wasn't the one fans
expected it was more than that.There were many
details and foreshadowing of upcoming and
previous events in each episode.
'Loki' tells the story of the titular character’s
diversion from his intended path and his
subsequent removal from his timeline.In an
important turn of events, Loki is hired to track
down the supposed villain of the story, a female
variant of himself named Sylvie by the Time
Variance Authority[TVA].Hiddleston once again
delivers a superb portrayal of Loki as he brings the
script to life with quick one-liners and dramatic
monologues.Hats off to that.As the show
progresses, audience members watch Loki’s hard
ego slowly break down while befriending new
characters Mobius and Sylvie — played by Owen
Wilson and Sophia Di Martino, respectively.

With revolutionary ideas and amazing design,

“Loki” brought fresh mystery to the MCU in an
engaging way, creating rules for time travel while
simultaneously exploring the layers of free will and
varied nature of identity-enchanted audiences.
However, with the incoming season two promising to
resolve the tangled plot and answer remaining questions,
'Loki' has not yet lost the opportunity to be greater.

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