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Nama: Hani Lutfiana Febriani Ode

NIM: 16023436
Fakultas: FMIPA-IPA
Tugas: AS1


Astronomy is a science that encompasses the study of all celestial objects and bodies, as well as
the outer space phenomena. The origin and evolution of this science are largely explained through
the use of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Astronomy is a natural science that has existed for a
long time. Methodical observations of the night sky were made by early civilizations in recorded
history, these include Babylonians, Greeks, Indians, Egyptians, Nubians, Iranians, Chinese, Mayans,
and many ancient indigenous peoples in the Americas. Since the end of the 19th century, astronomy
has evolved to incorporate various other sciences and establish an interaction that is both additive
and interactive what is we known as interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.

These are the three examples of inter/multidisciplinary astronomy and their applications:

1. Astrophysics

Astrophysics is a mixed of both astronomy and physics, and it focuses on the behavior, physical
properties, and dynamics of celestial objects or phenomena. This branch of astronomy employs the
principles of physics and chemistry to ascertain the birth, life, and death of celestial objects, rather
than their positions or motions in space. Among the objects studied are the Sun, other stars, planets,
galaxies, nebulae, the interstellar medium, and the cosmic. Understanding and researching natural
phenomena like black holes, eclipses, meteor showers, and others can be achieved through
astrophysics application, and it is utilized to anticipate and predict impending disasters.

2. Astrobiology

Astrobiology encompasses areas of biology and astronomy. This multidisciplinary field dealing with
the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. To find life beyond Earth, one must comprehend the
nature of life and the environments that support it, as well as the interactions and processes of
planets, and planetary systems. By combining research from both field, astrobiology tries to solve
fundamental scientific issues regarding life, such as how life began and evolved, what planetary,
biological, and cosmic circumstances must exist for life to occur, and whether or not life exists/could
exist elsewhere in the universe. Astrobiology research has a significant impact to the
Humanities, as its uncovered a myriad of clues to answering our assumptions about the
origin of life.

3. Astrochemistry

Astrochemistry is a multidisciplinary field that studies chemical components found in space by

combining chemistry and astronomy. Those chemical components make up the dust that forms
planets, as well as the organic chemicals that are the precursors of life. Astrochemistry is important
for understanding the elements, molecules, and substances that comprise the universe, as well as
the processes of formation, interaction, and annihilation. Humanities can apply the fusion reactions
described in chemistry onto stars and examine how those stars can produce significant amounts of
heat and electromagnetic radiation in fusion reactions.

Sejarah lengkap. (2023). Pengertian Astronomi, Ruang Lingkup, Manfaat, dan Contohnya,, Retrieved September 11, 2023.

Rosenberg, Marissa. Pedro Russo, Georgia Bladon, and Lars Lindberg Christensen. (2013). Astronomy
in Everyday Life,, Retrieved
September 11, 2023.

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