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J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508

DOI 10.1007/s00415-012-6497-3


Nerve conduction and electromyography studies

N. M. Kane • A. Oware

Received: 21 February 2012 / Revised: 22 March 2012 / Accepted: 23 March 2012 / Published online: 22 May 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electro- Keywords Nerve conduction studies  Electromyography 
myography (EMG), often shortened to ‘EMGs’, are a Sensory nerve action potential  Compound motor action
useful adjunct to clinical examination of the peripheral potential and repetitive nerve stimulation
nervous system and striated skeletal muscle. NCS provide
an efficient and rapid method of quantifying nerve con-
duction velocity (CV) and the amplitude of both sensory Background
nerve action potentials (SNAPs) and compound motor
action potentials (cMAPs). The CV reflects speed of Introduction
propagation of action potentials, by saltatory conduction,
along large myelinated axons in a peripheral nerve. The Although individual elements of the EMG study may be
amplitude of SNAPs is in part determined by the number of diagnostically specific in certain conditions (Table 1), the
axons in a sensory nerve, whilst amplitude of cMAPs wise neurophysiologist will select a range of tests based on
reflects integrated function of the motor axons, neuro- clinical assessment that not only confirm, or lend support
muscular junction and striated muscle. Repetitive nerve to, a specific diagnosis, but also rule out other alternative
stimulation (RNS) can identify defects of neuromuscular diagnoses. For this reason, it is better for the referrer to
junction (NMJ) transmission, pre- or post-synaptic. Needle provide a diagnostic hypothesis, or differential, rather than
EMG examination can detect myopathic changes in muscle specify a particular test in an anatomical region.
and signs of denervation. Combinations of these proce-
dures can establish if motor and/or sensory nerve cell Limitations
bodies or peripheral nerves are damaged (e.g. motor neu-
ronopathy, sensory ganglionopathy or neuropathy), and Although there is variation in the approach and grading of
also indicate if the primary target is the axon or the myelin abnormality by practitioners, who may be drawn from
sheath (i.e. axonal or demyelinating neuropathies). The neurology, rheumatology and rehabilitation medicine, there
distribution of nerve damage can be determined as either are areas of broad consensus and some standardization.
generalised, multifocal (mononeuropathy multiplex) or Electromyography is generally safe, reasonably tolerated
focal. The latter often due to compression at the common by most patients and should not be unduly painful,
entrapment sites (such as the carpal tunnel, Guyon’s canal, although they may be briefly uncomfortable. Some pre-
cubital tunnel, radial groove, fibular head and tarsal tunnel, cautions may need to be taken in patients with implanted
to name but a few of the reported hundred or so ‘entrap- cardiac defibrillators, and needle EMG in patients who are
ment neuropathies’). anticoagulated or have bleeding diathesis [1]. Nerve con-
duction studies/EMGs have a questionable role in the
diagnosis of polyneuropathy of known cause (e.g., diabetes
N. M. Kane (&)  A. Oware mellitus, alcohol abuse, renal failure), isolated small fiber
Grey Walter Department of Clinical Neurophysiology,
Frenchay Hospital, Bristol BS16 1LE, UK neuropathy, children with pes cavus and normal neurology,
e-mail: neuroimaging proven ‘discogenic’ radiculopathy and

