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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Spread-Spectrum Selective Camouflaging

based on Time-Modulated Metasurface
Xiaoyi Wang, Student Member, IEEE and Christophe Caloz, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents the concept of spread-spectrum Given their multiple benefits, metasurfaces have naturally
selective camouflaging based on time-modulated metasurface. been considered for electromagnetic camouflaging, based on
The spectrum spreading is realized by switching the metasurface absorption [23]–[26], scattering redirection [27], [28], and
between the reflective states of a Perfect Electrical Conductor
(PEC) mirror and a Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) mirror, cloaking [29]–[31]. However, these technologies are typically
using an array of microstrip patches connected to the ground limited by issues such as narrow bandwidth, large aper-
via diode switches, according to a periodic pseudo-random noise ture [28], camouflaging size limitation [32], and camouflaging
sequence. As the spectrum spreading induces a drastic reduction indifferentiation (indistinct camouflaging to all observers).
of the power spectral density of the signal, the level of the These issues are largely related to the time-invariant na-
scattered wave falls below the noise floor of the interrogating
radar, and the object covered by the metasurface is hence ture of the corresponding systems and the related fundamen-
perfectly camouflaged to a foe radar. Moreover, the object can tal physical bounds. Revoking the time invariance contraint
be detected by a friend radar possessing the spread-spectrum in time-modulated metasurfaces opens up the possibility to
demodulation key corresponding to the metasurface modulation, break these bounds and achieve new functionalities [33]. A
and this detection is robust to interfering signals. The proposed few related applications have already been reported, such as
system is analyzed theoretically, and demonstrated by both
simulation and experimental results. serrodyne frequency translation [34], simplified architecture
communication [35]–[38], direction-of-arrival (DOA) estima-
Index Terms—Metasurface, time modulation, spread spectrum, tion [39], nonreciprocity [40]–[42], and analog signal process-
camouflaging, selectivity, interference immunity.
ing [43], to mention a few.
In this context, we present here a time-modulated spread-
I. I NTRODUCTION spectrum metasurface active camouflaging technology, which
was introduced in [44]. Compared to conventional camou-
Electromagnetic camouflaging refers to concealment tech- flaging technologies, which are Linear Time Invariant (LTI)
nologies whereby objects are made undetectable [1], [2]. It is and based on energy absorption or angular spreading, the
widely present in nature, for instance in butterflies with wings proposed technology spreads the incident energy in terms of
mimicking leaves, jellyfishes with quasi-transparent bodies, temporal spectrum. Besides, this technology modulates the
and chameleons that adapt their colors and patterns to the metasurface with a pseudo-random sequence, which spreads
environment [1]. It is also produced by humans, for instance the spectrum of the incident wave into a noise-like spectrum
in hunting or military suits and in radar-stealth aircraft and with minimal power spectral density, and hence maximal
warships [2]. camouflaging performance; this is much more efficient than the
Camouflaging is generally realized by altering the spectrum utilization of completely periodic modulation sequence, which
or power density of the waves scattered by the object to distributes the energy over a small number of harmonics.
conceal. Such alteration may be accomplished in different Finally, the proposed technology provides the extra features
manners, including bio-inspired paintings with dazzling or of selective camouflaging and interference immunity.
counter-shading patterns [3], absorbing material coatings [4]– The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
[6], stealth shaping [7], and spectral power redistribution [8], describes the concept of the proposed time-modulated meta-
[9]. surface spread-spectrum camouflaging. Section III derives the
In past decade, metasurfaces, the two-dimensional counter- related theory. Section IV explains the choice of the pseudo-
parts of voluminal metamaterials, have spurred major interest random modulation sequence. Section V presents simulation
in both the scientific and engineering communities owing to results and Sec. VI provides experimental demonstration.
their attractive features of small form profile, low loss, easy Finally, conclusions are given in Sec. VII.
fabrication and unprecedented flexibility in controlling the am-
plitude, phase and polarization of electromagnetic waves [10].
A great diversity of metasurface applications have been re- II. G ENERAL C ONCEPT
ported to date, including for instance polarization transforma- The proposed concept of spread-spectrum time-modulated
tion [11], wavefront manipulation [12]–[15], holography [16], metasurface camouflaging is illustrated in Fig. 1. The object to
[17], nonreciprocity [18], [19], optical force carving [20], [21], be detected is covered by a metasurface that is modulated by
and analog computing [22]. a temporal sequence mptq, where t is time, and that exhibits
therefore the reflection coefficient R̃pt, ωq, where ω is the
X. Wang is with Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, angular frequency corresponding to the dispersive resonant
Canada. (email:
C. Caloz is with KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. (e-mail: nature of the scattering particles forming the metasurface. When a harmonic wave ψ̃inc pωq impinges on this structure, its

