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Science is a broad career field with many specialties and areas of study.

The three main branches

of science are physical science, earth science and life science, and they each have different career
applications. If you're interested in pursuing a career in science, understanding the three main
branches of science can help you decide which science career path is best for you. In this article,
we explain the three main branches of science and their career applications.

Related: What Is a Scientist? Definition and Types of Scientists

What are the 3 main branches of science?

Science is a field of work that involves studying the organic and inorganic matter of the earth
and the universe. There are three main branches of science: physical science, earth science and
life science. Each of the three branches of science has its own career applications. Some career
paths, like teaching, span across all branches of science.

Many people choose to pursue careers in science because they're curious about how the earth and
the universe work, they want to contribute to scientific research and they want to help other
people understand science and improve their lives. Pursuing a career in science can also enable
you to keep learning and discovering new things throughout your entire career. Because there are
so many sub-branches within the three main branches, working in science can suit a variety of
different interests and skill sets. The field of science can also contain many career options
outside a laboratory.

Related: 10 Fascinating Science Careers

What is physical science?

Physical science is the branch of science that deals with inorganic materials, which are materials
that are not living. People who work in the field of physical science can uncover new discoveries
about how matter works and other universal phenomena. There are several types of physical
science, including physics, astronomy and chemistry. There are many ways that you can use
physical science in a career. Some common careers involving physical science are:

 Physicist: Physicists are responsible for creating and testing theories in physics. They
often perform experiments and apply physics skills to creating scientific equipment.
 Quantum physicist: Quantum physicists are scientists who specialize in quantum physics,
which involves the behavior of the universe at an atomic and subatomic scale. Quantum
physicists often work with new scientific theories that have never been studied before.
 Chemist: Chemists are scientists who conduct experiments on molecular matter. They
often test and create different chemicals for a variety of purposes. There are many
specialties within chemistry, including biochemistry, analytical chemistry, geochemistry
and more.
 Astronomer: Astronomers are scientists who study the universe outside of earth,
including galaxies, planets and stars. Astronomers often use satellites to take photographs
of space objects and then analyze photographs to learn more about the universe. They can
also write computer programs and equations to better understand space phenomena.
 Cosmologist: Cosmologists are scientists who study the origins of the universe, the
relationship between space and time and other universal properties.
 Computer scientist: Computer scientists can also benefit from a physics background.
Computer scientists are responsible for finding ways to use computers to solve problems.

What is earth science?

Earth science is a field of natural science that deals with the materials of the earth and its
atmosphere. People who work in earth science can contribute to the societal understanding of the
earth and how humans can protect it. There are many earth science types and career applications.
Some types of earth science include meteorology, geology, oceanography and environmental
science. Earth science is a popular career field, and it contains many career options, including:

 Meteorologist: Meteorologists are responsible for analyzing the weather and preparing
weather forecasts. They may broadcast their weather forecasts on television news or
online video.

 Land planners: Land planners can also use knowledge of earth science. Land planners are
responsible for planning how to regulate and develop the land.

 Oceanographer: Oceanographers are scientists who study the ocean, including ocean
ecosystems, marine life and many other parts of the ocean.

 Geologist: Geologists are scientists who study rocks and other solid parts of the earth and
other planets. Geologists often study geology-related natural disasters like mudslides and

 Paleontologist: Paleontologists are scientists who study the earth's history by examining
fossils. Paleontologists can help further people's understanding of the natural history of
the earth.

 Environmental scientist: Environmental scientists are concerned with the earth's

environment. They can use knowledge of earth science to come up with ways to protect
the health of the earth and the health of humans.

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