J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508 1503

Table 1 Specific diagnostic EMG tests for particular conditions etiological differential—see Table 3. However, while
Condition Diagnostic test Ancillary tests
EMGs may detect changes in nerve or muscle electro-
physiology prior to clinical signs, rarely do they identify
AHC disease Needle EMG NCS the causative agent. Etiology must be established by the
Radiculopathy Needle EMG NCS, F waves clinical history and/or ancillary serological investigations
Plexopathy NCS Needle EMG (i.e., EMGs are physiologically sensitive but not disease
Neuropathy specific). In addition, there are limitations to both their
Demyelinating NCS, F waves Needle EMG interpretation and application, particularly at the extremes
Axonal loss NCS Needle EMG of life because of maturation and the effects of aging on the
Entrapment neuropathy NCS Needle EMG peripheral nerves. After 30 years of age, the motor CV
Defect of NMJ slows by *1 m/s per decade and sensory CV slows by
MG RNS SF EMG *2 m/s per decade [8]. Other factors, both physical and
LEMS RNS SF EMG physiological, have to be factored in when interpreting
Myopathy Needle EMG NCS NCS. The most important of these is body temperature.
Ideally, the limb skin temperature should be 32–34 °C in
EMG electromyography, SF EMG single-fiber electromyography
the upper and[31 °C in the lower limb during the test. For
certain muscle disease (e.g., muscular dystrophies, genetic temperatures lower than this, a correction factor of
and metabolic myopathy), because these can all be confi- 1.5–2 m/s per degree Celsius temperature change can be
dently diagnosed by other means. In the authors’ experi- applied [12]. Other factors include gender, height, body
ence, EMG is not indicated in pain syndromes without mass index and the individual technique used. These
neurology, in particular complex regional pain type 1 and variables prevent the publication of universally accepted
‘fibromyalgia’, because they have reliable clinical diag- ‘normal values’. Ideally, these should be established in
nostic criteria, and NCS are usually painful for patients each department using its own equipment and chosen
with these conditions due to hyperalgesia or allodynia. techniques for various age cohorts. There is no interna-
tionally agreed principle on how normal values should be
Clinical role displayed (e.g., lower limits of normal, mean, and standard
deviations, percentiles, or z scores). It should be borne in
In the appropriate clinical context, internally consistent mind that there is some overlap between NCS values in the
combinations of EMG abnormalities can confirm neuro- normal and disease states. ‘Normal’ EMG studies do not
logical conditions that affect the anterior horn cell (AHC) therefore exclude neurological disease. There are pitfalls
(motor neuron), nerve roots (radiculopathy), dorsal root for even experienced operators, which can lead to overin-
ganglia, the plexus (brachial or lumbo-sacral plexopathy), terpretation of results. Conversely, in the course of an
peripheral nerves, NMJ (pre- or post synaptic) and mus- EMG it is not uncommon for a neurophysiologist to detect
cle—see Table 2. It can often be inferred that the primary lesions apparently asymptomatic to the patient, until a
pathophysiological process affecting peripheral nerves is probing history is taken. The requesting physician should
due to inflammation or axonotmesis, which may narrow the be able to understand the studies and be prepared to

Table 2 General scheme for electro-diagnosis of various neurological conditions

Condition SNAPs cMAPs EMG RNS

AHC disease N Ampl.; CV B N Denervation in [3 regions. IP ; Usually N or decrement

Radiculopathy N Ampl.; CV B N Denervation in root territory. IP ; Usually N
Plexopathy Ampl.; CV N Ampl.; CV B N Denervation in plexus territory Usually N
Demyelinating Ampl.; CV ; Ampl.; CV ; Usually N but IP ; Usually N
Axonal loss Ampl.; CV N Ampl.; CV N Diffuse/distal denervation. IP ; Usually N
Entrapment neuropathy Ampl.; Focal CV ; Ampl.; Focal CV ; Denervation in nerve territory Usually N
Defect of NMJ
MG N Usually N Usually N Decrement
LEMS N Ampl.; CV N Usually N Decrement at 3 Hz RNS
Myopathy N Usually N Small polyphasic MUPs. IP dense Usually N or decrement
Ampl amplitude, CV B N conduction velocity is normal or slightly reduced. ; reduced, N normal, IP interference pattern

1504 J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508

Table 3 Combinations of EMG

Process SNAP Ampl. DML cMAP Conduction Temporal F-waves
changes that suggest a particular
block dispersion
DML distal motor latency, Demyelination ; or – : N or ; ? ? :
N normal, ? present, – absent, ; Axonotmesis ; or – N ; – – N or slight :
reduced amplitude, : delayed

question them if they do not correlate with the clinical

findings. Electromyography have no role in the diagnosis
of conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord, even
though they may be abnormal on occasions.