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


ψ̃inc pωq
ψ̃inc pωq

ω0 ω
modulation mptq R̃pt, ωq

ψ̃inc pωq ψ̃scat pωq foe’s radar

ψ̃inc pωq
ψ̃int pωq ψ̃scat pωq
interference ψ̃scat pωq ω
ω ψ̃rec,foe pωq
ω friend’s radar

ψ̃scat pωq

ψ̃demod pωq
ψ̃rec,friend pωq

ω0 ω

modulation mptq

Fig. 1: Proposed spread-spectrum time-modulated metasurface camouflaging.

spectrum gets spread out by the time variation into a noise-like between a PEC reflector and a PMC reflector, as shown in
signal, ψ̃scat pωq, with extremely low power spectral density, so Fig. 2(c), it becomes dynamic, or time-varying, with reflection
that the scattered wave is hard to be identified by any radar coefficient R̃ptq varying between ´1 and `1 at minimum
detector that without the modulation knowledge. time intervals Tb , where ‘b’ stands for ‘bit’. The scattered
In addition to its basic camouflaging operation, the spread- waveform is still a time-harmonic wave of frequency ω0 ,
spectrum time-modulated metasurface concept offers the smart but with phase reversal discontinuities that correspond to the
functionality of selectivity, whereby the object can made switching between the PEC and PMC states.
detectable by friends (legal detectors) while being camouflaged Considering an incident wave with waveform
to foes (illegal detectors). The functionality is provided by
leveraging the demodulation scheme of spread-spectrum used ψinc ptq “ Aptqejω0 t , (1)
in wireless communications, with the spread-spectrum key cor-
where Aptq is the envelope, and assuming that the metasurface
responding to the time-varying reflection coefficient R̃pt, ωq.
has the constant reflection coefficient Rpt, ω0 q across the
Moreover, the spectrum spreading principle makes the friend’s
bandwidth of ψinc ptq. The waveform of the scattered wave
detection highly robust to interference.
may be written as

III. T HEORY ψscat ptq “ R̃pt, ω0 qψinc ptq

A. Spectrum Spreading “ R̃pt, ω0 qrAptqejω0 t s (2)
The time-modulated metasurface spectrum spreading prin- “ rR̃pt, ω0 qe jω0 t
ciple may be understood with the help of Fig. 2, assuming a whose spectrum is
time-harmonic incident wave of angular frequency ω0 . If the
metasurface reduces to a static perfect electric conductor, as ˜
ψ̃scat pωq “ R̃pω, ω0 q ˚ ψ̃inc pωq
shown in Fig. 2(a), the incident wave is scattered back at ω0 ˜
after experiencing phase reversal on the reflector. Similarly, “ R̃pω, ω0 q ˚ Ãpω ´ ω0 q (3)
if the metasurface is a static perfect magnetic conductor, as ˜ ´ ω , ω q ˚ Ãpωq,
“ R̃pω 0 0
shown in Fig. 2(b), the incident wave is scattered back at ω0 ,
but without experiencing any phase alteration on the reflector. ˜
where R̃pω, ω0 q is the Fourier transform of R̃pt, ω0 q and
If the metasurface is now modulated so as to repeatedly switch Ãpωq is the Fourier transform of Aptq. The second equality

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

PEC PMC where the second equality follows from (2). Thus the friend
radar detects the object that is camouflaged to foe radars,
ω0 ω0
which do not possess the metasurface spread-spectrum key.
The proposed metasurface camouflaging technology is thus
R̃ “ ´1 R̃ “ 1 selective in the sense that it may be restricted to undesired
ω0 ω0

