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Head size as related to age and stature  Scalp:

Diseases altering head size  Similar to disease of the skin.

Diseases of scalp and hair o Lighter in color than the
Normal: · Can be moist or oily.
 The head is symmetrical. Size varies with · No scars noted.
age and body stature. · Free from lice, nits and dandruff.
 Male pattern hair loss is common. · No lesions should be noted.
 Minor undulations are normal for the skull. · No tenderness nor masses on
 Size o Cysts
o Enlarged: (Hydrocephalus, o Nevi
Acromegaly, Paget's disease) o Nevus flammeus: (Vascular birth
o Smaller: (Microcephaly) mark at posterior base of skull
 and neck)
 Skull symmetry and evenness o Moles
o Generally round, with o Loose white flakes: (Dandruff)
prominences in the frontal and o Tiny white ovoid nits: (Lice
occipital area. (Normocephalic). infestation)
· No tenderness noted upon o Redness and scaling: (Seborrheic
palpation. dermatitis, psoriasis)
o o Fungal infection
o Bumps: (Healed fractures,  the superficial temporal artery is one of the
hematoma, Paget's disease) largest blood vessels in the neck. Branching
o Depressions (Fractures, post- off from the external carotid, it assists in
surgical, burr holes) delivering oxygenated blood from the heart
 Hair to regions within the neck and head. The
o Can be black, brown or burgundy other branch of the external carotid
depending on the race. includes the maxillary artery.
· Evenly distributed covers the  This artery begins around the mandible, or
whole scalp (No evidences of lower jawbone, and the parotid gland — a
Alopecia) gland located in front of the ear, which
· Maybe thick or thin, coarse or produces saliva for use in the mouth.
smooth. Toward the end of its course, the superficial
· Neither brittle nor dry temporal artery splits into the frontal and
o parietal branches.
o Hair loss  During its course, the artery travels over the
 Diffuse Hair loss: zygomatic process, the area of bone that
(Chemotherapy, Following an lies under the cheeks. There, the auricularis
acute serious illness) muscle covers it. Two branches of the facial
 Well circumcised coin shaped nerve also cross the artery at the zygomatic
area of hair loss. Alopecia process.
areata (SLE)  Since it is a major artery within the neck
o Texture and head, damage to or blockage of this
 Diffuse hair thinning Fine artery could pose serious health problems.
hair: (Thyrotoxicosis, Iron def, The superficial temporal artery, along with
stress, syphilis) the occipital artery, has been associated
 Coarse hair: with chronic migraine headaches.

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