Sensory studies

Nerves are stimulated percutaneously with square wave

electrical pulses using a variety of bipolar electrodes (rings
for digits and a two pronged probe or bar electrode else-
where, see Figs. 1, 2). The responses are recorded with Fig. 1 Ulnar (F5) ring stimulation orthodromic sensory nerve action
bipolar surface bar or disc electrodes over sensory nerves. potential recording setup (note green ground electrode and grey-
Adequate skin preparation is required to reduce resistance. colored skin temperature probe)
During electrical stimulation, the patient must be earthed
via a ground electrode placed between the stimulating and
recording electrodes. This helps to reduce stimulus artefact.
Sensory nerve action potentials are directly recorded from
the stimulated nerve, either ‘orthodromically’ (i.e., in the
same direction as physiological conduction) or ‘antidrom-
ically’ (i.e., propagation in the opposite direction to phys-
iological conduction). Orthodromic and antidromic
stimulation are both valid techniques with relative merits
such that the two are frequently used in an EMG study.
‘Averaging’ a number of individual responses is usually
necessary to record SNAPs, to improve ‘signal-to-noise
ratio’. The SNAPs waveforms are of bi- or triphasic mor-
phology (Fig. 3). The amplitude of which can be measured
from the negative peak to the subsequent positive trough
(peak to peak) or baseline to the negative peak (in Fig. 2 Radial antidromic sensory nerve action potential recording set
microvolts). up with stimulation probe
In clinical practice, due to their relative tolerability,
SNAPs are usually recorded first. The most commonly good overall assessment of the post-ganglionic sensory
studied nerves are the median, ulnar, radial, superficial nervous system in peripheral neuropathies. There are rec-
peroneal and sural. These include SNAPs involved in the ognizable patterns of SNAPs abnormalities in peripheral
commonest entrapment neuropathies of the arm (carpal neuropathies, for example ‘abnormal median and normal
tunnel syndrome and ulnar neuropathy at the elbow) and sural’ is common in acquired inflammatory demyelinating
leg (common peroneal neuropathy at the fibula head). An neuropathy [2], and in dorsal root ganglionopathies SNAP
abnormal SNAP places the lesion in the peripheral nervous abnormalities are widespread and non length dependent
system, or post-ganglionic. The SNAPs are generally [4]; in a length-dependent axonal neuropathy the sural and
unaffected by pre-ganglionic lesions such as AHC disease, superficial peroneal responses are usually affected first,
radiculopathy and myelopathy, along with disorders of the followed by the ulnar and then median, with relative
NMJ and muscle (and it should also be noted that they are sparing of the radial SNAP until the neuropathy is
normal in somatoform disorders). Furthermore, they give a advanced. In certain disorders the SNAPs may be absent