(a) (b) C. Interference Immunity

metasurface The demodulation used for selectivity automatically brings
ω0 about the extra useful feature of immunity to interference. In
the presence of an interfering signal, ψint ptq, represented on
the left in Fig. 1, the signal detected by the foe radar is
phase t
discontinuity ´1
ψfoe ptq “ ψscat ptq ` ψint ptq
Tb (5)
“ R̃pt, ω0 qψinc ptq ` ψint ptq,
Tb and the interference further alters the signal received by the
foe radar.
In contrast, the signal detected by the friend radar, after its
Fig. 2: Principle of spectrum spreading by the time-modulated demodulation section, is
metasurface in Fig. 1, assuming a time-harmonic interrogating
wave of angular frequency ω0 . (a) Static PEC reflector, with ψfriend ptq “ ψfoe ptq
reflection coefficient R̃ “ ´1. (b) Static PMC reflector, with R̃pt, ω0 q
reflection coefficient R̃ “ 1. (c) Time-varying metasurface
´ ¯ 1
“ R̃pt, ω0 qψinc ptq ` ψint ptq
reflector formed by repeatedly switching the reflection coeffi- R̃pt, ω0 q (6a)
cient between the states (a) and (b), so as to make it dynamic. ψint ptq
“ ψinc ptq `
R̃pt, ω0 q
in (3) shows that the spectrum of the scattered wave is “ ψinc ptq ` ψint ptqỸ pt, ω0 q,
the convolution of the spectra of the metasurface reflection with
coefficient and of the incident wave. Note that although 1
Ỹ pt, ω0 q “ , (6b)
Aptq may a priori represent an arbitrary modulation scheme, R̃pt, ω0 q
some very broadband modulation schemes, such as pulse where the effect of camouflaging is removed, as shown in
modulation, would require metasurface bandwidths that may Sec. III-B, and the interfering wave is multiplied by the inverse
be challenging to realize practically with currently available of the reflection coefficient. Assuming that R̃pt, ω0 q oscillates
technology. This paper focuses on narrow-band Aptq. In the between ´1 and `1, as mentioned in Sec. III-A, so does
particular case where the bandwidth of Aptq reduces to 0, i.e., Ỹ pt, ω0 q, and the two functions are exactly the same, i.e.,
Aptq “ 1, Eq. (3) reduces to R̃pω ˜ ´ ω , ω q, which is the
0 0 Ỹ pt, ω0 q “ R̃pt, ω0 q. As a result, the spectrum of the signal
Fourier transform of metasurface reflection coefficient, shifted detected by the friend radar reads
to the frequency of the incident wave. Therefore, the spectrum
of the incident wave is spread out into the spectrum of the ψ̃friend pωq “ ψ̃inc pωq ` Ỹ˜ pω, ω0 q ˚ ψ̃int pωq
modulation, with center frequency ω0 and power spectral den- ˜
“ ψ̃ pωq ` R̃pω, ω q ˚ ψ̃ pωq.
inc 0 int
sity corresponding to R̃pt, ω0 q, the spreading corresponding to
the introduction of the aforementioned phase discontinuities. This results shows that if the bandwidth of the interfering
Camouflaging according to specification will then be realized signal is smaller than that of the modulation, as is most
by properly designing R̃pt, ω0 q in terms of the parameters of common in practice, then that signal is spread out and gets
the modulating sequence mptq. Note that for (2) to be valid, Tb “camouflaged” to the friend, and thence practically harmless
must be much larger than the period of the incident harmonic to it.
wave, as will be explained in Sec. III-D. In practice, as will be seen in the experimental part, the
magnitude of the reflection coefficient is slightly less than 1
due to dissipative loss, i.e., |R̃pt, ω0 q| is slightly smaller
B. Selectivity
than 1, and therefore, |Ỹ pt, ω0 q| is slightly larger than 1,
A friend radar, knowing the spread-spectrum key of the which tends to increase the effect of the interference. So, there
metasurface, R̃pt, ω0 q, may demodulate the spread signal is an antagonism between the reduction of the interference
ψscat ptq by the simple post-processing division assuming effect from the demodulation process and the increase of the
proper synchronization between the key and scattered signals interference effect due to the issue just mentioned. A good
1 design, with |R̃pt, ω0 q| close to 1 will ensure that the former
ψdemod ptq “ ψscat ptq “ Aptqejω0 t “ ψinc ptq, (4) effect largely dominates the latter.
R̃pt, ω0 q