J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508 1505

Fig. 4 a, b, c). The terminal or distal latency is measured in

milliseconds from the stimulus artefact to the onset of the
negative response, and CV (in m/s) calculated by distance
between two stimulation points divided by the proximal
latency minus the distal latency. How much electricity
should be delivered to a nerve varies in health and disease,
but the operator is attempting to achieve ‘supra-maximal’
stimulation, where the stimulus intensity is set at about
10–25 % greater than that required to achieve a maximum
amplitude motor response [6]. F waves are quite variable
low amplitude ‘late’ motor responses recorded after supra-
Fig. 3 Normal median (Digits 2 and 3), ulnar (Digit 5) and median maximal stimulation of a motor nerve. They result from
(Me) and ulnar (Ul) palm to wrist SNAPs. Dig. digit, DIST distance, backfiring of antidromically activated AHCs. In practice,
LAT onset latency, CV conduction velocity (m/s), AMP amplitude
the most common measure is the minimum F wave latency
in a train of 10–20 responses. Their latency is influenced by
the height or limb length and age of the subject. They have
the advantage of studying a long section of motor nerve
but the motor responses unaffected (e.g., sensory gangli- including its proximal portion and the AHCs. F-wave fre-
onopathies, ataxia telangiectasia, Friedreich’s ataxia, abe- quency and amplitude may be affected by CNS disorders
talipoproteinemia, hereditary sensory and autonomic [7].
neuropathies). It should be remembered that common In clinical practice, the most commonly studied nerves
causes of sensory motor peripheral neuropathy may man- are the median, ulnar, peroneal and tibial nerves, although
ifest with only sensory changes in the early stages, because other peripheral and cranial nerves along with nerve roots
of the selective vulnerability of the large sensory fibers can be assessed using similar techniques. Motor NCS have
(e.g., diabetes mellitus, connective tissue disease and the distinct advantage of studying several segments along
vitamin B12 deficiency). Lesser-studied sensory nerves an individual nerve, which can help to localize a nerve
include: the lateral antebrachial (musculo-) cutaneous lesion, particularly in the case of focal motor conduction
nerve (for upper trunk/lateral cord brachial plexus), the abnormality due to entrapment neuropathy (Fig. 5). In
medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (affected in ‘neuro- contrast to SNAPs, the cMAPs and F waves are frequently
genic’ thoracic outlet syndrome and other lower trunk/ affected by intra-spinal pathology, such as AHC disease,
medial cord lesions), the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of myelopathy, and radiculopathy, and by diseases of the NMJ
the thigh (affected in ‘meralgia paresthetica’), and the tibial and striated muscle. With loss of the largest motor neurons
(medial and lateral) plantar nerves (involved in ‘tarsal there may be apparent ‘peripheral’ motor conduction
tunnel syndrome’). Symmetry of the SNAPs from the right slowing, producing false distal localization. Similarly,
and left sides should always be assessed whenever the distal entrapment neuropathies may cause ‘proximal’
unusual sensory mononeuropathies or mononeuropathy motor conduction slowing due to preferential dysfunction
multiplex are suspected. In the latter, it should be borne in (block) or dying back of the large diameter axons. Motor
mind that after a period of time-summated mononeuropa- NCS and F waves are especially helpful in not only con-
thies may electrophysiologically resemble a symmetric firming a diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy, but in clas-
length-dependent axonal neuropathy. sifying it into axonal, demyelinating and mixed forms, as
well as characterizing the pattern of demyelination or
Motor studies dysmyelination, which may provide etiological clues (i.e.,
acquired inflammation or inherited dysmyelination). Motor
Compound motor action potentials are recorded over a axonal loss typically causes decreased cMAP amplitude
muscle belly, with the active recording electrode at the with relative preservation of the motor CV, although as the
motor point (motor end plate) and the reference electrode axons continue to ‘fall out’ the CV may drop proportion-
over the tendon, using bar or self-adhesive disc electrodes. ally. It should be remembered that axonal loss can occur
The cMAP, sometimes called M wave, is measured from with lesions affecting the AHC, anterior spinal root, plexus
the baseline to the negative peak (in millivolts). Electrical or peripheral nerve, but the combination of attenuated
stimulation is performed along a motor nerve at two or SNAPs will locate the pathology to the peripheral nervous
more points. This enables CV to be calculated for different system. Motor nerve demyelination results in combinations
segments of the nerve (e.g., for the ulnar nerve in the of prolonged distal latency, slowing of CV, conduction
forearm, across the elbow, in the arm above the elbow, see block, temporal dispersion and delayed F waves.

1506 J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508

Fig. 5 Abnormal ulnar motor nerve conduction study from ADM,

showing conduction slowing (12.2 m/s) and partial conduction block
(35 %) at the elbow. ADM abductor digiti minimi, dLAT distal
latency, CV conduction velocity, AMP amplitude (in millivolts)

acquired demyelinating neuropathies (e.g., Guillain-Barré

syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly-
neuropathy) it is nonuniform [10]. In the era of molecular
diagnosis, it has become apparent that this separation is not
entirely clear cut, and a number of inherited disorders may
have nonuniform or multifocal motor conduction slowing
(e.g., hereditary neuropathy with a liability to pressure
palsies, leukodystrophies, CMT-X with connexin 32
mutations) [11]. Mixed neuropathies with both axon loss
and demyelination can occur in diabetes mellitus, chronic
kidney and liver disease.

Repetitive nerve stimulation

Repetitive nerve stimulation is an extension of the motor

nerve conduction study. It involves stimulating the nerve
with a train of identical square wave pulses, typically 10 at
3 Hz, in an attempt to stress the natural reserve of the NMJ,
called the ‘‘safety factor’’. This is a screening test for
disorders of NMJ transmission, including myasthenia gra-
vis (MG), Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS),
botulism and congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS),
which can usually be diagnosed by serology (i.e., acetyl-
Fig. 4 a Ulnar motor nerve conduction study set up, stimulating at choline receptor or muscle-specific kinase antibodies,
wrist and recording the cMAP from abductor digiti minimi (ADM).
b Ulnar motor nerve conduction study set up, stimulating below voltage gated calcium channel antibodies, and botulinum
elbow. c Ulnar motor nerve conduction study set up, stimulating toxin assay) and genetic tests for some CMS. Any of these
above elbow conditions can lead to a failure, or blocking, of muscle fiber
excitation at the NMJ, which manifests as a reproducible
Conduction block is the failure of action potentials to initial progressive reduction by greater than 10 % of the
propagate past a particular point, causing a drop in cMAP cMAP amplitude on RNS, called ‘‘decrement’’ (typically
amplitude from the distal to proximal stimulation sites (see measured on the 4th or 5th motor response—see Fig. 6). In
Fig. 5). Temporal dispersion is due to the relative desyn- clinical practice, a combination of distal and proximal
chronization of components of the cMAP due to different muscles should be examined. The intrinsic hand muscles
rates of conduction in the motor axons. Traditionally, in are well tolerated, easy to immobilize but less sensitive.
inherited demyelinating neuropathy (e.g., Charcot Marie Proximal and facial muscles (anconeus, trapezius, nasalis
Tooth, CMT), the conduction slowing is relatively uniform and/or orbicularis oculi) are more sensitive, but less well
across different nerve segments and nerves, while in tolerated and prone to movement artefacts. High frequency