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

D. Validity Condition of the Reflection Coefficient Description system2 . In contrast, if the metasurface were switched at a
Particular attention must be paid to the precise meaning of time scale smaller than Td , i.e., Tb ă Td , then the wave would
the function R̃pt, ω0 q. This expression seems a priori absurd see a change of reflection coefficient before reaching its steady
since it is meant to represent a time-varying transfer function, state, and the system would really need to be described as a
whereas the concept of transfer function is fundamentally simultaneously time-variant and dispersive one. In practice,
restricted to linear time-invariant systems [45]. However, the condition in (4) can be safely satisfied.
the expression R̃pt, ω0 q does make perfect sense under the
condition that the metasurface modulation occurs on a time Amp
scale, Tb [Fig. 2(c)], that is much larger than the dispersion
or memory time scale, Td , which is naturally itself larger than ψscat ptq
the interrogating signal period, T0 “ ω0 {p2πq, i.e., Td T0
Tb " Td ą T0 . (8)
Under this condition, which assumes harmonic excitation
(T0 ) and discrete reflection switching (Tb ), the system may 0 t
indeed be considered purely dispersive (without time variance)
on the time scale t ă Tb , and purely time-variant (without
dispersion) on the time scale t ą Tb , as implicitly considered
transient steady
in Sec. III-A by considering ω0 as a constant parameter. Let regime regime
us explain this in some detail.
Its reflection coefficient may then be written in terms of the
purely linear time-invariant dispersive transfer function R̃pωq, Fig. 3: Transient regime and steady-state regime corresponding
where the mention of time variance has been accordingly to the time-invariant dispersive nature of the metasurface
suppressed, and we have within the time Tb under the excitation ψinc ptq “ ejω0 t Hptq.

ψ̃scat pωq “ R̃pωqψ̃inc pωq, (9)

corresponding in the time domain to1
ψscat ptq “ rptq ˚ ψinc ptq “ rpt ´ τ qψinc pτ q dτ, (10)
In this section, we investigate the choice of an optimal time-
where the upper integration limit t ensures causality. Substi- modulation for the proposed metasurface camouflaging sys-
tuting t ´ τ Ñ τ 1 , and subsequently replacing the dummy tem (Fig. 1). An ideal choice would be an infinite-bandwidth
variable τ 1 by τ , yields white noise, since such a modulation, assuming finite energy,
ż8 would lead to a uniform zero spectral density, and hence to
ψscat ptq “ rpτ qψinc pt ´ τ q dτ. (11) perfect camouflaging. However, practically, the bandwidth of
the modulation is limited by the speed of the switching ele-
Here, the lower integration limit corresponds to the onset of ments, which will be PIN diodes in our experiment (Sec. VI).
the system, while the upper integration limit corresponds to Moreover, the selectivity functionality (Sec. III-B) and the
the duration of the impulse response function rptq, and hence interference immunity property (Sec. III-C) of the system
to the transient time of the system. In practice, the function require some level of coherence, related to the condition (8).
rptq may be truncated at a time Td where its average value We shall therefore use the pseudo-random noise periodic
has decayed to a negligible fraction of the maximum of rptq, modulation scheme shown in Fig. 4 for mptq. Figure 4(a) plots
and the upper integration limit transforms then as 8 Ñ Td . this function. It consists of rectangular pulse pseudo-randomly
This scenario is illustrated in Fig. 3, which shows that after oscillating between the values `1 and ´1 at the bit rate or
the impulse response function, obtained by inverse Fourier switching frequency of fb “ 1{Tb , and with a bit period of
transforming the reflection coefficient of the metasurface, has N bits, or time period of Tm “ N Tb , corresponding to the
decayed to a sufficiently low level, about at time Td , the output function repetition frequency fm “ 1{Tm . Figure 4(b) shows
signal ψscat ptq retrieves the waveform of the input harmonic resulting scattered waveform, which is a harmonic wave with
signal ψinc ptq “ ejω0 t Hptq, where Hptq is the Heaviside step π-phase discontinuities corresponding to the switching times
function. Thus, after the transient time Td , the system may between the states ˘1.
be reasonably approximated as a time-invariant one, and the
The pseudo-random function, as the camouflaging key,
dispersion can be generally ignored at time scales larger than
should change from time to time to minimize the chances of
the modulation, Tb " Td . If this steady-state condition is
foe radars to find it. Therefore, it does not have a uniquely
not satisfied, then the concept of transfer function does not
determined spectrum, M̃ pωq. However, the function mptq can
make any sense and R̃pt, ω0 q cannot be used to describe the
1 Note that the function rptq has the unit of inverse time (1/s), as required 2 One should beware of confusing R̃ptq and rptq: rptq is the impulse

by the differential dτ in the convolution integral. This is in contrast to R̃pωq, response of the time-invariant metasurface while R̃ptq represents the time-
which is, according to (9), unitless. varying reflection coefficient of the meatsurface under the condition of (8).