J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508 1507

misnomer as these changes may persists for many years

after axon loss). Spontaneous activity can also be seen in
myopathy. Abnormal spontaneous activity is not seen in
normal healthy muscle, with the exception of (benign)
fasciculations. The morphology of the MUP can be asses-
sed qualitatively by its appearance and sound, or quanti-
tatively by measuring its amplitude, duration, number of
Fig. 6 Repetitive nerve stimulation study, at 3 Hz from ADM, phases (shape) and stability. In general terms ‘‘chronic
showing a significant decrement in a patient with LEMS partial denervation’’, as a result of axonotmesis and sub-
sequent collateral reinnervation after axon loss, produces
RNS ([20 Hz) can be used to demonstrate a cMAP enlarged, long duration, polyphasic (5 or more phases)
amplitude increase or facilitation, which may help distin- unstable MUPs recruiting to a reduced IP (when 20–40 %
guish pre-synaptic (e.g., LEMS, botulism and some CMS) of MUPs are lost) (see Fig. 7). Myopathies on the other
from post-synaptic disorders (MG), but it is painful. Brief hand, typically produce small, short duration, polyphasic,
exercise of *10–20 s (maximum contraction) is usually unstable MUPs which recruit briskly to a dense low voltage
sufficient to increase the cMAP amplitude significantly in IP. This dissociation is not always so clear in clinical
LEMS (typically[100 %). The most sensitive neuro- practice, for example ‘‘nascent’’ neurogenic potentials can
physiological test of NMJ transmission is single-fiber resemble myopathic potentials and in chronic myopathies,
electromyography (SF EMG). This can be time consuming some MUPs may appear enlarged. Furthermore, in some
and technically challenging. In focal MG, when antibody conditions affecting nerve and muscle, so called ‘‘neur-
testing may be negative, SF EMG is frequently diagnostic omyopathies’’, both neurogenic and myopathic MUPs can
and can be adequately performed using a disposable small coexist (e.g., inclusion body myositis, mitochondrial cyt-
facial concentric needle. In essence, two muscle fiber opathies such as Kearns-Sayre syndrome, critical illness
potentials (a ‘pair’) belonging to the same motor unit are neuromyopathy, alcohol, and drugs including colchicine,
recorded simultaneously and the interpotential interval chloroquine) [9]. Concentric needle electromyography
variation is measured in microseconds. This variability, or examination may be normal is some myopathies (e.g.,
‘‘jitter’’, is increased in defects of NMJ transmission as genetic and metabolic). Most myopathies do not show
well as disorders of the terminal nerve fiber and muscle. A specific diagnostic EMG features but the distribution of
routine concentric needle EMG should therefore also be abnormalities in combination with clinical findings can
performed to exclude nerve and muscle disorders. often distinguish different myopathies (e.g., facio-scapulo-
humeral dystrophy and inclusion body myositis).
Needle EMG studies In our practice, needle EMG studies are most useful in
confirming the diagnosis of AHC disease, and in predicting
The electrical activity of striated muscle, motor unit prognosis of traumatic nerve injuries. The clinical neuro-
potentials (MUPs), can be recorded in different ways, but physiologist’s role in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
in clinical studies the concentric needle EMG (CNE) is the or motor neuron disease (MND) requires the demonstration
most commonly used. The concentric needle consists of a of EMG signs of lower motor neuron degeneration in two
wire (the active electrode) inside a cannula (the reference
electrode), exposing a recording surface at the tip, typically
of 0.07 mm2. The muscle is examined for ‘‘insertional
activity’’ (increased in denervation, inflammatory pro-
cesses and myotonic disorders, or decreased in fibrosis,
fatty infiltration and during episodes of periodic paralysis)
and at rest for ‘‘abnormal spontaneous activity’’ (fibrilla-
tion potentials, positive sharp waves, fasciculations, myo-
tonic discharges, neuromyotonic or complex repetitive
discharges). Individual motor unit morphology and their
recruitment to ‘‘interference pattern’’ (IP) are examined
during increasing voluntary activation [13]. Signs of
‘‘active’’ denervation, fibrillations potentials and positive Fig. 7 Cartoon of concentric needle examination in axon degener-
ation, effects of denervation and reinnervation. Red normal muscle
sharp waves, appear about 10–28 days after motor axon
fiber (biphasic MUP), Green reinnervated muscle fiber (polyphasic
degeneration depending on the distance of the muscle from MUP), Grey denervated muscle fiber (spontaneous activity with
the site of injury [3] (Note ‘‘active’’ is in a sense a positive sharp waves and fibrillations) NB Not to scale

1508 J Neurol (2012) 259:1502–1508

Table 4 Outline EMG findings in traumatic nerve injury

Classification Patho-physiology SNAPs cMAPs CNE Prognosis

Neurapraxia Focal demyelination N N or CB N but IP ; Recovery, up to 3–6 months

Axonotmesis Some axons disrupted but epineurium intact Ampl.; Ampl.; SA and IP ; Variable, depending on degree
Neurotmesis All axons and epineurium disrupted Absent Absent SA no MUPS Surgery. No spontaneous recovery
N normal, CB conduction block, IP interference pattern, Ampl.; decreased, SA spontaneous activity (e.g., fibrillations and positive sharp waves)

or more of the four regions (bulbar, cervical, thoracic and treatable conditions such as multifocal motor neuropathy
lumbosacral spinal cord) in the form of active and chronic with conduction block. They are however rarely disease
partial denervation, combined with clinical upper motor specific, are operator dependent, restricted to the large
neuron signs to fulfill the El Escorial or Awaji criteria for myelinated nerve fibers, and can be confounded by physi-
definite ALS/MND [5]. In the course of the study, it is ological and non-physiological variables, leading to a lack
important to exclude other diagnoses, in particular multi- of International accepted normal values or diagnostic
focal motor neuropathy with conduction block, which is a criteria.
potentially treatable mimic of AHC disease. Following
traumatic nerve injury, caused by lacerations, fractures, Conflicts of interest None.
dislocations and crushing, EMG studies at *21 days can
be helpful in establishing the predominant pathophysiology
and prognosis (Table 4). There can be considerable overlap
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In summary, EMGs are a useful extension of the neuro- Neurophysiol 12(3):254–279
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principal use in common clinical conditions such as carpal thies. Neurology 32(6):592–596
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