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

sp ptq, with period 1{Tm “ fm “ fb {N “ 1{pN Tb q. It has the

mptq envelope NN`1 2
2 sinc pf {fb q, with maximum value
N `1
N 2 , main-
lobe bandwidth 2fb , and DC value 1{N .

s̃p pf q
0 t
Tm N `1
-1 1
Tb N2
pseudo-random noise
modulated metasurface
ψinc ptq
´fb 0 fm fb “
1 1 fb
fm “ “ “
mptq (c) Tm N Tb N
ψscat ptq
Fig. 5: Power spectral density function s̃p pf q, given by
Eq. (13), for the modulation function mptq in Fig. 4(a).
This behavior may be explained as follows:
‚ The nonzero 1{N value at f “ 0 (DC component) is due
to the fact that N , as the length of a pseudo-random noise
Fig. 4: Practical modulation for the proposed system. (a) Mod- sequence, is an odd number [46], so that there is always
ulation function, mptq, consisting of a periodically repeated an imbalance between the number of ´1 bits and the
pseudo-random noise sequence of N bits with bit duration Tb , number of `1 bits, an effect that progressively vanishes
and hence period Tm “ N Tb (one period shown). (b) Corre- by dilution as N Ñ 8;
sponding scattered waveform. ‚ As N increases, assuming fixed switching frequency, the
frequency interval between the function samples (1{Tm “
fm “ fb {N ) reduces at the rate of 1{N , and therefore the
be generally represented by its autocorrelation function [46] spectral sample density – proportional to the number of
ż `8 samples within the first lobe of the sinc squared envelope
sp ptq “ mpτ qmpt ` τ q dτ – increases at the same rate (N ). If the input power is
´8 fixed, as may be assumed for given radar interrogator in
`8 (12a) the application of interest, then the power level of each
N `1 ÿ t ´ nN Tb
ˆ ˙
“´ ` Λ , sample must then be reduced by the same factor (N ).
N N n“´8 Tb
This is indeed what is seen in Fig. 5, considering that
which is also of period Tm “ N Tb , and where Λp¨q is the limN Ñ8 pN `1q{N 2 “ 1{N . So, increasing the length of
triangular function the pseudo-random noise sequence results in decreasing
# the level of the power spectrum density function.
1 ´ |t| if t ď 1, ‚ Finally, decreasing the bit length (Tb ), or equivalently
Λptq “ (12b)
0 if t ą 1, increasing the bit rate (fb ), for a fixed sequence length
(N ), increases the fastest variation of mptq and hence
which essentially results from the correlation integral of the
spreads out its spectrum – in particular the spectral width
rectangular pulses composing mptq (Fig. 4).
of the sinc squared main lobe – while decreasing the
The Fourier transform of (12) is the power spectral density sample density, which depends only on the modulation
function of mptq, which reads [46] period (Tm ) at the same rate (fb ).
1 N `1 ÿ 2
´n¯ ´ n ¯
s̃p pf q “ δpf q ` sinc δ f ´ fb , V. S IMULATION R ESULTS
N2 N 2 n“´8 N N
(13a) For simplicity, we are assuming that the incident wave
and is a non-modulated harmonic wave, i.e., Aptq “ 1 and
ψinc ptq “ ejω0 t in (1). Considering an incident harmonic wave
&0 if f “ 1,
sincpf q “ sinpπf q (13b) of frequency f0 “ 10 GHz (Fig. 4), the power spectral density
% otherwise. of the wave scattered by the modulated metasurface may be
obtained from Eq. (3) as
The power spectral density function (13) s̃p pf q is plotted in
Fig. 5. This function is discrete, due to the periodic nature of ˜ ´ω , ω q|2 “ s̃ pω ´ω q, (14)
s̃scat pωq “ |ψ̃scat pωq|2 “ |R̃pω 0 0 p 0

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

where s̃p pωq is given by (13) with f “ ω{p2πq. case), 1=45˝ and 1=90˝ . It shows that as the phase of
Figure 6 plots the power spectral density of the scattered R̃p increases from 0 to 90˝ , the power spectral density of
wave for different values of the parameters N and fb to the interrogating wave also increases while the remainder of
illustrate the results of Sec. IV. Figure 6(a) shows how the the spectrum correspondingly decreases. This effect may be
level of the spectral power density decreases as N increases, understood as follows: both amplitude and phase imbalances
without change of bandwidth for fixed fb . Figure 6(b) shows introduce a DC component in the spectrum of R̃ptq, which is
how the bandwidth (main lobe) of the power spectral density shifted to the interrogating frequency when an interrogating
increases as fb increases, without change of the maximum3 wave impinges on the metasurface.
for fixed N .
N “0 -5 R̃p “ 1
-5 fb “ 5 MHz N “ 15 R̃p “ 0.5
-10 N “ 127 R̃p “ 0

s̃scat (dBm/Hz)
N “ 1023 -15
s̃scat (dBm/Hz)

-40 9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01
9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01 f (GHz)
f (GHz) (a)
(a) 0
0 -5 R̃p “ 1=0˝
fb “ 0 MHz
-5 N “ 127 -10 R̃p “ 1=45˝
fb “ 2.5 MHz
R̃p “ 1=90˝
s̃scat (dBm/Hz)

-10 fb “ 5 MHz -15

s̃scat (dBm/Hz)

fb “ 10 MHz
-15 -20
-20 -25
-25 -30
-30 -35
-35 -40
9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01
9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01 f (GHz)
f (GHz) (b)
Fig. 7: Effect of imbalance between the two modulation states
Fig. 6: Parametric study of the power spectral density of [Eq. (14)] for the parameter pair pN, fb q “ p127, 5 MHzq.
a harmonic wave scattered by the metasurface, given by (a) Amplitude imbalance. (b) Phase imbalance.
Eq. (14). (a) Spectrum level decrease with the increase of the
Figure 8 compares the power spectral densities received
modulation sequence length, N . (b) Spectrum spreading with
by the foe radar and by the friend radar for the parameter
the increase of the modulation frequency, fb .
pair pN, fb q “ p127, 5 MHzq (blue curves in Fig. 6). Fig-
ure 8(a) predicts the camouflaging selectivity of the metasur-
Figure 7 shows the effect of imbalance between the two face system: the foe radar receives an undetectable spectrum
modulation states. Figure 7(a) shows the effect of amplitude spread signal, whereas the friend radar perfectly detects the
imbalance, where the negative value of R̃ptq, R̃n , is fixed to object covered by the metasurface. Figure 8(b) predicts the
´1 while the positive value of R̃ptq, R̃p , takes the values 1 interference immunity of the metasurface system: the foe
(ideal case), 0.5 and 0. It shows that as R̃p reduces, the power radar detects only the interference signal, a harmonic wave
spectral density of the interrogating wave increases while that at 10.001 GHz, which appropriately delivers false information
of the remainder of the spectrum correspondingly decreases. about the object, whereas the friend radar does not see the
Similarly, Fig. 7(b) shows the effect of phase imbalance where interference signal while still perfectly detecting the object.
R̃n is fixed to ´1 while R̃p takes the values of 1=0˝ (ideal
s̃scat pf0 q “ 1{N 2 “ 6.2 ¨ 10´5 « 0 (or ´42.1 dB, not visible
3 Strictly,
in the figure), and the maximum refers here to the envelope maximum, which A time-modulated metasurface is designed, fabricated and
is very close to the level of the frequency samples nearest to f0 . measured to demonstrate the proposed spread-spectrum cam-

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

0 biasing line
switch diode
-5 N “ 127 foe
fb “ 5 MHz friend
s̃ (dBm/Hz)

9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01
f (GHz)
(a) (a)
0 w
N “ 127 foe
-5 fb “ 5 MHz friend
-10 L R
s̃ (dBm/Hz)

fi “ 10.001 GHz ON


ls L C
-30 OFF
-40 (b)
9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01
Fig. 9: Layout of the metasurface prototype. (a) Overall
f (GHz)
view. (b) Unit cell. The parameter values are w “ 15 mm,
wp “ 7.6 mm (resonant length), lp “ 5.6 mm, lb “ 4.7 mm,
Fig. 8: Comparison of the power spectral densities received by ws “ 0.5 mm, wb “ 0.2 mm, ls “ 1.8 mm, d “ 0.4 mm,
the foe radar and by the friend radar (Fig. 2). (a) Camouflaging L “ 30 pH, R “ 7 Ω and C “ 28 fF.
selectivity, computed from Eq. (4). (b) Interference immunity,
computed from Eq. (7). switch OFF switch ON (dB)

ouflaging system. Figure 9 shows the layout of the metasurface
prototype. The metasurface is designed on a Rogers 6002 -12
substrate with permittivity of 2.94 and thickness 0.76 mm.
Figure 9(a) shows the overall metasurface. The bottom side -18
of it is a ground plane and the top side is an 8 ˆ 8 array of
scatterers interconnected by bias lines that are meet to a single -24
modulation point at one side of the structure. The unit cell
consists of a rectangular patch, with the bias line connection
at both sides of it and a PIN diode switch (MACOM MADP- Fig. 10: Simulated (FDTD – CST Microwave Studio) electrical
00090714020) interconnecting the patch and the ground plane field distribution around the patch of the unit cell in Fig. 9 for
through a shorted metalized via. Figure 9(b) provides the the PIN diodes switched to the ON and OFF states.
parameter values of the unit cell for operation at 10 GHz.

Figure 10 shows the simulated electrical field distribution this coefficient is close to 1 for both states, while the phase
around the unit-cell patch for the PIN diodes switched to the difference between the two states is around π at the operation
ON and OFF states. When the diodes are OFF, the patches are frequency (10 GHz), as desired. The off state features a slightly
isolated from the ground and resonate, which provides quasi- larger loss than on state, due to its resonant nature, which is
PMC reflection, while when the diodes are ON, the patches are apparent in Fig. 10. The slight loss in the on state is mostly
shorted to the ground, which provides a quasi-PEC reflection. due to the resistive loss in the diodes.
The imbalance between the on- and off-state reflective
Figure 11 plots the simulated reflection coefficients for the amplitudes and phase (Fig. 11) may affect the camouflag-
2 modulation states of the metasurface. The amplitude of ing performance. As illustrated in Fig. 7, this imperfection

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

1 250


0.6 π



0.4 |RON pωq| 0

|ROFF pωq|
=RON pωq -50
=ROFF pωq

0 -150
9.8 9.85 9.9 9.95 10 10.05 10.1 10.15 10.2
f (GHz)
Fig. 12: Fabricated metasurface prototype, corresponding to
Fig. 11: Simulated reflection coefficient of the metasurface Fig. 9.
prototoype in Fig. 9 for the PIN diodes switched to the ON
and OFF states, corresponding to the current distributions in
Fig. 10.

typically alters the balance between the `1 (on-state) and

´1 bits (off-state) in the modulation function [Fig. 4(a)]. Rx Tx
This introduces a DC component in the scattered wave, and
hence at the center frequency of the metasurface, which could vector signal signal
ultimately reveal to the foe the presence of the object. The level analyzer generator
of amplitude imbalance may be reduced by adding a resistor
in series with PIN diode or by using a substrate of lower loss.
However, the level of unbalance seen in Fig. 10 was found to
be acceptable for the current proof of concept, as will be seen
shortly. Inverse Fourier transforming S11 pωq for each of the
two states yields Td(PEC) « 0 and Td(PMC) « 0.17 ns, these time
are much smaller than the response time of the PIN diodes,
τd « 2 ns. Therefore, in practice, it is the response of the
diodes that represents the lower bound for the modulation time, modulation
i.e., Tb " τd ą Td(PMC) ą Td(PEC) . In the sequel of the paper,
we choose Tb “ 1{fb “ 200 ns and T0 “ 1{f0 “ 0.1 ns,
which safely satisfies the condition of Eq. (8). metasurface
Figure 12 shows the fabricated 10-GHz prototype while
Fig. 13 shows the experimental set-up used to demonstrate Fig. 13: Experimental set-up.
the metasurface system. The metasurface is placed on a piece
of 70ˆ70 cm2 absorbing material on the floor. It is modulated
by a pseudo-random noise sequence of length N “ 127 and scattered wave is spread out into a relatively broad band signal
rate fb “ 5 MHz provided by an arbitrary signal generator. A of 10 MHz bandwidth and with level reduced by 18.2 dB by
pair of planar Vivaldi antennas with 4.3 dB gain, 36.8˝ 3-dB the spectrum spreading operation.
beamwidth and separation 28 cm, placed 110 cm above the The level of ´18.2 dB (ratio of 0.015) is contaminated
metasurface in the far-field, simulates an arbitrary interrogating by external effects associated with the measurement setup,
radar. The 10 GHz harmonic wave is generated by a signal which are unrelated to the metasurface system itself. These
generator and sent towards the metasurface by the transmit- effects include spurious coupling between the transmitting and
ting antenna. The wave scattered by the metasurface is then receiving antennas and from scattering from the surround-
collected by the receiving antenna, passed through a bandpass ing objects in the room. The strongest of these effects is
filter that suppresses the out-of-band noise, and measured by the antenna coupling, whereby a substantial amount of the
a vector signal analyzer with a bandwidth resolution 5 kHz. transmitted signal directly leaks into the receiving antenna
Figure 14 plots the power spectral densities of the signals without being reflected by the metasurface. This coupling level
detected by the foe and friend radars. Figure 14(a) demon- may be evaluated by subtracting the transfer functions mea-
strates the camouflaging selectivity of the system. When the sured with the metasurface and with the metasurface replaced
metasurface is not modulated, the receiver perfectly detects the by absorbing material; we found S21pabsq pω0 q ´ S21 pω0 q “
10 GHz harmonic wave sent by the transmitter and scattered p´67.3q ´ p´47.6q “ ´19.7 dB (ratio of 0.011). Therefore,
by the metasurface (green curve), with a signal-to-noise ratio the reflection level that is really produced by the metasurface
(SNR) of 52.7 dB. When the metasurface is modulated, the system at ω0 is obtained by subtracting the mutual coupling

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

effect, i.e., 0.015´0.011 “ 0.004, or ´24 dB (ratio of 0.004), 0

which is lower than the power spectral density around ω0 . The w/o mod.
18.2 dB
remaining energy at ´24 dB may be due to the imbalances in -10 foe
the amplitude and phase functions , which is shown in Fig. 11 52.7 dB 33.6 dB friend
and explained in Fig. 7. So, the metasurface camouflaging -20 6.4 dB

s̃ (dBm/Hz)
effect is even much stronger than it appears in Fig. 14(a) after
the external effect of antenna coupling has been removed4 . -30

Synchronization for demodulation is performed by corre-

lating the key signal and the picked-up signal, with the time
corresponding to maximal value providing the synchronization
timing. Upon demodulation according to (4), the friend radar
recovers the transmitted harmonic signal, with an SNR of
33.6 dB, and hence detects the object, which demonstrates 9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01
the selectivity property of the system. f (GHz)
Figure 14(b) shows the interference response of the system (a)
after demodulation to an interfering signal of fi “ 10.001 GHz 0
according to (7). The inferering signal is added digitally on foe
computer in post-processing to simulate a practical one. It -10 friend
19.2 dB
shows that whereas the foe radar is still unable to detect fi “ 10.001 GHz
the object and additionally strongly detects the interfering -20

s̃ (dBm/Hz)
signal, the friend radar does not detect this interfering signal
at all while still detecting the object, with an SNR of around -30
19.2 dB.
A time-modulated metasurface-based camouflaging tech-
nology using time-alternating PEC-PMC unit cell elements -60
and pseudo-random modulation has been proposed, analyzed, 9.99 9.995 10 10.005 10.01
simulated and experimentally demonstrated. Compared to f (GHz)
other reported camouflaging technologies, it shows its unique (b)
features of noise-like spread-spectrum, selective camouflaging
Fig. 14: Experimental results, corresponding to the simula-
and interference immunity capability. Given these promising
tions in Fig. 8. (a) Camouflaging selectivity. (b) Interference
features, as well as its potential efficiency, this technology
may find wide applications in both defense and civilian
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2020.3008621, IEEE
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[43] N. Chamanara, Y. Vahabzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Simultaneous control
of the spatial and temporal spectra of light with space-time varying
metasurfaces,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2430–
2441, April 2019.

0018-926X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on July 18,2020 at 14:37:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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